- There was a bug where the calculation for the audio and video track size where the code would calculate the size of the track elements minus the size of the audio or video elements. If the coded size of the track elements was one byte smaller than with the audio or video elements then the muxer would return an error. - Fixed another issue that the track's virtual Size function was calling the Track's PayloadSize function where it should have been calling the virtual PayloadSize function. Change-Id: Ie6d66d6d720334180a11e06926a3bd8c7788a1f1
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842 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2011 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "mkvmuxertypes.hpp"
// For a description of the WebM elements see
// http://www.webmproject.org/code/specs/container/.
namespace mkvmuxer {
class MkvWriter;
// Interface used by the mkvmuxer to write out the Mkv data.
class IMkvWriter {
// Writes out |len| bytes of |buf|. Returns 0 on success.
virtual int32 Write(const void* buf, uint32 len) = 0;
// Returns the offset of the output position from the beginning of the
// output.
virtual int64 Position() const = 0;
// Set the current File position. Returns 0 on success.
virtual int32 Position(int64 position) = 0;
// Returns true if the writer is seekable.
virtual bool Seekable() const = 0;
// Element start notification. Called whenever an element identifier is about
// to be written to the stream. |element_id| is the element identifier, and
// |position| is the location in the WebM stream where the first octet of the
// element identifier will be written.
// Note: the |MkvId| enumeration in webmids.hpp defines element values.
virtual void ElementStartNotify(uint64 element_id, int64 position) = 0;
virtual ~IMkvWriter();
// Writes out the EBML header for a WebM file. This function must be called
// before any other libwebm writing functions are called.
bool WriteEbmlHeader(IMkvWriter* writer);
// Class to hold data the will be written to a block.
class Frame {
// Copies |frame| data into |frame_|. Returns true on success.
bool Init(const uint8* frame, uint64 length);
const uint8* frame() const { return frame_; }
uint64 length() const { return length_; }
void set_track_number(uint64 track_number) { track_number_ = track_number; }
uint64 track_number() const { return track_number_; }
void set_timestamp(uint64 timestamp) { timestamp_ = timestamp; }
uint64 timestamp() const { return timestamp_; }
void set_is_key(bool key) { is_key_ = key; }
bool is_key() const { return is_key_; }
// Pointer to the data. Owned by this class.
uint8* frame_;
// Length of the data.
uint64 length_;
// Mkv track number the data is associated with.
uint64 track_number_;
// Timestamp of the data in nanoseconds.
uint64 timestamp_;
// Flag telling if the data should set the key flag of a block.
bool is_key_;
// Class to hold one cue point in a Cues element.
class CuePoint {
// Returns the size in bytes for the entire CuePoint element.
uint64 Size() const;
// Output the CuePoint element to the writer. Returns true on success.
bool Write(IMkvWriter* writer) const;
void set_time(uint64 time) { time_ = time; }
uint64 time() const { return time_; }
void set_track(uint64 track) { track_ = track; }
uint64 track() const { return track_; }
void set_cluster_pos(uint64 cluster_pos) { cluster_pos_ = cluster_pos; }
uint64 cluster_pos() const { return cluster_pos_; }
void set_block_number(uint64 block_number) { block_number_ = block_number; }
uint64 block_number() const { return block_number_; }
void set_output_block_number(bool output_block_number) {
output_block_number_ = output_block_number;
bool output_block_number() const { return output_block_number_; }
// Returns the size in bytes for the payload of the CuePoint element.
uint64 PayloadSize() const;
// Absolute timecode according to the segment time base.
uint64 time_;
// The Track element associated with the CuePoint.
uint64 track_;
// The position of the Cluster containing the Block.
uint64 cluster_pos_;
// Number of the Block within the Cluster, starting from 1.
uint64 block_number_;
// If true the muxer will write out the block number for the cue if the
// block number is different than the default of 1. Default is set to true.
bool output_block_number_;
// Cues element.
class Cues {
// Adds a cue point to the Cues element. Returns true on success.
