Speed-up BackwardReferencesHashChainDistanceOnly.
Instead of comparing all the following pixels over len (which can frequently reach the maximum MAX_LENGTH=4096 for some images), intervals are stored and compared. Change-Id: I0dafef6cc988dde3c1c03ae07305ac48901d60ee
This commit is contained in:
@ -570,6 +570,457 @@ static void AddSingleLiteralWithCostModel(
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CostManager and interval handling
// Empirical value to avoid high memory consumption but good for performance.
// To perform backward reference every pixel at index index_ is considered and
// the cost for the MAX_LENGTH following pixels computed. Those following pixels
// at index index_ + k (k from 0 to MAX_LENGTH) have a cost of:
// distance_cost_ at index_ + GetLengthCost(cost_model, k)
// (named cost) (named cached cost)
// and the minimum value is kept. GetLengthCost(cost_model, k) is cached in an
// array of size MAX_LENGTH.
// Instead of performing MAX_LENGTH comparisons per pixel, we keep track of the
// minimal values using intervals, for which lower_ and upper_ bounds are kept.
// An interval is defined by the index_ of the pixel that generated it and
// is only useful in a range of indices from start_ to end_ (exclusive), i.e.
// it contains the minimum value for pixels between start_ and end_.
// Intervals are stored in a linked list and ordered by start_. When a new
// interval has a better minimum, old intervals are split or removed.
typedef struct CostInterval CostInterval;
struct CostInterval {
double lower_;
double upper_;
int start_;
int end_;
double distance_cost_;
int index_;
CostInterval* previous_;
CostInterval* next_;
// The GetLengthCost(cost_model, k) part of the costs is also bounded for
// efficiency in a set of intervals of a different type.
// If those intervals are small enough, they are not used for comparison and
// written into the costs right away.
typedef struct {
double lower_; // Lower bound of the interval.
double upper_; // Upper bound of the interval.
int start_;
int end_; // Exclusive.
int do_write_; // If !=0, the interval is saved to cost instead of being kept
// for comparison.
} CostCacheInterval;
// This structure is in charge of managing intervals and costs.
// It caches the different CostCacheInterval, caches the different
// GetLengthCost(cost_model, k) in cost_cache_ and the CostInterval's (whose
// count_ is limited by COST_CACHE_INTERVAL_SIZE_MAX).
typedef struct {
CostInterval* head_;
int count_; // The number of stored intervals.
CostCacheInterval* cache_intervals_;
size_t cache_intervals_size_;
double cost_cache_[MAX_LENGTH]; // Contains the GetLengthCost(cost_model, k).
float* costs_;
uint16_t* dist_array_;
} CostManager;
static int IsCostCacheIntervalWritable(int start, int end) {
// 100 is the length for which we consider an interval for comparison, and not
// for writing.
// The first intervals are very small and go in increasing size. This constant
// helps merging them into one big interval (up to index 150/200 usually from
// which intervals start getting much bigger).
// This value is empirical.
return (end - start + 1 < 100);
static void CostManagerClear(CostManager* const manager) {
if (manager == NULL) return;
// Clear the intervals.
CostInterval* interval = manager->head_;
while (interval != NULL) {
CostInterval* const next = interval->next_;
interval = next;
// Reset pointers, count_ and cache_intervals_size_.
memset(manager, 0, sizeof(*manager));
static int CostManagerInit(CostManager* const manager,
uint16_t* const dist_array, int pix_count,
const CostModel* const cost_model) {
int i;
const int cost_cache_size = (pix_count > MAX_LENGTH) ? MAX_LENGTH : pix_count;
// This constant is tied to the cost_model we use.
