
MSVC C4996 triggers upon use of functions like fopen, and suggests use of non-portable Microsoft replacements. Disable it project wide, and remove the pragmas littered throughout the tree. Change-Id: I8b890bbfd3cd7224c25350bd28f334facd8b7783
1001 lines
29 KiB
1001 lines
29 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2012 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "mkvparser/mkvparser.h"
#include "mkvparser/mkvreader.h"
#include "webvtt/webvttparser.h"
using std::string;
namespace libwebm {
namespace vttdemux {
typedef long long mkvtime_t; // NOLINT
typedef long long mkvpos_t; // NOLINT
typedef std::auto_ptr<mkvparser::Segment> segment_ptr_t;
// WebVTT metadata tracks have a type (encoded in the CodecID for the track).
// We use |type| to synthesize a filename for the out-of-band WebVTT |file|.
struct MetadataInfo {
enum Type { kSubtitles, kCaptions, kDescriptions, kMetadata, kChapters } type;
FILE* file;
// We use a map, indexed by track number, to collect information about
// each track in the input file.
typedef std::map<long, MetadataInfo> metadata_map_t; // NOLINT
// The distinguished key value we use to store the chapters
// information in the metadata map.
enum { kChaptersKey = 0 };
// The data from the original WebVTT Cue is stored as a WebM block.
// The FrameParser is used to parse the lines of text out from the
// block, in order to reconstruct the original WebVTT Cue.
class FrameParser : public libwebvtt::LineReader {
// Bind the FrameParser instance to a WebM block.
explicit FrameParser(const mkvparser::BlockGroup* block_group);
virtual ~FrameParser();
// The Webm block (group) to which this instance is bound. We
// treat the payload of the block as a stream of characters.
const mkvparser::BlockGroup* const block_group_;
// Read the next character from the character stream (the payload
// of the WebM block). We increment the stream pointer |pos_| as
// each character from the stream is consumed.
virtual int GetChar(char* c);
// End-of-line handling requires that we put a character back into
// the stream. Here we need only decrement the stream pointer |pos_|
// to unconsume the character.
virtual void UngetChar(char c);
// The current position in the character stream (the payload of the block).
mkvpos_t pos_;
// The position of the end of the character stream. When the current
// position |pos_| equals the end position |pos_end_|, the entire
// stream (block payload) has been consumed and end-of-stream is indicated.
mkvpos_t pos_end_;
// Disable copy ctor and copy assign
FrameParser(const FrameParser&);
FrameParser& operator=(const FrameParser&);
// The data from the original WebVTT Cue is stored as an MKV Chapters
// Atom element (the cue payload is stored as a Display sub-element).
// The ChapterAtomParser is used to parse the lines of text out from
// the String sub-element of the Display element (though it would be
// admittedly odd if there were more than one line).
class ChapterAtomParser : public libwebvtt::LineReader {
explicit ChapterAtomParser(const mkvparser::Chapters::Display* display);
virtual ~ChapterAtomParser();
const mkvparser::Chapters::Display* const display_;
// Read the next character from the character stream (the title
// member of the atom's display). We increment the stream pointer
// |str_| as each character from the stream is consumed.
virtual int GetChar(char* c);
// End-of-line handling requires that we put a character back into
// the stream. Here we need only decrement the stream pointer |str_|
// to unconsume the character.
virtual void UngetChar(char c);
// The current position in the character stream (the title of the
// atom's display).
const char* str_;
// The position of the end of the character stream. When the current
// position |str_| equals the end position |str_end_|, the entire
// stream (title of the display) has been consumed and end-of-stream
// is indicated.
const char* str_end_;
ChapterAtomParser(const ChapterAtomParser&);
ChapterAtomParser& operator=(const ChapterAtomParser&);
// Parse the EBML header of the WebM input file, to determine whether we
// actually have a WebM file. Returns false if this is not a WebM file.
bool ParseHeader(mkvparser::IMkvReader* reader, mkvpos_t* pos);
// Parse the Segment of the input file and load all of its clusters.
