Revert r3952 "VCM: Updating receiver logic" Review URL: git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
This commit is contained in:
@ -343,6 +343,54 @@ void VCMJitterBuffer::IncomingRateStatistics(unsigned int* framerate,
TRACE_COUNTER1("webrtc", "JBIncomingBitrate", incoming_bit_rate_);
// Wait for the first packet in the next frame to arrive.
int64_t VCMJitterBuffer::NextTimestamp(uint32_t max_wait_time_ms,
FrameType* incoming_frame_type,
int64_t* render_time_ms) {
if (!running_) {
return -1;
// Finding oldest frame ready for decoder, check sequence number and size.
FrameList::iterator it = frame_list_.begin();
if (it == frame_list_.end()) {
if (packet_event_->Wait(max_wait_time_ms) == kEventSignaled) {
// are we closing down the Jitter buffer
if (!running_) {
return -1;
it = frame_list_.begin();
} else {
if (it == frame_list_.end()) {
return -1;
// We have a frame.
*incoming_frame_type = (*it)->FrameType();
*render_time_ms = (*it)->RenderTimeMs();
const uint32_t timestamp = (*it)->TimeStamp();
return timestamp;
// Answers the question:
// Will the packet sequence be complete if the next frame is grabbed for
// decoding right now? That is, have we lost a frame between the last decoded
@ -382,12 +430,12 @@ bool VCMJitterBuffer::CompleteSequenceWithNextFrame() {
// Returns immediately or a |max_wait_time_ms| ms event hang waiting for a
// complete frame, |max_wait_time_ms| decided by caller.
bool VCMJitterBuffer::NextCompleteTimestamp(
uint32_t max_wait_time_ms, uint32_t* timestamp) {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "JB::NextCompleteTimestamp");
VCMEncodedFrame* VCMJitterBuffer::GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(
uint32_t max_wait_time_ms) {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "JB::GetCompleteFrame");
if (!running_) {
return 0;
return NULL;
@ -405,7 +453,7 @@ bool VCMJitterBuffer::NextCompleteTimestamp(
// Are we closing down the Jitter buffer?
if (!running_) {
return false;
return NULL;
// Finding oldest frame ready for decoder, but check
@ -419,7 +467,7 @@ bool VCMJitterBuffer::NextCompleteTimestamp(
} else {
return false;
return NULL;
// Inside |crit_sect_|.
@ -437,85 +485,81 @@ bool VCMJitterBuffer::NextCompleteTimestamp(
if (it == frame_list_.end()) {
return false;
return NULL;
VCMFrameBuffer* oldest_frame = *it;
*timestamp = oldest_frame->TimeStamp();
it = frame_list_.erase(it);
if (frame_list_.empty()) {
TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT1("webrtc", "JB::FrameListEmptied",
"type", "GetCompleteFrameForDecoding");
// Update jitter estimate.
const bool retransmitted = (oldest_frame->GetNackCount() > 0);
if (retransmitted) {
} else if (oldest_frame->Length() > 0) {
// Ignore retransmitted and empty frames.
UpdateJitterEstimate(*oldest_frame, false);
// We have a frame - update decoded state with frame info.
return true;
return oldest_frame;
bool VCMJitterBuffer::NextMaybeIncompleteTimestamp(
uint32_t* timestamp) {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "JB::NextMaybeIncompleteTimestamp");
VCMEncodedFrame* VCMJitterBuffer::MaybeGetIncompleteFrameForDecoding() {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "JB::MaybeGetIncompleteFrameForDecoding");
CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
if (!running_) {
return false;
return NULL;
if (!decode_with_errors_) {
// No point to continue, as we are not decoding with errors.
return false;
return NULL;
if (frame_list_.empty()) {
return false;
return NULL;
VCMFrameBuffer* oldest_frame = frame_list_.front();
// If we have only one frame in the buffer, release it only if it is complete.
if (frame_list_.size() <= 1 && oldest_frame->GetState() != kStateComplete) {
return false;
return NULL;
// Always start with a key frame.
if (last_decoded_state_.in_initial_state() &&
oldest_frame->FrameType() != kVideoFrameKey) {
return false;
*timestamp = oldest_frame->TimeStamp();
return true;
VCMEncodedFrame* VCMJitterBuffer::ExtractAndSetDecode(uint32_t timestamp) {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "JB::ExtractAndSetDecode");
CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
if (!running_) {
return NULL;
// Extract the frame with the desired timestamp.
FrameList::iterator it = std::find_if(
if (it == frame_list_.end()) {
return NULL;
// We got the frame.
VCMFrameBuffer* frame = *it;
// Frame pulled out from jitter buffer,
// Incomplete frame pulled out from jitter buffer,
// update the jitter estimate with what we currently know.
const bool retransmitted = (frame->GetNackCount() > 0);
const bool retransmitted = (oldest_frame->GetNackCount() > 0);
if (retransmitted) {
} else if (frame->Length() > 0) {
} else if (oldest_frame->Length() > 0) {
// Ignore retransmitted and empty frames.
// Update with the previous incomplete frame first
if (waiting_for_completion_.latest_packet_time >= 0) {
UpdateJitterEstimate(waiting_for_completion_, true);
// Then wait for this one to get complete
waiting_for_completion_.frame_size = frame->Length();
waiting_for_completion_.frame_size = oldest_frame->Length();
waiting_for_completion_.latest_packet_time =
waiting_for_completion_.timestamp = frame->TimeStamp();
waiting_for_completion_.timestamp = oldest_frame->TimeStamp();
if (frame_list_.empty()) {
@ -523,21 +567,21 @@ VCMEncodedFrame* VCMJitterBuffer::ExtractAndSetDecode(uint32_t timestamp) {
"type", "GetFrameForDecoding");
// Look for previous frame loss.
