Separated far-end handling in BinaryDelayEstimator.

This CL is one step in a larger change of the DelayEstimator where we will open up for multiple near-end signals.

This particular CL separates the low level far-end parts without affecting the usage externally. This is a first step towards separating the far-end and near-end parts giving the user the control.

TEST=audioproc_unittests, trybots

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git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
This commit is contained in: 2013-01-25 15:53:41 +00:00
parent 59d209562f
commit 94c213af1a
5 changed files with 222 additions and 100 deletions

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@ -59,6 +59,68 @@ static void BitCountComparison(uint32_t binary_vector,
void WebRtc_FreeBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* self) {
if (self == NULL) {
self->binary_far_history = NULL;
self->far_bit_counts = NULL;
BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(
int history_size) {
BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* self = malloc(sizeof(BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend));
assert(history_size > 1);
if (self != NULL) {
int malloc_fail = 0;
self->history_size = history_size;
// Allocate memory for history buffers.
self->binary_far_history = malloc(history_size * sizeof(uint32_t));
malloc_fail |= (self->binary_far_history == NULL);
self->far_bit_counts = malloc(history_size * sizeof(int));
malloc_fail |= (self->far_bit_counts == NULL);
if (malloc_fail) {
self = NULL;
return self;
void WebRtc_InitBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* self) {
assert(self != NULL);
memset(self->binary_far_history, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * self->history_size);
memset(self->far_bit_counts, 0, sizeof(int) * self->history_size);
void WebRtc_AddBinaryFarSpectrum(BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* handle,
uint32_t binary_far_spectrum) {
assert(handle != NULL);
// Shift binary spectrum history and insert current |binary_far_spectrum|.
memmove(&(handle->binary_far_history[1]), &(handle->binary_far_history[0]),
(handle->history_size - 1) * sizeof(uint32_t));
handle->binary_far_history[0] = binary_far_spectrum;
// Shift history of far-end binary spectrum bit counts and insert bit count
// of current |binary_far_spectrum|.
memmove(&(handle->far_bit_counts[1]), &(handle->far_bit_counts[0]),
(handle->history_size - 1) * sizeof(int));
handle->far_bit_counts[0] = BitCount(binary_far_spectrum);
void WebRtc_FreeBinaryDelayEstimator(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle) {
if (handle == NULL) {
@ -71,24 +133,21 @@ void WebRtc_FreeBinaryDelayEstimator(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle) {
handle->bit_counts = NULL;
handle->binary_far_history = NULL;
handle->binary_near_history = NULL;
handle->far_bit_counts = NULL;
// BinaryDelayEstimator does not have ownership of |farend|, hence we do not
// free the memory here. That should be handled separately by the user.
handle->farend = NULL;
BinaryDelayEstimator* WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(int max_delay,
int lookahead) {
BinaryDelayEstimator* WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(
BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* farend, int lookahead) {
BinaryDelayEstimator* self = NULL;
int history_size = max_delay + lookahead; // Must be > 1 for buffer shifting.
if ((max_delay >= 0) && (lookahead >= 0) && (history_size > 1)) {
if ((farend != NULL) && (lookahead >= 0)) {
// Sanity conditions fulfilled.
self = malloc(sizeof(BinaryDelayEstimator));
@ -96,32 +155,20 @@ BinaryDelayEstimator* WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(int max_delay,
if (self != NULL) {
int malloc_fail = 0;
self->mean_bit_counts = NULL;
self->bit_counts = NULL;
self->binary_far_history = NULL;
self->far_bit_counts = NULL;
self->binary_near_history = NULL;
self->history_size = history_size;
self->farend = farend;
self->near_history_size = lookahead + 1;
// Allocate memory for spectrum buffers.
