Applied better MV prediction in real-time mode, which improves the encoding quality. Used quarter-pixel search instead of iterative sub-pixel search for speed >=5 to improve encoding performance. Tests on the test set showed: 1. For speed=-5, quality improvement: 1.7% on AvgPSNR and 2.1% on SSIM, performance improvement: 3.6% (This counts in the performance lose caused by MV prediction calculation in "Improve MV prediction in vp8_pick_inter_mode() for speed>3"). 2. For speed=-8, quality improvement: 2.1% on AvgPSNR and 2.5% on SSIM. but, 6.9% performance decrease because of MV prediction calculation. This should be improved later. Change-Id: I349a96c452bd691081d8c8e3e54419e7f477bebd
1660 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "mcomp.h"
#include "vpx_mem/vpx_mem.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
static int mv_ref_ct [31] [4] [2];
static int mv_mode_cts [4] [2];
static int mv_bits_sadcost[256];
void vp8cx_init_mv_bits_sadcost()
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
mv_bits_sadcost[i] = (int)sqrt(i * 16);
int vp8_mv_bit_cost(MV *mv, MV *ref, int *mvcost[2], int Weight)
// MV costing is based on the distribution of vectors in the previous frame and as such will tend to
// over state the cost of vectors. In addition coding a new vector can have a knock on effect on the
// cost of subsequent vectors and the quality of prediction from NEAR and NEAREST for subsequent blocks.
// The "Weight" parameter allows, to a limited extent, for some account to be taken of these factors.
return ((mvcost[0][(mv->row - ref->row) >> 1] + mvcost[1][(mv->col - ref->col) >> 1]) * Weight) >> 7;
int vp8_mv_err_cost(MV *mv, MV *ref, int *mvcost[2], int error_per_bit)
//int i;
//return ((mvcost[0][(mv->row - ref->row)>>1] + mvcost[1][(mv->col - ref->col)>>1] + 128) * error_per_bit) >> 8;
//return ( (vp8_mv_bit_cost(mv, ref, mvcost, 100) + 128) * error_per_bit) >> 8;
//i = (vp8_mv_bit_cost(mv, ref, mvcost, 100) * error_per_bit + 128) >> 8;
return ((mvcost[0][(mv->row - ref->row) >> 1] + mvcost[1][(mv->col - ref->col) >> 1]) * error_per_bit + 128) >> 8;
//return (vp8_mv_bit_cost(mv, ref, mvcost, 128) * error_per_bit + 128) >> 8;
static int mv_bits(MV *mv, MV *ref, int *mvcost[2])
// get the estimated number of bits for a motion vector, to be used for costing in SAD based
// motion estimation
return ((mvcost[0][(mv->row - ref->row) >> 1] + mvcost[1][(mv->col - ref->col)>> 1]) + 128) >> 8;
void vp8_init_dsmotion_compensation(MACROBLOCK *x, int stride)
int Len;
int search_site_count = 0;
// Generate offsets for 4 search sites per step.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = 0;
while (Len > 0)
// Compute offsets for search sites.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = -Len;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = -Len * stride;
// Compute offsets for search sites.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = Len;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = Len * stride;
// Compute offsets for search sites.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = -Len;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = -Len;
// Compute offsets for search sites.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = Len;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = Len;
// Contract.
Len /= 2;
x->ss_count = search_site_count;
x->searches_per_step = 4;
void vp8_init3smotion_compensation(MACROBLOCK *x, int stride)
int Len;
int search_site_count = 0;
// Generate offsets for 8 search sites per step.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = 0;
while (Len > 0)
// Compute offsets for search sites.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = -Len;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = -Len * stride;
// Compute offsets for search sites.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = Len;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = Len * stride;
// Compute offsets for search sites.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = -Len;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = -Len;
// Compute offsets for search sites.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = Len;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = 0;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = Len;
// Compute offsets for search sites.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = -Len;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = -Len;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = -Len * stride - Len;
// Compute offsets for search sites.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = Len;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = -Len;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = -Len * stride + Len;
// Compute offsets for search sites.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = -Len;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = Len;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = Len * stride - Len;
// Compute offsets for search sites.
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.col = Len;
x->ss[search_site_count].mv.row = Len;
x->ss[search_site_count].offset = Len * stride + Len;
// Contract.
Len /= 2;
x->ss_count = search_site_count;
x->searches_per_step = 8;
#define MVC(r,c) (((mvcost[0][(r)-rr] + mvcost[1][(c) - rc]) * error_per_bit + 128 )>>8 ) // estimated cost of a motion vector (r,c)
#define PRE(r,c) (*(d->base_pre) + d->pre + ((r)>>2) * d->pre_stride + ((c)>>2)) // pointer to predictor base of a motionvector
#define SP(x) (((x)&3)<<1) // convert motion vector component to offset for svf calc
#define DIST(r,c) vfp->svf( PRE(r,c), d->pre_stride, SP(c),SP(r), z,b->src_stride,&sse) // returns subpixel variance error function.
