Previously the Parser class had an internal function to parse the character stream into separate lines. This functionality was separated out into its own class, LineReader, in order to make this functionality available to clients too. Change-Id: Ic5a1b0b73d7a253cf21cb6b4804b4941fd69c8ab
707 lines
14 KiB
707 lines
14 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2012 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "./webvttparser.h" // NOLINT
#include <climits>
using std::string;
namespace libwebvtt {
enum {
kNUL = '\x00',
kSPACE = ' ',
kTAB = '\x09',
kLF = '\x0A',
kCR = '\x0D'
Reader::~Reader() {
LineReader::~LineReader() {
int LineReader::GetLine(string* line_ptr) {
if (line_ptr == NULL)
return -1;
string& ln = *line_ptr;
// Consume characters from the stream, until we
// reach end-of-line (or end-of-stream).
// The WebVTT spec states that lines may be
// terminated in any of these three ways:
// LF
// CR
// CR LF
// We interrogate each character as we read it from the stream.
// If we detect an end-of-line character, we consume the full
// end-of-line indication, and we're done; otherwise, accumulate
// the character and repeat.
for (;;) {
char c;
const int e = GetChar(&c);
if (e < 0) // error
return e;
if (e > 0) // EOF
return (ln.empty()) ? 1 : 0;
// We have a character, so we must first determine
// whether we have reached end-of-line.
if (c == kLF)
return 0; // handle the easy end-of-line case immediately
if (c == kCR)
break; // handle the hard end-of-line case outside of loop
// To defend against pathological or malicious streams, we
// cap the line length at some arbitrarily-large value:
enum { kMaxLineLength = 10000 }; // arbitrary
if (ln.length() >= kMaxLineLength)
return -1;
// We don't have an end-of-line character, so accumulate
// the character in our line buffer.
// We detected a CR. We must interrogate the next character
// in the stream, to determine whether we have a LF (which
// would make it part of this same line).
char c;
const int e = GetChar(&c);
if (e < 0) // error
return e;
if (e > 0) // EOF
return 0;
// If next character in the stream is not a LF, return it
// to the stream (because it's part of the next line).
if (c != kLF)
return 0;
Parser::Parser(Reader* r) : reader_(r), unget_(-1) {
Parser::~Parser() {
int Parser::Init() {
int e = ParseBOM();
if (e < 0) // error
return e;
if (e > 0) // EOF
return -1;
// Parse "WEBVTT". We read from the stream one character at-a-time, in
// order to defend against non-WebVTT streams (e.g. binary files) that don't
// happen to comprise lines of text demarcated with line terminators.
const char kId[] = "WEBVTT";
for (const char* p = kId; *p; ++p) {
char c;
e = GetChar(&c);
if (e < 0) // error
return e;
if (e > 0) // EOF
return -1;
if (c != *p)
return -1;
string line;
e = GetLine(&line);
if (e < 0) // error
return e;
if (e > 0) // EOF
return 0; // weird but valid
if (!line.empty()) {
// Parse optional characters that follow "WEBVTT"
const char c = line[0];
if (c != kSPACE && c != kTAB)
return -1;
// The WebVTT spec requires that the "WEBVTT" line
// be followed by an empty line (to separate it from
// first cue).
e = GetLine(&line);
if (e < 0) // error
return e;
if (e > 0) // EOF
return 0; // weird but we allow it
if (!line.empty())
return -1;
return 0; // success
int Parser::Parse(Cue* cue) {
if (cue == NULL)
return -1;
// Parse first non-blank line
string line;
int e;
for (;;) {
e = GetLine(&line);
if (e) // EOF is OK here
return e;
if (!line.empty())
// A WebVTT cue comprises an optional cue identifier line followed
// by a (non-optional) timings line. You determine whether you have
// a timings line by scanning for the arrow token, the lexeme of which
// may not appear in the cue identifier line.
const char kArrow[] = "-->";
string::size_type arrow_pos = line.find(kArrow);
if (arrow_pos != string::npos) {
// We found a timings line, which implies that we don't have a cue
// identifier.
} else {
// We did not find a timings line, so we assume that we have a cue
// identifier line, and then try again to find the cue timings on
// the next line.
e = GetLine(&line);
if (e < 0) // error
return e;
if (e > 0) // EOF
return -1;
arrow_pos = line.find(kArrow);
if (arrow_pos == string::npos) // not a timings line
return -1;
e = ParseTimingsLine(&line,
if (e) // error
return e;
// The cue payload comprises all the non-empty
// lines that follow the timings line.
