Refactor LZ77 handling in preparation for a new method.
Change-Id: If305c328c8f508bd778d1af108e4eb979fbd2eca
This commit is contained in:
@ -688,26 +688,34 @@ extern int VP8LBackwardReferencesTraceBackwards(
const VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs_src, VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs_dst);
static VP8LBackwardRefs* GetBackwardReferences(
int width, int height, const uint32_t* const argb, int quality,
int* const cache_bits, const VP8LHashChain* const hash_chain,
VP8LBackwardRefs* best, VP8LBackwardRefs* worst) {
int lz77_types_to_try, int* const cache_bits,
const VP8LHashChain* const hash_chain, VP8LBackwardRefs* best,
VP8LBackwardRefs* worst) {
const int cache_bits_initial = *cache_bits;
double bit_cost_best = -1;
VP8LHistogram* histo = NULL;
int i, i_best = 0;
int lz77_type, lz77_type_best = 0;
histo = VP8LAllocateHistogram(MAX_COLOR_CACHE_BITS);
if (histo == NULL) goto Error;
// Try out RLE first, then LZ77.
for (i = 0; i <= 1; ++i) {
int res;
for (lz77_type = 1; lz77_types_to_try;
lz77_types_to_try &= ~lz77_type, lz77_type <<= 1) {
int res = 0;
double bit_cost;
int cache_bits_tmp = cache_bits_initial;
// First, try out backward references with no cache (0 bits).
if (i == 0) {
res = BackwardReferencesRle(width, height, argb, 0, worst);
} else {
res = BackwardReferencesLz77(width, height, argb, 0, hash_chain, worst);
if ((lz77_types_to_try & lz77_type) == 0) continue;
switch (lz77_type) {
case kLZ77RLE:
res = BackwardReferencesRle(width, height, argb, 0, worst);
case kLZ77Standard:
// Compute LZ77 with no cache (0 bits), as the ideal LZ77 with a color
// cache is not that different in practice.
res = BackwardReferencesLz77(width, height, argb, 0, hash_chain, worst);
if (!res) goto Error;
@ -724,19 +732,20 @@ static VP8LBackwardRefs* GetBackwardReferences(
// Keep the best backward references.
VP8LHistogramCreate(histo, worst, cache_bits_tmp);
bit_cost = VP8LHistogramEstimateBits(histo);
if (i == 0 || bit_cost < bit_cost_best) {
if (lz77_type_best == 0 || bit_cost < bit_cost_best) {
VP8LBackwardRefs* const tmp = worst;
worst = best;
best = tmp;
bit_cost_best = bit_cost;
*cache_bits = cache_bits_tmp;
i_best = i;
lz77_type_best = lz77_type;
assert(lz77_type_best > 0);
// Improve on simple LZ77 but only for high quality (TraceBackwards is
// costly).
if (i_best == 1 && quality >= 25) {
if (lz77_type_best == kLZ77Standard && quality >= 25) {
if (VP8LBackwardReferencesTraceBackwards(width, height, argb, *cache_bits,
hash_chain, best, worst)) {
double bit_cost_trace;
@ -748,21 +757,22 @@ static VP8LBackwardRefs* GetBackwardReferences(
BackwardReferences2DLocality(width, best);
return best;
VP8LBackwardRefs* VP8LGetBackwardReferences(
int width, int height, const uint32_t* const argb, int quality,
int low_effort, int* const cache_bits,
int low_effort, int lz77_types_to_try, int* const cache_bits,
const VP8LHashChain* const hash_chain, VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs_tmp1,
VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs_tmp2) {
if (low_effort) {
return GetBackwardReferencesLowEffort(width, height, argb, cache_bits,
hash_chain, refs_tmp1);
} else {
return GetBackwardReferences(width, height, argb, quality, cache_bits,
hash_chain, refs_tmp1, refs_tmp2);
return GetBackwardReferences(width, height, argb, quality,
lz77_types_to_try, cache_bits, hash_chain,
refs_tmp1, refs_tmp2);
@ -213,6 +213,11 @@ static WEBP_INLINE void VP8LRefsCursorNext(VP8LRefsCursor* const c) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main entry points
enum VP8LLZ77Type {
kLZ77Standard = 1,
kLZ77RLE = 2,
// Evaluates best possible backward references for specified quality.
