/* * libjingle * Copyright 2004--2005, Google Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "talk/p2p/base/port.h" #include #include #include "talk/base/base64.h" #include "talk/base/crc32.h" #include "talk/base/helpers.h" #include "talk/base/logging.h" #include "talk/base/messagedigest.h" #include "talk/base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "talk/base/stringencode.h" #include "talk/base/stringutils.h" #include "talk/p2p/base/common.h" namespace { // Determines whether we have seen at least the given maximum number of // pings fail to have a response. inline bool TooManyFailures( const std::vector& pings_since_last_response, uint32 maximum_failures, uint32 rtt_estimate, uint32 now) { // If we haven't sent that many pings, then we can't have failed that many. if (pings_since_last_response.size() < maximum_failures) return false; // Check if the window in which we would expect a response to the ping has // already elapsed. return pings_since_last_response[maximum_failures - 1] + rtt_estimate < now; } // Determines whether we have gone too long without seeing any response. inline bool TooLongWithoutResponse( const std::vector& pings_since_last_response, uint32 maximum_time, uint32 now) { if (pings_since_last_response.size() == 0) return false; return pings_since_last_response[0] + maximum_time < now; } // GICE(ICEPROTO_GOOGLE) requires different username for RTP and RTCP. // This function generates a different username by +1 on the last character of // the given username (|rtp_ufrag|). std::string GetRtcpUfragFromRtpUfrag(const std::string& rtp_ufrag) { ASSERT(!rtp_ufrag.empty()); if (rtp_ufrag.empty()) { return rtp_ufrag; } // Change the last character to the one next to it in the base64 table. char new_last_char; if (!talk_base::Base64::GetNextBase64Char(rtp_ufrag[rtp_ufrag.size() - 1], &new_last_char)) { // Should not be here. ASSERT(false); } std::string rtcp_ufrag = rtp_ufrag; rtcp_ufrag[rtcp_ufrag.size() - 1] = new_last_char; ASSERT(rtcp_ufrag != rtp_ufrag); return rtcp_ufrag; } // We will restrict RTT estimates (when used for determining state) to be // within a reasonable range. const uint32 MINIMUM_RTT = 100; // 0.1 seconds const uint32 MAXIMUM_RTT = 3000; // 3 seconds // When we don't have any RTT data, we have to pick something reasonable. We // use a large value just in case the connection is really slow. const uint32 DEFAULT_RTT = MAXIMUM_RTT; // Computes our estimate of the RTT given the current estimate. inline uint32 ConservativeRTTEstimate(uint32 rtt) { return talk_base::_max(MINIMUM_RTT, talk_base::_min(MAXIMUM_RTT, 2 * rtt)); } // Weighting of the old rtt value to new data. const int RTT_RATIO = 3; // 3 : 1 // The delay before we begin checking if this port is useless. const int kPortTimeoutDelay = 30 * 1000; // 30 seconds // Used by the Connection. const uint32 MSG_DELETE = 1; } namespace cricket { // TODO(ronghuawu): Use "host", "srflx", "prflx" and "relay". But this requires // the signaling part be updated correspondingly as well. const char LOCAL_PORT_TYPE[] = "local"; const char STUN_PORT_TYPE[] = "stun"; const char PRFLX_PORT_TYPE[] = "prflx"; const char RELAY_PORT_TYPE[] = "relay"; const char UDP_PROTOCOL_NAME[] = "udp"; const char TCP_PROTOCOL_NAME[] = "tcp"; const char SSLTCP_PROTOCOL_NAME[] = "ssltcp"; static const char* const PROTO_NAMES[] = { UDP_PROTOCOL_NAME, TCP_PROTOCOL_NAME, SSLTCP_PROTOCOL_NAME }; const char* ProtoToString(ProtocolType proto) { return PROTO_NAMES[proto]; } bool StringToProto(const char* value, ProtocolType* proto) { for (size_t i = 0; i <= PROTO_LAST; ++i) { if (_stricmp(PROTO_NAMES[i], value) == 0) { *proto = static_cast(i); return true; } } return false; } // Foundation: An arbitrary string that is the same for two candidates // that have the same type, base IP address, protocol (UDP, TCP, // etc.), and STUN or TURN server. If any of these are different, // then the foundation will be different. Two candidate pairs with // the same foundation pairs are likely to have similar network // characteristics. Foundations are used in the frozen algorithm. static std::string ComputeFoundation( const std::string& type, const std::string& protocol, const talk_base::SocketAddress& base_address) { std::ostringstream ost; ost << type << base_address.ipaddr().ToString() << protocol; return talk_base::ToString(talk_base::ComputeCrc32(ost.str())); } Port::Port(talk_base::Thread* thread, talk_base::PacketSocketFactory* factory, talk_base::Network* network, const talk_base::IPAddress& ip, const std::string& username_fragment, const std::string& password) : thread_(thread), factory_(factory), send_retransmit_count_attribute_(false), network_(network), ip_(ip), min_port_(0), max_port_(0), component_(ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT), generation_(0), ice_username_fragment_(username_fragment), password_(password), timeout_delay_(kPortTimeoutDelay), enable_port_packets_(false), ice_protocol_(ICEPROTO_HYBRID), ice_role_(ICEROLE_UNKNOWN), tiebreaker_(0), shared_socket_(true) { Construct(); } Port::Port(talk_base::Thread* thread, const std::string& type, talk_base::PacketSocketFactory* factory, talk_base::Network* network, const talk_base::IPAddress& ip, int min_port, int max_port, const std::string& username_fragment, const std::string& password) : thread_(thread), factory_(factory), type_(type), send_retransmit_count_attribute_(false), network_(network), ip_(ip), min_port_(min_port), max_port_(max_port), component_(ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_DEFAULT), generation_(0), ice_username_fragment_(username_fragment), password_(password), timeout_delay_(kPortTimeoutDelay), enable_port_packets_(false), ice_protocol_(ICEPROTO_HYBRID), ice_role_(ICEROLE_UNKNOWN), tiebreaker_(0), shared_socket_(false) { ASSERT(factory_ != NULL); Construct(); } void Port::Construct() { // If the username_fragment and password are empty, we should just create one. if (ice_username_fragment_.empty()) { ASSERT(password_.empty()); ice_username_fragment_ = talk_base::CreateRandomString(ICE_UFRAG_LENGTH); password_ = talk_base::CreateRandomString(ICE_PWD_LENGTH); } LOG_J(LS_INFO, this) << "Port created"; } Port::~Port() { // Delete all of the remaining connections. We copy the list up front // because each deletion will cause it to be modified. std::vector list; AddressMap::iterator iter = connections_.begin(); while (iter != connections_.end()) { list.push_back(iter->second); ++iter; } for (uint32 i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) delete list[i]; } Connection* Port::GetConnection(const talk_base::SocketAddress& remote_addr) { AddressMap::const_iterator iter = connections_.find(remote_addr); if (iter != connections_.end()) return iter->second; else return NULL; } void Port::AddAddress(const talk_base::SocketAddress& address, const talk_base::SocketAddress& base_address, const std::string& protocol, const std::string& type, uint32 type_preference, bool final) { Candidate c; c.set_id(talk_base::CreateRandomString(8)); c.set_component(component_); c.set_type(type); c.set_protocol(protocol); c.set_address(address); c.set_priority(c.GetPriority(type_preference, network_->preference())); c.set_username(username_fragment()); c.set_password(password_); c.set_network_name(network_->name()); c.set_generation(generation_); c.set_related_address(related_address_); c.set_foundation(ComputeFoundation(type, protocol, base_address)); candidates_.push_back(c); SignalCandidateReady(this, c); if (final) { SignalPortComplete(this); } } void Port::AddConnection(Connection* conn) { connections_[conn->remote_candidate().address()] = conn; conn->SignalDestroyed.connect(this, &Port::OnConnectionDestroyed); SignalConnectionCreated(this, conn); } void Port::OnReadPacket( const char* data, size_t size, const talk_base::SocketAddress& addr, ProtocolType proto) { // If the user has enabled port packets, just hand this over. if (enable_port_packets_) { SignalReadPacket(this, data, size, addr); return; } // If this is an authenticated STUN request, then signal unknown address and // send back a proper binding response. talk_base::scoped_ptr msg; std::string remote_username; if (!GetStunMessage(data, size, addr, msg.accept(), &remote_username)) { LOG_J(LS_ERROR, this) << "Received non-STUN packet from unknown address (" << addr.ToSensitiveString() << ")"; } else if (!msg) { // STUN message handled already } else if (msg->type() == STUN_BINDING_REQUEST) { // Check for role conflicts. if (IsStandardIce() && !MaybeIceRoleConflict(addr, msg.get(), remote_username)) { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Received conflicting role from the peer."; return; } SignalUnknownAddress(this, addr, proto, msg.get(), remote_username, false); } else { // NOTE(tschmelcher): STUN_BINDING_RESPONSE is benign. It occurs if we // pruned a connection for this port while it had STUN requests in flight, // because we then get back responses for them, which this code correctly // does not handle. if (msg->type() != STUN_BINDING_RESPONSE) { LOG_J(LS_ERROR, this) << "Received unexpected STUN message type (" << msg->type() << ") from unknown address (" << addr.ToSensitiveString() << ")"; } } } void Port::OnReadyToSend() { AddressMap::iterator iter = connections_.begin(); for (; iter != connections_.end(); ++iter) { iter->second->OnReadyToSend(); } } size_t Port::AddPrflxCandidate(const Candidate& local) { candidates_.push_back(local); return (candidates_.size() - 1); } bool Port::IsStandardIce() const { return (ice_protocol_ == ICEPROTO_RFC5245); } bool Port::IsGoogleIce() const { return (ice_protocol_ == ICEPROTO_GOOGLE); } bool Port::IsHybridIce() const { return (ice_protocol_ == ICEPROTO_HYBRID); } bool Port::GetStunMessage(const char* data, size_t size, const talk_base::SocketAddress& addr, IceMessage** out_msg, std::string* out_username) { // NOTE: This could clearly be optimized to avoid allocating any memory. // However, at the data rates we'll be looking at on the client side, // this probably isn't worth worrying about. ASSERT(out_msg != NULL); ASSERT(out_username != NULL); *out_msg = NULL; out_username->clear(); // Don't bother parsing the packet if we can tell it's not STUN. // In ICE mode, all STUN packets will have a valid fingerprint. if (IsStandardIce() && !StunMessage::ValidateFingerprint(data, size)) { return false; } // Parse the request message. If the packet is not a complete and correct // STUN message, then ignore it. talk_base::scoped_ptr stun_msg(new IceMessage()); talk_base::ByteBuffer buf(data, size); if (!stun_msg->Read(&buf) || (buf.Length() > 0)) { return false; } if (stun_msg->type() == STUN_BINDING_REQUEST) { // Check for the presence of USERNAME and MESSAGE-INTEGRITY (if ICE) first. // If not present, fail with a 400 Bad Request. if (!stun_msg->GetByteString(STUN_ATTR_USERNAME) || (IsStandardIce() && !stun_msg->GetByteString(STUN_ATTR_MESSAGE_INTEGRITY))) { LOG_J(LS_ERROR, this) << "Received STUN request without username/M-I " << "from " << addr.ToSensitiveString(); SendBindingErrorResponse(stun_msg.get(), addr, STUN_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, STUN_ERROR_REASON_BAD_REQUEST); return true; } // If the username is bad or unknown, fail with a 401 Unauthorized. std::string local_ufrag; std::string