/* * libjingle * Copyright 2004--2011, Google Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include "talk/base/asynchttprequest.h" #include "talk/base/gunit.h" #include "talk/base/httpserver.h" #include "talk/base/socketstream.h" #include "talk/base/thread.h" namespace talk_base { static const SocketAddress kServerAddr("", 0); static const SocketAddress kServerHostnameAddr("localhost", 0); static const char kServerGetPath[] = "/get"; static const char kServerPostPath[] = "/post"; static const char kServerResponse[] = "This is a test"; class TestHttpServer : public HttpServer, public sigslot::has_slots<> { public: TestHttpServer(Thread* thread, const SocketAddress& addr) : socket_(thread->socketserver()->CreateAsyncSocket(addr.family(), SOCK_STREAM)) { socket_->Bind(addr); socket_->Listen(5); socket_->SignalReadEvent.connect(this, &TestHttpServer::OnAccept); } SocketAddress address() const { return socket_->GetLocalAddress(); } void Close() const { socket_->Close(); } private: void OnAccept(AsyncSocket* socket) { AsyncSocket* new_socket = socket_->Accept(NULL); if (new_socket) { HandleConnection(new SocketStream(new_socket)); } } talk_base::scoped_ptr socket_; }; class AsyncHttpRequestTest : public testing::Test, public sigslot::has_slots<> { public: AsyncHttpRequestTest() : started_(false), done_(false), server_(Thread::Current(), kServerAddr) { server_.SignalHttpRequest.connect(this, &AsyncHttpRequestTest::OnRequest); } bool started() const { return started_; } bool done() const { return done_; } AsyncHttpRequest* CreateGetRequest(const std::string& host, int port, const std::string& path) { talk_base::AsyncHttpRequest* request = new talk_base::AsyncHttpRequest("unittest"); request->SignalWorkDone.connect(this, &AsyncHttpRequestTest::OnRequestDone); request->request().verb = talk_base::HV_GET; request->set_host(host); request->set_port(port); request->request().path = path; request->response().document.reset(new MemoryStream()); return request; } AsyncHttpRequest* CreatePostRequest(const std::string& host, int port, const std::string& path, const std::string content_type, StreamInterface* content) { talk_base::AsyncHttpRequest* request = new talk_base::AsyncHttpRequest("unittest"); request->SignalWorkDone.connect(this, &AsyncHttpRequestTest::OnRequestDone); request->request().verb = talk_base::HV_POST; request->set_host(host); request->set_port(port); request->request().path = path; request->request().setContent(content_type, content); request->response().document.reset(new MemoryStream()); return request; } const TestHttpServer& server() const { return server_; } protected: void OnRequest(HttpServer* server, HttpServerTransaction* t) { started_ = true; if (t->request.path == kServerGetPath) { t->response.set_success("text/plain", new MemoryStream(kServerResponse)); } else if (t->request.path == kServerPostPath) { // reverse the data and reply size_t size; StreamInterface* in = t->request.document.get(); StreamInterface* out = new MemoryStream(); in->GetSize(&size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { char ch; in->SetPosition(size - i - 1); in->Read(&ch, 1, NULL, NULL); out->Write(&ch, 1, NULL, NULL); } out->Rewind(); t->response.set_success("text/plain", out); } else { t->response.set_error(404); } server_.Respond(t); } void OnRequestDone(SignalThread* thread) { done_ = true; } private: bool started_; bool done_; TestHttpServer server_; }; TEST_F(AsyncHttpRequestTest, TestGetSuccess) { AsyncHttpRequest* req = CreateGetRequest( kServerHostnameAddr.hostname(), server().address().port(), kServerGetPath); EXPECT_FALSE(started()); req->Start(); EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(started(), 5000); // Should have started by now. EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(done(), 5000); std::string response; EXPECT_EQ(200U, req->response().scode); ASSERT_TRUE(req->response().document); req->response().document->Rewind(); req->response().document->ReadLine(&response); EXPECT_EQ(kServerResponse, response); req->Release(); } TEST_F(AsyncHttpRequestTest, TestGetNotFound) { AsyncHttpRequest* req = CreateGetRequest( kServerHostnameAddr.hostname(), server().address().port(), "/bad"); req->Start(); EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(done(), 5000); size_t size; EXPECT_EQ(404U, req->response().scode); ASSERT_TRUE(req->response().document); req->response().document->GetSize(&size); EXPECT_EQ(0U, size); req->Release(); } TEST_F(AsyncHttpRequestTest, TestGetToNonServer) { AsyncHttpRequest* req = CreateGetRequest( "", server().address().port(), kServerGetPath); // Stop the server before we send the request. server().Close(); req->Start(); EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(done(), 10000); size_t size; EXPECT_EQ(500U, req->response().scode); ASSERT_TRUE(req->response().document); req->response().document->GetSize(&size); EXPECT_EQ(0U, size); req->Release(); } TEST_F(AsyncHttpRequestTest, DISABLED_TestGetToInvalidHostname) { AsyncHttpRequest* req = CreateGetRequest( "invalid", server().address().port(), kServerGetPath); req->Start(); EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(done(), 5000); size_t size; EXPECT_EQ(500U, req->response().scode); ASSERT_TRUE(req->response().document); req->response().document->GetSize(&size); EXPECT_EQ(0U, size); req->Release(); } TEST_F(AsyncHttpRequestTest, TestPostSuccess) { AsyncHttpRequest* req = CreatePostRequest( kServerHostnameAddr.hostname(), server().address().port(), kServerPostPath, "text/plain", new MemoryStream("abcd1234")); req->Start(); EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(done(), 5000); std::string response; EXPECT_EQ(200U, req->response().scode); ASSERT_TRUE(req->response().document); req->response().document->Rewind(); req->response().document->ReadLine(&response); EXPECT_EQ("4321dcba", response); req->Release(); } // Ensure that we shut down properly even if work is outstanding. TEST_F(AsyncHttpRequestTest, TestCancel) { AsyncHttpRequest* req = CreateGetRequest( kServerHostnameAddr.hostname(), server().address().port(), kServerGetPath); req->Start(); req->Destroy(true); } TEST_F(AsyncHttpRequestTest, TestGetSuccessDelay) { AsyncHttpRequest* req = CreateGetRequest( kServerHostnameAddr.hostname(), server().address().port(), kServerGetPath); req->set_start_delay(10); // Delay 10ms. req->Start(); Thread::SleepMs(5); EXPECT_FALSE(started()); // Should not have started immediately. EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(started(), 5000); // Should have started by now. EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(done(), 5000); std::string response; EXPECT_EQ(200U, req->response().scode); ASSERT_TRUE(req->response().document); req->response().document->Rewind(); req->response().document->ReadLine(&response); EXPECT_EQ(kServerResponse, response); req->Release(); } } // namespace talk_base