bool AddCue(CuePoint* cue);
// Returns the cue point by index. Returns NULL if there is no cue point
// match.
const CuePoint* GetCueByIndex(int32 index) const;
// Output the Cues element to the writer. Returns true on success.
bool Write(IMkvWriter* writer) const;
int32 cue_entries_size() const { return cue_entries_size_; }
void set_output_block_number(bool output_block_number) {
output_block_number_ = output_block_number;
bool output_block_number() const { return output_block_number_; }
// Number of allocated elements in |cue_entries_|.
int32 cue_entries_capacity_;
// Number of CuePoints in |cue_entries_|.
int32 cue_entries_size_;
// CuePoint list.
CuePoint** cue_entries_;
// If true the muxer will write out the block number for the cue if the
// block number is different than the default of 1. Default is set to true.
bool output_block_number_;
// ContentEncoding element
// Elements used to describe if the track data has been encrypted or
// compressed with zlib or header stripping.
// Currently only whole frames can only be encrypted once with AES. This
// dictates that ContentEncodingOrder will be 0, ContentEncodingScope will
// be 1, ContentEncodingType will be 1, and ContentEncAlgo will be 5.
class ContentEncoding {
uint64 enc_algo() const { return enc_algo_; }
uint64 encoding_order() const { return encoding_order_; }
uint64 encoding_scope() const { return encoding_scope_; }
uint64 encoding_type() const { return encoding_type_; }
// Sets the content encryption id. Copies |length| bytes from |id| to
// |enc_key_id_|. Returns true on success.
bool SetEncryptionID(const uint8* id, uint64 length);
// Returns the size in bytes for the ContentEncoding element.
uint64 Size() const;
// Writes out the ContentEncoding element to |writer|. Returns true on
// success.
bool Write(IMkvWriter* writer) const;
// Returns the size in bytes for the encoding elements.
uint64 EncodingSize(uint64 compresion_size, uint64 encryption_size) const;
// Returns the size in bytes for the encryption elements.
uint64 EncryptionSize() const;
// Track element names
uint64 enc_algo_;
uint8* enc_key_id_;
uint64 encoding_order_;
uint64 encoding_scope_;
uint64 encoding_type_;
// Size of the ContentEncKeyID data in bytes.
uint64 enc_key_id_length_;
// Track element.
class Track {
virtual ~Track();
// Adds a ContentEncoding element to the Track. Returns true on success.
virtual bool AddContentEncoding();
// Returns the ContentEncoding by index. Returns NULL if there is no
// ContentEncoding match.
ContentEncoding* GetContentEncodingByIndex(uint32 index) const;
// Returns the size in bytes for the payload of the Track element.
virtual uint64 PayloadSize() const;
// Returns the size in bytes of the Track element.
virtual uint64 Size() const;
// Output the Track element to the writer. Returns true on success.
virtual bool Write(IMkvWriter* writer) const;
// Sets the CodecPrivate element of the Track element. Copies |length|
// bytes from |codec_private| to |codec_private_|. Returns true on success.
bool SetCodecPrivate(const uint8* codec_private, uint64 length);
void set_codec_id(const char* codec_id);
const char* codec_id() const { return codec_id_; }
const uint8* codec_private() const { return codec_private_; }
void set_language(const char* language);
const char* language() const { return language_; }
void set_name(const char* name);
const char* name() const { return name_; }
void set_number(uint64 number) { number_ = number; }
uint64 number() const { return number_; }
void set_type(uint64 type) { type_ = type; }
uint64 type() const { return type_; }
uint64 uid() const { return uid_; }
uint64 codec_private_length() const { return codec_private_length_; }
uint32 content_encoding_entries_size() const {
return content_encoding_entries_size_;
// Returns a random number to be used for the Track UID.
static uint64 MakeUID();
// Track element names
char* codec_id_;
uint8* codec_private_;
char* language_;
char* name_;
uint64 number_;
uint64 type_;
const uint64 uid_;
// Size of the CodecPrivate data in bytes.
uint64 codec_private_length_;
// ContentEncoding element list.
