In good quality mode motion search, the best matches are normally found after searching in a large area. In real time mode, to make encoding fast, a center-biased fast HEX search is used, which converges quickly most of the time. A 4-point diamond search is also carried out as the following refining search, which gives more precise results, and maintains good motion search quality. At speed 5, the borg test on rtc set showed an overall PSNR loss of 0.936%. The encoding speed gain is 4% - 5%. Change-Id: I42cd68bb56a09ca1b86293c99d5f7312225ca7ae
2082 lines
72 KiB
2082 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "./vpx_config.h"
#include "vpx_mem/vpx_mem.h"
#include "vp9/common/vp9_common.h"
#include "vp9/encoder/vp9_onyx_int.h"
#include "vp9/encoder/vp9_mcomp.h"
void vp9_set_mv_search_range(MACROBLOCK *x, const MV *mv) {
int col_min = (mv->col >> 3) - MAX_FULL_PEL_VAL + (mv->col & 7 ? 1 : 0);
int row_min = (mv->row >> 3) - MAX_FULL_PEL_VAL + (mv->row & 7 ? 1 : 0);
int col_max = (mv->col >> 3) + MAX_FULL_PEL_VAL;
int row_max = (mv->row >> 3) + MAX_FULL_PEL_VAL;
col_min = MAX(col_min, (MV_LOW >> 3) + 1);
row_min = MAX(row_min, (MV_LOW >> 3) + 1);
col_max = MIN(col_max, (MV_UPP >> 3) - 1);
row_max = MIN(row_max, (MV_UPP >> 3) - 1);
// Get intersection of UMV window and valid MV window to reduce # of checks
// in diamond search.
if (x->mv_col_min < col_min)
x->mv_col_min = col_min;
if (x->mv_col_max > col_max)
x->mv_col_max = col_max;
if (x->mv_row_min < row_min)
x->mv_row_min = row_min;
if (x->mv_row_max > row_max)
x->mv_row_max = row_max;
int vp9_init_search_range(VP9_COMP *cpi, int size) {
int sr = 0;
// Minimum search size no matter what the passed in value.
size = MAX(16, size);
while ((size << sr) < MAX_FULL_PEL_VAL)
sr += cpi->sf.reduce_first_step_size;
sr = MIN(sr, (cpi->sf.max_step_search_steps - 2));
return sr;
static INLINE int mv_cost(const MV *mv,
const int *joint_cost, int *comp_cost[2]) {
return joint_cost[vp9_get_mv_joint(mv)] +
comp_cost[0][mv->row] + comp_cost[1][mv->col];
int vp9_mv_bit_cost(const MV *mv, const MV *ref,
const int *mvjcost, int *mvcost[2], int weight) {
const MV diff = { mv->row - ref->row,
mv->col - ref->col };
return ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(mv_cost(&diff, mvjcost, mvcost) * weight, 7);
static int mv_err_cost(const MV *mv, const MV *ref,
const int *mvjcost, int *mvcost[2],
int error_per_bit) {
if (mvcost) {
const MV diff = { mv->row - ref->row,
mv->col - ref->col };
return ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(mv_cost(&diff, mvjcost, mvcost) *
error_per_bit, 13);
return 0;
static int mvsad_err_cost(const MV *mv, const MV *ref,
const int *mvjsadcost, int *mvsadcost[2],
int error_per_bit) {
if (mvsadcost) {
const MV diff = { mv->row - ref->row,
mv->col - ref->col };
return ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(mv_cost(&diff, mvjsadcost, mvsadcost) *
error_per_bit, 8);
return 0;
void vp9_init_dsmotion_compensation(MACROBLOCK *x, int stride) {
int len;
int search_site_count = 0;
// Generate offsets for 4 search sites per step.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = 0;
for (len = MAX_FIRST_STEP; len > 0; len /= 2) {
// Compute offsets for search sites.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = -len;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = -len * stride;
// Compute offsets for search sites.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = len;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = len * stride;
// Compute offsets for search sites.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = -len;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = -len;
// Compute offsets for search sites.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = len;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = len;
x->ss_count = search_site_count;
x->searches_per_step = 4;
void vp9_init3smotion_compensation(MACROBLOCK *x, int stride) {
int len, ss_count = 1;
x->ss[0].mv.col = x->ss[0].mv.row = 0;
x->ss[0].offset = 0;
for (len = MAX_FIRST_STEP; len > 0; len /= 2) {
// Generate offsets for 8 search sites per step.
const MV ss_mvs[8] = {
{-len, 0 }, {len, 0 }, { 0, -len}, {0, len},
{-len, -len}, {-len, len}, {len, -len}, {len, len}
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
search_site *const ss = &x->ss[ss_count++];
ss->mv = ss_mvs[i];
ss->offset = ss->mv.row * stride + ss->mv.col;
x->ss_count = ss_count;
x->searches_per_step = 8;
* To avoid the penalty for crossing cache-line read, preload the reference
* area in a small buffer, which is aligned to make sure there won't be crossing
* cache-line read while reading from this buffer. This reduced the cpu
* cycles spent on reading ref data in sub-pixel filter functions.
* TODO: Currently, since sub-pixel search range here is -3 ~ 3, copy 22 rows x
* 32 cols area that is enough for 16x16 macroblock. Later, for SPLITMV, we
* could reduce the area.
/* estimated cost of a motion vector (r,c) */
#define MVC(r, c) \
(mvcost ? \
((mvjcost[((r) != rr) * 2 + ((c) != rc)] + \
mvcost[0][((r) - rr)] + mvcost[1][((c) - rc)]) * \
error_per_bit + 4096) >> 13 : 0)
// convert motion vector component to offset for svf calc
static INLINE int sp(int x) {
return (x & 7) << 1;
static INLINE const uint8_t *pre(const uint8_t *buf, int stride, int r, int c,
int offset) {
return &buf[(r >> 3) * stride + (c >> 3) - offset];
/* returns subpixel variance error function */
#define DIST(r, c) \
vfp->svf(pre(y, y_stride, r, c, offset), y_stride, sp(c), sp(r), z, \
src_stride, &sse)
/* checks if (r, c) has better score than previous best */
#define CHECK_BETTER(v, r, c) \
if (c >= minc && c <= maxc && r >= minr && r <= maxr) { \
thismse = (DIST(r, c)); \
if ((v = MVC(r, c) + thismse) < besterr) { \
besterr = v; \
br = r; \
bc = c; \
*distortion = thismse; \
*sse1 = sse; \
} \
} else { \
v = INT_MAX; \
{ \
unsigned int left, right, up, down, diag; \
CHECK_BETTER(left, tr, tc - hstep); \
CHECK_BETTER(right, tr, tc + hstep); \
CHECK_BETTER(up, tr - hstep, tc); \
CHECK_BETTER(down, tr + hstep, tc); \
whichdir = (left < right ? 0 : 1) + \
(up < down ? 0 : 2); \
switch (whichdir) { \
case 0: \
CHECK_BETTER(diag, tr - hstep, tc - hstep); \
break; \
case 1: \
CHECK_BETTER(diag, tr - hstep, tc + hstep); \
break; \
case 2: \
CHECK_BETTER(diag, tr + hstep, tc - hstep); \
break; \
case 3: \
CHECK_BETTER(diag, tr + hstep, tc + hstep); \
break; \
} \
{ \
int kr, kc; \
unsigned int second; \
