Upstream hash: a58c32339e06e5d672a58cdd5844cea0a661e735 Changes from upstream since last update: a58c323 mkvmuxer: Add codec id constant for VP10. 714f3c4 mkvparser: validate results in EBMLHeader::Parse. cec98d4 mkvparser: Correct the ReadID implementation. eb36ae4 Merge changes I029a268e,Ia272b150,I5c4d1bbc,Ia47a2478,I3a2e2226 229f493 Merge "mkvparser: Segment::AppendCluster asserts to error checks." 287faf9 Merge "mkvparser: Segment::DoLoadClusterUnknownSize asserts to error checks." 1a87b59 Merge "mkvparser: Segment assert clean up." d26ec69 mkvparser: Cluster::Parse clean up. f2029be mkvparser: Disallow EBML IDs equal to 0. 19f5694 mkvparser: Cluster::Load clean up. 27a07c1 mkvparser: Segment::Load asserts to error checks. d0313dd mkvparser: Segment::PreloadCluster asserts to error checks. b108695 mkvparser: Segment::AppendCluster asserts to error checks. 4630f80 mkvparser: Segment::DoLoadClusterUnknownSize asserts to error checks. 841a9b5 mkvparser: Segment assert clean up. 8c4ca2e Merge "mkvparser: Make mkvparser namespace usage uniform." 49ae6f0 Merge "mkvparser: Fix include order." 0735bb5 mkvparser: Make mkvparser namespace usage uniform. 93b24c4 mkvparser: Fix include order. a57d660 sample_muxer: fix Segment memory leak on error 1c5bd94 mkvparser: Cues, change asserts to error checks. 7f77201 Merge "mkvparser: Add ReadID." 795fd56 mkvparser: set kMaxAllocSize explicitly 23bb18b mkvparser: Add ReadID. 7b57e37 mkvparser: add SafeArrayAlloc. 83a1f68 mkvparser: Remove buf_t typedef. 5074714 Merge changes Ia1265a63,I799d54df,Icfc582e4,I3425f608 b181105 Merge changes Ie4318152,I1e65f30f 06b4337 Block::Parse: replace pos asserts w/checks b366a98 Cluster::ParseBlockGroup: replace pos asserts w/checks 2857b23 Tags::*::Parse: replace pos asserts w/checks f1b2cfa Chapters::*::Parse: replace pos asserts w/checks ca80629 Merge "mkvparser: Cues::PreloadCuePoint now returns bool." 6b4b297 Block::Parse: use int64 to aggregate laced frame sizes c0d2c98 UnserializeFloat: check result for Inf/NaN 1a6dc4f mkvparser: Cues::PreloadCuePoint now returns bool. 275ac22 mkvparser: Cluster::Create clean up. 064f2ee Segment::PreloadCluster(): return a bool status 3778408 Segment::AppendCluster(): return a bool status e86d046 mkvparser: check Cluster::Create() return f9885b5 mkvparser: check allocations 21ee398 mkvparser: Segment::Load fail w/missing info/tracks 08fb654 Merge changes I264e68b2,Ife6190a4,Ibf37245f,I06efadb5,I88b5dfec, ... c896095 mkvparser/Cluster: convert asserts to failure returns 680b4bf mkvparser/Tracks: convert asserts to failure returns 5889e6c mkvparser/Track: convert asserts to failure returns 5135c4c mkvparser/ContentEncoding: convert asserts to failure returns b0e4f32 mkvparser/Cues: convert asserts to failure returns 13ccc7f mkvparser/UnserializeInt: fix sign flip db3f9bb mkvparser/SeekHead: convert asserts to failure returns 8de3654 mkvparser/Segment: convert asserts to failure returns fa2aa7d SeekHead::Parse(): fix assertion failure d9bdade sample{,_muxer}: check SegmentInfo::GetInfo() return 07a9cf7 Merge "mkvparser: Remove some asserts." c56ee29 mkvparser: Remove some asserts. d901324 Merge "mkvparser: Remove some asserts from SegmentInfo::Parse." 7f7d898 Fix case sensitivity issue in iosbuild.sh. 42fe2cd mkvparser: Remove some asserts from SegmentInfo::Parse. 8bccd9c Merge "mkvparser: avoid rollover in UnserializeInt()." 7a2fa0d mkvparser: avoid rollover in UnserializeInt(). 44f5ce6 mkvparser: Disallow durations in seconds greater than LONG_LONG_MAX. b521e30 Merge "mkvparser: Segment::ParseHeaders() avoid rollover and bad int sizes." 7680e2a mkvparser: Check for errors in Match(). 39a315f mkvparser: Segment::ParseHeaders() avoid rollover and bad int sizes. f250ace mkvparser: Handle invalid lengths and rollover in ParseElementHeader(). cd96a76 mkvparser: Avoid rollover/truncation in UnserializeString(). 8e8b3db Merge "mkvparser: Add error checking in Block::Parse." 82b7e5f sample: correct mbstowcs() error check 04d7809 sample: check allocation return 986b64b mkvparser: Add error checking in Block::Parse. Change-Id: I39beef84962d6341f8ce53be06807b3e2068f777
1026 lines
27 KiB
1026 lines
27 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2012 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
namespace mkvparser {
const int E_PARSE_FAILED = -1;
const int E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID = -2;
const int E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL = -3;
class IMkvReader {
virtual int Read(long long pos, long len, unsigned char* buf) = 0;
virtual int Length(long long* total, long long* available) = 0;
virtual ~IMkvReader();
template<typename Type> Type* SafeArrayAlloc(unsigned long long num_elements,
unsigned long long element_size);
long long GetUIntLength(IMkvReader*, long long, long&);
long long ReadUInt(IMkvReader*, long long, long&);
long long ReadID(IMkvReader* pReader, long long pos, long& len);
long long UnserializeUInt(IMkvReader*, long long pos, long long size);
long UnserializeFloat(IMkvReader*, long long pos, long long size, double&);
long UnserializeInt(IMkvReader*, long long pos, long long size,
long long& result);
long UnserializeString(IMkvReader*, long long pos, long long size, char*& str);
long ParseElementHeader(IMkvReader* pReader,
long long& pos, // consume id and size fields
long long stop, // if you know size of element's parent
long long& id, long long& size);
bool Match(IMkvReader*, long long&, unsigned long, long long&);
bool Match(IMkvReader*, long long&, unsigned long, unsigned char*&, size_t&);
void GetVersion(int& major, int& minor, int& build, int& revision);
struct EBMLHeader {
long long m_version;
long long m_readVersion;
long long m_maxIdLength;
long long m_maxSizeLength;
char* m_docType;
long long m_docTypeVersion;
long long m_docTypeReadVersion;
long long Parse(IMkvReader*, long long&);
void Init();
class Segment;
class Track;
class Cluster;
class Block {
Block(const Block&);
Block& operator=(const Block&);
const long long m_start;
const long long m_size;
Block(long long start, long long size, long long discard_padding);
long Parse(const Cluster*);
long long GetTrackNumber() const;
long long GetTimeCode(const Cluster*) const; // absolute, but not scaled
long long GetTime(const Cluster*) const; // absolute, and scaled (ns)
bool IsKey() const;
void SetKey(bool);
bool IsInvisible() const;
enum Lacing { kLacingNone, kLacingXiph, kLacingFixed, kLacingEbml };
Lacing GetLacing() const;
int GetFrameCount() const; // to index frames: [0, count)
struct Frame {
long long pos; // absolute offset
long len;
long Read(IMkvReader*, unsigned char*) const;
const Frame& GetFrame(int frame_index) const;
long long GetDiscardPadding() const;
long long m_track; // Track::Number()
short m_timecode; // relative to cluster
unsigned char m_flags;
Frame* m_frames;
int m_frame_count;
const long long m_discard_padding;
class BlockEntry {
BlockEntry(const BlockEntry&);
BlockEntry& operator=(const BlockEntry&);
BlockEntry(Cluster*, long index);
virtual ~BlockEntry();
bool EOS() const;
const Cluster* GetCluster() const;
long GetIndex() const;
virtual const Block* GetBlock() const = 0;
enum Kind { kBlockEOS, kBlockSimple, kBlockGroup };
virtual Kind GetKind() const = 0;
Cluster* const m_pCluster;
const long m_index;
class SimpleBlock : public BlockEntry {
SimpleBlock(const SimpleBlock&);
SimpleBlock& operator=(const SimpleBlock&);
SimpleBlock(Cluster*, long index, long long start, long long size);
long Parse();
Kind GetKind() const;
const Block* GetBlock() const;
Block m_block;
class BlockGroup : public BlockEntry {
BlockGroup(const BlockGroup&);
BlockGroup& operator=(const BlockGroup&);
BlockGroup(Cluster*, long index,
long long block_start, // absolute pos of block's payload
long long block_size, // size of block's payload
long long prev, long long next, long long duration,
long long discard_padding);
long Parse();
Kind GetKind() const;
const Block* GetBlock() const;
long long GetPrevTimeCode() const; // relative to block's time
long long GetNextTimeCode() const; // as above
long long GetDurationTimeCode() const;
Block m_block;
const long long m_prev;
const long long m_next;
const long long m_duration;
// ContentEncoding element
// Elements used to describe if the track data has been encrypted or
// compressed with zlib or header stripping.
class ContentEncoding {
enum { kCTR = 1 };
// ContentCompression element names
struct ContentCompression {
unsigned long long algo;
unsigned char* settings;
long long settings_len;
// ContentEncAESSettings element names
struct ContentEncAESSettings {
ContentEncAESSettings() : cipher_mode(kCTR) {}
~ContentEncAESSettings() {}
unsigned long long cipher_mode;
// ContentEncryption element names
struct ContentEncryption {
unsigned long long algo;
unsigned char* key_id;
long long key_id_len;
unsigned char* signature;
long long signature_len;
unsigned char* sig_key_id;
long long sig_key_id_len;
unsigned long long sig_algo;
unsigned long long sig_hash_algo;
ContentEncAESSettings aes_settings;
// Returns ContentCompression represented by |idx|. Returns NULL if |idx|
// is out of bounds.
const ContentCompression* GetCompressionByIndex(unsigned long idx) const;
// Returns number of ContentCompression elements in this ContentEncoding
// element.
unsigned long GetCompressionCount() const;
// Parses the ContentCompression element from |pReader|. |start| is the
// starting offset of the ContentCompression payload. |size| is the size in
// bytes of the ContentCompression payload. |compression| is where the parsed
// values will be stored.
long ParseCompressionEntry(long long start, long long size,
IMkvReader* pReader,
ContentCompression* compression);
// Returns ContentEncryption represented by |idx|. Returns NULL if |idx|
// is out of bounds.
const ContentEncryption* GetEncryptionByIndex(unsigned long idx) const;
// Returns number of ContentEncryption elements in this ContentEncoding
// element.
unsigned long GetEncryptionCount() const;
// Parses the ContentEncAESSettings element from |pReader|. |start| is the
// starting offset of the ContentEncAESSettings payload. |size| is the
// size in bytes of the ContentEncAESSettings payload. |encryption| is
// where the parsed values will be stored.
long ParseContentEncAESSettingsEntry(long long start, long long size,
IMkvReader* pReader,
ContentEncAESSettings* aes);
// Parses the ContentEncoding element from |pReader|. |start| is the
// starting offset of the ContentEncoding payload. |size| is the size in
// bytes of the ContentEncoding payload. Returns true on success.
long ParseContentEncodingEntry(long long start, long long size,
IMkvReader* pReader);
// Parses the ContentEncryption element from |pReader|. |start| is the
// starting offset of the ContentEncryption payload. |size| is the size in
// bytes of the ContentEncryption payload. |encryption| is where the parsed
// values will be stored.
long ParseEncryptionEntry(long long start, long long size,
IMkvReader* pReader, ContentEncryption* encryption);
unsigned long long encoding_order() const { return encoding_order_; }
unsigned long long encoding_scope() const { return encoding_scope_; }
unsigned long long encoding_type() const { return encoding_type_; }
// Member variables for list of ContentCompression elements.
ContentCompression** compression_entries_;
ContentCompression** compression_entries_end_;
// Member variables for list of ContentEncryption elements.
