Remove more unused code in ACM

This CL removes a lot of unused code in AudioCodingModuleImpl and


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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#8470}
git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
This commit is contained in: 2015-02-24 12:01:34 +00:00
parent 13ca5f6db2
commit ccd7c7c45d
4 changed files with 16 additions and 405 deletions

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@ -103,28 +103,7 @@ ACMGenericCodec::ACMGenericCodec(const CodecInst& codec_inst,
int cng_pt_fb,
bool enable_red,
int red_payload_type)
: in_audio_ix_write_(0),
frame_len_smpl_(-1), // invalid value
codec_id_(-1), // invalid value
: has_internal_fec_(false),
@ -141,12 +120,6 @@ ACMGenericCodec::ACMGenericCodec(const CodecInst& codec_inst,
opus_application_set_(false) {
// Initialize VAD vector.
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FRAME_SIZE_10MSEC; i++) {
vad_label_[i] = 0;
// Nullify memory for encoder and decoder, and set payload type to an
// invalid value.
memset(&encoder_params_, 0, sizeof(WebRtcACMCodecParams));
encoder_params_.codec_inst.pltype = -1;
@ -163,24 +136,6 @@ ACMGenericCodec::ACMGenericCodec(const CodecInst& codec_inst,
ACMGenericCodec::~ACMGenericCodec() {
// Check all the members which are pointers, and if they are not NULL
// delete/free them.
if (ptr_vad_inst_ != NULL) {
ptr_vad_inst_ = NULL;
if (in_audio_ != NULL) {
delete[] in_audio_;
in_audio_ = NULL;
if (in_timestamp_ != NULL) {
delete[] in_timestamp_;
in_timestamp_ = NULL;
if (ptr_dtx_inst_ != NULL) {
ptr_dtx_inst_ = NULL;
delete &codec_wrapper_lock_;
@ -594,23 +549,6 @@ void ACMGenericCodec::SetCngPt(int sample_rate_hz, int payload_type) {
int32_t ACMGenericCodec::GetRedPayload(uint8_t* red_payload,
int16_t* payload_bytes) {
return 0;
int16_t ACMGenericCodec::ResetEncoder() {
return 0;
void ACMGenericCodec::DestructEncoder() {
void ACMGenericCodec::SetUniqueID(const uint32_t id) {
// Do nothing.
int16_t ACMGenericCodec::UpdateDecoderSampFreq(int16_t codec_id) {
WriteLockScoped wl(codec_wrapper_lock_);
@ -661,7 +599,7 @@ int ACMGenericCodec::SetOpusMaxPlaybackRate(int frequency_hz) {
return 0;
AudioDecoder* ACMGenericCodec::Decoder(int /* codec_id */) {
AudioDecoder* ACMGenericCodec::Decoder() {
ReadLockScoped rl(codec_wrapper_lock_);
return decoder_proxy_.IsSet() ? &decoder_proxy_ : nullptr;
@ -699,10 +637,6 @@ void ACMGenericCodec::EnableCopyRed(bool enable, int red_payload_type) {
bool ACMGenericCodec::ExternalRedNeeded() {
return false;
const AudioEncoder* ACMGenericCodec::GetAudioEncoder() const {
WriteLockScoped wl(codec_wrapper_lock_);
return encoder_;

