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* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include "engine_configurations.h"
#include "system_wrappers/interface/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "typedefs.h"
#include "video_engine/vie_channel_group.h"
#include "video_engine/vie_defines.h"
#include "video_engine/vie_manager_base.h"
#include "video_engine/vie_remb.h"
namespace webrtc {
class CriticalSectionWrapper;
class MapWrapper;
class ProcessThread;
class ViEChannel;
class ViEEncoder;
class ViEPerformanceMonitor;
class VoEVideoSync;
class VoiceEngine;
typedef std::list<ChannelGroup*> ChannelGroups;
typedef std::list<ViEChannel*> ChannelList;
typedef std::map<int, ViEChannel*> ChannelMap;
typedef std::map<int, ViEEncoder*> EncoderMap;
class ViEChannelManager: private ViEManagerBase {
friend class ViEChannelManagerScoped;
ViEChannelManager(int engine_id,
int number_of_cores,
ViEPerformanceMonitor& vie_performance_monitor);
void SetModuleProcessThread(ProcessThread& module_process_thread);
// Creates a new channel. 'channelId' will be the id of the created channel.
int CreateChannel(int& channel_id);
// Creates a new channel grouped with |original_channel|. The new channel
// will get its own |ViEEncoder| if |sender| is set to true. It will be a
// receive only channel, without an own |ViEEncoder| if |sender| is false.
int CreateChannel(int& channel_id, int original_channel, bool sender);
// Deletes a channel.
int DeleteChannel(int channel_id);
// Set the voice engine instance to be used by all video channels.
int SetVoiceEngine(VoiceEngine* voice_engine);
// Enables lip sync of the channel.
int ConnectVoiceChannel(int channel_id, int audio_channel_id);
// Disables lip sync of the channel.
int DisconnectVoiceChannel(int channel_id);
VoiceEngine* GetVoiceEngine();
// Adds a channel to include when sending REMB.
bool SetRembStatus(int channel_id, bool sender, bool receiver);
// Creates a channel object connected to |vie_encoder|. Assumed to be called
// protected.
bool CreateChannelObject(int channel_id, ViEEncoder* vie_encoder,
RtcpBandwidthObserver* bandwidth_observer);
// Used by ViEChannelScoped, forcing a manager user to use scoped.
// Returns a pointer to the channel with id 'channelId'.
ViEChannel* ViEChannelPtr(int channel_id) const;
// Adds all channels to channel_map.
void GetViEChannels(MapWrapper& channel_map);
// Methods used by ViECaptureScoped and ViEEncoderScoped.
// Gets the ViEEncoder used as input for video_channel_id
ViEEncoder* ViEEncoderPtr(int video_channel_id) const;
// Returns a free channel id, -1 if failing.
int FreeChannelId();
// Returns a previously allocated channel id.
void ReturnChannelId(int channel_id);
// Returns the iterator to the ChannelGroup containing |channel_id|.
ChannelGroup* FindGroup(int channel_id);
// Returns true if at least one other channels uses the same ViEEncoder as
// channel_id.
bool ChannelUsingViEEncoder(int channel_id) const;
void ChannelsUsingViEEncoder(int channel_id, ChannelList* channels) const;
// Protects channel_map_ and free_channel_ids_.
CriticalSectionWrapper* channel_id_critsect_;
int engine_id_;
int number_of_cores_;
ViEPerformanceMonitor& vie_performance_monitor_;
// TODO(mflodman) Make part of channel group.
ChannelMap channel_map_;
bool* free_channel_ids_;
int free_channel_ids_size_;
// List with all channel groups.
std::list<ChannelGroup*> channel_groups_;
// TODO(mflodman) Make part of channel group.
// Maps Channel id -> ViEEncoder.
EncoderMap vie_encoder_map_;
VoEVideoSync* voice_sync_interface_;
VoiceEngine* voice_engine_;
ProcessThread* module_process_thread_;
class ViEChannelManagerScoped: private ViEManagerScopedBase {
explicit ViEChannelManagerScoped(
const ViEChannelManager& vie_channel_manager);
ViEChannel* Channel(int vie_channel_id) const;
ViEEncoder* Encoder(int vie_channel_id) const;
// Returns true if at least one other channels uses the same ViEEncoder as
// channel_id.
bool ChannelUsingViEEncoder(int channel_id) const;
// Returns a list with pointers to all channels using the same encoder as the
// channel with |channel_id|, including the one with the specified id.
void ChannelsUsingViEEncoder(int channel_id, ChannelList* channels) const;
} // namespace webrtc