// The input cache_bits to 'VP8LGetBackwardReferences' sets the maximum cache
// bits to use (passing 0 implies disabling the local color cache).
@ -221,7 +226,7 @@ static WEBP_INLINE void VP8LRefsCursorNext(VP8LRefsCursor* const c) {
// refs[0] or refs[1].
VP8LBackwardRefs* VP8LGetBackwardReferences(
int width, int height, const uint32_t* const argb, int quality,
int low_effort, int* const cache_bits,
int low_effort, int lz77_types_to_try, int* const cache_bits,
const VP8LHashChain* const hash_chain, VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs_tmp1,
VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs_tmp2);
@ -356,9 +356,17 @@ static int GetTransformBits(int method, int histo_bits) {
return res;
// Se of parameters to be used in each iteration of the cruncher.
typedef struct {
int entropy_idx_;
int lz77s_types_to_try_;
} CrunchConfig;
#define CRUNCH_CONFIGS_MAX kNumEntropyIx
static int AnalyzeAndInit(VP8LEncoder* const enc,
int entropy_idx[kNumEntropyIx],
int* const num_entropy_idx,
CrunchConfig crunch_configs[CRUNCH_CONFIGS_MAX],
int* const crunch_configs_size,
int* const red_and_blue_always_zero) {
const WebPPicture* const pic = enc->pic_;
const int width = pic->width;
@ -386,8 +394,9 @@ static int AnalyzeAndInit(VP8LEncoder* const enc,
if (low_effort) {
// AnalyzeEntropy is somewhat slow.
entropy_idx[0] = use_palette ? kPalette : kSpatialSubGreen;
*num_entropy_idx = 1;
crunch_configs[0].entropy_idx_ = use_palette ? kPalette : kSpatialSubGreen;
crunch_configs[0].lz77s_types_to_try_ = kLZ77Standard | kLZ77RLE;
*crunch_configs_size = 1;
} else {
EntropyIx min_entropy_ix;
if (!AnalyzeEntropy(pic->argb, width, height, pic->argb_stride, use_palette,
@ -395,19 +404,22 @@ static int AnalyzeAndInit(VP8LEncoder* const enc,
&min_entropy_ix, red_and_blue_always_zero)) {
return 0;
*crunch_configs_size = 0;
if (method == 6 && config->quality == 100) {
// Go brute force on all transforms.
*num_entropy_idx = 0;
for (i = 0; i < kNumEntropyIx; ++i) {
if (i != kPalette || use_palette) {
entropy_idx[(*num_entropy_idx)++] = i;
assert(*num_entropy_idx <= kNumEntropyIx);
crunch_configs[*crunch_configs_size].entropy_idx_ = i;
crunch_configs[(*crunch_configs_size)++].lz77s_types_to_try_ =
kLZ77Standard | kLZ77RLE;
assert(*crunch_configs_size <= CRUNCH_CONFIGS_MAX);
} else {
// Only choose the guessed best transform.
entropy_idx[0] = min_entropy_ix;
*num_entropy_idx = 1;
crunch_configs[*crunch_configs_size].entropy_idx_ = min_entropy_ix;
crunch_configs[(*crunch_configs_size)++].lz77s_types_to_try_ =
kLZ77Standard | kLZ77RLE;
@ -771,7 +783,8 @@ static WebPEncodingError EncodeImageNoHuffman(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
goto Error;
refs = VP8LGetBackwardReferences(width, height, argb, quality, 0, &cache_bits,
refs = VP8LGetBackwardReferences(width, height, argb, quality, 0,
kLZ77Standard | kLZ77RLE, &cache_bits,
hash_chain, refs_tmp1, refs_tmp2);
if (refs == NULL) {
@ -829,17 +842,12 @@ static WebPEncodingError EncodeImageNoHuffman(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
return err;
static WebPEncodingError EncodeImageInternal(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
const uint32_t* const argb,
VP8LHashChain* const hash_chain,
VP8LBackwardRefs refs_array[3],
int width, int height, int quality,
int low_effort,
int use_cache, int* cache_bits,
int histogram_bits,
size_t init_byte_position,
int* const hdr_size,
int* const data_size) {
static WebPEncodingError EncodeImageInternal(
