Neon version of cftmdl_128()

The performance gain on a Nexus 7 reported by audioproc is ~2.3

The output is bit exact.

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Patch from Scott LaVarnway <>.

git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
This commit is contained in: 2014-06-30 19:34:33 +00:00
parent 9825afc3bd
commit 59adb1dcd7

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@ -71,7 +71,115 @@ static void cft1st_128_neon(float* a) {
void aec_rdft_init_neon(void) {
cft1st_128 = cft1st_128_neon;
static void cftmdl_128_neon(float* a) {
int j;
const int l = 8;
const float32x4_t vec_swap_sign = vld1q_f32((float32_t*)k_swap_sign);
float32x4_t wk1rv = vld1q_f32(cftmdl_wk1r);
for (j = 0; j < l; j += 2) {
const float32x2_t a_00 = vld1_f32(&a[j + 0]);
const float32x2_t a_08 = vld1_f32(&a[j + 8]);
const float32x2_t a_32 = vld1_f32(&a[j + 32]);
const float32x2_t a_40 = vld1_f32(&a[j + 40]);
const float32x4_t a_00_32 = vcombine_f32(a_00, a_32);
const float32x4_t a_08_40 = vcombine_f32(a_08, a_40);
const float32x4_t x0r0_0i0_0r1_x0i1 = vaddq_f32(a_00_32, a_08_40);
const float32x4_t x1r0_1i0_1r1_x1i1 = vsubq_f32(a_00_32, a_08_40);
const float32x2_t a_16 = vld1_f32(&a[j + 16]);
const float32x2_t a_24 = vld1_f32(&a[j + 24]);
const float32x2_t a_48 = vld1_f32(&a[j + 48]);
const float32x2_t a_56 = vld1_f32(&a[j + 56]);
const float32x4_t a_16_48 = vcombine_f32(a_16, a_48);
const float32x4_t a_24_56 = vcombine_f32(a_24, a_56);
const float32x4_t x2r0_2i0_2r1_x2i1 = vaddq_f32(a_16_48, a_24_56);
const float32x4_t x3r0_3i0_3r1_x3i1 = vsubq_f32(a_16_48, a_24_56);
const float32x4_t xx0 = vaddq_f32(x0r0_0i0_0r1_x0i1, x2r0_2i0_2r1_x2i1);
const float32x4_t xx1 = vsubq_f32(x0r0_0i0_0r1_x0i1, x2r0_2i0_2r1_x2i1);
const float32x4_t x3i0_3r0_3i1_x3r1 = vrev64q_f32(x3r0_3i0_3r1_x3i1);
const float32x4_t x1_x3_add =
vmlaq_f32(x1r0_1i0_1r1_x1i1, vec_swap_sign, x3i0_3r0_3i1_x3r1);
const float32x4_t x1_x3_sub =
vmlsq_f32(x1r0_1i0_1r1_x1i1, vec_swap_sign, x3i0_3r0_3i1_x3r1);
const float32x2_t yy0_a = vdup_lane_f32(vget_high_f32(x1_x3_add), 0);
const float32x2_t yy0_s = vdup_lane_f32(vget_high_f32(x1_x3_sub), 0);
const float32x4_t yy0_as = vcombine_f32(yy0_a, yy0_s);
const float32x2_t yy1_a = vdup_lane_f32(vget_high_f32(x1_x3_add), 1);
const float32x2_t yy1_s = vdup_lane_f32(vget_high_f32(x1_x3_sub), 1);
const float32x4_t yy1_as = vcombine_f32(yy1_a, yy1_s);
const float32x4_t yy0 = vmlaq_f32(yy0_as, vec_swap_sign, yy1_as);
const float32x4_t yy4 = vmulq_f32(wk1rv, yy0);
const float32x4_t xx1_rev = vrev64q_f32(xx1);
const float32x4_t yy4_rev = vrev64q_f32(yy4);
vst1_f32(&a[j + 0], vget_low_f32(xx0));
vst1_f32(&a[j + 32], vget_high_f32(xx0));
