/* * libjingle * Copyright 2004 Google Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "talk/session/media/channel.h" #include "talk/base/buffer.h" #include "talk/base/byteorder.h" #include "talk/base/common.h" #include "talk/base/dscp.h" #include "talk/base/logging.h" #include "talk/media/base/rtputils.h" #include "talk/p2p/base/transportchannel.h" #include "talk/session/media/channelmanager.h" #include "talk/session/media/mediamessages.h" #include "talk/session/media/rtcpmuxfilter.h" #include "talk/session/media/typingmonitor.h" namespace cricket { enum { MSG_ENABLE = 1, MSG_DISABLE, MSG_MUTESTREAM, MSG_ISSTREAMMUTED, MSG_SETREMOTECONTENT, MSG_SETLOCALCONTENT, MSG_EARLYMEDIATIMEOUT, MSG_CANINSERTDTMF, MSG_INSERTDTMF, MSG_GETSTATS, MSG_SETRENDERER, MSG_ADDRECVSTREAM, MSG_REMOVERECVSTREAM, MSG_ADDSENDSTREAM, MSG_REMOVESENDSTREAM, MSG_SETRINGBACKTONE, MSG_PLAYRINGBACKTONE, MSG_SETMAXSENDBANDWIDTH, MSG_ADDSCREENCAST, MSG_REMOVESCREENCAST, MSG_SENDINTRAFRAME, MSG_REQUESTINTRAFRAME, MSG_SCREENCASTWINDOWEVENT, MSG_RTPPACKET, MSG_RTCPPACKET, MSG_CHANNEL_ERROR, MSG_SETCHANNELOPTIONS, MSG_SCALEVOLUME, MSG_HANDLEVIEWREQUEST, MSG_READYTOSENDDATA, MSG_SENDDATA, MSG_DATARECEIVED, MSG_SETCAPTURER, MSG_ISSCREENCASTING, MSG_GETSCREENCASTDETAILS, MSG_SETSCREENCASTFACTORY, MSG_FIRSTPACKETRECEIVED, MSG_SESSION_ERROR, MSG_NEWSTREAMRECEIVED, }; // Value specified in RFC 5764. static const char kDtlsSrtpExporterLabel[] = "EXTRACTOR-dtls_srtp"; static const int kAgcMinus10db = -10; // TODO(hellner): use the device manager for creation of screen capturers when // the cl enabling it has landed. class NullScreenCapturerFactory : public VideoChannel::ScreenCapturerFactory { public: VideoCapturer* CreateScreenCapturer(const ScreencastId& window) { return NULL; } }; VideoChannel::ScreenCapturerFactory* CreateScreenCapturerFactory() { return new NullScreenCapturerFactory(); } struct SetContentData : public talk_base::MessageData { SetContentData(const MediaContentDescription* content, ContentAction action) : content(content), action(action), result(false) { } const MediaContentDescription* content; ContentAction action; bool result; }; struct SetBandwidthData : public talk_base::MessageData { explicit SetBandwidthData(int value) : value(value), result(false) {} int value; bool result; }; struct SetRingbackToneMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { SetRingbackToneMessageData(const void* b, int l) : buf(b), len(l), result(false) { } const void* buf; int len; bool result; }; struct PlayRingbackToneMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { PlayRingbackToneMessageData(uint32 s, bool p, bool l) : ssrc(s), play(p), loop(l), result(false) { } uint32 ssrc; bool play; bool loop; bool result; }; typedef talk_base::TypedMessageData BoolMessageData; struct DtmfMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { DtmfMessageData(uint32 ssrc, int event, int duration, int flags) : ssrc(ssrc), event(event), duration(duration), flags(flags), result(false) { } uint32 ssrc; int event; int duration; int flags; bool result; }; struct ScaleVolumeMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { ScaleVolumeMessageData(uint32 s, double l, double r) : ssrc(s), left(l), right(r), result(false) { } uint32 ssrc; double left; double right; bool result; }; struct VoiceStatsMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { explicit VoiceStatsMessageData(VoiceMediaInfo* stats) : result(false), stats(stats) { } bool result; VoiceMediaInfo* stats; }; struct VideoStatsMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { explicit VideoStatsMessageData(VideoMediaInfo* stats) : result(false), stats(stats) { } bool result; VideoMediaInfo* stats; }; struct PacketMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { talk_base::Buffer packet; talk_base::DiffServCodePoint dscp; }; struct AudioRenderMessageData: public talk_base::MessageData { AudioRenderMessageData(uint32 s, AudioRenderer* r, bool l) : ssrc(s), renderer(r), is_local(l), result(false) {} uint32 ssrc; AudioRenderer* renderer; bool is_local; bool result; }; struct VideoRenderMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { VideoRenderMessageData(uint32 s, VideoRenderer* r) : ssrc(s), renderer(r) {} uint32 ssrc; VideoRenderer* renderer; }; struct AddScreencastMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { AddScreencastMessageData(uint32 s, const ScreencastId& id) : ssrc(s), window_id(id), result(NULL) { } uint32 ssrc; ScreencastId window_id; VideoCapturer* result; }; struct RemoveScreencastMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { explicit RemoveScreencastMessageData(uint32 s) : ssrc(s), result(false) {} uint32 ssrc; bool result; }; struct ScreencastEventMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { ScreencastEventMessageData(uint32 s, talk_base::WindowEvent we) : ssrc(s), event(we) { } uint32 ssrc; talk_base::WindowEvent event; }; struct ViewRequestMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { explicit ViewRequestMessageData(const ViewRequest& r) : request(r), result(false) { } ViewRequest request; bool result; }; struct VoiceChannelErrorMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { VoiceChannelErrorMessageData(uint32 in_ssrc, VoiceMediaChannel::Error in_error) : ssrc(in_ssrc), error(in_error) { } uint32 ssrc; VoiceMediaChannel::Error error; }; struct VideoChannelErrorMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { VideoChannelErrorMessageData(uint32 in_ssrc, VideoMediaChannel::Error in_error) : ssrc(in_ssrc), error(in_error) { } uint32 ssrc; VideoMediaChannel::Error error; }; struct DataChannelErrorMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { DataChannelErrorMessageData(uint32 in_ssrc, DataMediaChannel::Error in_error) : ssrc(in_ssrc), error(in_error) {} uint32 ssrc; DataMediaChannel::Error error; }; struct SessionErrorMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { explicit SessionErrorMessageData(cricket::BaseSession::Error error) : error_(error) {} BaseSession::Error error_; }; struct SsrcMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { explicit SsrcMessageData(uint32 ssrc) : ssrc(ssrc), result(false) {} uint32 ssrc; bool result; }; struct StreamMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { explicit StreamMessageData(const StreamParams& in_sp) : sp(in_sp), result(false) { } StreamParams sp; bool result; }; struct MuteStreamData : public talk_base::MessageData { MuteStreamData(uint32 ssrc, bool mute) : ssrc(ssrc), mute(mute), result(false) {} uint32 ssrc; bool mute; bool result; }; struct AudioOptionsMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { explicit AudioOptionsMessageData(const AudioOptions& options) : options(options), result(false) { } AudioOptions options; bool result; }; struct VideoOptionsMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { explicit VideoOptionsMessageData(const VideoOptions& options) : options(options), result(false) { } VideoOptions options; bool result; }; struct SetCapturerMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { SetCapturerMessageData(uint32 s, VideoCapturer* c) : ssrc(s), capturer(c), result(false) { } uint32 ssrc; VideoCapturer* capturer; bool result; }; struct IsScreencastingMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { IsScreencastingMessageData() : result(false) { } bool result; }; struct VideoChannel::ScreencastDetailsMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { explicit ScreencastDetailsMessageData(uint32 s) : ssrc(s), fps(0), screencast_max_pixels(0) { } uint32 ssrc; int fps; int screencast_max_pixels; }; struct SetScreenCaptureFactoryMessageData : public talk_base::MessageData { explicit SetScreenCaptureFactoryMessageData( VideoChannel::ScreenCapturerFactory* f) : screencapture_factory(f) { } VideoChannel::ScreenCapturerFactory* screencapture_factory; }; static const char* PacketType(bool rtcp) { return (!rtcp) ? "RTP" : "RTCP"; } static bool ValidPacket(bool rtcp, const talk_base::Buffer* packet) { // Check the packet size. We could check the header too if needed. return (packet && packet->length() >= (!rtcp ? kMinRtpPacketLen : kMinRtcpPacketLen) && packet->length() <= kMaxRtpPacketLen); } static bool IsReceiveContentDirection(MediaContentDirection direction) { return direction == MD_SENDRECV || direction == MD_RECVONLY; } static bool IsSendContentDirection(MediaContentDirection direction) { return direction == MD_SENDRECV || direction == MD_SENDONLY; } static const MediaContentDescription* GetContentDescription( const ContentInfo* cinfo) { if (cinfo == NULL) return NULL; return static_cast(cinfo->description); } BaseChannel::BaseChannel(talk_base::Thread* thread, MediaEngineInterface* media_engine, MediaChannel* media_channel, BaseSession* session, const std::string& content_name, bool rtcp) : worker_thread_(thread), media_engine_(media_engine), session_(session), media_channel_(media_channel), content_name_(content_name), rtcp_(rtcp), transport_channel_(NULL), rtcp_transport_channel_(NULL), enabled_(false), writable_(false), rtp_ready_to_send_(false), rtcp_ready_to_send_(false), was_ever_writable_(false), local_content_direction_(MD_INACTIVE), remote_content_direction_(MD_INACTIVE), has_received_packet_(false), dtls_keyed_(false), secure_required_(false) { ASSERT(worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current()); LOG(LS_INFO) << "Created channel for " << content_name; } BaseChannel::~BaseChannel() { ASSERT(worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current()); Deinit(); StopConnectionMonitor(); FlushRtcpMessages(); // Send any outstanding RTCP packets. Clear(); // eats any outstanding messages or packets // We must destroy the media channel before the transport channel, otherwise // the media channel may try to send on the dead transport channel. NULLing // is not an effective strategy since the sends will come on another thread. delete media_channel_; set_rtcp_transport_channel(NULL); if (transport_channel_ != NULL) session_->DestroyChannel(content_name_, transport_channel_->component()); LOG(LS_INFO) << "Destroyed channel"; } bool