/* * libjingle * Copyright 2011, Google Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include "webrtc/p2p/client/connectivitychecker.h" #include "webrtc/p2p/base/candidate.h" #include "webrtc/p2p/base/common.h" #include "webrtc/p2p/base/constants.h" #include "webrtc/p2p/base/port.h" #include "webrtc/p2p/base/relayport.h" #include "webrtc/p2p/base/stunport.h" #include "webrtc/base/asynchttprequest.h" #include "webrtc/base/autodetectproxy.h" #include "webrtc/base/helpers.h" #include "webrtc/base/httpcommon-inl.h" #include "webrtc/base/httpcommon.h" #include "webrtc/base/logging.h" #include "webrtc/base/proxydetect.h" #include "webrtc/base/thread.h" namespace cricket { static const char kDefaultStunHostname[] = "stun.l.google.com"; static const int kDefaultStunPort = 19302; // Default maximum time in milliseconds we will wait for connections. static const uint32 kDefaultTimeoutMs = 3000; enum { MSG_START = 1, MSG_STOP = 2, MSG_TIMEOUT = 3, MSG_SIGNAL_RESULTS = 4 }; class TestHttpPortAllocator : public HttpPortAllocator { public: TestHttpPortAllocator(rtc::NetworkManager* network_manager, const std::string& user_agent, const std::string& relay_token) : HttpPortAllocator(network_manager, user_agent) { SetRelayToken(relay_token); } PortAllocatorSession* CreateSessionInternal( const std::string& content_name, int component, const std::string& ice_ufrag, const std::string& ice_pwd) { return new TestHttpPortAllocatorSession(this, content_name, component, ice_ufrag, ice_pwd, stun_hosts(), relay_hosts(), relay_token(), user_agent()); } }; void TestHttpPortAllocatorSession::ConfigReady(PortConfiguration* config) { SignalConfigReady(username(), password(), config, proxy_); delete config; } void TestHttpPortAllocatorSession::OnRequestDone( rtc::SignalThread* data) { rtc::AsyncHttpRequest* request = static_cast(data); // Tell the checker that the request is complete. SignalRequestDone(request); // Pass on the response to super class. HttpPortAllocatorSession::OnRequestDone(data); } ConnectivityChecker::ConnectivityChecker( rtc::Thread* worker, const std::string& jid, const std::string& session_id, const std::string& user_agent, const std::string& relay_token, const std::string& connection) : worker_(worker), jid_(jid), session_id_(session_id), user_agent_(user_agent), relay_token_(relay_token), connection_(connection), proxy_detect_(NULL), timeout_ms_(kDefaultTimeoutMs), stun_address_(kDefaultStunHostname, kDefaultStunPort), started_(false) { } ConnectivityChecker::~ConnectivityChecker() { if (started_) { // We try to clear the TIMEOUT below. But worker may still handle it and // cause SignalCheckDone to happen on main-thread. So we finally clear any // pending SIGNAL_RESULTS. worker_->Clear(this, MSG_TIMEOUT); worker_->Send(this, MSG_STOP); nics_.clear(); main_->Clear(this, MSG_SIGNAL_RESULTS); } } bool ConnectivityChecker::Initialize() { network_manager_.reset(CreateNetworkManager()); socket_factory_.reset(CreateSocketFactory(worker_)); port_allocator_.reset(CreatePortAllocator(network_manager_.get(), user_agent_, relay_token_)); uint32 new_allocator_flags = port_allocator_->flags(); new_allocator_flags |= cricket::PORTALLOCATOR_ENABLE_SHARED_UFRAG; port_allocator_->set_flags(new_allocator_flags); return true; } void ConnectivityChecker::Start() { main_ = rtc::Thread::Current(); worker_->Post(this, MSG_START); started_ = true; } void ConnectivityChecker::CleanUp() { ASSERT(worker_ == rtc::Thread::Current()); if (proxy_detect_) { proxy_detect_->Release(); proxy_detect_ = NULL; } for (uint32 i = 0; i < sessions_.size(); ++i) { delete sessions_[i]; } sessions_.clear(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < ports_.size(); ++i) { delete ports_[i]; } ports_.clear(); } bool ConnectivityChecker::AddNic(const rtc::IPAddress& ip, const rtc::SocketAddress& proxy_addr) { NicMap::iterator i = nics_.find(NicId(ip, proxy_addr)); if (i != nics_.end()) { // Already have it. return false; } uint32 now = rtc::Time(); NicInfo info; info.ip = ip; info.proxy_info = GetProxyInfo(); info.stun.start_time_ms = now; nics_.insert(std::pair(NicId(ip, proxy_addr), info)); return true; } void ConnectivityChecker::SetProxyInfo(const rtc::ProxyInfo& proxy_info) { port_allocator_->set_proxy(user_agent_, proxy_info); AllocatePorts(); } rtc::ProxyInfo ConnectivityChecker::GetProxyInfo() const { rtc::ProxyInfo proxy_info; if (proxy_detect_) { proxy_info = proxy_detect_->proxy(); } return proxy_info; } void