1701 lines
47 KiB
1701 lines
47 KiB
![]() |
* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "avi_file.h"
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include "critical_section_wrapper.h"
#include "file_wrapper.h"
#include "list_wrapper.h"
#include "trace.h"
// http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms779636.aspx
// A chunk has the following form:
// ckID ckSize ckData
// where ckID is a FOURCC that identifies the data contained in the
// chunk, ckData is a 4-byte value giving the size of the data in
// ckData, and ckData is zero or more bytes of data. The data is always
// padded to nearest WORD boundary. ckSize gives the size of the valid
// data in the chunk; it does not include the padding, the size of
// ckID, or the size of ckSize.
//NOTE: Workaround to make MPEG4 files play on WMP. MPEG files
// place the config parameters efter the BITMAPINFOHEADER and
// *NOT* in the 'strd'!
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd183375.aspx
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd183376.aspx
namespace webrtc {
namespace {
static const WebRtc_UWord32 kAvifHasindex = 0x00000010;
static const WebRtc_UWord32 kAvifMustuseindex = 0x00000020;
static const WebRtc_UWord32 kAvifIsinterleaved = 0x00000100;
static const WebRtc_UWord32 kAvifTrustcktype = 0x00000800;
static const WebRtc_UWord32 kAvifWascapturefile = 0x00010000;
: fcc( 0),
cb( 0),
dwMicroSecPerFrame( 0),
dwMaxBytesPerSec( 0),
dwPaddingGranularity( 0),
dwFlags( 0),
dwTotalFrames( 0),
dwInitialFrames( 0),
dwStreams( 0),
dwWidth( 0),
dwHeight( 0)
dwReserved[0] = 0;
dwReserved[1] = 0;
dwReserved[2] = 0;
dwReserved[3] = 0;
: fcc( 0),
cb( 0),
fccType( 0),
fccHandler( 0),
dwFlags( 0),
wPriority( 0),
wLanguage( 0),
dwInitialFrames( 0),
dwScale( 0),
dwRate( 0),
dwStart( 0),
dwLength( 0),
dwQuality( 0),
dwSampleSize( 0)
rcFrame.left = 0;
rcFrame.top = 0;
rcFrame.right = 0;
rcFrame.bottom = 0;
: biSize( 0),
biWidth( 0),
biHeight( 0),
biPlanes( 0),
biBitCount( 0),
biCompression( 0),
biSizeImage( 0),
biClrUsed( 0),
biClrImportant( 0)
: wFormatTag( 0),
nChannels( 0),
nSamplesPerSec( 0),
nBlockAlign( 0),
wBitsPerSample( 0),
cbSize( 0)
WebRtc_UWord32 indwFlags,
WebRtc_UWord32 indwChunkOffset,
WebRtc_UWord32 indwChunkLength)
: ckid(inckid),
_crit = CriticalSectionWrapper::CreateCriticalSection();
_indexList = new ListWrapper();
delete _indexList;
delete[] _videoCodecConfigParams;
delete _crit;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::Open(AVIStreamType streamType, const char* fileName,
bool loop)
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceStateInfo, kTraceVideo, -1, "OpenAVIFile(%s)",
if (_aviMode != NotSet)
return -1;
_aviMode = Read;
if (!fileName)
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, -1, "\tfileName not valid!");
return -1;
#ifdef _WIN32
// fopen does not support wide characters on Windows, ergo _wfopen.
wchar_t wideFileName[FileWrapper::kMaxFileNameSize];
wideFileName[0] = 0;
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8,0,fileName, -1, // convert the whole string
wideFileName, FileWrapper::kMaxFileNameSize);
_aviFile = _wfopen(wideFileName, L"rb");
_aviFile = fopen(fileName, "rb");
if (!_aviFile)
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, -1, "Could not open file!");
return -1;
// ReadRIFF verifies that the file is AVI and figures out the file length.