VP8LBitWriter* const bw, const uint32_t* const argb,
VP8LHashChain* const hash_chain, VP8LBackwardRefs refs_array[3], int width,
int height, int quality, int low_effort, int use_cache, int lz77s_to_try,
int* cache_bits, int histogram_bits, size_t init_byte_position,
int* const hdr_size, int* const data_size) {
WebPEncodingError err = VP8_ENC_OK;
const uint32_t histogram_image_xysize =
VP8LSubSampleSize(width, histogram_bits) *
@ -881,9 +889,9 @@ static WebPEncodingError EncodeImageInternal(VP8LBitWriter* const bw,
goto Error;
refs_best = VP8LGetBackwardReferences(width, height, argb, quality,
low_effort, cache_bits, hash_chain,
&refs_array[0], &refs_array[1]);
refs_best = VP8LGetBackwardReferences(
width, height, argb, quality, low_effort, lz77s_to_try, cache_bits,
hash_chain, &refs_array[0], &refs_array[1]);
if (refs_best == NULL) {
goto Error;
@ -1506,8 +1514,8 @@ WebPEncodingError VP8LEncodeStream(const WebPConfig* const config,
int hdr_size = 0;
int data_size = 0;
int use_delta_palette = 0;
int entropy_idx[kNumEntropyIx];
int num_entropy_idx = 0;
CrunchConfig crunch_configs[CRUNCH_CONFIGS_MAX];
int num_crunch_configs = 0;
int idx;
int red_and_blue_always_zero = 0;
size_t best_size = 0;
@ -1521,18 +1529,19 @@ WebPEncodingError VP8LEncodeStream(const WebPConfig* const config,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Analyze image (entropy, num_palettes etc)
if (!AnalyzeAndInit(enc, entropy_idx, &num_entropy_idx,
if (!AnalyzeAndInit(enc, crunch_configs, &num_crunch_configs,
&red_and_blue_always_zero)) {
goto Error;
for (idx = 0; idx < num_entropy_idx; ++idx) {
enc->use_palette_ = (entropy_idx[idx] == kPalette);
enc->use_subtract_green_ = (entropy_idx[idx] == kSubGreen) ||
(entropy_idx[idx] == kSpatialSubGreen);
enc->use_predict_ = (entropy_idx[idx] == kSpatial) ||
(entropy_idx[idx] == kSpatialSubGreen);
for (idx = 0; idx < num_crunch_configs; ++idx) {
const int entropy_idx = crunch_configs[idx].entropy_idx_;
enc->use_palette_ = (entropy_idx == kPalette);
enc->use_subtract_green_ =
(entropy_idx == kSubGreen) || (entropy_idx == kSpatialSubGreen);
enc->use_predict_ =
(entropy_idx == kSpatial) || (entropy_idx == kSpatialSubGreen);
if (low_effort) {
enc->use_cross_color_ = 0;
} else {
@ -1626,10 +1635,11 @@ WebPEncodingError VP8LEncodeStream(const WebPConfig* const config,
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Encode and write the transformed image.
err = EncodeImageInternal(bw, enc->argb_, &enc->hash_chain_, enc->refs_,
enc->current_width_, height, quality, low_effort,
use_cache, &enc->cache_bits_, enc->histo_bits_,
byte_position, &hdr_size, &data_size);
err = EncodeImageInternal(
bw, enc->argb_, &enc->hash_chain_, enc->refs_, enc->current_width_,
height, quality, low_effort, use_cache,
crunch_configs[idx].lz77s_types_to_try_, &enc->cache_bits_,
enc->histo_bits_, byte_position, &hdr_size, &data_size);
if (err != VP8_ENC_OK) goto Error;
// If we are better than what we already have.
@ -1655,7 +1665,7 @@ WebPEncodingError VP8LEncodeStream(const WebPConfig* const config,
// Reset the bit writer for the following iteration if any.
if (num_entropy_idx > 1) VP8LBitWriterReset(&bw_init, bw);
if (num_crunch_configs > 1) VP8LBitWriterReset(&bw_init, bw);
VP8LBitWriterSwap(&bw_best, bw);
@ -1664,6 +1674,7 @@ WebPEncodingError VP8LEncodeStream(const WebPConfig* const config,
return err;
int VP8LEncodeImage(const WebPConfig* const config,
const WebPPicture* const picture) {
Reference in New Issue
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