remote_ufrag; IceProtocolType remote_protocol_type; if (!ParseStunUsername(stun_msg.get(), &local_ufrag, &remote_ufrag, &remote_protocol_type) || local_ufrag != username_fragment()) { LOG_J(LS_ERROR, this) << "Received STUN request with bad local username " << local_ufrag << " from " << addr.ToSensitiveString(); SendBindingErrorResponse(stun_msg.get(), addr, STUN_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED, STUN_ERROR_REASON_UNAUTHORIZED); return true; } // Port is initialized to GOOGLE-ICE protocol type. If pings from remote // are received before the signal message, protocol type may be different. // Based on the STUN username, we can determine what's the remote protocol. // This also enables us to send the response back using the same protocol // as the request. if (IsHybridIce()) { SetIceProtocolType(remote_protocol_type); } // If ICE, and the MESSAGE-INTEGRITY is bad, fail with a 401 Unauthorized if (IsStandardIce() && !stun_msg->ValidateMessageIntegrity(data, size, password_)) { LOG_J(LS_ERROR, this) << "Received STUN request with bad M-I " << "from " << addr.ToSensitiveString(); SendBindingErrorResponse(stun_msg.get(), addr, STUN_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED, STUN_ERROR_REASON_UNAUTHORIZED); return true; } out_username->assign(remote_ufrag); } else if ((stun_msg->type() == STUN_BINDING_RESPONSE) || (stun_msg->type() == STUN_BINDING_ERROR_RESPONSE)) { if (stun_msg->type() == STUN_BINDING_ERROR_RESPONSE) { if (const StunErrorCodeAttribute* error_code = stun_msg->GetErrorCode()) { LOG_J(LS_ERROR, this) << "Received STUN binding error:" << " class=" << error_code->eclass() << " number=" << error_code->number() << " reason='" << error_code->reason() << "'" << " from " << addr.ToSensitiveString(); // Return message to allow error-specific processing } else { LOG_J(LS_ERROR, this) << "Received STUN binding error without a error " << "code from " << addr.ToSensitiveString(); return true; } } // NOTE: Username should not be used in verifying response messages. out_username->clear(); } else if (stun_msg->type() == STUN_BINDING_INDICATION) { LOG_J(LS_VERBOSE, this) << "Received STUN binding indication:" << " from " << addr.ToSensitiveString(); out_username->clear(); // No stun attributes will be verified, if it's stun indication message. // Returning from end of the this method. } else { LOG_J(LS_ERROR, this) << "Received STUN packet with invalid type (" << stun_msg->type() << ") from " << addr.ToSensitiveString(); return true; } // Return the STUN message found. *out_msg = stun_msg.release(); return true; } bool Port::IsCompatibleAddress(const talk_base::SocketAddress& addr) { int family = ip().family(); // We use single-stack sockets, so families must match. if (addr.family() != family) { return false; } // Link-local IPv6 ports can only connect to other link-local IPv6 ports. if (family == AF_INET6 && (IPIsPrivate(ip()) != IPIsPrivate(addr.ipaddr()))) { return false; } return true; } bool Port::ParseStunUsername(const StunMessage* stun_msg, std::string* local_ufrag, std::string* remote_ufrag, IceProtocolType* remote_protocol_type) const { // The packet must include a username that either begins or ends with our // fragment. It should begin with our fragment if it is a request and it // should end with our fragment if it is a response. local_ufrag->clear(); remote_ufrag->clear(); const StunByteStringAttribute* username_attr = stun_msg->GetByteString(STUN_ATTR_USERNAME); if (username_attr == NULL) return false; const std::string username_attr_str = username_attr->GetString(); size_t colon_pos = username_attr_str.find(":"); // If we are in hybrid mode set the appropriate ice protocol type based on // the username argument style. if (IsHybridIce()) { *remote_protocol_type = (colon_pos != std::string::npos) ? ICEPROTO_RFC5245 : ICEPROTO_GOOGLE; } else { *remote_protocol_type = ice_protocol_; } if (*remote_protocol_type == ICEPROTO_RFC5245) { if (colon_pos != std::string::npos) { // RFRAG:LFRAG *local_ufrag = username_attr_str.substr(0, colon_pos); *remote_ufrag = username_attr_str.substr( colon_pos + 1, username_attr_str.size()); } else { return false; } } else if (*remote_protocol_type == ICEPROTO_GOOGLE) { int remote_frag_len = static_cast(username_attr_str.size()); remote_frag_len -= static_cast(username_fragment().size()); if (remote_frag_len < 0) return false; *local_ufrag = username_attr_str.substr(0, username_fragment().size()); *remote_ufrag = username_attr_str.substr( username_fragment().size(), username_attr_str.size()); } return true; } bool Port::MaybeIceRoleConflict( const talk_base::SocketAddress& addr, IceMessage* stun_msg, const std::string& remote_ufrag) { // Validate ICE_CONTROLLING or ICE_CONTROLLED attributes. bool ret = true; IceRole remote_ice_role = ICEROLE_UNKNOWN; uint64 remote_tiebreaker = 0; const StunUInt64Attribute* stun_attr = stun_msg->GetUInt64(STUN_ATTR_ICE_CONTROLLING); if (stun_attr) { remote_ice_role = ICEROLE_CONTROLLING; remote_tiebreaker = stun_attr->value(); } // If |remote_ufrag| is same as port local username fragment and // tie breaker value received in the ping message matches port // tiebreaker value this must be a loopback call. // We will treat this as valid scenario. if (remote_ice_role == ICEROLE_CONTROLLING && username_fragment() == remote_ufrag && remote_tiebreaker == IceTiebreaker()) { return true; } stun_attr = stun_msg->GetUInt64(STUN_ATTR_ICE_CONTROLLED); if (stun_attr) { remote_ice_role = ICEROLE_CONTROLLED; remote_tiebreaker = stun_attr->value(); } switch (ice_role_) { case ICEROLE_CONTROLLING: if (ICEROLE_CONTROLLING == remote_ice_role) { if (remote_tiebreaker >= tiebreaker_) { SignalRoleConflict(this); } else { // Send Role Conflict (487) error response. SendBindingErrorResponse(stun_msg, addr, STUN_ERROR_ROLE_CONFLICT, STUN_ERROR_REASON_ROLE_CONFLICT); ret = false; } } break; case ICEROLE_CONTROLLED: if (ICEROLE_CONTROLLED == remote_ice_role) { if (remote_tiebreaker < tiebreaker_) { SignalRoleConflict(this); } else { // Send Role Conflict (487) error response. SendBindingErrorResponse(stun_msg, addr, STUN_ERROR_ROLE_CONFLICT, STUN_ERROR_REASON_ROLE_CONFLICT); ret = false; } } break; default: ASSERT(false); } return ret; } void Port::CreateStunUsername(const std::string& remote_username, std::string* stun_username_attr_str) const { stun_username_attr_str->clear(); *stun_username_attr_str = remote_username; if (IsStandardIce()) { // Connectivity checks from L->R will have username RFRAG:LFRAG. stun_username_attr_str->append(":"); } stun_username_attr_str->append(username_fragment()); } void Port::SendBindingResponse(StunMessage* request, const talk_base::SocketAddress& addr) { ASSERT(request->type() == STUN_BINDING_REQUEST); // Retrieve the username from the request. const StunByteStringAttribute* username_attr = request->GetByteString(STUN_ATTR_USERNAME); ASSERT(username_attr != NULL); if (username_attr == NULL) { // No valid username, skip the response. return; } // Fill in the response message. StunMessage response; response.SetType(STUN_BINDING_RESPONSE); response.SetTransactionID(request->transaction_id()); const StunUInt32Attribute* retransmit_attr = request->GetUInt32(STUN_ATTR_RETRANSMIT_COUNT); if (retransmit_attr) { // Inherit the incoming retransmit value in the response so the other side // can see our view of lost pings. response.AddAttribute(new StunUInt32Attribute( STUN_ATTR_RETRANSMIT_COUNT, retransmit_attr->value())); if (retransmit_attr->value() > CONNECTION_WRITE_CONNECT_FAILURES) { LOG_J(LS_INFO, this) << "Received a remote ping with high retransmit count: " << retransmit_attr->value(); } } // Only GICE messages have USERNAME and MAPPED-ADDRESS in the response. // ICE messages use XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS, and add MESSAGE-INTEGRITY. if (IsStandardIce()) { response.AddAttribute( new StunXorAddressAttribute(STUN_ATTR_XOR_MAPPED_ADDRESS, addr)); response.AddMessageIntegrity(password_); response.AddFingerprint(); } else if (IsGoogleIce()) { response.AddAttribute( new StunAddressAttribute(STUN_ATTR_MAPPED_ADDRESS, addr)); response.AddAttribute(new StunByteStringAttribute( STUN_ATTR_USERNAME, username_attr->GetString())); } // Send the response message. talk_base::ByteBuffer buf; response.Write(&buf); talk_base::PacketOptions options(DefaultDscpValue()); if (SendTo(buf.Data(), buf.Length(), addr, options, false) < 0) { LOG_J(LS_ERROR, this) << "Failed to send STUN ping response to " << addr.ToSensitiveString(); } // The fact that we received a successful request means that this connection // (if one exists) should now be readable. Connection* conn = GetConnection(addr); ASSERT(conn != NULL); if (conn) conn->ReceivedPing(); } void Port::SendBindingErrorResponse(StunMessage* request, const talk_base::SocketAddress& addr, int error_code, const std::string& reason) { ASSERT(request->type() == STUN_BINDING_REQUEST); // Fill in the response message. StunMessage response; response.SetType(STUN_BINDING_ERROR_RESPONSE); response.SetTransactionID(request->transaction_id()); // When doing GICE, we need to write out the error code incorrectly to // maintain backwards compatiblility. StunErrorCodeAttribute* error_attr = StunAttribute::CreateErrorCode(); if (IsStandardIce()) { error_attr->SetCode(error_code); } else if (IsGoogleIce()) { error_attr->SetClass(error_code / 256); error_attr->SetNumber(error_code % 256); } error_attr->SetReason(reason); response.AddAttribute(error_attr); if (IsStandardIce()) { // Per Section 10.1.2, certain error cases don't get a MESSAGE-INTEGRITY, // because we don't have enough information to determine the shared secret. if (error_code != STUN_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST && error_code != STUN_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED) response.AddMessageIntegrity(password_); response.AddFingerprint(); } else if (IsGoogleIce()) { // GICE responses include a username, if one exists. const StunByteStringAttribute* username_attr = request->GetByteString(STUN_ATTR_USERNAME); if (username_attr) response.AddAttribute(new StunByteStringAttribute( STUN_ATTR_USERNAME, username_attr->GetString())); } // Send the response message. talk_base::ByteBuffer buf; response.Write(&buf); talk_base::PacketOptions options(DefaultDscpValue()); SendTo(buf.Data(), buf.Length(), addr, options, false); LOG_J(LS_INFO, this) << "Sending STUN binding error: reason=" << reason << " to " << addr.ToSensitiveString(); } void Port::OnMessage(talk_base::Message *pmsg) { ASSERT(pmsg->message_id == MSG_CHECKTIMEOUT); CheckTimeout(); } std::string Port::ToString() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Port[" << content_name_ << ":" << component_ << ":" << generation_ << ":" << type_ << ":" << network_->ToString() << "]"; return ss.str(); } void Port::EnablePortPackets() { enable_port_packets_ = true; } void Port::OnConnectionDestroyed(Connection* conn) { AddressMap::iterator iter = connections_.find(conn->remote_candidate().address()); ASSERT(iter != connections_.end()); connections_.erase(iter); // On the controlled side, ports time out, but only after all connections // fail. Note: If a new connection is added after this message is posted, // but it fails and is removed before kPortTimeoutDelay, then this message // will still