// Returns false if there was an error parsing the file.
bool ParseSegment(mkvparser::IMkvReader* reader, mkvpos_t pos,
segment_ptr_t* segment);
// If |segment| has a Chapters element (in which case, there will be a
// corresponding entry in |metadata_map|), convert the MKV chapters to
// WebVTT chapter cues and write them to the output file. Returns
// false on error.
bool WriteChaptersFile(const metadata_map_t& metadata_map,
const mkvparser::Segment* segment);
// Convert an MKV Chapters Atom to a WebVTT cue and write it to the
// output |file|. Returns false on error.
bool WriteChaptersCue(FILE* file, const mkvparser::Chapters* chapters,
const mkvparser::Chapters::Atom* atom,
const mkvparser::Chapters::Display* display);
// Write the Cue Identifier line of the WebVTT cue, if it's present.
// Returns false on error.
bool WriteChaptersCueIdentifier(FILE* file,
const mkvparser::Chapters::Atom* atom);
// Use the timecodes from the chapters |atom| to write just the
// timings line of the WebVTT cue. Returns false on error.
bool WriteChaptersCueTimings(FILE* file, const mkvparser::Chapters* chapters,
const mkvparser::Chapters::Atom* atom);
// Parse the String sub-element of the |display| and write the payload
// of the WebVTT cue. Returns false on error.
bool WriteChaptersCuePayload(FILE* file,
const mkvparser::Chapters::Display* display);
// Iterate over the tracks of the input file (and any chapters
// element) and cache information about each metadata track.
void BuildMap(const mkvparser::Segment* segment, metadata_map_t* metadata_map);
// For each track listed in the cache, synthesize its output filename
// and open a file handle that designates the out-of-band file.
// Returns false if we were unable to open an output file for a track.
bool OpenFiles(metadata_map_t* metadata_map, const char* filename);
// Close the file handle for each track in the cache.
void CloseFiles(metadata_map_t* metadata_map);
// Iterate over the clusters of the input file, and write a WebVTT cue
// for each metadata block. Returns false if processing of a cluster
// failed.
bool WriteFiles(const metadata_map_t& m, mkvparser::Segment* s);
// Write the WebVTT header for each track in the cache. We do this
// immediately before writing the actual WebVTT cues. Returns false
// if the write failed.
bool InitializeFiles(const metadata_map_t& metadata_map);
// Iterate over the blocks of the |cluster|, writing a WebVTT cue to
// its associated output file for each block of metadata. Returns
// false if processing a block failed, or there was a parse error.
bool ProcessCluster(const metadata_map_t& metadata_map,
const mkvparser::Cluster* cluster);
// Look up this track number in the cache, and if found (meaning this
// is a metadata track), write a WebVTT cue to the associated output
// file. Returns false if writing the WebVTT cue failed.
bool ProcessBlockEntry(const metadata_map_t& metadata_map,
const mkvparser::BlockEntry* block_entry);
// Parse the lines of text from the |block_group| to reconstruct the
// original WebVTT cue, and write it to the associated output |file|.
// Returns false if there was an error writing to the output file.
bool WriteCue(FILE* file, const mkvparser::BlockGroup* block_group);
// Consume a line of text from the character stream, and if the line
// is not empty write the cue identifier to the associated output
// file. Returns false if there was an error writing to the file.
bool WriteCueIdentifier(FILE* f, FrameParser* parser);
// Consume a line of text from the character stream (which holds any
// cue settings) and write the cue timings line for this cue to the
// associated output file. Returns false if there was an error
// writing to the file.
bool WriteCueTimings(FILE* f, FrameParser* parser);
// Write the timestamp (representating either the start time or stop
// time of the cue) to the output file. Returns false if there was an
// error writing to the file.