// Look for previous frame loss
// The state must be changed to decoding before cleaning up zero sized
// frames to avoid empty frames being cleaned up and then given to the
// decoder.
// Set as decoding. Propagates the missing_frame bit.
num_not_decodable_packets_ += frame->NotDecodablePackets();
num_not_decodable_packets_ += oldest_frame->NotDecodablePackets();
// We have a frame - update decoded state with frame info.
return frame;
return oldest_frame;
// Release frame when done with decoding. Should never be used to release
@ -551,7 +595,7 @@ void VCMJitterBuffer::ReleaseFrame(VCMEncodedFrame* frame) {
// Gets frame to use for this timestamp. If no match, get empty frame.
int VCMJitterBuffer::GetFrame(const VCMPacket& packet,
VCMEncodedFrame*& frame) {
VCMEncodedFrame*& frame) {
if (!running_) { // Don't accept incoming packets until we are started.
@ -723,8 +767,6 @@ VCMFrameBufferEnum VCMJitterBuffer::InsertPacket(VCMEncodedFrame* encoded_frame,
case kCompleteSession: {
// Don't let the first packet be overridden by a complete session.
ret = kCompleteSession;
// Only update return value for a JB flush indicator.
if (UpdateFrameState(frame) == kFlushIndicator)
ret = kFlushIndicator;
@ -941,15 +983,11 @@ int64_t VCMJitterBuffer::LastDecodedTimestamp() const {
return last_decoded_state_.time_stamp();
void VCMJitterBuffer::RenderBufferSize(
uint32_t* timestamp_start, uint32_t* timestamp_end) {
int VCMJitterBuffer::RenderBufferSizeMs() {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
*timestamp_start = 0u;
*timestamp_end = 0u;
if (frame_list_.empty()) {
return 0;
FrameList::iterator frame_it = frame_list_.begin();
VCMFrameBuffer* current_frame = *frame_it;
@ -961,16 +999,16 @@ void VCMJitterBuffer::RenderBufferSize(
frame_it = find_if(frame_list_.begin(), frame_list_.end(),
if (frame_it == frame_list_.end()) {
return 0;
*timestamp_start = last_decoded_state_.time_stamp();
current_frame = *frame_it;
} else {
bool continuous_complete = true;
int64_t start_render = current_frame->RenderTimeMs();
while (frame_it != frame_list_.end() && continuous_complete) {
current_frame = *frame_it;
continuous_complete = current_frame->IsSessionComplete() &&
@ -981,7 +1019,8 @@ void VCMJitterBuffer::RenderBufferSize(
// Desired frame is the previous one.
current_frame = *frame_it;
*timestamp_end = current_frame->TimeStamp();
// Got the frame, now compute the time delta.
return static_cast<int>(current_frame->RenderTimeMs() - start_render);
// Set the frame state to free and remove it from the sorted
@ -89,25 +89,31 @@ class VCMJitterBuffer {
void IncomingRateStatistics(unsigned int* framerate,
unsigned int* bitrate);
// Waits for the first packet in the next frame to arrive and then returns
// the timestamp of that frame. |incoming_frame_type| and |render_time_ms| are
// set to the frame type and render time of the next frame.
// Blocks for up to |max_wait_time_ms| ms. Returns -1 if no packet has arrived
// after |max_wait_time_ms| ms.
int64_t NextTimestamp(uint32_t max_wait_time_ms,
FrameType* incoming_frame_type,
int64_t* render_time_ms);
// Checks if the packet sequence will be complete if the next frame would be
// grabbed for decoding. That is, if a frame has been lost between the
// last decoded frame and the next, or if the next frame is missing one
// or more packets.
bool CompleteSequenceWithNextFrame();
// Wait |max_wait_time_ms| for a complete frame to arrive.
// The function returns true once such a frame is found, its corresponding
// timestamp is returned. Otherwise, returns false.
bool NextCompleteTimestamp(uint32_t max_wait_time_ms, uint32_t* timestamp);
// Returns a complete frame ready for decoding. Allows max_wait_time_ms to
// wait for such a frame, if one is unavailable.
// Always starts with a key frame.
VCMEncodedFrame* GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(uint32_t max_wait_time_ms);
// Locates a frame for decoding (even an incomplete) without delay.
// The function returns true once such a frame is found, its corresponding
// timestamp is returned. Otherwise, returns false.
bool NextMaybeIncompleteTimestamp(uint32_t* timestamp);
// Extract frame corresponding to input timestamp.
// Frame will be set to a decoding state.
VCMEncodedFrame* ExtractAndSetDecode(uint32_t timestamp);
// Get next frame for decoding without delay. If decoding with errors is not
// enabled, will return NULL. Actual returned frame will be the next one in
// the list, either complete or not.
// TODO(mikhal): Consider only allowing decodable/complete.
VCMEncodedFrame* MaybeGetIncompleteFrameForDecoding();
// Releases a frame returned from the jitter buffer, should be called when
// done with decoding.
@ -127,7 +133,8 @@ class VCMJitterBuffer {
const VCMPacket& packet);
// Enable a max filter on the jitter estimate by setting an initial
// non-zero delay.