WebRtc_Word32 err = ReadRIFF();
if (err)
if (_aviFile)
_aviFile = NULL;
return -1;
err = ReadHeaders();
if (err)
if (_aviFile)
_aviFile = NULL;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, -1,
"Unsupported or corrupt AVI format");
return -1;
_dataStartByte = _bytesRead;
_reading = true;
_openedAs = streamType;
_loop = loop;
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::Close()
switch (_aviMode)
case Read:
case Write:
if (_videoCodecConfigParams)
delete [] _videoCodecConfigParams;
_videoCodecConfigParams = 0;
return 0;
WebRtc_UWord32 AviFile::MakeFourCc(WebRtc_UWord8 ch0, WebRtc_UWord8 ch1,
WebRtc_UWord8 ch2, WebRtc_UWord8 ch3)
return ((WebRtc_UWord32)(WebRtc_UWord8)(ch0) |
((WebRtc_UWord32)(WebRtc_UWord8)(ch1) << 8) |
((WebRtc_UWord32)(WebRtc_UWord8)(ch2) << 16) |
((WebRtc_UWord32)(WebRtc_UWord8)(ch3) << 24 ));
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::GetVideoStreamInfo(AVISTREAMHEADER& videoStreamHeader,
char* codecConfigParameters,
WebRtc_Word32& configLength)
if (!_reading && !_created)
return -1;
memcpy(&videoStreamHeader, &_videoStreamHeader, sizeof(_videoStreamHeader));
memcpy(&bitmapInfo, &_videoFormatHeader, sizeof(_videoFormatHeader));
if (_videoConfigParameters && configLength <= _videoConfigLength)
memcpy(codecConfigParameters, _videoConfigParameters,
configLength = _videoConfigLength;
configLength = 0;
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::GetDuration(WebRtc_Word32& durationMs)
if (_videoStreamHeader.dwRate==0 || _videoStreamHeader.dwScale==0)
return -1;
durationMs = _videoStreamHeader.dwLength * 1000 /
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::GetAudioStreamInfo(WAVEFORMATEX& waveHeader)
if (_aviMode != Read)
return -1;
if (!_reading && !_created)
return -1;
memcpy(&waveHeader, &_audioFormatHeader, sizeof(_audioFormatHeader));
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::WriteAudio(const WebRtc_UWord8* data,
WebRtc_Word32 length)
size_t newBytesWritten = _bytesWritten;
if (_aviMode != Write)
return -1;
if (!_created)
return -1;
if (!_writeAudioStream)
return -1;
// Start of chunk.
const WebRtc_UWord32 chunkOffset = ftell(_aviFile) - _moviListOffset;
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_audioStreamDataChunkPrefix);
// Size is unknown at this point. Update later.
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
const size_t chunkSizeMark = _bytesWritten;
_bytesWritten += PutBuffer(data, length);
const long chunkSize = PutLE32LengthFromCurrent(
// Make sure that the chunk is aligned on 2 bytes (= 1 sample).
if (chunkSize % 2)
_bytesWritten += PutByte(0);
// End of chunk
// Save chunk information for use when closing file.
AddChunkToIndexList(_audioStreamDataChunkPrefix, 0, // No flags.
chunkOffset, chunkSize);
newBytesWritten = _bytesWritten - newBytesWritten;
return static_cast<WebRtc_Word32>(newBytesWritten);
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::WriteVideo(const WebRtc_UWord8* data,
WebRtc_Word32 length)
size_t newBytesWritten = _bytesWritten;
if (_aviMode != Write)
return -1;
if (!_created)
return -1;
if (!_writeVideoStream)
return -1;
// Start of chunk.
const WebRtc_UWord32 chunkOffset = ftell(_aviFile) - _moviListOffset;
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoStreamDataChunkPrefix);
// Size is unknown at this point. Update later.
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
const size_t chunkSizeMark = _bytesWritten;
_bytesWritten += PutBuffer(data, length);
const long chunkSize = PutLE32LengthFromCurrent(
// Make sure that the chunk is aligned on 2 bytes (= 1 sample).
if (chunkSize % 2)
//Pad one byte, to WORD align.
_bytesWritten += PutByte(0);
//End chunk!
AddChunkToIndexList(_videoStreamDataChunkPrefix, 0, // No flags.
chunkOffset, static_cast<WebRtc_UWord32>(chunkSize));
newBytesWritten = _bytesWritten - newBytesWritten;
return static_cast<WebRtc_Word32>(newBytesWritten);
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::PrepareDataChunkHeaders()
// 00 video stream, 01 audio stream.
// db uncompresses video, dc compressed video, wb WAV audio
if (_writeVideoStream)
if (strncmp((const char*) &_videoStreamHeader.fccHandler, "I420", 4) ==
_videoStreamDataChunkPrefix = MakeFourCc('0', '0', 'd', 'b');
_videoStreamDataChunkPrefix = MakeFourCc('0', '0', 'd', 'c');
_audioStreamDataChunkPrefix = MakeFourCc('0', '1', 'w', 'b');
_audioStreamDataChunkPrefix = MakeFourCc('0', '0', 'w', 'b');
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::ReadMoviSubChunk(WebRtc_UWord8* data,
WebRtc_Word32& length,
WebRtc_UWord32 tag1,
WebRtc_UWord32 tag2)
if (!_reading)
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceVideo, -1,
"AviFile::ReadMoviSubChunk(): File not open!");
length = 0;
return -1;
WebRtc_UWord32 size;
bool isEOFReached = false;
// Try to read one data chunk header
while (true)
// TODO (hellner): what happens if an empty AVI file is opened with
// _loop set to true? Seems like this while-loop would never exit!
// tag = db uncompresses video, dc compressed video or wb WAV audio.
