Simplify the k_cvtlo_epi16 and k_cvthi_epi16 to only two instructions. Then inlined them. quoting from intel MMX_App_Compute_16bit_Vector.pdf "The PMADDWD instruction multiplies four pairs of 16-bit numbers and produces partial sums of the results and can do so once per clock (with a three-clock latency)." so I am assuming that there will be three clock overhead after the last _mm_madd_pi16 command. Even with the overhead the number of clocks in general should be smaller. I am not sure though becasue I could not find information about number of clocks required for instructions in k_cvtlo_epi16 and k_cvthi_epi16. I will run a test and compare the execution time. Change-Id: Ieda4aa338f69ad3dd196ac6e7892da3cf1b47ea7