cause the Port to be destroyed. if (ice_role_ == ICEROLE_CONTROLLED) thread_->PostDelayed(timeout_delay_, this, MSG_CHECKTIMEOUT); } void Port::Destroy() { ASSERT(connections_.empty()); LOG_J(LS_INFO, this) << "Port deleted"; SignalDestroyed(this); delete this; } void Port::CheckTimeout() { ASSERT(ice_role_ == ICEROLE_CONTROLLED); // If this port has no connections, then there's no reason to keep it around. // When the connections time out (both read and write), they will delete // themselves, so if we have any connections, they are either readable or // writable (or still connecting). if (connections_.empty()) Destroy(); } const std::string Port::username_fragment() const { if (!IsStandardIce() && component_ == ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_RTCP) { // In GICE mode, we should adjust username fragment for rtcp component. return GetRtcpUfragFromRtpUfrag(ice_username_fragment_); } else { return ice_username_fragment_; } } // A ConnectionRequest is a simple STUN ping used to determine writability. class ConnectionRequest : public StunRequest { public: explicit ConnectionRequest(Connection* connection) : StunRequest(new IceMessage()), connection_(connection) { } virtual ~ConnectionRequest() { } virtual void Prepare(StunMessage* request) { request->SetType(STUN_BINDING_REQUEST); std::string username; connection_->port()->CreateStunUsername( connection_->remote_candidate().username(), &username); request->AddAttribute( new StunByteStringAttribute(STUN_ATTR_USERNAME, username)); // connection_ already holds this ping, so subtract one from count. if (connection_->port()->send_retransmit_count_attribute()) { request->AddAttribute(new StunUInt32Attribute( STUN_ATTR_RETRANSMIT_COUNT, static_cast( connection_->pings_since_last_response_.size() - 1))); } // Adding ICE-specific attributes to the STUN request message. if (connection_->port()->IsStandardIce()) { // Adding ICE_CONTROLLED or ICE_CONTROLLING attribute based on the role. if (connection_->port()->GetIceRole() == ICEROLE_CONTROLLING) { request->AddAttribute(new StunUInt64Attribute( STUN_ATTR_ICE_CONTROLLING, connection_->port()->IceTiebreaker())); // Since we are trying aggressive nomination, sending USE-CANDIDATE // attribute in every ping. // If we are dealing with a ice-lite end point, nomination flag // in Connection will be set to false by default. Once the connection // becomes "best connection", nomination flag will be turned on. if (connection_->use_candidate_attr()) { request->AddAttribute(new StunByteStringAttribute( STUN_ATTR_USE_CANDIDATE)); } } else if (connection_->port()->GetIceRole() == ICEROLE_CONTROLLED) { request->AddAttribute(new StunUInt64Attribute( STUN_ATTR_ICE_CONTROLLED, connection_->port()->IceTiebreaker())); } else { ASSERT(false); } // Adding PRIORITY Attribute. // Changing the type preference to Peer Reflexive and local preference // and component id information is unchanged from the original priority. // priority = (2^24)*(type preference) + // (2^8)*(local preference) + // (2^0)*(256 - component ID) uint32 prflx_priority = ICE_TYPE_PREFERENCE_PRFLX << 24 | (connection_->local_candidate().priority() & 0x00FFFFFF); request->AddAttribute( new StunUInt32Attribute(STUN_ATTR_PRIORITY, prflx_priority)); // Adding Message Integrity attribute. request->AddMessageIntegrity(connection_->remote_candidate().password()); // Adding Fingerprint. request->AddFingerprint(); } } virtual void OnResponse(StunMessage* response) { connection_->OnConnectionRequestResponse(this, response); } virtual void OnErrorResponse(StunMessage* response) { connection_->OnConnectionRequestErrorResponse(this, response); } virtual void OnTimeout() { connection_->OnConnectionRequestTimeout(this); } virtual int GetNextDelay() { // Each request is sent only once. After a single delay , the request will // time out. timeout_ = true; return CONNECTION_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT; } private: Connection* connection_; }; // // Connection // Connection::Connection(Port* port, size_t index, const Candidate& remote_candidate) : port_(port), local_candidate_index_(index), remote_candidate_(remote_candidate), read_state_(STATE_READ_INIT), write_state_(STATE_WRITE_INIT), connected_(true), pruned_(false), use_candidate_attr_(false), remote_ice_mode_(ICEMODE_FULL), requests_(port->thread()), rtt_(DEFAULT_RTT), last_ping_sent_(0), last_ping_received_(0), last_data_received_(0), last_ping_response_received_(0), reported_(false), state_(STATE_WAITING) { // All of our connections start in WAITING state. // TODO(mallinath) - Start connections from STATE_FROZEN. // Wire up to send stun packets requests_.SignalSendPacket.connect(this, &Connection::OnSendStunPacket); LOG_J(LS_INFO, this) << "Connection created"; } Connection::~Connection() { } const Candidate& Connection::local_candidate() const { ASSERT(local_candidate_index_ < port_->Candidates().size()); return port_->Candidates()[local_candidate_index_]; } uint64 Connection::priority() const { uint64 priority = 0; // RFC 5245 - 5.7.2. Computing Pair Priority and Ordering Pairs // Let G be the priority for the candidate provided by the controlling // agent. Let D be the priority for the candidate provided by the // controlled agent. // pair priority = 2^32*MIN(G,D) + 2*MAX(G,D) + (G>D?1:0) IceRole role = port_->GetIceRole(); if (role != ICEROLE_UNKNOWN) { uint32 g = 0; uint32 d = 0; if (role == ICEROLE_CONTROLLING) { g = local_candidate().priority(); d = remote_candidate_.priority(); } else { g = remote_candidate_.priority(); d = local_candidate().priority(); } priority = talk_base::_min(g, d); priority = priority << 32; priority += 2 * talk_base::_max(g, d) + (g > d ? 