diff --git a/modules/audio_device/main/documentation/audio_device_api.graphml b/modules/audio_device/main/documentation/audio_device_api.graphml
deleted file mode 100644
index 40106c001..000000000
--- a/modules/audio_device/main/documentation/audio_device_api.graphml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
- AudioDeviceModule
- // Factory methods (resource allocation/deallocation)
- static AudioDeviceModule* Create(
- const WebRtc_Word32 id,
- const AudioLayer audioLayer = kPlatformDefaultAudio);
- static void Destroy(AudioDeviceModule* module);
- // Retrieve the currently utilized audio layer
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 ActiveAudioLayer(AudioLayer& audioLayer) const;
- // Error handling
- virtual ErrorCode LastError() const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 RegisterEventObserver(
- AudioDeviceObserver* eventCallback);
- // Full-duplex transportation of PCM audio
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 RegisterAudioCallback(
- AudioTransport* audioCallback);
- // Main initializaton and termination
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 Init();
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 Terminate();
- virtual bool Initialized() const;
- // Device enumeration
- virtual WebRtc_Word16 PlayoutDevices();
- virtual WebRtc_Word16 RecordingDevices();
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 PlayoutDeviceName(
- WebRtc_UWord16 index,
- WebRtc_Word8 name[kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize],
- WebRtc_Word8 guid[kAdmMaxGuidSize]);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 RecordingDeviceName(
- WebRtc_UWord16 index,
- WebRtc_Word8 name[kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize],
- WebRtc_Word8 guid[kAdmMaxGuidSize]);
- // Device selection
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetPlayoutDevice(WebRtc_UWord16 index);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetPlayoutDevice(WindowsDeviceType device);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetRecordingDevice(WebRtc_UWord16 index);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetRecordingDevice(WindowsDeviceType device);
- // Audio transport initialization
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 PlayoutIsAvailable(bool& available);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 InitPlayout();
- virtual bool PlayoutIsInitialized() const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 RecordingIsAvailable(bool& available);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 InitRecording();
- virtual bool RecordingIsInitialized() const;
- // Audio transport control
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 StartPlayout();
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 StopPlayout();
- virtual bool Playing() const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 StartRecording();
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 StopRecording();
- virtual bool Recording() const;
- // Microphone Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetAGC(bool enable);
- virtual bool AGC() const;
- // Volume control based on the Windows Wave API (Windows only)
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetWaveOutVolume(WebRtc_UWord16 volumeLeft,
- WebRtc_UWord16 volumeRight);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 WaveOutVolume(WebRtc_UWord16& volumeLeft,
- WebRtc_UWord16& volumeRight) const;
- // Audio mixer initialization
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SpeakerIsAvailable(bool& available);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 InitSpeaker();
- virtual bool SpeakerIsInitialized() const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 MicrophoneIsAvailable(bool& available);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 InitMicrophone();
- virtual bool MicrophoneIsInitialized() const;
- // Speaker volume controls
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SpeakerVolumeIsAvailable(bool& available);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetSpeakerVolume(WebRtc_UWord32 volume);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SpeakerVolume(WebRtc_UWord32& volume) const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 MaxSpeakerVolume(WebRtc_UWord32& maxVolume) const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 MinSpeakerVolume(WebRtc_UWord32& minVolume) const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SpeakerVolumeStepSize(
- WebRtc_UWord16& stepSize) const;
- // Microphone volume controls
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 MicrophoneVolumeIsAvailable(bool& available);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetMicrophoneVolume(WebRtc_UWord32 volume);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 MicrophoneVolume(WebRtc_UWord32& volume) const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 MaxMicrophoneVolume(
- WebRtc_UWord32& maxVolume) const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 MinMicrophoneVolume(
- WebRtc_UWord32& minVolume) const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 MicrophoneVolumeStepSize(
- WebRtc_UWord16& stepSize) const;
- // Speaker mute control
