VCM/Media Opt Util: 1. Updating hybrid protection settings 2. Removing score 3. adding Fec as suffix to _residualPacketLoss for clarity. 4. Some clean up.
Review URL: git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,39 +22,15 @@
namespace webrtc {
const VideoContentMetrics* contentMetrics)
VideoContentMetrics* contentMetrics)
VCMProtectionMethod::BetterThan(VCMProtectionMethod *pm)
if (pm == NULL)
return true;
return pm->_score > _score;
VCMNackFecMethod::ProtectionFactor(const VCMProtectionParameters* /*parameters*/)
// use FEC model with modification with RTT for now
return true;
VCMProtectionParameters* /*parameters*/)
// use FEC model with modification with RTT for now
return true;
VCMNackFecMethod::UpdateParameters(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
// Hybrid Nack FEC has three operational modes:
// 1. Low RTT - Nack only (Set FEC rates to zero)
@ -68,97 +44,93 @@ VCMNackFecMethod::UpdateParameters(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
// Set the FEC parameters to 0
_protectionFactorK = 0;
_protectionFactorD = 0;
// assume packets will be restored via NACK
// TODO: relax this assumption?
_effectivePacketLoss = 0;
_score = _efficiency;
return true;
// otherwise: we count on FEC; if the RTT is below a threshold, then we can
// Otherwise: we count on FEC; if the RTT is below a threshold, then we
// nack the residual, based on a decision made in the JB.
// TODO(mikhal): adapt the FEC rate based on the RTT, i.e. the the level on
// which we will rely on NACK, e.g. less as we approach upper threshold.
VCMFecMethod fecMethod;
const WebRtc_UWord8 plossMax = 129;
// Compute the protection factor
// Compute the protection factors
// Compute the effective packet loss
_protectionFactorK = fecMethod._protectionFactorK;
_protectionFactorD = fecMethod._protectionFactorD;
WebRtc_UWord8 protFactorK = fecMethod._protectionFactorK;
WebRtc_UWord8 protFactorD = fecMethod._protectionFactorD;
WebRtc_UWord8 effPacketLoss = fecMethod._effectivePacketLoss;
float resPacketLoss = fecMethod._residualPacketLoss;
// Correct FEC rates based on the RTT ( NACK effectiveness)
WebRtc_Word16 rttIndex= (WebRtc_UWord16) parameters->rtt;
float softnessRtt = 1.0;
// When in Hybrid mode, correct FEC rates based on the
// RTT (NACK effectiveness)
if (parameters->rtt < kHighRttNackMs)
WebRtc_UWord16 rttIndex = (WebRtc_UWord16) parameters->rtt;
// TODO(mikhal): update table
softnessRtt = (float)VCMNackFecTable[rttIndex] / (float)4096.0;
float softnessRtt = (float)VCMNackFecTable[rttIndex] / (float)4096.0;
// soften ER with NACK on
// Soften FEC with NACK on (for delta frame only)
// table depends on RTT relative to rttMax (NACK Threshold)
_effectivePacketLoss = (WebRtc_UWord8)(effPacketLoss * softnessRtt);
// soften FEC with NACK on
// table depends on RTT relative to rttMax (NACK Threshold)
_protectionFactorK = (WebRtc_UWord8) (protFactorK * softnessRtt);
_protectionFactorD = (WebRtc_UWord8) (protFactorD * softnessRtt);
_protectionFactorD *= static_cast<WebRtc_UWord8> (softnessRtt);
// else - NACK is disabled, rely on FEC only
return true;
VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
// NACK only mode
if (parameters->rtt < kLowRttNackMs)
// Effective Packet Loss, NA in current version.
_effectivePacketLoss = 0;
// No FEC applied.
_residualPacketLossFec = 255 * parameters->lossPr;
return true;
// make sure I frame protection is at least larger than P frame protection,
// and at least as high as received loss
WebRtc_UWord8 packetLoss = (WebRtc_UWord8) (255 * parameters->lossPr);
_protectionFactorK = static_cast<WebRtc_UWord8> (VCM_MAX(packetLoss,
VCM_MAX(_scaleProtKey * protFactorD, protFactorK)));
// Set the effective packet loss for encoder (based on FEC code).
VCMFecMethod fecMethod;
// Compute the effective packet loss and residual packet loss due to FEC.
_effectivePacketLoss = fecMethod._effectivePacketLoss;
_residualPacketLossFec = fecMethod._residualPacketLossFec;
// check limit on amount of protection for I frame: 50% is max
if (_protectionFactorK >= plossMax)
_protectionFactorK = plossMax - 1;
return true;
// Bit cost for NackFec
VCMNackFecMethod::UpdateParameters(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
// NACK cost: based on residual packet loss (since we should only NACK
// packets not recovered by FEC)
_efficiency = 0.0f;
// Efficiency computation is based on FEC and NACK
// Add FEC cost: ignore I frames for now
float fecRate = static_cast<float> (_protectionFactorD) / 255.0f;
_efficiency = parameters->bitRate * fecRate;
// Add NACK cost, when applicable
if (parameters->rtt < kHighRttNackMs)
_efficiency = parameters->bitRate * resPacketLoss /
(1.0f + resPacketLoss);
// nackCost = (bitRate - nackCost) * (lossPr)
_efficiency += parameters->bitRate * _residualPacketLossFec /
(1.0f + _residualPacketLossFec);
// efficiency based on FEC only
// add FEC cost: ignore I frames for now
float fecRate = static_cast<float> (_protectionFactorD) / 255.0f;
if (fecRate >= 0.0f)
_efficiency += parameters->bitRate * fecRate;
_score = _efficiency;
// Protection/fec rates obtained above are defined relative to total number
// of packets (total rate: source + fec) FEC in RTP module assumes
// protection factor is defined relative to source number of packets so we
// should convert the factor to reduce mismatch between mediaOpt's rate and
// the actual one
WebRtc_UWord8 codeRate = protFactorK;
_protectionFactorK = fecMethod.ConvertFECRate(codeRate);
codeRate = protFactorD;
_protectionFactorD = fecMethod.ConvertFECRate(codeRate);
VCMFecMethod fecMethod;
_protectionFactorK = fecMethod.ConvertFECRate(_protectionFactorK);
_protectionFactorD = fecMethod.ConvertFECRate(_protectionFactorK);
return true;
VCMNackMethod::EffectivePacketLoss(WebRtc_UWord8 effPacketLoss,
VCMNackMethod::EffectivePacketLoss(WebRtc_UWord8 packetLoss,
WebRtc_UWord16 rttTime)
WebRtc_UWord16 rttMax = MaxRttNack();
@ -167,9 +139,12 @@ VCMNackMethod::EffectivePacketLoss(WebRtc_UWord8 effPacketLoss,
// packetLossEnc = 0 for RTT less than the NACK threshold
if (rttTime < rttMax)
effPacketLoss = 0; //may want a softer transition here
_effectivePacketLoss = 0; // may want a softer transition here
_effectivePacketLoss = packetLoss;
_effectivePacketLoss = effPacketLoss;
return true;
@ -183,14 +158,14 @@ VCMNackMethod::UpdateParameters(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
EffectivePacketLoss(effPacketLoss, rttTime);
// Compute the NACK bit cost
_efficiency = parameters->bitRate * parameters->lossPr /
(1.0f + parameters->lossPr);
_score = _efficiency;
if (parameters->rtt > _NACK_MAX_RTT)
if (rttTime > _NACK_MAX_RTT)
_score = 0.0f;
_efficiency = 0.0f;
return false;
_efficiency = parameters->bitRate * parameters->lossPr /
(1.0f + parameters->lossPr);
return true;
@ -199,7 +174,7 @@ VCMFecMethod::BoostCodeRateKey(WebRtc_UWord8 packetFrameDelta,
WebRtc_UWord8 packetFrameKey) const
WebRtc_UWord8 boostRateKey = 2;
// default: ratio scales the FEC protection up for I frames
// Default: ratio scales the FEC protection up for I frames
WebRtc_UWord8 ratio = 1;
if (packetFrameDelta > 0)
@ -263,13 +238,13 @@ VCMFecMethod::AvgRecoveryFEC(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters) const
// index for ER tables: up to codeSizexcodeSize mask
WebRtc_UWord16 codeIndexTable[codeSize * codeSize];
WebRtc_UWord16 k = -1;
WebRtc_UWord16 k = 0;
for (WebRtc_UWord8 i = 1; i <= codeSize; i++)
for (WebRtc_UWord8 j = 1; j <= i; j++)
k += 1;
codeIndexTable[(j - 1) * codeSize + i - 1] = k;
k += 1;
@ -426,7 +401,8 @@ VCMFecMethod::ProtectionFactor(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
float adjustFec = _qmRobustness->AdjustFecFactor(codeRateDelta, bitRate,
parameters->rtt, packetLoss);
codeRateDelta = static_cast<WebRtc_UWord8>(codeRateDelta * adjustFec);
@ -480,7 +456,7 @@ VCMFecMethod::ProtectionFactor(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
_useUepProtectionK = _qmRobustness->SetUepProtection(codeRateKey, bitRate,
packetLoss, 0);
_useUepProtectionD = _qmRobustness->SetUepProtection(codeRateKey, bitRate,
_useUepProtectionD = _qmRobustness->SetUepProtection(codeRateDelta, bitRate,
packetLoss, 1);
@ -490,39 +466,22 @@ VCMFecMethod::ProtectionFactor(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
VCMFecMethod::EffectivePacketLoss(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
// Effective packet loss to encoder is based on RPL (residual packet loss)
// this is a soft setting based on degree of FEC protection
// RPL = received/input packet loss - average_FEC_recovery
// note: received/input packet loss may be filtered based on FilteredLoss
// The input packet loss:
WebRtc_UWord8 effPacketLoss = (WebRtc_UWord8) (255 * parameters->lossPr);
// The packet loss:
WebRtc_UWord8 packetLoss = (WebRtc_UWord8) (255 * parameters->lossPr);
float scaleErRS = 0.5;
float scaleErXOR = 0.5;
float minErLevel = (float) 0.025;
// float scaleErRS = 1.0;
// float scaleErXOR = 1.0;
// float minErLevel = (float) 0.0;
float avgFecRecov = 0.;
// Effective packet loss for ER:
float scaleEr = scaleErXOR;
avgFecRecov = AvgRecoveryFEC(parameters);
float avgFecRecov = AvgRecoveryFEC(parameters);
// Residual Packet Loss:
_residualPacketLoss = (float) (effPacketLoss - avgFecRecov) / (float) 255.0;
_residualPacketLossFec = (float) (packetLoss - avgFecRecov) / 255.0f;
//Effective Packet Loss for encoder:
// Effective Packet Loss, NA in current version.
_effectivePacketLoss = 0;
if (effPacketLoss > 0) {
_effectivePacketLoss = VCM_MAX((effPacketLoss -
(WebRtc_UWord8)(scaleEr * avgFecRecov)),
static_cast<WebRtc_UWord8>(minErLevel * 255));
return true;
@ -553,7 +512,6 @@ VCMFecMethod::UpdateParameters(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
_efficiency = 0.0f;
_score = _efficiency;
// Protection/fec rates obtained above is defined relative to total number
// of packets (total rate: source+fec) FEC in RTP module assumes protection
@ -574,11 +532,9 @@ VCMIntraReqMethod::UpdateParameters(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters)
float lossRate = parameters->lossPr * packetRate;
if (parameters->keyFrameSize <= 1e-3)
_score = FLT_MAX;
return false;
_efficiency = lossRate * parameters->keyFrameSize;
_score = _efficiency;
if (parameters->lossPr >= 1.0f / parameters->keyFrameSize ||
parameters->rtt > _IREQ_MAX_RTT)
@ -593,7 +549,6 @@ VCMPeriodicIntraMethod::UpdateParameters(const
// Periodic I-frames. The last thing we want to use.
_efficiency = 0.0f;
_score = FLT_MAX;
return true;
@ -604,7 +559,6 @@ VCMMbIntraRefreshMethod::UpdateParameters(const
// Assume optimal for now.
