Simplify and guard access to WindowsRealTimeClock.
Addresses data race in get_time() causing incorrect timer roll-over detection. This roll-over caused NTP timers to jump by 2^32 milliseconds affecting A/V sync and end-to-end delay calculations. BUG=4206, Review URL: git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
#if defined(_WIN32)
// Windows needs to be included before mmsystem.h
#include <Windows.h>
#include <WinSock.h>
#include "webrtc/base/win32.h"
#include <MMSystem.h>
#elif ((defined WEBRTC_LINUX) || (defined WEBRTC_MAC))
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "webrtc/base/criticalsection.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/rw_lock_wrapper.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/tick_util.h"
@ -33,99 +33,6 @@ int64_t Clock::NtpToMs(uint32_t ntp_secs, uint32_t ntp_frac) {
static_cast<int64_t>(ntp_frac_ms + 0.5);
#if defined(_WIN32)
struct reference_point {
FILETIME file_time;
struct WindowsHelpTimer {
volatile LONG _timeInMs;
volatile LONG _numWrapTimeInMs;
reference_point _ref_point;
volatile LONG _sync_flag;
void Synchronize(WindowsHelpTimer* help_timer) {
const LONG start_value = 0;
const LONG new_value = 1;
const LONG synchronized_value = 2;
LONG compare_flag = new_value;
while (help_timer->_sync_flag == start_value) {
const LONG new_value = 1;
compare_flag = InterlockedCompareExchange(
&help_timer->_sync_flag, new_value, start_value);
if (compare_flag != start_value) {
// This thread was not the one that incremented the sync flag.
// Block until synchronization finishes.
while (compare_flag != synchronized_value) {
// Only the synchronizing thread gets here so this part can be
// considered single threaded.
// set timer accuracy to 1 ms
FILETIME ft0 = { 0, 0 },
ft1 = { 0, 0 };
// Spin waiting for a change in system time. Get the matching
// performance counter value for that time.
do {
help_timer->_ref_point.counterMS.QuadPart = ::timeGetTime();
} while ((ft0.dwHighDateTime == ft1.dwHighDateTime) &&
(ft0.dwLowDateTime == ft1.dwLowDateTime));
help_timer->_ref_point.file_time = ft1;
void get_time(WindowsHelpTimer* help_timer, FILETIME& current_time) {
// we can't use query performance counter due to speed stepping
DWORD t = timeGetTime();
// NOTE: we have a missmatch in sign between _timeInMs(LONG) and
// (DWORD) however we only use it here without +- etc
volatile LONG* timeInMsPtr = &help_timer->_timeInMs;
// Make sure that we only inc wrapper once.
DWORD old = InterlockedExchange(timeInMsPtr, t);
if(old > t) {
// wrap
elapsedMS.HighPart = help_timer->_numWrapTimeInMs;
elapsedMS.LowPart = t;
elapsedMS.QuadPart = elapsedMS.QuadPart -
// Translate to 100-nanoseconds intervals (FILETIME resolution)
// and add to reference FILETIME to get current FILETIME.
ULARGE_INTEGER filetime_ref_as_ul;
filetime_ref_as_ul.HighPart =
filetime_ref_as_ul.LowPart =
filetime_ref_as_ul.QuadPart +=
// Copy to result
current_time.dwHighDateTime = filetime_ref_as_ul.HighPart;
current_time.dwLowDateTime = filetime_ref_as_ul.LowPart;
class RealTimeClock : public Clock {
// Return a timestamp in milliseconds relative to some arbitrary source; the
// source is fixed for this clock.
@ -178,14 +85,24 @@ class RealTimeClock : public Clock {
#if defined(_WIN32)
// TODO(pbos): Consider modifying the implementation to synchronize itself
// against system time (update ref_point_, make it non-const) periodically to
// prevent clock drift.
class WindowsRealTimeClock : public RealTimeClock {
WindowsRealTimeClock(WindowsHelpTimer* helpTimer)
: _helpTimer(helpTimer) {}
: last_time_ms_(0),
ref_point_(GetSystemReferencePoint()) {}
virtual ~WindowsRealTimeClock() {}
struct ReferencePoint {
FILETIME file_time;
LARGE_INTEGER counter_ms;
virtual timeval CurrentTimeVal() const OVERRIDE {
const uint64_t FILETIME_1970 = 0x019db1ded53e8000;
@ -195,7 +112,7 @@ class WindowsRealTimeClock : public RealTimeClock {
// We can't use query performance counter since they can change depending on
// speed stepping.