ConnectivityChecker::CheckNetworks() { network_manager_->SignalNetworksChanged.connect( this, &ConnectivityChecker::OnNetworksChanged); network_manager_->StartUpdating(); } void ConnectivityChecker::OnMessage(rtc::Message *msg) { switch (msg->message_id) { case MSG_START: ASSERT(worker_ == rtc::Thread::Current()); worker_->PostDelayed(timeout_ms_, this, MSG_TIMEOUT); CheckNetworks(); break; case MSG_STOP: // We're being stopped, free resources. CleanUp(); break; case MSG_TIMEOUT: // We need to signal results on the main thread. main_->Post(this, MSG_SIGNAL_RESULTS); break; case MSG_SIGNAL_RESULTS: ASSERT(main_ == rtc::Thread::Current()); SignalCheckDone(this); break; default: LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Unknown message: " << msg->message_id; } } void ConnectivityChecker::OnProxyDetect(rtc::SignalThread* thread) { ASSERT(worker_ == rtc::Thread::Current()); if (proxy_detect_->proxy().type != rtc::PROXY_NONE) { SetProxyInfo(proxy_detect_->proxy()); } } void ConnectivityChecker::OnRequestDone(rtc::AsyncHttpRequest* request) { ASSERT(worker_ == rtc::Thread::Current()); // Since we don't know what nic were actually used for the http request, // for now, just use the first one. std::vector networks; network_manager_->GetNetworks(&networks); if (networks.empty()) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No networks while registering http start."; return; } rtc::ProxyInfo proxy_info = request->proxy(); NicMap::iterator i = #ifdef USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH nics_.find(NicId(networks[0]->GetBestIP(), proxy_info.address)); #else // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH nics_.find(NicId(networks[0]->ip(), proxy_info.address)); #endif // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH if (i != nics_.end()) { int port = request->port(); uint32 now = rtc::Time(); NicInfo* nic_info = &i->second; if (port == rtc::HTTP_SECURE_PORT) { nic_info->https.rtt = now - nic_info->https.start_time_ms; } else { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Got response with unknown port: " << port; } } else { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No nic info found while receiving response."; } } void ConnectivityChecker::OnConfigReady( const std::string& username, const std::string& password, const PortConfiguration* config, const rtc::ProxyInfo& proxy_info) { ASSERT(worker_ == rtc::Thread::Current()); // Since we send requests on both HTTP and HTTPS we will get two // configs per nic. Results from the second will overwrite the // result from the first. // TODO: Handle multiple pings on one nic. CreateRelayPorts(username, password, config, proxy_info); } void ConnectivityChecker::OnRelayPortComplete(Port* port) { ASSERT(worker_ == rtc::Thread::Current()); RelayPort* relay_port = reinterpret_cast(port); const ProtocolAddress* address = relay_port->ServerAddress(0); #ifdef USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH rtc::IPAddress ip = port->Network()->GetBestIP(); #else // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH rtc::IPAddress ip = port->Network()->ip(); #endif // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH NicMap::iterator i = nics_.find(NicId(ip, port->proxy().address)); if (i != nics_.end()) { // We have it already, add the new information. NicInfo* nic_info = &i->second; ConnectInfo* connect_info = NULL; if (address) { switch (address->proto) { case PROTO_UDP: connect_info = &nic_info->udp; break; case PROTO_TCP: connect_info = &nic_info->tcp; break; case PROTO_SSLTCP: connect_info = &nic_info->ssltcp; break; default: LOG(LS_ERROR) << " relay address with bad protocol added"; } if (connect_info) { connect_info->rtt = rtc::TimeSince(connect_info->start_time_ms); } } } else { LOG(LS_ERROR) << " got relay address for non-existing nic"; } } void ConnectivityChecker::OnStunPortComplete(Port* port) { ASSERT(worker_ == rtc::Thread::Current()); const std::vector candidates = port->Candidates(); Candidate c = candidates[0]; #ifdef USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH rtc::IPAddress ip = port->Network()->GetBestIP(); #else // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH rtc::IPAddress ip = port->Network()->ip(); #endif // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH NicMap::iterator i = nics_.find(NicId(ip, port->proxy().address)); if (i != nics_.end()) { // We have it already, add the new information. uint32 now = rtc::Time(); NicInfo* nic_info = &i->second; nic_info->external_address = c.address(); nic_info->stun_server_addresses = static_cast(port)->server_addresses(); nic_info->stun.rtt = now - nic_info->stun.start_time_ms; } else { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Got stun address for non-existing nic"; } } void ConnectivityChecker::OnStunPortError(Port* port) { ASSERT(worker_ == rtc::Thread::Current()); LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Stun address error."; #ifdef USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH rtc::IPAddress ip = port->Network()->GetBestIP(); #else // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH rtc::IPAddress ip = port->Network()->ip(); #endif // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH NicMap::iterator i = nics_.find(NicId(ip, port->proxy().address)); if (i != nics_.end()) { // We have it already, add the new information. NicInfo* nic_info = &i->second; nic_info->stun_server_addresses = static_cast(port)->server_addresses(); } } void ConnectivityChecker::OnRelayPortError(Port* port) { ASSERT(worker_ == rtc::Thread::Current()); LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Relay address error."; } void ConnectivityChecker::OnNetworksChanged() { ASSERT(worker_ == rtc::Thread::Current()); std::vector networks; network_manager_->GetNetworks(&networks); if (networks.empty()) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Machine has no networks; nothing to do"; return; } AllocatePorts(); } HttpPortAllocator* ConnectivityChecker::CreatePortAllocator( rtc::NetworkManager* network_manager, const std::string& user_agent, const std::string& relay_token) { return new TestHttpPortAllocator(network_manager, user_agent, relay_token); } StunPort* ConnectivityChecker::CreateStunPort( const std::string& username, const std::string& password, const PortConfiguration* config, rtc::Network* network) { return StunPort::Create(worker_, socket_factory_.get(), network, #ifdef USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH network->GetBestIP(), #else // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH network->ip(), #endif // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH 0, 0, username, password, config->stun_servers); } RelayPort* ConnectivityChecker::CreateRelayPort( const std::string& username, const std::string& password, const PortConfiguration* config, rtc::Network* network) { return RelayPort::Create(worker_, socket_factory_.get(), network, #ifdef USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH network->GetBestIP(), #else // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH network->ip(), #endif // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH port_allocator_->min_port(), port_allocator_->max_port(), username, password); } void ConnectivityChecker::CreateRelayPorts( const std::string& username, const std::string& password, const PortConfiguration* config, const rtc::ProxyInfo& proxy_info) { PortConfiguration::RelayList::const_iterator relay; std::vector networks; network_manager_->GetNetworks(&networks); if (networks.empty()) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Machine has no networks; no relay ports created."; return; } for (relay = config->relays.begin(); relay != config->relays.end(); ++relay) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < networks.size(); ++i) { NicMap::iterator iter = #ifdef USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH nics_.find(NicId(networks[i]->GetBestIP(), proxy_info.address)); #else // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH nics_.find(NicId(networks[i]->ip(), proxy_info.address)); #endif // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH if (iter != nics_.end()) { // TODO: Now setting the same start time for all protocols. // This might affect accuracy, but since we are mainly looking for // connect failures or number that stick out, this is good enough. uint32 now = rtc::Time(); NicInfo* nic_info = &iter->second; nic_info->udp.start_time_ms = now; nic_info->tcp.start_time_ms = now; nic_info->ssltcp.start_time_ms = now; // Add the addresses of this protocol. PortList::const_iterator relay_port; for (relay_port = relay->ports.begin(); relay_port != relay->ports.end(); ++relay_port) { RelayPort* port = CreateRelayPort(username, password, config, networks[i]); port->AddServerAddress(*relay_port); port->AddExternalAddress(*relay_port); nic_info->media_server_address = port->ServerAddress(0)->address; // Listen to network events. port->SignalPortComplete.connect( this, &ConnectivityChecker::OnRelayPortComplete); port->SignalPortError.connect( this, &ConnectivityChecker::OnRelayPortError); port->set_proxy(user_agent_, proxy_info); // Start fetching an address for this port. port->PrepareAddress(); ports_.push_back(port); } } else { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to find nic info when creating relay ports."; } } } } void ConnectivityChecker::AllocatePorts() { const std::string username = rtc::CreateRandomString(ICE_UFRAG_LENGTH); const std::string password = rtc::CreateRandomString(ICE_PWD_LENGTH); ServerAddresses stun_servers; stun_servers.insert(stun_address_); PortConfiguration config(stun_servers, username, password); std::vector networks; network_manager_->GetNetworks(&networks); if (networks.empty()) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Machine has no networks; no ports will be allocated"; return; } rtc::ProxyInfo proxy_info = GetProxyInfo(); bool allocate_relay_ports = false; for (uint32 i = 0; i < networks.size(); ++i) { #ifdef USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH if (AddNic(networks[i]->GetBestIP(), proxy_info.address)) { #else // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH if (AddNic(networks[i]->ip(), proxy_info.address)) { #endif // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH Port* port = CreateStunPort(username, password, &config, networks[i]); if (port) { // Listen to network events. port->SignalPortComplete.connect( this, &ConnectivityChecker::OnStunPortComplete); port->SignalPortError.connect( this, &ConnectivityChecker::OnStunPortError); port->set_proxy(user_agent_, proxy_info); port->PrepareAddress(); ports_.push_back(port); allocate_relay_ports = true; } } } // If any new ip/proxy combinations were added, send a relay allocate. if (allocate_relay_ports) { AllocateRelayPorts(); } // Initiate proxy detection. InitiateProxyDetection(); } void ConnectivityChecker::InitiateProxyDetection() { // Only start if we haven't been started before. if (!proxy_detect_) { proxy_detect_ = new rtc::AutoDetectProxy(user_agent_); rtc::Url host_url("/", "relay.google.com", rtc::HTTP_SECURE_PORT); host_url.set_secure(true); proxy_detect_->set_server_url(host_url.url()); proxy_detect_->SignalWorkDone.connect( this, &ConnectivityChecker::OnProxyDetect); proxy_detect_->Start(); } } void ConnectivityChecker::AllocateRelayPorts() { // Currently we are using the 'default' nic for http(s) requests. TestHttpPortAllocatorSession* allocator_session = reinterpret_cast( port_allocator_->CreateSessionInternal( "connectivity checker test content", ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_RTP, rtc::CreateRandomString(ICE_UFRAG_LENGTH), rtc::CreateRandomString(ICE_PWD_LENGTH))); allocator_session->set_proxy(port_allocator_->proxy()); allocator_session->SignalConfigReady.connect( this, &ConnectivityChecker::OnConfigReady); allocator_session->SignalRequestDone.connect( this, &ConnectivityChecker::OnRequestDone); // Try https only since using http would result in credentials being sent // over the network unprotected. RegisterHttpStart(rtc::HTTP_SECURE_PORT); allocator_session->SendSessionRequest("relay.l.google.com", rtc::HTTP_SECURE_PORT); sessions_.push_back(allocator_session); } void ConnectivityChecker::RegisterHttpStart(int port) { // Since we don't know what nic were actually used for the http request, // for now, just use the first one. std::vector networks; network_manager_->GetNetworks(&networks); if (networks.empty()) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No networks while registering http start."; return; } rtc::ProxyInfo proxy_info = GetProxyInfo(); NicMap::iterator i = #ifdef USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH nics_.find(NicId(networks[0]->GetBestIP(), proxy_info.address)); #else // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH nics_.find(NicId(networks[0]->ip(), proxy_info.address)); #endif // USE_WEBRTC_DEV_BRANCH if (i != nics_.end()) { uint32 now = rtc::Time(); NicInfo* nic_info = &i->second; if (port == rtc::HTTP_SECURE_PORT) { nic_info->https.start_time_ms = now; } else { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Registering start time for unknown port: " << port; } } else { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Error, no nic info found while registering http start."; } } } // namespace rtc