// non-zero delay. When set to zero (default), the last jitter
// estimate will be used.
void SetMaxJitterEstimate(bool enable);
// Returns the estimated jitter in milliseconds.
@ -159,9 +166,8 @@ class VCMJitterBuffer {
int64_t LastDecodedTimestamp() const;
bool decode_with_errors() const {return decode_with_errors_;}
// Used to compute time of complete continuous frames. Returns the timestamps
// corresponding to the start and end of the continuous complete buffer.
void RenderBufferSize(uint32_t* timestamp_start, uint32_t* timestamp_end);
// Returns size in time (milliseconds) of complete continuous frames.
int RenderBufferSizeMs();
class SequenceNumberLessThan {
@ -101,23 +101,15 @@ class TestRunningJitterBuffer : public ::testing::Test {
bool DecodeCompleteFrame() {
uint32_t timestamp = 0;
bool found_frame = jitter_buffer_->NextCompleteTimestamp(0, ×tamp);
if (!found_frame)
return false;
VCMEncodedFrame* frame = jitter_buffer_->ExtractAndSetDecode(timestamp);
VCMEncodedFrame* frame = jitter_buffer_->GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(0);
bool ret = (frame != NULL);
return ret;
bool DecodeIncompleteFrame() {
uint32_t timestamp = 0;
bool found_frame = jitter_buffer_->NextMaybeIncompleteTimestamp(×tamp);
if (!found_frame)
return false;
VCMEncodedFrame* frame = jitter_buffer_->ExtractAndSetDecode(timestamp);
VCMEncodedFrame* frame =
bool ret = (frame != NULL);
return ret;
@ -405,13 +405,12 @@ VCMJitterEstimator::UpdateMaxFrameSize(uint32_t frameSizeBytes)
void VCMJitterEstimator::SetMaxJitterEstimate(bool enable)
if (enable) {
_jitterEstimateMode = kMaxEstimate;
} else {
_jitterEstimateMode = kLastEstimate;
void VCMJitterEstimator::SetMaxJitterEstimate(bool enable) {
if (enable) {
_jitterEstimateMode = kMaxEstimate;
} else {
_jitterEstimateMode = kLastEstimate;
// Returns the current filtered estimate if available,
@ -103,31 +103,59 @@ int32_t VCMReceiver::InsertPacket(const VCMPacket& packet,
packet.seqNum, packet.timestamp,
const int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
int64_t render_time_ms = timing_->RenderTimeMs(packet.timestamp, now_ms);
if (render_time_ms < 0) {
// Render time error. Assume that this is due to some change in the
// incoming video stream and reset the JB and the timing.
} else if (render_time_ms < now_ms - max_video_delay_ms_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceWarning, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding,
VCMId(vcm_id_, receiver_id_),
"This frame should have been rendered more than %u ms ago."
"Flushing jitter buffer and resetting timing.",
} else if (static_cast<int>(timing_->TargetVideoDelay()) >
max_video_delay_ms_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceWarning, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding,
VCMId(vcm_id_, receiver_id_),
"More than %u ms target delay. Flushing jitter buffer and"
"resetting timing.", max_video_delay_ms_);
// First packet received belonging to this frame.
if (buffer->Length() == 0 && master_) {
if (buffer->Length() == 0) {
const int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
// Only trace the primary receiver to make it possible to parse and plot
// the trace file.
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding,
VCMId(vcm_id_, receiver_id_),
"First packet of frame %u at %u", packet.timestamp,
if (master_) {
// Only trace the primary receiver to make it possible to parse and plot
// the trace file.
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding,
VCMId(vcm_id_, receiver_id_),
"First packet of frame %u at %u", packet.timestamp,
render_time_ms = timing_->RenderTimeMs(packet.timestamp, now_ms);
if (render_time_ms >= 0) {
} else {
// Insert packet into the jitter buffer both media and empty packets.
const VCMFrameBufferEnum
ret = jitter_buffer_.InsertPacket(buffer, packet);
if (ret == kCompleteSession) {
bool retransmitted = false;
const int64_t last_packet_time_ms =
jitter_buffer_.LastPacketTime(buffer, &retransmitted);
if (last_packet_time_ms >= 0 && !retransmitted) {
// We don't want to include timestamps which have suffered from
// retransmission here, since we compensate with extra retransmission
// delay within the jitter estimate.
timing_->IncomingTimestamp(packet.timestamp, last_packet_time_ms);
if (ret == kFlushIndicator) {
} else if (ret < 0) {
@ -147,14 +175,78 @@ VCMEncodedFrame* VCMReceiver::FrameForDecoding(
bool render_timing,
VCMReceiver* dual_receiver) {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "Recv::FrameForDecoding");
// No need to enter the critical section here since the jitter buffer
// is thread-safe.
FrameType incoming_frame_type = kVideoFrameDelta;
next_render_time_ms = -1;
const int64_t start_time_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
uint32_t frame_timestamp = 0;
// Exhaust wait time to get a complete frame for decoding.
bool found_frame = jitter_buffer_.NextCompleteTimestamp(
max_wait_time_ms, &frame_timestamp);
int64_t ret = jitter_buffer_.NextTimestamp(max_wait_time_ms,
if (ret < 0) {
// No timestamp in jitter buffer at the moment.
return NULL;
const uint32_t time_stamp = static_cast<uint32_t>(ret);
if (!found_frame) {
// Get an incomplete frame when enabled.
