Refactor VCM/Timing.
No changes in functionality. Review URL: git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,302 +10,251 @@
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/main/source/timing.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/main/source/internal_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/main/source/jitter_buffer_common.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/main/source/timestamp_extrapolator.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/clock.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/trace.h"
namespace webrtc {
VCMTiming::VCMTiming(Clock* clock,
int32_t vcmId,
int32_t timingId,
VCMTiming* masterTiming)
if (masterTiming == NULL)
_master = true;
_tsExtrapolator = new VCMTimestampExtrapolator(_clock, vcmId, timingId);
_tsExtrapolator = masterTiming->_tsExtrapolator;
int32_t vcm_id,
int32_t timing_id,
VCMTiming* master_timing)
: crit_sect_(CriticalSectionWrapper::CreateCriticalSection()),
prev_frame_timestamp_(0) {
if (master_timing == NULL) {
master_ = true;
ts_extrapolator_ = new VCMTimestampExtrapolator(clock_, vcm_id, timing_id);
} else {
ts_extrapolator_ = master_timing->ts_extrapolator_;
if (_master)
delete _tsExtrapolator;
delete _critSect;
VCMTiming::~VCMTiming() {
if (master_) {
delete ts_extrapolator_;
delete crit_sect_;
CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
_renderDelayMs = kDefaultRenderDelayMs;
_minTotalDelayMs = 0;
_requiredDelayMs = 0;
_currentDelayMs = 0;
_prevFrameTimestamp = 0;
void VCMTiming::Reset() {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
render_delay_ms_ = kDefaultRenderDelayMs;
min_total_delay_ms_ = 0;
required_delay_ms_ = 0;
current_delay_ms_ = 0;
prev_frame_timestamp_ = 0;
void VCMTiming::ResetDecodeTime()
void VCMTiming::ResetDecodeTime() {
VCMTiming::SetRenderDelay(uint32_t renderDelayMs)
CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
_renderDelayMs = renderDelayMs;
void VCMTiming::SetRenderDelay(uint32_t render_delay_ms) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
render_delay_ms_ = render_delay_ms;
VCMTiming::SetMinimumTotalDelay(uint32_t minTotalDelayMs)
CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
_minTotalDelayMs = minTotalDelayMs;
void VCMTiming::SetMinimumTotalDelay(uint32_t min_total_delay_ms) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
min_total_delay_ms_ = min_total_delay_ms;
VCMTiming::SetRequiredDelay(uint32_t requiredDelayMs)
CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
if (requiredDelayMs != _requiredDelayMs)
if (_master)
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding, VCMId(_vcmId, _timingId),
"Desired jitter buffer level: %u ms", requiredDelayMs);
_requiredDelayMs = requiredDelayMs;
// When in initial state, set current delay to minimum delay.
if (_currentDelayMs == 0) {
_currentDelayMs = _requiredDelayMs;
void VCMTiming::SetRequiredDelay(uint32_t required_delay_ms) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
if (required_delay_ms != required_delay_ms_) {
if (master_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding,
VCMId(vcm_id_, timing_id_),
"Desired jitter buffer level: %u ms", required_delay_ms);
required_delay_ms_ = required_delay_ms;
// When in initial state, set current delay to minimum delay.
if (current_delay_ms_ == 0) {
current_delay_ms_ = required_delay_ms_;
void VCMTiming::UpdateCurrentDelay(uint32_t frameTimestamp)
CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
uint32_t targetDelayMs = TargetDelayInternal();
void VCMTiming::UpdateCurrentDelay(uint32_t frame_timestamp) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
uint32_t target_delay_ms = TargetDelayInternal();
if (_currentDelayMs == 0)
// Not initialized, set current delay to target.
_currentDelayMs = targetDelayMs;
if (current_delay_ms_ == 0) {
// Not initialized, set current delay to target.
current_delay_ms_ = target_delay_ms;
} else if (target_delay_ms != current_delay_ms_) {
int64_t delay_diff_ms = static_cast<int64_t>(target_delay_ms) -
// Never change the delay with more than 100 ms every second. If we're
// changing the delay in too large steps we will get noticeable freezes. By
// limiting the change we can increase the delay in smaller steps, which
// will be experienced as the video is played in slow motion. When lowering
// the delay the video will be played at a faster pace.