if (tr != br && tc != bc) { \
kr = br - tr; \
kc = bc - tc; \
CHECK_BETTER(second, tr + kr, tc + 2 * kc); \
CHECK_BETTER(second, tr + 2 * kr, tc + kc); \
} else if (tr == br && tc != bc) { \
kc = bc - tc; \
CHECK_BETTER(second, tr + hstep, tc + 2 * kc); \
CHECK_BETTER(second, tr - hstep, tc + 2 * kc); \
switch (whichdir) { \
case 0: \
case 1: \
CHECK_BETTER(second, tr + hstep, tc + kc); \
break; \
case 2: \
case 3: \
CHECK_BETTER(second, tr - hstep, tc + kc); \
break; \
} \
} else if (tr != br && tc == bc) { \
kr = br - tr; \
CHECK_BETTER(second, tr + 2 * kr, tc + hstep); \
CHECK_BETTER(second, tr + 2 * kr, tc - hstep); \
switch (whichdir) { \
case 0: \
case 2: \
CHECK_BETTER(second, tr + kr, tc + hstep); \
break; \
case 1: \
case 3: \
CHECK_BETTER(second, tr + kr, tc - hstep); \
break; \
} \
} \
int vp9_find_best_sub_pixel_tree(const MACROBLOCK *x,
MV *bestmv, const MV *ref_mv,
int allow_hp,
int error_per_bit,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *vfp,
int forced_stop,
int iters_per_step,
int *mvjcost, int *mvcost[2],
int *distortion,
unsigned int *sse1) {
const uint8_t *z = x->plane[0].src.buf;
const int src_stride = x->plane[0].src.stride;
const MACROBLOCKD *xd = &x->e_mbd;
unsigned int besterr = INT_MAX;
unsigned int sse;
unsigned int whichdir;
int thismse;
unsigned int halfiters = iters_per_step;
unsigned int quarteriters = iters_per_step;
unsigned int eighthiters = iters_per_step;
const int y_stride = xd->plane[0].pre[0].stride;
const int offset = bestmv->row * y_stride + bestmv->col;
const uint8_t *y = xd->plane[0].pre[0].buf + offset;
int rr = ref_mv->row;
int rc = ref_mv->col;
int br = bestmv->row * 8;
int bc = bestmv->col * 8;
int hstep = 4;
const int minc = MAX(x->mv_col_min * 8, ref_mv->col - MV_MAX);
const int maxc = MIN(x->mv_col_max * 8, ref_mv->col + MV_MAX);
const int minr = MAX(x->mv_row_min * 8, ref_mv->row - MV_MAX);
const int maxr = MIN(x->mv_row_max * 8, ref_mv->row + MV_MAX);
int tr = br;
int tc = bc;
// central mv
bestmv->row *= 8;
bestmv->col *= 8;
// calculate central point error
besterr = vfp->vf(y, y_stride, z, src_stride, sse1);
*distortion = besterr;
besterr += mv_err_cost(bestmv, ref_mv, mvjcost, mvcost, error_per_bit);
// 1/2 pel
if (halfiters > 1) {
tr = br;
tc = bc;
// Note forced_stop: 0 - full, 1 - qtr only, 2 - half only
if (forced_stop != 2) {
hstep >>= 1;
if (quarteriters > 1) {
tr = br;
tc = bc;
if (allow_hp && vp9_use_mv_hp(ref_mv) && forced_stop == 0) {
hstep >>= 1;
if (eighthiters > 1) {
tr = br;
tc = bc;
// These lines insure static analysis doesn't warn that
// tr and tc aren't used after the above point.
(void) tr;
(void) tc;
bestmv->row = br;
bestmv->col = bc;
if ((abs(bestmv->col - ref_mv->col) > (MAX_FULL_PEL_VAL << 3)) ||
(abs(bestmv->row - ref_mv->row) > (MAX_FULL_PEL_VAL << 3)))
return INT_MAX;
return besterr;
#undef DIST
/* returns subpixel variance error function */
#define DIST(r, c) \
vfp->svaf(pre(y, y_stride, r, c, offset), y_stride, sp(c), sp(r), \
z, src_stride, &sse, second_pred)
int vp9_find_best_sub_pixel_comp_tree(const MACROBLOCK *x,
MV *bestmv, const MV *ref_mv,
int allow_hp,
int error_per_bit,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *vfp,
int forced_stop,
int iters_per_step,
int *mvjcost, int *mvcost[2],
int *distortion,
unsigned int *sse1,
const uint8_t *second_pred,
int w, int h) {
const uint8_t *z = x->plane[0].src.buf;
const int src_stride = x->plane[0].src.stride;
const MACROBLOCKD *xd = &x->e_mbd;
unsigned int besterr = INT_MAX;
unsigned int sse;
unsigned int whichdir;
int thismse;
unsigned int halfiters = iters_per_step;
unsigned int quarteriters = iters_per_step;
unsigned int eighthiters = iters_per_step;
DECLARE_ALIGNED_ARRAY(16, uint8_t, comp_pred, 64 * 64);
const int y_stride = xd->plane[0].pre[0].stride;
const int offset = bestmv->row * y_stride + bestmv->col;
const uint8_t *y = xd->plane[0].pre[0].buf + offset;
int rr = ref_mv->row;
int rc = ref_mv->col;
int br = bestmv->row * 8;
int bc = bestmv->col * 8;
int hstep = 4;
const int minc = MAX(x->mv_col_min * 8, ref_mv->col - MV_MAX);
const int maxc = MIN(x->mv_col_max * 8, ref_mv->col + MV_MAX);
const int minr = MAX(x->mv_row_min * 8, ref_mv->row - MV_MAX);
const int maxr = MIN(x->mv_row_max * 8, ref_mv->row + MV_MAX);
int tr = br;
int tc = bc;
// central mv
bestmv->row *= 8;
bestmv->col *= 8;
// calculate central point error
// TODO(yunqingwang): central pointer error was already calculated in full-
// pixel search, and can be passed in this function.
comp_avg_pred(comp_pred, second_pred, w, h, y, y_stride);
besterr = vfp->vf(comp_pred, w, z, src_stride, sse1);
*distortion = besterr;
besterr += mv_err_cost(bestmv, ref_mv, mvjcost, mvcost, error_per_bit);
// Each subsequent iteration checks at least one point in
// common with the last iteration could be 2 ( if diag selected)
// 1/2 pel
if (halfiters > 1) {
tr = br;
tc = bc;
// Each subsequent iteration checks at least one point in common with
// the last iteration could be 2 ( if diag selected) 1/4 pel
// Note forced_stop: 0 - full, 1 - qtr only, 2 - half only
if (forced_stop != 2) {
hstep >>= 1;
if (quarteriters > 1) {
tr = br;
tc = bc;
if (allow_hp && vp9_use_mv_hp(ref_mv) && forced_stop == 0) {
hstep >>= 1;
if (eighthiters > 1) {
tr = br;
tc = bc;
// These lines insure static analysis doesn't warn that
// tr and tc aren't used after the above point.
(void) tr;
(void) tc;
bestmv->row = br;
bestmv->col = bc;
if ((abs(bestmv->col - ref_mv->col) > (MAX_FULL_PEL_VAL << 3)) ||
(abs(bestmv->row - ref_mv->row) > (MAX_FULL_PEL_VAL << 3)))
return INT_MAX;
return besterr;
#undef MVC
#undef PRE
#undef DIST
static INLINE int check_bounds(const MACROBLOCK *x, int row, int col,
int range) {
return ((row - range) >= x->mv_row_min) &
((row + range) <= x->mv_row_max) &
((col - range) >= x->mv_col_min) &
((col + range) <= x->mv_col_max);
static INLINE int is_mv_in(const MACROBLOCK *x, const MV *mv) {
return (mv->col >= x->mv_col_min) && (mv->col <= x->mv_col_max) &&
(mv->row >= x->mv_row_min) && (mv->row <= x->mv_row_max);
#define CHECK_BETTER \
if (thissad < bestsad) {\
if (use_mvcost) \
thissad += mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv, \
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);\
if (thissad < bestsad) {\
bestsad = thissad;\
best_site = i;\
#define MAX_PATTERN_CANDIDATES 8 // max number of canddiates per scale
#define PATTERN_CANDIDATES_REF 3 // number of refinement candidates
// Generic pattern search function that searches over multiple scales.