// Update the timing.
const int32_t temp_wait_time = max_wait_time_ms -
static_cast<int32_t>(clock_->TimeInMilliseconds() - start_time_ms);
uint16_t new_max_wait_time = static_cast<uint16_t>(VCM_MAX(temp_wait_time,
VCMEncodedFrame* frame = NULL;
if (render_timing) {
frame = FrameForDecoding(new_max_wait_time, next_render_time_ms,
} else {
frame = FrameForRendering(new_max_wait_time, next_render_time_ms,
if (frame != NULL) {
bool retransmitted = false;
const int64_t last_packet_time_ms =
jitter_buffer_.LastPacketTime(frame, &retransmitted);
if (last_packet_time_ms >= 0 && !retransmitted) {
// We don't want to include timestamps which have suffered from
// retransmission here, since we compensate with extra retransmission
// delay within the jitter estimate.
timing_->IncomingTimestamp(time_stamp, last_packet_time_ms);
if (dual_receiver != NULL) {
return frame;
VCMEncodedFrame* VCMReceiver::FrameForDecoding(
uint16_t max_wait_time_ms,
int64_t next_render_time_ms,
VCMReceiver* dual_receiver) {
TRACE_EVENT1("webrtc", "FrameForDecoding",
"max_wait", max_wait_time_ms);
// How long can we wait until we must decode the next frame.
uint32_t wait_time_ms = timing_->MaxWaitingTime(
next_render_time_ms, clock_->TimeInMilliseconds());
// Try to get a complete frame from the jitter buffer.
VCMEncodedFrame* frame = jitter_buffer_.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(0);
if (frame == NULL && max_wait_time_ms == 0 && wait_time_ms > 0) {
// If we're not allowed to wait for frames to get complete we must
// calculate if it's time to decode, and if it's not we will just return
// for now.
return NULL;
if (frame == NULL && VCM_MIN(wait_time_ms, max_wait_time_ms) == 0) {
// No time to wait for a complete frame, check if we have an incomplete.
const bool dual_receiver_enabled_and_passive = (dual_receiver != NULL &&
dual_receiver->State() == kPassive &&
dual_receiver->NackMode() == kNack);
@ -163,85 +255,75 @@ VCMEncodedFrame* VCMReceiver::FrameForDecoding(
// Jitter buffer state might get corrupt with this frame.
found_frame = jitter_buffer_.NextMaybeIncompleteTimestamp(
frame = jitter_buffer_.MaybeGetIncompleteFrameForDecoding();
if (!found_frame) {
return NULL;
if (frame == NULL) {
// Wait for a complete frame.
frame = jitter_buffer_.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(max_wait_time_ms);
// We have a frame - Set timing and render timestamp.
const int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
next_render_time_ms = timing_->RenderTimeMs(frame_timestamp, now_ms);
// Check render timing.
bool timing_error = false;
// Assume that render timing errors are due to changes in the video stream.
if (next_render_time_ms < 0) {
timing_error = true;
} else if (next_render_time_ms < now_ms - max_video_delay_ms_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceWarning, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding,
VCMId(vcm_id_, receiver_id_),
"This frame should have been rendered more than %u ms ago."
"Flushing jitter buffer and resetting timing.",
timing_error = true;
} else if (static_cast<int>(timing_->TargetVideoDelay()) >
max_video_delay_ms_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceWarning, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding,
VCMId(vcm_id_, receiver_id_),
"More than %u ms target delay. Flushing jitter buffer and"
"resetting timing.", max_video_delay_ms_);
timing_error = true;
if (timing_error) {
// Timing error => reset timing and flush the jitter buffer.
return NULL;
if (!render_timing) {
// Decode frame as close as possible to the render timestamp.
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "FrameForRendering");
const int32_t available_wait_time = max_wait_time_ms -
static_cast<int32_t>(clock_->TimeInMilliseconds() - start_time_ms);
uint16_t new_max_wait_time = static_cast<uint16_t>(
VCM_MAX(available_wait_time, 0));
uint32_t wait_time_ms = timing_->MaxWaitingTime(
next_render_time_ms, clock_->TimeInMilliseconds());
if (new_max_wait_time < wait_time_ms) {
// We're not allowed to wait until the frame is supposed to be rendered,
// waiting as long as we're allowed to avoid busy looping, and then return
// NULL. Next call to this function might return the frame.
if (frame == NULL) {
// Get an incomplete frame.
if (timing_->MaxWaitingTime(next_render_time_ms,
clock_->TimeInMilliseconds()) > 0) {
// Still time to wait for a complete frame.
return NULL;
// Wait until it's time to render.
// Extract the frame from the jitter buffer and set the render time.