bool WriteCueTime(FILE* f, mkvtime_t time_ns);
// Consume the remaining lines of text from the character stream
// (these lines are the actual payload of the WebVTT cue), and write
// them to the associated output file. Returns false if there was an
// error writing to the file.
bool WriteCuePayload(FILE* f, FrameParser* parser);
} // namespace vttdemux
namespace vttdemux {
FrameParser::FrameParser(const mkvparser::BlockGroup* block_group)
: block_group_(block_group) {
const mkvparser::Block* const block = block_group->GetBlock();
const mkvparser::Block::Frame& f = block->GetFrame(0);
// The beginning and end of the character stream corresponds to the
// position of this block's frame within the WebM input file.
pos_ = f.pos;
pos_end_ = f.pos + f.len;
FrameParser::~FrameParser() {}
int FrameParser::GetChar(char* c) {
if (pos_ >= pos_end_) // end-of-stream
return 1; // per the semantics of libwebvtt::Reader::GetChar
const mkvparser::Cluster* const cluster = block_group_->GetCluster();
const mkvparser::Segment* const segment = cluster->m_pSegment;
mkvparser::IMkvReader* const reader = segment->m_pReader;
unsigned char* const buf = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(c);
const int result = reader->Read(pos_, 1, buf);
if (result < 0) // error
return -1;
++pos_; // consume this character in the stream
return 0;
void FrameParser::UngetChar(char /* c */) {
// All we need to do here is decrement the position in the stream.
// The next time GetChar is called the same character will be
// re-read from the input file.
const mkvparser::Chapters::Display* display)
: display_(display) {
str_ = display->GetString();
const size_t len = strlen(str_);
str_end_ = str_ + len;
ChapterAtomParser::~ChapterAtomParser() {}
int ChapterAtomParser::GetChar(char* c) {
if (str_ >= str_end_) // end-of-stream
return 1; // per the semantics of libwebvtt::Reader::GetChar
*c = *str_++; // consume this character in the stream
return 0;
void ChapterAtomParser::UngetChar(char /* c */) {
// All we need to do here is decrement the position in the stream.
// The next time GetChar is called the same character will be
// re-read from the input file.
} // namespace vttdemux
bool vttdemux::ParseHeader(mkvparser::IMkvReader* reader, mkvpos_t* pos) {
mkvparser::EBMLHeader h;
const mkvpos_t status = h.Parse(reader, *pos);
if (status) {
printf("error parsing EBML header\n");
return false;
if (h.m_docType == NULL || strcmp(h.m_docType, "webm") != 0) {
printf("bad doctype\n");
return false;
return true; // success
bool vttdemux::ParseSegment(mkvparser::IMkvReader* reader, mkvpos_t pos,
segment_ptr_t* segment_ptr) {
// We first create the segment object.
mkvparser::Segment* p;
const mkvpos_t create = mkvparser::Segment::CreateInstance(reader, pos, p);
if (create) {
printf("error parsing segment element\n");
return false;
// Now parse all of the segment's sub-elements, in toto.
const long status = p->Load(); // NOLINT
if (status < 0) {
printf("error loading segment\n");
return false;
return true;
void vttdemux::BuildMap(const mkvparser::Segment* segment,
metadata_map_t* map_ptr) {
metadata_map_t& m = *map_ptr;
if (segment->GetChapters()) {
MetadataInfo info;
info.file = NULL;
info.type = MetadataInfo::kChapters;
m[kChaptersKey] = info;
const mkvparser::Tracks* const tt = segment->GetTracks();
if (tt == NULL)
const long tc = tt->GetTracksCount(); // NOLINT
if (tc <= 0)
// Iterate over the tracks in the intput file. We determine whether
// a track holds metadata by inspecting its CodecID.
