# Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license # that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source # tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found # in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may # be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := STATIC_LIBRARIES LOCAL_MODULE := libwebrtc_rtp_rtcp LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION := .cc LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES := LOCAL_SRC_FILES := bitrate.cc \ rtp_rtcp_impl.cc \ rtcp_receiver.cc \ rtcp_receiver_help.cc \ rtcp_sender.cc \ rtcp_utility.cc \ rtp_receiver.cc \ rtp_sender.cc \ rtp_utility.cc \ ssrc_database.cc \ tmmbr_help.cc \ dtmf_queue.cc \ rtp_receiver_audio.cc \ rtp_sender_audio.cc \ bandwidth_management.cc \ forward_error_correction.cc \ forward_error_correction_internal.cc \ overuse_detector.cc \ h263_information.cc \ remote_rate_control.cc \ receiver_fec.cc \ rtp_receiver_video.cc \ rtp_sender_video.cc \ rtp_format_vp8.cc # Flags passed to both C and C++ files. MY_CFLAGS := MY_CFLAGS_C := MY_DEFS := '-DNO_TCMALLOC' \ '-DNO_HEAPCHECKER' \ '-DWEBRTC_TARGET_PC' \ '-DWEBRTC_LINUX' \ '-DWEBRTC_THREAD_RR' \ '-DWEBRTC_ANDROID' \ '-DANDROID' LOCAL_CFLAGS := $(MY_CFLAGS_C) $(MY_CFLAGS) $(MY_DEFS) # Include paths placed before CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../.. \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../interface \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../interface \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../system_wrappers/interface # Flags passed to only C++ (and not C) files. LOCAL_CPPFLAGS := LOCAL_LDFLAGS := LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libcutils \ libdl \ libstlport LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES := include external/stlport/libstlport.mk include $(BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY)