Using 128 entry look up table for coef models

Reverts to using 128 bit LUT for the coef models rather than 48
to ease hardware implementation.

Also incorporates some cleanups including removing various
hooks to support different lookup tables based on block_type and

Change-Id: I54100c120cca07a2ebd3a7776bc4630fa6a153f6
This commit is contained in:
Deb Mukherjee 2013-05-22 07:28:29 -07:00
parent 4e08fa96f3
commit de4d682ca4
7 changed files with 155 additions and 109 deletions

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@ -423,111 +423,166 @@ const vp9_tree_index vp9_coefmodel_tree[6] = {
// beta = 8
const vp9_prob vp9_modelcoefprobs_pareto8[COEFPROB_MODELS][MODEL_NODES] = {
{ 3, 86, 128, 6, 86, 23, 88, 29},
{ 9, 86, 129, 17, 88, 61, 94, 76},
{ 20, 88, 130, 38, 91, 118, 106, 136},
{ 31, 90, 131, 58, 94, 156, 117, 171},
{ 42, 91, 132, 75, 97, 183, 127, 194},
{ 52, 93, 133, 90, 100, 201, 137, 208},
{ 62, 94, 135, 105, 103, 214, 146, 218},
{ 71, 96, 136, 117, 106, 224, 155, 225},
{ 80, 98, 137, 129, 109, 231, 162, 231},
{ 89, 99, 138, 140, 112, 236, 170, 235},
{ 97, 101, 140, 149, 115, 240, 176, 238},
{ 105, 103, 141, 158, 118, 243, 182, 240},
{ 113, 104, 142, 166, 120, 245, 187, 242},
{ 120, 106, 143, 173, 123, 247, 192, 244},
{ 127, 108, 145, 180, 126, 249, 197, 245},
{ 134, 110, 146, 186, 129, 250, 201, 246},
{ 140, 112, 147, 192, 132, 251, 205, 247},
{ 146, 114, 149, 197, 135, 252, 208, 248},
{ 152, 115, 150, 201, 138, 252, 211, 248},
{ 158, 117, 151, 206, 140, 253, 214, 249},
{ 163, 119, 153, 210, 143, 253, 217, 249},
{ 168, 121, 154, 213, 146, 254, 220, 250},
{ 173, 123, 155, 217, 148, 254, 222, 250},
{ 178, 125, 157, 220, 151, 254, 224, 251},
{ 183, 127, 158, 222, 153, 254, 226, 251},
{ 187, 129, 160, 225, 156, 255, 228, 251},
{ 191, 132, 161, 227, 159, 255, 229, 251},
{ 195, 134, 163, 230, 161, 255, 231, 252},
{ 199, 136, 164, 232, 163, 255, 232, 252},
{ 202, 138, 166, 233, 166, 255, 233, 252},
{ 206, 140, 167, 235, 168, 255, 235, 252},
{ 212, 145, 170, 238, 173, 255, 237, 252},
{ 218, 149, 173, 241, 177, 255, 239, 253},
{ 223, 154, 177, 243, 182, 255, 240, 253},
{ 228, 159, 180, 245, 186, 255, 242, 253},
{ 232, 164, 184, 247, 190, 255, 243, 253},
{ 236, 169, 187, 248, 194, 255, 244, 253},
{ 239, 174, 191, 249, 198, 255, 245, 254},
{ 242, 179, 195, 250, 202, 255, 246, 254},
{ 244, 185, 199, 251, 206, 255, 247, 254},
{ 247, 191, 203, 252, 209, 255, 248, 254},
{ 249, 197, 207, 253, 213, 255, 249, 254},
{ 250, 203, 212, 253, 216, 255, 249, 254},
{ 252, 209, 217, 254, 220, 255, 250, 254},
{ 253, 216, 222, 254, 224, 255, 251, 254},
{ 254, 224, 228, 255, 227, 255, 251, 254},
{ 255, 232, 235, 255, 232, 255, 252, 254},
{ 255, 246, 247, 255, 239, 255, 253, 255}
{ 3, 86, 128, 6, 86, 23, 88, 29},
{ 9, 86, 129, 17, 88, 61, 94, 76},
{ 15, 87, 129, 28, 89, 93, 100, 110},
{ 20, 88, 130, 38, 91, 118, 106, 136},
{ 26, 89, 131, 48, 92, 139, 111, 156},
{ 31, 90, 131, 58, 94, 156, 117, 171},
{ 37, 90, 132, 66, 95, 171, 122, 184},
{ 42, 91, 132, 75, 97, 183, 127, 194},
{ 47, 92, 133, 83, 98, 193, 132, 202},