WebRtc_UWord32 tag;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(tag);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(size);
const WebRtc_Word32 eof = feof(_aviFile);
if (!eof)
if (tag == tag1)
// Supported tag found.
else if ((tag == tag2) && (tag2 != 0))
// Supported tag found.
// Jump to next chunk. The size is in bytes but chunks are aligned
// on 2 byte boundaries.
const WebRtc_UWord32 seekSize = (size % 2) ? size + 1 : size;
const WebRtc_Word32 err = fseek(_aviFile, seekSize, SEEK_CUR);
if (err)
isEOFReached = true;
isEOFReached = true;
if (isEOFReached)
if (_loop)
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceVideo, -1,
"AviFile::ReadMoviSubChunk(): Reached end of AVI\
data file, starting from the beginning.");
fseek(_aviFile, static_cast<long>(_dataStartByte), SEEK_SET);
_bytesRead = _dataStartByte;
_framesRead = 0;
isEOFReached = false;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceVideo, -1,
"AviFile::ReadMoviSubChunk(): Reached end of AVI\
length = 0;
return -1;
_bytesRead += size;
if (static_cast<WebRtc_Word32>(size) > length)
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceVideo, -1,
"AviFile::ReadMoviSubChunk(): AVI read buffer too small!");
// Jump to next chunk. The size is in bytes but chunks are aligned
// on 2 byte boundaries.
const WebRtc_UWord32 seekSize = (size % 2) ? size + 1 : size;
fseek(_aviFile, seekSize, SEEK_CUR);
_bytesRead += seekSize;
length = 0;
return -1;
_bytesRead += GetBuffer(data, size);
// The size is in bytes but chunks are aligned on 2 byte boundaries.
if (size % 2)
WebRtc_UWord8 dummy_byte;
_bytesRead += GetByte(dummy_byte);
length = size;
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::ReadAudio(WebRtc_UWord8* data, WebRtc_Word32& length)
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceVideo, -1, "AviFile::ReadAudio()");
if (_aviMode != Read)
return -1;
if (_openedAs != AVI_AUDIO)
length = 0;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceVideo, -1, "File not open as audio!");
return -1;
const WebRtc_Word32 ret = ReadMoviSubChunk(
StreamAndTwoCharCodeToTag(_audioStream.streamNumber, "wb"));
return ret;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::ReadVideo(WebRtc_UWord8* data, WebRtc_Word32& length)
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceVideo, -1, "AviFile::ReadVideo()");
if (_aviMode != Read)
//Has to be Read!
return -1;
if (_openedAs != AVI_VIDEO)
length = 0;
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceVideo, -1, "File not open as video!");
return -1;
const WebRtc_Word32 ret = ReadMoviSubChunk(
StreamAndTwoCharCodeToTag(_videoStream.streamNumber, "dc"),
StreamAndTwoCharCodeToTag(_videoStream.streamNumber, "db"));
return ret;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::Create(const char* fileName)
if (_aviMode != Write)
return -1;
if (!_writeVideoStream && !_writeAudioStream)
return -1;
if (_created)
return -1;
#ifdef _WIN32
// fopen does not support wide characters on Windows, ergo _wfopen.
wchar_t wideFileName[FileWrapper::kMaxFileNameSize];
wideFileName[0] = 0;
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8,0,fileName, -1, // convert the whole string
wideFileName, FileWrapper::kMaxFileNameSize);
_aviFile = _wfopen(wideFileName, L"w+b");
if (!_aviFile)
return -1;
_aviFile = fopen(fileName, "w+b");
if (!_aviFile)
return -1;
_created = true;
_aviMode = Write;
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::CreateVideoStream(
const AVISTREAMHEADER& videoStreamHeader,
const BITMAPINFOHEADER& bitMapInfoHeader,
const WebRtc_UWord8* codecConfigParams,
WebRtc_Word32 codecConfigParamsLength)
if (_aviMode == Read)
return -1;
if (_created)
return -1;
_aviMode = Write;
_writeVideoStream = true;
_videoStreamHeader = videoStreamHeader;
_videoFormatHeader = bitMapInfoHeader;
if (codecConfigParams && codecConfigParamsLength > 0)
if (_videoCodecConfigParams)
delete [] _videoCodecConfigParams;
_videoCodecConfigParams = 0;
_videoCodecConfigParams = new WebRtc_UWord8[codecConfigParamsLength];
_videoCodecConfigParamsLength = codecConfigParamsLength;
memcpy(_videoCodecConfigParams, codecConfigParams,
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::CreateAudioStream(
const AVISTREAMHEADER& audioStreamHeader,
const WAVEFORMATEX& waveFormatHeader)
if (_aviMode == Read)
return -1;
if (_created)
return -1;
_aviMode = Write;
_writeAudioStream = true;
_audioStreamHeader = audioStreamHeader;
_audioFormatHeader = waveFormatHeader;
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::WriteRIFF()
const WebRtc_UWord32 riffTag = MakeFourCc('R', 'I', 'F', 'F');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(riffTag);
// Size is unknown at this point. Update later.
