Martin Storsjo 6b9a7b3333 thumb: Add a parameter for specifying a shift offset for the pc addition conversion
The branch instructions are encoded as 16 bit instructions
by the microsoft assembler, while they are encoded as 32 bit
instructions by gnu binutils.

Change-Id: I622b9025df3520c08eef8447df078f5517fb4b67
2013-05-22 01:50:57 +03:00

237 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File

## Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
## Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
## that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
## tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
## in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
## be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
# ads2gas.pl
# Author: Eric Fung (efung (at) acm.org)
# Convert ARM Developer Suite 1.0.1 syntax assembly source to GNU as format
# Usage: cat inputfile | perl ads2gas.pl > outputfile
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use thumb;
my $thumb = 0;
foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
$thumb = 1 if ($arg eq "-thumb");
print "@ This file was created from a .asm file\n";
print "@ using the ads2gas.pl script.\n";
print "\t.equ DO1STROUNDING, 0\n";
if ($thumb) {
print "\t.syntax unified\n";
print "\t.thumb\n";
# Stack of procedure names.
@proc_stack = ();
while (<STDIN>)
undef $comment;
undef $line;
$comment_char = ";";
$comment_sub = "@";
# Handle comments.
if (/$comment_char/)
$comment = "";
($line, $comment) = /(.*?)$comment_char(.*)/;
$_ = $line;
# Load and store alignment
# Hexadecimal constants prefaced by 0x
# Convert :OR: to |
s/:OR:/ | /g;
# Convert :AND: to &
s/:AND:/ & /g;
# Convert :NOT: to ~
s/:NOT:/ ~ /g;
# Convert :SHL: to <<
s/:SHL:/ << /g;
# Convert :SHR: to >>
s/:SHR:/ >> /g;
# Convert ELSE to .else
# Convert ENDIF to .endif
# Convert ELSEIF to .elseif
# Convert LTORG to .ltorg
# Convert endfunc to nothing.
# Convert FUNCTION to nothing.
# Convert IF :DEF:to .if
# gcc doesn't have the ability to do a conditional
# if defined variable that is set by IF :DEF: on
# armasm, so convert it to a normal .if and then
# make sure to define a value elesewhere
if (s/\bIF :DEF:\b/.if /g)
# Convert IF to .if
if (s/\bIF\b/.if/g)
# Convert INCLUDE to .INCLUDE "file"
s/INCLUDE(\s*)(.*)$/.include $1\"$2\"/;
# Code directive (ARM vs Thumb)
s/CODE([0-9][0-9])/.code $1/;
# No AREA required
# But ALIGNs in AREA must be obeyed
s/^\s*AREA.*ALIGN=([0-9])$/.text\n.p2align $1/;
# If no ALIGN, strip the AREA and align to 4 bytes
s/^\s*AREA.*$/.text\n.p2align 2/;
# DCD to .word
# This one is for incoming symbols
s/DCD\s+\|(\w*)\|/.long $1/;
# DCW to .short
s/DCW\s+\|(\w*)\|/.short $1/;
s/DCW(.*)/.short $1/;
# Constants defined in scope
s/DCD(.*)/.long $1/;
s/DCB(.*)/.byte $1/;
# RN to .req
if (s/RN\s+([Rr]\d+|lr)/.req $1/)
print "$comment_sub$comment\n" if defined $comment;
# Make function visible to linker, and make additional symbol with
# prepended underscore
s/EXPORT\s+\|([\$\w]*)\|/.global $1 \n\t.type $1, function/;
s/IMPORT\s+\|([\$\w]*)\|/.global $1/;
s/EXPORT\s+([\$\w]*)/.global $1/;
s/export\s+([\$\w]*)/.global $1/;
# No vertical bars required; make additional symbol with prepended
# underscore
# Labels need trailing colon
# s/^(\w+)/$1:/ if !/EQU/;
# put the colon at the end of the line in the macro
s/^([a-zA-Z_0-9\$]+)/$1:/ if !/EQU/;
# ALIGN directive
if ($thumb) {
# ARM code - we force everything to thumb with the declaration in the header
} else {
# ARM code
# push/pop
s/(push\s+)(r\d+)/stmdb sp\!, \{$2\}/g;
s/(pop\s+)(r\d+)/ldmia sp\!, \{$2\}/g;
# NEON code
if ($thumb) {
thumb::FixThumbInstructions($_, 0);
# eabi_attributes numerical equivalents can be found in the
# "ARM IHI 0045C" document.
# REQUIRE8 Stack is required to be 8-byte aligned
s/\sREQUIRE8/.eabi_attribute 24, 1 \@Tag_ABI_align_needed/g;
# PRESERVE8 Stack 8-byte align is preserved
s/\sPRESERVE8/.eabi_attribute 25, 1 \@Tag_ABI_align_preserved/g;
# Use PROC and ENDP to give the symbols a .size directive.
# This makes them show up properly in debugging tools like gdb and valgrind.
if (/\bPROC\b/)
my $proc;
$proc = $1;
push(@proc_stack, $proc) if ($proc);
s/\bPROC\b/@ $&/;
if (/\bENDP\b/)
my $proc;
s/\bENDP\b/@ $&/;
$proc = pop(@proc_stack);
$_ = "\t.size $proc, .-$proc".$_ if ($proc);
# EQU directive
s/(\S+\s+)EQU(\s+\S+)/.equ $1, $2/;
# Begin macro definition
if (/\bMACRO\b/) {
$_ = <STDIN>;
s/\$//g; # remove formal param reference
s/;/@/g; # change comment characters
# For macros, use \ to reference formal params
s/\$/\\/g; # End macro definition
s/\bMEND\b/.endm/; # No need to tell it where to stop assembling
next if /^\s*END\s*$/;
print "$comment_sub$comment\n" if defined $comment;
# Mark that this object doesn't need an executable stack.
printf ("\t.section\t.note.GNU-stack,\"\",\%\%progbits\n");