Cue::payload_t& p = cue->payload;
for (;;) {
e = GetLine(&line);
if (e < 0) // error
return e;
if (line.empty())
if (p.empty())
return -1;
return 0; // success
int Parser::GetChar(char* c) {
if (unget_ >= 0) {
*c = static_cast<char>(unget_);
unget_ = -1;
return 0;
return reader_->GetChar(c);
void Parser::UngetChar(char c) {
unget_ = static_cast<unsigned char>(c);
int Parser::ParseBOM() {
// Explanation of UTF-8 BOM:
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark
static const char BOM[] = "\xEF\xBB\xBF"; // UTF-8 BOM
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
char c;
int e = GetChar(&c);
if (e < 0) // error
return e;
if (e > 0) // EOF
return 1;
if (c != BOM[i]) {
if (i == 0) { // we don't have a BOM
return 0; // success
// We started a BOM, so we must finish the BOM.
return -1; // error
return 0; // success
int Parser::ParseTimingsLine(
string* line_ptr,
string::size_type arrow_pos,
Time* start_time,
Time* stop_time,
Cue::settings_t* settings) {
if (line_ptr == NULL)
return -1;
string& line = *line_ptr;
if (arrow_pos == string::npos || arrow_pos >= line.length())
return -1;
// Place a NUL character at the start of the arrow token, in
// order to demarcate the start time from remainder of line.
line[arrow_pos] = kNUL;
string::size_type idx = 0;
int e = ParseTime(line, &idx, start_time);
if (e) // error
return e;
// Detect any junk that follows the start time,
// but precedes the arrow symbol.
while (char c = line[idx]) {
if (c != kSPACE && c != kTAB)
return -1;
// Place a NUL character at the end of the line,
// so the scanner has a place to stop, and begin
// the scan just beyond the arrow token.
idx = arrow_pos + 3;
e = ParseTime(line, &idx, stop_time);
if (e) // error
return e;
e = ParseSettings(line, idx, settings);
if (e) // error
return e;
return 0; // success
int Parser::ParseTime(
const string& line,
string::size_type* idx_ptr,
Time* time) {
if (idx_ptr == NULL)
return -1;
string::size_type& idx = *idx_ptr;
if (idx == string::npos || idx >= line.length())
return -1;
if (time == NULL)
return -1;
// Consume any whitespace that precedes the timestamp.
while (char c = line[idx]) {
if (c != kSPACE && c != kTAB)
// WebVTT timestamp syntax comes in three flavors:
// SS[.sss]
// MM:SS[.sss]
// HH:MM:SS[.sss]
// Parse a generic number value. We don't know which component
// of the time we have yet, until we do more parsing.
int val = ParseNumber(line, &idx);
if (val < 0) // error
return val;
Time& t = *time;
// The presence of a colon character indicates that we have
// an [HH:]MM:SS style syntax.
if (line[idx] == ':') {
// We have either HH:MM:SS or MM:SS
// The value we just parsed is either the hours or minutes.
// It must be followed by another number value (that is
// either minutes or seconds).
const int first_val = val;
++idx; // consume colon
// Parse second value
val = ParseNumber(line, &idx);
if (val < 0)
return val;
if (val >= 60) // either MM or SS
return -1;
if (line[idx] == ':') {
// We have HH:MM:SS
t.hours = first_val;
t.minutes = val; // vetted above
++idx; // consume MM:SS colon
// We have parsed the hours and minutes.
// We must now parse the seconds.
val = ParseNumber(line, &idx);
if (val < 0)
return val;
if (val >= 60) // SS part of HH:MM:SS
return -1;
t.seconds = val;
} else {
// We have MM:SS
// The implication here is that the hour value was omitted
// from the timestamp (because it was 0).
if (first_val >= 60) // minutes
return -1;
t.hours = 0;
t.minutes = first_val;
t.seconds = val; // vetted above
} else {
// We have SS (only)
// The time is expressed as total number of seconds,
// so the seconds value has no upper bound.
t.seconds = val;
// Convert SS to HH:MM:SS
t.minutes = t.seconds / 60;
t.seconds -= t.minutes * 60;
t.hours = t.minutes / 60;
t.minutes -= t.hours * 60;
// We have parsed the hours, minutes, and seconds.