View File

@ -293,64 +293,6 @@ class ACMGenericCodec {
// Registers comfort noise at |sample_rate_hz| to use |payload_type|.
void SetCngPt(int sample_rate_hz, int payload_type);
// bool HasInternalDTX()
// Used to check if the codec has internal DTX.
// Return value:
// true if the codec has an internal DTX, e.g. G729,
// false otherwise.
bool HasInternalDTX() const {
ReadLockScoped rl(codec_wrapper_lock_);
return has_internal_dtx_;
// int32_t GetRedPayload()
// Used to get codec specific RED payload (if such is implemented).
// Currently only done in iSAC.
// Outputs:
// -red_payload : a pointer to the data for RED payload.
// -payload_bytes : number of bytes in RED payload.
// Return value:
// -1 if fails to get codec specific RED,
// 0 if succeeded.
int32_t GetRedPayload(uint8_t* red_payload, int16_t* payload_bytes);
// int16_t ResetEncoder()
// By calling this function you would re-initialize the encoder with the
// current parameters. All the settings, e.g. VAD/DTX, frame-size... should
// remain unchanged. (In case of iSAC we don't want to lose BWE history.)
// Return value
// -1 if failed,
// 0 if succeeded.
int16_t ResetEncoder();
// void DestructEncoder()
// This function is called to delete the encoder instance, if possible, to
// have a fresh start. For codecs where encoder and decoder share the same
// instance we cannot delete the encoder and instead we will initialize the
// encoder. We also delete VAD and DTX if they have been created.
void DestructEncoder();
// SetUniqueID()
// Set a unique ID for the codec to be used for tracing and debugging
// Input
// -id : A number to identify the codec.
void SetUniqueID(const uint32_t id);
// UpdateDecoderSampFreq()
// For most of the codecs this function does nothing. It must be
@ -483,14 +425,9 @@ class ACMGenericCodec {
bool HasFrameToEncode() const;
// Returns pointer to the AudioDecoder class of this codec. A codec which
// should own its own decoder (e.g. iSAC which need same instance for encoding
// and decoding, or a codec which should access decoder instance for specific
// decoder setting) should implement this method. This method is called if
// and only if the ACMCodecDB::codec_settings[codec_id].owns_decoder is true.
AudioDecoder* Decoder(int /* codec_id */);
// Returns a pointer to the AudioDecoder part of a joint encoder-decoder
// object, if it exists. Otherwise, nullptr is returned.
AudioDecoder* Decoder();
// bool HasInternalFEC()
@ -538,64 +475,10 @@ class ACMGenericCodec {
// Sets if CopyRed should be enabled.
void EnableCopyRed(bool enable, int red_payload_type);
// Returns true if the caller needs to produce RED data manually (that is, if
// RED has been enabled but the codec isn't able to produce the data itself).
bool ExternalRedNeeded();
// This method is only for testing.
const AudioEncoder* GetAudioEncoder() const;
// &in_audio_[in_audio_ix_write_] always point to where new audio can be
// written to
int16_t in_audio_ix_write_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
// &in_audio_[in_audio_ix_read_] points to where audio has to be read from
int16_t in_audio_ix_read_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
int16_t in_timestamp_ix_write_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
// Where the audio is stored before encoding,
// To save memory the following buffer can be allocated
// dynamically for 80 ms depending on the sampling frequency
// of the codec.
int16_t* in_audio_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
uint32_t* in_timestamp_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
int16_t frame_len_smpl_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
uint16_t num_channels_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
// This will point to a static database of the supported codecs
int16_t codec_id_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
// This will account for the number of samples were not encoded
// the case is rare, either samples are missed due to overwrite
// at input buffer or due to encoding error
uint32_t num_missed_samples_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
// True if the encoder instance created
bool encoder_exist_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
// True if the encoder instance initialized
bool encoder_initialized_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
const bool registered_in_neteq_
GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_); // TODO(henrik.lundin) Remove?
bool has_internal_dtx_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
WebRtcVadInst* ptr_vad_inst_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
bool vad_enabled_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
ACMVADMode vad_mode_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
int16_t vad_label_[MAX_FRAME_SIZE_10MSEC] GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
bool dtx_enabled_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
WebRtcCngEncInst* ptr_dtx_inst_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
uint8_t num_lpc_params_ // TODO(henrik.lundin) Delete and
GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_); // replace with kNewCNGNumLPCParams.
bool sent_cn_previous_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
int16_t prev_frame_cng_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
// FEC.
bool has_internal_fec_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);
bool copy_red_enabled_ GUARDED_BY(codec_wrapper_lock_);