ContentEncoding** content_encoding_entries_;
// Number of ContentEncoding elements added.
uint32 content_encoding_entries_size_;
// Flag telling if the rand call was seeded.
static bool is_seeded_;
// Track that has video specific elements.
class VideoTrack : public Track {
// Supported modes for stereo 3D.
enum StereoMode {
kMono = 0,
kSideBySideLeftIsFirst = 1,
kTopBottomRightIsFirst = 2,
kTopBottomLeftIsFirst = 3,
kSideBySideRightIsFirst = 11
virtual ~VideoTrack();
// Returns the size in bytes for the payload of the Track element plus the
// video specific elements.
virtual uint64 PayloadSize() const;
// Output the VideoTrack element to the writer. Returns true on success.
virtual bool Write(IMkvWriter* writer) const;
// Sets the video's stereo mode. Returns true on success.
bool SetStereoMode(uint64 stereo_mode);
void set_display_height(uint64 height) { display_height_ = height; }
uint64 display_height() const { return display_height_; }
void set_display_width(uint64 width) { display_width_ = width; }
uint64 display_width() const { return display_width_; }
void set_frame_rate(double frame_rate) { frame_rate_ = frame_rate; }
double frame_rate() const { return frame_rate_; }
void set_height(uint64 height) { height_ = height; }
uint64 height() const { return height_; }
uint64 stereo_mode() { return stereo_mode_; }
void set_width(uint64 width) { width_ = width; }
uint64 width() const { return width_; }
// Returns the size in bytes of the Video element.
uint64 VideoPayloadSize() const;
// Video track element names.
uint64 display_height_;
uint64 display_width_;
double frame_rate_;
uint64 height_;
uint64 stereo_mode_;
uint64 width_;
// Track that has audio specific elements.
class AudioTrack : public Track {
virtual ~AudioTrack();
// Returns the size in bytes for the payload of the Track element plus the
// audio specific elements.
virtual uint64 PayloadSize() const;
// Output the AudioTrack element to the writer. Returns true on success.
virtual bool Write(IMkvWriter* writer) const;
void set_bit_depth(uint64 bit_depth) { bit_depth_ = bit_depth; }
uint64 bit_depth() const { return bit_depth_; }
void set_channels(uint64 channels) { channels_ = channels; }
uint64 channels() const { return channels_; }
void set_sample_rate(double sample_rate) { sample_rate_ = sample_rate; }
double sample_rate() const { return sample_rate_; }
// Audio track element names.
uint64 bit_depth_;
uint64 channels_;
double sample_rate_;
// Tracks element
class Tracks {
// Audio and video type defined by the Matroska specs.
enum {
kVideo = 0x1,
kAudio = 0x2
// Vorbis and VP8 coded id defined by the Matroska specs.
static const char* const kVorbisCodecId;
static const char* const kVp8CodecId;
// Adds a Track element to the Tracks object. |track| will be owned and
// deleted by the Tracks object. Returns true on success. |number| is the
// number to use for the track. |number| must be >= 0. If |number| == 0
// then the muxer will decide on the track number.
bool AddTrack(Track* track, int32 number);
// Returns the track by index. Returns NULL if there is no track match.
const Track* GetTrackByIndex(uint32 idx) const;
// Search the Tracks and return the track that matches |tn|. Returns NULL
// if there is no track match.
Track* GetTrackByNumber(uint64 track_number) const;
// Returns true if the track number is an audio track.
bool TrackIsAudio(uint64 track_number) const;
// Returns true if the track number is a video track.
bool TrackIsVideo(uint64 track_number) const;
// Output the Tracks element to the writer. Returns true on success.
bool Write(IMkvWriter* writer) const;
uint32 track_entries_size() const { return track_entries_size_; }
// Track element list.