// Each scale can have a different number of candidates and shape of
// candidates as indicated in the num_candidates and candidates arrays
// passed into this function
static int vp9_pattern_search(const MACROBLOCK *x,
MV *ref_mv,
int search_param,
int sad_per_bit,
int do_init_search,
int do_refine,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *vfp,
int use_mvcost,
const MV *center_mv, MV *best_mv,
const int num_candidates[MAX_PATTERN_SCALES],
const MV candidates[MAX_PATTERN_SCALES]
const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
static const int search_param_to_steps[MAX_MVSEARCH_STEPS] = {
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0,
int i, j, s, t;
const uint8_t *what = x->plane[0].src.buf;
const int what_stride = x->plane[0].src.stride;
const int in_what_stride = xd->plane[0].pre[0].stride;
int br, bc;
MV this_mv;
int bestsad = INT_MAX;
int thissad;
const uint8_t *base_offset;
const uint8_t *this_offset;
int k = -1;
int best_site = -1;
const MV fcenter_mv = {center_mv->row >> 3, center_mv->col >> 3};
int best_init_s = search_param_to_steps[search_param];
const int *mvjsadcost = x->nmvjointsadcost;
int *mvsadcost[2] = {x->nmvsadcost[0], x->nmvsadcost[1]};
// adjust ref_mv to make sure it is within MV range
clamp_mv(ref_mv, x->mv_col_min, x->mv_col_max, x->mv_row_min, x->mv_row_max);
br = ref_mv->row;
bc = ref_mv->col;
// Work out the start point for the search
base_offset = xd->plane[0].pre[0].buf;
this_offset = base_offset + (br * in_what_stride) + bc;
this_mv.row = br;
this_mv.col = bc;
bestsad = vfp->sdf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride, 0x7fffffff)
+ mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
// Search all possible scales upto the search param around the center point
// pick the scale of the point that is best as the starting scale of
// further steps around it.
if (do_init_search) {
s = best_init_s;
best_init_s = -1;
for (t = 0; t <= s; ++t) {
best_site = -1;
if (check_bounds(x, br, bc, 1 << t)) {
for (i = 0; i < num_candidates[t]; i++) {
this_mv.row = br + candidates[t][i].row;
this_mv.col = bc + candidates[t][i].col;
this_offset = base_offset + (this_mv.row * in_what_stride) +
thissad = vfp->sdf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride,
} else {
for (i = 0; i < num_candidates[t]; i++) {
this_mv.row = br + candidates[t][i].row;
this_mv.col = bc + candidates[t][i].col;
if (!is_mv_in(x, &this_mv))
this_offset = base_offset + (this_mv.row * in_what_stride) +
thissad = vfp->sdf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride,
if (best_site == -1) {
} else {
best_init_s = t;
k = best_site;
if (best_init_s != -1) {
br += candidates[best_init_s][k].row;
bc += candidates[best_init_s][k].col;
// If the center point is still the best, just skip this and move to
// the refinement step.
if (best_init_s != -1) {
s = best_init_s;
best_site = -1;
do {
// No need to search all 6 points the 1st time if initial search was used
if (!do_init_search || s != best_init_s) {
if (check_bounds(x, br, bc, 1 << s)) {
for (i = 0; i < num_candidates[s]; i++) {
this_mv.row = br + candidates[s][i].row;
this_mv.col = bc + candidates[s][i].col;
this_offset = base_offset + (this_mv.row * in_what_stride) +
thissad = vfp->sdf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride,
} else {
for (i = 0; i < num_candidates[s]; i++) {
this_mv.row = br + candidates[s][i].row;
this_mv.col = bc + candidates[s][i].col;
if (!is_mv_in(x, &this_mv))
this_offset = base_offset + (this_mv.row * in_what_stride) +
thissad = vfp->sdf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride,
if (best_site == -1) {
} else {
br += candidates[s][best_site].row;
bc += candidates[s][best_site].col;
k = best_site;
do {
int next_chkpts_indices[PATTERN_CANDIDATES_REF];
best_site = -1;
next_chkpts_indices[0] = (k == 0) ? num_candidates[s] - 1 : k - 1;
next_chkpts_indices[1] = k;
next_chkpts_indices[2] = (k == num_candidates[s] - 1) ? 0 : k + 1;
if (check_bounds(x, br, bc, 1 << s)) {
for (i = 0; i < PATTERN_CANDIDATES_REF; i++) {
this_mv.row = br + candidates[s][next_chkpts_indices[i]].row;
this_mv.col = bc + candidates[s][next_chkpts_indices[i]].col;
this_offset = base_offset + (this_mv.row * (in_what_stride)) +
thissad = vfp->sdf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride,
} else {
for (i = 0; i < PATTERN_CANDIDATES_REF; i++) {
this_mv.row = br + candidates[s][next_chkpts_indices[i]].row;
this_mv.col = bc + candidates[s][next_chkpts_indices[i]].col;
if (!is_mv_in(x, &this_mv))
this_offset = base_offset + (this_mv.row * (in_what_stride)) +
thissad = vfp->sdf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride,
if (best_site != -1) {
k = next_chkpts_indices[best_site];
br += candidates[s][k].row;
bc += candidates[s][k].col;
} while (best_site != -1);
} while (s--);
// Check 4 1-away neighbors if do_refine is true.
// For most well-designed schemes do_refine will not be necessary.
if (do_refine) {
static const MV neighbors[4] = { {0, -1}, { -1, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, 1} };
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
best_site = -1;
if (check_bounds(x, br, bc, 1)) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
this_mv.row = br + neighbors[i].row;
this_mv.col = bc + neighbors[i].col;
this_offset = base_offset + this_mv.row * in_what_stride +
thissad = vfp->sdf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride,
} else {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
this_mv.row = br + neighbors[i].row;
this_mv.col = bc + neighbors[i].col;
if (!is_mv_in(x, &this_mv))
this_offset = base_offset + this_mv.row * in_what_stride +
thissad = vfp->sdf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride,
if (best_site == -1) {
} else {
br += neighbors[best_site].row;
bc += neighbors[best_site].col;
best_mv->row = br;
best_mv->col = bc;
this_offset = base_offset + (best_mv->row * in_what_stride) +
this_mv.row = best_mv->row * 8;
this_mv.col = best_mv->col * 8;
if (bestsad == INT_MAX)
return INT_MAX;
return vfp->vf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride,
(unsigned int *)&bestsad) +
use_mvcost ? mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv,
x->nmvjointcost, x->mvcost, x->errorperbit)
: 0;
int vp9_hex_search(const MACROBLOCK *x,
MV *ref_mv,
int search_param,
int sad_per_bit,
int do_init_search,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *vfp,
int use_mvcost,
const MV *center_mv, MV *best_mv) {
// First scale has 8-closest points, the rest have 6 points in hex shape
// at increasing scales
static const int hex_num_candidates[MAX_PATTERN_SCALES] = {
8, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
// Note that the largest candidate step at each scale is 2^scale
static const MV hex_candidates[MAX_PATTERN_SCALES][MAX_PATTERN_CANDIDATES] = {
{{-1, -1}, {0, -1}, {1, -1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, { 0, 1}, { -1, 1}, {-1, 0}},
{{-1, -2}, {1, -2}, {2, 0}, {1, 2}, { -1, 2}, { -2, 0}},
{{-2, -4}, {2, -4}, {4, 0}, {2, 4}, { -2, 4}, { -4, 0}},
{{-4, -8}, {4, -8}, {8, 0}, {4, 8}, { -4, 8}, { -8, 0}},
{{-8, -16}, {8, -16}, {16, 0}, {8, 16}, { -8, 16}, { -16, 0}},
{{-16, -32}, {16, -32}, {32, 0}, {16, 32}, { -16, 32}, { -32, 0}},
{{-32, -64}, {32, -64}, {64, 0}, {32, 64}, { -32, 64}, { -64, 0}},
{{-64, -128}, {64, -128}, {128, 0}, {64, 128}, { -64, 128}, { -128, 0}},
{{-128, -256}, {128, -256}, {256, 0}, {128, 256}, { -128, 256}, { -256, 0}},
{{-256, -512}, {256, -512}, {512, 0}, {256, 512}, { -256, 512}, { -512, 0}},
{{-512, -1024}, {512, -1024}, {1024, 0}, {512, 1024}, { -512, 1024},
{ -1024, 0}},