#define IFMVCV(r,c,s,e) if ( c >= minc && c <= maxc && r >= minr && r <= maxr) s else e;
#define ERR(r,c) (MVC(r,c)+DIST(r,c)) // returns distortion + motion vector cost
#define CHECK_BETTER(v,r,c) IFMVCV(r,c,{if((v = ERR(r,c)) < besterr) { besterr = v; br=r; bc=c; }}, v=INT_MAX;)// checks if (r,c) has better score than previous best
#define MIN(x,y) (((x)<(y))?(x):(y))
#define MAX(x,y) (((x)>(y))?(x):(y))
//#define CHECK_BETTER(v,r,c) if((v = ERR(r,c)) < besterr) { besterr = v; br=r; bc=c; }
int vp8_find_best_sub_pixel_step_iteratively(MACROBLOCK *x, BLOCK *b, BLOCKD *d, MV *bestmv, MV *ref_mv, int error_per_bit, const vp8_variance_fn_ptr_t *vfp, int *mvcost[2])
unsigned char *y = *(d->base_pre) + d->pre + (bestmv->row) * d->pre_stride + bestmv->col;
unsigned char *z = (*(b->base_src) + b->src);
int rr = ref_mv->row >> 1, rc = ref_mv->col >> 1;
int br = bestmv->row << 2, bc = bestmv->col << 2;
int tr = br, tc = bc;
unsigned int besterr = INT_MAX;
unsigned int left, right, up, down, diag;
unsigned int sse;
unsigned int whichdir;
unsigned int halfiters = 4;
unsigned int quarteriters = 4;
int minc = MAX(x->mv_col_min << 2, (ref_mv->col >> 1) - ((1 << mvlong_width) - 1));
int maxc = MIN(x->mv_col_max << 2, (ref_mv->col >> 1) + ((1 << mvlong_width) - 1));
int minr = MAX(x->mv_row_min << 2, (ref_mv->row >> 1) - ((1 << mvlong_width) - 1));
int maxr = MIN(x->mv_row_max << 2, (ref_mv->row >> 1) + ((1 << mvlong_width) - 1));
// central mv
bestmv->row <<= 3;
bestmv->col <<= 3;
// calculate central point error
besterr = vfp->vf(y, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
besterr += vp8_mv_err_cost(bestmv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
// TODO: Each subsequent iteration checks at least one point in common with the last iteration could be 2 ( if diag selected)
while (--halfiters)
// 1/2 pel
CHECK_BETTER(left, tr, tc - 2);
CHECK_BETTER(right, tr, tc + 2);
CHECK_BETTER(up, tr - 2, tc);
CHECK_BETTER(down, tr + 2, tc);
whichdir = (left < right ? 0 : 1) + (up < down ? 0 : 2);
switch (whichdir)
case 0:
CHECK_BETTER(diag, tr - 2, tc - 2);
case 1:
CHECK_BETTER(diag, tr - 2, tc + 2);
case 2:
CHECK_BETTER(diag, tr + 2, tc - 2);
case 3:
CHECK_BETTER(diag, tr + 2, tc + 2);
// no reason to check the same one again.
if (tr == br && tc == bc)
tr = br;
tc = bc;
// TODO: Each subsequent iteration checks at least one point in common with the last iteration could be 2 ( if diag selected)
// 1/4 pel
while (--quarteriters)
CHECK_BETTER(left, tr, tc - 1);
CHECK_BETTER(right, tr, tc + 1);
CHECK_BETTER(up, tr - 1, tc);
CHECK_BETTER(down, tr + 1, tc);
whichdir = (left < right ? 0 : 1) + (up < down ? 0 : 2);
switch (whichdir)
case 0:
CHECK_BETTER(diag, tr - 1, tc - 1);
case 1:
CHECK_BETTER(diag, tr - 1, tc + 1);
case 2:
CHECK_BETTER(diag, tr + 1, tc - 1);
case 3:
CHECK_BETTER(diag, tr + 1, tc + 1);
// no reason to check the same one again.
if (tr == br && tc == bc)
tr = br;
tc = bc;
bestmv->row = br << 1;
bestmv->col = bc << 1;
if ((abs(bestmv->col - ref_mv->col) > MAX_FULL_PEL_VAL) || (abs(bestmv->row - ref_mv->row) > MAX_FULL_PEL_VAL))
return INT_MAX;
return besterr;
#undef MVC
#undef PRE
#undef SP
#undef DIST
#undef ERR
#undef MIN
#undef MAX
int vp8_find_best_sub_pixel_step(MACROBLOCK *x, BLOCK *b, BLOCKD *d, MV *bestmv, MV *ref_mv, int error_per_bit, const vp8_variance_fn_ptr_t *vfp, int *mvcost[2])
int bestmse = INT_MAX;
MV startmv;
//MV this_mv;
MV this_mv;
unsigned char *y = *(d->base_pre) + d->pre + (bestmv->row) * d->pre_stride + bestmv->col;
unsigned char *z = (*(b->base_src) + b->src);
int left, right, up, down, diag;
unsigned int sse;
int whichdir ;
// Trap uncodable vectors
if ((abs((bestmv->col << 3) - ref_mv->col) > MAX_FULL_PEL_VAL) || (abs((bestmv->row << 3) - ref_mv->row) > MAX_FULL_PEL_VAL))
bestmv->row <<= 3;
bestmv->col <<= 3;
return INT_MAX;
// central mv
bestmv->row <<= 3;
bestmv->col <<= 3;
startmv = *bestmv;
// calculate central point error
bestmse = vfp->vf(y, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
bestmse += vp8_mv_err_cost(bestmv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
// go left then right and check error
this_mv.row = startmv.row;
this_mv.col = ((startmv.col - 8) | 4);
left = vfp->svf_halfpix_h(y - 1, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
left += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (left < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = left;
this_mv.col += 8;
right = vfp->svf_halfpix_h(y, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
right += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (right < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = right;
// go up then down and check error
this_mv.col = startmv.col;
this_mv.row = ((startmv.row - 8) | 4);
up = vfp->svf_halfpix_v(y - d->pre_stride, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
up += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (up < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = up;
this_mv.row += 8;
down = vfp->svf_halfpix_v(y, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
down += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (down < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = down;
// now check 1 more diagonal
whichdir = (left < right ? 0 : 1) + (up < down ? 0 : 2);
//for(whichdir =0;whichdir<4;whichdir++)
this_mv = startmv;
switch (whichdir)
case 0:
this_mv.col = (this_mv.col - 8) | 4;
this_mv.row = (this_mv.row - 8) | 4;
diag = vfp->svf_halfpix_hv(y - 1 - d->pre_stride, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
case 1:
this_mv.col += 4;
this_mv.row = (this_mv.row - 8) | 4;
diag = vfp->svf_halfpix_hv(y - d->pre_stride, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
case 2:
this_mv.col = (this_mv.col - 8) | 4;
this_mv.row += 4;
diag = vfp->svf_halfpix_hv(y - 1, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
case 3:
this_mv.col += 4;
this_mv.row += 4;
diag = vfp->svf_halfpix_hv(y, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
diag += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (diag < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = diag;
// }
// time to check quarter pels.