Track** track_entries_;
// Number of Track elements added.
uint32 track_entries_size_;
// Cluster element
// Notes:
// |Init| must be called before any other method in this class.
class Cluster {
Cluster(uint64 timecode, int64 cues_pos);
// |timecode| is the absolute timecode of the cluster. |cues_pos| is the
// position for the cluster within the segment that should be written in
// the cues element.
bool Init(IMkvWriter* ptr_writer);
// Adds a frame to be output in the file. The frame is written out through
// |writer_| if successful. Returns true on success.
// Inputs:
// frame: Pointer to the data
// length: Length of the data
// track_number: Track to add the data to. Value returned by Add track
// functions.
// timestamp: Timecode of the frame relative to the cluster timecode.
// is_key: Flag telling whether or not this frame is a key frame.
bool AddFrame(const uint8* frame,
uint64 length,
uint64 track_number,
short timecode,
bool is_key);
// Increments the size of the cluster's data in bytes.
void AddPayloadSize(uint64 size);
// Closes the cluster so no more data can be written to it. Will update the
// cluster's size if |writer_| is seekable. Returns true on success.
bool Finalize();
// Returns the size in bytes for the entire Cluster element.
uint64 Size() const;
int32 blocks_added() const { return blocks_added_; }
uint64 payload_size() const { return payload_size_; }
int64 position_for_cues() const { return position_for_cues_; }
uint64 timecode() const { return timecode_; }
// Outputs the Cluster header to |writer_|. Returns true on success.
bool WriteClusterHeader();
// Number of blocks added to the cluster.
int32 blocks_added_;
// Flag telling if the cluster has been closed.
bool finalized_;
// Flag telling if the cluster's header has been written.
bool header_written_;
// The size of the cluster elements in bytes.
uint64 payload_size_;
// The file position used for cue points.
const int64 position_for_cues_;
// The file position of the cluster's size element.
int64 size_position_;
// The absolute timecode of the cluster.
const uint64 timecode_;
// Pointer to the writer object. Not owned by this class.
IMkvWriter* writer_;
// SeekHead element
class SeekHead {
// TODO(fgalligan): Change this to reserve a certain size. Then check how
// big the seek entry to be added is as not every seek entry will be the
// maximum size it could be.
// Adds a seek entry to be written out when the element is finalized. |id|
// must be the coded mkv element id. |pos| is the file position of the
// element. Returns true on success.
bool AddSeekEntry(uint32 id, uint64 pos);
// Writes out SeekHead and SeekEntry elements. Returns true on success.
bool Finalize(IMkvWriter* writer) const;
// Reserves space by writing out a Void element which will be updated with
// a SeekHead element later. Returns true on success.
bool Write(IMkvWriter* writer);
// We are going to put a cap on the number of Seek Entries.
const static int32 kSeekEntryCount = 4;
// Returns the maximum size in bytes of one seek entry.
uint64 MaxEntrySize() const;
// Seek entry id element list.
uint32 seek_entry_id_[kSeekEntryCount];
// Seek entry pos element list.
uint64 seek_entry_pos_[kSeekEntryCount];
// The file position of SeekHead element.
int64 start_pos_;
// Segment Information element
class SegmentInfo {
// Will update the duration if |duration_| is > 0.0. Returns true on success.
bool Finalize(IMkvWriter* writer) const;
// Sets |muxing_app_| and |writing_app_|.
bool Init();
// Output the Segment Information element to the writer. Returns true on
// success.
bool Write(IMkvWriter* writer);
void set_duration(double duration) { duration_ = duration; }
double duration() const { return duration_; }
const char* muxing_app() const { return muxing_app_; }
void set_timecode_scale(uint64 scale) { timecode_scale_ = scale; }
uint64 timecode_scale() const { return timecode_scale_; }
void set_writing_app(const char* app);
const char* writing_app() const { return writing_app_; }
// Segment Information element names.