// Empirically, differences between intervals is usually of more than 1.
const double min_cost_diff = 0.1;
manager->head_ = NULL;
manager->count_ = 0;
manager->dist_array_ = dist_array;
// Fill in the cost_cache_.
manager->cache_intervals_size_ = 1;
manager->cost_cache_[0] = 0;
for (i = 1; i < cost_cache_size; ++i) {
manager->cost_cache_[i] = GetLengthCost(cost_model, i);
// Get an approximation of the number of bound intervals.
if (fabs(manager->cost_cache_[i] - manager->cost_cache_[i - 1]) >
min_cost_diff) {
// With the current cost models, we have 15 intervals, so we are safe by
// setting a maximum of COST_CACHE_INTERVAL_SIZE_MAX.
if (manager->cache_intervals_size_ > COST_CACHE_INTERVAL_SIZE_MAX) {
manager->cache_intervals_size_ = COST_CACHE_INTERVAL_SIZE_MAX;
manager->cache_intervals_ = (CostCacheInterval*)WebPSafeMalloc(
manager->cache_intervals_size_, sizeof(*manager->cache_intervals_));
if (manager->cache_intervals_ == NULL) {
return 0;
// Fill in the cache_intervals_.
double cost_prev = -1e38f; // unprobably low initial value
CostCacheInterval* prev = NULL;
CostCacheInterval* cur = manager->cache_intervals_;
const CostCacheInterval* const end =
manager->cache_intervals_ + manager->cache_intervals_size_;
// Consecutive values in cost_cache_ are compared and if a big enough
// difference is found, a new interval is created and bounded.
for (i = 0; i < cost_cache_size; ++i) {
const double cost_val = manager->cost_cache_[i];
if (fabs(cost_val - cost_prev) > min_cost_diff && cur + 1 < end) {
if (i > 1) {
const int is_writable =
IsCostCacheIntervalWritable(cur->start_, cur->end_);
// Merge with the previous interval if both are writable.
if (is_writable && cur != manager->cache_intervals_ &&
prev->do_write_) {
// Update the previous interval.
prev->end_ = cur->end_;
if (cur->lower_ < prev->lower_) {
prev->lower_ = cur->lower_;
} else if (cur->upper_ > prev->upper_) {
prev->upper_ = cur->upper_;
} else {
cur->do_write_ = is_writable;
prev = cur;
// Initialize an interval.
cur->start_ = i;
cur->do_write_ = 0;
cur->lower_ = cost_val;
cur->upper_ = cost_val;
} else {
// Update the current interval bounds.
if (cost_val < cur->lower_) {
cur->lower_ = cost_val;
} else if (cost_val > cur->upper_) {
cur->upper_ = cost_val;
cur->end_ = i + 1;
cost_prev = cost_val;
manager->cache_intervals_size_ = cur + 1 - manager->cache_intervals_;
manager->costs_ = (float*)WebPSafeMalloc(pix_count, sizeof(*manager->costs_));
if (manager->costs_ == NULL) {
return 0;
// Set the initial costs_ high for every pixel as we wil lkeep the minimum.
for (i = 0; i < pix_count; ++i) manager->costs_[i] = 1e38f;
return 1;
// Given the distance_cost for pixel 'index', update the cost at pixel 'i' if it
// is smaller than the previously computed value.
static WEBP_INLINE void UpdateCost(CostManager* const manager, int i, int index,
double distance_cost) {
const int k = i - index;
const double cost_tmp = distance_cost + manager->cost_cache_[k];
if (manager->costs_[i] > cost_tmp) {
manager->costs_[i] = (float)cost_tmp;
manager->dist_array_[i] = k + 1;
// Given the distance_cost for pixel 'index', update the cost for all the pixels
// between 'start' and 'end' excluded.
static WEBP_INLINE void UpdateCostPerInterval(CostManager* const manager,
int start, int end, int index,
double distance_cost) {
int i;
for (i = start; i < end; ++i) UpdateCost(manager, i, index, distance_cost);
// Given two intervals, make 'prev' be the previous one of 'next' in 'manager'.
static WEBP_INLINE void ConnectIntervals(CostManager* const manager,
CostInterval* const prev,
CostInterval* const next) {
if (prev != NULL) {
prev->next_ = next;
} else {
manager->head_ = next;
if (next != NULL) next->previous_ = prev;
// Pop an interval in the manager.
static WEBP_INLINE void PopInterval(CostManager* const manager,
CostInterval* const interval) {
CostInterval* const next = interval->next_;
if (interval == NULL) return;
ConnectIntervals(manager, interval->previous_, next);
assert(manager->count_ >= 0);
// Update the cost at index i by going over all the stored intervals that
// overlap with i.
static WEBP_INLINE void UpdateCostPerIndex(CostManager* const manager, int i) {
CostInterval* current = manager->head_;
while (current != NULL && current->start_ <= i) {
if (current->end_ <= i) {
// We have an outdated interval, remove it.