self->mean_bit_counts = malloc(history_size * sizeof(int32_t));
self->mean_bit_counts = malloc(farend->history_size * sizeof(int32_t));
malloc_fail |= (self->mean_bit_counts == NULL);
self->bit_counts = malloc(history_size * sizeof(int32_t));
self->bit_counts = malloc(farend->history_size * sizeof(int32_t));
malloc_fail |= (self->bit_counts == NULL);
// Allocate memory for history buffers.
self->binary_far_history = malloc(history_size * sizeof(uint32_t));
malloc_fail |= (self->binary_far_history == NULL);
self->binary_near_history = malloc((lookahead + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t));
malloc_fail |= (self->binary_near_history == NULL);
self->far_bit_counts = malloc(history_size * sizeof(int));
malloc_fail |= (self->far_bit_counts == NULL);
if (malloc_fail) {
self = NULL;
@ -135,13 +182,10 @@ void WebRtc_InitBinaryDelayEstimator(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle) {
int i = 0;
assert(handle != NULL);
memset(handle->bit_counts, 0, sizeof(int32_t) * handle->history_size);
memset(handle->binary_far_history, 0,
sizeof(uint32_t) * handle->history_size);
memset(handle->bit_counts, 0, sizeof(int32_t) * handle->farend->history_size);
memset(handle->binary_near_history, 0,
sizeof(uint32_t) * handle->near_history_size);
memset(handle->far_bit_counts, 0, sizeof(int) * handle->history_size);
for (i = 0; i < handle->history_size; ++i) {
for (i = 0; i < handle->farend->history_size; ++i) {
handle->mean_bit_counts[i] = (20 << 9); // 20 in Q9.
handle->minimum_probability = (32 << 9); // 32 in Q9.
@ -151,21 +195,6 @@ void WebRtc_InitBinaryDelayEstimator(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle) {
handle->last_delay = -2;
void WebRtc_AddBinaryFarSpectrum(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle,
uint32_t binary_far_spectrum) {
assert(handle != NULL);
// Shift binary spectrum history and insert current |binary_far_spectrum|.
memmove(&(handle->binary_far_history[1]), &(handle->binary_far_history[0]),
(handle->history_size - 1) * sizeof(uint32_t));
handle->binary_far_history[0] = binary_far_spectrum;
// Shift history of far-end binary spectrum bit counts and insert bit count
// of current |binary_far_spectrum|.
memmove(&(handle->far_bit_counts[1]), &(handle->far_bit_counts[0]),
(handle->history_size - 1) * sizeof(int));
handle->far_bit_counts[0] = BitCount(binary_far_spectrum);
int WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle,
uint32_t binary_near_spectrum) {
int i = 0;
@ -188,12 +217,12 @@ int WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle,
// Compare with delayed spectra and store the |bit_counts| for each delay.
// Update |mean_bit_counts|, which is the smoothed version of |bit_counts|.
for (i = 0; i < handle->history_size; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < handle->farend->history_size; i++) {
// |bit_counts| is constrained to [0, 32], meaning we can smooth with a
// factor up to 2^26. We use Q9.
int32_t bit_count = (handle->bit_counts[i] << 9); // Q9.
@ -201,17 +230,17 @@ int WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle,
// Update |mean_bit_counts| only when far-end signal has something to
// contribute. If |far_bit_counts| is zero the far-end signal is weak and
// we likely have a poor echo condition, hence don't update.
if (handle->far_bit_counts[i] > 0) {
if (handle->farend->far_bit_counts[i] > 0) {
// Make number of right shifts piecewise linear w.r.t. |far_bit_counts|.
int shifts = kShiftsAtZero;
shifts -= (kShiftsLinearSlope * handle->far_bit_counts[i]) >> 4;
shifts -= (kShiftsLinearSlope * handle->farend->far_bit_counts[i]) >> 4;
WebRtc_MeanEstimatorFix(bit_count, shifts, &(handle->mean_bit_counts[i]));
// Find |candidate_delay|, |value_best_candidate| and |value_worst_candidate|
// of |mean_bit_counts|.
for (i = 0; i < handle->history_size; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < handle->farend->history_size; i++) {
if (handle->mean_bit_counts[i] < value_best_candidate) {
value_best_candidate = handle->mean_bit_counts[i];
candidate_delay = i;