for (long idx = 0; idx < tc; ++idx) { // NOLINT
const mkvparser::Track* const t = tt->GetTrackByIndex(idx);
if (t == NULL) // weird
const long tn = t->GetNumber(); // NOLINT
if (tn <= 0) // weird
const char* const codec_id = t->GetCodecId();
if (codec_id == NULL) // weird
MetadataInfo info;
info.file = NULL;
if (strcmp(codec_id, "D_WEBVTT/SUBTITLES") == 0) {
info.type = MetadataInfo::kSubtitles;
} else if (strcmp(codec_id, "D_WEBVTT/CAPTIONS") == 0) {
info.type = MetadataInfo::kCaptions;
} else if (strcmp(codec_id, "D_WEBVTT/DESCRIPTIONS") == 0) {
info.type = MetadataInfo::kDescriptions;
} else if (strcmp(codec_id, "D_WEBVTT/METADATA") == 0) {
info.type = MetadataInfo::kMetadata;
} else {
m[tn] = info; // create an entry in the cache for this track
bool vttdemux::OpenFiles(metadata_map_t* metadata_map, const char* filename) {
if (metadata_map == NULL || metadata_map->empty())
return false;
if (filename == NULL)
return false;
// Find the position of the filename extension. We synthesize the
// output filename from the directory path and basename of the input
// filename.
const char* const ext = strrchr(filename, '.');
if (ext == NULL) // TODO(matthewjheaney): liberalize?
return false;
// Remember whether a track of this type has already been seen (the
// map key) by keeping a count (the map item). We quality the
// output filename with the track number if there is more than one
// track having a given type.
std::map<MetadataInfo::Type, int> exists;
typedef metadata_map_t::iterator iter_t;
metadata_map_t& m = *metadata_map;
const iter_t ii = m.begin();
const iter_t j = m.end();
// Make a first pass over the cache to determine whether there is
// more than one track corresponding to a given metadata type.
iter_t i = ii;
while (i != j) {
const metadata_map_t::value_type& v = *i++;
const MetadataInfo& info = v.second;
const MetadataInfo::Type type = info.type;
// Make a second pass over the cache, synthesizing the filename of
// each output file (from the input file basename, the input track
// metadata type, and its track number if necessary), and then
// opening a WebVTT output file having that filename.
i = ii;
while (i != j) {
metadata_map_t::value_type& v = *i++;
MetadataInfo& info = v.second;
const MetadataInfo::Type type = info.type;
// Start with the basename of the input file.
string name(filename, ext);
// Next append the metadata kind.
switch (type) {
case MetadataInfo::kSubtitles:
name += "_SUBTITLES";
case MetadataInfo::kCaptions:
name += "_CAPTIONS";
case MetadataInfo::kDescriptions:
name += "_DESCRIPTIONS";
case MetadataInfo::kMetadata:
name += "_METADATA";
case MetadataInfo::kChapters:
name += "_CHAPTERS";
return false;
// If there is more than one metadata track having a given type
// (the WebVTT-in-WebM spec doesn't preclude this), then qualify
// the output filename with the input track number.
if (exists[type] > 1) {
enum { kLen = 33 };
char str[kLen]; // max 126 tracks, so only 4 chars really needed
#ifndef _MSC_VER
snprintf(str, kLen, "%ld", v.first); // track number
_snprintf_s(str, sizeof(str), kLen, "%ld", v.first); // track number
name += str;
// Finally append the output filename extension.
name += ".vtt";
// We have synthesized the full output filename, so attempt to
// open the WebVTT output file.
info.file = fopen(name.c_str(), "wb");
const bool success = (info.file != NULL);
if (!success) {
printf("unable to open output file %s\n", name.c_str());
return false;
return true;
void vttdemux::CloseFiles(metadata_map_t* metadata_map) {
if (metadata_map == NULL)
metadata_map_t& m = *metadata_map;
typedef metadata_map_t::iterator iter_t;
iter_t i = m.begin();
const iter_t j = m.end();
// Gracefully close each output file, to ensure all output gets
// propertly flushed.
while (i != j) {
metadata_map_t::value_type& v = *i++;
MetadataInfo& info = v.second;
info.file = NULL;
bool vttdemux::WriteFiles(const metadata_map_t& m, mkvparser::Segment* s) {
// First write the WebVTT header.
