The same information already exists in union b_mode_info. Change-Id: Iac5086b99a3c3cc270380138062bb693e58f9e6d
552 lines
18 KiB
552 lines
18 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "vp9/common/vp9_common.h"
#include "vp9/encoder/vp9_encodemv.h"
#include "vp9/common/vp9_entropymode.h"
#include "vp9/common/vp9_systemdependent.h"
#include <math.h>
extern unsigned int active_section;
#ifdef NMV_STATS
nmv_context_counts tnmvcounts;
static void encode_mv_component(vp9_writer* w, int comp,
const nmv_component* mvcomp, int usehp) {
int offset;
const int sign = comp < 0;
const int mag = sign ? -comp : comp;
const int mv_class = vp9_get_mv_class(mag - 1, &offset);
const int d = offset >> 3; // int mv data
const int fr = (offset >> 1) & 3; // fractional mv data
const int hp = offset & 1; // high precision mv data
assert(comp != 0);
// Sign
vp9_write(w, sign, mvcomp->sign);
// Class
write_token(w, vp9_mv_class_tree, mvcomp->classes,
// Integer bits
if (mv_class == MV_CLASS_0) {
write_token(w, vp9_mv_class0_tree, mvcomp->class0,
} else {
int i;
const int n = mv_class + CLASS0_BITS - 1; // number of bits
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
vp9_write(w, (d >> i) & 1, mvcomp->bits[i]);
// Fractional bits
write_token(w, vp9_mv_fp_tree,
mv_class == MV_CLASS_0 ? mvcomp->class0_fp[d] : mvcomp->fp,
// High precision bit
if (usehp)
vp9_write(w, hp,
mv_class == MV_CLASS_0 ? mvcomp->class0_hp : mvcomp->hp);
static void build_nmv_component_cost_table(int *mvcost,
const nmv_component* const mvcomp,
int usehp) {
int i, v;
int sign_cost[2], class_cost[MV_CLASSES], class0_cost[CLASS0_SIZE];
int bits_cost[MV_OFFSET_BITS][2];
int class0_fp_cost[CLASS0_SIZE][4], fp_cost[4];
int class0_hp_cost[2], hp_cost[2];
sign_cost[0] = vp9_cost_zero(mvcomp->sign);
sign_cost[1] = vp9_cost_one(mvcomp->sign);
vp9_cost_tokens(class_cost, mvcomp->classes, vp9_mv_class_tree);
vp9_cost_tokens(class0_cost, mvcomp->class0, vp9_mv_class0_tree);
for (i = 0; i < MV_OFFSET_BITS; ++i) {
bits_cost[i][0] = vp9_cost_zero(mvcomp->bits[i]);
bits_cost[i][1] = vp9_cost_one(mvcomp->bits[i]);
for (i = 0; i < CLASS0_SIZE; ++i)
vp9_cost_tokens(class0_fp_cost[i], mvcomp->class0_fp[i], vp9_mv_fp_tree);
vp9_cost_tokens(fp_cost, mvcomp->fp, vp9_mv_fp_tree);
if (usehp) {
class0_hp_cost[0] = vp9_cost_zero(mvcomp->class0_hp);
class0_hp_cost[1] = vp9_cost_one(mvcomp->class0_hp);
hp_cost[0] = vp9_cost_zero(mvcomp->hp);
hp_cost[1] = vp9_cost_one(mvcomp->hp);
mvcost[0] = 0;
for (v = 1; v <= MV_MAX; ++v) {
int z, c, o, d, e, f, cost = 0;
z = v - 1;
c = vp9_get_mv_class(z, &o);
cost += class_cost[c];
d = (o >> 3); /* int mv data */
f = (o >> 1) & 3; /* fractional pel mv data */
e = (o & 1); /* high precision mv data */
if (c == MV_CLASS_0) {
cost += class0_cost[d];
} else {
int i, b;
b = c + CLASS0_BITS - 1; /* number of bits */