// Initially set to -1 to signify that a duration has not been set and should
// not be written out.
double duration_;
// Set to libwebm-%d.%d.%d.%d, major, minor, build, revision.
char* muxing_app_;
uint64 timecode_scale_;
// Initially set to libwebm-%d.%d.%d.%d, major, minor, build, revision.
char* writing_app_;
// The file position of the duration element.
int64 duration_pos_;
// This class represents the main segment in a WebM file. Currently only
// supports one Segment element.
// Notes:
// |Init| must be called before any other method in this class.
class Segment {
enum Mode {
kLive = 0x1,
kFile = 0x2
const static uint64 kDefaultMaxClusterDuration = 30000000000ULL;
// Initializes |SegmentInfo| and returns result. Always returns false when
// |ptr_writer| is NULL.
bool Init(IMkvWriter* ptr_writer);
// Adds an audio track to the segment. Returns the number of the track on
// success, 0 on error.
uint64 AddAudioTrack(int32 sample_rate, int32 channels);
// Adds an audio track to the segment. Returns the number of the track on
// success, 0 on error. |number| is the number to use for the audio track.
// |number| must be >= 0. If |number| == 0 then the muxer will decide on
// the track number.
uint64 AddAudioTrack(int32 sample_rate, int32 channels, int32 number);
// Adds a frame to be output in the file. Returns true on success.
// Inputs:
// frame: Pointer to the data
// length: Length of the data
// track_number: Track to add the data to. Value returned by Add track
// functions.
// timestamp: Timestamp of the frame in nanoseconds from 0.
// is_key: Flag telling whether or not this frame is a key frame.
bool AddFrame(const uint8* frame,
uint64 length,
uint64 track_number,
uint64 timestamp,
bool is_key);
// Adds a video track to the segment. Returns the number of the track on
// success, 0 on error.
uint64 AddVideoTrack(int32 width, int32 height);
// Adds a video track to the segment. Returns the number of the track on
// success, 0 on error. |number| is the number to use for the video track.
// |number| must be >= 0. If |number| == 0 then the muxer will decide on
// the track number.
uint64 AddVideoTrack(int32 width, int32 height, int32 number);
// Sets which track to use for the Cues element. Must have added the track
// before calling this function. Returns true on success. |track_number| is
// returned by the Add track functions.
bool CuesTrack(uint64 track_number);
// Writes out any frames that have not been written out. Finalizes the last
// cluster. May update the size and duration of the segment. May output the
// Cues element. May finalize the SeekHead element. Returns true on success.
bool Finalize();
// Returns the Cues object.
Cues* GetCues() { return &cues_; }
// Returns the Segment Information object.
SegmentInfo* GetSegmentInfo() { return &segment_info_; }
// Search the Tracks and return the track that matches |track_number|.
// Returns NULL if there is no track match.
Track* GetTrackByNumber(uint64 track_number) const;
// Toggles whether to output a cues element.
void OutputCues(bool output_cues);
// Sets if the muxer will output files in chunks or not. |chunking| is a
// flag telling whether or not to turn on chunking. |filename| is the base
// filename for the chunk files. The header chunk file will be named
// |filename|.hdr and the data chunks will be named
// |filename|_XXXXXX.chk. Chunking implies that the muxer will be writing
// to files so the muxer will use the default MkvWriter class to control
// what data is written to what files. Returns true on success.
// TODO: Should we change the IMkvWriter Interface to add Open and Close?
// That will force the interface to be dependent on files.
bool SetChunking(bool chunking, const char* filename);
bool chunking() const { return chunking_; }
uint64 cues_track() const { return cues_track_; }
void set_max_cluster_duration(uint64 max_cluster_duration) {
max_cluster_duration_ = max_cluster_duration;
uint64 max_cluster_duration() const { return max_cluster_duration_; }
void set_max_cluster_size(uint64 max_cluster_size) {
max_cluster_size_ = max_cluster_size;
uint64 max_cluster_size() const { return max_cluster_size_; }
void set_mode(Mode mode) { mode_ = mode; }
Mode mode() const { return mode_; }
bool output_cues() const { return output_cues_; }
const SegmentInfo* segment_info() const { return &segment_info_; }
// Adds a cue point to the Cues element. |timestamp| is the time in
// nanoseconds of the cue's time. Returns true on success.