return vp9_pattern_search(x, ref_mv, search_param, sad_per_bit,
do_init_search, 0, vfp, use_mvcost,
center_mv, best_mv,
hex_num_candidates, hex_candidates);
int vp9_bigdia_search(const MACROBLOCK *x,
MV *ref_mv,
int search_param,
int sad_per_bit,
int do_init_search,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *vfp,
int use_mvcost,
const MV *center_mv,
MV *best_mv) {
// First scale has 4-closest points, the rest have 8 points in diamond
// shape at increasing scales
static const int bigdia_num_candidates[MAX_PATTERN_SCALES] = {
4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
// Note that the largest candidate step at each scale is 2^scale
static const MV bigdia_candidates[MAX_PATTERN_SCALES]
{{0, -1}, {1, 0}, { 0, 1}, {-1, 0}},
{{-1, -1}, {0, -2}, {1, -1}, {2, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 2}, {-1, 1}, {-2, 0}},
{{-2, -2}, {0, -4}, {2, -2}, {4, 0}, {2, 2}, {0, 4}, {-2, 2}, {-4, 0}},
{{-4, -4}, {0, -8}, {4, -4}, {8, 0}, {4, 4}, {0, 8}, {-4, 4}, {-8, 0}},
{{-8, -8}, {0, -16}, {8, -8}, {16, 0}, {8, 8}, {0, 16}, {-8, 8}, {-16, 0}},
{{-16, -16}, {0, -32}, {16, -16}, {32, 0}, {16, 16}, {0, 32},
{-16, 16}, {-32, 0}},
{{-32, -32}, {0, -64}, {32, -32}, {64, 0}, {32, 32}, {0, 64},
{-32, 32}, {-64, 0}},
{{-64, -64}, {0, -128}, {64, -64}, {128, 0}, {64, 64}, {0, 128},
{-64, 64}, {-128, 0}},
{{-128, -128}, {0, -256}, {128, -128}, {256, 0}, {128, 128}, {0, 256},
{-128, 128}, {-256, 0}},
{{-256, -256}, {0, -512}, {256, -256}, {512, 0}, {256, 256}, {0, 512},
{-256, 256}, {-512, 0}},
{{-512, -512}, {0, -1024}, {512, -512}, {1024, 0}, {512, 512}, {0, 1024},
{-512, 512}, {-1024, 0}},
return vp9_pattern_search(x, ref_mv, search_param, sad_per_bit,
do_init_search, 0, vfp, use_mvcost,
center_mv, best_mv,
bigdia_num_candidates, bigdia_candidates);
int vp9_square_search(const MACROBLOCK *x,
MV *ref_mv,
int search_param,
int sad_per_bit,
int do_init_search,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *vfp,
int use_mvcost,
const MV *center_mv,
MV *best_mv) {
// All scales have 8 closest points in square shape
static const int square_num_candidates[MAX_PATTERN_SCALES] = {
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
// Note that the largest candidate step at each scale is 2^scale
static const MV square_candidates[MAX_PATTERN_SCALES]
{{-1, -1}, {0, -1}, {1, -1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, 0}},
{{-2, -2}, {0, -2}, {2, -2}, {2, 0}, {2, 2}, {0, 2}, {-2, 2}, {-2, 0}},
{{-4, -4}, {0, -4}, {4, -4}, {4, 0}, {4, 4}, {0, 4}, {-4, 4}, {-4, 0}},
{{-8, -8}, {0, -8}, {8, -8}, {8, 0}, {8, 8}, {0, 8}, {-8, 8}, {-8, 0}},
{{-16, -16}, {0, -16}, {16, -16}, {16, 0}, {16, 16}, {0, 16},
{-16, 16}, {-16, 0}},
{{-32, -32}, {0, -32}, {32, -32}, {32, 0}, {32, 32}, {0, 32},
{-32, 32}, {-32, 0}},
{{-64, -64}, {0, -64}, {64, -64}, {64, 0}, {64, 64}, {0, 64},
{-64, 64}, {-64, 0}},
{{-128, -128}, {0, -128}, {128, -128}, {128, 0}, {128, 128}, {0, 128},
{-128, 128}, {-128, 0}},
{{-256, -256}, {0, -256}, {256, -256}, {256, 0}, {256, 256}, {0, 256},
{-256, 256}, {-256, 0}},
{{-512, -512}, {0, -512}, {512, -512}, {512, 0}, {512, 512}, {0, 512},
{-512, 512}, {-512, 0}},
{{-1024, -1024}, {0, -1024}, {1024, -1024}, {1024, 0}, {1024, 1024},
{0, 1024}, {-1024, 1024}, {-1024, 0}},
return vp9_pattern_search(x, ref_mv, search_param, sad_per_bit,
do_init_search, 0, vfp, use_mvcost,
center_mv, best_mv,
square_num_candidates, square_candidates);
// Number of candidates in first hex search
// Index of previous hex search's best match
// Number of candidates in following hex search
// Number of candidates in refining search
int vp9_fast_hex_search(const MACROBLOCK *x,
MV *ref_mv,
int search_param,
int sad_per_bit,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *vfp,
int use_mvcost,
const MV *center_mv,
MV *best_mv) {
const MACROBLOCKD* const xd = &x->e_mbd;
static const MV hex[FIRST_HEX_CANDIDATES] = {
{ -1, -2}, {1, -2}, {2, 0}, {1, 2}, { -1, 2}, { -2, 0}
static const MV next_chkpts[PRE_BEST_CANDIDATE][NEXT_HEX_CANDIDATES] = {
{{ -2, 0}, { -1, -2}, {1, -2}},
{{ -1, -2}, {1, -2}, {2, 0}},
{{1, -2}, {2, 0}, {1, 2}},
{{2, 0}, {1, 2}, { -1, 2}},
{{1, 2}, { -1, 2}, { -2, 0}},
{{ -1, 2}, { -2, 0}, { -1, -2}}
static const MV neighbors[REFINE_CANDIDATES] = {
{0, -1}, { -1, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, 1}
int i, j;
const uint8_t *what = x->plane[0].src.buf;
const int what_stride = x->plane[0].src.stride;
const int in_what_stride = xd->plane[0].pre[0].stride;
int br, bc;
MV this_mv;
unsigned int bestsad = 0x7fffffff;
unsigned int thissad;
const uint8_t *base_offset;
const uint8_t *this_offset;
int k = -1;
int best_site = -1;
const int max_hex_search = 512;
const int max_dia_search = 32;
const int *mvjsadcost = x->nmvjointsadcost;
int *mvsadcost[2] = {x->nmvsadcost[0], x->nmvsadcost[1]};
const MV fcenter_mv = {center_mv->row >> 3, center_mv->col >> 3};
// Adjust ref_mv to make sure it is within MV range
clamp_mv(ref_mv, x->mv_col_min, x->mv_col_max, x->mv_row_min, x->mv_row_max);
br = ref_mv->row;
bc = ref_mv->col;
// Check the start point
base_offset = xd->plane[0].pre[0].buf;
this_offset = base_offset + (br * in_what_stride) + bc;
this_mv.row = br;
this_mv.col = bc;
bestsad = vfp->sdf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride, 0x7fffffff)
+ mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv, mvjsadcost, mvsadcost,
// Initial 6-point hex search
if (check_bounds(x, br, bc, 2)) {
for (i = 0; i < FIRST_HEX_CANDIDATES; i++) {
this_mv.row = br + hex[i].row;
this_mv.col = bc + hex[i].col;
this_offset = base_offset + (this_mv.row * in_what_stride) + this_mv.col;
thissad = vfp->sdf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride,
} else {
for (i = 0; i < FIRST_HEX_CANDIDATES; i++) {
this_mv.row = br + hex[i].row;
this_mv.col = bc + hex[i].col;
if (!is_mv_in(x, &this_mv))
this_offset = base_offset + (this_mv.row * in_what_stride) + this_mv.col;
thissad = vfp->sdf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride,
// Continue hex search if we find a better match in first round
if (best_site != -1) {
br += hex[best_site].row;
bc += hex[best_site].col;
k = best_site;
// Allow search covering maximum MV range
for (j = 1; j < max_hex_search; j++) {
best_site = -1;
if (check_bounds(x, br, bc, 2)) {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
this_mv.row = br + next_chkpts[k][i].row;
this_mv.col = bc + next_chkpts[k][i].col;
this_offset = base_offset + (this_mv.row * in_what_stride) +
thissad = vfp->sdf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride,
} else {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
this_mv.row = br + next_chkpts[k][i].row;
this_mv.col = bc + next_chkpts[k][i].col;
if (!is_mv_in(x, &this_mv))
this_offset = base_offset + (this_mv.row * in_what_stride) +
thissad = vfp->sdf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride,
if (best_site == -1) {
} else {
br += next_chkpts[k][best_site].row;
bc += next_chkpts[k][best_site].col;
k += 5 + best_site;
if (k >= 12) k -= 12;
else if (k >= 6) k -= 6;
// Check 4 1-away neighbors
for (j = 0; j < max_dia_search; j++) {
best_site = -1;
if (check_bounds(x, br, bc, 1)) {
for (i = 0; i < REFINE_CANDIDATES; i++) {
this_mv.row = br + neighbors[i].row;
this_mv.col = bc + neighbors[i].col;
this_offset = base_offset + (this_mv.row * in_what_stride) +
thissad = vfp->sdf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride,
} else {
for (i = 0; i < REFINE_CANDIDATES; i++) {
this_mv.row = br + neighbors[i].row;
this_mv.col = bc + neighbors[i].col;
if (!is_mv_in(x, &this_mv))
this_offset = base_offset + (this_mv.row * in_what_stride) +