_efficiency = parameters->bitRate * parameters->lossPr /
(1.0f + parameters->lossPr);
_score = _efficiency;
if (parameters->bitRate < _MBREF_MIN_BITRATE)
return false;
@ -730,7 +684,7 @@ VCMLossProtectionLogic::UpdateRtt(WebRtc_UWord32 rtt)
VCMLossProtectionLogic::UpdateResidualPacketLoss(float residualPacketLoss)
_residualPacketLoss = residualPacketLoss;
_residualPacketLossFec = residualPacketLoss;
@ -893,7 +847,7 @@ VCMLossProtectionLogic::UpdateMethod(VCMProtectionMethod *newMethod /*=NULL */)
_currentParameters.fecRateKey = _fecRateKey;
_currentParameters.packetsPerFrame = _packetsPerFrame.Value();
_currentParameters.packetsPerFrameKey = _packetsPerFrameKey.Value();
_currentParameters.residualPacketLoss = _residualPacketLoss;
_currentParameters.residualPacketLossFec = _residualPacketLossFec;
_currentParameters.fecType = _fecType;
_currentParameters.codecWidth = _codecWidth;
_currentParameters.codecHeight = _codecHeight;
@ -943,7 +897,8 @@ VCMLossProtectionLogic::SelectedMethod() const
return _selectedMethod;
void VCMLossProtectionLogic::Reset()
const WebRtc_Word64 now = VCMTickTime::MillisecondTimestamp();
_lastPrUpdateT = now;
@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ enum HybridNackTH {
struct VCMProtectionParameters
VCMProtectionParameters() : rtt(0), lossPr(0), bitRate(0), packetsPerFrame(0),
frameRate(0), keyFrameSize(0), fecRateDelta(0), fecRateKey(0),
residualPacketLoss(0.0), fecType(kXORFec), codecWidth(0),
codecHeight(0) {}
VCMProtectionParameters() : rtt(0), lossPr(0), bitRate(0),
packetsPerFrame(0), frameRate(0), keyFrameSize(0), fecRateDelta(0),
fecRateKey(0), residualPacketLossFec(0.0), fecType(kXORFec),
codecWidth(0), codecHeight(0) {}
WebRtc_UWord32 rtt;
float lossPr;
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ struct VCMProtectionParameters
float keyFrameSize;
WebRtc_UWord8 fecRateDelta;
WebRtc_UWord8 fecRateKey;
float residualPacketLoss;
float residualPacketLossFec;
VCMFecTypes fecType;
WebRtc_UWord16 codecWidth;
WebRtc_UWord16 codecHeight;
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ class VCMProtectionMethod
//friend VCMProtectionMethod;
VCMProtectionMethod(VCMProtectionMethodEnum type) : _protectionFactorK(0),
_protectionFactorD(0), _residualPacketLoss(0.0), _scaleProtKey(2.0),
_maxPayloadSize(1460), _efficiency(0), _score(0), _type(type),
_protectionFactorD(0), _residualPacketLossFec(0.0), _scaleProtKey(2.0),
_maxPayloadSize(1460), _efficiency(0), _type(type),
_useUepProtectionK(false), _useUepProtectionD(true)
{_qmRobustness = new VCMQmRobustness();}
virtual ~VCMProtectionMethod() { delete _qmRobustness;}
@ -117,13 +117,6 @@ public:
// Return value : The protection type
enum VCMProtectionMethodEnum Type() const { return _type; }
// Evaluates if this protection method is considered
// better than the provided method.
// Input:
// - pm : The protection method to compare with
bool BetterThan(VCMProtectionMethod *pm);
// Returns the bit rate required by this protection method
// during these conditions.
@ -161,7 +154,8 @@ public:
WebRtc_UWord8 _effectivePacketLoss;
WebRtc_UWord8 _protectionFactorK;
WebRtc_UWord8 _protectionFactorD;
float _residualPacketLoss;
// Estimation of residual loss after the FEC
float _residualPacketLossFec;
float _scaleProtKey;
WebRtc_Word32 _maxPayloadSize;
@ -171,7 +165,6 @@ public:
float _efficiency;
float _score;
const enum VCMProtectionMethodEnum _type;
@ -184,9 +177,9 @@ public:
VCMNackMethod() : VCMProtectionMethod(kNACK), _NACK_MAX_RTT(200) {}
virtual ~VCMNackMethod() {}
virtual bool UpdateParameters(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters);
//get the effective packet loss for ER
bool EffectivePacketLoss(WebRtc_UWord8 effPacketLoss, WebRtc_UWord16 rttTime);
//get the threshold for NACK
// Get the effective packet loss for ER
bool EffectivePacketLoss(WebRtc_UWord8 packetLoss, WebRtc_UWord16 rttTime);
// Get the threshold for NACK
WebRtc_UWord16 MaxRttNack() const;
const WebRtc_UWord16 _NACK_MAX_RTT;
@ -198,16 +191,16 @@ public:
VCMFecMethod() : VCMProtectionMethod(kFEC) {}
virtual ~VCMFecMethod() {}
virtual bool UpdateParameters(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters);
//get the effective packet loss for ER
// Get the effective packet loss for ER
bool EffectivePacketLoss(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters);