VCMEncodedFrame* frame = jitter_buffer_.ExtractAndSetDecode(frame_timestamp);
if (dual_receiver != NULL) {
if (!frame->Complete()) {
// Update stats for incomplete frames.
bool retransmitted = false;
const int64_t last_packet_time_ms =
jitter_buffer_.LastPacketTime(frame, &retransmitted);
if (last_packet_time_ms >= 0 && !retransmitted) {
// We don't want to include timestamps which have suffered from
// retransmission here, since we compensate with extra retransmission
// delay within the jitter estimate.
timing_->IncomingTimestamp(frame_timestamp, last_packet_time_ms);
// No time left to wait, we must decode this frame now.
const bool dual_receiver_enabled_and_passive = (dual_receiver != NULL &&
dual_receiver->State() == kPassive &&
dual_receiver->NackMode() == kNack);
if (dual_receiver_enabled_and_passive &&
!jitter_buffer_.CompleteSequenceWithNextFrame()) {
// Jitter buffer state might get corrupt with this frame.
frame = jitter_buffer_.MaybeGetIncompleteFrameForDecoding();
return frame;
VCMEncodedFrame* VCMReceiver::FrameForRendering(uint16_t max_wait_time_ms,
int64_t next_render_time_ms,
VCMReceiver* dual_receiver) {
TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "FrameForRendering");
// How long MUST we wait until we must decode the next frame. This is
// different for the case where we have a renderer which can render at a
// specified time. Here we must wait as long as possible before giving the
// frame to the decoder, which will render the frame as soon as it has been
// decoded.
uint32_t wait_time_ms = timing_->MaxWaitingTime(
next_render_time_ms, clock_->TimeInMilliseconds());
if (max_wait_time_ms < wait_time_ms) {
// If we're not allowed to wait until the frame is supposed to be rendered,
// waiting as long as we're allowed to avoid busy looping, and then return
// NULL. Next call to this function might return the frame.
return NULL;
// Wait until it's time to render.
// Get a complete frame if possible.
// Note: This might cause us to wait more than a total of |max_wait_time_ms|.
// This is necessary to avoid a possible busy loop if no complete frame
// has been received.
VCMEncodedFrame* frame = jitter_buffer_.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(
if (frame == NULL) {
// Get an incomplete frame.
const bool dual_receiver_enabled_and_passive = (dual_receiver != NULL &&
dual_receiver->State() == kPassive &&
dual_receiver->NackMode() == kNack);
if (dual_receiver_enabled_and_passive &&
!jitter_buffer_.CompleteSequenceWithNextFrame()) {
// Jitter buffer state might get corrupt with this frame.
frame = jitter_buffer_.MaybeGetIncompleteFrameForDecoding();
return frame;
@ -348,6 +430,7 @@ int VCMReceiver::SetMinReceiverDelay(int desired_delay_ms) {
if (desired_delay_ms < 0 || desired_delay_ms > kMaxReceiverDelayMs) {
return -1;
// Enable a max filter on the jitter estimate for non-zero delays.
jitter_buffer_.SetMaxJitterEstimate(desired_delay_ms > 0);
max_video_delay_ms_ = desired_delay_ms + kMaxVideoDelayMs;
// Initializing timing to the desired delay.
@ -356,21 +439,7 @@ int VCMReceiver::SetMinReceiverDelay(int desired_delay_ms) {
int VCMReceiver::RenderBufferSizeMs() {
uint32_t timestamp_start = 0u;
uint32_t timestamp_end = 0u;
// Render timestamps are computed just prior to decoding. Therefore this is
// only an estimate based on frames' timestamps and current timing state.
jitter_buffer_.RenderBufferSize(×tamp_start, ×tamp_end);
if (timestamp_start == timestamp_end) {
return 0;
// Update timing.
const int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
// Get render timestamps.
uint32_t render_start = timing_->RenderTimeMs(timestamp_start, now_ms);
uint32_t render_end = timing_->RenderTimeMs(timestamp_end, now_ms);
return render_end - render_start;
return jitter_buffer_.RenderBufferSizeMs();
void VCMReceiver::UpdateState(VCMReceiverState new_state) {
@ -81,11 +81,16 @@ class VCMReceiver {
bool DecodeWithErrors() const;
// Returns size in time (milliseconds) of complete continuous frames in the
// jitter buffer. The render time is estimated based on the render delay at
// the time this function is called.
// jitter buffer.
int RenderBufferSizeMs();
VCMEncodedFrame* FrameForDecoding(uint16_t max_wait_time_ms,
int64_t nextrender_time_ms,
VCMReceiver* dual_receiver);
VCMEncodedFrame* FrameForRendering(uint16_t max_wait_time_ms,
int64_t nextrender_time_ms,
VCMReceiver* dual_receiver);
void CopyJitterBufferStateFromReceiver(const VCMReceiver& receiver);
void UpdateState(VCMReceiverState new_state);
void UpdateState(const VCMEncodedFrame& frame);
@ -97,9 +97,10 @@ TEST_F(TestVCMReceiver, RenderBufferSize_NotAllComplete) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, receiver_.RenderBufferSizeMs());
EXPECT_GE(InsertFrame(kVideoFrameKey, true), kNoError);
int num_of_frames = 10;
for (int i = 1; i < num_of_frames; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_of_frames; ++i) {
EXPECT_GE(InsertFrame(kVideoFrameDelta, true), kNoError);
EXPECT_GE(InsertFrame(kVideoFrameDelta, false), kNoError);
for (int i = 0; i < num_of_frames; ++i) {
EXPECT_GE(InsertFrame(kVideoFrameDelta, true), kNoError);
@ -114,10 +115,6 @@ TEST_F(TestVCMReceiver, RenderBufferSize_NoKeyFrame) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_of_frames; ++i) {
EXPECT_GE(InsertFrame(kVideoFrameDelta, true), kNoError);
int64_t next_render_time_ms = 0;
VCMEncodedFrame* frame = receiver_.FrameForDecoding(10, next_render_time_ms);
EXPECT_GE(InsertFrame(kVideoFrameDelta, false), kNoError);
for (int i = 0; i < num_of_frames; ++i) {
EXPECT_GE(InsertFrame(kVideoFrameDelta, true), kNoError);
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ void StreamGenerator::GenerateFrame(FrameType type,
int num_media_packets,
int num_empty_packets,
int64_t current_time) {
timestamp_ = 90 * (current_time - start_time_);
timestamp_ += 90 * (current_time - start_time_);
// Move the sequence number counter if all packets from the previous frame
// wasn't collected.