View File

@ -18,15 +18,21 @@
typedef struct {
// Pointer to bit counts.
int32_t* mean_bit_counts;
int* far_bit_counts;
// Binary history variables.
uint32_t* binary_far_history;
// Buffer size.
int history_size;
} BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend;
typedef struct {
// Pointer to bit counts.
int32_t* mean_bit_counts;
// Array only used locally in ProcessBinarySpectrum() but whose size is
// determined at run-time.
int32_t* bit_counts;
// Binary history variables.
uint32_t* binary_far_history;
uint32_t* binary_near_history;
// Delay estimation variables.
@ -36,14 +42,69 @@ typedef struct {
// Delay memory.
int last_delay;
// Buffer size.
int history_size;
// Near-end buffer size.
int near_history_size;
// Far-end binary spectrum history buffer etc.
BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* farend;
} BinaryDelayEstimator;
// Releases the memory allocated by
// WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(...).
// Input:
// - self : Pointer to the binary delay estimation far-end
// instance which is the return value of
// WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend().
void WebRtc_FreeBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* self);
// Allocates the memory needed by the far-end part of the binary delay
// estimation. The memory needs to be initialized separately through
// WebRtc_InitBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(...).
// Inputs:
// - history_size : Size of the far-end binary spectrum history.
// Return value:
// - BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend*
// : Created |handle|. If the memory can't be allocated
// or if any of the input parameters are invalid NULL
// is returned.
BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(
int history_size);
// Initializes the delay estimation far-end instance created with
// WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(...).
// Input:
// - self : Pointer to the delay estimation far-end instance.
// Output:
// - self : Initialized far-end instance.
void WebRtc_InitBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* self);
// Adds the binary far-end spectrum to the internal far-end history buffer. This
// spectrum is used as reference when calculating the delay using
// WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum().
// Inputs:
// - handle : Pointer to the delay estimation far-end
// instance.
// - binary_far_spectrum : Far-end binary spectrum.
// Output:
// - handle : Updated far-end instance.
void WebRtc_AddBinaryFarSpectrum(BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* handle,
uint32_t binary_far_spectrum);
// Releases the memory allocated by WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(...).
// Note that BinaryDelayEstimator utilizes BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend, but does
// not take ownership of it, hence the BinaryDelayEstimator has to be torn down
// before the far-end.
// Input:
// - handle : Pointer to the binary delay estimation instance
// which is the return value of
@ -51,12 +112,45 @@ typedef struct {
void WebRtc_FreeBinaryDelayEstimator(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle);
// Refer to WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimator() in delay_estimator_wrapper.h.
BinaryDelayEstimator* WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(int max_delay,
int lookahead);
// Allocates the memory needed by the binary delay estimation. The memory needs
// to be initialized separately through WebRtc_InitBinaryDelayEstimator(...).
// Inputs:
// - farend : Pointer to the far-end part of the Binary Delay
// Estimator. This memory has to be created separately
// prior to this call using
// WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend().
// Note that BinaryDelayEstimator does not take
// ownership of |farend|.
// - lookahead : Amount of non-causal lookahead to use. This can
// detect cases in which a near-end signal occurs before
// the corresponding far-end signal. It will delay the
// estimate for the current block by an equal amount,
// and the returned values will be offset by it.
// A value of zero is the typical no-lookahead case.
// This also represents the minimum delay which can be
// estimated.
// Note that the effective range of delay estimates is
// [-|lookahead|,... ,|history_size|-|lookahead|)
// where |history_size| was set upon creating the far-end
// history buffer size.
// Return value:
// - BinaryDelayEstimator*
// : Created |handle|. If the memory can't be allocated
// or if any of the input parameters are invalid NULL
// is returned.
BinaryDelayEstimator* WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(
BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* farend, int lookahead);
// Initializes the delay estimation instance created with
// WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(...).
// Input:
// - handle : Pointer to the delay estimation instance.
@ -65,24 +159,12 @@ BinaryDelayEstimator* WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(int max_delay,
void WebRtc_InitBinaryDelayEstimator(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle);
// Adds the binary far-end spectrum to the internal buffer. This spectrum is
// used as reference when calculating the delay using
// WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum().
// Inputs:
// - handle : Pointer to the delay estimation instance.
// - binary_far_spectrum : Far-end binary spectrum.
// Output:
// - handle : Updated instance.
void WebRtc_AddBinaryFarSpectrum(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle,
uint32_t binary_far_spectrum);
// Estimates and returns the delay between the binary far-end and binary near-
// end spectra. It is assumed the binary far-end spectrum has been added using
// WebRtc_AddBinaryFarSpectrum() prior to this call. The value will be offset by
// the lookahead (i.e. the lookahead should be subtracted from the returned
// value).
// Inputs:
// - handle : Pointer to the delay estimation instance.
// - binary_near_spectrum : Near-end binary spectrum of the current block.
@ -92,7 +174,6 @@ void WebRtc_AddBinaryFarSpectrum(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle,
// Return value:
// - delay : >= 0 - Calculated delay value.
// -1 - Error.
// -2 - Insufficient data for estimation.
int WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle,
@ -106,7 +187,6 @@ int WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle,
// Return value:
// - delay : >= 0 - Last calculated delay value
// -1 - Error
// -2 - Insufficient data for estimation.
int WebRtc_binary_last_delay(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle);