for (i = 0; i < b; ++i)
cost += bits_cost[i][((d >> i) & 1)];
if (c == MV_CLASS_0) {
cost += class0_fp_cost[d][f];
} else {
cost += fp_cost[f];
if (usehp) {
if (c == MV_CLASS_0) {
cost += class0_hp_cost[e];
} else {
cost += hp_cost[e];
mvcost[v] = cost + sign_cost[0];
mvcost[-v] = cost + sign_cost[1];
static int update_nmv_savings(const unsigned int ct[2],
const vp9_prob cur_p,
const vp9_prob new_p,
const vp9_prob upd_p) {
vp9_prob mod_p = new_p | 1;
vp9_prob mod_p = new_p;
const int cur_b = cost_branch256(ct, cur_p);
const int mod_b = cost_branch256(ct, mod_p);
const int cost = 7 * 256 +
256 +
(vp9_cost_one(upd_p) - vp9_cost_zero(upd_p));
if (cur_b - mod_b - cost > 0) {
return cur_b - mod_b - cost;
} else {
return 0 - vp9_cost_zero(upd_p);
static int update_mv(vp9_writer *bc, const unsigned int ct[2],
vp9_prob *cur_p, vp9_prob new_p, vp9_prob upd_p) {
vp9_prob mod_p = new_p | 1;
vp9_prob mod_p = new_p;
const int cur_b = cost_branch256(ct, *cur_p);
const int mod_b = cost_branch256(ct, mod_p);
const int cost = 7 * 256 +
256 +
(vp9_cost_one(upd_p) - vp9_cost_zero(upd_p));
if (cur_b - mod_b > cost) {
*cur_p = mod_p;
vp9_write(bc, 1, upd_p);
vp9_write_literal(bc, mod_p >> 1, 7);
vp9_write_literal(bc, mod_p, 8);
return 1;
} else {
vp9_write(bc, 0, upd_p);
return 0;
static void counts_to_nmv_context(
nmv_context_counts *nmv_count,
nmv_context *prob,
int usehp,
unsigned int (*branch_ct_joint)[2],
unsigned int (*branch_ct_sign)[2],
unsigned int (*branch_ct_classes)[MV_CLASSES - 1][2],
unsigned int (*branch_ct_class0)[CLASS0_SIZE - 1][2],
unsigned int (*branch_ct_bits)[MV_OFFSET_BITS][2],
unsigned int (*branch_ct_class0_fp)[CLASS0_SIZE][4 - 1][2],
unsigned int (*branch_ct_fp)[4 - 1][2],
unsigned int (*branch_ct_class0_hp)[2],
unsigned int (*branch_ct_hp)[2]) {
int i, j, k;
vp9_counts_process(nmv_count, usehp);
nmv_count->joints, 0);
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
const uint32_t s0 = nmv_count->comps[i].sign[0];
const uint32_t s1 = nmv_count->comps[i].sign[1];
prob->comps[i].sign = get_binary_prob(s0, s1);
branch_ct_sign[i][0] = s0;
branch_ct_sign[i][1] = s1;
nmv_count->comps[i].classes, 0);
nmv_count->comps[i].class0, 0);
for (j = 0; j < MV_OFFSET_BITS; ++j) {
const uint32_t b0 = nmv_count->comps[i].bits[j][0];
const uint32_t b1 = nmv_count->comps[i].bits[j][1];
prob->comps[i].bits[j] = get_binary_prob(b0, b1);
branch_ct_bits[i][j][0] = b0;
branch_ct_bits[i][j][1] = b1;
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
for (k = 0; k < CLASS0_SIZE; ++k) {
nmv_count->comps[i].class0_fp[k], 0);
nmv_count->comps[i].fp, 0);
if (usehp) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
const uint32_t c0_hp0 = nmv_count->comps[i].class0_hp[0];
const uint32_t c0_hp1 = nmv_count->comps[i].class0_hp[1];
const uint32_t hp0 = nmv_count->comps[i].hp[0];
const uint32_t hp1 = nmv_count->comps[i].hp[1];
