# This makefile is a simpler alternative to the autoconf-based build
# system, for simple local building of the libraries and tools.
# It will not install the libraries system-wide, but just create the 'cwebp'
# and 'dwebp' tools in the examples/ directory, along with the static
# libraries 'src/libwebp.a' and 'src/mux/libwebpmux.a'.
# To build the library and examples, use:
#    make -f makefile.unix
# from this top directory.

#### Customizable part ####

# These flag assume you have libpng and libjpeg installed. If not, either
# follow below install instructions or just comment out the next lines.
EXTRA_LIBS= -lpng -ljpeg -lz
ifeq ($(strip $(shell uname)), Darwin)
  EXTRA_FLAGS += -I/opt/local/include
  EXTRA_LIBS  += -L/opt/local/lib

# To install libraries on Mac OS X:
# 1. Install MacPorts (http://www.macports.org/install.php)
# 2. Run "sudo port install jpeg"
# 3. Run "sudo port install libpng"

# To install libraries on Linux:
# 1. Run "sudo apt-get install libjpeg62-dev"
# 2. Run "sudo apt-get install libpng12-dev"

# Uncomment for build for 32bit platform
# Alternatively, you can just use the command
# 'make -f makefile.unix EXTRA_FLAGS=-m32' to that effect.
# EXTRA_FLAGS += -m32

# Extra flags to enable experimental features and code

# Extra flags to enable multi-threading
EXTRA_LIBS += -lpthread

# Extra flags to emulate C89 strictness with the full ANSI
EXTRA_FLAGS += -Wextra -Wold-style-definition
EXTRA_FLAGS += -Wmissing-prototypes
EXTRA_FLAGS += -Wmissing-declarations
EXTRA_FLAGS += -Wdeclaration-after-statement
# EXTRA_FLAGS += -Wvla

#### Nothing should normally be changed below this line ####

AR = ar
CC = gcc -Isrc/ -Iexamples/ -Wall
INSTALL = install

DEC_OBJS = src/dec/frame.o src/dec/webp.o src/dec/quant.o src/dec/tree.o \
           src/dec/vp8.o src/dec/idec.o src/dec/alpha.o src/dec/layer.o \
           src/dec/io.o src/dec/buffer.o
ENC_OBJS = src/enc/webpenc.o src/enc/syntax.o \
           src/enc/alpha.o src/enc/layer.o \
           src/enc/tree.o src/enc/config.o src/enc/frame.o \
           src/enc/quant.o src/enc/iterator.o src/enc/analysis.o \
           src/enc/cost.o src/enc/picture.o src/enc/filter.o
DSP_OBJS = src/dsp/cpu.o src/dsp/enc.o \
           src/dsp/enc_sse2.o src/dsp/dec.o src/dsp/dec_sse2.o \
           src/dsp/dec_neon.o src/dsp/upsampling.o src/dsp/upsampling_sse2.o \
UTILS_OBJS = src/utils/bit_reader.o src/utils/bit_writer.o src/utils/thread.o


MUX_OBJS = src/mux/mux.o

HDRS = src/webp/encode.h src/enc/vp8enci.h src/enc/cost.h src/webp/mux.h \
       src/dec/vp8i.h  \
       src/dsp/yuv.h src/dsp/dsp.h \
       src/utils/bit_writer.h src/utils/bit_reader.h src/utils/thread.h

OUTPUT = examples/cwebp examples/dwebp examples/webpmux \
	 src/libwebp.a src/mux/libwebpmux.a


%.o: %.c $(HDRS)
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

src/libwebp.a:  $(OBJS)
	$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $^

src/mux/libwebpmux.a:  $(MUX_OBJS)
	$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $^

ex: examples/cwebp examples/dwebp examples/webpmux

examples/cwebp: examples/cwebp.o src/libwebp.a
examples/dwebp: examples/dwebp.o src/libwebp.a
examples/webpmux: examples/webpmux.o src/mux/libwebpmux.a src/libwebp.a
examples/cwebp examples/dwebp examples/webpmux:
	$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)

dist: DESTDIR := dist
dist: all
	$(INSTALL) -m755 -d $(DESTDIR)/include/webp \
	    $(DESTDIR)/doc $(DESTDIR)/lib
	$(INSTALL) -m755 -s examples/cwebp examples/dwebp examples/webpmux \
	$(INSTALL) -m644 src/webp/*.h $(DESTDIR)/include/webp
	$(INSTALL) -m644 src/libwebp.a $(DESTDIR)/lib
	umask 022; \
	for m in man/[cd]webp.1; do \
	  basenam=$$(basename $$m .1); \
	  /usr/bin/groff -t -e -man -T utf8 $$m \
	    | col -bx >$(DESTDIR)/doc/$${basenam}.txt; \
	  /usr/bin/groff -t -e -man -T html $$m \
	    | col -bx >$(DESTDIR)/doc/$${basenam}.html; \

	$(RM) ${OUTPUT} *~ \
              src/enc/*.o src/enc/*~ \
              src/dec/*.o src/dec/*~ \
              src/dsp/*.o src/dsp/*~ \
              src/utils/*.o src/utils/*~ \
              src/mux/*.o src/mux/*~ \
              examples/*.o examples/*~

superclean: clean
	$(RM) -r .git *.log *.cache *~
	$(RM) -r .deps */.deps */*/.deps
	$(RM) -r .libs */.libs */*/.libs
	$(RM) */*.lo */*/*.lo
	$(RM) */*.la */*/*.la
	$(RM) Makefile */Makefile */*/Makefile
	$(RM) Makefile.in */Makefile.in */*/Makefile.in
	$(RM) config.log autom4te.cache libtool config.h stamp-h1
	$(RM) aclocal.m4 compile config.guess config.h.in config.sub config.status
	$(RM) configure depcomp install-sh ltmain.sh missing src/libwebp.pc
	$(RM) m4/*

.PHONY: all clean dist ex superclean