Separated new-style tests from old-style tests. Abstracted code for reuse.
Fully separated the new automated tests from the old-style tests. We now have old-style tests running in manual mode, old-style tests running in automated mode and new-style tests that uses input files and make actual video comparisons.
Introduced a small "library" of helper functions in order to move a lot
of stuff out of the original base and codec tests, which have been made
dependent on the new "library" (which is a header file and a source
file). The new-style tests also depends on this "library".
The comparison test flags are now required only when the comparison tests actually runs.
Separated comparison tests into its own test since it seems we will be running classic vie_auto_test using a fake video driver on Linux.
Made tbInterfaces follow Google conventions.
Merge branch 'render_to_file' into vivi_driver
Resolution alignment testing is now optional behind a flag.
Review URL:
git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d