1 : 0); } return priority; } void Connection::set_read_state(ReadState value) { ReadState old_value = read_state_; read_state_ = value; if (value != old_value) { LOG_J(LS_VERBOSE, this) << "set_read_state"; SignalStateChange(this); CheckTimeout(); } } void Connection::set_write_state(WriteState value) { WriteState old_value = write_state_; write_state_ = value; if (value != old_value) { LOG_J(LS_VERBOSE, this) << "set_write_state"; SignalStateChange(this); CheckTimeout(); } } void Connection::set_state(State state) { State old_state = state_; state_ = state; if (state != old_state) { LOG_J(LS_VERBOSE, this) << "set_state"; } } void Connection::set_connected(bool value) { bool old_value = connected_; connected_ = value; if (value != old_value) { LOG_J(LS_VERBOSE, this) << "set_connected"; } } void Connection::set_use_candidate_attr(bool enable) { use_candidate_attr_ = enable; } void Connection::OnSendStunPacket(const void* data, size_t size, StunRequest* req) { talk_base::PacketOptions options(port_->DefaultDscpValue()); if (port_->SendTo(data, size, remote_candidate_.address(), options, false) < 0) { LOG_J(LS_WARNING, this) << "Failed to send STUN ping " << req->id(); } } void Connection::OnReadPacket( const char* data, size_t size, const talk_base::PacketTime& packet_time) { talk_base::scoped_ptr msg; std::string remote_ufrag; const talk_base::SocketAddress& addr(remote_candidate_.address()); if (!port_->GetStunMessage(data, size, addr, msg.accept(), &remote_ufrag)) { // The packet did not parse as a valid STUN message // If this connection is readable, then pass along the packet. if (read_state_ == STATE_READABLE) { // readable means data from this address is acceptable // Send it on! last_data_received_ = talk_base::Time(); recv_rate_tracker_.Update(size); SignalReadPacket(this, data, size, packet_time); // If timed out sending writability checks, start up again if (!pruned_ && (write_state_ == STATE_WRITE_TIMEOUT)) { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Received a data packet on a timed-out Connection. " << "Resetting state to STATE_WRITE_INIT."; set_write_state(STATE_WRITE_INIT); } } else { // Not readable means the remote address hasn't sent a valid // binding request yet. LOG_J(LS_WARNING, this) << "Received non-STUN packet from an unreadable connection."; } } else if (!msg) { // The packet was STUN, but failed a check and was handled internally. } else { // The packet is STUN and passed the Port checks. // Perform our own checks to ensure this packet is valid. // If this is a STUN request, then update the readable bit and respond. // If this is a STUN response, then update the writable bit. switch (msg->type()) { case STUN_BINDING_REQUEST: if (remote_ufrag == remote_candidate_.username()) { // Check for role conflicts. if (port_->IsStandardIce() && !port_->MaybeIceRoleConflict(addr, msg.get(), remote_ufrag)) { // Received conflicting role from the peer. LOG(LS_INFO) << "Received conflicting role from the peer."; return; } // Incoming, validated stun request from remote peer. // This call will also set the connection readable. port_->SendBindingResponse(msg.get(), addr); // If timed out sending writability checks, start up again if (!pruned_ && (write_state_ == STATE_WRITE_TIMEOUT)) set_write_state(STATE_WRITE_INIT); if ((port_->IsStandardIce()) && (port_->GetIceRole() == ICEROLE_CONTROLLED)) { const StunByteStringAttribute* use_candidate_attr = msg->GetByteString(STUN_ATTR_USE_CANDIDATE); if (use_candidate_attr) SignalUseCandidate(this); } } else { // The packet had the right local username, but the remote username // was not the right one for the remote address. LOG_J(LS_ERROR, this) << "Received STUN request with bad remote username " << remote_ufrag; port_->SendBindingErrorResponse(msg.get(), addr, STUN_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED, STUN_ERROR_REASON_UNAUTHORIZED); } break; // Response from remote peer. Does it match request sent? // This doesn't just check, it makes callbacks if transaction // id's match. case STUN_BINDING_RESPONSE: case STUN_BINDING_ERROR_RESPONSE: if (port_->IsGoogleIce() || msg->ValidateMessageIntegrity( data, size, remote_candidate().password())) { requests_.CheckResponse(msg.get()); } // Otherwise silently discard the response message. break; // Remote end point sent an STUN indication instead of regular // binding request. In this case |last_ping_received_| will be updated. // Otherwise we can mark connection to read timeout. No response will be // sent in this scenario. case STUN_BINDING_INDICATION: if (port_->IsStandardIce() && read_state_ == STATE_READABLE) { ReceivedPing(); } else { LOG_J(LS_WARNING, this) << "Received STUN binding indication " << "from an unreadable connection."; } break; default: ASSERT(false); break; } } } void Connection::OnReadyToSend() { if (write_state_ == STATE_WRITABLE) { SignalReadyToSend(this); } } void Connection::Prune() { if (!pruned_) { LOG_J(LS_VERBOSE, this) << "Connection pruned"; pruned_ = true; requests_.Clear(); set_write_state(STATE_WRITE_TIMEOUT); } } void Connection::Destroy() { LOG_J(LS_VERBOSE, this) << "Connection destroyed"; set_read_state(STATE_READ_TIMEOUT); set_write_state(STATE_WRITE_TIMEOUT); } void Connection::UpdateState(uint32 now) { uint32 rtt = ConservativeRTTEstimate(rtt_); std::string pings; for (size_t i = 0; i < pings_since_last_response_.size(); ++i) { char buf[32]; talk_base::sprintfn(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", pings_since_last_response_[i]); pings.append(buf).append(" "); } LOG_J(LS_VERBOSE, this) << "UpdateState(): pings_since_last_response_=" << pings << ", rtt=" << rtt << ", now=" << now; // Check the readable state. // // Since we don't know how many pings the other side has attempted, the best // test we can do is a simple window. // If other side has not sent ping after connection has become readable, use // |last_data_received_| as the indication. // If remote endpoint is doing RFC 5245, it's not required to send ping // after connection is established. If this connection is serving a data // channel, it may not be in a position to send media continuously. Do not // mark connection timeout if it's in RFC5245 mode. // Below check will be performed with end point if it's doing google-ice. if (port_->IsGoogleIce() && (read_state_ == STATE_READABLE) && (last_ping_received_ + CONNECTION_READ_TIMEOUT <= now) && (last_data_received_ + CONNECTION_READ_TIMEOUT <= now)) { LOG_J(LS_INFO, this) << "Unreadable after " << now - last_ping_received_ << " ms without a ping," << " ms since last received response=" << now - last_ping_response_received_ << " ms since last received data=" << now - last_data_received_ << " rtt=" << rtt; set_read_state(STATE_READ_TIMEOUT); } // Check the writable state. (The order of these checks is important.) // // Before becoming unwritable, we allow for a fixed number of pings to fail // (i.e., receive no response). We also have to give the response time to // get back, so we include a conservative estimate of this. // // Before timing out writability, we give a fixed amount of time. This is to // allow for changes in network conditions. if ((write_state_ == STATE_WRITABLE) && TooManyFailures(pings_since_last_response_, CONNECTION_WRITE_CONNECT_FAILURES, rtt, now) && TooLongWithoutResponse(pings_since_last_response_, CONNECTION_WRITE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, now)) { uint32 max_pings = CONNECTION_WRITE_CONNECT_FAILURES; LOG_J(LS_INFO, this) << "Unwritable after " << max_pings << " ping failures and " << now - pings_since_last_response_[0] << " ms without a response," << " ms since last received ping=" << now - last_ping_received_ << " ms since last received data=" << now - last_data_received_ << " rtt=" << rtt; set_write_state(STATE_WRITE_UNRELIABLE); } if ((write_state_ == STATE_WRITE_UNRELIABLE || write_state_ == STATE_WRITE_INIT) && TooLongWithoutResponse(pings_since_last_response_, CONNECTION_WRITE_TIMEOUT, now)) { LOG_J(LS_INFO, this) << "Timed out after " << now - pings_since_last_response_[0] << " ms without a response, rtt=" << rtt; set_write_state(STATE_WRITE_TIMEOUT); } } void Connection::Ping(uint32 now) { ASSERT(connected_); last_ping_sent_ = now; pings_since_last_response_.push_back(now); ConnectionRequest *req = new ConnectionRequest(this); LOG_J(LS_VERBOSE, this) << "Sending STUN ping " << req->id() << " at " << now; requests_.Send(req); state_ = STATE_INPROGRESS; } void Connection::ReceivedPing() { last_ping_received_ = talk_base::Time(); set_read_state(STATE_READABLE); } std::string Connection::ToString() const { const char CONNECT_STATE_ABBREV[2] = { '-', // not connected (false) 'C', // connected (true) }; const char READ_STATE_ABBREV[3] = { '-', // STATE_READ_INIT 'R', // STATE_READABLE 'x', // STATE_READ_TIMEOUT }; const char WRITE_STATE_ABBREV[4] = { 'W', // STATE_WRITABLE 'w', // STATE_WRITE_UNRELIABLE '-', // STATE_WRITE_INIT 'x', // STATE_WRITE_TIMEOUT }; const std::string ICESTATE[4] = { "W", // STATE_WAITING "I", // STATE_INPROGRESS "S", // STATE_SUCCEEDED "F" // STATE_FAILED }; const Candidate& local = local_candidate(); const Candidate& remote = remote_candidate(); std::stringstream ss; ss << "Conn[" << port_->content_name() << ":" << local.id() << ":" << local.component() << ":" << local.generation() << ":" << local.type() << ":" << local.protocol() << ":" << local.address().ToSensitiveString() << "->" << remote.id() << ":" << remote.component() << ":" << remote.preference() << ":" << remote.type() << ":" << remote.protocol() << ":" << remote.address().ToSensitiveString() << "|" << CONNECT_STATE_ABBREV[connected()] << READ_STATE_ABBREV[read_state()] << WRITE_STATE_ABBREV[write_state()] << ICESTATE[state()] << "|" << priority() << "|"; if (rtt_ < DEFAULT_RTT) { ss << rtt_ << "]"; } else { ss << "-]"; } return ss.str(); } std::string Connection::ToSensitiveString() const { return ToString(); } void Connection::OnConnectionRequestResponse(ConnectionRequest* request, StunMessage* response) { // We've already validated that this is a STUN binding response with // the correct local and remote username for this connection. // So if we're not already, become writable. We may be bringing a pruned // connection back to life, but if we don't really want it, we can always // prune it again. uint32 rtt = request->Elapsed(); set_write_state(STATE_WRITABLE); set_state(STATE_SUCCEEDED); if (remote_ice_mode_ == ICEMODE_LITE) { // A ice-lite end point never initiates ping requests. This will allow // us to move to STATE_READABLE. ReceivedPing(); } std::string pings; for (size_t i = 0; i < pings_since_last_response_.size(); ++i) { char buf[32]; talk_base::sprintfn(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", pings_since_last_response_[i]); pings.append(buf).append(" "); } talk_base::LoggingSeverity level = (pings_since_last_response_.size() > CONNECTION_WRITE_CONNECT_FAILURES) ? talk_base::LS_INFO : talk_base::LS_VERBOSE; LOG_JV(level, this) << "Received STUN ping response " << request->id() << ", pings_since_last_response_=" << pings << ", rtt=" << rtt; pings_since_last_response_.clear(); last_ping_response_received_ = talk_base::Time(); rtt_ = (RTT_RATIO * rtt_ + rtt) / (RTT_RATIO + 1); // Peer reflexive candidate is only