ContentEncryption** encryption_entries_;
ContentEncryption** encryption_entries_end_;
// ContentEncoding element names
unsigned long long encoding_order_;
unsigned long long encoding_scope_;
unsigned long long encoding_type_;
ContentEncoding(const ContentEncoding&);
ContentEncoding& operator=(const ContentEncoding&);
class Track {
Track(const Track&);
Track& operator=(const Track&);
class Info;
static long Create(Segment*, const Info&, long long element_start,
long long element_size, Track*&);
enum Type { kVideo = 1, kAudio = 2, kSubtitle = 0x11, kMetadata = 0x21 };
Segment* const m_pSegment;
const long long m_element_start;
const long long m_element_size;
virtual ~Track();
long GetType() const;
long GetNumber() const;
unsigned long long GetUid() const;
const char* GetNameAsUTF8() const;
const char* GetLanguage() const;
const char* GetCodecNameAsUTF8() const;
const char* GetCodecId() const;
const unsigned char* GetCodecPrivate(size_t&) const;
bool GetLacing() const;
unsigned long long GetDefaultDuration() const;
unsigned long long GetCodecDelay() const;
unsigned long long GetSeekPreRoll() const;
const BlockEntry* GetEOS() const;
struct Settings {
long long start;
long long size;
class Info {
int Copy(Info&) const;
void Clear();
long type;
long number;
unsigned long long uid;
unsigned long long defaultDuration;
unsigned long long codecDelay;
unsigned long long seekPreRoll;
char* nameAsUTF8;
char* language;
char* codecId;
char* codecNameAsUTF8;
unsigned char* codecPrivate;
size_t codecPrivateSize;
bool lacing;
Settings settings;
Info(const Info&);
Info& operator=(const Info&);
int CopyStr(char* Info::*str, Info&) const;
long GetFirst(const BlockEntry*&) const;
long GetNext(const BlockEntry* pCurr, const BlockEntry*& pNext) const;
virtual bool VetEntry(const BlockEntry*) const;
virtual long Seek(long long time_ns, const BlockEntry*&) const;
const ContentEncoding* GetContentEncodingByIndex(unsigned long idx) const;
unsigned long GetContentEncodingCount() const;
long ParseContentEncodingsEntry(long long start, long long size);
Track(Segment*, long long element_start, long long element_size);
Info m_info;
class EOSBlock : public BlockEntry {
Kind GetKind() const;
const Block* GetBlock() const;
EOSBlock m_eos;
ContentEncoding** content_encoding_entries_;
ContentEncoding** content_encoding_entries_end_;
class VideoTrack : public Track {
VideoTrack(const VideoTrack&);
VideoTrack& operator=(const VideoTrack&);
VideoTrack(Segment*, long long element_start, long long element_size);
static long Parse(Segment*, const Info&, long long element_start,
long long element_size, VideoTrack*&);
long long GetWidth() const;
long long GetHeight() const;
long long GetDisplayWidth() const;
long long GetDisplayHeight() const;
long long GetDisplayUnit() const;
long long GetStereoMode() const;
double GetFrameRate() const;
bool VetEntry(const BlockEntry*) const;
long Seek(long long time_ns, const BlockEntry*&) const;
long long m_width;
long long m_height;
long long m_display_width;
long long m_display_height;
long long m_display_unit;
long long m_stereo_mode;
double m_rate;
class AudioTrack : public Track {
AudioTrack(const AudioTrack&);
AudioTrack& operator=(const AudioTrack&);
AudioTrack(Segment*, long long element_start, long long element_size);
static long Parse(Segment*, const Info&, long long element_start,
long long element_size, AudioTrack*&);
double GetSamplingRate() const;
long long GetChannels() const;
long long GetBitDepth() const;
double m_rate;
long long m_channels;
long long m_bitDepth;
class Tracks {
Tracks(const Tracks&);
Tracks& operator=(const Tracks&);
Segment* const m_pSegment;
const long long m_start;
const long long m_size;
const long long m_element_start;
const long long m_element_size;
Tracks(Segment*, long long start, long long size, long long element_start,
long long element_size);
long Parse();
unsigned long GetTracksCount() const;
const Track* GetTrackByNumber(long tn) const;