sequence_number_ += packets_.size();
@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ _renderDelayMs(kDefaultRenderDelayMs),
if (masterTiming == NULL)
@ -218,6 +219,10 @@ VCMTiming::RenderTimeMs(uint32_t frameTimestamp, int64_t nowMs) const
CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
const int64_t renderTimeMs = RenderTimeMsInternal(frameTimestamp, nowMs);
if (renderTimeMs < 0)
return renderTimeMs;
if (_master)
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding, VCMId(_vcmId, _timingId),
@ -234,6 +239,16 @@ VCMTiming::RenderTimeMsInternal(uint32_t frameTimestamp, int64_t nowMs) const
int64_t estimatedCompleteTimeMs =
if (estimatedCompleteTimeMs - nowMs > _maxVideoDelayMs)
if (_master)
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding, VCMId(_vcmId, _timingId),
"Timestamp arrived 2 seconds early, reset statistics",
frameTimestamp, estimatedCompleteTimeMs);
return -1;
if (_master)
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding, VCMId(_vcmId, _timingId),
@ -300,6 +315,12 @@ VCMTiming::EnoughTimeToDecode(uint32_t availableProcessingTimeMs) const
return static_cast<int32_t>(availableProcessingTimeMs) - maxDecodeTimeMs > 0;
void VCMTiming::SetMaxVideoDelay(int maxVideoDelayMs)
CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
_maxVideoDelayMs = maxVideoDelayMs;
VCMTiming::TargetVideoDelay() const
@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ public:
int64_t startTimeMs,
int64_t nowMs);
// Used to report that a frame is passed to decoding. Updates the timestamp
// filter which is used to map between timestamps and receiver system time.
// Used to report that a frame is passed to decoding. Updates the timestamp filter
// which is used to map between timestamps and receiver system time.
void IncomingTimestamp(uint32_t timeStamp, int64_t lastPacketTimeMs);
// Returns the receiver system time when the frame with timestamp frameTimestamp
@ -82,12 +82,16 @@ public:
// certain amount of processing time.
bool EnoughTimeToDecode(uint32_t availableProcessingTimeMs) const;
// Set the max allowed video delay.
void SetMaxVideoDelay(int maxVideoDelayMs);
enum { kDefaultRenderDelayMs = 10 };
enum { kDelayMaxChangeMsPerS = 100 };
int32_t MaxDecodeTimeMs(FrameType frameType = kVideoFrameDelta) const;
int64_t RenderTimeMsInternal(uint32_t frameTimestamp, int64_t nowMs) const;
int64_t RenderTimeMsInternal(uint32_t frameTimestamp,
int64_t nowMs) const;
uint32_t TargetDelayInternal() const;
@ -103,6 +107,7 @@ private:
uint32_t _requiredDelayMs;
uint32_t _currentDelayMs;
uint32_t _prevFrameTimestamp;
int _maxVideoDelayMs;
} // namespace webrtc
@ -107,12 +107,10 @@ TEST_F(VCMRobustnessTest, TestHardNack) {
InsertPacket(0, 0, true, false, kVideoFrameKey);
InsertPacket(0, 1, false, false, kVideoFrameKey);
InsertPacket(0, 2, false, true, kVideoFrameKey);
clock_->AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(1000 / 30);
InsertPacket(3000, 3, true, false, kVideoFrameDelta);
InsertPacket(3000, 4, false, false, kVideoFrameDelta);
InsertPacket(3000, 5, false, true, kVideoFrameDelta);
clock_->AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(1000 / 30);
ASSERT_EQ(VCM_OK, vcm_->Decode(0));
ASSERT_EQ(VCM_OK, vcm_->Decode(0));
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
@ -90,23 +90,6 @@ int CheckOutFrame(VCMEncodedFrame* frameOut, unsigned int size, bool startCode)
return 0;
VCMEncodedFrame* DecodeCompleteFrame(uint32_t max_wait_time_ms) {
uint32_t timestamp = 0;
bool found_frame = jb.NextCompleteTimestamp(max_wait_time_ms, ×tamp);
if (!found_frame)
return NULL;
return jb.ExtractAndSetDecode(timestamp);
VCMEncodedFrame* DecodeIncompleteFrame() {
uint32_t timestamp = 0;
bool found_frame =
if (!found_frame)
return NULL;
return frame = jb.ExtractAndSetDecode(timestamp);
int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
@ -124,7 +107,9 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
seqNum = 1234;
timeStamp = 123*90;
FrameType incomingFrameType(kVideoFrameKey);
VCMEncodedFrame* frameOut=NULL;
int64_t renderTimeMs = 0;
packet.timestamp = timeStamp;
packet.seqNum = seqNum;
@ -149,8 +134,9 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Not started
TEST(0 == jb.GetFrame(packet));
TEST(0 == DecodeCompleteFrame(10));
TEST(0 == DecodeIncompleteFrame());
TEST(-1 == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
TEST(0 == jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10));
TEST(0 == jb.MaybeGetIncompleteFrameForDecoding());
// Start
@ -163,7 +149,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
TEST(frameIn != 0);
// No packets inserted
TEST(0 == DecodeCompleteFrame(10));
TEST(0 == jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10));
@ -181,20 +167,26 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// packet.isFirstPacket;
// packet.markerBit;
packet.frameType = kVideoFrameKey;
packet.frameType = kVideoFrameDelta;
packet.isFirstPacket = true;
packet.markerBit = true;
// Insert a packet into a frame.