get_time(_helpTimer, StartTime);
Time = (((uint64_t) StartTime.dwHighDateTime) << 32) +
(uint64_t) StartTime.dwLowDateTime;
@ -208,7 +125,65 @@ class WindowsRealTimeClock : public RealTimeClock {
return tv;
WindowsHelpTimer* _helpTimer;
void GetTime(FILETIME* current_time) const {
LARGE_INTEGER elapsed_ms;
rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
// time MUST be fetched inside the critical section to avoid non-monotonic
// last_time_ms_ values that'll register as incorrect wraparounds due to
// concurrent calls to GetTime.
t = timeGetTime();
if (t < last_time_ms_)
last_time_ms_ = t;
elapsed_ms.HighPart = num_timer_wraps_;
elapsed_ms.LowPart = t;
elapsed_ms.QuadPart = elapsed_ms.QuadPart - ref_point_.counter_ms.QuadPart;
// Translate to 100-nanoseconds intervals (FILETIME resolution)
// and add to reference FILETIME to get current FILETIME.
ULARGE_INTEGER filetime_ref_as_ul;
filetime_ref_as_ul.HighPart = ref_point_.file_time.dwHighDateTime;
filetime_ref_as_ul.LowPart = ref_point_.file_time.dwLowDateTime;
filetime_ref_as_ul.QuadPart +=
static_cast<ULONGLONG>((elapsed_ms.QuadPart) * 1000 * 10);
// Copy to result
current_time->dwHighDateTime = filetime_ref_as_ul.HighPart;
current_time->dwLowDateTime = filetime_ref_as_ul.LowPart;
static ReferencePoint GetSystemReferencePoint() {
ReferencePoint ref = {0};
FILETIME ft0 = {0};
FILETIME ft1 = {0};
// Spin waiting for a change in system time. As soon as this change happens,
// get the matching call for timeGetTime() as soon as possible. This is
// assumed to be the most accurate offset that we can get between
// timeGetTime() and system time.
// Set timer accuracy to 1 ms.
do {
ref.counter_ms.QuadPart = timeGetTime();
} while ((ft0.dwHighDateTime == ft1.dwHighDateTime) &&
(ft0.dwLowDateTime == ft1.dwLowDateTime));
ref.file_time = ft1;
return ref;
// mutable as time-accessing functions are const.
mutable rtc::CriticalSection crit_;
mutable DWORD last_time_ms_;
mutable LONG num_timer_wraps_;
const ReferencePoint ref_point_;
#elif ((defined WEBRTC_LINUX) || (defined WEBRTC_MAC))
@ -230,32 +205,25 @@ class UnixRealTimeClock : public RealTimeClock {
#if defined(_WIN32)
// Keeps the global state for the Windows implementation of RtpRtcpClock.
// Note that this is a POD. Only PODs are allowed to have static storage
// duration according to the Google Style guide.
// Note that on Windows, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime has poorer (up to 15 ms)
// resolution than the media timers, hence the WindowsHelpTimer context
// object and Synchronize API to sync the two.
// We only sync up once, which means that on Windows, our realtime clock
// wont respond to system time/date changes without a program restart.
// TODO(henrike): We should probably call sync more often to catch
// drift and time changes for parity with other platforms.
static WindowsHelpTimer *SyncGlobalHelpTimer() {
static WindowsHelpTimer global_help_timer = {0, 0, {{ 0, 0}, 0}, 0};
return &global_help_timer;
static WindowsRealTimeClock* volatile g_shared_clock = nullptr;
Clock* Clock::GetRealTimeClock() {
#if defined(_WIN32)
static WindowsRealTimeClock clock(SyncGlobalHelpTimer());
return &clock;
// This read relies on volatile read being atomic-load-acquire. This is
// true in MSVC since at least 2005:
// "A read of a volatile object (volatile read) has Acquire semantics"
if (g_shared_clock != nullptr)
return g_shared_clock;
WindowsRealTimeClock* clock = new WindowsRealTimeClock;
if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(
reinterpret_cast<void* volatile*>(&g_shared_clock), clock, nullptr) !=
nullptr) {
// g_shared_clock was assigned while we constructed/tried to assign our
// instance, delete our instance and use the existing one.
delete clock;
return g_shared_clock;
#elif defined(WEBRTC_LINUX) || defined(WEBRTC_MAC)
static UnixRealTimeClock clock;
return &clock;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user