const Track* GetTrackByIndex(unsigned long idx) const;
Track** m_trackEntries;
Track** m_trackEntriesEnd;
long ParseTrackEntry(long long payload_start, long long payload_size,
long long element_start, long long element_size,
Track*&) const;
class Chapters {
Chapters(const Chapters&);
Chapters& operator=(const Chapters&);
Segment* const m_pSegment;
const long long m_start;
const long long m_size;
const long long m_element_start;
const long long m_element_size;
Chapters(Segment*, long long payload_start, long long payload_size,
long long element_start, long long element_size);
long Parse();
class Atom;
class Edition;
class Display {
friend class Atom;
Display(const Display&);
Display& operator=(const Display&);
const char* GetString() const;
const char* GetLanguage() const;
const char* GetCountry() const;
void Init();
void ShallowCopy(Display&) const;
void Clear();
long Parse(IMkvReader*, long long pos, long long size);
char* m_string;
char* m_language;
char* m_country;
class Atom {
friend class Edition;
Atom(const Atom&);
Atom& operator=(const Atom&);
unsigned long long GetUID() const;
const char* GetStringUID() const;
long long GetStartTimecode() const;
long long GetStopTimecode() const;
long long GetStartTime(const Chapters*) const;
long long GetStopTime(const Chapters*) const;
int GetDisplayCount() const;
const Display* GetDisplay(int index) const;
void Init();
void ShallowCopy(Atom&) const;
void Clear();
long Parse(IMkvReader*, long long pos, long long size);
static long long GetTime(const Chapters*, long long timecode);
long ParseDisplay(IMkvReader*, long long pos, long long size);
bool ExpandDisplaysArray();
char* m_string_uid;
unsigned long long m_uid;
long long m_start_timecode;
long long m_stop_timecode;
Display* m_displays;
int m_displays_size;
int m_displays_count;
class Edition {
friend class Chapters;
Edition(const Edition&);
Edition& operator=(const Edition&);
int GetAtomCount() const;
const Atom* GetAtom(int index) const;
void Init();
void ShallowCopy(Edition&) const;
void Clear();
long Parse(IMkvReader*, long long pos, long long size);
long ParseAtom(IMkvReader*, long long pos, long long size);
bool ExpandAtomsArray();
Atom* m_atoms;
int m_atoms_size;
int m_atoms_count;
int GetEditionCount() const;
const Edition* GetEdition(int index) const;
long ParseEdition(long long pos, long long size);
bool ExpandEditionsArray();
Edition* m_editions;
int m_editions_size;
int m_editions_count;
class Tags {
Tags(const Tags&);
Tags& operator=(const Tags&);
Segment* const m_pSegment;
const long long m_start;
const long long m_size;
const long long m_element_start;
const long long m_element_size;
Tags(Segment*, long long payload_start, long long payload_size,
long long element_start, long long element_size);
long Parse();
class Tag;
class SimpleTag;
class SimpleTag {
friend class Tag;
SimpleTag(const SimpleTag&);
SimpleTag& operator=(const SimpleTag&);
const char* GetTagName() const;
const char* GetTagString() const;
void Init();
void ShallowCopy(SimpleTag&) const;
void Clear();
long Parse(IMkvReader*, long long pos, long long size);
char* m_tag_name;
char* m_tag_string;
class Tag {
friend class Tags;
Tag(const Tag&);
Tag& operator=(const Tag&);
int GetSimpleTagCount() const;
const SimpleTag* GetSimpleTag(int index) const;
void Init();
void ShallowCopy(Tag&) const;
void Clear();
long Parse(IMkvReader*, long long pos, long long size);
long ParseSimpleTag(IMkvReader*, long long pos, long long size);
bool ExpandSimpleTagsArray();
SimpleTag* m_simple_tags;
int m_simple_tags_size;
int m_simple_tags_count;
int GetTagCount() const;
const Tag* GetTag(int index) const;
long ParseTag(long long pos, long long size);
bool ExpandTagsArray();
Tag* m_tags;
int m_tags_size;
int m_tags_count;
class SegmentInfo {
SegmentInfo(const SegmentInfo&);
SegmentInfo& operator=(const SegmentInfo&);
Segment* const m_pSegment;
const long long m_start;
const long long m_size;
const long long m_element_start;
const long long m_element_size;