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// Get the frame (always starts with a key frame).
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get the frame
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size, false) == 0);
// check the frame type
TEST(frameOut->FrameType() == kVideoFrameKey);
TEST(frameOut->FrameType() == kVideoFrameDelta);
// Release frame (when done with decoding)
@ -223,8 +215,14 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
// it should not be complete
TEST(frameOut == 0);
@ -241,7 +239,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
TEST(kCompleteSession == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size*2, false) == 0);
@ -276,8 +274,14 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameKey);
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
// it should not be complete
TEST(frameOut == 0);
@ -312,7 +316,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
TEST(kCompleteSession == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size*100, false) == 0);
@ -346,8 +350,14 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
// it should not be complete
TEST(frameOut == 0);
@ -382,7 +392,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
TEST(kCompleteSession == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size*100, false) == 0);
@ -417,8 +427,14 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
// it should not be complete
TEST(frameOut == 0);
@ -453,7 +469,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
TEST(kCompleteSession == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size*100, false) == 0);
@ -488,8 +504,14 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
// it should not be complete
TEST(frameOut == 0);
@ -506,7 +528,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
TEST(kCompleteSession == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// check that we fail to get frame since seqnum is not continuous
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(frameOut == 0);
seqNum -= 3;
@ -523,6 +545,12 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get the frame
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
@ -541,7 +569,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
TEST(kCompleteSession == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size*2, false) == 0);
@ -552,7 +580,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size*2, false) == 0);
@ -591,8 +619,14 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
// it should not be complete
TEST(frameOut == 0);
@ -612,7 +646,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
TEST(kCompleteSession == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size*2, false) == 0);
@ -647,8 +681,14 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
// it should not be complete
TEST(frameOut == 0);
@ -665,7 +705,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
TEST(kCompleteSession == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size * 2 + 4 * 2, true) == 0);
@ -723,8 +763,22 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// Get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp - 33 * 90 == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType,
// Check incoming frame type
if (i == 0)
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameKey);
TEST(incomingFrameType == frametype);
// Get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
// Should not be complete
TEST(frameOut == 0);
@ -757,7 +811,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
TEST(kIncomplete == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// Get the frame
frameOut = DecodeIncompleteFrame();
frameOut = jb.MaybeGetIncompleteFrameForDecoding();
// One of the packets has been discarded by the jitter buffer.
// Last frame can't be extracted yet.
@ -827,7 +881,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// insert first packet
timeStamp += 33*90;
seqNum = 0xfff0;
packet.frameType = kVideoFrameKey;
packet.frameType = kVideoFrameDelta;
packet.isFirstPacket = true;
packet.markerBit = false;
packet.seqNum = seqNum;
@ -839,13 +893,19 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
// it should not be complete
TEST(frameOut == 0);
// Insert 98 packets.
// insert 98 packets
loop = 0;
@ -860,8 +920,15 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kIncomplete == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(2, &incomingFrameType,
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(2);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(2);
// it should not be complete
TEST(frameOut == 0);
@ -882,12 +949,12 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
TEST(kCompleteSession == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size*100, false) == 0);
// check the frame type
TEST(frameOut->FrameType() == kVideoFrameKey);
TEST(frameOut->FrameType() == kVideoFrameDelta);
// Release frame (when done with decoding)
@ -908,7 +975,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// insert "first" packet last seqnum
timeStamp += 33*90;
seqNum = 10;
packet.frameType = kVideoFrameKey;
packet.frameType = kVideoFrameDelta;
packet.isFirstPacket = false;
packet.markerBit = true;
packet.seqNum = seqNum;
@ -920,8 +987,14 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeIncompleteFrame();
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
// it should not be complete
TEST(frameOut == 0);
@ -941,8 +1014,15 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kIncomplete == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(2, &incomingFrameType,
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(2);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(2);
// it should not be complete
TEST(frameOut == 0);
@ -963,7 +1043,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
TEST(kCompleteSession == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeIncompleteFrame();
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size*100, false) == 0);
@ -988,7 +1068,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// insert "first" packet last seqnum
timeStamp += 33*90;
seqNum = 1;
packet.frameType = kVideoFrameKey;
packet.frameType = kVideoFrameDelta;
packet.isFirstPacket = false;
packet.markerBit = true;
packet.seqNum = seqNum;
@ -1000,8 +1080,14 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
// it should not be complete
TEST(frameOut == 0);
@ -1018,8 +1104,14 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kIncomplete == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeIncompleteFrame();
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
// it should not be complete
TEST(frameOut == 0);
@ -1036,7 +1128,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
TEST(kCompleteSession == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeIncompleteFrame();
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size*3, false) == 0);
@ -1073,8 +1165,12 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(3000 == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
TEST(kVideoFrameDelta == incomingFrameType);
// Get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame();
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(3000 == frameOut->TimeStamp());