if (!WriteChaptersFile(m, s))
return false;
// Now iterate over the clusters, writing the WebVTT cue as we parse
// each metadata block.
const mkvparser::Cluster* cluster = s->GetFirst();
while (cluster != NULL && !cluster->EOS()) {
if (!ProcessCluster(m, cluster))
return false;
cluster = s->GetNext(cluster);
return true;
bool vttdemux::InitializeFiles(const metadata_map_t& m) {
// Write the WebVTT header for each output file in the cache.
typedef metadata_map_t::const_iterator iter_t;
iter_t i = m.begin();
const iter_t j = m.end();
while (i != j) {
const metadata_map_t::value_type& v = *i++;
const MetadataInfo& info = v.second;
FILE* const f = info.file;
if (fputs("WEBVTT\n", f) < 0) {
printf("unable to initialize output file\n");
return false;
return true;
bool vttdemux::WriteChaptersFile(const metadata_map_t& m,
const mkvparser::Segment* s) {
const metadata_map_t::const_iterator info_iter = m.find(kChaptersKey);
if (info_iter == m.end()) // no chapters, so nothing to do
return true;
const mkvparser::Chapters* const chapters = s->GetChapters();
if (chapters == NULL) // weird
return true;
const MetadataInfo& info = info_iter->second;
FILE* const file = info.file;
const int edition_count = chapters->GetEditionCount();
if (edition_count <= 0) // weird
return true; // nothing to do
if (edition_count > 1) {
// TODO(matthewjheaney): figure what to do here
printf("more than one chapter edition detected\n");
return false;
const mkvparser::Chapters::Edition* const edition = chapters->GetEdition(0);
const int atom_count = edition->GetAtomCount();
for (int idx = 0; idx < atom_count; ++idx) {
const mkvparser::Chapters::Atom* const atom = edition->GetAtom(idx);
const int display_count = atom->GetDisplayCount();
if (display_count <= 0)
if (display_count > 1) {
// TODO(matthewjheaney): handle case of multiple languages
printf("more than 1 display in atom detected\n");
return false;
const mkvparser::Chapters::Display* const display = atom->GetDisplay(0);
if (const char* language = display->GetLanguage()) {
if (strcmp(language, "eng") != 0) {
// TODO(matthewjheaney): handle case of multiple languages.
// We must create a separate webvtt file for each language.
// This isn't a simple problem (which is why we defer it for
// now), because there's nothing in the header that tells us
// what languages we have as cues. We must parse the displays
// of each atom to determine that.
// One solution is to make two passes over the input data.
// First parse the displays, creating an in-memory cache of
// all the chapter cues, sorted according to their language.
// After we have read all of the chapter atoms from the input
// file, we can then write separate output files for each
// language.
printf("only English-language chapter cues are supported\n");
return false;
if (!WriteChaptersCue(file, chapters, atom, display))
return false;
return true;
bool vttdemux::WriteChaptersCue(FILE* f, const mkvparser::Chapters* chapters,
const mkvparser::Chapters::Atom* atom,
const mkvparser::Chapters::Display* display) {
// We start a new cue by writing a cue separator (an empty line)
// into the stream.
if (fputc('\n', f) < 0)
return false;
// A WebVTT Cue comprises 3 things: a cue identifier, followed by
// the cue timings, followed by the payload of the cue. We write
// each part of the cue in sequence.