bool AddCuePoint(uint64 timestamp);
// Checks if header information has been output and initialized. If not it
// will output the Segment element and initialize the SeekHead elment and
// Cues elements.
bool CheckHeaderInfo();
// Sets |name| according to how many chunks have been written. |ext| is the
// file extension. |name| must be deleted by the calling app. Returns true
// on success.
bool UpdateChunkName(const char* ext, char** name) const;
// Returns the maximum offset within the segment's payload. When chunking
// this function is needed to determine offsets of elements within the
// chunked files. Returns -1 on error.
int64 MaxOffset();
// Adds the frame to our frame array.
bool QueueFrame(Frame* frame);
// Output all frames that are queued. Returns true on success and if there
// are no frames queued.
bool WriteFramesAll();
// Output all frames that are queued that have an end time that is less
// then |timestamp|. Returns true on success and if there are no frames
// queued.
bool WriteFramesLessThan(uint64 timestamp);
// Outputs the segment header, Segment Information element, SeekHead element,
// and Tracks element to |writer_|.
bool WriteSegmentHeader();
// WebM elements
Cues cues_;
SeekHead seek_head_;
SegmentInfo segment_info_;
Tracks tracks_;
// Number of chunks written.
int chunk_count_;
// Current chunk filename.
char* chunk_name_;
// Default MkvWriter object created by this class used for writing clusters
// out in separate files.
MkvWriter* chunk_writer_cluster_;
// Default MkvWriter object created by this class used for writing Cues
// element out to a file.
MkvWriter* chunk_writer_cues_;
// Default MkvWriter object created by this class used for writing the
// Matroska header out to a file.
MkvWriter* chunk_writer_header_;
// Flag telling whether or not the muxer is chunking output to multiple
// files.
bool chunking_;
// Base filename for the chunked files.
char* chunking_base_name_;
// List of clusters.
Cluster** cluster_list_;
// Number of cluster pointers allocated in the cluster list.
int32 cluster_list_capacity_;
// Number of clusters in the cluster list.
int32 cluster_list_size_;
// Track number that is associated with the cues element for this segment.
uint64 cues_track_;
// List of stored audio frames. These variables are used to store frames so
// the muxer can follow the guideline "Audio blocks that contain the video
// key frame's timecode should be in the same cluster as the video key frame
// block."
Frame** frames_;
// Number of frame pointers allocated in the frame list.
int32 frames_capacity_;
// Number of frames in the frame list.
int32 frames_size_;
// Flag telling if a video track has been added to the segment.
bool has_video_;
// Flag telling if the segment's header has been written.
bool header_written_;
// Last timestamp in nanoseconds added to a cluster.
uint64 last_timestamp_;
// Maximum time in nanoseconds for a cluster duration. This variable is a
// guideline and some clusters may have a longer duration. Default is 30
// seconds.
uint64 max_cluster_duration_;
// Maximum size in bytes for a cluster. This variable is a guideline and
// some clusters may have a larger size. Default is 0 which signifies that
// the muxer will decide the size.
uint64 max_cluster_size_;
// The mode that segment is in. If set to |kLive| the writer must not
// seek backwards.
Mode mode_;
// Flag telling the muxer that a new cluster should be started with the next
// frame.
bool new_cluster_;
// Flag telling the muxer that a new cue point should be added.
bool new_cuepoint_;
// TODO(fgalligan): Should we add support for more than one Cues element?
// Flag whether or not the muxer should output a Cues element.
bool output_cues_;
// The file position of the segment's payload.
int64 payload_pos_;
// The file position of the element's size.
int64 size_position_;
// Pointer to the writer objects. Not owned by this class.
IMkvWriter* writer_cluster_;
IMkvWriter* writer_cues_;
IMkvWriter* writer_header_;
} //end namespace mkvmuxer