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
_riffSizeMark = _bytesWritten;
const WebRtc_UWord32 aviTag = MakeFourCc('A', 'V', 'I', ' ');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(aviTag);
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::WriteHeaders()
// Main AVI header list.
const WebRtc_UWord32 listTag = MakeFourCc('L', 'I', 'S', 'T');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(listTag);
// Size is unknown at this point. Update later.
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
const size_t listhdrlSizeMark = _bytesWritten;
const WebRtc_UWord32 hdrlTag = MakeFourCc('h', 'd', 'r', 'l');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(hdrlTag);
const long hdrlLen = PutLE32LengthFromCurrent(
// Junk chunk to align on 2048 boundry (CD-ROM sector boundary).
const WebRtc_UWord32 junkTag = MakeFourCc('J', 'U', 'N', 'K');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(junkTag);
// Size is unknown at this point. Update later.
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
const size_t junkSizeMark = _bytesWritten;
const WebRtc_UWord32 junkBufferSize =
0x800 // 2048 byte alignment
- 12 // RIFF SIZE 'AVI '
- 8 // LIST SIZE
- hdrlLen //
- 8 // JUNK SIZE
- 12; // LIST SIZE 'MOVI'
// TODO (hellner): why not just fseek here?
WebRtc_UWord8* junkBuffer = new WebRtc_UWord8[junkBufferSize];
memset(junkBuffer, 0, junkBufferSize);
_bytesWritten += PutBuffer(junkBuffer, junkBufferSize);
delete [] junkBuffer;
// End of JUNK chunk.
// End of main AVI header list.
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::WriteAVIMainHeader()
const WebRtc_UWord32 avihTag = MakeFourCc('a', 'v', 'i', 'h');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(avihTag);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(14 * sizeof(WebRtc_UWord32));
const WebRtc_UWord32 scale = _videoStreamHeader.dwScale ?
_videoStreamHeader.dwScale : 1;
const WebRtc_UWord32 microSecPerFrame = 1000000 /
(_videoStreamHeader.dwRate / scale);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(microSecPerFrame);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
WebRtc_UWord32 numStreams = 0;
if (_writeVideoStream)
if (_writeAudioStream)
if (numStreams == 1)
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(
| kAvifHasindex
| kAvifWascapturefile);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(
| kAvifHasindex
| kAvifWascapturefile
| kAvifIsinterleaved);
_totNumFramesMark = _bytesWritten;
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(numStreams);
if (_writeVideoStream)
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(
} else {
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::WriteAVIStreamHeaders()
if (_writeVideoStream)
if (_writeAudioStream)
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::WriteAVIVideoStreamHeaders()
const WebRtc_UWord32 listTag = MakeFourCc('L', 'I', 'S', 'T');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(listTag);
// Size is unknown at this point. Update later.
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
const size_t liststrlSizeMark = _bytesWritten;
const WebRtc_UWord32 hdrlTag = MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'l');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(hdrlTag);
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::WriteAVIVideoStreamHeaderChunks()
// Start of strh
const WebRtc_UWord32 strhTag = MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'h');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(strhTag);
// Size is unknown at this point. Update later.
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
const size_t strhSizeMark = _bytesWritten;
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoStreamHeader.fccType);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoStreamHeader.fccHandler);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoStreamHeader.dwFlags);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_videoStreamHeader.wPriority);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_videoStreamHeader.wLanguage);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoStreamHeader.dwInitialFrames);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoStreamHeader.dwScale);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoStreamHeader.dwRate);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoStreamHeader.dwStart);
_videoStreamLengthMark = _bytesWritten;
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoStreamHeader.dwLength);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoStreamHeader.dwSuggestedBufferSize);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoStreamHeader.dwQuality);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoStreamHeader.dwSampleSize);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_videoStreamHeader.rcFrame.left);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_videoStreamHeader.rcFrame.top);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_videoStreamHeader.rcFrame.right);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_videoStreamHeader.rcFrame.bottom);
// End of strh
// Start of strf
const WebRtc_UWord32 strfTag = MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'f');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(strfTag);
// Size is unknown at this point. Update later.
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
const size_t strfSizeMark = _bytesWritten;
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biSize);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biWidth);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biHeight);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_videoFormatHeader.biPlanes);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_videoFormatHeader.biBitCount);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biCompression);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biSizeImage);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biXPelsPerMeter);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biYPelsPerMeter);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biClrUsed);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biClrImportant);
const bool isMpegFile = _videoStreamHeader.fccHandler ==
if (isMpegFile)
if (_videoCodecConfigParams && _videoCodecConfigParamsLength > 0)
_bytesWritten += PutBuffer(_videoCodecConfigParams,
// End of strf
if ( _videoCodecConfigParams
&& (_videoCodecConfigParamsLength > 0)
&& !isMpegFile)
// Write strd, unless it's an MPEG file
const WebRtc_UWord32 strdTag = MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'd');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(strdTag);
// Size is unknown at this point. Update later.