View File

@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ typedef struct {
// Binary spectrum based delay estimator
BinaryDelayEstimator* binary_handle;
// TODO(bjornv): This is an intermediate member variable. To be removed when
// we complete full support.
BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* binary_farend;
} DelayEstimator;

View File

@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ enum { kSpectrumSize = 65 };
// Delay history sizes.
enum { kMaxDelay = 100 };
enum { kLookahead = 10 };
// Length of binary spectrum sequence.
enum { kSequenceLength = 400 };
class DelayEstimatorTest : public ::testing::Test {
@ -31,12 +33,12 @@ class DelayEstimatorTest : public ::testing::Test {
virtual void TearDown();
void Init();
void InitBinary();
void* handle_;
DelayEstimator* self_;
BinaryDelayEstimator* binary_handle_;
BinaryDelayEstimatorFarend* binary_farend_handle_;
int spectrum_size_;
// Dummy input spectra.
float far_f_[kSpectrumSize];
@ -49,6 +51,7 @@ DelayEstimatorTest::DelayEstimatorTest()
: handle_(NULL),
spectrum_size_(kSpectrumSize) {
// Dummy input data are set with more or less arbitrary non-zero values.
memset(far_f_, 1, sizeof(far_f_));
@ -61,14 +64,22 @@ void DelayEstimatorTest::SetUp() {
handle_ = WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimator(kSpectrumSize, kMaxDelay, kLookahead);
ASSERT_TRUE(handle_ != NULL);
self_ = reinterpret_cast<DelayEstimator*>(handle_);
binary_handle_ = self_->binary_handle;
binary_farend_handle_ = WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(kMaxDelay +
ASSERT_TRUE(binary_farend_handle_ != NULL);
binary_handle_ = WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(binary_farend_handle_,
ASSERT_TRUE(binary_handle_ != NULL);
void DelayEstimatorTest::TearDown() {
handle_ = NULL;
self_ = NULL;
binary_handle_ = NULL;
binary_farend_handle_ = NULL;
void DelayEstimatorTest::Init() {
@ -82,6 +93,8 @@ void DelayEstimatorTest::Init() {
void DelayEstimatorTest::InitBinary() {
// Initialize Binary Delay Estimator (far-end part).
// Initialize Binary Delay Estimator
// Verify initialization. This does not guarantee a complete check, since
@ -100,9 +113,6 @@ TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, CorrectErrorReturnsOfWrapper) {
handle = WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimator(33, kMaxDelay, kLookahead);
EXPECT_TRUE(handle == NULL);
handle = handle_;
handle = WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimator(kSpectrumSize, -1, kLookahead);
EXPECT_TRUE(handle == NULL);
handle = handle_;
handle = WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimator(kSpectrumSize, kMaxDelay, -1);
EXPECT_TRUE(handle == NULL);
handle = handle_;
@ -229,30 +239,20 @@ TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, CorrectErrorReturnsOfBinaryEstimator) {
// |binary_handle| should be NULL.
// Make sure we have a non-NULL value at start, so we can detect NULL after
// create failure.
binary_handle = WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(-1, kLookahead);
binary_handle = WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(NULL, kLookahead);
EXPECT_TRUE(binary_handle == NULL);
binary_handle = binary_handle_;
binary_handle = WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(kMaxDelay, -1);
binary_handle = WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(binary_farend_handle_, -1);
EXPECT_TRUE(binary_handle == NULL);
binary_handle = binary_handle_;
binary_handle = WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(0, 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(binary_handle == NULL);
// TODO(bjornv): It is not feasible to force an error of
// WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum(). This can only happen if we have more than
// 32 bits in our binary spectrum comparison, which by definition can't
// happen.
// We should therefore remove that option from the code.
// WebRtc_binary_last_delay() can't return -1 either.
TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, MeanEstimatorFix) {
// In this test we verify that we update the mean value in correct direction
// only. With "direction" we mean increase or decrease.
int32_t mean_value = 4000;
int32_t mean_value_before = mean_value;
int32_t new_mean_value = mean_value * 2;
@ -275,12 +275,11 @@ TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, ExactDelayEstimate) {
// the signal accordingly. We verify both causal and non-causal delays.
// Construct a sequence of binary spectra used to verify delay estimate. The
// |sequence_length| has to be long enough for the delay estimation to leave
// |kSequenceLength| has to be long enough for the delay estimation to leave
// the initialized state.
const int sequence_length = 400;
uint32_t binary_spectrum[sequence_length + kMaxDelay + kLookahead];
uint32_t binary_spectrum[kSequenceLength + kMaxDelay + kLookahead];
binary_spectrum[0] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < (sequence_length + kMaxDelay + kLookahead); i++) {
for (int i = 1; i < (kSequenceLength + kMaxDelay + kLookahead); i++) {
binary_spectrum[i] = 3 * binary_spectrum[i - 1];
@ -290,8 +289,9 @@ TEST_F(DelayEstimatorTest, ExactDelayEstimate) {
// the far-end sequence.
for (int offset = -kLookahead; offset < kMaxDelay; offset++) {
for (int i = kLookahead; i < (sequence_length + kLookahead); i++) {
WebRtc_AddBinaryFarSpectrum(binary_handle_, binary_spectrum[i + offset]);
for (int i = kLookahead; i < (kSequenceLength + kLookahead); i++) {
binary_spectrum[i + offset]);
int delay = WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum(binary_handle_,