vst1_f32(&a[j + 16], vget_low_f32(xx1));
vst1_f32(&a[j + 48], vget_high_f32(xx1_rev));
a[j + 48] = -a[j + 48];
vst1_f32(&a[j + 8], vget_low_f32(x1_x3_add));
vst1_f32(&a[j + 24], vget_low_f32(x1_x3_sub));
vst1_f32(&a[j + 40], vget_low_f32(yy4));
vst1_f32(&a[j + 56], vget_high_f32(yy4_rev));
const int k = 64;
const int k1 = 2;
const int k2 = 2 * k1;
const float32x4_t wk2rv = vld1q_f32(&rdft_wk2r[k2 + 0]);
const float32x4_t wk2iv = vld1q_f32(&rdft_wk2i[k2 + 0]);
const float32x4_t wk1iv = vld1q_f32(&rdft_wk1i[k2 + 0]);
const float32x4_t wk3rv = vld1q_f32(&rdft_wk3r[k2 + 0]);
const float32x4_t wk3iv = vld1q_f32(&rdft_wk3i[k2 + 0]);
wk1rv = vld1q_f32(&rdft_wk1r[k2 + 0]);
for (j = k; j < l + k; j += 2) {
const float32x2_t a_00 = vld1_f32(&a[j + 0]);
const float32x2_t a_08 = vld1_f32(&a[j + 8]);
const float32x2_t a_32 = vld1_f32(&a[j + 32]);
const float32x2_t a_40 = vld1_f32(&a[j + 40]);
const float32x4_t a_00_32 = vcombine_f32(a_00, a_32);
const float32x4_t a_08_40 = vcombine_f32(a_08, a_40);
const float32x4_t x0r0_0i0_0r1_x0i1 = vaddq_f32(a_00_32, a_08_40);
const float32x4_t x1r0_1i0_1r1_x1i1 = vsubq_f32(a_00_32, a_08_40);
const float32x2_t a_16 = vld1_f32(&a[j + 16]);
const float32x2_t a_24 = vld1_f32(&a[j + 24]);
const float32x2_t a_48 = vld1_f32(&a[j + 48]);
const float32x2_t a_56 = vld1_f32(&a[j + 56]);
const float32x4_t a_16_48 = vcombine_f32(a_16, a_48);
const float32x4_t a_24_56 = vcombine_f32(a_24, a_56);
const float32x4_t x2r0_2i0_2r1_x2i1 = vaddq_f32(a_16_48, a_24_56);
const float32x4_t x3r0_3i0_3r1_x3i1 = vsubq_f32(a_16_48, a_24_56);
const float32x4_t xx = vaddq_f32(x0r0_0i0_0r1_x0i1, x2r0_2i0_2r1_x2i1);
const float32x4_t xx1 = vsubq_f32(x0r0_0i0_0r1_x0i1, x2r0_2i0_2r1_x2i1);
const float32x4_t x3i0_3r0_3i1_x3r1 = vrev64q_f32(x3r0_3i0_3r1_x3i1);
const float32x4_t x1_x3_add =
vmlaq_f32(x1r0_1i0_1r1_x1i1, vec_swap_sign, x3i0_3r0_3i1_x3r1);
const float32x4_t x1_x3_sub =
vmlsq_f32(x1r0_1i0_1r1_x1i1, vec_swap_sign, x3i0_3r0_3i1_x3r1);
float32x4_t xx4 = vmulq_f32(wk2rv, xx1);
float32x4_t xx12 = vmulq_f32(wk1rv, x1_x3_add);
float32x4_t xx22 = vmulq_f32(wk3rv, x1_x3_sub);
xx4 = vmlaq_f32(xx4, wk2iv, vrev64q_f32(xx1));
xx12 = vmlaq_f32(xx12, wk1iv, vrev64q_f32(x1_x3_add));
xx22 = vmlaq_f32(xx22, wk3iv, vrev64q_f32(x1_x3_sub));
vst1_f32(&a[j + 0], vget_low_f32(xx));
vst1_f32(&a[j + 32], vget_high_f32(xx));
vst1_f32(&a[j + 16], vget_low_f32(xx4));
vst1_f32(&a[j + 48], vget_high_f32(xx4));
vst1_f32(&a[j + 8], vget_low_f32(xx12));
vst1_f32(&a[j + 40], vget_high_f32(xx12));
vst1_f32(&a[j + 24], vget_low_f32(xx22));
vst1_f32(&a[j + 56], vget_high_f32(xx22));
void aec_rdft_init_neon(void) {
cft1st_128 = cft1st_128_neon;
cftmdl_128 = cftmdl_128_neon;