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
const size_t strdSizeMark = _bytesWritten;
_bytesWritten += PutBuffer(_videoCodecConfigParams,
// End of strd
// Start of strn
const WebRtc_UWord32 strnTag = MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'n');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(strnTag);
// Size is unknown at this point. Update later.
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
const size_t strnSizeMark = _bytesWritten;
_bytesWritten += PutBufferZ("WebRtc.avi ");
// End of strd
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::WriteAVIAudioStreamHeaders()
// Start of LIST
WebRtc_UWord32 listTag = MakeFourCc('L', 'I', 'S', 'T');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(listTag);
// Size is unknown at this point. Update later.
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
const size_t liststrlSizeMark = _bytesWritten;
WebRtc_UWord32 hdrlTag = MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'l');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(hdrlTag);
//End of LIST
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::WriteAVIAudioStreamHeaderChunks()
// Start of strh
const WebRtc_UWord32 strhTag = MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'h');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(strhTag);
// Size is unknown at this point. Update later.
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
const size_t strhSizeMark = _bytesWritten;
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_audioStreamHeader.fccType);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_audioStreamHeader.fccHandler);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_audioStreamHeader.dwFlags);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_audioStreamHeader.wPriority);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_audioStreamHeader.wLanguage);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_audioStreamHeader.dwInitialFrames);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_audioStreamHeader.dwScale);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_audioStreamHeader.dwRate);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_audioStreamHeader.dwStart);
_audioStreamLengthMark = _bytesWritten;
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_audioStreamHeader.dwLength);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_audioStreamHeader.dwSuggestedBufferSize);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_audioStreamHeader.dwQuality);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_audioStreamHeader.dwSampleSize);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_audioStreamHeader.rcFrame.left);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_audioStreamHeader.rcFrame.top);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_audioStreamHeader.rcFrame.right);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_audioStreamHeader.rcFrame.bottom);
// End of strh
// Start of strf
const WebRtc_UWord32 strfTag = MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'f');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(strfTag);
// Size is unknown at this point. Update later.
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
const size_t strfSizeMark = _bytesWritten;
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_audioFormatHeader.wFormatTag);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_audioFormatHeader.nChannels);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_audioFormatHeader.nSamplesPerSec);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(_audioFormatHeader.nAvgBytesPerSec);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_audioFormatHeader.nBlockAlign);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_audioFormatHeader.wBitsPerSample);
_bytesWritten += PutLE16(_audioFormatHeader.cbSize);
// End end of strf.
// Audio doesn't have strd.
// Start of strn
const WebRtc_UWord32 strnTag = MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'n');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(strnTag);
// Size is unknown at this point. Update later.
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
const size_t strnSizeMark = _bytesWritten;
_bytesWritten += PutBufferZ("WebRtc.avi ");
// End of strd.
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::WriteMoviStart()
// Create template movi list. Fill out size when known (i.e. when closing
// file).
const WebRtc_UWord32 listTag = MakeFourCc('L', 'I', 'S', 'T');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(listTag);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0); //Size! Change later!
_moviSizeMark = _bytesWritten;
_moviListOffset = ftell(_aviFile);
const WebRtc_UWord32 moviTag = MakeFourCc('m', 'o', 'v', 'i');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(moviTag);
return 0;
size_t AviFile::PutByte(WebRtc_UWord8 byte)
return fwrite(&byte, sizeof(WebRtc_UWord8), sizeof(WebRtc_UWord8),
size_t AviFile::PutLE16(WebRtc_UWord16 word)
return fwrite(&word, sizeof(WebRtc_UWord8), sizeof(WebRtc_UWord16),
size_t AviFile::PutLE32(WebRtc_UWord32 word)
return fwrite(&word, sizeof(WebRtc_UWord8), sizeof(WebRtc_UWord32),
size_t AviFile::PutBuffer(const WebRtc_UWord8* str, size_t size)
return fwrite(str, sizeof(WebRtc_UWord8), size,
size_t AviFile::PutBufferZ(const char* str)
// Include NULL charachter, hence the + 1
return PutBuffer(reinterpret_cast<const WebRtc_UWord8*>(str),
strlen(str) + 1);
long AviFile::PutLE32LengthFromCurrent(long startPos)
const long endPos = ftell(_aviFile);
WebRtc_Word32 error = fseek(_aviFile, startPos - 4, SEEK_SET);
const long len = endPos - startPos;
error = fseek(_aviFile, endPos, SEEK_SET);
return len;
void AviFile::PutLE32AtPos(long pos, WebRtc_UWord32 word)
const long currPos = ftell(_aviFile);
WebRtc_Word32 error = fseek(_aviFile, pos, SEEK_SET);
error = fseek(_aviFile, currPos, SEEK_SET);
void AviFile::CloseRead()
if (_aviFile)
_aviFile = NULL;
void AviFile::CloseWrite()
if (_created)
// Update everything that isn't known until the file is closed. The
// marks indicate where in the headers this update should be.