thissad = vfp->sdf(what, what_stride, this_offset, in_what_stride,
if (best_site == -1) {
} else {
br += neighbors[best_site].row;
bc += neighbors[best_site].col;
best_mv->row = br;
best_mv->col = bc;
return bestsad;
int vp9_full_range_search_c(const MACROBLOCK *x, MV *ref_mv, MV *best_mv,
int search_param, int sad_per_bit, int *num00,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *fn_ptr,
int *mvjcost, int *mvcost[2],
const MV *center_mv) {
const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
const uint8_t *what = x->plane[0].src.buf;
const int what_stride = x->plane[0].src.stride;
const uint8_t *in_what;
const int in_what_stride = xd->plane[0].pre[0].stride;
const uint8_t *best_address;
MV this_mv;
unsigned int bestsad = INT_MAX;
int ref_row, ref_col;
unsigned int thissad;
const MV fcenter_mv = {center_mv->row >> 3, center_mv->col >> 3};
const int *mvjsadcost = x->nmvjointsadcost;
int *mvsadcost[2] = {x->nmvsadcost[0], x->nmvsadcost[1]};
int tr, tc;
int best_tr = 0;
int best_tc = 0;
int range = 64;
int start_col, end_col;
int start_row, end_row;
int i;
clamp_mv(ref_mv, x->mv_col_min, x->mv_col_max, x->mv_row_min, x->mv_row_max);
ref_row = ref_mv->row;
ref_col = ref_mv->col;
*num00 = 11;
best_mv->row = ref_row;
best_mv->col = ref_col;
// Work out the start point for the search
in_what = xd->plane[0].pre[0].buf + ref_row * in_what_stride + ref_col;
best_address = in_what;
// Check the starting position
bestsad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, in_what, in_what_stride, 0x7fffffff)
+ mvsad_err_cost(best_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
start_row = MAX(-range, x->mv_row_min - ref_row);
start_col = MAX(-range, x->mv_col_min - ref_col);
end_row = MIN(range, x->mv_row_max - ref_row);
end_col = MIN(range, x->mv_col_max - ref_col);
for (tr = start_row; tr <= end_row; ++tr) {
for (tc = start_col; tc <= end_col; tc += 4) {
if ((tc + 3) <= end_col) {
unsigned int sad_array[4];
unsigned char const *addr_ref[4];
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
addr_ref[i] = in_what + tr * in_what_stride + tc + i;
fn_ptr->sdx4df(what, what_stride, addr_ref, in_what_stride, sad_array);
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (sad_array[i] < bestsad) {
this_mv.row = ref_row + tr;
this_mv.col = ref_col + tc + i;
thissad = sad_array[i] +
mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad) {
bestsad = thissad;
best_tr = tr;
best_tc = tc + i;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < end_col - tc; ++i) {
const uint8_t *check_here = in_what + tr * in_what_stride + tc + i;
thissad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, check_here, in_what_stride,
if (thissad < bestsad) {
this_mv.row = ref_row + tr;
this_mv.col = ref_col + tc + i;
thissad += mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad) {
bestsad = thissad;
best_tr = tr;
best_tc = tc + i;
best_mv->row += best_tr;
best_mv->col += best_tc;
this_mv.row = best_mv->row * 8;
this_mv.col = best_mv->col * 8;
if (bestsad == INT_MAX)
return INT_MAX;
return fn_ptr->vf(what, what_stride, best_address, in_what_stride,
(unsigned int *)(&thissad)) +
mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv,
mvjcost, mvcost, x->errorperbit);
int vp9_diamond_search_sad_c(const MACROBLOCK *x,
MV *ref_mv, MV *best_mv,
int search_param, int sad_per_bit, int *num00,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *fn_ptr,
int *mvjcost, int *mvcost[2],
const MV *center_mv) {
int i, j, step;
const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
const uint8_t *what = x->plane[0].src.buf;
const int what_stride = x->plane[0].src.stride;
const uint8_t *in_what;
const int in_what_stride = xd->plane[0].pre[0].stride;
const uint8_t *best_address;
MV this_mv;
int bestsad = INT_MAX;
int best_site = 0;
int last_site = 0;
int ref_row, ref_col;
int this_row_offset, this_col_offset;
// search_param determines the length of the initial step and hence the number
// of iterations
// 0 = initial step (MAX_FIRST_STEP) pel : 1 = (MAX_FIRST_STEP/2) pel, 2 =
// (MAX_FIRST_STEP/4) pel... etc.
const search_site *const ss = &x->ss[search_param * x->searches_per_step];
const int tot_steps = (x->ss_count / x->searches_per_step) - search_param;
int thissad;
const MV fcenter_mv = {center_mv->row >> 3, center_mv->col >> 3};
const int *mvjsadcost = x->nmvjointsadcost;
int *mvsadcost[2] = {x->nmvsadcost[0], x->nmvsadcost[1]};
clamp_mv(ref_mv, x->mv_col_min, x->mv_col_max, x->mv_row_min, x->mv_row_max);
ref_row = ref_mv->row;
ref_col = ref_mv->col;
*num00 = 0;
best_mv->row = ref_row;
best_mv->col = ref_col;
// Work out the start point for the search
in_what = xd->plane[0].pre[0].buf + ref_row * in_what_stride + ref_col;
best_address = in_what;
// Check the starting position
bestsad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, in_what, in_what_stride, 0x7fffffff)
+ mvsad_err_cost(best_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
i = 1;
for (step = 0; step < tot_steps; step++) {
for (j = 0; j < x->searches_per_step; j++) {
// Trap illegal vectors
this_row_offset = best_mv->row + ss[i].mv.row;
this_col_offset = best_mv->col + ss[i].mv.col;
if ((this_col_offset > x->mv_col_min) &&
(this_col_offset < x->mv_col_max) &&
(this_row_offset > x->mv_row_min) &&
(this_row_offset < x->mv_row_max)) {
const uint8_t *const check_here = ss[i].offset + best_address;
thissad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, check_here, in_what_stride,
if (thissad < bestsad) {
this_mv.row = this_row_offset;
this_mv.col = this_col_offset;
thissad += mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad) {
bestsad = thissad;
best_site = i;
if (best_site != last_site) {
best_mv->row += ss[best_site].mv.row;
best_mv->col += ss[best_site].mv.col;
best_address += ss[best_site].offset;
last_site = best_site;
while (1) {
this_row_offset = best_mv->row + ss[best_site].mv.row;
this_col_offset = best_mv->col + ss[best_site].mv.col;
if ((this_col_offset > x->mv_col_min) &&
(this_col_offset < x->mv_col_max) &&
(this_row_offset > x->mv_row_min) &&
(this_row_offset < x->mv_row_max)) {
check_here = ss[best_site].offset + best_address;
thissad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, check_here, in_what_stride,
if (thissad < bestsad) {
this_mv.row = this_row_offset;
this_mv.col = this_col_offset;
thissad += mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad) {
bestsad = thissad;
best_mv->row += ss[best_site].mv.row;
best_mv->col += ss[best_site].mv.col;
best_address += ss[best_site].offset;
} else if (best_address == in_what) {
this_mv.row = best_mv->row * 8;
this_mv.col = best_mv->col * 8;
if (bestsad == INT_MAX)
return INT_MAX;
return fn_ptr->vf(what, what_stride, best_address, in_what_stride,
(unsigned int *)(&thissad)) +
mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv,
mvjcost, mvcost, x->errorperbit);
int vp9_diamond_search_sadx4(const MACROBLOCK *x,
MV *ref_mv, MV *best_mv, int search_param,
int sad_per_bit, int *num00,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *fn_ptr,
int *mvjcost, int *mvcost[2],
const MV *center_mv) {
int i, j, step;
const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
uint8_t *what = x->plane[0].src.buf;
const int what_stride = x->plane[0].src.stride;
const uint8_t *in_what;
const int in_what_stride = xd->plane[0].pre[0].stride;
const uint8_t *best_address;
MV this_mv;
unsigned int bestsad = INT_MAX;
int best_site = 0;
int last_site = 0;
int ref_row;
int ref_col;
int this_row_offset;
int this_col_offset;
// search_param determines the length of the initial step and hence the number
// of iterations.