View File

@ -139,14 +139,11 @@ AudioCodingModuleImpl::AudioCodingModuleImpl(
@ -163,24 +160,6 @@ AudioCodingModuleImpl::AudioCodingModuleImpl(
mirror_codec_idx_[i] = -1;
// Allocate memory for RED.
red_buffer_ = new uint8_t[MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE];
// TODO(turajs): This might not be exactly how this class is supposed to work.
// The external usage might be that |fragmentationVectorSize| has to match
// the allocated space for the member-arrays, while here, we allocate
// according to the maximum number of fragmentations and change
// |fragmentationVectorSize| on-the-fly based on actual number of
// fragmentations. However, due to copying to local variable before calling
// SendData, the RTP module receives a "valid" fragmentation, where allocated
// space matches |fragmentationVectorSize|, therefore, this should not cause
// any problem. A better approach is not using RTPFragmentationHeader as
// member variable, instead, use an ACM-specific structure to hold RED-related
// data. See module_common_type.h for the definition of
// RTPFragmentationHeader.
// Register the default payload type for RED and for CNG at sampling rates of
// 8, 16, 32 and 48 kHz.
for (int i = (ACMCodecDB::kNumCodecs - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
@ -223,11 +202,6 @@ AudioCodingModuleImpl::~AudioCodingModuleImpl() {
codecs_[i] = NULL;
if (red_buffer_ != NULL) {
delete[] red_buffer_;
red_buffer_ = NULL;
if (aux_rtp_header_ != NULL) {
@ -264,7 +238,6 @@ int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::Process() {
// TODO(turajs): |length_bytes| & |red_length_bytes| can be of type int if
// ACMGenericCodec::Encode() & ACMGenericCodec::GetRedPayload() allows.
int16_t length_bytes = 2 * MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE;
int16_t red_length_bytes = length_bytes;
uint32_t rtp_timestamp;
int status;
WebRtcACMEncodingType encoding_type;
@ -307,22 +280,18 @@ int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::Process() {
case kPassiveDTXNB: {
frame_type = kAudioFrameCN;
is_first_red_ = true;
case kPassiveDTXWB: {
frame_type = kAudioFrameCN;
is_first_red_ = true;
case kPassiveDTXSWB: {
frame_type = kAudioFrameCN;
is_first_red_ = true;
case kPassiveDTXFB: {
frame_type = kAudioFrameCN;
is_first_red_ = true;
@ -331,121 +300,6 @@ int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::Process() {
previous_pltype_ = current_payload_type;
ConvertEncodedInfoToFragmentationHeader(encoded_info, &my_fragmentation);
// If RED is produced by the AudioEncoder object, the payload type for
// RED must be set.
if (!encoded_info.redundant.empty())
current_payload_type = encoded_info.payload_type;
// Redundancy encode is done here. The two bitstreams packetized into
// one RTP packet and the fragmentation points are set.
// Only apply RED on speech data.
// Note: This will only happen if |encoded_info| did not contain any
// redundancy data. The if statement below will be removed once all codecs
// have been switched to the new AudioEncoder interface.
if ((codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->ExternalRedNeeded()) &&
((encoding_type == kActiveNormalEncoded) ||
(encoding_type == kPassiveNormalEncoded))) {
FATAL() << "Don't go here!";
// RED is enabled within this scope.
// Note that, a special solution exists for iSAC since it is the only
// codec for which GetRedPayload has a non-empty implementation.
// Summary of the RED scheme below (use iSAC as example):
// 1st (is_first_red_ is true) encoded iSAC frame (primary #1) =>
// - call GetRedPayload() and store redundancy for packet #1 in
// second fragment of RED buffer (old data)
// - drop the primary iSAC frame
// - don't call SendData
// 2nd (is_first_red_ is false) encoded iSAC frame (primary #2) =>
// - store primary #2 in 1st fragment of RED buffer and send the
// combined packet
// - the transmitted packet contains primary #2 (new) and
// redundancy for packet #1 (old)
// - call GetRed_Payload() and store redundancy for packet #2 in
// second fragment of RED buffer
// ...
// Nth encoded iSAC frame (primary #N) =>
// - store primary #N in 1st fragment of RED buffer and send the
// combined packet
// - the transmitted packet contains primary #N (new) and
// reduncancy for packet #(N-1) (old)
// - call GetRedPayload() and store redundancy for packet #N in
// second fragment of RED buffer
// For all other codecs, GetRedPayload does nothing and returns -1 =>
// redundant data is only a copy.
// First combined packet contains : #2 (new) and #1 (old)
// Second combined packet contains: #3 (new) and #2 (old)
// Third combined packet contains : #4 (new) and #3 (old)
// Hence, even if every second packet is dropped, perfect
// reconstruction is possible.
has_data_to_send = false;
// Skip the following part for the first packet in a RED session.
if (!is_first_red_) {
// Rearrange stream such that RED packets are included.
// Replace stream now that we have stored current stream.
memcpy(stream + fragmentation_.fragmentationOffset[1], red_buffer_,
// Update the fragmentation time difference vector, in number of
// timestamps.
uint16_t time_since_last = static_cast<uint16_t>(
rtp_timestamp - last_red_timestamp_);
// Update fragmentation vectors.
fragmentation_.fragmentationPlType[1] =
fragmentation_.fragmentationTimeDiff[1] = time_since_last;
has_data_to_send = true;
// Insert new packet length.
fragmentation_.fragmentationLength[0] = length_bytes;
// Insert new packet payload type.
fragmentation_.fragmentationPlType[0] = current_payload_type;
last_red_timestamp_ = rtp_timestamp;
// Can be modified by the GetRedPayload() call if iSAC is utilized.
red_length_bytes = length_bytes;
// A fragmentation header is provided => packetization according to
// RFC 2198 (RTP Payload for Redundant Audio Data) will be used.
// First fragment is the current data (new).
// Second fragment is the previous data (old).
length_bytes = static_cast<int16_t>(
fragmentation_.fragmentationLength[0] +
// Get, and store, redundant data from the encoder based on the recently
// encoded frame.
// NOTE - only iSAC contains an implementation; all other codecs does
// nothing and returns -1.
if (codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->GetRedPayload(
red_buffer_, &red_length_bytes) == -1) {
// The codec was not iSAC => use current encoder output as redundant
// data instead (trivial RED scheme).
memcpy(red_buffer_, stream, red_length_bytes);