PutLE32AtPos(static_cast<long>(_totNumFramesMark), _videoFrames);
if (_writeVideoStream)
if (_writeAudioStream)
if (_aviFile)
_aviFile = NULL;
void AviFile::ResetMembers()
_aviFile = NULL;
memset(&_aviHeader, 0, sizeof(AVIMAINHEADER));
memset(&_videoStreamHeader, 0, sizeof(AVISTREAMHEADER));
memset(&_audioStreamHeader, 0, sizeof(AVISTREAMHEADER));
memset(&_videoFormatHeader, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
memset(&_audioFormatHeader, 0, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX));
memset(_videoConfigParameters, 0, CODEC_CONFIG_LENGTH);
memset(_videoStreamName, 0, STREAM_NAME_LENGTH);
memset(_audioStreamName, 0, STREAM_NAME_LENGTH);
memset(&_videoStream, 0, sizeof(AVIStream));
memset(&_audioStream, 0, sizeof(AVIStream));
_nrStreams = 0;
_aviLength = 0;
_dataLength = 0;
_bytesRead = 0;
_dataStartByte = 0;
_framesRead = 0;
_videoFrames = 0;
_audioFrames = 0;
_reading = false;
_openedAs = AVI_AUDIO;
_loop = false;
_writing = false;
_bytesWritten = 0;
_riffSizeMark = 0;
_moviSizeMark = 0;
_totNumFramesMark = 0;
_videoStreamLengthMark = 0;
_audioStreamLengthMark = 0;
_writeAudioStream = false;
_writeVideoStream = false;
_aviMode = NotSet;
_videoCodecConfigParams = 0;
_videoCodecConfigParamsLength = 0;
_videoStreamDataChunkPrefix = 0;
_audioStreamDataChunkPrefix = 0;
_created = false;
_moviListOffset = 0;
_videoConfigLength = 0;
size_t AviFile::GetByte(WebRtc_UWord8& word)
return fread(&word, sizeof(WebRtc_UWord8), sizeof(WebRtc_UWord8), _aviFile);
size_t AviFile::GetLE16(WebRtc_UWord16& word)
return fread(&word, sizeof(WebRtc_UWord8), sizeof(WebRtc_UWord16),
size_t AviFile::GetLE32(WebRtc_UWord32& word)
return fread(&word, sizeof(WebRtc_UWord8), sizeof(WebRtc_UWord32),
size_t AviFile::GetBuffer(WebRtc_UWord8* str, size_t size)
return fread(str, sizeof(WebRtc_UWord8), size, _aviFile);
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::ReadRIFF()
WebRtc_UWord32 tag;
_bytesRead = GetLE32(tag);
if (tag != MakeFourCc('R', 'I', 'F', 'F'))
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, -1, "Not a RIFF file!");
return -1;
WebRtc_UWord32 size;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(size);
_aviLength = size;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(tag);
if (tag != MakeFourCc('A', 'V', 'I', ' '))
WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceVideo, -1, "Not an AVI file!");
return -1;
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::ReadHeaders()
WebRtc_UWord32 tag;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(tag);
WebRtc_UWord32 size;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(size);
if (tag != MakeFourCc('L', 'I', 'S', 'T'))
return -1;
WebRtc_UWord32 listTag;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(listTag);
if (listTag != MakeFourCc('h', 'd', 'r', 'l'))
return -1;
WebRtc_Word32 err = ReadAVIMainHeader();
if (err)
return -1;
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::ReadAVIMainHeader()
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_aviHeader.fcc);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_aviHeader.cb);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_aviHeader.dwMicroSecPerFrame);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_aviHeader.dwMaxBytesPerSec);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_aviHeader.dwPaddingGranularity);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_aviHeader.dwFlags);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_aviHeader.dwTotalFrames);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_aviHeader.dwInitialFrames);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_aviHeader.dwStreams);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_aviHeader.dwSuggestedBufferSize);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_aviHeader.dwWidth);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_aviHeader.dwHeight);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_aviHeader.dwReserved[0]);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_aviHeader.dwReserved[1]);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_aviHeader.dwReserved[2]);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_aviHeader.dwReserved[3]);
if (_aviHeader.fcc != MakeFourCc('a', 'v', 'i', 'h'))
return -1;
if (_aviHeader.dwFlags & kAvifMustuseindex)
return -1;
bool readVideoStreamHeader = false;
bool readAudioStreamHeader = false;
unsigned int streamsRead = 0;
while (_aviHeader.dwStreams > streamsRead)
WebRtc_UWord32 strltag;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(strltag);
WebRtc_UWord32 strlsize;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(strlsize);
const long endSeekPos = ftell(_aviFile) +
if (strltag != MakeFourCc('L', 'I', 'S', 'T'))
return -1;
WebRtc_UWord32 listTag;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(listTag);
if (listTag != MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'l'))
return -1;
