The current file's directory, ".", is treated much more literally when building libvpx examples with Xcode than it is with make, and clang cannot find common include files included via "./" when those files actually reside one directory up in the tree. Change-Id: I5f66a026282e35d80248ca4052ebb882b859172e
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257 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// Simple Encoder
// ==============
// This is an example of a simple encoder loop. It takes an input file in
// YV12 format, passes it through the encoder, and writes the compressed
// frames to disk in IVF format. Other decoder examples build upon this
// one.
// The details of the IVF format have been elided from this example for
// simplicity of presentation, as IVF files will not generally be used by
// your application. In general, an IVF file consists of a file header,
// followed by a variable number of frames. Each frame consists of a frame
// header followed by a variable length payload. The length of the payload
// is specified in the first four bytes of the frame header. The payload is
// the raw compressed data.
// Standard Includes
// -----------------
// For encoders, you only have to include `vpx_encoder.h` and then any
// header files for the specific codecs you use. In this case, we're using
// vp8.
// Getting The Default Configuration
// ---------------------------------
// Encoders have the notion of "usage profiles." For example, an encoder
// may want to publish default configurations for both a video
// conferencing application and a best quality offline encoder. These
// obviously have very different default settings. Consult the
// documentation for your codec to see if it provides any default
// configurations. All codecs provide a default configuration, number 0,
// which is valid for material in the vacinity of QCIF/QVGA.
// Updating The Configuration
// ---------------------------------
// Almost all applications will want to update the default configuration
// with settings specific to their usage. Here we set the width and height
// of the video file to that specified on the command line. We also scale
// the default bitrate based on the ratio between the default resolution
// and the resolution specified on the command line.
// Initializing The Codec
// ----------------------
// The encoder is initialized by the following code.
// Encoding A Frame
// ----------------
// The frame is read as a continuous block (size width * height * 3 / 2)
// from the input file. If a frame was read (the input file has not hit
// EOF) then the frame is passed to the encoder. Otherwise, a NULL
// is passed, indicating the End-Of-Stream condition to the encoder. The
// `frame_cnt` is reused as the presentation time stamp (PTS) and each
// frame is shown for one frame-time in duration. The flags parameter is
// unused in this example. The deadline is set to VPX_DL_REALTIME to
// make the example run as quickly as possible.
// Forced Keyframes
// ----------------
// Keyframes can be forced by setting the VPX_EFLAG_FORCE_KF bit of the
// flags passed to `vpx_codec_control()`. In this example, we force a
// keyframe every <keyframe-interval> frames. Note, the output stream can
// contain additional keyframes beyond those that have been forced using the
// VPX_EFLAG_FORCE_KF flag because of automatic keyframe placement by the
// encoder.
// Processing The Encoded Data
// ---------------------------
// Each packet of type `VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT` contains the encoded data
// for this frame. We write a IVF frame header, followed by the raw data.
// Cleanup
// -------
// The `vpx_codec_destroy` call frees any memory allocated by the codec.
// Error Handling
// --------------
// This example does not special case any error return codes. If there was
// an error, a descriptive message is printed and the program exits. With
// few exeptions, vpx_codec functions return an enumerated error status,
// with the value `0` indicating success.
