WebRTC Samples

Here are some sample pages that demonstrate basic WebRTC concepts. If you are new to WebRTC, you may want to check out this WebRTC overview first.

getUserMedia Samples
gum1.html Shows how to access the webcam and display the local video in a <video/> element.
gum2.html Shows how to capture the current frame of video to a <canvas/>.
gum3.html Shows how to apply CSS filters to a <video/> and <canvas/>
face.html Shows how to perform face tracking using webcam video.
local-audio-rendering.html Shows usage of a local media stream connected to an HTML5 audio tag.
local-audio-volume.html Shows how to display the volume of a local audio track.
PeerConnection Samples
pc1-audio.html Shows how to set up a simple 1:1 audio only call.
pc1.html Shows how to set up a simple 1:1 audio/video call.
pc1_sdp_munge.html Allows you to modify offer/answer sdp with pc1 demo.
states.html Shows RTCPeerStates and RTCIceConnectionStates in a simple 1:1 audio/video call.
multiple.html Shows how to set up multiple PeerConnections.
constraints-and-stats.html Shows how to pass constraints into the PeerConnection API, and query it for statistics.
dtmf1.html Shows how to send DTMF tones using PeerConnection API.
dc1.html Shows how to send Data using PeerConnection API.
webaudio-and-webrtc.html Captures and filters microphone input using WebAudio and sends it to a remote peer with an option to add an audio effect.
create-offer.html Shows the output of createOffer when various constraints are supplied.
ice-servers.html Tests gathering candidates from arbitrary STUN and TURN servers.