if (bestmv->row < startmv.row)
y -= d->pre_stride;
if (bestmv->col < startmv.col)
startmv = *bestmv;
// go left then right and check error
this_mv.row = startmv.row;
if (startmv.col & 7)
this_mv.col = startmv.col - 2;
left = vfp->svf(y, d->pre_stride, this_mv.col & 7, this_mv.row & 7, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
this_mv.col = (startmv.col - 8) | 6;
left = vfp->svf(y - 1, d->pre_stride, 6, this_mv.row & 7, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
left += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (left < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = left;
this_mv.col += 4;
right = vfp->svf(y, d->pre_stride, this_mv.col & 7, this_mv.row & 7, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
right += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (right < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = right;
// go up then down and check error
this_mv.col = startmv.col;
if (startmv.row & 7)
this_mv.row = startmv.row - 2;
up = vfp->svf(y, d->pre_stride, this_mv.col & 7, this_mv.row & 7, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
this_mv.row = (startmv.row - 8) | 6;
up = vfp->svf(y - d->pre_stride, d->pre_stride, this_mv.col & 7, 6, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
up += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (up < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = up;
this_mv.row += 4;
down = vfp->svf(y, d->pre_stride, this_mv.col & 7, this_mv.row & 7, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
down += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (down < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = down;
// now check 1 more diagonal
whichdir = (left < right ? 0 : 1) + (up < down ? 0 : 2);
// for(whichdir=0;whichdir<4;whichdir++)
// {
this_mv = startmv;
switch (whichdir)
case 0:
if (startmv.row & 7)
this_mv.row -= 2;
if (startmv.col & 7)
this_mv.col -= 2;
diag = vfp->svf(y, d->pre_stride, this_mv.col & 7, this_mv.row & 7, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
this_mv.col = (startmv.col - 8) | 6;
diag = vfp->svf(y - 1, d->pre_stride, 6, this_mv.row & 7, z, b->src_stride, &sse);;
this_mv.row = (startmv.row - 8) | 6;
if (startmv.col & 7)
this_mv.col -= 2;
diag = vfp->svf(y - d->pre_stride, d->pre_stride, this_mv.col & 7, 6, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
this_mv.col = (startmv.col - 8) | 6;
diag = vfp->svf(y - d->pre_stride - 1, d->pre_stride, 6, 6, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
case 1:
this_mv.col += 2;
if (startmv.row & 7)
this_mv.row -= 2;
diag = vfp->svf(y, d->pre_stride, this_mv.col & 7, this_mv.row & 7, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
this_mv.row = (startmv.row - 8) | 6;
diag = vfp->svf(y - d->pre_stride, d->pre_stride, this_mv.col & 7, 6, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
case 2:
this_mv.row += 2;
if (startmv.col & 7)
this_mv.col -= 2;
diag = vfp->svf(y, d->pre_stride, this_mv.col & 7, this_mv.row & 7, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
this_mv.col = (startmv.col - 8) | 6;
diag = vfp->svf(y - 1, d->pre_stride, 6, this_mv.row & 7, z, b->src_stride, &sse);;
case 3:
this_mv.col += 2;
this_mv.row += 2;
diag = vfp->svf(y, d->pre_stride, this_mv.col & 7, this_mv.row & 7, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
diag += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (diag < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = diag;
// }
return bestmse;
int vp8_find_best_half_pixel_step(MACROBLOCK *mb, BLOCK *b, BLOCKD *d, MV *bestmv, MV *ref_mv, int error_per_bit, const vp8_variance_fn_ptr_t *vfp, int *mvcost[2])
int bestmse = INT_MAX;
MV startmv;
//MV this_mv;
MV this_mv;
unsigned char *y = *(d->base_pre) + d->pre + (bestmv->row) * d->pre_stride + bestmv->col;
unsigned char *z = (*(b->base_src) + b->src);
int left, right, up, down, diag;
unsigned int sse;
// Trap uncodable vectors
if ((abs((bestmv->col << 3) - ref_mv->col) > MAX_FULL_PEL_VAL) || (abs((bestmv->row << 3) - ref_mv->row) > MAX_FULL_PEL_VAL))
bestmv->row <<= 3;
bestmv->col <<= 3;
return INT_MAX;
// central mv
bestmv->row <<= 3;
bestmv->col <<= 3;
startmv = *bestmv;
// calculate central point error
bestmse = vfp->vf(y, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
bestmse += vp8_mv_err_cost(bestmv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
// go left then right and check error
this_mv.row = startmv.row;
this_mv.col = ((startmv.col - 8) | 4);
left = vfp->svf_halfpix_h(y - 1, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
left += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (left < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = left;
this_mv.col += 8;
right = vfp->svf_halfpix_h(y, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
right += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (right < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = right;
// go up then down and check error
this_mv.col = startmv.col;
this_mv.row = ((startmv.row - 8) | 4);
up = vfp->svf_halfpix_v(y - d->pre_stride, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
up += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (up < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = up;
this_mv.row += 8;
down = vfp->svf_halfpix_v(y, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
down += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (down < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = down;
// somewhat strangely not doing all the diagonals for half pel is slower than doing them.