// Error Resiliency Features
// -------------------------
// Error resiliency is controlled by the g_error_resilient member of the
// configuration structure. Use the `decode_with_drops` example to decode with
// frames 5-10 dropped. Compare the output for a file encoded with this example
// versus one encoded with the `simple_encoder` example.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "vpx/vpx_encoder.h"
#include "../tools_common.h"
#include "../video_writer.h"
static const char *exec_name;
void usage_exit() {
"Usage: %s <codec> <width> <height> <infile> <outfile> "
"<keyframe-interval> [<error-resilient>]\nSee comments in "
"simple_encoder.c for more information.\n",
static int encode_frame(vpx_codec_ctx_t *codec,
vpx_image_t *img,
int frame_index,
int flags,
VpxVideoWriter *writer) {
int got_pkts = 0;
vpx_codec_iter_t iter = NULL;
const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt = NULL;
const vpx_codec_err_t res = vpx_codec_encode(codec, img, frame_index, 1,
if (res != VPX_CODEC_OK)
die_codec(codec, "Failed to encode frame");
while ((pkt = vpx_codec_get_cx_data(codec, &iter)) != NULL) {
got_pkts = 1;
if (pkt->kind == VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT) {
const int keyframe = (pkt->data.frame.flags & VPX_FRAME_IS_KEY) != 0;
if (!vpx_video_writer_write_frame(writer,
pkt->data.frame.pts)) {
die_codec(codec, "Failed to write compressed frame");
printf(keyframe ? "K" : ".");
return got_pkts;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
FILE *infile = NULL;
vpx_codec_ctx_t codec;
vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t cfg;
int frame_count = 0;
vpx_image_t raw;
vpx_codec_err_t res;
VpxVideoInfo info = {0};
VpxVideoWriter *writer = NULL;
const VpxInterface *encoder = NULL;
const int fps = 30; // TODO(dkovalev) add command line argument
const int bitrate = 200; // kbit/s TODO(dkovalev) add command line argument
int keyframe_interval = 0;
// TODO(dkovalev): Add some simple command line parsing code to make the
// command line more flexible.
const char *codec_arg = NULL;
const char *width_arg = NULL;
const char *height_arg = NULL;
const char *infile_arg = NULL;
const char *outfile_arg = NULL;
const char *keyframe_interval_arg = NULL;
exec_name = argv[0];
if (argc < 7)
die("Invalid number of arguments");
codec_arg = argv[1];
width_arg = argv[2];
height_arg = argv[3];
infile_arg = argv[4];
outfile_arg = argv[5];
keyframe_interval_arg = argv[6];
encoder = get_vpx_encoder_by_name(codec_arg);
if (!encoder)
die("Unsupported codec.");
info.codec_fourcc = encoder->fourcc;
info.frame_width = strtol(width_arg, NULL, 0);
info.frame_height = strtol(height_arg, NULL, 0);
info.time_base.numerator = 1;
info.time_base.denominator = fps;
if (info.frame_width <= 0 ||
info.frame_height <= 0 ||
(info.frame_width % 2) != 0 ||
(info.frame_height % 2) != 0) {
die("Invalid frame size: %dx%d", info.frame_width, info.frame_height);
if (!vpx_img_alloc(&raw, VPX_IMG_FMT_I420, info.frame_width,
info.frame_height, 1)) {
die("Failed to allocate image.");
keyframe_interval = strtol(keyframe_interval_arg, NULL, 0);
if (keyframe_interval < 0)
die("Invalid keyframe interval value.");
printf("Using %s\n", vpx_codec_iface_name(encoder->codec_interface()));
res = vpx_codec_enc_config_default(encoder->codec_interface(), &cfg, 0);
if (res)
die_codec(&codec, "Failed to get default codec config.");
cfg.g_w = info.frame_width;
cfg.g_h = info.frame_height;
cfg.g_timebase.num = info.time_base.numerator;
cfg.g_timebase.den = info.time_base.denominator;
cfg.rc_target_bitrate = bitrate;
cfg.g_error_resilient = argc > 7 ? strtol(argv[7], NULL, 0) : 0;
writer = vpx_video_writer_open(outfile_arg, kContainerIVF, &info);
if (!writer)
die("Failed to open %s for writing.", outfile_arg);
if (!(infile = fopen(infile_arg, "rb")))
die("Failed to open %s for reading.", infile_arg);
if (vpx_codec_enc_init(&codec, encoder->codec_interface(), &cfg, 0))
die_codec(&codec, "Failed to initialize encoder");
// Encode frames.
while (vpx_img_read(&raw, infile)) {
int flags = 0;
if (keyframe_interval > 0 && frame_count % keyframe_interval == 0)
encode_frame(&codec, &raw, frame_count++, flags, writer);
// Flush encoder.
while (encode_frame(&codec, NULL, -1, 0, writer)) {};
printf("Processed %d frames.\n", frame_count);
if (vpx_codec_destroy(&codec))
die_codec(&codec, "Failed to destroy codec.");