View File

@ -138,19 +138,23 @@ void WebRtc_FreeDelayEstimator(void* handle) {
self->binary_handle = NULL;
self->binary_farend = NULL;
void* WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimator(int spectrum_size, int max_delay,
int lookahead) {
DelayEstimator* self = NULL;
const int history_size = max_delay + lookahead; // For buffer shifting: > 1
// TODO(bjornv): Make this a static assert.
// Check if the sub band used in the delay estimation is small enough to fit
// the binary spectra in a uint32_t.
assert(kBandLast - kBandFirst < 32);
if (spectrum_size >= kBandLast) {
if ((spectrum_size >= kBandLast) && (history_size > 1)) {
self = malloc(sizeof(DelayEstimator));
@ -159,8 +163,12 @@ void* WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimator(int spectrum_size, int max_delay,
self->mean_far_spectrum = NULL;
self->mean_near_spectrum = NULL;
self->binary_farend = NULL;
self->binary_handle = WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(max_delay,
// Allocate memory for the farend spectrum handling.
self->binary_farend = WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimatorFarend(history_size);
self->binary_handle = WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(self->binary_farend,
memory_fail |= (self->binary_handle == NULL);
@ -189,6 +197,8 @@ int WebRtc_InitDelayEstimator(void* handle) {
return -1;
// Initialize far-end part of binary delay estimator.
// Initialize binary delay estimator.
@ -248,7 +258,7 @@ int WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFix(void* handle,
WebRtc_AddBinaryFarSpectrum(self->binary_handle, binary_far_spectrum);
WebRtc_AddBinaryFarSpectrum(self->binary_handle->farend, binary_far_spectrum);
return WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum(self->binary_handle,
@ -286,7 +296,7 @@ int WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFloat(void* handle,
BinarySpectrumFloat(near_spectrum, self->mean_near_spectrum,
WebRtc_AddBinaryFarSpectrum(self->binary_handle, binary_far_spectrum);
WebRtc_AddBinaryFarSpectrum(self->binary_handle->farend, binary_far_spectrum);
return WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum(self->binary_handle,