#if 0
// now check 1 more diagonal -
whichdir = (left < right ? 0 : 1) + (up < down ? 0 : 2);
this_mv = startmv;
switch (whichdir)
case 0:
this_mv.col = (this_mv.col - 8) | 4;
this_mv.row = (this_mv.row - 8) | 4;
diag = vfp->svf(y - 1 - d->pre_stride, d->pre_stride, 4, 4, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
case 1:
this_mv.col += 4;
this_mv.row = (this_mv.row - 8) | 4;
diag = vfp->svf(y - d->pre_stride, d->pre_stride, 4, 4, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
case 2:
this_mv.col = (this_mv.col - 8) | 4;
this_mv.row += 4;
diag = vfp->svf(y - 1, d->pre_stride, 4, 4, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
case 3:
this_mv.col += 4;
this_mv.row += 4;
diag = vfp->svf(y, d->pre_stride, 4, 4, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
diag += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (diag < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = diag;
this_mv.col = (this_mv.col - 8) | 4;
this_mv.row = (this_mv.row - 8) | 4;
diag = vfp->svf_halfpix_hv(y - 1 - d->pre_stride, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
diag += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (diag < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = diag;
this_mv.col += 8;
diag = vfp->svf_halfpix_hv(y - d->pre_stride, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
diag += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (diag < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = diag;
this_mv.col = (this_mv.col - 8) | 4;
this_mv.row = startmv.row + 4;
diag = vfp->svf_halfpix_hv(y - 1, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
diag += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (diag < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = diag;
this_mv.col += 8;
diag = vfp->svf_halfpix_hv(y, d->pre_stride, z, b->src_stride, &sse);
diag += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
if (diag < bestmse)
*bestmv = this_mv;
bestmse = diag;
return bestmse;
#define MVC(r,c) (((mvsadcost[0][((r)<<2)-rr] + mvsadcost[1][((c)<<2) - rc]) * error_per_bit + 128 )>>8 ) // estimated cost of a motion vector (r,c)
#define PRE(r,c) (*(d->base_pre) + d->pre + (r) * d->pre_stride + (c)) // pointer to predictor base of a motionvector
#define DIST(r,c,v) vfp->sdf( src,src_stride,PRE(r,c),d->pre_stride, v) // returns sad error score.
#define ERR(r,c,v) (MVC(r,c)+DIST(r,c,v)) // returns distortion + motion vector cost
#define CHECK_BETTER(v,r,c) if ((v = ERR(r,c,besterr)) < besterr) { besterr = v; br=r; bc=c; } // checks if (r,c) has better score than previous best
static const MV next_chkpts[6][3] =
{{ -2, 0}, { -1, -2}, {1, -2}},
{{ -1, -2}, {1, -2}, {2, 0}},
{{1, -2}, {2, 0}, {1, 2}},
{{2, 0}, {1, 2}, { -1, 2}},
{{1, 2}, { -1, 2}, { -2, 0}},
{{ -1, 2}, { -2, 0}, { -1, -2}}
int vp8_hex_search
MV *ref_mv,
MV *best_mv,
int search_param,
int error_per_bit,
int *num00,
const vp8_variance_fn_ptr_t *vfp,
int *mvsadcost[2],
int *mvcost[2],
MV *center_mv
MV hex[6] = { { -1, -2}, {1, -2}, {2, 0}, {1, 2}, { -1, 2}, { -2, 0} } ;
MV neighbors[8] = { { -1, -1}, {0, -1}, {1, -1}, { -1, 0}, {1, 0}, { -1, 1}, {0, 1}, {1, 1} } ;
int i, j;
unsigned char *src = (*(b->base_src) + b->src);
int src_stride = b->src_stride;
int rr = center_mv->row, rc = center_mv->col;
int br = ref_mv->row >> 3, bc = ref_mv->col >> 3, tr, tc;
unsigned int besterr, thiserr = 0x7fffffff;
int k = -1, tk;
if (bc < x->mv_col_min) bc = x->mv_col_min;
if (bc > x->mv_col_max) bc = x->mv_col_max;
if (br < x->mv_row_min) br = x->mv_row_min;
if (br > x->mv_row_max) br = x->mv_row_max;
rr >>= 1;
rc >>= 1;
besterr = ERR(br, bc, thiserr);
// hex search
tr = br;
tc = bc;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
int nr = tr + hex[i].row, nc = tc + hex[i].col;
if (nc < x->mv_col_min) continue;
if (nc > x->mv_col_max) continue;
if (nr < x->mv_row_min) continue;
if (nr > x->mv_row_max) continue;
if ((thiserr = ERR(nr, nc, besterr)) < besterr)
besterr = thiserr;
br = nr;
bc = nc;
k = i;
if (tr == br && tc == bc)
goto cal_neighbors;
for (j = 1; j < 127; j++)
tr = br;
tc = bc;
tk = k;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
int nr = tr + next_chkpts[tk][i].row, nc = tc + next_chkpts[tk][i].col;
if (nc < x->mv_col_min) continue;
if (nc > x->mv_col_max) continue;
if (nr < x->mv_row_min) continue;
if (nr > x->mv_row_max) continue;
if ((thiserr = ERR(nr, nc, besterr)) < besterr)
besterr = thiserr;
br = nr;
bc = nc; //k=(tk+5+i)%6;}
k = tk + 5 + i;
if (k >= 12) k -= 12;
else if (k >= 6) k -= 6;
if (tr == br && tc == bc)
// check 8 1 away neighbors
tr = br;
tc = bc;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
int nr = tr + neighbors[i].row, nc = tc + neighbors[i].col;