CostInterval* next = current->next_;
PopInterval(manager, current);
current = next;
} else {
UpdateCost(manager, i, current->index_, current->distance_cost_);
current = current->next_;
// Given a current orphan interval and its previous interval, before
// it was orphaned (which can be NULL), set it at the right place in the list
// of intervals using the start_ ordering and the previous interval as a hint.
static WEBP_INLINE void PositionOrphanInterval(CostManager* const manager,
CostInterval* const current,
CostInterval* previous) {
assert(current != NULL);
if (previous == NULL) previous = manager->head_;
while (previous != NULL && current->start_ < previous->start_) {
previous = previous->previous_;
while (previous != NULL && previous->next_ != NULL &&
previous->next_->start_ < current->start_) {
previous = previous->next_;
if (previous != NULL) {
ConnectIntervals(manager, current, previous->next_);
} else {
ConnectIntervals(manager, current, manager->head_);
ConnectIntervals(manager, previous, current);
// Insert an interval in the list contained in the manager by starting at
// interval_in as a hint. The intervals are sorted by start_ value.
static WEBP_INLINE void InsertInterval(CostManager* const manager,
CostInterval* const interval_in,
double distance_cost, double lower,
double upper, int index, int start,
int end) {
CostInterval* interval_new;
if (IsCostCacheIntervalWritable(start, end) ||
manager->count_ >= COST_CACHE_INTERVAL_SIZE_MAX) {
// Write down the interval if it is too small.
UpdateCostPerInterval(manager, start, end, index, distance_cost);
interval_new = (CostInterval*)WebPSafeMalloc(1, sizeof(*interval_new));
if (interval_new == NULL) {
// Write down the interval if we cannot create it.
UpdateCostPerInterval(manager, start, end, index, distance_cost);
interval_new->distance_cost_ = distance_cost;
interval_new->lower_ = lower;
interval_new->upper_ = upper;
interval_new->index_ = index;
interval_new->start_ = start;
interval_new->end_ = end;
PositionOrphanInterval(manager, interval_new, interval_in);
// When an interval has its start_ or end_ modified, it needs to be
// repositioned in the linked list.
static WEBP_INLINE void RepositionInterval(CostManager* const manager,
CostInterval* const interval) {
if (IsCostCacheIntervalWritable(interval->start_, interval->end_)) {
// Maybe interval has been resized and is small enough to be removed.
UpdateCostPerInterval(manager, interval->start_, interval->end_,
interval->index_, interval->distance_cost_);
PopInterval(manager, interval);
// Early exit if interval is at the right spot.
if ((interval->previous_ == NULL ||
interval->previous_->start_ <= interval->start_) &&
(interval->next_ == NULL ||
interval->start_ <= interval->next_->start_)) {
ConnectIntervals(manager, interval->previous_, interval->next_);
PositionOrphanInterval(manager, interval, interval->previous_);
// Given a new cost interval defined by its start at index, its last value and
// distance_cost, add its contributions to the previous intervals and costs.