is_first_red_ = false;
// Update payload type with RED payload type.
current_payload_type = red_pltype_;
// We have packed 2 payloads.
fragmentation_.fragmentationVectorSize = kNumRedFragmentationVectors;
// Copy to local variable, as it will be used outside ACM lock.
// Store RED length.
fragmentation_.fragmentationLength[1] = red_length_bytes;
@ -487,31 +341,16 @@ int AudioCodingModuleImpl::InitializeSender() {
current_send_codec_idx_ = -1;
send_codec_inst_.plname[0] = '\0';
// Delete all encoders to start fresh.
for (int id = 0; id < ACMCodecDB::kMaxNumCodecs; id++) {
if (codecs_[id] != NULL) {
// Initialize RED.
is_first_red_ = true;
if (red_enabled_) {
if (red_buffer_ != NULL) {
memset(red_buffer_, 0, MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE);
return 0;
// TODO(henrik.lundin): Remove this method; only used in tests.
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::ResetEncoder() {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
if (!HaveValidEncoder("ResetEncoder")) {
return -1;
return codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->ResetEncoder();
return 0;
ACMGenericCodec* AudioCodingModuleImpl::CreateCodec(const CodecInst& codec) {
@ -526,7 +365,6 @@ ACMGenericCodec* AudioCodingModuleImpl::CreateCodec(const CodecInst& codec) {
"ACMCodecDB::CreateCodecInstance() failed in CreateCodec()");
return my_codec;
return my_codec;
@ -740,7 +578,6 @@ int AudioCodingModuleImpl::RegisterSendCodec(const CodecInst& send_codec) {
if (send_codec_registered_) {
// If we change codec we start fresh with RED.
// This is not strictly required by the standard.
is_first_red_ = true;
codec_ptr->SetVAD(&dtx_enabled_, &vad_enabled_, &vad_mode_);
if (!codec_ptr->HasInternalFEC()) {
@ -757,7 +594,6 @@ int AudioCodingModuleImpl::RegisterSendCodec(const CodecInst& send_codec) {
current_send_codec_idx_ = codec_id;
send_codec_registered_ = true;
memcpy(&send_codec_inst_, &send_codec, sizeof(CodecInst));
previous_pltype_ = send_codec_inst_.pltype;
return 0;
} else {
// If codec is the same as already registered check if any parameters
@ -789,9 +625,6 @@ int AudioCodingModuleImpl::RegisterSendCodec(const CodecInst& send_codec) {
// frequency if required.
if (send_codec_inst_.plfreq != send_codec.plfreq) {
force_init = true;
// If sampling frequency is changed we have to start fresh with RED.
is_first_red_ = true;
// If packet size or number of channels has changed, we need to
@ -848,7 +681,6 @@ int AudioCodingModuleImpl::RegisterSendCodec(const CodecInst& send_codec) {
previous_pltype_ = send_codec_inst_.pltype;
return 0;
@ -891,6 +723,7 @@ int AudioCodingModuleImpl::SendFrequency() const {
// Get encode bitrate.
// Adaptive rate codecs return their current encode target rate, while other
// codecs return there longterm avarage or their fixed rate.
// TODO(henrik.lundin): Remove; not used.
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::SendBitrate() const {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
@ -908,6 +741,7 @@ int AudioCodingModuleImpl::SendBitrate() const {
// Set available bandwidth, inform the encoder about the estimated bandwidth
// received from the remote party.
// TODO(henrik.lundin): Remove; not used.
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetReceivedEstimatedBandwidth(int bw) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
FATAL() << "Dead code?";
@ -1108,24 +942,12 @@ int AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetREDStatus(
if (red_enabled_ != enable_red) {
// Reset the RED buffer.
memset(red_buffer_, 0, MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE);
// Reset fragmentation buffers.
// Set red_enabled_.
red_enabled_ = enable_red;
is_first_red_ = true; // Make sure we restart RED.
red_enabled_ = enable_red;
return 0;
bool /* enable_red */) {
red_enabled_ = false;
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceWarning, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, id_,
" WEBRTC_CODEC_RED is undefined => red_enabled_ = %d",
" WEBRTC_CODEC_RED is undefined");
return -1;
@ -1277,6 +1099,7 @@ int AudioCodingModuleImpl::InitializeReceiverSafe() {
// implement this method. Otherwise it should be removed. I might be that by
// removing and registering a decoder we can achieve the effect of resetting.
// Reset the decoder state.
// TODO(henrik.lundin): Remove; only used in one test, and does nothing.
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::ResetDecoder() {
return 0;
@ -1521,6 +1344,7 @@ int AudioCodingModuleImpl::IsInternalDTXReplacedWithWebRtc(
return 0;
// TODO(henrik.lundin): Remove? Only used in tests. Deprecated in VoiceEngine.
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetISACMaxRate(int max_bit_per_sec) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
@ -1531,6 +1355,7 @@ int AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetISACMaxRate(int max_bit_per_sec) {
return codecs_[current_send_codec_idx_]->SetISACMaxRate(max_bit_per_sec);
// TODO(henrik.lundin): Remove? Only used in tests. Deprecated in VoiceEngine.
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetISACMaxPayloadSize(int max_size_bytes) {
CriticalSectionScoped lock(acm_crit_sect_);
@ -1542,6 +1367,7 @@ int AudioCodingModuleImpl::SetISACMaxPayloadSize(int max_size_bytes) {
// TODO(henrik.lundin): Remove? Only used in tests.
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::ConfigISACBandwidthEstimator(
int frame_size_ms,
int rate_bit_per_sec,
@ -1622,21 +1448,6 @@ int AudioCodingModuleImpl::REDPayloadISAC(int isac_rate,
// return status;
void AudioCodingModuleImpl::ResetFragmentation(int vector_size) {
for (size_t n = 0; n < kMaxNumFragmentationVectors; n++) {
fragmentation_.fragmentationOffset[n] = n * MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTE;
memset(fragmentation_.fragmentationLength, 0, kMaxNumFragmentationVectors *
memset(fragmentation_.fragmentationTimeDiff, 0, kMaxNumFragmentationVectors *
kMaxNumFragmentationVectors *
fragmentation_.fragmentationVectorSize = static_cast<uint16_t>(vector_size);
int AudioCodingModuleImpl::GetAudioDecoder(const CodecInst& codec, int codec_id,
int mirror_id,
AudioDecoder** decoder) {
@ -1661,7 +1472,7 @@ int AudioCodingModuleImpl::GetAudioDecoder(const CodecInst& codec, int codec_id,
codecs_[codec_id] = codecs_[mirror_id];
mirror_codec_idx_[codec_id] = mirror_id;
*decoder = codecs_[codec_id]->Decoder(codec_id);
*decoder = codecs_[codec_id]->Decoder();
if (!*decoder) {
return -1;

