Joshua Litt e1574b94e6 Small script to scrape json for waterfall
Change-Id: I879fcd3203c84fa83125e06662009d308bc2dbb6
2014-03-31 10:58:55 -07:00
Android.mk Tweaks to vpx_test android make file 2013-11-14 13:30:28 -08:00
get_files.py Android.mk file for vpx unittests 2013-11-12 14:20:25 -08:00
README Tweaks to vpx_test android make file 2013-11-14 13:30:28 -08:00
scrape_gtest_log.py Small script to scrape json for waterfall 2014-03-31 10:58:55 -07:00

Android.mk will build vpx unittests on android.
1) Configure libvpx from the parent directory:
./libvpx/configure --target=armv7-android-gcc --enable-external-build \
  --enable-postproc --disable-install-srcs --enable-multi-res-encoding \
  --enable-temporal-denoising --disable-unit-tests --disable-install-docs \
  --disable-examples --disable-runtime-cpu-detect --sdk=$NDK

2) From the parent directory, invoke ndk-build:
NDK_PROJECT_PATH=. ndk-build APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=./libvpx/test/android/Android.mk \
  APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a APP_PLATFORM=android-18 APP_OPTIM=release \

Note: Both adb and ndk-build are available prebuilt at:

3) Run get_files.py to download the test files:
python get_files.py -i /path/to/test-data.sha1 -o /path/to/put/files \
  -u http://downloads.webmproject.org/test_data/libvpx

4) Transfer files to device using adb. Ensure you have proper permissions for
the target

adb push /path/to/test_files /data/local/tmp
adb push /path/to/built_libs /data/local/tmp

NOTE: Built_libs defaults to parent_dir/libs/armeabi-v7a

5) Run tests:
adb shell
(on device)
cd /data/local/tmp
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./vpx_test