
210 lines
6.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "rtp_format_vp8.h"
#include <cassert> // assert
#include <string.h> // memcpy
namespace webrtc {
RtpFormatVp8::RtpFormatVp8(const WebRtc_UWord8* payload_data,
WebRtc_UWord32 payload_size,
const RTPFragmentationHeader* fragmentation,
VP8PacketizerMode mode)
: payload_data_(payload_data),
if (fragmentation == NULL)
// Cannot do kStrict or kAggregate without fragmentation info.
// Change to kSloppy.
mode_ = kSloppy;
frag_info_ = *fragmentation;
RtpFormatVp8::RtpFormatVp8(const WebRtc_UWord8* payload_data,
WebRtc_UWord32 payload_size)
: payload_data_(payload_data),
int RtpFormatVp8::GetFragIdx()
// Which fragment are we in?
int frag_ix = 0;
while ((frag_ix + 1 < frag_info_.fragmentationVectorSize) &&
(payload_bytes_sent_ >= frag_info_.fragmentationOffset[frag_ix + 1]))
return frag_ix;
int RtpFormatVp8::NextPacket(int max_payload_len, WebRtc_UWord8* buffer,
int* bytes_to_send, bool* last_packet)
// Convenience variables
const int num_fragments = frag_info_.fragmentationVectorSize;
int frag_ix = GetFragIdx(); //TODO (hlundin): Store frag_ix as a member?
int send_bytes = 0; // How much data to send in this packet.
bool end_of_fragment = false;
switch (mode_)
case kAggregate:
// Check if we are at the beginning of a new partition.
if (first_fragment_)
// Check if this fragment fits in one packet.
if (frag_info_.fragmentationLength[frag_ix] + vp8_header_bytes_
<= max_payload_len)
// Pack as many whole partitions we can into this packet;
// don't fragment.
while ((frag_ix < num_fragments) &&
(send_bytes + vp8_header_bytes_
+ frag_info_.fragmentationLength[frag_ix]
<= max_payload_len))
send_bytes += frag_info_.fragmentationLength[frag_ix];
// This packet ends on a complete fragment.
end_of_fragment = true;
break; // Jump out of case statement.
// Either we are not starting this packet with a new partition,
// or the partition is too large for a packet.
// Move on to "case kStrict".
// NOTE: break intentionally omitted!
case kStrict: // Can also continue to here from kAggregate.
// Find out how much is left to send in the current partition.
const int remaining_bytes = frag_info_.fragmentationOffset[frag_ix]
- payload_bytes_sent_ + frag_info_.fragmentationLength[frag_ix];
assert(remaining_bytes > 0);
assert(remaining_bytes <= frag_info_.fragmentationLength[frag_ix]);
if (remaining_bytes + vp8_header_bytes_ > max_payload_len)
// send one full packet
send_bytes = max_payload_len - vp8_header_bytes_;
// last packet from this partition
send_bytes = remaining_bytes;
end_of_fragment = true;
case kSloppy:
// Send a full packet, or what is left of the payload.
const int remaining_bytes = payload_size_ - payload_bytes_sent_;
if (remaining_bytes + vp8_header_bytes_ > max_payload_len)
send_bytes = max_payload_len - vp8_header_bytes_;
end_of_fragment = false;
send_bytes = remaining_bytes;
end_of_fragment = true;
// Should not end up here
return -1;
// Write the payload header and the payload to buffer.
*bytes_to_send = WriteHeaderAndPayload(send_bytes, end_of_fragment, buffer);
if (*bytes_to_send < 0)
return -1;
*last_packet = payload_bytes_sent_ >= payload_size_;
assert(!*last_packet || (payload_bytes_sent_ == payload_size_));
return 0;
int RtpFormatVp8::WriteHeaderAndPayload(int send_bytes,
bool end_of_fragment,
WebRtc_UWord8* buffer)
// Write the VP8 payload header.
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | RSV |I|N|FI |B|
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
if (send_bytes < 0)
return -1;
if (payload_bytes_sent_ + send_bytes > payload_size_)
return -1;
// PictureID always present in first packet
const int picture_id_present = beginning_;
// TODO(hlundin): must pipe this info from VP8 encoder
const int kNonrefFrame = 0;
buffer[0] = 0;
if (picture_id_present) buffer[0] |= (0x01 << 4); // I
if (kNonrefFrame) buffer[0] |= (0x01 << 3); // N
if (!first_fragment_) buffer[0] |= (0x01 << 2); // FI
if (!end_of_fragment) buffer[0] |= (0x01 << 1); // FI
if (beginning_) buffer[0] |= 0x01; // B
memcpy(&buffer[vp8_header_bytes_], &payload_data_[payload_bytes_sent_],
beginning_ = false; // next packet cannot be first packet in frame
// next packet starts new fragment if this ended one
first_fragment_ = end_of_fragment;
payload_bytes_sent_ += send_bytes;
// Return total length of written data.
return send_bytes + vp8_header_bytes_;
} // namespace webrtc