// 0 = initial step (MAX_FIRST_STEP) pel
// 1 = (MAX_FIRST_STEP/2) pel,
// 2 = (MAX_FIRST_STEP/4) pel...
const search_site *ss = &x->ss[search_param * x->searches_per_step];
const int tot_steps = (x->ss_count / x->searches_per_step) - search_param;
unsigned int thissad;
const MV fcenter_mv = {center_mv->row >> 3, center_mv->col >> 3};
const int *mvjsadcost = x->nmvjointsadcost;
int *mvsadcost[2] = {x->nmvsadcost[0], x->nmvsadcost[1]};
clamp_mv(ref_mv, x->mv_col_min, x->mv_col_max, x->mv_row_min, x->mv_row_max);
ref_row = ref_mv->row;
ref_col = ref_mv->col;
*num00 = 0;
best_mv->row = ref_row;
best_mv->col = ref_col;
// Work out the start point for the search
in_what = xd->plane[0].pre[0].buf + ref_row * in_what_stride + ref_col;
best_address = in_what;
// Check the starting position
bestsad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, in_what, in_what_stride, 0x7fffffff)
+ mvsad_err_cost(best_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
i = 1;
for (step = 0; step < tot_steps; step++) {
int all_in = 1, t;
// All_in is true if every one of the points we are checking are within
// the bounds of the image.
all_in &= ((best_mv->row + ss[i].mv.row) > x->mv_row_min);
all_in &= ((best_mv->row + ss[i + 1].mv.row) < x->mv_row_max);
all_in &= ((best_mv->col + ss[i + 2].mv.col) > x->mv_col_min);
all_in &= ((best_mv->col + ss[i + 3].mv.col) < x->mv_col_max);
// If all the pixels are within the bounds we don't check whether the
// search point is valid in this loop, otherwise we check each point
// for validity..
if (all_in) {
unsigned int sad_array[4];
for (j = 0; j < x->searches_per_step; j += 4) {
unsigned char const *block_offset[4];
for (t = 0; t < 4; t++)
block_offset[t] = ss[i + t].offset + best_address;
fn_ptr->sdx4df(what, what_stride, block_offset, in_what_stride,
for (t = 0; t < 4; t++, i++) {
if (sad_array[t] < bestsad) {
this_mv.row = best_mv->row + ss[i].mv.row;
this_mv.col = best_mv->col + ss[i].mv.col;
sad_array[t] += mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
if (sad_array[t] < bestsad) {
bestsad = sad_array[t];
best_site = i;
} else {
for (j = 0; j < x->searches_per_step; j++) {
// Trap illegal vectors
this_row_offset = best_mv->row + ss[i].mv.row;
this_col_offset = best_mv->col + ss[i].mv.col;
if ((this_col_offset > x->mv_col_min) &&
(this_col_offset < x->mv_col_max) &&
(this_row_offset > x->mv_row_min) &&
(this_row_offset < x->mv_row_max)) {
const uint8_t *const check_here = ss[i].offset + best_address;
thissad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, check_here, in_what_stride,
if (thissad < bestsad) {
this_mv.row = this_row_offset;
this_mv.col = this_col_offset;
thissad += mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad) {
bestsad = thissad;
best_site = i;
if (best_site != last_site) {
best_mv->row += ss[best_site].mv.row;
best_mv->col += ss[best_site].mv.col;
best_address += ss[best_site].offset;
last_site = best_site;
while (1) {
this_row_offset = best_mv->row + ss[best_site].mv.row;
this_col_offset = best_mv->col + ss[best_site].mv.col;
if ((this_col_offset > x->mv_col_min) &&
(this_col_offset < x->mv_col_max) &&
(this_row_offset > x->mv_row_min) &&
(this_row_offset < x->mv_row_max)) {
check_here = ss[best_site].offset + best_address;
thissad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, check_here, in_what_stride,
if (thissad < bestsad) {
this_mv.row = this_row_offset;
this_mv.col = this_col_offset;
thissad += mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad) {
bestsad = thissad;
best_mv->row += ss[best_site].mv.row;
best_mv->col += ss[best_site].mv.col;
best_address += ss[best_site].offset;
} else if (best_address == in_what) {
this_mv.row = best_mv->row * 8;
this_mv.col = best_mv->col * 8;
if (bestsad == INT_MAX)
return INT_MAX;
return fn_ptr->vf(what, what_stride, best_address, in_what_stride,
(unsigned int *)(&thissad)) +
mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv,
mvjcost, mvcost, x->errorperbit);
/* do_refine: If last step (1-away) of n-step search doesn't pick the center
point as the best match, we will do a final 1-away diamond
refining search */
int vp9_full_pixel_diamond(VP9_COMP *cpi, MACROBLOCK *x,
MV *mvp_full, int step_param,
int sadpb, int further_steps, int do_refine,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *fn_ptr,
const MV *ref_mv, MV *dst_mv) {
MV temp_mv;
int thissme, n, num00 = 0;
int bestsme = cpi->diamond_search_sad(x, mvp_full, &temp_mv,
step_param, sadpb, &n,
fn_ptr, x->nmvjointcost,
x->mvcost, ref_mv);
*dst_mv = temp_mv;
// If there won't be more n-step search, check to see if refining search is
// needed.
if (n > further_steps)
do_refine = 0;
while (n < further_steps) {
if (num00) {
} else {
thissme = cpi->diamond_search_sad(x, mvp_full, &temp_mv,
step_param + n, sadpb, &num00,
fn_ptr, x->nmvjointcost, x->mvcost,
// check to see if refining search is needed.