if (!WriteChaptersCueIdentifier(f, atom))
return false;
if (!WriteChaptersCueTimings(f, chapters, atom))
return false;
if (!WriteChaptersCuePayload(f, display))
return false;
return true;
bool vttdemux::WriteChaptersCueIdentifier(
FILE* f, const mkvparser::Chapters::Atom* atom) {
const char* const identifier = atom->GetStringUID();
if (identifier == NULL)
return true; // nothing else to do
if (fprintf(f, "%s\n", identifier) < 0)
return false;
return true;
bool vttdemux::WriteChaptersCueTimings(FILE* f,
const mkvparser::Chapters* chapters,
const mkvparser::Chapters::Atom* atom) {
const mkvtime_t start_ns = atom->GetStartTime(chapters);
if (start_ns < 0)
return false;
const mkvtime_t stop_ns = atom->GetStopTime(chapters);
if (stop_ns < 0)
return false;
if (!WriteCueTime(f, start_ns))
return false;
if (fputs(" --> ", f) < 0)
return false;
if (!WriteCueTime(f, stop_ns))
return false;
if (fputc('\n', f) < 0)
return false;
return true;
bool vttdemux::WriteChaptersCuePayload(
FILE* f, const mkvparser::Chapters::Display* display) {
// Bind a Chapter parser object to the display, which allows us to
// extract each line of text from the title-part of the display.
ChapterAtomParser parser(display);
int count = 0; // count of lines of payload text written to output file
for (string line;;) {
const int e = parser.GetLine(&line);
if (e < 0) // error (only -- we allow EOS here)
return false;
if (line.empty()) // TODO(matthewjheaney): retain this check?
if (fprintf(f, "%s\n", line.c_str()) < 0)
return false;
if (count <= 0) // WebVTT cue requires non-empty payload
return false;
return true;
bool vttdemux::ProcessCluster(const metadata_map_t& m,
const mkvparser::Cluster* c) {
// Visit the blocks in this cluster, writing a WebVTT cue for each
// metadata block.
const mkvparser::BlockEntry* block_entry;
long result = c->GetFirst(block_entry); // NOLINT
if (result < 0) {
printf("bad cluster (unable to get first block)\n");
return false;
while (block_entry != NULL && !block_entry->EOS()) {
if (!ProcessBlockEntry(m, block_entry))
return false;
result = c->GetNext(block_entry, block_entry);
if (result < 0) { // error
printf("bad cluster (unable to get next block)\n");
return false;
return true;
bool vttdemux::ProcessBlockEntry(const metadata_map_t& m,
const mkvparser::BlockEntry* block_entry) {
// If the track number for this block is in the cache, then we have
// a metadata block, so write the WebVTT cue to the output file.
const mkvparser::Block* const block = block_entry->GetBlock();
const long long tn = block->GetTrackNumber(); // NOLINT
typedef metadata_map_t::const_iterator iter_t;
const iter_t i = m.find(static_cast<metadata_map_t::key_type>(tn));
if (i == m.end()) // not a metadata track
return true; // nothing else to do
if (block_entry->GetKind() != mkvparser::BlockEntry::kBlockGroup)
return false; // weird
typedef mkvparser::BlockGroup BG;
const BG* const block_group = static_cast<const BG*>(block_entry);
const MetadataInfo& info = i->second;
FILE* const f = info.file;
return WriteCue(f, block_group);
bool vttdemux::WriteCue(FILE* f, const mkvparser::BlockGroup* block_group) {
// Bind a FrameParser object to the block, which allows us to
// extract each line of text from the payload of the block.
FrameParser parser(block_group);
// We start a new cue by writing a cue separator (an empty line)
// into the stream.
if (fputc('\n', f) < 0)
return false;
// A WebVTT Cue comprises 3 things: a cue identifier, followed by
// the cue timings, followed by the payload of the cue. We write
// each part of the cue in sequence.
if (!WriteCueIdentifier(f, &parser))
return false;
if (!WriteCueTimings(f, &parser))
return false;
if (!WriteCuePayload(f, &parser))
return false;
return true;
bool vttdemux::WriteCueIdentifier(FILE* f, FrameParser* parser) {
string line;
int e = parser->GetLine(&line);
if (e) // error or EOS
return false;
// If the cue identifier line is empty, this means that the original
// WebVTT cue did not have a cue identifier, so we don't bother
// writing an extra line terminator to the output file (though doing
// so would be harmless).