BaseChannel::Init(TransportChannel* transport_channel, TransportChannel* rtcp_transport_channel) { if (transport_channel == NULL) { return false; } if (rtcp() && rtcp_transport_channel == NULL) { return false; } transport_channel_ = transport_channel; if (!SetDtlsSrtpCiphers(transport_channel_, false)) { return false; } transport_channel_->SignalWritableState.connect( this, &BaseChannel::OnWritableState); transport_channel_->SignalReadPacket.connect( this, &BaseChannel::OnChannelRead); transport_channel_->SignalReadyToSend.connect( this, &BaseChannel::OnReadyToSend); session_->SignalNewLocalDescription.connect( this, &BaseChannel::OnNewLocalDescription); session_->SignalNewRemoteDescription.connect( this, &BaseChannel::OnNewRemoteDescription); set_rtcp_transport_channel(rtcp_transport_channel); // Both RTP and RTCP channels are set, we can call SetInterface on // media channel and it can set network options. media_channel_->SetInterface(this); return true; } void BaseChannel::Deinit() { media_channel_->SetInterface(NULL); } // Can be called from thread other than worker thread bool BaseChannel::Enable(bool enable) { Send(enable ? MSG_ENABLE : MSG_DISABLE); return true; } // Can be called from thread other than worker thread bool BaseChannel::MuteStream(uint32 ssrc, bool mute) { MuteStreamData data(ssrc, mute); Send(MSG_MUTESTREAM, &data); return data.result; } bool BaseChannel::IsStreamMuted(uint32 ssrc) { SsrcMessageData data(ssrc); Send(MSG_ISSTREAMMUTED, &data); return data.result; } bool BaseChannel::AddRecvStream(const StreamParams& sp) { StreamMessageData data(sp); Send(MSG_ADDRECVSTREAM, &data); return data.result; } bool BaseChannel::RemoveRecvStream(uint32 ssrc) { SsrcMessageData data(ssrc); Send(MSG_REMOVERECVSTREAM, &data); return data.result; } bool BaseChannel::AddSendStream(const StreamParams& sp) { StreamMessageData data(sp); Send(MSG_ADDSENDSTREAM, &data); return data.result; } bool BaseChannel::RemoveSendStream(uint32 ssrc) { SsrcMessageData data(ssrc); Send(MSG_REMOVESENDSTREAM, &data); return data.result; } bool BaseChannel::SetLocalContent(const MediaContentDescription* content, ContentAction action) { SetContentData data(content, action); Send(MSG_SETLOCALCONTENT, &data); return data.result; } bool BaseChannel::SetRemoteContent(const MediaContentDescription* content, ContentAction action) { SetContentData data(content, action); Send(MSG_SETREMOTECONTENT, &data); return data.result; } bool BaseChannel::SetMaxSendBandwidth(int max_bandwidth) { SetBandwidthData data(max_bandwidth); Send(MSG_SETMAXSENDBANDWIDTH, &data); return data.result; } void BaseChannel::StartConnectionMonitor(int cms) { socket_monitor_.reset(new SocketMonitor(transport_channel_, worker_thread(), talk_base::Thread::Current())); socket_monitor_->SignalUpdate.connect( this, &BaseChannel::OnConnectionMonitorUpdate); socket_monitor_->Start(cms); } void BaseChannel::StopConnectionMonitor() { if (socket_monitor_) { socket_monitor_->Stop(); socket_monitor_.reset(); } } void BaseChannel::set_rtcp_transport_channel(TransportChannel* channel) { if (rtcp_transport_channel_ != channel) { if (rtcp_transport_channel_) { session_->DestroyChannel( content_name_, rtcp_transport_channel_->component()); } rtcp_transport_channel_ = channel; if (rtcp_transport_channel_) { // TODO(juberti): Propagate this error code VERIFY(SetDtlsSrtpCiphers(rtcp_transport_channel_, true)); rtcp_transport_channel_->SignalWritableState.connect( this, &BaseChannel::OnWritableState); rtcp_transport_channel_->SignalReadPacket.connect( this, &BaseChannel::OnChannelRead); rtcp_transport_channel_->SignalReadyToSend.connect( this, &BaseChannel::OnReadyToSend); } } } bool BaseChannel::IsReadyToReceive() const { // Receive data if we are enabled and have local content, return enabled() && IsReceiveContentDirection(local_content_direction_); } bool BaseChannel::IsReadyToSend() const { // Send outgoing data if we are enabled, have local and remote content, // and we have had some form of connectivity. return enabled() && IsReceiveContentDirection(remote_content_direction_) && IsSendContentDirection(local_content_direction_) && was_ever_writable(); } bool BaseChannel::SendPacket(talk_base::Buffer* packet, talk_base::DiffServCodePoint dscp) { return SendPacket(false, packet, dscp); } bool BaseChannel::SendRtcp(talk_base::Buffer* packet, talk_base::DiffServCodePoint dscp) { return SendPacket(true, packet, dscp); } int BaseChannel::SetOption(SocketType type, talk_base::Socket::Option opt, int value) { TransportChannel* channel = NULL; switch (type) { case ST_RTP: channel = transport_channel_; break; case ST_RTCP: channel = rtcp_transport_channel_; break; } return channel ? channel->SetOption(opt, value) : -1; } void BaseChannel::OnWritableState(TransportChannel* channel) { ASSERT(channel == transport_channel_ || channel == rtcp_transport_channel_); if (transport_channel_->writable() && (!rtcp_transport_channel_ || rtcp_transport_channel_->writable())) { ChannelWritable_w(); } else { ChannelNotWritable_w(); } } void BaseChannel::OnChannelRead(TransportChannel* channel, const char* data, size_t len, const talk_base::PacketTime& packet_time, int flags) { // OnChannelRead gets called from P2PSocket; now pass data to MediaEngine ASSERT(worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current()); // When using RTCP multiplexing we might get RTCP packets on the RTP // transport. We feed RTP traffic into the demuxer to determine if it is RTCP. bool rtcp = PacketIsRtcp(channel, data, len); talk_base::Buffer packet(data, len); HandlePacket(rtcp, &packet, packet_time); } void BaseChannel::OnReadyToSend(TransportChannel* channel) { SetReadyToSend(channel, true); } void BaseChannel::SetReadyToSend(TransportChannel* channel, bool ready) { ASSERT(channel == transport_channel_ || channel == rtcp_transport_channel_); if (channel == transport_channel_) { rtp_ready_to_send_ = ready; } if (channel == rtcp_transport_channel_) { rtcp_ready_to_send_ = ready; } if (!ready) { // Notify the MediaChannel when either rtp or rtcp channel can't send. media_channel_->OnReadyToSend(false); } else if (rtp_ready_to_send_ && // In the case of rtcp mux |rtcp_transport_channel_| will be null. (rtcp_ready_to_send_ || !rtcp_transport_channel_)) { // Notify the MediaChannel when both rtp and rtcp channel can send. media_channel_->OnReadyToSend(true); } } bool BaseChannel::PacketIsRtcp(const TransportChannel* channel, const char* data, size_t len) { return (channel == rtcp_transport_channel_ || rtcp_mux_filter_.DemuxRtcp(data, static_cast(len))); } bool BaseChannel::SendPacket(bool rtcp, talk_base::Buffer* packet, talk_base::DiffServCodePoint dscp) { // SendPacket gets called from MediaEngine, typically on an encoder thread. // If the thread is not our worker thread, we will post to our worker // so that the real work happens on our worker. This avoids us having to // synchronize access to all the pieces of the send path, including // SRTP and the inner workings of the transport channels. // The only downside is that we can't return a proper failure code if // needed. Since UDP is unreliable anyway, this should be a non-issue. if (talk_base::Thread::Current() != worker_thread_) { // Avoid a copy by transferring the ownership of the packet data. int message_id = (!rtcp) ? MSG_RTPPACKET : MSG_RTCPPACKET; PacketMessageData* data = new PacketMessageData; packet->TransferTo(&data->packet); data->dscp = dscp; worker_thread_->Post(this, message_id, data); return true; } // Now that we are on the correct thread, ensure we have a place to send this // packet before doing anything. (We might get RTCP packets that we don't // intend to send.) If we've negotiated RTCP mux, send RTCP over the RTP // transport. TransportChannel* channel = (!rtcp || rtcp_mux_filter_.IsActive()) ? transport_channel_ : rtcp_transport_channel_; if (!channel || !channel->writable()) { return false; } // Protect ourselves against crazy data. if (!ValidPacket(rtcp, packet)) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Dropping outgoing " << content_name_ << " " << PacketType(rtcp) << " packet: wrong size=" << packet->length(); return false; } // Signal to the media sink before protecting the packet. { talk_base::CritScope cs(&signal_send_packet_cs_); SignalSendPacketPreCrypto(packet->data(), packet->length(), rtcp); } // Protect if needed. if (srtp_filter_.IsActive()) { bool res; char* data = packet->data(); int len = static_cast(packet->length()); if (!rtcp) { res = srtp_filter_.ProtectRtp(data, len, static_cast(packet->capacity()), &len); if (!res) { int seq_num = -1; uint32 ssrc = 0; GetRtpSeqNum(data, len, &seq_num); GetRtpSsrc(data, len, &ssrc); LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to protect " << content_name_ << " RTP packet: size=" << len << ", seqnum=" << seq_num << ", SSRC=" << ssrc; return false; } } else { res = srtp_filter_.ProtectRtcp(data, len, static_cast(packet->capacity()), &len); if (!res) { int type = -1; GetRtcpType(data, len, &type); LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to protect " << content_name_ << " RTCP packet: size=" << len << ", type=" << type; return false; } } // Update the length of the packet now that we've added the auth tag. packet->SetLength(len); } else if (secure_required_) { // This is a double check for something that supposedly can't happen. LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Can't send outgoing " << PacketType(rtcp) << " packet when SRTP is inactive and crypto is required"; ASSERT(false); return false; } // Signal to the media sink after protecting the packet. { talk_base::CritScope cs(&signal_send_packet_cs_); SignalSendPacketPostCrypto(packet->data(), packet->length(), rtcp); } // Bon voyage. int ret = channel->SendPacket(packet->data(), packet->length(), dscp, (secure() && secure_dtls()) ? PF_SRTP_BYPASS : 0); if (ret != static_cast(packet->length())) { if (channel->GetError() == EWOULDBLOCK) { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Got EWOULDBLOCK from socket."; SetReadyToSend(channel, false); } return false; } return true; } bool BaseChannel::WantsPacket(bool rtcp, talk_base::Buffer* packet) { // Protect ourselves against