SegmentInfo(Segment*, long long start, long long size,
long long element_start, long long element_size);
long Parse();
long long GetTimeCodeScale() const;
long long GetDuration() const; // scaled
const char* GetMuxingAppAsUTF8() const;
const char* GetWritingAppAsUTF8() const;
const char* GetTitleAsUTF8() const;
long long m_timecodeScale;
double m_duration;
char* m_pMuxingAppAsUTF8;
char* m_pWritingAppAsUTF8;
char* m_pTitleAsUTF8;
class SeekHead {
SeekHead(const SeekHead&);
SeekHead& operator=(const SeekHead&);
Segment* const m_pSegment;
const long long m_start;
const long long m_size;
const long long m_element_start;
const long long m_element_size;
SeekHead(Segment*, long long start, long long size, long long element_start,
long long element_size);
long Parse();
struct Entry {
// the SeekHead entry payload
long long id;
long long pos;
// absolute pos of SeekEntry ID
long long element_start;
// SeekEntry ID size + size size + payload
long long element_size;
int GetCount() const;
const Entry* GetEntry(int idx) const;
struct VoidElement {
// absolute pos of Void ID
long long element_start;
// ID size + size size + payload size
long long element_size;
int GetVoidElementCount() const;
const VoidElement* GetVoidElement(int idx) const;
Entry* m_entries;
int m_entry_count;
VoidElement* m_void_elements;
int m_void_element_count;
static bool ParseEntry(IMkvReader*,
long long pos, // payload
long long size, Entry*);
class Cues;
class CuePoint {
friend class Cues;
CuePoint(long, long long);
CuePoint(const CuePoint&);
CuePoint& operator=(const CuePoint&);
long long m_element_start;
long long m_element_size;
bool Load(IMkvReader*);
long long GetTimeCode() const; // absolute but unscaled
long long GetTime(const Segment*) const; // absolute and scaled (ns units)
struct TrackPosition {
long long m_track;
long long m_pos; // of cluster
long long m_block;
// codec_state //defaults to 0
// reference = clusters containing req'd referenced blocks
// reftime = timecode of the referenced block
bool Parse(IMkvReader*, long long, long long);
const TrackPosition* Find(const Track*) const;
const long m_index;
long long m_timecode;
TrackPosition* m_track_positions;
size_t m_track_positions_count;
class Cues {
friend class Segment;
Cues(Segment*, long long start, long long size, long long element_start,
long long element_size);
Cues(const Cues&);
Cues& operator=(const Cues&);
Segment* const m_pSegment;
const long long m_start;
const long long m_size;
const long long m_element_start;
const long long m_element_size;
bool Find( // lower bound of time_ns
long long time_ns, const Track*, const CuePoint*&,
const CuePoint::TrackPosition*&) const;
const CuePoint* GetFirst() const;
const CuePoint* GetLast() const;
const CuePoint* GetNext(const CuePoint*) const;
const BlockEntry* GetBlock(const CuePoint*,
const CuePoint::TrackPosition*) const;
bool LoadCuePoint() const;
long GetCount() const; // loaded only
// long GetTotal() const; //loaded + preloaded
bool DoneParsing() const;
bool Init() const;
bool PreloadCuePoint(long&, long long) const;
mutable CuePoint** m_cue_points;
mutable long m_count;
mutable long m_preload_count;
mutable long long m_pos;
class Cluster {
friend class Segment;
Cluster(const Cluster&);
Cluster& operator=(const Cluster&);
Segment* const m_pSegment;
static Cluster* Create(Segment*,
long index, // index in segment
long long off); // offset relative to segment
// long long element_size);
Cluster(); // EndOfStream
bool EOS() const;
long long GetTimeCode() const; // absolute, but not scaled
long long GetTime() const; // absolute, and scaled (nanosecond units)
long long GetFirstTime() const; // time (ns) of first (earliest) block
long long GetLastTime() const; // time (ns) of last (latest) block
long GetFirst(const BlockEntry*&) const;
long GetLast(const BlockEntry*&) const;
long GetNext(const BlockEntry* curr, const BlockEntry*& next) const;
const BlockEntry* GetEntry(const Track*, long long ns = -1) const;