if (!line.empty()) {
if (fputs(line.c_str(), f) < 0)
return false;
if (fputc('\n', f) < 0)
return false;
return true;
bool vttdemux::WriteCueTimings(FILE* f, FrameParser* parser) {
const mkvparser::BlockGroup* const block_group = parser->block_group_;
const mkvparser::Cluster* const cluster = block_group->GetCluster();
const mkvparser::Block* const block = block_group->GetBlock();
// A WebVTT Cue "timings" line comprises two parts: the start and
// stop time for this cue, followed by the (optional) cue settings,
// such as orientation of the rendered text or its size. Only the
// settings part of the cue timings line is stored in the WebM
// block. We reconstruct the start and stop times of the WebVTT cue
// from the timestamp and duration of the WebM block.
const mkvtime_t start_ns = block->GetTime(cluster);
if (!WriteCueTime(f, start_ns))
return false;
if (fputs(" --> ", f) < 0)
return false;
const mkvtime_t duration_timecode = block_group->GetDurationTimeCode();
if (duration_timecode < 0)
return false;
const mkvparser::Segment* const segment = cluster->m_pSegment;
const mkvparser::SegmentInfo* const info = segment->GetInfo();
if (info == NULL)
return false;
const mkvtime_t timecode_scale = info->GetTimeCodeScale();
if (timecode_scale <= 0)
return false;
const mkvtime_t duration_ns = duration_timecode * timecode_scale;
const mkvtime_t stop_ns = start_ns + duration_ns;
if (!WriteCueTime(f, stop_ns))
return false;
string line;
int e = parser->GetLine(&line);
if (e) // error or EOS
return false;
if (!line.empty()) {
if (fputc(' ', f) < 0)
return false;
if (fputs(line.c_str(), f) < 0)
return false;
if (fputc('\n', f) < 0)
return false;
return true;
bool vttdemux::WriteCueTime(FILE* f, mkvtime_t time_ns) {
mkvtime_t ms = time_ns / 1000000; // WebVTT time has millisecond resolution
mkvtime_t sec = ms / 1000;
ms -= sec * 1000;
mkvtime_t min = sec / 60;
sec -= 60 * min;
mkvtime_t hr = min / 60;
min -= 60 * hr;
if (hr > 0) {
if (fprintf(f, "%02lld:", hr) < 0)
return false;
if (fprintf(f, "%02lld:%02lld.%03lld", min, sec, ms) < 0)
return false;
return true;
bool vttdemux::WriteCuePayload(FILE* f, FrameParser* parser) {
int count = 0; // count of lines of payload text written to output file
for (string line;;) {
const int e = parser->GetLine(&line);
if (e < 0) // error (only -- we allow EOS here)
return false;
if (line.empty()) // TODO(matthewjheaney): retain this check?
if (fprintf(f, "%s\n", line.c_str()) < 0)
return false;
if (count <= 0) // WebVTT cue requires non-empty payload
return false;
return true;
} // namespace libwebm
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
printf("usage: vttdemux <webmfile>\n");
const char* const filename = argv[1];
mkvparser::MkvReader reader;
int e = reader.Open(filename);
if (e) { // error
printf("unable to open file\n");
libwebm::vttdemux::mkvpos_t pos;
if (!libwebm::vttdemux::ParseHeader(&reader, &pos))
libwebm::vttdemux::segment_ptr_t segment_ptr;
if (!libwebm::vttdemux::ParseSegment(&reader, pos, &segment_ptr))
libwebm::vttdemux::metadata_map_t metadata_map;
BuildMap(segment_ptr.get(), &metadata_map);
if (metadata_map.empty()) {
printf("no WebVTT metadata found\n");
if (!OpenFiles(&metadata_map, filename)) {
CloseFiles(&metadata_map); // nothing to flush, so not strictly necessary
if (!WriteFiles(metadata_map, segment_ptr.get())) {
CloseFiles(&metadata_map); // might as well flush what we do have