WebRtc_UWord32 chunktag;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(chunktag);
WebRtc_UWord32 chunksize;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(chunksize);
if (chunktag != MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'h'))
return -1;
tmpStreamHeader.fcc = chunktag;
tmpStreamHeader.cb = chunksize;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(tmpStreamHeader.fccType);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(tmpStreamHeader.fccHandler);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(tmpStreamHeader.dwFlags);
_bytesRead += GetLE16(tmpStreamHeader.wPriority);
_bytesRead += GetLE16(tmpStreamHeader.wLanguage);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(tmpStreamHeader.dwInitialFrames);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(tmpStreamHeader.dwScale);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(tmpStreamHeader.dwRate);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(tmpStreamHeader.dwStart);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(tmpStreamHeader.dwLength);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(tmpStreamHeader.dwSuggestedBufferSize);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(tmpStreamHeader.dwQuality);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(tmpStreamHeader.dwSampleSize);
WebRtc_UWord16 left;
_bytesRead += GetLE16(left);
tmpStreamHeader.rcFrame.left = left;
WebRtc_UWord16 top;
_bytesRead += GetLE16(top);
tmpStreamHeader.rcFrame.top = top;
WebRtc_UWord16 right;
_bytesRead += GetLE16(right);
tmpStreamHeader.rcFrame.right = right;
WebRtc_UWord16 bottom;
_bytesRead += GetLE16(bottom);
tmpStreamHeader.rcFrame.bottom = bottom;
if (!readVideoStreamHeader
&& (tmpStreamHeader.fccType == MakeFourCc('v', 'i', 'd', 's')))
_videoStreamHeader = tmpStreamHeader; //Bitwise copy is OK!
const WebRtc_Word32 err = ReadAVIVideoStreamHeader(endSeekPos);
if (err)
return -1;
// Make sure there actually is video data in the file...
if (_videoStreamHeader.dwLength == 0)
return -1;
readVideoStreamHeader = true;
} else if(!readAudioStreamHeader &&
(tmpStreamHeader.fccType == MakeFourCc('a', 'u', 'd', 's'))) {
_audioStreamHeader = tmpStreamHeader;
const WebRtc_Word32 err = ReadAVIAudioStreamHeader(endSeekPos);
if (err)
return -1;
readAudioStreamHeader = true;
fseek(_aviFile, endSeekPos, SEEK_SET);
_bytesRead += endSeekPos;
if (!readVideoStreamHeader && !readAudioStreamHeader)
return -1;
WebRtc_UWord32 tag;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(tag);
WebRtc_UWord32 size;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(size);
if (tag == MakeFourCc('J', 'U', 'N', 'K'))
fseek(_aviFile, size, SEEK_CUR);
_bytesRead += size;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(tag);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(size);
if (tag != MakeFourCc('L', 'I', 'S', 'T'))
return -1;
WebRtc_UWord32 listTag;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(listTag);
if (listTag != MakeFourCc('m', 'o', 'v', 'i'))
return -1;
_dataLength = size;
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::ReadAVIVideoStreamHeader(WebRtc_Word32 endpos)
WebRtc_UWord32 chunktag;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(chunktag);
WebRtc_UWord32 chunksize;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(chunksize);
if (chunktag != MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'f'))
return -1;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biSize);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biWidth);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biHeight);
_bytesRead += GetLE16(_videoFormatHeader.biPlanes);
_bytesRead += GetLE16(_videoFormatHeader.biBitCount);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biCompression);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biSizeImage);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biXPelsPerMeter);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biYPelsPerMeter);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biClrUsed);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_videoFormatHeader.biClrImportant);
if (chunksize > _videoFormatHeader.biSize)
const WebRtc_Word32 size = chunksize - _videoFormatHeader.biSize;
const WebRtc_Word32 readSize = (size > CODEC_CONFIG_LENGTH) ?
_bytesRead += GetBuffer(
reinterpret_cast<WebRtc_UWord8*>(_videoConfigParameters), readSize);
_videoConfigLength = readSize;
WebRtc_Word32 skipSize = chunksize - _videoFormatHeader.biSize -
if (skipSize > 0)
fseek(_aviFile, skipSize, SEEK_CUR);
_bytesRead += skipSize;
while (static_cast<long>(_bytesRead) < endpos)
WebRtc_UWord32 chunktag;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(chunktag);
WebRtc_UWord32 chunksize;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(chunksize);
if (chunktag == MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'n'))
WebRtc_Word32 size = (chunksize > STREAM_NAME_LENGTH) ?