int64_t max_change_ms = 0;
if (frame_timestamp < 0x0000ffff && prev_frame_timestamp_ > 0xffff0000) {
// wrap
max_change_ms = kDelayMaxChangeMsPerS * (frame_timestamp +
(static_cast<int64_t>(1) << 32) - prev_frame_timestamp_) / 90000;
} else {
max_change_ms = kDelayMaxChangeMsPerS *
(frame_timestamp - prev_frame_timestamp_) / 90000;
else if (targetDelayMs != _currentDelayMs)
int64_t delayDiffMs = static_cast<int64_t>(targetDelayMs) -
// Never change the delay with more than 100 ms every second. If we're changing the
// delay in too large steps we will get noticeable freezes. By limiting the change we
// can increase the delay in smaller steps, which will be experienced as the video is
// played in slow motion. When lowering the delay the video will be played at a faster
// pace.
int64_t maxChangeMs = 0;
if (frameTimestamp < 0x0000ffff && _prevFrameTimestamp > 0xffff0000)
// wrap
maxChangeMs = kDelayMaxChangeMsPerS * (frameTimestamp +
(static_cast<int64_t>(1)<<32) - _prevFrameTimestamp) / 90000;
maxChangeMs = kDelayMaxChangeMsPerS *
(frameTimestamp - _prevFrameTimestamp) / 90000;
if (maxChangeMs <= 0)
// Any changes less than 1 ms are truncated and
// will be postponed. Negative change will be due
// to reordering and should be ignored.
delayDiffMs = std::max(delayDiffMs, -maxChangeMs);
delayDiffMs = std::min(delayDiffMs, maxChangeMs);
if (max_change_ms <= 0) {
// Any changes less than 1 ms are truncated and
// will be postponed. Negative change will be due
// to reordering and should be ignored.
delay_diff_ms = std::max(delay_diff_ms, -max_change_ms);
delay_diff_ms = std::min(delay_diff_ms, max_change_ms);
_currentDelayMs = _currentDelayMs + static_cast<int32_t>(delayDiffMs);
_prevFrameTimestamp = frameTimestamp;
current_delay_ms_ = current_delay_ms_ + static_cast<int32_t>(delay_diff_ms);
prev_frame_timestamp_ = frame_timestamp;
void VCMTiming::UpdateCurrentDelay(int64_t renderTimeMs,
int64_t actualDecodeTimeMs)
CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
uint32_t targetDelayMs = TargetDelayInternal();
int64_t delayedMs = actualDecodeTimeMs -
(renderTimeMs - MaxDecodeTimeMs() - _renderDelayMs);
if (delayedMs < 0)
if (_currentDelayMs + delayedMs <= targetDelayMs)
_currentDelayMs += static_cast<uint32_t>(delayedMs);
_currentDelayMs = targetDelayMs;
void VCMTiming::UpdateCurrentDelay(int64_t render_time_ms,
int64_t actual_decode_time_ms) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
uint32_t target_delay_ms = TargetDelayInternal();
int64_t delayed_ms = actual_decode_time_ms -
(render_time_ms - MaxDecodeTimeMs() - render_delay_ms_);
if (delayed_ms < 0) {
if (current_delay_ms_ + delayed_ms <= target_delay_ms) {
current_delay_ms_ += static_cast<uint32_t>(delayed_ms);
} else {
current_delay_ms_ = target_delay_ms;
VCMTiming::StopDecodeTimer(uint32_t timeStamp,
int64_t startTimeMs,
int64_t nowMs)
CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
const int32_t maxDecTime = MaxDecodeTimeMs();
int32_t timeDiffMs = _codecTimer.StopTimer(startTimeMs, nowMs);
if (timeDiffMs < 0)
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding, VCMId(_vcmId, _timingId),
"Codec timer error: %d", timeDiffMs);
int32_t VCMTiming::StopDecodeTimer(uint32_t time_stamp,
int64_t start_time_ms,
int64_t now_ms) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
const int32_t max_dec_time = MaxDecodeTimeMs();
int32_t time_diff_ms = codec_timer_.StopTimer(start_time_ms, now_ms);
if (time_diff_ms < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding, VCMId(vcm_id_,
timing_id_), "Codec timer error: %d", time_diff_ms);
if (_master)
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding, VCMId(_vcmId, _timingId),
"Frame decoded: timeStamp=%u decTime=%d maxDecTime=%u, at %u",
timeStamp, timeDiffMs, maxDecTime, MaskWord64ToUWord32(nowMs));
return 0;
if (master_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding, VCMId(vcm_id_,
"Frame decoded: time_stamp=%u dec_time=%d max_dec_time=%u, at %u",
time_stamp, time_diff_ms, max_dec_time, MaskWord64ToUWord32(now_ms));
return 0;
VCMTiming::IncomingTimestamp(uint32_t timeStamp, int64_t nowMs)
CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
_tsExtrapolator->Update(nowMs, timeStamp, _master);