prob->comps[i].class0_hp = get_binary_prob(c0_hp0, c0_hp1);
branch_ct_class0_hp[i][0] = c0_hp0;
branch_ct_class0_hp[i][1] = c0_hp1;
prob->comps[i].hp = get_binary_prob(hp0, hp1);
branch_ct_hp[i][0] = hp0;
branch_ct_hp[i][1] = hp1;
#ifdef NMV_STATS
void init_nmvstats() {
void print_nmvstats() {
nmv_context prob;
unsigned int branch_ct_joint[MV_JOINTS - 1][2];
unsigned int branch_ct_sign[2][2];
unsigned int branch_ct_classes[2][MV_CLASSES - 1][2];
unsigned int branch_ct_class0[2][CLASS0_SIZE - 1][2];
unsigned int branch_ct_bits[2][MV_OFFSET_BITS][2];
unsigned int branch_ct_class0_fp[2][CLASS0_SIZE][4 - 1][2];
unsigned int branch_ct_fp[2][4 - 1][2];
unsigned int branch_ct_class0_hp[2][2];
unsigned int branch_ct_hp[2][2];
int i, j, k;
counts_to_nmv_context(&tnmvcounts, &prob, 1,
branch_ct_joint, branch_ct_sign, branch_ct_classes,
branch_ct_class0, branch_ct_bits,
branch_ct_class0_fp, branch_ct_fp,
branch_ct_class0_hp, branch_ct_hp);
printf("\nCounts =\n { ");
for (j = 0; j < MV_JOINTS; ++j)
printf("%d, ", tnmvcounts.joints[j]);
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
printf(" {\n");
printf(" %d/%d,\n", tnmvcounts.comps[i].sign[0],
printf(" { ");
for (j = 0; j < MV_CLASSES; ++j)
printf("%d, ", tnmvcounts.comps[i].classes[j]);
printf(" { ");
for (j = 0; j < CLASS0_SIZE; ++j)
printf("%d, ", tnmvcounts.comps[i].class0[j]);
printf(" { ");
for (j = 0; j < MV_OFFSET_BITS; ++j)
printf("%d/%d, ", tnmvcounts.comps[i].bits[j][0],
printf(" {");
for (j = 0; j < CLASS0_SIZE; ++j) {
for (k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
printf("%d, ", tnmvcounts.comps[i].class0_fp[j][k]);
printf("}, ");
printf(" { ");
for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
printf("%d, ", tnmvcounts.comps[i].fp[j]);
printf(" %d/%d,\n",
printf(" %d/%d,\n",
printf(" },\n");
printf("\nProbs =\n { ");
for (j = 0; j < MV_JOINTS - 1; ++j)
printf("%d, ", prob.joints[j]);
for (i=0; i< 2; ++i) {
printf(" {\n");
printf(" %d,\n", prob.comps[i].sign);
printf(" { ");
for (j = 0; j < MV_CLASSES - 1; ++j)
printf("%d, ", prob.comps[i].classes[j]);
printf(" { ");
for (j = 0; j < CLASS0_SIZE - 1; ++j)
printf("%d, ", prob.comps[i].class0[j]);
printf(" { ");
for (j = 0; j < MV_OFFSET_BITS; ++j)
printf("%d, ", prob.comps[i].bits[j]);
printf(" { ");
for (j = 0; j < CLASS0_SIZE; ++j) {
for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
printf("%d, ", prob.comps[i].class0_fp[j][k]);
printf("}, ");
printf(" { ");
for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
printf("%d, ", prob.comps[i].fp[j]);
printf(" %d,\n", prob.comps[i].class0_hp);
printf(" %d,\n", prob.comps[i].hp);
printf(" },\n");
static void add_nmvcount(nmv_context_counts* const dst,
const nmv_context_counts* const src) {
int i, j, k;
for (j = 0; j < MV_JOINTS; ++j) {
dst->joints[j] += src->joints[j];