crazy data. if (!ValidPacket(rtcp, packet)) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Dropping incoming " << content_name_ << " " << PacketType(rtcp) << " packet: wrong size=" << packet->length(); return false; } // If this channel is suppose to handle RTP data, that is determined by // checking against ssrc filter. This is necessary to do it here to avoid // double decryption. if (ssrc_filter_.IsActive() && !ssrc_filter_.DemuxPacket(packet->data(), packet->length(), rtcp)) { return false; } return true; } void BaseChannel::HandlePacket(bool rtcp, talk_base::Buffer* packet, const talk_base::PacketTime& packet_time) { if (!WantsPacket(rtcp, packet)) { return; } if (!has_received_packet_) { has_received_packet_ = true; signaling_thread()->Post(this, MSG_FIRSTPACKETRECEIVED); } // Signal to the media sink before unprotecting the packet. { talk_base::CritScope cs(&signal_recv_packet_cs_); SignalRecvPacketPostCrypto(packet->data(), packet->length(), rtcp); } // Unprotect the packet, if needed. if (srtp_filter_.IsActive()) { char* data = packet->data(); int len = static_cast(packet->length()); bool res; if (!rtcp) { res = srtp_filter_.UnprotectRtp(data, len, &len); if (!res) { int seq_num = -1; uint32 ssrc = 0; GetRtpSeqNum(data, len, &seq_num); GetRtpSsrc(data, len, &ssrc); LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to unprotect " << content_name_ << " RTP packet: size=" << len << ", seqnum=" << seq_num << ", SSRC=" << ssrc; return; } } else { res = srtp_filter_.UnprotectRtcp(data, len, &len); if (!res) { int type = -1; GetRtcpType(data, len, &type); LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to unprotect " << content_name_ << " RTCP packet: size=" << len << ", type=" << type; return; } } packet->SetLength(len); } else if (secure_required_) { // Our session description indicates that SRTP is required, but we got a // packet before our SRTP filter is active. This means either that // a) we got SRTP packets before we received the SDES keys, in which case // we can't decrypt it anyway, or // b) we got SRTP packets before DTLS completed on both the RTP and RTCP // channels, so we haven't yet extracted keys, even if DTLS did complete // on the channel that the packets are being sent on. It's really good // practice to wait for both RTP and RTCP to be good to go before sending // media, to prevent weird failure modes, so it's fine for us to just eat // packets here. This is all sidestepped if RTCP mux is used anyway. LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Can't process incoming " << PacketType(rtcp) << " packet when SRTP is inactive and crypto is required"; return; } // Signal to the media sink after unprotecting the packet. { talk_base::CritScope cs(&signal_recv_packet_cs_); SignalRecvPacketPreCrypto(packet->data(), packet->length(), rtcp); } // Push it down to the media channel. if (!rtcp) { media_channel_->OnPacketReceived(packet, packet_time); } else { media_channel_->OnRtcpReceived(packet, packet_time); } } void BaseChannel::OnNewLocalDescription( BaseSession* session, ContentAction action) { const ContentInfo* content_info = GetFirstContent(session->local_description()); const MediaContentDescription* content_desc = GetContentDescription(content_info); if (content_desc && content_info && !content_info->rejected && !SetLocalContent(content_desc, action)) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failure in SetLocalContent with action " << action; session->SetError(BaseSession::ERROR_CONTENT); } } void BaseChannel::OnNewRemoteDescription( BaseSession* session, ContentAction action) { const ContentInfo* content_info = GetFirstContent(session->remote_description()); const MediaContentDescription* content_desc = GetContentDescription(content_info); if (content_desc && content_info && !content_info->rejected && !SetRemoteContent(content_desc, action)) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failure in SetRemoteContent with action " << action; session->SetError(BaseSession::ERROR_CONTENT); } } void BaseChannel::EnableMedia_w() { ASSERT(worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current()); if (enabled_) return; LOG(LS_INFO) << "Channel enabled"; enabled_ = true; ChangeState(); } void BaseChannel::DisableMedia_w() { ASSERT(worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current()); if (!enabled_) return; LOG(LS_INFO) << "Channel disabled"; enabled_ = false; ChangeState(); } bool BaseChannel::MuteStream_w(uint32 ssrc, bool mute) { ASSERT(worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current()); bool ret = media_channel()->MuteStream(ssrc, mute); if (ret) { if (mute) muted_streams_.insert(ssrc); else muted_streams_.erase(ssrc); } return ret; } bool BaseChannel::IsStreamMuted_w(uint32 ssrc) { ASSERT(worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current()); return muted_streams_.find(ssrc) != muted_streams_.end(); } void BaseChannel::ChannelWritable_w() { ASSERT(worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current()); if (writable_) return; LOG(LS_INFO) << "Channel socket writable (" << transport_channel_->content_name() << ", " << transport_channel_->component() << ")" << (was_ever_writable_ ? "" : " for the first time"); std::vector infos; transport_channel_->GetStats(&infos); for (std::vector::const_iterator it = infos.begin(); it != infos.end(); ++it) { if (it->best_connection) { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Using " << it->local_candidate.ToSensitiveString() << "->" << it->remote_candidate.ToSensitiveString(); break; } } // If we're doing DTLS-SRTP, now is the time. if (!was_ever_writable_ && ShouldSetupDtlsSrtp()) { if (!SetupDtlsSrtp(false)) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Couldn't finish DTLS-SRTP on RTP channel"; SessionErrorMessageData data(BaseSession::ERROR_TRANSPORT); // Sent synchronously. signaling_thread()->Send(this, MSG_SESSION_ERROR, &data); return; } if (rtcp_transport_channel_) { if (!SetupDtlsSrtp(true)) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Couldn't finish DTLS-SRTP on RTCP channel"; SessionErrorMessageData data(BaseSession::ERROR_TRANSPORT); // Sent synchronously. signaling_thread()->Send(this, MSG_SESSION_ERROR, &data); return; } } } was_ever_writable_ = true; writable_ = true; ChangeState(); } bool BaseChannel::SetDtlsSrtpCiphers(TransportChannel *tc, bool rtcp) { std::vector ciphers; // We always use the default SRTP ciphers for RTCP, but we may use different // ciphers for RTP depending on the media type. if (!rtcp) { GetSrtpCiphers(&ciphers); } else { GetSupportedDefaultCryptoSuites(&ciphers); } return tc->SetSrtpCiphers(ciphers); } bool BaseChannel::ShouldSetupDtlsSrtp() const { return true; } // This function returns true if either DTLS-SRTP is not in use // *or* DTLS-SRTP is successfully set up. bool BaseChannel::SetupDtlsSrtp(bool rtcp_channel) { bool ret = false; TransportChannel *channel = rtcp_channel ? rtcp_transport_channel_ : transport_channel_; // No DTLS if (!channel->IsDtlsActive()) return true; std::string selected_cipher; if (!channel->GetSrtpCipher(&selected_cipher)) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "No DTLS-SRTP selected cipher"; return false; } LOG(LS_INFO) << "Installing keys from DTLS-SRTP on " << content_name() << " " << PacketType(rtcp_channel); // OK, we're now doing DTLS (RFC 5764) std::vector dtls_buffer(SRTP_MASTER_KEY_KEY_LEN * 2 + SRTP_MASTER_KEY_SALT_LEN * 2); // RFC 5705 exporter using the RFC 5764 parameters if (!channel->ExportKeyingMaterial( kDtlsSrtpExporterLabel, NULL, 0, false, &dtls_buffer[0], dtls_buffer.size())) { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "DTLS-SRTP key export failed"; ASSERT(false); // This should never happen return false; } // Sync up the keys with the DTLS-SRTP interface std::vector client_write_key(SRTP_MASTER_KEY_KEY_LEN + SRTP_MASTER_KEY_SALT_LEN); std::vector server_write_key(SRTP_MASTER_KEY_KEY_LEN + SRTP_MASTER_KEY_SALT_LEN); size_t offset = 0; memcpy(&client_write_key[0], &dtls_buffer[offset], SRTP_MASTER_KEY_KEY_LEN); offset += SRTP_MASTER_KEY_KEY_LEN; memcpy(&server_write_key[0], &dtls_buffer[offset], SRTP_MASTER_KEY_KEY_LEN); offset += SRTP_MASTER_KEY_KEY_LEN; memcpy(&client_write_key[SRTP_MASTER_KEY_KEY_LEN], &dtls_buffer[offset], SRTP_MASTER_KEY_SALT_LEN); offset += SRTP_MASTER_KEY_SALT_LEN; memcpy(&server_write_key[SRTP_MASTER_KEY_KEY_LEN], &dtls_buffer[offset], SRTP_MASTER_KEY_SALT_LEN); std::vector *send_key, *recv_key; talk_base::SSLRole role; if (!channel->GetSslRole(&role)) { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "GetSslRole failed"; return false; } if (role == talk_base::SSL_SERVER) { send_key = &server_write_key; recv_key = &client_write_key; } else { send_key = &client_write_key; recv_key = &server_write_key; } if (rtcp_channel) { ret = srtp_filter_.SetRtcpParams( selected_cipher, &(*send_key)[0], static_cast(send_key->size()), selected_cipher, &(*recv_key)[0], static_cast(recv_key->size())); } else { ret = srtp_filter_.SetRtpParams( selected_cipher, &(*send_key)[0], static_cast(send_key->size()), selected_cipher, &(*recv_key)[0], static_cast(recv_key->size())); } if (!ret) LOG(LS_WARNING) << "DTLS-SRTP key installation failed"; else dtls_keyed_ = true; return ret; } void BaseChannel::ChannelNotWritable_w() { ASSERT(worker_thread_ == talk_base::Thread::Current()); if (!writable_) return; LOG(LS_INFO) << "Channel socket not writable (" << transport_channel_->content_name() << ", " << transport_channel_->component() << ")"; writable_ = false; ChangeState(); } // Sets the maximum video bandwidth for automatic bandwidth adjustment. bool BaseChannel::SetMaxSendBandwidth_w(int max_bandwidth) { return media_channel()->SetSendBandwidth(true, max_bandwidth); } // |dtls| will be set to true if DTLS is active for transport channel and // crypto is empty. bool BaseChannel::CheckSrtpConfig(const std::vector& cryptos, bool* dtls) { *dtls = transport_channel_->IsDtlsActive(); if (*dtls && !cryptos.empty()) { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Cryptos must be empty when DTLS is active."; return false; } return true; } bool BaseChannel::SetSrtp_w(const std::vector& cryptos, ContentAction action, ContentSource src) { bool ret = false; bool dtls = false; ret = CheckSrtpConfig(cryptos, &dtls); switch (action) { case CA_OFFER: // If DTLS is already active on the channel, we could be renegotiating // here. We don't update the srtp filter. if (ret && !dtls) { ret = srtp_filter_.SetOffer(cryptos, src); } break; case CA_PRANSWER: // If we're doing DTLS-SRTP, we don't want to update the filter // with an answer, because we already have SRTP parameters. if (ret && !dtls) { ret = srtp_filter_.SetProvisionalAnswer(cryptos, src); } break; case CA_ANSWER: // If we're doing DTLS-SRTP, we don't want to update the filter // with an answer, because we already have SRTP parameters. if (ret && !dtls) { ret = srtp_filter_.SetAnswer(cryptos, src); } break; case CA_UPDATE: // no crypto params. ret = true; break; default: break; } return ret; } bool BaseChannel::SetRtcpMux_w(bool enable, ContentAction action, ContentSource src) { bool ret = false; switch (action) { case CA_OFFER: ret = rtcp_mux_filter_.SetOffer(enable, src); break; case CA_PRANSWER: ret = rtcp_mux_filter_.SetProvisionalAnswer(enable, src); break; case CA_ANSWER: ret = rtcp_mux_filter_.SetAnswer(enable, src); if (ret && rtcp_mux_filter_.IsActive()) { // We activated RTCP mux, close down the RTCP transport. set_rtcp_transport_channel(NULL); } break; case CA_UPDATE: // No RTCP mux info. ret = true; default: break; } // |rtcp_mux_filter_| can be active if |action| is CA_PRANSWER or // CA_ANSWER, but we only want to tear down the RTCP transport channel if we // received a final answer. if (ret && rtcp_mux_filter_.IsActive()) { // If the RTP transport is already writable, then so are we. if (transport_channel_->writable()) { ChannelWritable_w(); } } return ret; } bool BaseChannel::AddRecvStream_w(const StreamParams& sp) { ASSERT(worker_thread() == talk_base::Thread::Current()); if (!media_channel()->AddRecvStream(sp)) return false; return ssrc_filter_.AddStream(sp); } bool BaseChannel::RemoveRecvStream_w(uint32 ssrc) { ASSERT(worker_thread() == talk_base::Thread::Current()); ssrc_filter_.RemoveStream(ssrc); return media_channel()->RemoveRecvStream(ssrc); } bool BaseChannel::AddSendStream_w(const StreamParams& sp) { ASSERT(worker_thread() == talk_base::Thread::Current()); return media_channel()->AddSendStream(sp); } bool BaseChannel::RemoveSendStream_w(uint32 ssrc) { ASSERT(worker_thread() == talk_base::Thread::Current()); return media_channel()->RemoveSendStream(ssrc); } bool BaseChannel::UpdateLocalStreams_w(const std::vector& streams, ContentAction action) { if (!VERIFY(action == CA_OFFER || action == CA_ANSWER || action == CA_PRANSWER || action == CA_UPDATE)) return false; // If this is an update, streams only contain streams that have changed. if (action == CA_UPDATE) { for (StreamParamsVec::const_iterator it = streams.begin(); it != streams.end(); ++it) { StreamParams existing_stream; bool stream_exist = GetStreamByIds(local_streams_, it->groupid, it->id, &existing_stream); if (!stream_exist && it->has_ssrcs()) { if (media_channel()->AddSendStream(*it)) { local_streams_.push_back(*it); LOG(LS_INFO) << "Add send stream ssrc: " << it->first_ssrc(); } else { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Failed to add send stream ssrc: " << it->first_ssrc(); return false; } } else if (stream_exist && !it->has_ssrcs()) { if (!media_channel()->RemoveSendStream(existing_stream.first_ssrc())) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to remove send stream with ssrc " << it->first_ssrc() << "."; return false; } RemoveStreamBySsrc(&local_streams_, existing_stream.first_ssrc()); } else { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Ignore unsupported stream update"; } } return true; } // Else streams are all the streams we want to send. // Check for streams that have been removed. bool ret = true; for (StreamParamsVec::const_iterator it = local_streams_.begin(); it != local_streams_.end(); ++it) { if (!GetStreamBySsrc(streams, it->first_ssrc(), NULL)) { if (!media_channel()->RemoveSendStream(it->first_ssrc())) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to remove send stream with ssrc " << it->first_ssrc() << "."; ret = false; } } } // Check for new streams. for (StreamParamsVec::const_iterator it = streams.begin(); it != streams.end(); ++it) { if (!GetStreamBySsrc(local_streams_, it->first_ssrc(), NULL)) { if (media_channel()->AddSendStream(*it)) { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Add send ssrc: " << it->ssrcs[0]; } else { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Failed to add send stream ssrc: " << it->first_ssrc(); ret = false; } } } local_streams_ = streams; return ret; } bool BaseChannel::UpdateRemoteStreams_w( const std::vector& streams, ContentAction action) { if (!VERIFY(action == CA_OFFER || action == CA_ANSWER || action == CA_PRANSWER || action == CA_UPDATE)) return false; // If this is an update, streams only contain streams that have changed. if (action == CA_UPDATE) { for (StreamParamsVec::const_iterator it = streams.begin(); it != streams.end(); ++it) { StreamParams existing_stream; bool stream_exists = GetStreamByIds(remote_streams_, it->groupid, it->id, &existing_stream); if (!stream_exists && it->has_ssrcs()) { if (AddRecvStream_w(*it)) { remote_streams_.push_back(*it); LOG(LS_INFO) << "Add remote stream ssrc: " << it->first_ssrc(); } else { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Failed to add remote stream ssrc: " << it->first_ssrc(); return false; } } else if (stream_exists && !it->has_ssrcs()) { if (!RemoveRecvStream_w(existing_stream.first_ssrc())) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to remove remote stream with ssrc " << it->first_ssrc() << "."; return false; } RemoveStreamBySsrc(&remote_streams_, existing_stream.first_ssrc()); } else { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Ignore unsupported stream update." << " Stream exists? " << stream_exists << " existing stream = " << existing_stream.ToString() << " new stream = " << it->ToString(); } } return true; } // Else streams are all the streams we want to receive. // Check for streams that have been removed. bool ret = true; for (StreamParamsVec::const_iterator it = remote_streams_.begin(); it != remote_streams_.end(); ++it) { if (!GetStreamBySsrc(streams, it->first_ssrc(), NULL)) { if (!RemoveRecvStream_w(it->first_ssrc())) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to remove remote stream with ssrc " << it->first_ssrc() << "."; ret = false; } } } // Check for new streams. for (StreamParamsVec::const_iterator it = streams.begin(); it != streams.end(); ++it) { if (!GetStreamBySsrc(remote_streams_, it->first_ssrc(), NULL)) { if (AddRecvStream_w(*it)) { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Add remote ssrc: " << it->ssrcs[0]; } else { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Failed to add remote stream ssrc: " << it->first_ssrc(); ret = false; } } } remote_streams_ = streams; return ret; } bool BaseChannel::SetBaseLocalContent_w(const MediaContentDescription* content, ContentAction action) { // Cache secure_required_ for belt and suspenders check on SendPacket secure_required_ = content->crypto_required(); bool ret = UpdateLocalStreams_w(content->streams(), action); // Set local SRTP parameters (what we will encrypt with). ret &= SetSrtp_w(content->cryptos(), action, CS_LOCAL); // Set local RTCP mux parameters. ret &= SetRtcpMux_w(content->rtcp_mux(), action, CS_LOCAL); // Set local RTP header extensions. if (content->rtp_header_extensions_set()) { ret &= media_channel()->SetRecvRtpHeaderExtensions( content->rtp_header_extensions()); } set_local_content_direction(content->direction()); return ret; } bool BaseChannel::SetBaseRemoteContent_w(const MediaContentDescription* content, ContentAction action) { bool ret = UpdateRemoteStreams_w(content->streams(), action); // Set remote SRTP parameters (what the other side will encrypt with). ret &= SetSrtp_w(content->cryptos(), action, CS_REMOTE); // Set remote RTCP mux parameters. ret &= SetRtcpMux_w(content->rtcp_mux(), action, CS_REMOTE); // Set remote RTP header extensions. if (content->rtp_header_extensions_set()) { ret &= media_channel()->SetSendRtpHeaderExtensions( content->rtp_header_extensions()); } if (content->bandwidth() != kAutoBandwidth) { ret &= media_channel()->SetSendBandwidth(false, content->bandwidth()); } set_remote_content_direction(content->direction()); return ret; } void BaseChannel::OnMessage(talk_base::Message *pmsg) { switch (pmsg->message_id) { case MSG_ENABLE: EnableMedia_w(); break; case MSG_DISABLE: DisableMedia_w(); break; case MSG_MUTESTREAM: { MuteStreamData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = MuteStream_w(data->ssrc, data->mute); break; } case MSG_ISSTREAMMUTED: { SsrcMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = IsStreamMuted_w(data->ssrc); break; } case MSG_SETLOCALCONTENT: { SetContentData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = SetLocalContent_w(data->content, data->action); break; } case MSG_SETREMOTECONTENT: { SetContentData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = SetRemoteContent_w(data->content, data->action); break; } case MSG_ADDRECVSTREAM: { StreamMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = AddRecvStream_w(data->sp); break; } case MSG_REMOVERECVSTREAM: { SsrcMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = RemoveRecvStream_w(data->ssrc); break; } case MSG_ADDSENDSTREAM: { StreamMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = AddSendStream_w(data->sp); break; } case MSG_REMOVESENDSTREAM: { SsrcMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = RemoveSendStream_w(data->ssrc); break; } case MSG_SETMAXSENDBANDWIDTH: { SetBandwidthData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = SetMaxSendBandwidth_w(data->value); break; } case MSG_RTPPACKET: case MSG_RTCPPACKET: { PacketMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); SendPacket(pmsg->message_id == MSG_RTCPPACKET, &data->packet, data->dscp); delete data; // because it is Posted break; } case MSG_FIRSTPACKETRECEIVED: { SignalFirstPacketReceived(this); break; } case MSG_SESSION_ERROR: { SessionErrorMessageData* data = static_cast (pmsg->pdata); session_->SetError(data->error_); break; } } } void BaseChannel::Send(uint32 id, talk_base::MessageData *pdata) { worker_thread_->Send(this, id, pdata); } void BaseChannel::Post(uint32 id, talk_base::MessageData *pdata) { worker_thread_->Post(this, id, pdata); } void BaseChannel::PostDelayed(int cmsDelay, uint32 id, talk_base::MessageData *pdata) { worker_thread_->PostDelayed(cmsDelay, this, id, pdata); } void BaseChannel::Clear(uint32 id, talk_base::MessageList* removed) { worker_thread_->Clear(this, id, removed); } void BaseChannel::FlushRtcpMessages() { // Flush all remaining RTCP messages. This should only be called in // destructor. ASSERT(talk_base::Thread::Current() == worker_thread_); talk_base::MessageList rtcp_messages; Clear(MSG_RTCPPACKET, &rtcp_messages); for (talk_base::MessageList::iterator it = rtcp_messages.begin(); it != rtcp_messages.end(); ++it) { Send(MSG_RTCPPACKET, it->pdata); } } VoiceChannel::VoiceChannel(talk_base::Thread* thread, MediaEngineInterface* media_engine, VoiceMediaChannel* media_channel, BaseSession* session, const std::string& content_name, bool rtcp) : BaseChannel(thread, media_engine, media_channel, session, content_name, rtcp), received_media_(false) { } VoiceChannel::~VoiceChannel() { StopAudioMonitor(); StopMediaMonitor(); // this can't be done in the base class, since it calls a virtual DisableMedia_w(); Deinit(); } bool VoiceChannel::Init() { TransportChannel* rtcp_channel = rtcp() ? session()->CreateChannel( content_name(), "rtcp", ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_RTCP) : NULL; if (!BaseChannel::Init(session()->CreateChannel( content_name(), "rtp", ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_RTP), rtcp_channel)) { return false; } media_channel()->SignalMediaError.connect( this, &VoiceChannel::OnVoiceChannelError); srtp_filter()->SignalSrtpError.connect( this, &VoiceChannel::OnSrtpError); return true; } bool VoiceChannel::SetRemoteRenderer(uint32 ssrc, AudioRenderer* renderer) { AudioRenderMessageData data(ssrc, renderer, false); Send(MSG_SETRENDERER, &data); return data.result; } bool VoiceChannel::SetLocalRenderer(uint32 ssrc, AudioRenderer* renderer) { AudioRenderMessageData data(ssrc, renderer, true); Send(MSG_SETRENDERER, &data); return data.result; } bool VoiceChannel::SetRingbackTone(const void* buf, int len) { SetRingbackToneMessageData data(buf, len); Send(MSG_SETRINGBACKTONE, &data); return data.result; } // TODO(juberti): Handle early media the right way. We should get an explicit // ringing message telling us to start playing local ringback, which we cancel // if any early media actually arrives. For now, we do the opposite, which is // to wait 1 second for early media, and start playing local ringback if none // arrives. void VoiceChannel::SetEarlyMedia(bool enable) { if (enable) { // Start the early media timeout PostDelayed(kEarlyMediaTimeout, MSG_EARLYMEDIATIMEOUT); } else { // Stop the timeout if currently going. Clear(MSG_EARLYMEDIATIMEOUT); } } bool VoiceChannel::PlayRingbackTone(uint32 ssrc, bool play, bool loop) { PlayRingbackToneMessageData data(ssrc, play, loop); Send(MSG_PLAYRINGBACKTONE, &data); return data.result; } bool VoiceChannel::PressDTMF(int digit, bool playout) { int flags = DF_SEND; if (playout) { flags |= DF_PLAY; } int duration_ms = 160; return InsertDtmf(0, digit, duration_ms, flags); } bool VoiceChannel::CanInsertDtmf() { BoolMessageData data(false); Send(MSG_CANINSERTDTMF, &data); return data.data(); } bool VoiceChannel::InsertDtmf(uint32 ssrc, int event_code, int duration, int flags) { DtmfMessageData data(ssrc, event_code, duration, flags); Send(MSG_INSERTDTMF, &data); return data.result; } bool VoiceChannel::SetOutputScaling(uint32 ssrc, double left, double right) { ScaleVolumeMessageData data(ssrc, left, right); Send(MSG_SCALEVOLUME, &data); return data.result; } bool VoiceChannel::GetStats(VoiceMediaInfo* stats) { VoiceStatsMessageData data(stats); Send(MSG_GETSTATS, &data); return data.result; } void VoiceChannel::StartMediaMonitor(int cms) { media_monitor_.reset(new VoiceMediaMonitor(media_channel(), worker_thread(), talk_base::Thread::Current())); media_monitor_->SignalUpdate.connect( this, &VoiceChannel::OnMediaMonitorUpdate); media_monitor_->Start(cms); } void VoiceChannel::StopMediaMonitor() { if (media_monitor_) { media_monitor_->Stop(); media_monitor_->SignalUpdate.disconnect(this); media_monitor_.reset(); } } void VoiceChannel::StartAudioMonitor(int cms) { audio_monitor_.reset(new AudioMonitor(this, talk_base::Thread::Current())); audio_monitor_ ->SignalUpdate.connect(this, &VoiceChannel::OnAudioMonitorUpdate); audio_monitor_->Start(cms); } void VoiceChannel::StopAudioMonitor() { if (audio_monitor_) { audio_monitor_->Stop(); audio_monitor_.reset(); } } bool VoiceChannel::IsAudioMonitorRunning() const { return (audio_monitor_.get() != NULL); } void VoiceChannel::StartTypingMonitor(const TypingMonitorOptions& settings) { typing_monitor_.reset(new TypingMonitor(this, worker_thread(), settings)); SignalAutoMuted.repeat(typing_monitor_->SignalMuted); } void VoiceChannel::StopTypingMonitor() { typing_monitor_.reset(); } bool VoiceChannel::IsTypingMonitorRunning() const { return typing_monitor_; } bool VoiceChannel::MuteStream_w(uint32 ssrc, bool mute) { bool ret = BaseChannel::MuteStream_w(ssrc, mute); if (typing_monitor_ && mute) typing_monitor_->OnChannelMuted(); return ret; } int VoiceChannel::GetInputLevel_w() { return media_engine()->GetInputLevel(); } int VoiceChannel::GetOutputLevel_w() { return media_channel()->GetOutputLevel(); } void VoiceChannel::GetActiveStreams_w(AudioInfo::StreamList* actives) { media_channel()->GetActiveStreams(actives); } void VoiceChannel::OnChannelRead(TransportChannel* channel, const char* data, size_t len, const talk_base::PacketTime& packet_time, int flags) { BaseChannel::OnChannelRead(channel, data, len, packet_time, flags); // Set a flag when we've received an RTP packet. If we're waiting for early // media, this will disable the timeout. if (!received_media_ && !PacketIsRtcp(channel, data, len)) { received_media_ = true; } } void VoiceChannel::ChangeState() { // Render incoming data if we're the active call, and we have the local // content. We receive data on the default channel and multiplexed streams. bool recv = IsReadyToReceive(); if (!media_channel()->SetPlayout(recv)) { SendLastMediaError(); } // Send outgoing data if we're the active call, we have the remote content, // and we have had some form of connectivity. bool send = IsReadyToSend(); SendFlags send_flag = send ? SEND_MICROPHONE : SEND_NOTHING; if (!media_channel()->SetSend(send_flag)) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to SetSend " << send_flag << " on voice channel"; SendLastMediaError(); } LOG(LS_INFO) << "Changing voice state, recv=" << recv << " send=" << send; } const ContentInfo* VoiceChannel::GetFirstContent( const SessionDescription* sdesc) { return GetFirstAudioContent(sdesc); } bool VoiceChannel::SetLocalContent_w(const MediaContentDescription* content, ContentAction action) { ASSERT(worker_thread() == talk_base::Thread::Current()); LOG(LS_INFO) << "Setting local voice description"; const AudioContentDescription* audio = static_cast(content); ASSERT(audio != NULL); if (!audio) return false; bool ret = SetBaseLocalContent_w(content, action); // Set local audio codecs (what we want to receive). // TODO(whyuan): Change action != CA_UPDATE to !audio->partial() when partial // is set properly. if (action != CA_UPDATE || audio->has_codecs()) { ret &= media_channel()->SetRecvCodecs(audio->codecs()); } // If everything worked, see if we can start receiving. if (ret) { ChangeState(); } else { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to set local voice description"; } return ret; } bool VoiceChannel::SetRemoteContent_w(const MediaContentDescription* content, ContentAction action) { ASSERT(worker_thread() == talk_base::Thread::Current()); LOG(LS_INFO) << "Setting remote voice description"; const AudioContentDescription* audio = static_cast(content); ASSERT(audio != NULL); if (!audio) return false; bool ret = true; // Set remote video codecs (what the other side wants to receive). if (action != CA_UPDATE || audio->has_codecs()) { ret &= media_channel()->SetSendCodecs(audio->codecs()); } ret &= SetBaseRemoteContent_w(content, action); if (action != CA_UPDATE) { // Tweak our audio processing settings, if needed. AudioOptions audio_options; if (!media_channel()->GetOptions(&audio_options)) { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Can not set audio options from on remote content."; } else { if (audio->conference_mode()) { audio_options.conference_mode.Set(true); } if (audio->agc_minus_10db()) { audio_options.adjust_agc_delta.Set(kAgcMinus10db); } if (!media_channel()->SetOptions(audio_options)) { // Log an error on failure, but don't abort the call. LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to set voice channel options"; } } } // If everything worked, see if we can start sending. if (ret) { ChangeState(); } else { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to set remote voice description"; } return ret; } bool VoiceChannel::SetRingbackTone_w(const void* buf, int len) { ASSERT(worker_thread() == talk_base::Thread::Current()); return media_channel()->SetRingbackTone(static_cast(buf), len); } bool VoiceChannel::PlayRingbackTone_w(uint32 ssrc, bool play, bool loop) { ASSERT(worker_thread() == talk_base::Thread::Current()); if (play) { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Playing ringback tone, loop=" << loop; } else { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Stopping ringback tone"; } return media_channel()->PlayRingbackTone(ssrc, play, loop); } void VoiceChannel::HandleEarlyMediaTimeout() { // This occurs on the main thread, not the worker thread. if (!received_media_) { LOG(LS_INFO) << "No early media received before timeout"; SignalEarlyMediaTimeout(this); } } bool VoiceChannel::CanInsertDtmf_w() { return media_channel()->CanInsertDtmf(); } bool