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SpeakerMuteIsAvailable(bool& available);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetSpeakerMute(bool enable);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SpeakerMute(bool& enabled) const;
- // Microphone mute control
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 MicrophoneMuteIsAvailable(bool& available);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetMicrophoneMute(bool enable);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 MicrophoneMute(bool& enabled) const;
- // Microphone boost control
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 MicrophoneBoostIsAvailable(bool& available);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetMicrophoneBoost(bool enable);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 MicrophoneBoost(bool& enabled) const;
- // Stereo support
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 StereoPlayoutIsAvailable(bool& available) const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetStereoPlayout(bool enable);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 StereoPlayout(bool& enabled) const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 StereoRecordingIsAvailable(bool& available) const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetStereoRecording(bool enable);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 StereoRecording(bool& enabled) const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetRecordingChannel(const ChannelType channel);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 RecordingChannel(ChannelType& channel) const;
- // Delay information and control
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetPlayoutBuffer(const BufferType type,
- WebRtc_UWord16 sizeMS = 0);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 PlayoutBuffer(BufferType& type,
- WebRtc_UWord16& sizeMS) const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 PlayoutDelay(WebRtc_UWord16& delayMS) const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 RecordingDelay(WebRtc_UWord16& delayMS) const;
- // CPU load
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 CPULoad(WebRtc_UWord16& load) const;
- // Recording of raw PCM data
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 StartRawOutputFileRecording(
- const WebRtc_Word8 pcmFileNameUTF8[kAdmMaxFileNameSize]);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 StopRawOutputFileRecording();
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 StartRawInputFileRecording(
- const WebRtc_Word8 pcmFileNameUTF8[kAdmMaxFileNameSize]);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 StopRawInputFileRecording();
- // Native sample rate controls (samples/sec)
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetRecordingSampleRate(
- const WebRtc_UWord32 samplesPerSec);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 RecordingSampleRate(
- WebRtc_UWord32& samplesPerSec) const;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetPlayoutSampleRate(
- const WebRtc_UWord32 samplesPerSec);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 PlayoutSampleRate(
- WebRtc_UWord32& samplesPerSec) const;
- // Mobile device specific functions
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 ResetAudioDevice();
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 SetLoudspeakerStatus(bool enable);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 GetLoudspeakerStatus(bool& enabled) const;
- AudioDeviceObserver
- virtual void OnErrorIsReported(const ErrorCode error) = 0;
-virtual void OnWarningIsReported(const WarningCode warning) = 0;
- Class AudioDeviceModule
- Module
- AudioTransport
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 RecordedDataIsAvailable(const WebRtc_Word8* audioSamples,
- const WebRtc_UWord32 nSamples,
- const WebRtc_UWord8 nBytesPerSample,
- const WebRtc_UWord8 nChannels,
- const WebRtc_UWord32 sampleRate,
- const WebRtc_UWord32 totalDelay,
- const WebRtc_Word32 clockSkew,
- const WebRtc_UWord32 currentMicLevel,
- WebRtc_UWord32& newMicLevel) = 0;
-virtual WebRtc_Word32 NeedMorePlayData(const WebRtc_UWord32 nSamples,
- const WebRtc_UWord8 nBytesPerSample,
- const WebRtc_UWord8 nChannels,
- const WebRtc_UWord32 sampleRate,
- WebRtc_Word8* audioSamples,
- WebRtc_UWord32& nSamplesOut) = 0;
diff --git a/modules/audio_device/main/documentation/audio_device_class_diagram.graphml b/modules/audio_device/main/documentation/audio_device_class_diagram.graphml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3517191b8..000000000
--- a/modules/audio_device/main/documentation/audio_device_class_diagram.graphml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
- AudioDeviceModule
- static AudioDeviceModule* Create(const WebRtc_Word32 id, const AudioLayer audioLayer = kPlatformDefaultAudio);
- static void Destroy(AudioDeviceModule* module);
- static WebRtc_Word32 GetVersion(WebRtc_Word8* version, WebRtc_UWord32& remainingBufferInBytes, WebRtc_UWord32& position);
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 ChangeUniqueId(const WebRtc_Word32 id) = 0;
- virtual ErrorCode LastError() const = 0;
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 RegisterEventObserver(AudioDeviceObserver* eventCallback) = 0;
-virtual WebRtc_Word32 Init() = 0;
-virtual WebRtc_Word32 Terminate() = 0;
-// etc.