// If handling the interval or one of its subintervals becomes to heavy, its
// contribution is added to the costs right away.
static WEBP_INLINE void PushInterval(CostManager* const manager,
double distance_cost, int index,
int last) {
size_t i;
CostInterval* interval = manager->head_;
CostInterval* interval_next;
const CostCacheInterval* const cost_cache_intervals =
for (i = 0; i < manager->cache_intervals_size_ &&
cost_cache_intervals[i].start_ < last;
++i) {
// Define the intersection of the ith interval with the new one.
int start = index + cost_cache_intervals[i].start_;
const int end = index + (cost_cache_intervals[i].end_ > last
? last
: cost_cache_intervals[i].end_);
const double lower_in = cost_cache_intervals[i].lower_;
const double upper_in = cost_cache_intervals[i].upper_;
const double lower_full_in = distance_cost + lower_in;
const double upper_full_in = distance_cost + upper_in;
if (cost_cache_intervals[i].do_write_) {
UpdateCostPerInterval(manager, start, end, index, distance_cost);
for (; interval != NULL && interval->start_ < end && start < end;
interval = interval_next) {
const double lower_full_interval =
interval->distance_cost_ + interval->lower_;
const double upper_full_interval =
interval->distance_cost_ + interval->upper_;
interval_next = interval->next_;
// Make sure we have some overlap
if (start >= interval->end_) continue;
if (lower_full_in >= upper_full_interval) {
// When intervals are represented, the lower, the better.
// [**********************************************************]
// start end
// [----------------------------------]
// interval->start_ interval->end_
// If we are worse than what we already have, add whatever we have so
// far up to interval.
const int start_new = interval->end_;
InsertInterval(manager, interval, distance_cost, lower_in, upper_in,
index, start, interval->start_);
start = start_new;
// We know the two intervals intersect.
if (upper_full_in >= lower_full_interval) {
// There is no clear cut on which is best, so let's keep both.
// [*********[*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*]***********]
// start interval->start_ interval->end_ end
// OR
// [*********[*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-]----------------------]
// start interval->start_ end interval->end_
const int end_new = (interval->end_ <= end) ? interval->end_ : end;
InsertInterval(manager, interval, distance_cost, lower_in, upper_in,
index, start, end_new);
start = end_new;
} else if (start <= interval->start_ && interval->end_ <= end) {
// [----------------------------------]
// interval->start_ interval->end_
// [**************************************************************]
// start end
// We can safely remove the old interval as it is fully included.
PopInterval(manager, interval);
} else {
if (interval->start_ <= start && end <= interval->end_) {
// [--------------------------------------------------------------]
// interval->start_ interval->end_
// [*****************************]
// start end
// We have to split the old interval as it fully contains the new one.
const int end_original = interval->end_;
interval->end_ = start;
InsertInterval(manager, interval, interval->distance_cost_,
interval->lower_, interval->upper_, interval->index_,
end, end_original);
} else if (interval->start_ < start) {
// [------------------------------------]
// interval->start_ interval->end_
// [*****************************]
// start end
interval->end_ = start;
} else {
// [------------------------------------]
// interval->start_ interval->end_
// [*****************************]
// start end
interval->start_ = end;
// The interval has been modified, we need to reposition it or write it.
RepositionInterval(manager, interval);
// Insert the remaining interval from start to end.
InsertInterval(manager, interval, distance_cost, lower_in, upper_in, index,
start, end);
static int BackwardReferencesHashChainDistanceOnly(
int xsize, int ysize, const uint32_t* const argb,
int quality, int cache_bits, VP8LHashChain* const hash_chain,
@ -579,21 +1030,21 @@ static int BackwardReferencesHashChainDistanceOnly(
int cc_init = 0;
const int pix_count = xsize * ysize;
const int use_color_cache = (cache_bits > 0);
float* const cost =
(float*)WebPSafeMalloc(pix_count, sizeof(*cost));
const size_t literal_array_size = sizeof(double) *
((cache_bits > 0) ? (1 << cache_bits) : 0));
const size_t cost_model_size = sizeof(CostModel) + literal_array_size;
CostModel* const cost_model =
(CostModel*)WebPSafeMalloc(1ULL, cost_model_size);
(CostModel*)WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, cost_model_size);
VP8LColorCache hashers;
const int skip_length = 32 + quality;
const int skip_min_distance_code = 2;
int iter_max = GetMaxItersForQuality(quality, 0);
const int window_size = GetWindowSizeForHashChain(quality, xsize);
CostManager* cost_manager =
(CostManager*)WebPSafeMalloc(1ULL, sizeof(*cost_manager));
if (cost == NULL || cost_model == NULL) goto Error;
if (cost_model == NULL || cost_manager == NULL) goto Error;
cost_model->literal_ = (double*)(cost_model + 1);
if (use_color_cache) {
@ -601,23 +1052,25 @@ static int BackwardReferencesHashChainDistanceOnly(
if (!cc_init) goto Error;
if (!CostModelBuild(cost_model, cache_bits, refs)) {
if (!CostModelBuild(cost_model, cache_bits, refs)) goto Error;
if (!CostManagerInit(cost_manager, dist_array, pix_count, cost_model)) {
goto Error;
for (i = 0; i < pix_count; ++i) cost[i] = 1e38f;
// We loop one pixel at a time, but store all currently best points to
// non-processed locations from this point.