void VCMTiming::IncomingTimestamp(uint32_t time_stamp, int64_t now_ms) {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
ts_extrapolator_->Update(now_ms, time_stamp, master_);
VCMTiming::RenderTimeMs(uint32_t frameTimestamp, int64_t nowMs) const
CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
const int64_t renderTimeMs = RenderTimeMsInternal(frameTimestamp, nowMs);
if (_master)
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding, VCMId(_vcmId, _timingId),
"Render frame %u at %u. Render delay %u, required delay %u,"
" max decode time %u, min total delay %u",
frameTimestamp, MaskWord64ToUWord32(renderTimeMs), _renderDelayMs,
_requiredDelayMs, MaxDecodeTimeMs(),_minTotalDelayMs);
return renderTimeMs;
int64_t VCMTiming::RenderTimeMs(uint32_t frame_timestamp, int64_t now_ms)
const {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
const int64_t render_time_ms = RenderTimeMsInternal(frame_timestamp, now_ms);
if (master_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding, VCMId(vcm_id_,
timing_id_), "Render frame %u at %u. Render delay %u",
"required delay %u, max decode time %u, min total delay %u",
frame_timestamp, MaskWord64ToUWord32(render_time_ms), render_delay_ms_,
required_delay_ms_, MaxDecodeTimeMs(), min_total_delay_ms_);
return render_time_ms;
VCMTiming::RenderTimeMsInternal(uint32_t frameTimestamp, int64_t nowMs) const
int64_t estimatedCompleteTimeMs =
if (_master)
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding, VCMId(_vcmId, _timingId),
"ExtrapolateLocalTime(%u)=%u ms",
frameTimestamp, MaskWord64ToUWord32(estimatedCompleteTimeMs));
if (estimatedCompleteTimeMs == -1)
estimatedCompleteTimeMs = nowMs;
int64_t VCMTiming::RenderTimeMsInternal(uint32_t frame_timestamp,
int64_t now_ms) const {
int64_t estimated_complete_time_ms =
if (master_) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceDebug, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding,
VCMId(vcm_id_, timing_id_), "ExtrapolateLocalTime(%u)=%u ms",
frame_timestamp, MaskWord64ToUWord32(estimated_complete_time_ms));
if (estimated_complete_time_ms == -1) {
estimated_complete_time_ms = now_ms;
// Make sure that we have at least the total minimum delay.
uint32_t actual_delay = std::max(_currentDelayMs, _minTotalDelayMs);
return estimatedCompleteTimeMs + actual_delay;
// Make sure that we have at least the total minimum delay.
uint32_t actual_delay = std::max(current_delay_ms_, min_total_delay_ms_);
return estimated_complete_time_ms + actual_delay;
// Must be called from inside a critical section
VCMTiming::MaxDecodeTimeMs(FrameType frameType /*= kVideoFrameDelta*/) const
const int32_t decodeTimeMs = _codecTimer.RequiredDecodeTimeMs(frameType);
if (decodeTimeMs < 0)
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding, VCMId(_vcmId, _timingId),
"Negative maximum decode time: %d", decodeTimeMs);
// Must be called from inside a critical section.
int32_t VCMTiming::MaxDecodeTimeMs(FrameType frame_type /*= kVideoFrameDelta*/)
const {
const int32_t decode_time_ms = codec_timer_.RequiredDecodeTimeMs(frame_type);
if (decode_time_ms < 0) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceVideoCoding, VCMId(vcm_id_,
timing_id_), "Negative maximum decode time: %d", decode_time_ms);
return -1;
return decodeTimeMs;
return decode_time_ms;
VCMTiming::MaxWaitingTime(int64_t renderTimeMs, int64_t nowMs) const
CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
uint32_t VCMTiming::MaxWaitingTime(int64_t render_time_ms, int64_t now_ms)
const {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
const int64_t maxWaitTimeMs = renderTimeMs - nowMs -
MaxDecodeTimeMs() - _renderDelayMs;
const int64_t max_wait_time_ms = render_time_ms - now_ms -
MaxDecodeTimeMs() - render_delay_ms_;
if (maxWaitTimeMs < 0)
return 0;
return static_cast<uint32_t>(maxWaitTimeMs);
if (max_wait_time_ms < 0) {
return 0;
return static_cast<uint32_t>(max_wait_time_ms);
VCMTiming::EnoughTimeToDecode(uint32_t availableProcessingTimeMs) const
CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
int32_t maxDecodeTimeMs = MaxDecodeTimeMs();
if (maxDecodeTimeMs < 0)
// Haven't decoded any frames yet, try decoding one to get an estimate
// of the decode time.