- AudioDeviceObserver
- virtual void OnErrorIsReported() = 0;
-virtual void OnWarningIsReported() = 0;
- Module
- ModuleAudioDeviceImpl
- AudioDeviceGeneric* _ptrAudioDevice
-AudioDeviceUtility* _ptrAudioDeviceUtility
-AudioDeviceObserver* _ptrCbAudioDeviceObserver
-AudioDeviceBuffer _audioDeviceBuffer
- AudioDeviceGeneric
- AudioDeviceWindowsWave
- AudioDeviceBuffer* _ptrAudioBuffer
- AudioDeviceWindowsCore
- AudioDeviceBuffer* _ptrAudioBuffer
- AudioDeviceLinuxALSA
- AudioDeviceBuffer* _ptrAudioBuffer
- More platforms to be added
- User can specify the audio layer at construction.
-It is possible to select Windows Wave audio even
-if we build with CORE_AUDIO flag and run on e.g.
-a Vista or Windows 7 machine.
-The user can also select default audio.
- audio_device_defines.h
- AudioDeviceUtility
- AudioDeviceUtilityWindows
- AudioDeviceUtilityLinux
- AudioDeviceUtilityMac
- AudioTransport
- virtual WebRtc_Word32 RecordedDataIsAvailable() = 0;
-virtual WebRtc_Word32 NeedMorePlayData() = 0;
- AudioDeviceBuffer
- AudioTransport* _ptrCbAudioTransport
- Platform
- All audio/data transport goes "through" this platform-generic
-class. The AudioDevice implementations copies recorded data
-to this buffer and then signals that a AudioTransport callback
-shall be performed. Also - in the other direction - the AudioDevices
-informs this class when they needs more data to be played out, a
-callback is performed and data stored in the AudioDeviceBuffer.
-The AudioDevice implementations can then copy the stored data
-and play it out.
diff --git a/modules/audio_device/main/documentation/current_data_flow.graphml b/modules/audio_device/main/documentation/current_data_flow.graphml
deleted file mode 100644
index a6facc29b..000000000
--- a/modules/audio_device/main/documentation/current_data_flow.graphml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
- SndCardStream
- VoiceEngine
- Rendering
- Capturing
- NeedMorePlayData()
- [in] speech
- [in] samples
- [out] fs
- [out] stereo
- RecordedDataIsAvailable()
- [out] speech
- [out] delay
- [out] fs
- [out] skew
- [in] newMicGain
- SndCardStreamObserver
- SndCard expects the mixer
-output to be at the given
-sample rate and stereo mode.
-Conversion takes place in the
- SndCard always generates
-10ms buffers at the specified
-sample rate. Conversion must
-take place before encoding.
- The data flow is driven by the sound card (thread(s)) using
-callback functions. An additional API is required if an external
-source shall act as driver.
- Current client audio implementation
- newMicGain
- fs
diff --git a/modules/audio_device/main/documentation/playout_buffer_logic.graphml b/modules/audio_device/main/documentation/playout_buffer_logic.graphml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fd281cf8..000000000
--- a/modules/audio_device/main/documentation/playout_buffer_logic.graphml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1100 +0,0 @@
- Get remaining time
-in sound-card
-(RemTime) [ms]
- RemTime <
-(BufDelay + 9)
- dT=5 ms
- Initial values:
- BufDelay = 80 [ms]
- waitCount = 1700
- minPlayBufDelay = 25
- intro = 1
- RemTime >
-(BufDelay + 9)
- dT=2ms
- waitCount > 2000
- waitCount++
- PlayProc() is called on
-average each 10 ms.
-dT_avg = 10 [ms]
- _intro = 0
-waitCounter = 1990
- RemTime == 0
- RemTime <
- RemTime <
-(BufDelay - 9)
- waitCount > 30
- remZeroCount++
- remZeroCount==2
- remZeroCount==3
- BufDelay += 15
-minBufDelay += 20
-waitCount = 50
- remZeroCount = 0
-BufDelay += 30
-minBufDelay += 25
-waitCounter = 0
- minBufDelay += 10
-BufDelay += 15
-waitCounter = 50
- waitCount > 30
- BufDelay+=10
- intro==0
- waitCount=0
- remZeroCount=0
- dT=10ms
- Write data
- minBufDelay >
- minBufDelay = MAX_minDelay
- return
- dT
- BufDelay
- BufDelay > 150
- BufDelay = 150
- BufDelay < minBufDelay
- BufDelay = minBufDelay
- true
- false
- Yes
- false
- false
- false
- true
- true
- true
- false
- true
- false
- true
- true
- true
- true
- false
- false
- true
- true
- false
- true
- false
- false
- false
- true