const BlockEntry* GetEntry(const CuePoint&,
const CuePoint::TrackPosition&) const;
// const BlockEntry* GetMaxKey(const VideoTrack*) const;
// static bool HasBlockEntries(const Segment*, long long);
static long HasBlockEntries(const Segment*, long long idoff, long long& pos,
long& size);
long GetEntryCount() const;
long Load(long long& pos, long& size) const;
long Parse(long long& pos, long& size) const;
long GetEntry(long index, const mkvparser::BlockEntry*&) const;
Cluster(Segment*, long index, long long element_start);
// long long element_size);
const long long m_element_start;
long long GetPosition() const; // offset relative to segment
long GetIndex() const;
long long GetElementSize() const;
// long long GetPayloadSize() const;
// long long Unparsed() const;
long m_index;
mutable long long m_pos;
// mutable long long m_size;
mutable long long m_element_size;
mutable long long m_timecode;
mutable BlockEntry** m_entries;
mutable long m_entries_size;
mutable long m_entries_count;
long ParseSimpleBlock(long long, long long&, long&);
long ParseBlockGroup(long long, long long&, long&);
long CreateBlock(long long id, long long pos, long long size,
long long discard_padding);
long CreateBlockGroup(long long start_offset, long long size,
long long discard_padding);
long CreateSimpleBlock(long long, long long);
class Segment {
friend class Cues;
friend class Track;
friend class VideoTrack;
Segment(const Segment&);
Segment& operator=(const Segment&);
Segment(IMkvReader*, long long elem_start,
// long long elem_size,
long long pos, long long size);
IMkvReader* const m_pReader;
const long long m_element_start;
// const long long m_element_size;
const long long m_start; // posn of segment payload
const long long m_size; // size of segment payload
Cluster m_eos; // TODO: make private?
static long long CreateInstance(IMkvReader*, long long, Segment*&);
long Load(); // loads headers and all clusters
// for incremental loading
// long long Unparsed() const;
bool DoneParsing() const;
long long ParseHeaders(); // stops when first cluster is found
// long FindNextCluster(long long& pos, long& size) const;
long LoadCluster(long long& pos, long& size); // load one cluster
long LoadCluster();
long ParseNext(const Cluster* pCurr, const Cluster*& pNext, long long& pos,
long& size);
const SeekHead* GetSeekHead() const;
const Tracks* GetTracks() const;
const SegmentInfo* GetInfo() const;
const Cues* GetCues() const;
const Chapters* GetChapters() const;
const Tags* GetTags() const;
long long GetDuration() const;
unsigned long GetCount() const;
const Cluster* GetFirst() const;
const Cluster* GetLast() const;
const Cluster* GetNext(const Cluster*);
const Cluster* FindCluster(long long time_nanoseconds) const;
// const BlockEntry* Seek(long long time_nanoseconds, const Track*) const;
const Cluster* FindOrPreloadCluster(long long pos);
long ParseCues(long long cues_off, // offset relative to start of segment
long long& parse_pos, long& parse_len);
long long m_pos; // absolute file posn; what has been consumed so far
Cluster* m_pUnknownSize;
SeekHead* m_pSeekHead;
SegmentInfo* m_pInfo;
Tracks* m_pTracks;
Cues* m_pCues;
Chapters* m_pChapters;
Tags* m_pTags;
Cluster** m_clusters;
long m_clusterCount; // number of entries for which m_index >= 0
long m_clusterPreloadCount; // number of entries for which m_index < 0
long m_clusterSize; // array size
long DoLoadCluster(long long&, long&);
long DoLoadClusterUnknownSize(long long&, long&);
long DoParseNext(const Cluster*&, long long&, long&);
bool AppendCluster(Cluster*);
bool PreloadCluster(Cluster*, ptrdiff_t);
// void ParseSeekHead(long long pos, long long size);
// void ParseSeekEntry(long long pos, long long size);
// void ParseCues(long long);
const BlockEntry* GetBlock(const CuePoint&, const CuePoint::TrackPosition&);
} // end namespace mkvparser
inline long mkvparser::Segment::LoadCluster() {
long long pos;
long size;
return LoadCluster(pos, size);