// We must now parse the milliseconds.
if (line[idx] != '.') { // no milliseconds
t.milliseconds = 0;
} else {
++idx; // consume FULL STOP
val = ParseNumber(line, &idx);
if (val < 0)
return val;
if (val >= 1000)
return -1;
if (val < 10)
t.milliseconds = val * 100;
else if (val < 100)
t.milliseconds = val * 10;
t.milliseconds = val;
// We have parsed the time proper. We must check for any
// junk that immediately follows the time specifier.
const char c = line[idx];
if (c != kNUL && c != kSPACE && c != kTAB)
return -1;
return 0; // success
int Parser::ParseSettings(
const string& line,
string::size_type idx,
Cue::settings_t* settings) {
if (idx == string::npos || idx >= line.length())
return -1;
for (;;) {
// We must parse a line comprising a sequence of 0 or more
// NAME:VALUE pairs, separated by whitespace. The line iself is
// terminated with a NUL char (indicating end-of-line).
for (;;) {
const char c = line[idx];
if (c == kNUL) // end-of-line
return 0; // success
if (c != kSPACE && c != kTAB)
++idx; // consume whitespace
// We have consumed the whitespace, and have not yet reached
// end-of-line, so there is something on the line for us to parse.
Setting& s = settings->back();
// Parse the NAME part of the settings pair.
for (;;) {
const char c = line[idx];
if (c == ':') // we have reached end of NAME part
if (c == kNUL || c == kSPACE || c == kTAB)
return -1;
if (s.name.empty())
return -1;
++idx; // consume colon
// Parse the VALUE part of the settings pair.
for (;;) {
const char c = line[idx];
if (c == kNUL || c == kSPACE || c == kTAB)
if (c == ':') // suspicious when part of VALUE
return -1; // TODO(matthewjheaney): verify this behavior
if (s.value.empty())
return -1;
int Parser::ParseNumber(
const string& line,
string::size_type* idx_ptr) {
if (idx_ptr == NULL)
return -1;
string::size_type& idx = *idx_ptr;
if (idx == string::npos || idx >= line.length())
return -1;
if (!isdigit(line[idx]))
return -1;
long long val = 0; // NOLINT
while (isdigit(line[idx])) {
val *= 10;
val += static_cast<int>(line[idx] - '0');
if (val > INT_MAX)
return -1;
return static_cast<int>(val);
bool Time::operator==(const Time& rhs) const {
if (hours != rhs.hours)
return false;
if (minutes != rhs.minutes)
return false;
if (seconds != rhs.seconds)
return false;
return (milliseconds == rhs.milliseconds);
bool Time::operator<(const Time& rhs) const {
if (hours < rhs.hours)
return true;
if (hours > rhs.hours)
return false;
if (minutes < rhs.minutes)
return true;
if (minutes > rhs.minutes)
return false;
if (seconds < rhs.seconds)
return true;
if (seconds > rhs.seconds)
return false;
return (milliseconds < rhs.milliseconds);
bool Time::operator>(const Time& rhs) const {
return rhs.operator<(*this);
bool Time::operator<=(const Time& rhs) const {
return !this->operator>(rhs);
bool Time::operator>=(const Time& rhs) const {
return !this->operator<(rhs);
presentation_t Time::presentation() const {
const presentation_t h = 1000LL * 3600LL * presentation_t(hours);
const presentation_t m = 1000LL * 60LL * presentation_t(minutes);
const presentation_t s = 1000LL * presentation_t(seconds);
const presentation_t result = h + m + s + milliseconds;
return result;
Time& Time::presentation(presentation_t d) {
if (d < 0) { // error
hours = 0;
minutes = 0;
seconds = 0;
milliseconds = 0;
return *this;
seconds = d / 1000;
milliseconds = d - 1000 * seconds;
minutes = seconds / 60;
seconds -= 60 * minutes;
hours = minutes / 60;
minutes -= 60 * hours;
return *this;
Time& Time::operator+=(presentation_t rhs) {
const presentation_t d = this->presentation();
const presentation_t dd = d + rhs;
return *this;
Time Time::operator+(presentation_t d) const {
Time t(*this);
t += d;
return t;
Time& Time::operator-=(presentation_t d) {
return this->operator+=(-d);
presentation_t Time::operator-(const Time& t) const {
const presentation_t rhs = t.presentation();
const presentation_t lhs = this->presentation();
const presentation_t result = lhs - rhs;
return result;
} // namespace libwebvtt