if (num00 > further_steps - n)
do_refine = 0;
if (thissme < bestsme) {
bestsme = thissme;
*dst_mv = temp_mv;
// final 1-away diamond refining search
if (do_refine) {
const int search_range = 8;
MV best_mv = *dst_mv;
thissme = cpi->refining_search_sad(x, &best_mv, sadpb, search_range,
fn_ptr, x->nmvjointcost, x->mvcost,
if (thissme < bestsme) {
bestsme = thissme;
*dst_mv = best_mv;
return bestsme;
int vp9_full_search_sad_c(const MACROBLOCK *x, const MV *ref_mv,
int sad_per_bit, int distance,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *fn_ptr,
int *mvjcost, int *mvcost[2],
const MV *center_mv, int block) {
int r, c;
const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
const uint8_t *const what = x->plane[0].src.buf;
const int what_stride = x->plane[0].src.stride;
const uint8_t *const in_what = xd->plane[0].pre[0].buf;
const int in_what_stride = xd->plane[0].pre[0].stride;
const int row_min = MAX(ref_mv->row - distance, x->mv_row_min);
const int row_max = MIN(ref_mv->row + distance, x->mv_row_max);
const int col_min = MAX(ref_mv->col - distance, x->mv_col_min);
const int col_max = MIN(ref_mv->col + distance, x->mv_col_max);
const int *mvjsadcost = x->nmvjointsadcost;
int *mvsadcost[2] = {x->nmvsadcost[0], x->nmvsadcost[1]};
const MV fcenter_mv = {center_mv->row >> 3, center_mv->col >> 3};
const uint8_t *best_address = &in_what[ref_mv->row * in_what_stride +
int best_sad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, best_address, in_what_stride,
0x7fffffff) +
mvsad_err_cost(ref_mv, &fcenter_mv, mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
MV *best_mv = &xd->mi_8x8[0]->bmi[block].as_mv[0].as_mv;
*best_mv = *ref_mv;
for (r = row_min; r < row_max; ++r) {
for (c = col_min; c < col_max; ++c) {
const MV this_mv = {r, c};
const uint8_t *check_here = &in_what[r * in_what_stride + c];
const int sad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, check_here, in_what_stride,
best_sad) +
mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
if (sad < best_sad) {
best_sad = sad;
*best_mv = this_mv;
best_address = check_here;
if (best_sad < INT_MAX) {
unsigned int unused;
const MV mv = {best_mv->row * 8, best_mv->col * 8};
return fn_ptr->vf(what, what_stride, best_address, in_what_stride, &unused)
+ mv_err_cost(&mv, center_mv, mvjcost, mvcost, x->errorperbit);
} else {
return INT_MAX;
int vp9_full_search_sadx3(const MACROBLOCK *x, const MV *ref_mv,
int sad_per_bit, int distance,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *fn_ptr,
int *mvjcost, int *mvcost[2],
const MV *center_mv, int n) {
const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
const uint8_t *const what = x->plane[0].src.buf;
const int what_stride = x->plane[0].src.stride;
const uint8_t *const in_what = xd->plane[0].pre[0].buf;
const int in_what_stride = xd->plane[0].pre[0].stride;
MV *best_mv = &xd->mi_8x8[0]->bmi[n].as_mv[0].as_mv;
MV this_mv;
unsigned int bestsad = INT_MAX;
int r, c;
unsigned int thissad;
int ref_row = ref_mv->row;
int ref_col = ref_mv->col;
// Apply further limits to prevent us looking using vectors that stretch
// beyond the UMV border
const int row_min = MAX(ref_row - distance, x->mv_row_min);
const int row_max = MIN(ref_row + distance, x->mv_row_max);
const int col_min = MAX(ref_col - distance, x->mv_col_min);
const int col_max = MIN(ref_col + distance, x->mv_col_max);
unsigned int sad_array[3];
const MV fcenter_mv = {center_mv->row >> 3, center_mv->col >> 3};
const int *mvjsadcost = x->nmvjointsadcost;
int *mvsadcost[2] = {x->nmvsadcost[0], x->nmvsadcost[1]};
// Work out the mid point for the search
const uint8_t *bestaddress = &in_what[ref_row * in_what_stride + ref_col];
best_mv->row = ref_row;
best_mv->col = ref_col;
// Baseline value at the centre
bestsad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride,
bestaddress, in_what_stride, 0x7fffffff)
+ mvsad_err_cost(best_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
for (r = row_min; r < row_max; r++) {
const uint8_t *check_here = &in_what[r * in_what_stride + col_min];
this_mv.row = r;
c = col_min;
while ((c + 2) < col_max && fn_ptr->sdx3f != NULL) {
int i;
fn_ptr->sdx3f(what, what_stride, check_here, in_what_stride, sad_array);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
thissad = sad_array[i];
if (thissad < bestsad) {
this_mv.col = c;
thissad += mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad) {
bestsad = thissad;
best_mv->row = r;
best_mv->col = c;
bestaddress = check_here;
while (c < col_max) {
thissad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, check_here, in_what_stride,
if (thissad < bestsad) {
this_mv.col = c;
thissad += mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad) {
bestsad = thissad;
best_mv->row = r;
best_mv->col = c;
bestaddress = check_here;
this_mv.row = best_mv->row * 8;
this_mv.col = best_mv->col * 8;
if (bestsad < INT_MAX)
return fn_ptr->vf(what, what_stride, bestaddress, in_what_stride,
(unsigned int *)(&thissad)) +
mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv,
mvjcost, mvcost, x->errorperbit);
return INT_MAX;
int vp9_full_search_sadx8(const MACROBLOCK *x, const MV *ref_mv,
int sad_per_bit, int distance,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *fn_ptr,
int *mvjcost, int *mvcost[2],
const MV *center_mv, int n) {
const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
const uint8_t *const what = x->plane[0].src.buf;
const int what_stride = x->plane[0].src.stride;
const uint8_t *const in_what = xd->plane[0].pre[0].buf;
const int in_what_stride = xd->plane[0].pre[0].stride;
MV *best_mv = &xd->mi_8x8[0]->bmi[n].as_mv[0].as_mv;
MV this_mv;
unsigned int bestsad = INT_MAX;
int r, c;
unsigned int thissad;
int ref_row = ref_mv->row;
int ref_col = ref_mv->col;
// Apply further limits to prevent us looking using vectors that stretch
// beyond the UMV border
const int row_min = MAX(ref_row - distance, x->mv_row_min);
const int row_max = MIN(ref_row + distance, x->mv_row_max);
const int col_min = MAX(ref_col - distance, x->mv_col_min);
const int col_max = MIN(ref_col + distance, x->mv_col_max);
DECLARE_ALIGNED_ARRAY(16, uint32_t, sad_array8, 8);
unsigned int sad_array[3];
const MV fcenter_mv = {center_mv->row >> 3, center_mv->col >> 3};
const int *mvjsadcost = x->nmvjointsadcost;
int *mvsadcost[2] = {x->nmvsadcost[0], x->nmvsadcost[1]};
// Work out the mid point for the search
const uint8_t *bestaddress = &in_what[ref_row * in_what_stride + ref_col];
best_mv->row = ref_row;
best_mv->col = ref_col;
// Baseline value at the center
bestsad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride,
bestaddress, in_what_stride, 0x7fffffff)
+ mvsad_err_cost(best_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
for (r = row_min; r < row_max; r++) {
const uint8_t *check_here = &in_what[r * in_what_stride + col_min];
this_mv.row = r;
c = col_min;
while ((c + 7) < col_max) {
int i;
fn_ptr->sdx8f(what, what_stride, check_here, in_what_stride, sad_array8);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
thissad = (unsigned int)sad_array8[i];
if (thissad < bestsad) {
this_mv.col = c;
thissad += mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad) {
bestsad = thissad;
best_mv->row = r;
best_mv->col = c;
bestaddress = check_here;
while ((c + 2) < col_max && fn_ptr->sdx3f != NULL) {
int i;
fn_ptr->sdx3f(what, what_stride, check_here, in_what_stride, sad_array);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
thissad = sad_array[i];
if (thissad < bestsad) {
this_mv.col = c;
thissad += mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad) {
bestsad = thissad;
best_mv->row = r;
best_mv->col = c;
bestaddress = check_here;
while (c < col_max) {
thissad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, check_here, in_what_stride,
if (thissad < bestsad) {
this_mv.col = c;
thissad += mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, sad_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad) {