VoiceChannel::InsertDtmf_w(uint32 ssrc, int event, int duration, int flags) { if (!enabled()) { return false; } return media_channel()->InsertDtmf(ssrc, event, duration, flags); } bool VoiceChannel::SetOutputScaling_w(uint32 ssrc, double left, double right) { return media_channel()->SetOutputScaling(ssrc, left, right); } bool VoiceChannel::GetStats_w(VoiceMediaInfo* stats) { return media_channel()->GetStats(stats); } bool VoiceChannel::SetChannelOptions(const AudioOptions& options) { AudioOptionsMessageData data(options); Send(MSG_SETCHANNELOPTIONS, &data); return data.result; } bool VoiceChannel::SetChannelOptions_w(const AudioOptions& options) { return media_channel()->SetOptions(options); } bool VoiceChannel::SetRenderer_w(uint32 ssrc, AudioRenderer* renderer, bool is_local) { if (is_local) return media_channel()->SetLocalRenderer(ssrc, renderer); return media_channel()->SetRemoteRenderer(ssrc, renderer); } void VoiceChannel::OnMessage(talk_base::Message *pmsg) { switch (pmsg->message_id) { case MSG_SETRINGBACKTONE: { SetRingbackToneMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = SetRingbackTone_w(data->buf, data->len); break; } case MSG_PLAYRINGBACKTONE: { PlayRingbackToneMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = PlayRingbackTone_w(data->ssrc, data->play, data->loop); break; } case MSG_EARLYMEDIATIMEOUT: HandleEarlyMediaTimeout(); break; case MSG_CANINSERTDTMF: { BoolMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->data() = CanInsertDtmf_w(); break; } case MSG_INSERTDTMF: { DtmfMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = InsertDtmf_w(data->ssrc, data->event, data->duration, data->flags); break; } case MSG_SCALEVOLUME: { ScaleVolumeMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = SetOutputScaling_w(data->ssrc, data->left, data->right); break; } case MSG_GETSTATS: { VoiceStatsMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = GetStats_w(data->stats); break; } case MSG_CHANNEL_ERROR: { VoiceChannelErrorMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); SignalMediaError(this, data->ssrc, data->error); delete data; break; } case MSG_SETCHANNELOPTIONS: { AudioOptionsMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = SetChannelOptions_w(data->options); break; } case MSG_SETRENDERER: { AudioRenderMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = SetRenderer_w(data->ssrc, data->renderer, data->is_local); break; } default: BaseChannel::OnMessage(pmsg); break; } } void VoiceChannel::OnConnectionMonitorUpdate( SocketMonitor* monitor, const std::vector& infos) { SignalConnectionMonitor(this, infos); } void VoiceChannel::OnMediaMonitorUpdate( VoiceMediaChannel* media_channel, const VoiceMediaInfo& info) { ASSERT(media_channel == this->media_channel()); SignalMediaMonitor(this, info); } void VoiceChannel::OnAudioMonitorUpdate(AudioMonitor* monitor, const AudioInfo& info) { SignalAudioMonitor(this, info); } void VoiceChannel::OnVoiceChannelError( uint32 ssrc, VoiceMediaChannel::Error err) { VoiceChannelErrorMessageData* data = new VoiceChannelErrorMessageData( ssrc, err); signaling_thread()->Post(this, MSG_CHANNEL_ERROR, data); } void VoiceChannel::OnSrtpError(uint32 ssrc, SrtpFilter::Mode mode, SrtpFilter::Error error) { switch (error) { case SrtpFilter::ERROR_FAIL: OnVoiceChannelError(ssrc, (mode == SrtpFilter::PROTECT) ? VoiceMediaChannel::ERROR_REC_SRTP_ERROR : VoiceMediaChannel::ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_ERROR); break; case SrtpFilter::ERROR_AUTH: OnVoiceChannelError(ssrc, (mode == SrtpFilter::PROTECT) ? VoiceMediaChannel::ERROR_REC_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED : VoiceMediaChannel::ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED); break; case SrtpFilter::ERROR_REPLAY: // Only receving channel should have this error. ASSERT(mode == SrtpFilter::UNPROTECT); OnVoiceChannelError(ssrc, VoiceMediaChannel::ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_REPLAY); break; default: break; } } void VoiceChannel::GetSrtpCiphers(std::vector* ciphers) const { GetSupportedAudioCryptoSuites(ciphers); } VideoChannel::VideoChannel(talk_base::Thread* thread, MediaEngineInterface* media_engine, VideoMediaChannel* media_channel, BaseSession* session, const std::string& content_name, bool rtcp, VoiceChannel* voice_channel) : BaseChannel(thread, media_engine, media_channel, session, content_name, rtcp), voice_channel_(voice_channel), renderer_(NULL), screencapture_factory_(CreateScreenCapturerFactory()), previous_we_(talk_base::WE_CLOSE) { } bool VideoChannel::Init() { TransportChannel* rtcp_channel = rtcp() ? session()->CreateChannel( content_name(), "video_rtcp", ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_RTCP) : NULL; if (!BaseChannel::Init(session()->CreateChannel( content_name(), "video_rtp", ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_RTP), rtcp_channel)) { return false; } media_channel()->SignalMediaError.connect( this, &VideoChannel::OnVideoChannelError); srtp_filter()->SignalSrtpError.connect( this, &VideoChannel::OnSrtpError); return true; } void VoiceChannel::SendLastMediaError() { uint32 ssrc; VoiceMediaChannel::Error error; media_channel()->GetLastMediaError(&ssrc, &error); SignalMediaError(this, ssrc, error); } VideoChannel::~VideoChannel() { std::vector screencast_ssrcs; ScreencastMap::iterator iter; while (!screencast_capturers_.empty()) { if (!RemoveScreencast(screencast_capturers_.begin()->first)) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Unable to delete screencast with ssrc " << screencast_capturers_.begin()->first; ASSERT(false); break; } } StopMediaMonitor(); // this can't be done in the base class, since it calls a virtual DisableMedia_w(); Deinit(); } bool VideoChannel::SetRenderer(uint32 ssrc, VideoRenderer* renderer) { VideoRenderMessageData data(ssrc, renderer); Send(MSG_SETRENDERER, &data); return true; } bool VideoChannel::ApplyViewRequest(const ViewRequest& request) { ViewRequestMessageData data(request); Send(MSG_HANDLEVIEWREQUEST, &data); return data.result; } VideoCapturer* VideoChannel::AddScreencast( uint32 ssrc, const ScreencastId& id) { AddScreencastMessageData data(ssrc, id); Send(MSG_ADDSCREENCAST, &data); return data.result; } bool VideoChannel::SetCapturer(uint32 ssrc, VideoCapturer* capturer) { SetCapturerMessageData data(ssrc, capturer); Send(MSG_SETCAPTURER, &data); return data.result; } bool VideoChannel::RemoveScreencast(uint32 ssrc) { RemoveScreencastMessageData data(ssrc); Send(MSG_REMOVESCREENCAST, &data); return data.result; } bool VideoChannel::IsScreencasting() { IsScreencastingMessageData data; Send(MSG_ISSCREENCASTING, &data); return data.result; } int VideoChannel::GetScreencastFps(uint32 ssrc) { ScreencastDetailsMessageData data(ssrc); Send(MSG_GETSCREENCASTDETAILS, &data); return data.fps; } int VideoChannel::GetScreencastMaxPixels(uint32 ssrc) { ScreencastDetailsMessageData data(ssrc); Send(MSG_GETSCREENCASTDETAILS, &data); return data.screencast_max_pixels; } bool VideoChannel::SendIntraFrame() { Send(MSG_SENDINTRAFRAME); return true; } bool VideoChannel::RequestIntraFrame() { Send(MSG_REQUESTINTRAFRAME); return true; } void VideoChannel::SetScreenCaptureFactory( ScreenCapturerFactory* screencapture_factory) { SetScreenCaptureFactoryMessageData data(screencapture_factory); Send(MSG_SETSCREENCASTFACTORY, &data); } void VideoChannel::ChangeState() { // Render incoming data if we're the active call, and we have the local // content. We receive data on the default channel and multiplexed streams. bool recv = IsReadyToReceive(); if (!media_channel()->SetRender(recv)) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to SetRender on video channel"; // TODO(gangji): Report error back to server. } // Send outgoing data if we're the active call, we have the remote content, // and we have had some form of connectivity. bool send = IsReadyToSend(); if (!media_channel()->SetSend(send)) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to SetSend on video channel"; // TODO(gangji): Report error back to server. } LOG(LS_INFO) << "Changing video state, recv=" << recv << " send=" << send; } bool VideoChannel::GetStats(VideoMediaInfo* stats) { VideoStatsMessageData data(stats); Send(MSG_GETSTATS, &data); return data.result; } void VideoChannel::StartMediaMonitor(int cms) { media_monitor_.reset(new VideoMediaMonitor(media_channel(), worker_thread(), talk_base::Thread::Current())); media_monitor_->SignalUpdate.connect( this, &VideoChannel::OnMediaMonitorUpdate); media_monitor_->Start(cms); } void VideoChannel::StopMediaMonitor() { if (media_monitor_) { media_monitor_->Stop(); media_monitor_.reset(); } } const ContentInfo* VideoChannel::GetFirstContent( const SessionDescription* sdesc) { return GetFirstVideoContent(sdesc); } bool VideoChannel::SetLocalContent_w(const MediaContentDescription* content, ContentAction action) { ASSERT(worker_thread() == talk_base::Thread::Current()); LOG(LS_INFO) << "Setting local video description"; const VideoContentDescription* video = static_cast(content); ASSERT(video != NULL); if (!video) return false; bool ret = SetBaseLocalContent_w(content, action); // Set local video codecs (what we want to receive). if (action != CA_UPDATE || video->has_codecs()) { ret &= media_channel()->SetRecvCodecs(video->codecs()); } if (action != CA_UPDATE) { VideoOptions video_options; media_channel()->GetOptions(&video_options); video_options.buffered_mode_latency.Set(video->buffered_mode_latency()); if (!media_channel()->SetOptions(video_options)) { // Log an error on failure, but don't abort the call. LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to set video channel options"; } } // If everything worked, see if we can start receiving. if (ret) { ChangeState(); } else { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to set local video description"; } return ret; } bool VideoChannel::SetRemoteContent_w(const MediaContentDescription* content, ContentAction action) { ASSERT(worker_thread() == talk_base::Thread::Current()); LOG(LS_INFO) << "Setting remote video description"; const VideoContentDescription* video = static_cast(content); ASSERT(video != NULL); if (!video) return false; bool ret = true; // Set remote video codecs (what the other side wants to receive). if (action != CA_UPDATE || video->has_codecs()) { ret &= media_channel()->SetSendCodecs(video->codecs()); } ret &= SetBaseRemoteContent_w(content, action); if (action != CA_UPDATE) { // Tweak our video processing settings, if needed. VideoOptions video_options; media_channel()->GetOptions(&video_options); if (video->conference_mode()) { video_options.conference_mode.Set(true); } video_options.buffered_mode_latency.Set(video->buffered_mode_latency()); if (!media_channel()->SetOptions(video_options)) { // Log an error on failure, but don't abort the call. LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to set video channel options"; } } // If everything worked, see if we can start sending. if (ret) { ChangeState(); } else { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to set remote video description"; } return ret; } bool VideoChannel::ApplyViewRequest_w(const ViewRequest& request) { bool ret = true; // Set the send format for each of the local streams. If the view request // does not contain a local stream, set its send format to 0x0, which will // drop all frames. for (std::vector::const_iterator it = local_streams().begin(); it != local_streams().end(); ++it) { VideoFormat format(0, 0, 0, cricket::FOURCC_I420); StaticVideoViews::const_iterator view; for (view = request.static_video_views.begin(); view != request.static_video_views.end(); ++view) { if (view->selector.Matches(*it)) { format.width = view->width; format.height = view->height; format.interval = cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(view->framerate); break; } } ret &= media_channel()->SetSendStreamFormat(it->first_ssrc(), format); } // Check if the view request has invalid streams. for (StaticVideoViews::const_iterator it = request.static_video_views.begin(); it != request.static_video_views.end(); ++it) { if (!GetStream(local_streams(), it->selector, NULL)) { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "View request for (" << it->selector.ssrc << ", '" << it->selector.groupid << "', '" << it->selector.streamid << "'" << ") is not in the local streams."; } } return ret; } void VideoChannel::SetRenderer_w(uint32 ssrc, VideoRenderer* renderer) { media_channel()->SetRenderer(ssrc, renderer); } VideoCapturer* VideoChannel::AddScreencast_w( uint32 ssrc, const ScreencastId& id) { if (screencast_capturers_.find(ssrc) != screencast_capturers_.end()) { return NULL; } VideoCapturer* screen_capturer = screencapture_factory_->CreateScreenCapturer(id); if (!screen_capturer) { return NULL; } screen_capturer->SignalStateChange.connect(this, &VideoChannel::OnStateChange); screencast_capturers_[ssrc] = screen_capturer; return screen_capturer; } bool VideoChannel::SetCapturer_w(uint32 ssrc, VideoCapturer* capturer) { return media_channel()->SetCapturer(ssrc, capturer); } bool VideoChannel::RemoveScreencast_w(uint32 ssrc) { ScreencastMap::iterator iter = screencast_capturers_.find(ssrc); if (iter == screencast_capturers_.end()) { return false; } // Clean up VideoCapturer. delete iter->second; screencast_capturers_.erase(iter); return true; } bool VideoChannel::IsScreencasting_w() const { return !screencast_capturers_.empty(); } void VideoChannel::ScreencastDetails_w( ScreencastDetailsMessageData* data) const { ScreencastMap::const_iterator iter = screencast_capturers_.find(data->ssrc); if (iter == screencast_capturers_.end()) { return; } VideoCapturer* capturer = iter->second; const VideoFormat* video_format = capturer->GetCaptureFormat(); data->fps = VideoFormat::IntervalToFps(video_format->interval); data->screencast_max_pixels = capturer->screencast_max_pixels(); } void VideoChannel::SetScreenCaptureFactory_w( ScreenCapturerFactory* screencapture_factory) { if (screencapture_factory == NULL) { screencapture_factory_.reset(CreateScreenCapturerFactory()); } else { screencapture_factory_.reset(screencapture_factory); } } bool VideoChannel::GetStats_w(VideoMediaInfo* stats) { return media_channel()->GetStats(stats); } void VideoChannel::OnScreencastWindowEvent_s(uint32 ssrc, talk_base::WindowEvent we) { ASSERT(signaling_thread() == talk_base::Thread::Current()); SignalScreencastWindowEvent(ssrc, we); } bool VideoChannel::SetChannelOptions(const VideoOptions &options) { VideoOptionsMessageData data(options); Send(MSG_SETCHANNELOPTIONS, &data); return data.result; } bool VideoChannel::SetChannelOptions_w(const VideoOptions &options) { return media_channel()->SetOptions(options); } void VideoChannel::OnMessage(talk_base::Message *pmsg) { switch (pmsg->message_id) { case MSG_SETRENDERER: { const VideoRenderMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); SetRenderer_w(data->ssrc, data->renderer); break; } case MSG_ADDSCREENCAST: { AddScreencastMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = AddScreencast_w(data->ssrc, data->window_id); break; } case MSG_SETCAPTURER: { SetCapturerMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = SetCapturer_w(data->ssrc, data->capturer); break; } case MSG_REMOVESCREENCAST: { RemoveScreencastMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = RemoveScreencast_w(data->ssrc); break; } case MSG_SCREENCASTWINDOWEVENT: { const ScreencastEventMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); OnScreencastWindowEvent_s(data->ssrc, data->event); delete data; break; } case MSG_ISSCREENCASTING: { IsScreencastingMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = IsScreencasting_w(); break; } case MSG_GETSCREENCASTDETAILS: { ScreencastDetailsMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); ScreencastDetails_w(data); break; } case MSG_SENDINTRAFRAME: { SendIntraFrame_w(); break; } case MSG_REQUESTINTRAFRAME: { RequestIntraFrame_w(); break; } case MSG_SETCHANNELOPTIONS: { VideoOptionsMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = SetChannelOptions_w(data->options); break; } case MSG_CHANNEL_ERROR: { const VideoChannelErrorMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); SignalMediaError(this, data->ssrc, data->error); delete data; break; } case MSG_HANDLEVIEWREQUEST: { ViewRequestMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = ApplyViewRequest_w(data->request); break; } case MSG_SETSCREENCASTFACTORY: { SetScreenCaptureFactoryMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); SetScreenCaptureFactory_w(data->screencapture_factory); break; } case MSG_GETSTATS: { VideoStatsMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); data->result = GetStats_w(data->stats); break; } default: BaseChannel::OnMessage(pmsg); break; } } void VideoChannel::OnConnectionMonitorUpdate( SocketMonitor *monitor, const std::vector &infos) { SignalConnectionMonitor(this, infos); } // TODO(pthatcher): Look into removing duplicate code between // audio, video, and data, perhaps by using templates. void VideoChannel::OnMediaMonitorUpdate( VideoMediaChannel* media_channel, const VideoMediaInfo &info) { ASSERT(media_channel == this->media_channel()); SignalMediaMonitor(this, info); } void VideoChannel::OnScreencastWindowEvent(uint32 ssrc, talk_base::WindowEvent event) { ScreencastEventMessageData* pdata = new ScreencastEventMessageData(ssrc, event); signaling_thread()->Post(this, MSG_SCREENCASTWINDOWEVENT, pdata); } void VideoChannel::OnStateChange(VideoCapturer* capturer, CaptureState ev) { // Map capturer events to window events. In the future we may want to simply // pass these events up directly. talk_base::WindowEvent we; if (ev == CS_STOPPED) { we = talk_base::WE_CLOSE; } else if (ev == CS_PAUSED) { we = talk_base::WE_MINIMIZE; } else if (ev == CS_RUNNING && previous_we_ == talk_base::WE_MINIMIZE) { we = talk_base::WE_RESTORE; } else { return; } previous_we_ = we; uint32 ssrc = 0; if (!GetLocalSsrc(capturer, &ssrc)) { return; } ScreencastEventMessageData* pdata = new ScreencastEventMessageData(ssrc, we); signaling_thread()->Post(this, MSG_SCREENCASTWINDOWEVENT, pdata); } bool VideoChannel::GetLocalSsrc(const VideoCapturer* capturer, uint32* ssrc) { *ssrc = 0; for (ScreencastMap::iterator iter = screencast_capturers_.begin(); iter != screencast_capturers_.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second == capturer) { *ssrc = iter->first; return true; } } return false; } void VideoChannel::OnVideoChannelError(uint32 ssrc, VideoMediaChannel::Error error) { VideoChannelErrorMessageData* data = new VideoChannelErrorMessageData( ssrc, error); signaling_thread()->Post(this, MSG_CHANNEL_ERROR, data); } void VideoChannel::OnSrtpError(uint32 ssrc, SrtpFilter::Mode mode, SrtpFilter::Error error) { switch (error) { case SrtpFilter::ERROR_FAIL: OnVideoChannelError(ssrc, (mode == SrtpFilter::PROTECT) ? VideoMediaChannel::ERROR_REC_SRTP_ERROR : VideoMediaChannel::ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_ERROR); break; case SrtpFilter::ERROR_AUTH: OnVideoChannelError(ssrc, (mode == SrtpFilter::PROTECT) ? VideoMediaChannel::ERROR_REC_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED : VideoMediaChannel::ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED); break; case SrtpFilter::ERROR_REPLAY: // Only receving channel should have this error. ASSERT(mode == SrtpFilter::UNPROTECT); // TODO(gangji): Turn on the signaling of replay error once we have // switched to the new mechanism for doing video retransmissions. // OnVideoChannelError(ssrc, VideoMediaChannel::ERROR_PLAY_SRTP_REPLAY); break; default: break; } } void VideoChannel::GetSrtpCiphers(std::vector* ciphers) const { GetSupportedVideoCryptoSuites(ciphers); } DataChannel::DataChannel(talk_base::Thread* thread, DataMediaChannel* media_channel, BaseSession* session, const std::string& content_name, bool rtcp) // MediaEngine is NULL : BaseChannel(thread, NULL, media_channel, session, content_name, rtcp), data_channel_type_(cricket::DCT_NONE), ready_to_send_data_(false) { } DataChannel::~DataChannel() { StopMediaMonitor(); // this can't be done in the base class, since it calls a virtual DisableMedia_w(); Deinit(); } bool DataChannel::Init() { TransportChannel* rtcp_channel = rtcp() ? session()->CreateChannel( content_name(), "data_rtcp", ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_RTCP) : NULL; if (!BaseChannel::Init(session()->CreateChannel( content_name(), "data_rtp", ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT_RTP), rtcp_channel)) { return false; } media_channel()->SignalDataReceived.connect( this, &DataChannel::OnDataReceived); media_channel()->SignalMediaError.connect( this, &DataChannel::OnDataChannelError); media_channel()->SignalReadyToSend.connect( this, &DataChannel::OnDataChannelReadyToSend); media_channel()->SignalNewStreamReceived.connect( this, &DataChannel::OnDataChannelNewStreamReceived); srtp_filter()->SignalSrtpError.connect( this, &DataChannel::OnSrtpError); return true; } bool DataChannel::SendData(const SendDataParams& params, const talk_base::Buffer& payload, SendDataResult* result) { SendDataMessageData message_data(params, &payload, result); Send(MSG_SENDDATA, &message_data); return message_data.succeeded; } const ContentInfo* DataChannel::GetFirstContent( const SessionDescription* sdesc) { return GetFirstDataContent(sdesc); } static bool IsRtpPacket(const talk_base::Buffer* packet) { int version; if (!GetRtpVersion(packet->data(), packet->length(), &version)) { return false; } return version == 2; } bool DataChannel::WantsPacket(bool rtcp, talk_base::Buffer* packet) { if (data_channel_type_ == DCT_SCTP) { // TODO(pthatcher): Do this in a more robust way by checking for // SCTP or DTLS. return !IsRtpPacket(packet); } else if (data_channel_type_ == DCT_RTP) { return BaseChannel::WantsPacket(rtcp, packet); } return false; } // Sets the maximum bandwidth. Anything over this will be dropped. bool DataChannel::SetMaxSendBandwidth_w(int max_bps) { LOG(LS_INFO) << "DataChannel: Setting max bandwidth to " << max_bps; return media_channel()->SetSendBandwidth(false, max_bps); } bool DataChannel::SetDataChannelType(DataChannelType new_data_channel_type) { // It hasn't been set before, so set it now. if (data_channel_type_ == DCT_NONE) { data_channel_type_ = new_data_channel_type; return true; } // It's been set before, but doesn't match. That's bad. if (data_channel_type_ != new_data_channel_type) { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Data channel type mismatch." << " Expected " << data_channel_type_ << " Got " << new_data_channel_type; return false; } // It's hasn't changed. Nothing to do. return true; } bool DataChannel::SetDataChannelTypeFromContent( const DataContentDescription* content) { bool is_sctp = ((content->protocol() == kMediaProtocolSctp) || (content->protocol() == kMediaProtocolDtlsSctp)); DataChannelType data_channel_type = is_sctp ? DCT_SCTP : DCT_RTP; return SetDataChannelType(data_channel_type); } bool DataChannel::SetLocalContent_w(const MediaContentDescription* content, ContentAction action) { ASSERT(worker_thread() == talk_base::Thread::Current()); LOG(LS_INFO) << "Setting local data description"; const DataContentDescription* data = static_cast(content); ASSERT(data != NULL); if (!data) return false; bool ret = false; if (!SetDataChannelTypeFromContent(data)) { return false; } if (data_channel_type_ == DCT_SCTP) { // SCTP data channels don't need the rest of the stuff. ret = UpdateLocalStreams_w(data->streams(), action); if (ret) { set_local_content_direction(content->direction()); // As in SetRemoteContent_w, make sure we set the local SCTP port // number as specified in our DataContentDescription. ret = media_channel()->SetRecvCodecs(data->codecs()); } } else { ret = SetBaseLocalContent_w(content, action); if (action != CA_UPDATE || data->has_codecs()) { ret &= media_channel()->SetRecvCodecs(data->codecs()); } } // If everything worked, see if we can start receiving. if (ret) { ChangeState(); } else { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to set local data description"; } return ret; } bool DataChannel::SetRemoteContent_w(const MediaContentDescription* content, ContentAction action) { ASSERT(worker_thread() == talk_base::Thread::Current()); const DataContentDescription* data = static_cast(content); ASSERT(data != NULL); if (!data) return false; bool ret = true; if (!SetDataChannelTypeFromContent(data)) { return false; } if (data_channel_type_ == DCT_SCTP) { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Setting SCTP remote data description"; // SCTP data channels don't need the rest of the stuff. ret = UpdateRemoteStreams_w(content->streams(), action); if (ret) { set_remote_content_direction(content->direction()); // We send the SCTP port number (not to be confused with the underlying // UDP port number) as a codec parameter. Make sure it gets there. ret = media_channel()->SetSendCodecs(data->codecs()); } } else { // If the remote data doesn't have codecs and isn't an update, it // must be empty, so ignore it. if (action != CA_UPDATE && !data->has_codecs()) { return true; } LOG(LS_INFO) << "Setting remote data description"; // Set remote video codecs (what the other side wants to receive). if (action != CA_UPDATE || data->has_codecs()) { ret &= media_channel()->SetSendCodecs(data->codecs()); } if (ret) { ret &= SetBaseRemoteContent_w(content, action); } if (action != CA_UPDATE) { int bandwidth_bps = data->bandwidth(); bool auto_bandwidth = (bandwidth_bps == kAutoBandwidth); ret &= media_channel()->SetSendBandwidth(auto_bandwidth, bandwidth_bps); } } // If everything worked, see if we can start sending. if (ret) { ChangeState(); } else { LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to set remote data description"; } return ret; } void DataChannel::ChangeState() { // Render incoming data if we're the active call, and we have the local // content. We receive data on the default channel and multiplexed streams. bool recv = IsReadyToReceive(); if (!media_channel()->SetReceive(recv)) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to SetReceive on data channel"; } // Send outgoing data if we're the active call, we have the remote content, // and we have had some form of connectivity. bool send = IsReadyToSend(); if (!media_channel()->SetSend(send)) { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to SetSend on data channel"; } // Post to trigger SignalReadyToSendData. signaling_thread()->Post(this, MSG_READYTOSENDDATA, new DataChannelReadyToSendMessageData(send)); LOG(LS_INFO) << "Changing data state, recv=" << recv << " send=" << send; } void DataChannel::OnMessage(talk_base::Message *pmsg) { switch (pmsg->message_id) { case MSG_READYTOSENDDATA: { DataChannelReadyToSendMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); ready_to_send_data_ = data->data(); SignalReadyToSendData(ready_to_send_data_); delete data; break; } case MSG_SENDDATA: { SendDataMessageData* msg = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); msg->succeeded = media_channel()->SendData( msg->params, *(msg->payload), msg->result); break; } case MSG_DATARECEIVED: { DataReceivedMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); SignalDataReceived(this, data->params, data->payload); delete data; break; } case MSG_CHANNEL_ERROR: { const DataChannelErrorMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); SignalMediaError(this, data->ssrc, data->error); delete data; break; } case MSG_NEWSTREAMRECEIVED: { DataChannelNewStreamReceivedMessageData* data = static_cast(pmsg->pdata); SignalNewStreamReceived(data->label, data->init); delete data; break; } default: BaseChannel::OnMessage(pmsg); break; } } void DataChannel::OnConnectionMonitorUpdate( SocketMonitor* monitor, const std::vector& infos) { SignalConnectionMonitor(this, infos); } void DataChannel::StartMediaMonitor(int cms) { media_monitor_.reset(new DataMediaMonitor(media_channel(), worker_thread(), talk_base::Thread::Current())); media_monitor_->SignalUpdate.connect( this, &DataChannel::OnMediaMonitorUpdate); media_monitor_->Start(cms); } void DataChannel::StopMediaMonitor() { if (media_monitor_) { media_monitor_->Stop(); media_monitor_->SignalUpdate.disconnect(this); media_monitor_.reset(); } } void DataChannel::OnMediaMonitorUpdate( DataMediaChannel* media_channel, const DataMediaInfo& info) { ASSERT(media_channel == this->media_channel()); SignalMediaMonitor(this, info); } void DataChannel::OnDataReceived( const ReceiveDataParams& params, const char* data, size_t len) { DataReceivedMessageData* msg = new DataReceivedMessageData( params, data, len); signaling_thread()->Post(this, MSG_DATARECEIVED, msg); } void DataChannel::OnDataChannelError( uint32 ssrc, DataMediaChannel::Error err) { DataChannelErrorMessageData* data = new DataChannelErrorMessageData( ssrc, err); signaling_thread()->Post(this, MSG_CHANNEL_ERROR, data); } void DataChannel::OnDataChannelReadyToSend(bool writable) { // This is usded for congestion control to indicate that the stream is ready // to send by the MediaChannel, as opposed to OnReadyToSend, which indicates // that the transport channel is ready. signaling_thread()->Post(this, MSG_READYTOSENDDATA, new DataChannelReadyToSendMessageData(writable)); } void DataChannel::OnDataChannelNewStreamReceived( const std::string& label, const webrtc::DataChannelInit& init) { signaling_thread()->Post( this, MSG_NEWSTREAMRECEIVED, new DataChannelNewStreamReceivedMessageData(label, init)); } void DataChannel::OnSrtpError(uint32 ssrc, SrtpFilter::Mode mode, SrtpFilter::Error error) { switch (error) { case SrtpFilter::ERROR_FAIL: OnDataChannelError(ssrc, (mode == SrtpFilter::PROTECT) ? DataMediaChannel::ERROR_SEND_SRTP_ERROR : DataMediaChannel::ERROR_RECV_SRTP_ERROR); break; case SrtpFilter::ERROR_AUTH: OnDataChannelError(ssrc, (mode == SrtpFilter::PROTECT) ? DataMediaChannel::ERROR_SEND_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED : DataMediaChannel::ERROR_RECV_SRTP_AUTH_FAILED); break; case SrtpFilter::ERROR_REPLAY: // Only receving channel should have this error. ASSERT(mode == SrtpFilter::UNPROTECT); OnDataChannelError(ssrc, DataMediaChannel::ERROR_RECV_SRTP_REPLAY); break; default: break; } } void DataChannel::GetSrtpCiphers(std::vector* ciphers) const { GetSupportedDataCryptoSuites(ciphers); } bool DataChannel::ShouldSetupDtlsSrtp() const { return (data_channel_type_ == DCT_RTP); } } // namespace cricket