View File

@ -271,9 +271,6 @@ class AudioCodingModuleImpl : public AudioCodingModule {
// to |index|.
int UpdateUponReceivingCodec(int index);
void ResetFragmentation(int vector_size)
// Get a pointer to AudioDecoder of the given codec. For some codecs, e.g.
// iSAC, encoding and decoding have to be performed on a shared
// codec-instance. By calling this method, we get the codec-instance that ACM
@ -319,21 +316,8 @@ class AudioCodingModuleImpl : public AudioCodingModule {
AcmReceiver receiver_; // AcmReceiver has it's own internal lock.
// RED.
bool is_first_red_ GUARDED_BY(acm_crit_sect_);
bool red_enabled_ GUARDED_BY(acm_crit_sect_);
// TODO(turajs): |red_buffer_| is allocated in constructor, why having them
// as pointers and not an array. If concerned about the memory, then make a
// set-up function to allocate them only when they are going to be used, i.e.
// RED is enabled.
uint8_t* red_buffer_ GUARDED_BY(acm_crit_sect_);
// TODO(turajs): we actually don't need |fragmentation_| as a member variable.
// It is sufficient to keep the length & payload type of previous payload in
// member variables.
RTPFragmentationHeader fragmentation_ GUARDED_BY(acm_crit_sect_);
uint32_t last_red_timestamp_ GUARDED_BY(acm_crit_sect_);
// Codec internal FEC
bool codec_fec_enabled_ GUARDED_BY(acm_crit_sect_);
@ -351,7 +335,6 @@ class AudioCodingModuleImpl : public AudioCodingModule {
bool receiver_initialized_ GUARDED_BY(acm_crit_sect_);
AudioFrame preprocess_frame_ GUARDED_BY(acm_crit_sect_);
uint32_t codec_timestamp_ GUARDED_BY(acm_crit_sect_);
bool first_10ms_data_ GUARDED_BY(acm_crit_sect_);
CriticalSectionWrapper* callback_crit_sect_;