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < MV_VALS; ++j) {
dst->comps[i].mvcount[j] += src->comps[i].mvcount[j];
dst->comps[i].sign[0] += src->comps[i].sign[0];
dst->comps[i].sign[1] += src->comps[i].sign[1];
for (j = 0; j < MV_CLASSES; ++j) {
dst->comps[i].classes[j] += src->comps[i].classes[j];
for (j = 0; j < CLASS0_SIZE; ++j) {
dst->comps[i].class0[j] += src->comps[i].class0[j];
for (j = 0; j < MV_OFFSET_BITS; ++j) {
dst->comps[i].bits[j][0] += src->comps[i].bits[j][0];
dst->comps[i].bits[j][1] += src->comps[i].bits[j][1];
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < CLASS0_SIZE; ++j) {
for (k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
dst->comps[i].class0_fp[j][k] += src->comps[i].class0_fp[j][k];
for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
dst->comps[i].fp[j] += src->comps[i].fp[j];
dst->comps[i].class0_hp[0] += src->comps[i].class0_hp[0];
dst->comps[i].class0_hp[1] += src->comps[i].class0_hp[1];
dst->comps[i].hp[0] += src->comps[i].hp[0];
dst->comps[i].hp[1] += src->comps[i].hp[1];
void vp9_write_nmv_probs(VP9_COMP* const cpi, int usehp, vp9_writer* const bc) {
int i, j;
nmv_context prob;
unsigned int branch_ct_joint[MV_JOINTS - 1][2];
unsigned int branch_ct_sign[2][2];
unsigned int branch_ct_classes[2][MV_CLASSES - 1][2];
unsigned int branch_ct_class0[2][CLASS0_SIZE - 1][2];
unsigned int branch_ct_bits[2][MV_OFFSET_BITS][2];
unsigned int branch_ct_class0_fp[2][CLASS0_SIZE][4 - 1][2];
unsigned int branch_ct_fp[2][4 - 1][2];
unsigned int branch_ct_class0_hp[2][2];
unsigned int branch_ct_hp[2][2];
nmv_context *mvc = &cpi->common.fc.nmvc;
#ifdef NMV_STATS
if (!cpi->dummy_packing)
add_nmvcount(&tnmvcounts, &cpi->NMVcount);
counts_to_nmv_context(&cpi->NMVcount, &prob, usehp,
branch_ct_joint, branch_ct_sign, branch_ct_classes,
branch_ct_class0, branch_ct_bits,
branch_ct_class0_fp, branch_ct_fp,
branch_ct_class0_hp, branch_ct_hp);
for (j = 0; j < MV_JOINTS - 1; ++j)
update_mv(bc, branch_ct_joint[j], &mvc->joints[j], prob.joints[j],
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
update_mv(bc, branch_ct_sign[i], &mvc->comps[i].sign,
prob.comps[i].sign, VP9_NMV_UPDATE_PROB);
for (j = 0; j < MV_CLASSES - 1; ++j)
update_mv(bc, branch_ct_classes[i][j], &mvc->comps[i].classes[j],
prob.comps[i].classes[j], VP9_NMV_UPDATE_PROB);
for (j = 0; j < CLASS0_SIZE - 1; ++j)
update_mv(bc, branch_ct_class0[i][j], &mvc->comps[i].class0[j],
prob.comps[i].class0[j], VP9_NMV_UPDATE_PROB);
for (j = 0; j < MV_OFFSET_BITS; ++j)
update_mv(bc, branch_ct_bits[i][j], &mvc->comps[i].bits[j],
prob.comps[i].bits[j], VP9_NMV_UPDATE_PROB);
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < CLASS0_SIZE; ++j) {
int k;
for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
update_mv(bc, branch_ct_class0_fp[i][j][k],
prob.comps[i].class0_fp[j][k], VP9_NMV_UPDATE_PROB);
