// Copyright (c) 2012 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source // tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found // in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may // be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. // // This sample application demonstrates how to use the matroska parser // library, which allows clients to handle a matroska format file. #include "sample_muxer_metadata.h" #include #include "vttreader.h" SampleMuxerMetadata::SampleMuxerMetadata() : segment_(NULL) { } bool SampleMuxerMetadata::Init(mkvmuxer::Segment* segment) { if (segment == NULL || segment_ != NULL) return false; segment_ = segment; return true; } bool SampleMuxerMetadata::Load(const char* file, Kind kind) { if (kind == kChapters) return LoadChapters(file); mkvmuxer::uint64 track_num; if (!AddTrack(kind, &track_num)) { printf("Unable to add track for WebVTT file \"%s\"\n", file); return false; } return Parse(file, kind, track_num); } bool SampleMuxerMetadata::AddChapters() { typedef cue_list_t::const_iterator iter_t; iter_t i = chapter_cues_.begin(); const iter_t j = chapter_cues_.end(); while (i != j) { const cue_t& chapter = *i++; if (!AddChapter(chapter)) return false; } return true; } bool SampleMuxerMetadata::Write(mkvmuxer::int64 time_ns) { typedef cues_set_t::iterator iter_t; iter_t i = cues_set_.begin(); const iter_t j = cues_set_.end(); while (i != j) { const cues_set_t::value_type& v = *i; if (time_ns >= 0 && v > time_ns) return true; // nothing else to do just yet if (!v.Write(segment_)) { printf("\nCould not add metadata.\n"); return false; // error } cues_set_.erase(i++); } return true; } bool SampleMuxerMetadata::LoadChapters(const char* file) { if (!chapter_cues_.empty()) { printf("Support for more than one chapters file is not yet implemented\n"); return false; } cue_list_t cues; if (!ParseChapters(file, &cues)) return false; // TODO(matthewjheaney): support more than one chapters file chapter_cues_.swap(cues); return true; } bool SampleMuxerMetadata::ParseChapters( const char* file, cue_list_t* cues_ptr) { cue_list_t& cues = *cues_ptr; cues.clear(); libwebvtt::VttReader r; int e = r.Open(file); if (e) { printf("Unable to open WebVTT file: \"%s\"\n", file); return false; } libwebvtt::Parser p(&r); e = p.Init(); if (e < 0) { // error printf("Error parsing WebVTT file: \"%s\"\n", file); return false; } libwebvtt::Time t; t.hours = -1; for (;;) { cue_t c; e = p.Parse(&c); if (e < 0) { // error printf("Error parsing WebVTT file: \"%s\"\n", file); return false; } if (e > 0) // EOF return true; if (c.start_time < t) { printf("bad WebVTT cue timestamp (out-of-order)\n"); return false; } if (c.stop_time < c.start_time) { printf("bad WebVTT cue timestamp (stop < start)\n"); return false; } t = c.start_time; cues.push_back(c); } } bool SampleMuxerMetadata::AddChapter(const cue_t& cue) { // TODO(matthewjheaney): support language and country mkvmuxer::Chapter* const chapter = segment_->AddChapter(); if (chapter == NULL) { printf("Unable to add chapter\n"); return false; } if (cue.identifier.empty()) { chapter->set_id(NULL); } else { const char* const id = cue.identifier.c_str(); if (!chapter->set_id(id)) { printf("Unable to set chapter id\n"); return false; } } typedef libwebvtt::presentation_t time_ms_t; const time_ms_t start_time_ms = cue.start_time.presentation(); const time_ms_t stop_time_ms = cue.stop_time.presentation(); enum { kNsPerMs = 1000000 }; const mkvmuxer::uint64 start_time_ns = start_time_ms * kNsPerMs; const mkvmuxer::uint64 stop_time_ns = stop_time_ms * kNsPerMs; chapter->set_time(*segment_, start_time_ns, stop_time_ns); typedef libwebvtt::Cue::payload_t::const_iterator iter_t; iter_t i = cue.payload.begin(); const iter_t j = cue.payload.end(); std::string title; for (;;) { title += *i++; if (i == j) break; enum { kLF = '\x0A' }; title += kLF; } if (!chapter->add_string(title.c_str(), NULL, NULL)) { printf("Unable to set chapter title\n"); return false; } return true; } bool SampleMuxerMetadata::AddTrack( Kind kind, mkvmuxer::uint64* track_num) { *track_num = 0; // Track number value 0 means "let muxer choose track number" mkvmuxer::Track* const track = segment_->AddTrack(0); if (track == NULL) // error return false; // Return the track number value chosen by the muxer *track_num = track->number(); int type; const char* codec_id; switch (kind) { case kSubtitles: type = 0x11; codec_id = "D_WEBVTT/SUBTITLES"; break; case kCaptions: type = 0x11; codec_id = "D_WEBVTT/CAPTIONS"; break; case kDescriptions: type = 0x21; codec_id = "D_WEBVTT/DESCRIPTIONS"; break; case kMetadata: type = 0x21; codec_id = "D_WEBVTT/METADATA"; break; default: return false; } track->set_type(type); track->set_codec_id(codec_id); // TODO(matthewjheaney): set name and language return true; } bool SampleMuxerMetadata::Parse( const char* file, Kind /* kind */, mkvmuxer::uint64 track_num) { libwebvtt::VttReader r; int e = r.Open(file); if (e) { printf("Unable to open WebVTT file: \"%s\"\n", file); return false; } libwebvtt::Parser p(&r); e = p.Init(); if (e < 0) { // error printf("Error parsing WebVTT file: \"%s\"\n", file); return false; } SortableCue cue; cue.track_num = track_num; libwebvtt::Time t; t.hours = -1; for (;;) { cue_t& c = cue.cue; e = p.Parse(&c); if (e < 0) { // error printf("Error parsing WebVTT file: \"%s\"\n", file); return false; } if (e > 0) // EOF return true; if (c.start_time >= t) { t = c.start_time; } else { printf("bad WebVTT cue timestamp (out-of-order)\n"); return false; } if (c.stop_time < c.start_time) { printf("bad WebVTT cue timestamp (stop < start)\n"); return false; } cues_set_.insert(cue); } } void SampleMuxerMetadata::MakeFrame(const cue_t& c, std::string* pf) { pf->clear(); WriteCueIdentifier(c.identifier, pf); WriteCueSettings(c.settings, pf); WriteCuePayload(c.payload, pf); } void SampleMuxerMetadata::WriteCueIdentifier( const std::string& identifier, std::string* pf) { pf->append(identifier); pf->push_back('\x0A'); // LF } void SampleMuxerMetadata::WriteCueSettings( const cue_t::settings_t& settings, std::string* pf) { if (settings.empty()) { pf->push_back('\x0A'); // LF return; } typedef cue_t::settings_t::const_iterator iter_t; iter_t i = settings.begin(); const iter_t j = settings.end(); for (;;) { const libwebvtt::Setting& setting = *i++; pf->append(setting.name); pf->push_back(':'); pf->append(setting.value); if (i == j) break; pf->push_back(' '); // separate settings with whitespace } pf->push_back('\x0A'); // LF } void SampleMuxerMetadata::WriteCuePayload( const cue_t::payload_t& payload, std::string* pf) { typedef cue_t::payload_t::const_iterator iter_t; iter_t i = payload.begin(); const iter_t j = payload.end(); while (i != j) { const std::string& line = *i++; pf->append(line); pf->push_back('\x0A'); // LF } } bool SampleMuxerMetadata::SortableCue::Write( mkvmuxer::Segment* segment) const { // Cue start time expressed in milliseconds const mkvmuxer::int64 start_ms = cue.start_time.presentation(); // Cue start time expressed in nanoseconds (MKV time) const mkvmuxer::int64 start_ns = start_ms * 1000000; // Cue stop time expressed in milliseconds const mkvmuxer::int64 stop_ms = cue.stop_time.presentation(); // Cue stop time expressed in nanonseconds const mkvmuxer::int64 stop_ns = stop_ms * 1000000; // Metadata blocks always specify the block duration. const mkvmuxer::int64 duration_ns = stop_ns - start_ns; std::string frame; MakeFrame(cue, &frame); typedef const mkvmuxer::uint8* data_t; const data_t buf = reinterpret_cast(frame.data()); const mkvmuxer::uint64 len = frame.length(); return segment->AddMetadata(buf, len, track_num, start_ns, duration_ns); }