Previously, parsing of a Block element was done inside its constructor. Parsing errors were handled via assertion checks, but this only works in practice if there are no actual errors in the file. We did come across a file, however, that used EMBL-style lacing, but the lacing was done incorrectly and so the parse asserted. This isn't acceptable for a production system, and more a graceful handling of parse errors was needed. The code was restructured such that the Block object's ctor does only trivial initialization of member variables. A separate Parse method was added, that is called after the object is constructed. If the parse succeeds all is well, otherwise the object is destroyed and the error is reported to the caller. This commit fixes bug tracker issue #398, described here: http://code.google.com/p/webm/issues/detail?id=398 Change-Id: Ib95ca95d0eec08cf670b308c461e42ed8345e890
311 lines
9.5 KiB
311 lines
9.5 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// This sample application demonstrates how to use the matroska parser
// library, which allows clients to handle a matroska format file.
#include "mkvreader.hpp"
#include "mkvparser.hpp"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Silences these warnings:
// warning C4996: 'mbstowcs': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider
// using mbstowcs_s instead. To disable deprecation, use
// _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
// Fixing this warning requires use of a function available only on Windows,
// and this sample code must support non-windows platforms.
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
static const wchar_t* utf8towcs(const char* str)
if (str == NULL)
return NULL;
//TODO: this probably requires that the locale be
//configured somehow:
const size_t size = mbstowcs(NULL, str, 0);
if (size == 0)
return NULL;
wchar_t* const val = new wchar_t[size+1];
mbstowcs(val, str, size);
val[size] = L'\0';
return val;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc == 1)
printf("\t\t\tMkv Parser Sample Application\n");
printf("\t\t\tUsage: \n");
printf("\t\t\t ./sample [input file] \n");
printf("\t\t\t ./sample sample.mkv \n");
return -1;
using namespace mkvparser;
MkvReader reader;
if (reader.Open(argv[1]))
printf("\n Filename is invalid or error while opening.\n");
return -1;
int maj, min, build, rev;
GetVersion(maj, min, build, rev);
printf("\t\t libmkv verison: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", maj, min, build, rev);
long long pos = 0;
EBMLHeader ebmlHeader;
ebmlHeader.Parse(&reader, pos);
printf("\t\t\t EBML Header\n");
printf("\t\tEBML Version\t\t: %lld\n", ebmlHeader.m_version);
printf("\t\tEBML MaxIDLength\t: %lld\n", ebmlHeader.m_maxIdLength);
printf("\t\tEBML MaxSizeLength\t: %lld\n", ebmlHeader.m_maxSizeLength);
printf("\t\tDoc Type\t\t: %s\n", ebmlHeader.m_docType);
printf("\t\tPos\t\t\t: %lld\n", pos);
mkvparser::Segment* pSegment;
long long ret = mkvparser::Segment::CreateInstance(&reader, pos, pSegment);
if (ret)
printf("\n Segment::CreateInstance() failed.");
return -1;
ret = pSegment->Load();
if (ret < 0)
printf("\n Segment::Load() failed.");
return -1;
const SegmentInfo* const pSegmentInfo = pSegment->GetInfo();
const long long timeCodeScale = pSegmentInfo->GetTimeCodeScale();
const long long duration_ns = pSegmentInfo->GetDuration();
const char* const pTitle_ = pSegmentInfo->GetTitleAsUTF8();
const wchar_t* const pTitle = utf8towcs(pTitle_);
const char* const pMuxingApp_ = pSegmentInfo->GetMuxingAppAsUTF8();
const wchar_t* const pMuxingApp = utf8towcs(pMuxingApp_);
const char* const pWritingApp_ = pSegmentInfo->GetWritingAppAsUTF8();
const wchar_t* const pWritingApp = utf8towcs(pWritingApp_);
printf("\t\t\t Segment Info\n");
printf("\t\tTimeCodeScale\t\t: %lld \n", timeCodeScale);
printf("\t\tDuration\t\t: %lld\n", duration_ns);
const double duration_sec = double(duration_ns) / 1000000000;
printf("\t\tDuration(secs)\t\t: %7.3lf\n", duration_sec);
if (pTitle == NULL)
printf("\t\tTrack Name\t\t: NULL\n");
printf("\t\tTrack Name\t\t: %ls\n", pTitle);
delete [] pTitle;
if (pMuxingApp == NULL)