if (nc < x->mv_col_min) continue;
if (nc > x->mv_col_max) continue;
if (nr < x->mv_row_min) continue;
if (nr > x->mv_row_max) continue;
CHECK_BETTER(thiserr, nr, nc);
best_mv->row = br;
best_mv->col = bc;
return vfp->vf(src, src_stride, PRE(br, bc), d->pre_stride, &thiserr) + vp8_mv_err_cost(best_mv, center_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit) ;
#undef MVC
#undef PRE
#undef SP
#undef DIST
#undef ERR
int vp8_diamond_search_sad
MV *ref_mv,
MV *best_mv,
int search_param,
int error_per_bit,
int *num00,
vp8_variance_fn_ptr_t *fn_ptr,
int *mvsadcost[2],
int *mvcost[2],
MV *center_mv
int i, j, step;
unsigned char *what = (*(b->base_src) + b->src);
int what_stride = b->src_stride;
unsigned char *in_what;
int in_what_stride = d->pre_stride;
unsigned char *best_address;
int tot_steps;
MV this_mv;
int bestsad = INT_MAX;
int best_site = 0;
int last_site = 0;
int ref_row = ref_mv->row >> 3;
int ref_col = ref_mv->col >> 3;
int this_row_offset;
int this_col_offset;
search_site *ss;
unsigned char *check_here;
int thissad;
*num00 = 0;
// Work out the start point for the search
in_what = (unsigned char *)(*(d->base_pre) + d->pre + (ref_row * (d->pre_stride)) + ref_col);
best_address = in_what;
// We need to check that the starting point for the search (as indicated by ref_mv) is within the buffer limits
if ((ref_col > x->mv_col_min) && (ref_col < x->mv_col_max) &&
(ref_row > x->mv_row_min) && (ref_row < x->mv_row_max))
// Check the starting position
bestsad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, in_what, in_what_stride, 0x7fffffff) + vp8_mv_err_cost(ref_mv, center_mv, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
// search_param determines the length of the initial step and hence the number of iterations
// 0 = initial step (MAX_FIRST_STEP) pel : 1 = (MAX_FIRST_STEP/2) pel, 2 = (MAX_FIRST_STEP/4) pel... etc.
ss = &x->ss[search_param * x->searches_per_step];
tot_steps = (x->ss_count / x->searches_per_step) - search_param;
i = 1;
best_mv->row = ref_row;
best_mv->col = ref_col;
for (step = 0; step < tot_steps ; step++)
for (j = 0 ; j < x->searches_per_step ; j++)
// Trap illegal vectors
this_row_offset = best_mv->row + ss[i].mv.row;
this_col_offset = best_mv->col + ss[i].mv.col;
if ((this_col_offset > x->mv_col_min) && (this_col_offset < x->mv_col_max) &&
(this_row_offset > x->mv_row_min) && (this_row_offset < x->mv_row_max))
check_here = ss[i].offset + best_address;
thissad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, check_here , in_what_stride, bestsad);
if (thissad < bestsad)
this_mv.row = this_row_offset << 3;
this_mv.col = this_col_offset << 3;
thissad += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad)
bestsad = thissad;
best_site = i;
if (best_site != last_site)
best_mv->row += ss[best_site].mv.row;
best_mv->col += ss[best_site].mv.col;
best_address += ss[best_site].offset;
last_site = best_site;
else if (best_address == in_what)
this_mv.row = best_mv->row << 3;
this_mv.col = best_mv->col << 3;
if (bestsad == INT_MAX)
return INT_MAX;
return fn_ptr->vf(what, what_stride, best_address, in_what_stride, (unsigned int *)(&thissad))
+ vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
int vp8_diamond_search_sadx4
MV *ref_mv,
MV *best_mv,
int search_param,
int error_per_bit,
int *num00,
vp8_variance_fn_ptr_t *fn_ptr,
int *mvsadcost[2],
int *mvcost[2],
MV *center_mv
int i, j, step;
unsigned char *what = (*(b->base_src) + b->src);
int what_stride = b->src_stride;
unsigned char *in_what;
int in_what_stride = d->pre_stride;
unsigned char *best_address;
int tot_steps;
MV this_mv;
int bestsad = INT_MAX;
int best_site = 0;
int last_site = 0;
int ref_row = ref_mv->row >> 3;
int ref_col = ref_mv->col >> 3;
int this_row_offset;
int this_col_offset;
search_site *ss;
unsigned char *check_here;
unsigned int thissad;
*num00 = 0;
// Work out the start point for the search
in_what = (unsigned char *)(*(d->base_pre) + d->pre + (ref_row * (d->pre_stride)) + ref_col);
best_address = in_what;
// We need to check that the starting point for the search (as indicated by ref_mv) is within the buffer limits
if ((ref_col > x->mv_col_min) && (ref_col < x->mv_col_max) &&
(ref_row > x->mv_row_min) && (ref_row < x->mv_row_max))
// Check the starting position
bestsad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, in_what, in_what_stride, 0x7fffffff) + vp8_mv_err_cost(ref_mv, center_mv, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
// search_param determines the length of the initial step and hence the number of iterations
// 0 = initial step (MAX_FIRST_STEP) pel : 1 = (MAX_FIRST_STEP/2) pel, 2 = (MAX_FIRST_STEP/4) pel... etc.
