# Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
# in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.

"""WebRTC reformat script.

This script is used to reformat WebRTC code from the old code style to Google
C++ code style. This script does not indent code; use clang-reformat-chrome.py
as described in go/webrtc/engineering/reformatting-gips---google.

__author__ = 'mflodman@webrtc.org (Magnus Flodman)'

import fnmatch
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys

def LowerWord(obj):
  """Helper for DeCamelCase."""
  optional_last_letters = obj.group(3) or ''
  return obj.group(1) + '_' + obj.group(2).lower() + optional_last_letters

def DeCamelCase(text):
  """De-camelize variable names.

  This function will look at any stringLikeThis and format it in steps. The
  sequence will be stringLikeThis -> string_likeThis -> string_like_this.
  possible_tokens_before_vars = '[ _*\(\&\!\[]'
  pattern = re.compile(r'(?<=' + possible_tokens_before_vars + ')' +
                       # Match some lower-case characters
                       '([a-z]+)' +
                       # Don't match kFoo, !kFoo, [kFoo], etc
                       '(?<!' + possible_tokens_before_vars + 'k)' +
                       # Match some upper-case characters
  while re.search(pattern, text):
    text = re.sub(pattern, LowerWord, text)
  return text

def MoveUnderScore(text):
  """Moves the underscore from beginning of variable name to the end."""
  # TODO(mflodman) Replace \1 with ?-expression.
  # We don't want to change macros and #defines though, so don't do anything
  # if the first character is uppercase (normal variables shouldn't have that).
  pattern = r'([ \*\!\&\(\[\]])_(?!_)(?![A-Z])(\w+)'
  return re.sub(pattern, r'\1\2_', text)

def PostfixToPrefixInForLoops(text):
  """Converts x++ to ++x in the increment part of a for loop."""
  pattern = r'(for \(.*;.*;) (\w+)\+\+\)'
  return re.sub(pattern, r'\1++\2)', text)

def SortIncludeHeaders(text, filename):
  """Sorts all include headers in alphabetic order.

  The file's own header goes first, followed by system headers and then
  project headers. This function will exit if we detect any fancy #ifdef logic
  among the includes - that's a lot harder to sort.

    text: The file text.
    filename: The file we are reformatting.

    The text with includes sorted.
  # Get all includes in file.
  include_pattern = re.compile('#include.+\n')
  includes = re.findall(include_pattern, text)

  # Sort system headers and project headers separately.
  sys_includes = []
  project_includes = []
  self_include = ''
  sys_pattern = re.compile('#include <')
  h_filename, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))

  for item in includes:
    if re.search(h_filename + '\.', item):
      self_include = item
    elif re.search(sys_pattern, item):

  sys_includes = sorted(sys_includes)
  project_includes = sorted(project_includes)
  headers = (self_include + '\n' + ''.join(sys_includes) + '\n' +

  # Replace existing headers with the sorted string.
  text_no_hdrs = re.sub(include_pattern, r'???', text)

  # Insert sorted headers unless we detect #ifdefs right next to the headers.
  if re.search(r'(#ifdef|#ifndef|#if).*\s*\?{3,}\s*#endif', text_no_hdrs):
    print 'WARNING: Include headers not sorted in ' + filename
    return text

  return_text = re.sub(r'\?{3,}', headers, text_no_hdrs, 1)
  if re.search(r'\?{3,}', text_no_hdrs):
    # Remove possible remaining ???.
    return_text = re.sub(r'\?{3,}', r'', return_text)

  return return_text

def AddPath(match):
  """Helper for adding file path for WebRTC header files, ignoring other."""
  file_to_examine = match.group(1) + '.h'
  # TODO(mflodman) Use current directory and find webrtc/.
  for path, _, files in os.walk('./webrtc'):
    for filename in files:
      if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, file_to_examine):
        path_name = os.path.join(path, filename).replace('./', '')
        return '#include "%s"\n' % path_name

  # No path found, return original string.
  return '#include "'+ file_to_examine + '"\n'

def AddHeaderPath(text):
  """Add path to all included header files that have no path yet."""
  headers = re.compile('#include "(.+).h"\n')
  return re.sub(headers, AddPath, text)

def AddWebrtcToOldSrcRelativePath(match):
  file_to_examine = match.group(1) + '.h'
  path, filename = os.path.split(file_to_examine)
  dirs_in_webrtc = [name for name in os.listdir('./webrtc')
                    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join('./webrtc', name))]
  for dir_in_webrtc in dirs_in_webrtc:
    if path.startswith(dir_in_webrtc):
      return '#include "%s"\n' % os.path.join('webrtc', path, filename)
  return '#include "%s"\n' % file_to_examine

def AddWebrtcPrefixToOldSrcRelativePaths(text):
  """For all paths starting with for instance video_engine, add webrtc/."""
  headers = re.compile('#include "(.+).h"\n')
  return re.sub(headers, AddWebrtcToOldSrcRelativePath, text)

def FixIncludeGuards(text, file_name):
  """Change include guard according to the stantard."""
  # Remove a possible webrtc/ from  the path.
  file_name = re.sub(r'(webrtc\/)(.+)', r'\2', file_name)
  new_guard = 'WEBRTC_' + file_name
  new_guard = new_guard.upper()
  new_guard = re.sub(r'([/\.])', r'_', new_guard)
  new_guard += '_'

  text = re.sub(r'#ifndef WEBRTC_.+\n', r'#ifndef ' + new_guard + '\n', text, 1)
  text = re.sub(r'#define WEBRTC_.+\n', r'#define ' + new_guard + '\n', text, 1)
  text = re.sub(r'#endif *\/\/ *WEBRTC_.+\n', r'#endif  // ' + new_guard + '\n',
                text, 1)

  return text

def SaveFile(filename, text):
  f = open(filename, 'w')

def main():
  args = sys.argv[1:]
  if not args:
    print 'Usage: %s <filename>' % sys.argv[0]

  for filename in args:
    f = open(filename)
    text = f.read()

    text = DeCamelCase(text)
    text = MoveUnderScore(text)
    text = PostfixToPrefixInForLoops(text)
    text = AddHeaderPath(text)
    text = AddWebrtcPrefixToOldSrcRelativePaths(text)
    text = SortIncludeHeaders(text, filename)

    # Remove the original file and re-create it with the reformatted content.
    SaveFile(filename, text)

    if filename.endswith('.h'):
      f = open(filename)
      text = f.read()
      text = FixIncludeGuards(text, filename)
      SaveFile(filename, text)

    print filename + ' done.'

if __name__ == '__main__':