_bytesRead += GetBuffer(
reinterpret_cast<WebRtc_UWord8*>(_videoStreamName), size);
else if (chunktag == MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'd'))
WebRtc_Word32 size = (chunksize > CODEC_CONFIG_LENGTH) ?
_bytesRead += GetBuffer(
reinterpret_cast<WebRtc_UWord8*>(_videoConfigParameters), size);
_videoConfigLength = size;
fseek(_aviFile, chunksize, SEEK_CUR);
_bytesRead += chunksize;
if (feof(_aviFile))
return -1;
_videoStream.streamType = AviFile::AVI_VIDEO;
_videoStream.streamNumber = _nrStreams++;
return 0;
WebRtc_Word32 AviFile::ReadAVIAudioStreamHeader(WebRtc_Word32 endpos)
WebRtc_UWord32 chunktag;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(chunktag);
WebRtc_UWord32 chunksize;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(chunksize);
if (chunktag != MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'f'))
return -1;
const size_t startRead = _bytesRead;
_bytesRead += GetLE16(_audioFormatHeader.wFormatTag);
_bytesRead += GetLE16(_audioFormatHeader.nChannels);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_audioFormatHeader.nSamplesPerSec);
_bytesRead += GetLE32(_audioFormatHeader.nAvgBytesPerSec);
_bytesRead += GetLE16(_audioFormatHeader.nBlockAlign);
_bytesRead += GetLE16(_audioFormatHeader.wBitsPerSample);
_bytesRead += GetLE16(_audioFormatHeader.cbSize);
const WebRtc_Word32 diffRead = chunksize - (_bytesRead - startRead);
if (diffRead > 0)
size_t size = (diffRead > CODEC_CONFIG_LENGTH) ?
_bytesRead += GetBuffer(
reinterpret_cast<WebRtc_UWord8*>(_audioConfigParameters), size);
while (static_cast<long>(_bytesRead) < endpos)
WebRtc_UWord32 chunktag;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(chunktag);
WebRtc_UWord32 chunksize;
_bytesRead += GetLE32(chunksize);
if (chunktag == MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'n'))
WebRtc_Word32 size = (chunksize > STREAM_NAME_LENGTH) ?
_bytesRead += GetBuffer(
reinterpret_cast<WebRtc_UWord8*>(_audioStreamName), size);
else if (chunktag == MakeFourCc('s', 't', 'r', 'd'))
WebRtc_Word32 size = (chunksize > CODEC_CONFIG_LENGTH) ?
_bytesRead += GetBuffer(
reinterpret_cast<WebRtc_UWord8*>(_audioConfigParameters), size);
fseek(_aviFile, chunksize, SEEK_CUR);
_bytesRead += chunksize;
if (feof(_aviFile))
return -1;
_audioStream.streamType = AviFile::AVI_AUDIO;
_audioStream.streamNumber = _nrStreams++;
return 0;
WebRtc_UWord32 AviFile::StreamAndTwoCharCodeToTag(WebRtc_Word32 streamNum,
const char* twoCharCode)
WebRtc_UWord8 a = '0';
WebRtc_UWord8 b;
switch (streamNum)
case 1:
b = '1';
case 2:
b = '2';
b = '0';
return MakeFourCc(a, b, twoCharCode[0], twoCharCode[1]);
void AviFile::ClearIndexList()
while (!_indexList->Empty())
ListItem* listItem = _indexList->First();
if (listItem == 0)
AVIINDEXENTRY* item = static_cast<AVIINDEXENTRY*>(listItem->GetItem());
if (item != NULL)
delete item;
void AviFile::AddChunkToIndexList(WebRtc_UWord32 inChunkId,
WebRtc_UWord32 inFlags,
WebRtc_UWord32 inOffset,
WebRtc_UWord32 inSize)
_indexList->PushBack(new AVIINDEXENTRY(inChunkId, inFlags, inOffset,
void AviFile::WriteIndex()
const WebRtc_UWord32 idxTag = MakeFourCc('i', 'd', 'x', '1');
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(idxTag);
// Size is unknown at this point. Update later.
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(0);
const size_t idxChunkSize = _bytesWritten;
for (ListItem* listItem = _indexList->First();
listItem != NULL;
listItem = _indexList->Next(listItem))
const AVIINDEXENTRY* item =
if (item != NULL)
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(item->ckid);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(item->dwFlags);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(item->dwChunkOffset);
_bytesWritten += PutLE32(item->dwChunkLength);
} // namespace webrtc