//get the FEC protection factors
// Get the FEC protection factors
bool ProtectionFactor(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters);
//get the boost for key frame protection
// Get the boost for key frame protection
WebRtc_UWord8 BoostCodeRateKey(WebRtc_UWord8 packetFrameDelta,
WebRtc_UWord8 packetFrameKey) const;
//convert the rates: defined relative to total# packets or source# packets
// Convert the rates: defined relative to total# packets or source# packets
WebRtc_UWord8 ConvertFECRate(WebRtc_UWord8 codeRate) const;
//get the average effective recovery from FEC: for random loss model
// Get the average effective recovery from FEC: for random loss model
float AvgRecoveryFEC(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters) const;
@ -217,9 +210,9 @@ class VCMNackFecMethod : public VCMProtectionMethod
VCMNackFecMethod() : VCMProtectionMethod(kNackFec) {}
virtual bool UpdateParameters(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters);
//get the effective packet loss for ER
// Get the effective packet loss for ER
bool EffectivePacketLoss(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters);
//get the FEC protection factors
// Get the FEC protection factors
bool ProtectionFactor(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters);
@ -228,7 +221,8 @@ public:
class VCMIntraReqMethod : public VCMProtectionMethod
VCMIntraReqMethod() : VCMProtectionMethod(kIntraRequest), _IREQ_MAX_RTT(150) {}
VCMIntraReqMethod() : VCMProtectionMethod(kIntraRequest), _IREQ_MAX_RTT(150)
virtual bool UpdateParameters(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters);
const WebRtc_UWord32 _IREQ_MAX_RTT;
@ -256,10 +250,11 @@ class VCMLossProtectionLogic
VCMLossProtectionLogic() : _availableMethods(), _selectedMethod(NULL),
_bestNotOkMethod(NULL), _rtt(0), _lossPr(0.0f), _bitRate(0.0f), _frameRate(0.0f),
_keyFrameSize(0.0f), _fecRateKey(0), _fecRateDelta(0), _lastPrUpdateT(0),
_lossPr255(0.9999f), _lossPrHistory(), _shortMaxLossPr255(0),
_packetsPerFrame(0.9999f), _packetsPerFrameKey(0.9999f), _residualPacketLoss(0),
_bestNotOkMethod(NULL), _rtt(0), _lossPr(0.0f), _bitRate(0.0f),
_frameRate(0.0f), _keyFrameSize(0.0f), _fecRateKey(0), _fecRateDelta(0),
_lastPrUpdateT(0), _lossPr255(0.9999f), _lossPrHistory(),
_shortMaxLossPr255(0), _packetsPerFrame(0.9999f),
_packetsPerFrameKey(0.9999f), _residualPacketLossFec(0),
_boostRateKey(2), _codecWidth(0), _codecHeight(0)
{ Reset(); }
@ -280,8 +275,9 @@ public:
// Update residual packet loss
// Input:
// - residualPacketLoss : residual packet loss: effective loss after FEC recovery
void UpdateResidualPacketLoss(float residualPacketLoss);
// - residualPacketLoss : residual packet loss:
// effective loss after FEC recovery
void UpdateResidualPacketLoss(float _residualPacketLoss);
// Update fecType
@ -292,14 +288,15 @@ public:
// Update the loss probability.
// Input:
// - lossPr255 : The packet loss probability in the interval [0, 255],
// - lossPr255 : The packet loss probability [0, 255],
// reported by RTCP.
void UpdateLossPr(WebRtc_UWord8 lossPr255);
// Update the filtered packet loss.
// Input:
// - packetLossEnc : The reported packet loss filtered (max window or average)
// - packetLossEnc : The reported packet loss filtered
// (max window or average)
void UpdateFilteredLossPr(WebRtc_UWord8 packetLossEnc);
// Update the current target bit rate.
@ -311,13 +308,13 @@ public:
// Update the number of packets per frame estimate, for delta frames
// Input:
// - nPackets : Number of packets used to send the latest frame.
// - nPackets : Number of packets in the latest sent frame.
void UpdatePacketsPerFrame(float nPackets);
// Update the number of packets per frame estimate, for key frames
// Input:
// - nPackets : Number of packets used to send the latest frame.
// - nPackets : umber of packets in the latest sent frame.
void UpdatePacketsPerFrameKey(float nPackets);
// Update the keyFrameSize estimate
@ -400,7 +397,7 @@ private:
WebRtc_UWord8 _shortMaxLossPr255;
VCMExpFilter _packetsPerFrame;
VCMExpFilter _packetsPerFrameKey;
float _residualPacketLoss;
float _residualPacketLossFec;
WebRtc_UWord8 _boostRateKey;
VCMFecTypes _fecType;
WebRtc_UWord16 _codecWidth;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user