ss = &x->ss[search_param * x->searches_per_step];
tot_steps = (x->ss_count / x->searches_per_step) - search_param;
i = 1;
best_mv->row = ref_row;
best_mv->col = ref_col;
for (step = 0; step < tot_steps ; step++)
int all_in = 1, t;
// To know if all neighbor points are within the bounds, 4 bounds checking are enough instead of
// checking 4 bounds for each points.
all_in &= ((best_mv->row + ss[i].mv.row)> x->mv_row_min);
all_in &= ((best_mv->row + ss[i+1].mv.row) < x->mv_row_max);
all_in &= ((best_mv->col + ss[i+2].mv.col) > x->mv_col_min);
all_in &= ((best_mv->col + ss[i+3].mv.col) < x->mv_col_max);
if (all_in)
unsigned int sad_array[4];
for (j = 0 ; j < x->searches_per_step ; j += 4)
unsigned char *block_offset[4];
for (t = 0; t < 4; t++)
block_offset[t] = ss[i+t].offset + best_address;
fn_ptr->sdx4df(what, what_stride, block_offset, in_what_stride, sad_array);
for (t = 0; t < 4; t++, i++)
if (sad_array[t] < bestsad)
this_mv.row = (best_mv->row + ss[i].mv.row) << 3;
this_mv.col = (best_mv->col + ss[i].mv.col) << 3;
sad_array[t] += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
if (sad_array[t] < bestsad)
bestsad = sad_array[t];
best_site = i;
for (j = 0 ; j < x->searches_per_step ; j++)
// Trap illegal vectors
this_row_offset = best_mv->row + ss[i].mv.row;
this_col_offset = best_mv->col + ss[i].mv.col;
if ((this_col_offset > x->mv_col_min) && (this_col_offset < x->mv_col_max) &&
(this_row_offset > x->mv_row_min) && (this_row_offset < x->mv_row_max))
check_here = ss[i].offset + best_address;
thissad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, check_here , in_what_stride, bestsad);
if (thissad < bestsad)
this_mv.row = this_row_offset << 3;
this_mv.col = this_col_offset << 3;
thissad += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad)
bestsad = thissad;
best_site = i;
if (best_site != last_site)
best_mv->row += ss[best_site].mv.row;
best_mv->col += ss[best_site].mv.col;
best_address += ss[best_site].offset;
last_site = best_site;
else if (best_address == in_what)
this_mv.row = best_mv->row << 3;
this_mv.col = best_mv->col << 3;
if (bestsad == INT_MAX)
return INT_MAX;
return fn_ptr->vf(what, what_stride, best_address, in_what_stride, (unsigned int *)(&thissad))
+ vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
int vp8_full_search_sad(MACROBLOCK *x, BLOCK *b, BLOCKD *d, MV *ref_mv, int error_per_bit, int distance, vp8_variance_fn_ptr_t *fn_ptr, int *mvcost[2], int *mvsadcost[2], MV *center_mv)
unsigned char *what = (*(b->base_src) + b->src);
int what_stride = b->src_stride;
unsigned char *in_what;
int in_what_stride = d->pre_stride;
int mv_stride = d->pre_stride;
unsigned char *bestaddress;
MV *best_mv = &d->bmi.mv.as_mv;
MV this_mv;
int bestsad = INT_MAX;
int r, c;
unsigned char *check_here;
int thissad;
int ref_row = ref_mv->row >> 3;
int ref_col = ref_mv->col >> 3;
int row_min = ref_row - distance;
int row_max = ref_row + distance;
int col_min = ref_col - distance;
int col_max = ref_col + distance;
// Work out the mid point for the search
in_what = *(d->base_pre) + d->pre;
bestaddress = in_what + (ref_row * d->pre_stride) + ref_col;
best_mv->row = ref_row;
best_mv->col = ref_col;
// We need to check that the starting point for the search (as indicated by ref_mv) is within the buffer limits
if ((ref_col > x->mv_col_min) && (ref_col < x->mv_col_max) &&
(ref_row > x->mv_row_min) && (ref_row < x->mv_row_max))
// Baseline value at the centre
//bestsad = fn_ptr->sf( what,what_stride,bestaddress,in_what_stride) + (int)sqrt(vp8_mv_err_cost(ref_mv,ref_mv, mvcost,error_per_bit*14));
bestsad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, bestaddress, in_what_stride, 0x7fffffff) + vp8_mv_err_cost(ref_mv, center_mv, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
// Apply further limits to prevent us looking using vectors that stretch beyiond the UMV border
if (col_min < x->mv_col_min)
col_min = x->mv_col_min;
if (col_max > x->mv_col_max)
col_max = x->mv_col_max;
if (row_min < x->mv_row_min)
row_min = x->mv_row_min;
if (row_max > x->mv_row_max)
row_max = x->mv_row_max;
for (r = row_min; r < row_max ; r++)
this_mv.row = r << 3;
check_here = r * mv_stride + in_what + col_min;
for (c = col_min; c < col_max; c++)