printf("\t\tMuxing App\t\t: NULL\n");
printf("\t\tMuxing App\t\t: %ls\n", pMuxingApp);
delete [] pMuxingApp;
if (pWritingApp == NULL)
printf("\t\tWriting App\t\t: NULL\n");
printf("\t\tWriting App\t\t: %ls\n", pWritingApp);
delete [] pWritingApp;
// pos of segment payload
printf("\t\tPosition(Segment)\t: %lld\n", pSegment->m_start);
// size of segment payload
printf("\t\tSize(Segment)\t\t: %lld\n", pSegment->m_size);
const mkvparser::Tracks* pTracks = pSegment->GetTracks();
unsigned long i = 0;
const unsigned long j = pTracks->GetTracksCount();
enum { VIDEO_TRACK = 1, AUDIO_TRACK = 2 };
printf("\n\t\t\t Track Info\n");
while (i != j)
const Track* const pTrack = pTracks->GetTrackByIndex(i++);
if (pTrack == NULL)
const long long trackType = pTrack->GetType();
const long long trackNumber = pTrack->GetNumber();
const unsigned long long trackUid = pTrack->GetUid();
const wchar_t* const pTrackName = utf8towcs(pTrack->GetNameAsUTF8());
printf("\t\tTrack Type\t\t: %lld\n", trackType);
printf("\t\tTrack Number\t\t: %lld\n", trackNumber);
printf("\t\tTrack Uid\t\t: %lld\n", trackUid);
if (pTrackName == NULL)
printf("\t\tTrack Name\t\t: NULL\n");
printf("\t\tTrack Name\t\t: %ls \n", pTrackName);
delete [] pTrackName;
const char* const pCodecId = pTrack->GetCodecId();
if (pCodecId == NULL)
printf("\t\tCodec Id\t\t: NULL\n");
printf("\t\tCodec Id\t\t: %s\n", pCodecId);
const char* const pCodecName_ = pTrack->GetCodecNameAsUTF8();
const wchar_t* const pCodecName = utf8towcs(pCodecName_);
if (pCodecName == NULL)
printf("\t\tCodec Name\t\t: NULL\n");
printf("\t\tCodec Name\t\t: %ls\n", pCodecName);
delete [] pCodecName;
if (trackType == VIDEO_TRACK)
const VideoTrack* const pVideoTrack =
static_cast<const VideoTrack*>(pTrack);
const long long width = pVideoTrack->GetWidth();
printf("\t\tVideo Width\t\t: %lld\n", width);
const long long height = pVideoTrack->GetHeight();
printf("\t\tVideo Height\t\t: %lld\n", height);
const double rate = pVideoTrack->GetFrameRate();
printf("\t\tVideo Rate\t\t: %f\n",rate);
if (trackType == AUDIO_TRACK)
const AudioTrack* const pAudioTrack =
static_cast<const AudioTrack*>(pTrack);
const long long channels = pAudioTrack->GetChannels();
printf("\t\tAudio Channels\t\t: %lld\n", channels);
const long long bitDepth = pAudioTrack->GetBitDepth();
printf("\t\tAudio BitDepth\t\t: %lld\n", bitDepth);
const double sampleRate = pAudioTrack->GetSamplingRate();
printf("\t\tAddio Sample Rate\t: %.3f\n", sampleRate);
printf("\n\n\t\t\t Cluster Info\n");
const unsigned long clusterCount = pSegment->GetCount();
printf("\t\tCluster Count\t: %ld\n\n", clusterCount);
if (clusterCount == 0)
printf("\t\tSegment has no clusters.\n");
delete pSegment;
return -1;
const mkvparser::Cluster* pCluster = pSegment->GetFirst();
while ((pCluster != NULL) && !pCluster->EOS())
const long long timeCode = pCluster->GetTimeCode();
printf("\t\tCluster Time Code\t: %lld\n", timeCode);
const long long time_ns = pCluster->GetTime();
printf("\t\tCluster Time (ns)\t: %lld\n", time_ns);
const BlockEntry* pBlockEntry;
long status = pCluster->GetFirst(pBlockEntry);
if (status < 0) //error
printf("\t\tError parsing first block of cluster\n");
goto done;
while ((pBlockEntry != NULL) && !pBlockEntry->EOS())
const Block* const pBlock = pBlockEntry->GetBlock();
const long long trackNum = pBlock->GetTrackNumber();
const unsigned long tn = static_cast<unsigned long>(trackNum);
const Track* const pTrack = pTracks->GetTrackByNumber(tn);
const long long trackType = pTrack->GetType();
const int frameCount = pBlock->GetFrameCount();
const long long time_ns = pBlock->GetTime(pCluster);
(trackType == VIDEO_TRACK) ? "V" : "A",
pBlock->IsKey() ? "I" : "P",
for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; ++i)
const Block::Frame& theFrame = pBlock->GetFrame(i);
const long size = theFrame.len;
const long long offset = theFrame.pos;
printf("\t\t\t %15ld,%15llx\n", size, offset);
status = pCluster->GetNext(pBlockEntry, pBlockEntry);
if (status < 0)
printf("\t\t\tError parsing next block of cluster\n");
goto done;
pCluster = pSegment->GetNext(pCluster);
delete pSegment;
return 0;