The flag was added because Apple clang and Chromium clang disagreed for certain versions of instructions. qsubaddx, qaddsubx, ldrneb and ldrneh were used in armv6 assembly which was removed in d55724fae9cb27e070add7952394fc0427ef2061 vqshrun was used in some neon assembly but superseded by dcbfacbb984cdcd5b5a5030103305fa3669dfece .include was used for obj_int_extract/asm_offsets and removed in 6eec73a747f3d14d327cdc33279de96d0deb48c8 Change-Id: I32f4c9b536d0318482101c0b8e91e42b8f545f18
217 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
217 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
## Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
## Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
## that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
## tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
## in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
## be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
# ads2gas_apple.pl
# Author: Eric Fung (efung (at) acm.org)
# Convert ARM Developer Suite 1.0.1 syntax assembly source to GNU as format
# Usage: cat inputfile | perl ads2gas_apple.pl > outputfile
print "@ This file was created from a .asm file\n";
print "@ using the ads2gas_apple.pl script.\n\n";
print "\t.set WIDE_REFERENCE, 0\n";
print "\t.set ARCHITECTURE, 5\n";
print "\t.set DO1STROUNDING, 0\n";
my %register_aliases;
my %macro_aliases;
my @mapping_list = ("\$0", "\$1", "\$2", "\$3", "\$4", "\$5", "\$6", "\$7", "\$8", "\$9");
my @incoming_array;
my @imported_functions;
# Perl trim function to remove whitespace from the start and end of the string
sub trim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
while (<STDIN>)
# Load and store alignment
# Comment character
s/;/ @/g;
# Hexadecimal constants prefaced by 0x
# Convert :OR: to |
s/:OR:/ | /g;
# Convert :AND: to &
s/:AND:/ & /g;
# Convert :NOT: to ~
s/:NOT:/ ~ /g;
# Convert :SHL: to <<
s/:SHL:/ << /g;
# Convert :SHR: to >>
s/:SHR:/ >> /g;
# Convert ELSE to .else
# Convert ENDIF to .endif
# Convert ELSEIF to .elseif
# Convert LTORG to .ltorg
# Convert IF :DEF:to .if
# gcc doesn't have the ability to do a conditional
# if defined variable that is set by IF :DEF: on
# armasm, so convert it to a normal .if and then
# make sure to define a value elesewhere
if (s/\bIF :DEF:\b/.if /g)
# Convert IF to .if
if (s/\bIF\b/.if/g)
# Convert INCLUDE to .INCLUDE "file"
s/INCLUDE(\s*)(.*)$/.include $1\"$2\"/;
# Code directive (ARM vs Thumb)
s/CODE([0-9][0-9])/.code $1/;
# No AREA required
# But ALIGNs in AREA must be obeyed
s/^\s*AREA.*ALIGN=([0-9])$/.text\n.p2align $1/;
# If no ALIGN, strip the AREA and align to 4 bytes
s/^\s*AREA.*$/.text\n.p2align 2/;
# DCD to .word
# This one is for incoming symbols
s/DCD\s+\|(\w*)\|/.long $1/;
# DCW to .short
s/DCW\s+\|(\w*)\|/.short $1/;
s/DCW(.*)/.short $1/;
# Constants defined in scope
s/DCD(.*)/.long $1/;
s/DCB(.*)/.byte $1/;
# Build a hash of all the register - alias pairs.
if (s/(.*)RN(.*)/$1 .req $2/g)
$register_aliases{trim($1)} = trim($2);
while (($key, $value) = each(%register_aliases))
# Make function visible to linker, and make additional symbol with
# prepended underscore
s/EXPORT\s+\|([\$\w]*)\|/.globl _$1\n\t.globl $1/;
# Prepend imported functions with _
if (s/IMPORT\s+\|([\$\w]*)\|/.globl $1/)
$function = trim($1);
push(@imported_functions, $function);
foreach $function (@imported_functions)
# No vertical bars required; make additional symbol with prepended
# underscore
# Labels need trailing colon
# s/^(\w+)/$1:/ if !/EQU/;
# put the colon at the end of the line in the macro
s/^([a-zA-Z_0-9\$]+)/$1:/ if !/EQU/;
# ALIGN directive
# Strip ARM
s/\sARM/@ ARM/g;
# Strip REQUIRE8
s/\sREQUIRE8/@ /g;
# Strip PROC and ENDPROC
# EQU directive
s/(.*)EQU(.*)/.set $1, $2/;
# Begin macro definition
if (/\bMACRO\b/)
# Process next line down, which will be the macro definition
$_ = <STDIN>;
$trimmed = trim($_);
# remove commas that are separating list
$trimmed =~ s/,//g;
# string to array
@incoming_array = split(/\s+/, $trimmed);
print ".macro @incoming_array[0]\n";
# remove the first element, as that is the name of the macro
shift (@incoming_array);
@macro_aliases{@incoming_array} = @mapping_list;
while (($key, $value) = each(%macro_aliases))
$key =~ s/\$/\\\$/;
# For macros, use \ to reference formal params
# s/\$/\\/g; # End macro definition
s/\bMEND\b/.endm/; # No need to tell it where to stop assembling
next if /^\s*END\s*$/;