thissad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, check_here , in_what_stride, bestsad);
this_mv.col = c << 3;
//thissad += (int)sqrt(vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv,ref_mv, mvcost,error_per_bit*14));
//thissad += error_per_bit * mv_bits_sadcost[mv_bits(&this_mv, ref_mv, mvcost)];
thissad += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv, mvsadcost, error_per_bit); //mv_bits(error_per_bit, &this_mv, ref_mv, mvsadcost);
if (thissad < bestsad)
bestsad = thissad;
best_mv->row = r;
best_mv->col = c;
bestaddress = check_here;
this_mv.row = best_mv->row << 3;
this_mv.col = best_mv->col << 3;
if (bestsad < INT_MAX)
return fn_ptr->vf(what, what_stride, bestaddress, in_what_stride, (unsigned int *)(&thissad))
+ vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
return INT_MAX;
int vp8_full_search_sadx3(MACROBLOCK *x, BLOCK *b, BLOCKD *d, MV *ref_mv, int error_per_bit, int distance, vp8_variance_fn_ptr_t *fn_ptr, int *mvcost[2], int *mvsadcost[2], MV *center_mv)
unsigned char *what = (*(b->base_src) + b->src);
int what_stride = b->src_stride;
unsigned char *in_what;
int in_what_stride = d->pre_stride;
int mv_stride = d->pre_stride;
unsigned char *bestaddress;
MV *best_mv = &d->bmi.mv.as_mv;
MV this_mv;
int bestsad = INT_MAX;
int r, c;
unsigned char *check_here;
unsigned int thissad;
int ref_row = ref_mv->row >> 3;
int ref_col = ref_mv->col >> 3;
int row_min = ref_row - distance;
int row_max = ref_row + distance;
int col_min = ref_col - distance;
int col_max = ref_col + distance;
unsigned int sad_array[3];
// Work out the mid point for the search
in_what = *(d->base_pre) + d->pre;
bestaddress = in_what + (ref_row * d->pre_stride) + ref_col;
best_mv->row = ref_row;
best_mv->col = ref_col;
// We need to check that the starting point for the search (as indicated by ref_mv) is within the buffer limits
if ((ref_col > x->mv_col_min) && (ref_col < x->mv_col_max) &&
(ref_row > x->mv_row_min) && (ref_row < x->mv_row_max))
// Baseline value at the centre
bestsad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, bestaddress, in_what_stride, 0x7fffffff) + vp8_mv_err_cost(ref_mv, center_mv, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
// Apply further limits to prevent us looking using vectors that stretch beyiond the UMV border
if (col_min < x->mv_col_min)
col_min = x->mv_col_min;
if (col_max > x->mv_col_max)
col_max = x->mv_col_max;
if (row_min < x->mv_row_min)
row_min = x->mv_row_min;
if (row_max > x->mv_row_max)
row_max = x->mv_row_max;
for (r = row_min; r < row_max ; r++)
this_mv.row = r << 3;
check_here = r * mv_stride + in_what + col_min;
c = col_min;
while ((c + 2) < col_max)
int i;
fn_ptr->sdx3f(what, what_stride, check_here , in_what_stride, sad_array);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
thissad = sad_array[i];
if (thissad < bestsad)
this_mv.col = c << 3;
thissad += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad)
bestsad = thissad;
best_mv->row = r;
best_mv->col = c;
bestaddress = check_here;
while (c < col_max)
thissad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, check_here , in_what_stride, bestsad);
if (thissad < bestsad)
this_mv.col = c << 3;
thissad += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad)
bestsad = thissad;
best_mv->row = r;
best_mv->col = c;
bestaddress = check_here;
check_here ++;
c ++;
this_mv.row = best_mv->row << 3;
this_mv.col = best_mv->col << 3;
if (bestsad < INT_MAX)
return fn_ptr->vf(what, what_stride, bestaddress, in_what_stride, (unsigned int *)(&thissad))
+ vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
return INT_MAX;
int vp8_full_search_sadx8(MACROBLOCK *x, BLOCK *b, BLOCKD *d, MV *ref_mv, int error_per_bit, int distance, vp8_variance_fn_ptr_t *fn_ptr, int *mvcost[2], int *mvsadcost[2], MV *center_mv)
unsigned char *what = (*(b->base_src) + b->src);
int what_stride = b->src_stride;
unsigned char *in_what;
int in_what_stride = d->pre_stride;
int mv_stride = d->pre_stride;
unsigned char *bestaddress;
MV *best_mv = &d->bmi.mv.as_mv;
MV this_mv;
int bestsad = INT_MAX;
int r, c;
unsigned char *check_here;
unsigned int thissad;
int ref_row = ref_mv->row >> 3;
int ref_col = ref_mv->col >> 3;
int row_min = ref_row - distance;