return true;
else if (maxDecodeTimeMs == 0)
// Decode time is less than 1, set to 1 for now since
// we don't have any better precision. Count ticks later?
maxDecodeTimeMs = 1;
return static_cast<int32_t>(availableProcessingTimeMs) - maxDecodeTimeMs > 0;
bool VCMTiming::EnoughTimeToDecode(uint32_t available_processing_time_ms)
const {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
int32_t max_decode_time_ms = MaxDecodeTimeMs();
if (max_decode_time_ms < 0) {
// Haven't decoded any frames yet, try decoding one to get an estimate
// of the decode time.
return true;
} else if (max_decode_time_ms == 0) {
// Decode time is less than 1, set to 1 for now since
// we don't have any better precision. Count ticks later?
max_decode_time_ms = 1;
return static_cast<int32_t>(available_processing_time_ms) -
max_decode_time_ms > 0;
VCMTiming::TargetVideoDelay() const
CriticalSectionScoped cs(_critSect);
return TargetDelayInternal();
uint32_t VCMTiming::TargetVideoDelay() const {
CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
return TargetDelayInternal();
VCMTiming::TargetDelayInternal() const
return std::max(_minTotalDelayMs,
_requiredDelayMs + MaxDecodeTimeMs() + _renderDelayMs);
uint32_t VCMTiming::TargetDelayInternal() const {
return std::max(min_total_delay_ms_,
required_delay_ms_ + MaxDecodeTimeMs() + render_delay_ms_);
} // namespace webrtc
@ -8,103 +8,102 @@
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "typedefs.h"
#include "critical_section_wrapper.h"
#include "codec_timer.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/main/source/codec_timer.h"
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/critical_section_wrapper.h"
#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
namespace webrtc
namespace webrtc {
class Clock;
class VCMTimestampExtrapolator;
class VCMTiming
// The primary timing component should be passed
// if this is the dual timing component.
VCMTiming(Clock* clock,
int32_t vcmId = 0,
int32_t timingId = 0,
VCMTiming* masterTiming = NULL);
class VCMTiming {
// The primary timing component should be passed
// if this is the dual timing component.
VCMTiming(Clock* clock,
int32_t vcm_id = 0,
int32_t timing_id = 0,
VCMTiming* master_timing = NULL);
// Resets the timing to the initial state.
void Reset();
void ResetDecodeTime();
// Resets the timing to the initial state.
void Reset();
void ResetDecodeTime();
// The amount of time needed to render an image. Defaults to 10 ms.
void SetRenderDelay(uint32_t renderDelayMs);
// The amount of time needed to render an image. Defaults to 10 ms.
void SetRenderDelay(uint32_t render_delay_ms);
// The minimum time the video must be delayed on the receiver to
// get the desired jitter buffer level.
void SetRequiredDelay(uint32_t requiredDelayMs);
// The minimum time the video must be delayed on the receiver to
// get the desired jitter buffer level.
void SetRequiredDelay(uint32_t required_delay_ms);
// Minimum total delay required to sync video with audio.
void SetMinimumTotalDelay(uint32_t minTotalDelayMs);
// Minimum total delay required to sync video with audio.
void SetMinimumTotalDelay(uint32_t min_total_delay_ms);
// Increases or decreases the current delay to get closer to the target delay.
// Calculates how long it has been since the previous call to this function,
// and increases/decreases the delay in proportion to the time difference.
void UpdateCurrentDelay(uint32_t frameTimestamp);
// Increases or decreases the current delay to get closer to the target delay.
// Calculates how long it has been since the previous call to this function,
// and increases/decreases the delay in proportion to the time difference.
void UpdateCurrentDelay(uint32_t frame_timestamp);
// Increases or decreases the current delay to get closer to the target delay.