for RFC 5245 ICE. if (port_->IsStandardIce()) { MaybeAddPrflxCandidate(request, response); } } void Connection::OnConnectionRequestErrorResponse(ConnectionRequest* request, StunMessage* response) { const StunErrorCodeAttribute* error_attr = response->GetErrorCode(); int error_code = STUN_ERROR_GLOBAL_FAILURE; if (error_attr) { if (port_->IsGoogleIce()) { // When doing GICE, the error code is written out incorrectly, so we need // to unmunge it here. error_code = error_attr->eclass() * 256 + error_attr->number(); } else { error_code = error_attr->code(); } } if (error_code == STUN_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE || error_code == STUN_ERROR_SERVER_ERROR || error_code == STUN_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED) { // Recoverable error, retry } else if (error_code == STUN_ERROR_STALE_CREDENTIALS) { // Race failure, retry } else if (error_code == STUN_ERROR_ROLE_CONFLICT) { HandleRoleConflictFromPeer(); } else { // This is not a valid connection. LOG_J(LS_ERROR, this) << "Received STUN error response, code=" << error_code << "; killing connection"; set_state(STATE_FAILED); set_write_state(STATE_WRITE_TIMEOUT); } } void Connection::OnConnectionRequestTimeout(ConnectionRequest* request) { // Log at LS_INFO if we miss a ping on a writable connection. talk_base::LoggingSeverity sev = (write_state_ == STATE_WRITABLE) ? talk_base::LS_INFO : talk_base::LS_VERBOSE; LOG_JV(sev, this) << "Timing-out STUN ping " << request->id() << " after " << request->Elapsed() << " ms"; } void Connection::CheckTimeout() { // If both read and write have timed out or read has never initialized, then // this connection can contribute no more to p2p socket unless at some later // date readability were to come back. However, we gave readability a long // time to timeout, so at this point, it seems fair to get rid of this // connection. if ((read_state_ == STATE_READ_TIMEOUT || read_state_ == STATE_READ_INIT) && write_state_ == STATE_WRITE_TIMEOUT) { port_->thread()->Post(this, MSG_DELETE); } } void Connection::HandleRoleConflictFromPeer() { port_->SignalRoleConflict(port_); } void Connection::OnMessage(talk_base::Message *pmsg) { ASSERT(pmsg->message_id == MSG_DELETE); LOG_J(LS_INFO, this) << "Connection deleted"; SignalDestroyed(this); delete this; } size_t Connection::recv_bytes_second() { return recv_rate_tracker_.units_second(); } size_t Connection::recv_total_bytes() { return recv_rate_tracker_.total_units(); } size_t Connection::sent_bytes_second() { return send_rate_tracker_.units_second(); } size_t Connection::sent_total_bytes() { return send_rate_tracker_.total_units(); } void Connection::MaybeAddPrflxCandidate(ConnectionRequest* request, StunMessage* response) { // RFC 5245 // The agent checks the mapped address from the STUN response. If the // transport address does not match any of the local candidates that the // agent knows about, the mapped address represents a new candidate -- a // peer reflexive candidate. const StunAddressAttribute* addr = response->GetAddress(STUN_ATTR_XOR_MAPPED_ADDRESS); if (!addr) { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Connection::OnConnectionRequestResponse - " << "No MAPPED-ADDRESS or XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS found in the " << "stun response message"; return; } bool known_addr = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < port_->Candidates().size(); ++i) { if (port_->Candidates()[i].address() == addr->GetAddress()) { known_addr = true; break; } } if (known_addr) { return; } // RFC 5245 // Its priority is set equal to the value of the PRIORITY attribute // in the Binding request. const StunUInt32Attribute* priority_attr = request->msg()->GetUInt32(STUN_ATTR_PRIORITY); if (!priority_attr) { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Connection::OnConnectionRequestResponse - " << "No STUN_ATTR_PRIORITY found in the " << "stun response message"; return; } const uint32 priority = priority_attr->value(); std::string id = talk_base::CreateRandomString(8); Candidate new_local_candidate; new_local_candidate.set_id(id); new_local_candidate.set_component(local_candidate().component()); new_local_candidate.set_type(PRFLX_PORT_TYPE); new_local_candidate.set_protocol(local_candidate().protocol()); new_local_candidate.set_address(addr->GetAddress()); new_local_candidate.set_priority(priority); new_local_candidate.set_username(local_candidate().username()); new_local_candidate.set_password(local_candidate().password()); new_local_candidate.set_network_name(local_candidate().network_name()); new_local_candidate.set_related_address(local_candidate().address()); new_local_candidate.set_foundation( ComputeFoundation(PRFLX_PORT_TYPE, local_candidate().protocol(), local_candidate().address())); // Change the local candidate of this Connection to the new prflx candidate. local_candidate_index_ = port_->AddPrflxCandidate(new_local_candidate); // SignalStateChange to force a re-sort in P2PTransportChannel as this // Connection's local candidate has changed. SignalStateChange(this); } ProxyConnection::ProxyConnection(Port* port, size_t index, const Candidate& candidate) : Connection(port, index, candidate), error_(0) { } int ProxyConnection::Send(const void* data, size_t size, const talk_base::PacketOptions& options) { if (write_state_ == STATE_WRITE_INIT || write_state_ == STATE_WRITE_TIMEOUT) { error_ = EWOULDBLOCK; return SOCKET_ERROR; } int sent = port_->SendTo(data, size, remote_candidate_.address(), options, true); if (sent <= 0) { ASSERT(sent < 0); error_ = port_->GetError(); } else { send_rate_tracker_.Update(sent); } return sent; } } // namespace cricket