bestsad = thissad;
best_mv->row = r;
best_mv->col = c;
bestaddress = check_here;
this_mv.row = best_mv->row * 8;
this_mv.col = best_mv->col * 8;
if (bestsad < INT_MAX)
return fn_ptr->vf(what, what_stride, bestaddress, in_what_stride,
(unsigned int *)(&thissad)) +
mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv,
mvjcost, mvcost, x->errorperbit);
return INT_MAX;
int vp9_refining_search_sad_c(const MACROBLOCK *x,
MV *ref_mv, int error_per_bit,
int search_range,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *fn_ptr,
int *mvjcost, int *mvcost[2],
const MV *center_mv) {
const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
const MV neighbors[4] = {{ -1, 0}, {0, -1}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}};
int i, j;
const int what_stride = x->plane[0].src.stride;
const uint8_t *const what = x->plane[0].src.buf;
const int in_what_stride = xd->plane[0].pre[0].stride;
const uint8_t *const in_what = xd->plane[0].pre[0].buf;
const uint8_t *best_address = &in_what[ref_mv->row * in_what_stride +
unsigned int thissad;
const MV fcenter_mv = {center_mv->row >> 3, center_mv->col >> 3};
MV this_mv;
const int *mvjsadcost = x->nmvjointsadcost;
int *mvsadcost[2] = {x->nmvsadcost[0], x->nmvsadcost[1]};
unsigned int bestsad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, best_address,
in_what_stride, 0x7fffffff) +
mvsad_err_cost(ref_mv, &fcenter_mv, mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
for (i = 0; i < search_range; i++) {
int best_site = -1;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
this_mv.row = ref_mv->row + neighbors[j].row;
this_mv.col = ref_mv->col + neighbors[j].col;
if (is_mv_in(x, &this_mv)) {
const uint8_t *check_here = &in_what[this_mv.row * in_what_stride +
thissad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, check_here, in_what_stride,
if (thissad < bestsad) {
thissad += mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad) {
bestsad = thissad;
best_site = j;
if (best_site == -1) {
} else {
ref_mv->row += neighbors[best_site].row;
ref_mv->col += neighbors[best_site].col;
best_address = &in_what[ref_mv->row * in_what_stride + ref_mv->col];
this_mv.row = ref_mv->row * 8;
this_mv.col = ref_mv->col * 8;
if (bestsad < INT_MAX)
return fn_ptr->vf(what, what_stride, best_address, in_what_stride,
(unsigned int *)(&thissad)) +
mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv, mvjcost, mvcost, x->errorperbit);
return INT_MAX;
int vp9_refining_search_sadx4(const MACROBLOCK *x,
MV *ref_mv, int error_per_bit,
int search_range,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *fn_ptr,
int *mvjcost, int *mvcost[2],
const MV *center_mv) {
const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
MV neighbors[4] = {{ -1, 0}, {0, -1}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}};
int i, j;
int this_row_offset, this_col_offset;
const int what_stride = x->plane[0].src.stride;
const int in_what_stride = xd->plane[0].pre[0].stride;
const uint8_t *what = x->plane[0].src.buf;
const uint8_t *best_address = xd->plane[0].pre[0].buf +
(ref_mv->row * xd->plane[0].pre[0].stride) +
unsigned int thissad;
MV this_mv;
const MV fcenter_mv = {center_mv->row >> 3, center_mv->col >> 3};
const int *mvjsadcost = x->nmvjointsadcost;
int *mvsadcost[2] = {x->nmvsadcost[0], x->nmvsadcost[1]};
unsigned int bestsad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, best_address,
in_what_stride, 0x7fffffff) +
mvsad_err_cost(ref_mv, &fcenter_mv, mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
for (i = 0; i < search_range; i++) {
int best_site = -1;
int all_in = ((ref_mv->row - 1) > x->mv_row_min) &
((ref_mv->row + 1) < x->mv_row_max) &
((ref_mv->col - 1) > x->mv_col_min) &
((ref_mv->col + 1) < x->mv_col_max);
if (all_in) {
unsigned int sad_array[4];
uint8_t const *block_offset[4] = {
best_address - in_what_stride,
best_address - 1,
best_address + 1,
best_address + in_what_stride
fn_ptr->sdx4df(what, what_stride, block_offset, in_what_stride,
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if (sad_array[j] < bestsad) {
this_mv.row = ref_mv->row + neighbors[j].row;
this_mv.col = ref_mv->col + neighbors[j].col;
sad_array[j] += mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
if (sad_array[j] < bestsad) {
bestsad = sad_array[j];
best_site = j;
} else {
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
this_row_offset = ref_mv->row + neighbors[j].row;
this_col_offset = ref_mv->col + neighbors[j].col;
if ((this_col_offset > x->mv_col_min) &&
(this_col_offset < x->mv_col_max) &&
(this_row_offset > x->mv_row_min) &&
(this_row_offset < x->mv_row_max)) {
const uint8_t *check_here = neighbors[j].row * in_what_stride +
neighbors[j].col + best_address;
thissad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, check_here, in_what_stride,
if (thissad < bestsad) {
this_mv.row = this_row_offset;
this_mv.col = this_col_offset;
thissad += mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad) {
bestsad = thissad;
best_site = j;
if (best_site == -1) {
} else {
ref_mv->row += neighbors[best_site].row;
ref_mv->col += neighbors[best_site].col;
best_address += (neighbors[best_site].row) * in_what_stride +
this_mv.row = ref_mv->row * 8;
this_mv.col = ref_mv->col * 8;
if (bestsad < INT_MAX)
return fn_ptr->vf(what, what_stride, best_address, in_what_stride,
(unsigned int *)(&thissad)) +
mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv,
mvjcost, mvcost, x->errorperbit);
return INT_MAX;
// This function is called when we do joint motion search in comp_inter_inter
// mode.
int vp9_refining_search_8p_c(const MACROBLOCK *x,
MV *ref_mv, int error_per_bit,
int search_range,
const vp9_variance_fn_ptr_t *fn_ptr,
int *mvjcost, int *mvcost[2],
const MV *center_mv,
const uint8_t *second_pred, int w, int h) {
const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
const MV neighbors[8] = {{-1, 0}, {0, -1}, {0, 1}, {1, 0},
{-1, -1}, {1, -1}, {-1, 1}, {1, 1}};
int i, j;
const uint8_t *what = x->plane[0].src.buf;
const int what_stride = x->plane[0].src.stride;
const uint8_t *in_what = xd->plane[0].pre[0].buf;
const int in_what_stride = xd->plane[0].pre[0].stride;
const uint8_t *best_address = &in_what[ref_mv->row * in_what_stride +
unsigned int thissad;
MV this_mv;
const MV fcenter_mv = {center_mv->row >> 3, center_mv->col >> 3};
const int *mvjsadcost = x->nmvjointsadcost;
int *mvsadcost[2] = {x->nmvsadcost[0], x->nmvsadcost[1]};
/* Get compound pred by averaging two pred blocks. */
unsigned int bestsad = fn_ptr->sdaf(what, what_stride,
best_address, in_what_stride,
second_pred, 0x7fffffff) +
mvsad_err_cost(ref_mv, &fcenter_mv, mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
for (i = 0; i < search_range; ++i) {
int best_site = -1;
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
this_mv.row = ref_mv->row + neighbors[j].row;
this_mv.col = ref_mv->col + neighbors[j].col;
if (is_mv_in(x, &this_mv)) {
const uint8_t *check_here = &in_what[this_mv.row * in_what_stride +
thissad = fn_ptr->sdaf(what, what_stride, check_here, in_what_stride,
second_pred, bestsad);
if (thissad < bestsad) {
thissad += mvsad_err_cost(&this_mv, &fcenter_mv,
mvjsadcost, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad) {
bestsad = thissad;
best_site = j;
if (best_site == -1) {
} else {
ref_mv->row += neighbors[best_site].row;
ref_mv->col += neighbors[best_site].col;
best_address = &in_what[ref_mv->row * in_what_stride + ref_mv->col];
this_mv.row = ref_mv->row * 8;
this_mv.col = ref_mv->col * 8;
if (bestsad < INT_MAX) {
// FIXME(rbultje, yunqing): add full-pixel averaging variance functions
// so we don't have to use the subpixel with xoff=0,yoff=0 here.
return fn_ptr->svaf(best_address, in_what_stride, 0, 0, what, what_stride,
(unsigned int *)(&thissad), second_pred) +
mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv,
mvjcost, mvcost, x->errorperbit);
} else {
return INT_MAX;