dist_array[0] = 0;
// Add first pixel as literal.
AddSingleLiteralWithCostModel(argb + 0, hash_chain, &hashers, cost_model, 0,
0, use_color_cache, 0.0, cost, dist_array);
argb + 0, hash_chain, &hashers, cost_model, 0, 0, use_color_cache, 0.0,
cost_manager->costs_, dist_array);
for (i = 1; i < pix_count - 1; ++i) {
int offset = 0;
int len = 0;
double prev_cost = cost[i - 1];
double prev_cost = cost_manager->costs_[i - 1];
const int max_len = MaxFindCopyLength(pix_count - i);
HashChainFindCopy(hash_chain, i, argb, max_len, window_size,
iter_max, &offset, &len);
@ -626,13 +1079,10 @@ static int BackwardReferencesHashChainDistanceOnly(
const double distance_cost =
prev_cost + GetDistanceCost(cost_model, code);
int k;
for (k = 1; k < len; ++k) {
const double cost_val = distance_cost + GetLengthCost(cost_model, k);
if (cost[i + k] > cost_val) {
cost[i + k] = (float)cost_val;
dist_array[i + k] = k + 1;
PushInterval(cost_manager, distance_cost, i, len);
UpdateCostPerIndex(cost_manager, i + 1);
// This if is for speedup only. It roughly doubles the speed, and
// makes compression worse by .1 %.
if (len >= skip_length && code <= skip_min_distance_code) {
@ -653,7 +1103,11 @@ static int BackwardReferencesHashChainDistanceOnly(
// 3) jump.
i += len - 1; // for loop does ++i, thus -1 here.
const int i_next = i + len - 1; // for loop does ++i, thus -1 here.
for (; i <= i_next; ++i) UpdateCostPerIndex(cost_manager, i + 1);
i = i_next;
goto next_symbol;
if (len != MIN_LENGTH) {
@ -665,28 +1119,34 @@ static int BackwardReferencesHashChainDistanceOnly(
cost_total = prev_cost +
GetDistanceCost(cost_model, code_min_length) +
GetLengthCost(cost_model, 1);
if (cost[i + 1] > cost_total) {
cost[i + 1] = (float)cost_total;
if (cost_manager->costs_[i + 1] > cost_total) {
cost_manager->costs_[i + 1] = (float)cost_total;
dist_array[i + 1] = 2;
} else { // len < MIN_LENGTH
UpdateCostPerIndex(cost_manager, i + 1);
AddSingleLiteralWithCostModel(argb + i, hash_chain, &hashers, cost_model, i,
0, use_color_cache, prev_cost, cost,
0, use_color_cache, prev_cost,
cost_manager->costs_, dist_array);
next_symbol: ;
// Handle the last pixel.
if (i == (pix_count - 1)) {
AddSingleLiteralWithCostModel(argb + i, hash_chain, &hashers, cost_model, i,
1, use_color_cache, cost[pix_count - 2], cost,
argb + i, hash_chain, &hashers, cost_model, i, 1, use_color_cache,
cost_manager->costs_[pix_count - 2], cost_manager->costs_, dist_array);
ok = !refs->error_;
if (cc_init) VP8LColorCacheClear(&hashers);
return ok;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user