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size, false) == 0);
@ -1123,8 +1219,12 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
TEST(kVideoFrameDelta == incomingFrameType);
// Get the frame
frameOut = DecodeIncompleteFrame();
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(timeStamp == frameOut->TimeStamp());
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size, false) == 0);
@ -1170,8 +1270,14 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
// it should not be complete
TEST(frameOut == 0);
@ -1187,7 +1293,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kCompleteSession == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
frameOut = DecodeIncompleteFrame();
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size*2, false) == 0);
@ -1207,8 +1313,14 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeCompleteFrame(10);
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
// it should not be complete
TEST(frameOut == 0);
@ -1225,7 +1337,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
TEST(kCompleteSession == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get the frame
frameOut = DecodeIncompleteFrame();
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size*2, false) == 0);
@ -1261,6 +1373,10 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert first frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// Get packet notification
TEST(0xffffff00 == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
TEST(kVideoFrameDelta == incomingFrameType);
// Insert next frame
timeStamp = 2700;
@ -1276,8 +1392,12 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// Get packet notification
TEST(0xffffff00 == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
TEST(kVideoFrameDelta == incomingFrameType);
// Get frame
frameOut = jb.GetFrameForDecoding();
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(0xffffff00 == frameOut->TimeStamp());
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size, false) == 0);
@ -1285,8 +1405,12 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// check the frame type
TEST(frameOut->FrameType() == kVideoFrameDelta);
// Get packet notification
TEST(2700 == jb.NextTimestamp(0, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
TEST(kVideoFrameDelta == incomingFrameType);
// Get frame
VCMEncodedFrame* frameOut2 = DecodeIncompleteFrame();
VCMEncodedFrame* frameOut2 = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(2700 == frameOut2->TimeStamp());
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut2, size, false) == 0);
@ -1324,6 +1448,10 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert first frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// Get packet notification
TEST(2700 == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
TEST(kVideoFrameDelta == incomingFrameType);
// Insert second frame
timeStamp = 0xffffff00;
@ -1339,8 +1467,12 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert a packet into a frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// Get packet notification
TEST(0xffffff00 == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
TEST(kVideoFrameDelta == incomingFrameType);
// Get frame
frameOut = jb.GetFrameForDecoding();
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(0xffffff00 == frameOut->TimeStamp());
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size, false) == 0);
@ -1348,8 +1480,12 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// check the frame type
TEST(frameOut->FrameType() == kVideoFrameDelta);
// get packet notification
TEST(2700 == jb.NextTimestamp(0, &incomingFrameType, &renderTimeMs));
TEST(kVideoFrameDelta == incomingFrameType);
// Get frame
frameOut2 = DecodeIncompleteFrame();
frameOut2 = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(2700 == frameOut2->TimeStamp());
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut2, size, false) == 0);
@ -1394,6 +1530,13 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
TEST(kIncomplete == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// get packet notification
TEST(packet.timestamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType,
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
} while (loop < kMaxPacketsInSession);
@ -1411,7 +1554,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert the packet -> frame recycled
TEST(kSizeError == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
TEST(0 == DecodeIncompleteFrame());
TEST(0 == jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10));
//printf("DONE fill frame - packets > max number of packets\n");
@ -1428,6 +1571,8 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
loop = 0;
seqNum = 65485;
uint32_t timeStampStart = timeStamp + 33*90;
uint32_t timeStampFirstKey = 0;
VCMEncodedFrame* ptrLastDeltaFrame = NULL;
VCMEncodedFrame* ptrFirstKeyFrame = NULL;
// insert MAX_NUMBER_OF_FRAMES frames
@ -1451,11 +1596,19 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
ptrFirstKeyFrame = frameIn;
packet.frameType = kVideoFrameKey;
timeStampFirstKey = packet.timestamp;
// Insert frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// Get packet notification, should be first inserted frame
TEST(timeStampStart == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType,
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameDelta);
} while (loop < kMaxNumberOfFrames);
@ -1477,8 +1630,15 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
// Insert frame
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// First inserted key frame should be oldest in buffer
TEST(timeStampFirstKey == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType,
// check incoming frame type
TEST(incomingFrameType == kVideoFrameKey);
// get the first key frame
frameOut = jb.GetFrameForDecoding();
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
TEST(ptrFirstKeyFrame == frameOut);
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, size, false) == 0);
@ -1584,6 +1744,9 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
frameIn = jb.GetFrame(packet);
TEST(kFirstPacket == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, packet));
// Get packet notification
TEST(timeStamp == jb.NextTimestamp(10, &incomingFrameType,
frameOut = jb.MaybeGetIncompleteFrameForDecoding();
// We can decode everything from a NALU until a packet has been lost.
@ -1700,7 +1863,7 @@ int JitterBufferTest(CmdArgs& args)
TEST(kCompleteSession == jb.InsertPacket(frameIn, emptypacket));
// get the frame
frameOut = jb.GetFrameForDecoding();
frameOut = jb.GetCompleteFrameForDecoding(10);
// Only last NALU is complete
TEST(CheckOutFrame(frameOut, packet.sizeBytes, false) == 0);
@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
ret = NormalTest::RunTest(args);
ret |= CodecDataBaseTest::RunTest(args);
ret |= ReceiverTimingTests(args);
ret |= JitterBufferTest(args);
case 1:
ret = NormalTest::RunTest(args);
@ -125,9 +126,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
ret = RtpPlayMT(args);
case 9:
ret = DecodeFromStorageTest(args);
ret = JitterBufferTest(args);
case 10:
ret = DecodeFromStorageTest(args);
case 11:
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