for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
update_mv(bc, branch_ct_fp[i][j], &mvc->comps[i].fp[j],
prob.comps[i].fp[j], VP9_NMV_UPDATE_PROB);
if (usehp) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
update_mv(bc, branch_ct_class0_hp[i], &mvc->comps[i].class0_hp,
prob.comps[i].class0_hp, VP9_NMV_UPDATE_PROB);
update_mv(bc, branch_ct_hp[i], &mvc->comps[i].hp,
prob.comps[i].hp, VP9_NMV_UPDATE_PROB);
void vp9_encode_mv(VP9_COMP* cpi, vp9_writer* w,
const MV* mv, const MV* ref,
const nmv_context* mvctx, int usehp) {
const MV diff = {mv->row - ref->row,
mv->col - ref->col};
const MV_JOINT_TYPE j = vp9_get_mv_joint(&diff);
usehp = usehp && vp9_use_mv_hp(ref);
write_token(w, vp9_mv_joint_tree, mvctx->joints, &vp9_mv_joint_encodings[j]);
if (mv_joint_vertical(j))
encode_mv_component(w, diff.row, &mvctx->comps[0], usehp);
if (mv_joint_horizontal(j))
encode_mv_component(w, diff.col, &mvctx->comps[1], usehp);
// If auto_mv_step_size is enabled and it is an arf/non shown frame
// then keep track of the largest motion vector component used.
if (cpi->sf.auto_mv_step_size && !cpi->common.show_frame) {
cpi->max_mv_magnitude = MAX((MAX(abs(mv->row), abs(mv->col)) >> 3),
void vp9_build_nmv_cost_table(int *mvjoint,
int *mvcost[2],
const nmv_context* const mvctx,
int usehp,
int mvc_flag_v,
int mvc_flag_h) {
vp9_cost_tokens(mvjoint, mvctx->joints, vp9_mv_joint_tree);
if (mvc_flag_v)
build_nmv_component_cost_table(mvcost[0], &mvctx->comps[0], usehp);
if (mvc_flag_h)
build_nmv_component_cost_table(mvcost[1], &mvctx->comps[1], usehp);
void vp9_update_nmv_count(VP9_COMP *cpi, MACROBLOCK *x,
int_mv *best_ref_mv, int_mv *second_best_ref_mv) {
MODE_INFO *mi = x->e_mbd.mode_info_context;
MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi = &mi->mbmi;
MV diff;
const int bw = 1 << b_width_log2(mbmi->sb_type);
const int bh = 1 << b_height_log2(mbmi->sb_type);
int idx, idy;
if (mbmi->sb_type < BLOCK_SIZE_SB8X8) {
PARTITION_INFO *pi = x->partition_info;
for (idy = 0; idy < 2; idy += bh) {
for (idx = 0; idx < 2; idx += bw) {
const int i = idy * 2 + idx;
if (pi->bmi[i].mode == NEWMV) {
diff.row = mi->bmi[i].as_mv[0].as_mv.row - best_ref_mv->as_mv.row;
diff.col = mi->bmi[i].as_mv[0].as_mv.col - best_ref_mv->as_mv.col;
vp9_inc_mv(&diff, &cpi->NMVcount);
if (x->e_mbd.mode_info_context->mbmi.ref_frame[1] > INTRA_FRAME) {
diff.row = mi->bmi[i].as_mv[1].as_mv.row -
diff.col = mi->bmi[i].as_mv[1].as_mv.col -
vp9_inc_mv(&diff, &cpi->NMVcount);
} else if (mbmi->mode == NEWMV) {
diff.row = mbmi->mv[0].as_mv.row - best_ref_mv->as_mv.row;
diff.col = mbmi->mv[0].as_mv.col - best_ref_mv->as_mv.col;
vp9_inc_mv(&diff, &cpi->NMVcount);
if (mbmi->ref_frame[1] > INTRA_FRAME) {
diff.row = mbmi->mv[1].as_mv.row - second_best_ref_mv->as_mv.row;
diff.col = mbmi->mv[1].as_mv.col - second_best_ref_mv->as_mv.col;
vp9_inc_mv(&diff, &cpi->NMVcount);