int row_max = ref_row + distance;
int col_min = ref_col - distance;
int col_max = ref_col + distance;
unsigned short sad_array8[8];
unsigned int sad_array[3];
// Work out the mid point for the search
in_what = *(d->base_pre) + d->pre;
bestaddress = in_what + (ref_row * d->pre_stride) + ref_col;
best_mv->row = ref_row;
best_mv->col = ref_col;
// We need to check that the starting point for the search (as indicated by ref_mv) is within the buffer limits
if ((ref_col > x->mv_col_min) && (ref_col < x->mv_col_max) &&
(ref_row > x->mv_row_min) && (ref_row < x->mv_row_max))
// Baseline value at the centre
bestsad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, bestaddress, in_what_stride, 0x7fffffff) + vp8_mv_err_cost(ref_mv, center_mv, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
// Apply further limits to prevent us looking using vectors that stretch beyiond the UMV border
if (col_min < x->mv_col_min)
col_min = x->mv_col_min;
if (col_max > x->mv_col_max)
col_max = x->mv_col_max;
if (row_min < x->mv_row_min)
row_min = x->mv_row_min;
if (row_max > x->mv_row_max)
row_max = x->mv_row_max;
for (r = row_min; r < row_max ; r++)
this_mv.row = r << 3;
check_here = r * mv_stride + in_what + col_min;
c = col_min;
while ((c + 7) < col_max)
int i;
fn_ptr->sdx8f(what, what_stride, check_here , in_what_stride, sad_array8);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
thissad = (unsigned int)sad_array8[i];
if (thissad < bestsad)
this_mv.col = c << 3;
thissad += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad)
bestsad = thissad;
best_mv->row = r;
best_mv->col = c;
bestaddress = check_here;
while ((c + 2) < col_max)
int i;
fn_ptr->sdx3f(what, what_stride, check_here , in_what_stride, sad_array);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
thissad = sad_array[i];
if (thissad < bestsad)
this_mv.col = c << 3;
thissad += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad)
bestsad = thissad;
best_mv->row = r;
best_mv->col = c;
bestaddress = check_here;
while (c < col_max)
thissad = fn_ptr->sdf(what, what_stride, check_here , in_what_stride, bestsad);
if (thissad < bestsad)
this_mv.col = c << 3;
thissad += vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv, mvsadcost, error_per_bit);
if (thissad < bestsad)
bestsad = thissad;
best_mv->row = r;
best_mv->col = c;
bestaddress = check_here;
check_here ++;
c ++;
this_mv.row = best_mv->row << 3;
this_mv.col = best_mv->col << 3;
if (bestsad < INT_MAX)
return fn_ptr->vf(what, what_stride, bestaddress, in_what_stride, (unsigned int *)(&thissad))
+ vp8_mv_err_cost(&this_mv, center_mv, mvcost, error_per_bit);
return INT_MAX;
#endif /* !(CONFIG_REALTIME_ONLY) */
void print_mode_context(void)
FILE *f = fopen("modecont.c", "w");
int i, j;
fprintf(f, "#include \"entropy.h\"\n");
fprintf(f, "const int vp8_mode_contexts[6][4] =\n");
fprintf(f, "{\n");
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
fprintf(f, " { // %d \n", j);
fprintf(f, " ");
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int overal_prob;
int this_prob;
int count; // = mv_ref_ct[j][i][0]+mv_ref_ct[j][i][1];
// Overall probs
count = mv_mode_cts[i][0] + mv_mode_cts[i][1];
if (count)
overal_prob = 256 * mv_mode_cts[i][0] / count;
overal_prob = 128;
if (overal_prob == 0)
overal_prob = 1;
// context probs
count = mv_ref_ct[j][i][0] + mv_ref_ct[j][i][1];
if (count)
this_prob = 256 * mv_ref_ct[j][i][0] / count;
this_prob = 128;
if (this_prob == 0)
this_prob = 1;
fprintf(f, "%5d, ", this_prob);
//fprintf(f,"%5d, %5d, %8d,", this_prob, overal_prob, (this_prob << 10)/overal_prob);
//fprintf(f,"%8d, ", (this_prob << 10)/overal_prob);
fprintf(f, " },\n");
fprintf(f, "};\n");
/* MV ref count ENTROPY_STATS stats code */
void init_mv_ref_counts()
vpx_memset(mv_ref_ct, 0, sizeof(mv_ref_ct));
vpx_memset(mv_mode_cts, 0, sizeof(mv_mode_cts));
void accum_mv_refs(MB_PREDICTION_MODE m, const int ct[4])
if (m == ZEROMV)
++mv_ref_ct [ct[0]] [0] [0];
++mv_ref_ct [ct[0]] [0] [1];
if (m == NEARESTMV)
++mv_ref_ct [ct[1]] [1] [0];
++mv_ref_ct [ct[1]] [1] [1];
if (m == NEARMV)
++mv_ref_ct [ct[2]] [2] [0];
++mv_ref_ct [ct[2]] [2] [1];
if (m == NEWMV)
++mv_ref_ct [ct[3]] [3] [0];
++mv_ref_ct [ct[3]] [3] [1];
#endif/* END MV ref count ENTROPY_STATS stats code */