All sad function that process above 32 consecutive elements are optimized for AVX2: vp9_sad64x64 vp9_sad64x32 vp9_sad32x64 vp9_sad32x32 vp9_sad32x16 vp9_sad64x64_avg vp9_sad64x32_avg vp9_sad32x64_avg vp9_sad32x32_avg vp9_sad32x16_avg The functions that appeared as a hotspot is vp9_sad32x32 and vp9_sad64x64 vp9_sad32x32 was optimized by 68% and vp9_sad64x64 was optimized by 90% both of them gave and overall ~2.3% user level gain Change-Id: Iccf86b375a2b54c5fbbe685902ead0c9a561b9fd