// Given the actual decode time in ms and the render time in ms for a frame, this
// function calculates how late the frame is and increases the delay accordingly.
void UpdateCurrentDelay(int64_t renderTimeMs, int64_t actualDecodeTimeMs);
// Increases or decreases the current delay to get closer to the target delay.
// Given the actual decode time in ms and the render time in ms for a frame,
// this function calculates how late the frame is and increases the delay
// accordingly.
void UpdateCurrentDelay(int64_t render_time_ms,
int64_t actual_decode_time_ms);
// Stops the decoder timer, should be called when the decoder returns a frame
// or when the decoded frame callback is called.
int32_t StopDecodeTimer(uint32_t timeStamp,
int64_t startTimeMs,
int64_t nowMs);
// Stops the decoder timer, should be called when the decoder returns a frame
// or when the decoded frame callback is called.
int32_t StopDecodeTimer(uint32_t time_stamp,
int64_t start_time_ms,
int64_t now_ms);
// Used to report that a frame is passed to decoding. Updates the timestamp
// filter which is used to map between timestamps and receiver system time.
void IncomingTimestamp(uint32_t timeStamp, int64_t lastPacketTimeMs);
// Used to report that a frame is passed to decoding. Updates the timestamp
// filter which is used to map between timestamps and receiver system time.
void IncomingTimestamp(uint32_t time_stamp, int64_t last_packet_time_ms);
// Returns the receiver system time when the frame with timestamp
// frame_timestamp should be rendered, assuming that the system time currently
// is now_ms.
int64_t RenderTimeMs(uint32_t frame_timestamp, int64_t now_ms) const;
// Returns the receiver system time when the frame with timestamp frameTimestamp
// should be rendered, assuming that the system time currently is nowMs.
int64_t RenderTimeMs(uint32_t frameTimestamp, int64_t nowMs) const;
// Returns the maximum time in ms that we can wait for a frame to become
// complete before we must pass it to the decoder.
uint32_t MaxWaitingTime(int64_t render_time_ms, int64_t now_ms) const;
// Returns the maximum time in ms that we can wait for a frame to become complete
// before we must pass it to the decoder.
uint32_t MaxWaitingTime(int64_t renderTimeMs, int64_t nowMs) const;
// Returns the current target delay which is required delay + decode time +
// render delay.
uint32_t TargetVideoDelay() const;
// Returns the current target delay which is required delay + decode time + render
// delay.
uint32_t TargetVideoDelay() const;
// Calculates whether or not there is enough time to decode a frame given a
// certain amount of processing time.
bool EnoughTimeToDecode(uint32_t available_processing_time_ms) const;
// Calculates whether or not there is enough time to decode a frame given a
// certain amount of processing time.
bool EnoughTimeToDecode(uint32_t availableProcessingTimeMs) const;
enum { kDefaultRenderDelayMs = 10 };
enum { kDelayMaxChangeMsPerS = 100 };
enum { kDefaultRenderDelayMs = 10 };
enum { kDelayMaxChangeMsPerS = 100 };
int32_t MaxDecodeTimeMs(FrameType frame_type = kVideoFrameDelta) const;
int64_t RenderTimeMsInternal(uint32_t frame_timestamp, int64_t now_ms) const;
uint32_t TargetDelayInternal() const;
int32_t MaxDecodeTimeMs(FrameType frameType = kVideoFrameDelta) const;
int64_t RenderTimeMsInternal(uint32_t frameTimestamp, int64_t nowMs) const;
uint32_t TargetDelayInternal() const;
CriticalSectionWrapper* _critSect;
int32_t _vcmId;
Clock* _clock;
int32_t _timingId;
bool _master;
VCMTimestampExtrapolator* _tsExtrapolator;
VCMCodecTimer _codecTimer;
uint32_t _renderDelayMs;
uint32_t _minTotalDelayMs;
uint32_t _requiredDelayMs;
uint32_t _currentDelayMs;
uint32_t _prevFrameTimestamp;
CriticalSectionWrapper* crit_sect_;
int32_t vcm_id_;
Clock* clock_;
int32_t timing_id_;
bool master_;
VCMTimestampExtrapolator* ts_extrapolator_;
VCMCodecTimer codec_timer_;
uint32_t render_delay_ms_;
uint32_t min_total_delay_ms_;
uint32_t required_delay_ms_;
uint32_t current_delay_ms_;
uint32_t prev_frame_timestamp_;
} // namespace webrtc
} // namespace webrtc
Reference in New Issue
Block a user