{ 52, 93, 133, 90, 100, 201, 137, 208},
{ 57, 94, 134, 98, 101, 208, 142, 214},
{ 62, 94, 135, 105, 103, 214, 146, 218},
{ 66, 95, 135, 111, 104, 219, 151, 222},
{ 71, 96, 136, 117, 106, 224, 155, 225},
{ 76, 97, 136, 123, 107, 227, 159, 228},
{ 80, 98, 137, 129, 109, 231, 162, 231},
{ 84, 98, 138, 134, 110, 234, 166, 233},
{ 89, 99, 138, 140, 112, 236, 170, 235},
{ 93, 100, 139, 145, 113, 238, 173, 236},
{ 97, 101, 140, 149, 115, 240, 176, 238},
{101, 102, 140, 154, 116, 242, 179, 239},
{105, 103, 141, 158, 118, 243, 182, 240},
{109, 104, 141, 162, 119, 244, 185, 241},
{113, 104, 142, 166, 120, 245, 187, 242},
{116, 105, 143, 170, 122, 246, 190, 243},
{120, 106, 143, 173, 123, 247, 192, 244},
{123, 107, 144, 177, 125, 248, 195, 244},
{127, 108, 145, 180, 126, 249, 197, 245},
{130, 109, 145, 183, 128, 249, 199, 245},
{134, 110, 146, 186, 129, 250, 201, 246},
{137, 111, 147, 189, 131, 251, 203, 246},
{140, 112, 147, 192, 132, 251, 205, 247},
{143, 113, 148, 194, 133, 251, 207, 247},
{146, 114, 149, 197, 135, 252, 208, 248},
{149, 115, 149, 199, 136, 252, 210, 248},
{152, 115, 150, 201, 138, 252, 211, 248},
{155, 116, 151, 204, 139, 253, 213, 249},
{158, 117, 151, 206, 140, 253, 214, 249},
{161, 118, 152, 208, 142, 253, 216, 249},
{163, 119, 153, 210, 143, 253, 217, 249},
{166, 120, 153, 212, 144, 254, 218, 250},
{168, 121, 154, 213, 146, 254, 220, 250},
{171, 122, 155, 215, 147, 254, 221, 250},
{173, 123, 155, 217, 148, 254, 222, 250},
{176, 124, 156, 218, 150, 254, 223, 250},
{178, 125, 157, 220, 151, 254, 224, 251},
{180, 126, 157, 221, 152, 254, 225, 251},
{183, 127, 158, 222, 153, 254, 226, 251},
{185, 128, 159, 224, 155, 255, 227, 251},
{187, 129, 160, 225, 156, 255, 228, 251},
{189, 131, 160, 226, 157, 255, 228, 251},
{191, 132, 161, 227, 159, 255, 229, 251},
{193, 133, 162, 228, 160, 255, 230, 252},
{195, 134, 163, 230, 161, 255, 231, 252},
{197, 135, 163, 231, 162, 255, 231, 252},
{199, 136, 164, 232, 163, 255, 232, 252},
{201, 137, 165, 233, 165, 255, 233, 252},
{202, 138, 166, 233, 166, 255, 233, 252},
{204, 139, 166, 234, 167, 255, 234, 252},
{206, 140, 167, 235, 168, 255, 235, 252},
{207, 141, 168, 236, 169, 255, 235, 252},
{209, 142, 169, 237, 171, 255, 236, 252},
{210, 144, 169, 237, 172, 255, 236, 252},
{212, 145, 170, 238, 173, 255, 237, 252},
{214, 146, 171, 239, 174, 255, 237, 253},
{215, 147, 172, 240, 175, 255, 238, 253},
{216, 148, 173, 240, 176, 255, 238, 253},
{218, 149, 173, 241, 177, 255, 239, 253},
{219, 150, 174, 241, 179, 255, 239, 253},
{220, 152, 175, 242, 180, 255, 240, 253},
{222, 153, 176, 242, 181, 255, 240, 253},
{223, 154, 177, 243, 182, 255, 240, 253},
{224, 155, 178, 244, 183, 255, 241, 253},
{225, 156, 178, 244, 184, 255, 241, 253},
{226, 158, 179, 244, 185, 255, 242, 253},
{228, 159, 180, 245, 186, 255, 242, 253},
{229, 160, 181, 245, 187, 255, 242, 253},
{230, 161, 182, 246, 188, 255, 243, 253},
{231, 163, 183, 246, 189, 255, 243, 253},
{232, 164, 184, 247, 190, 255, 243, 253},
{233, 165, 185, 247, 191, 255, 244, 253},
{234, 166, 185, 247, 192, 255, 244, 253},
{235, 168, 186, 248, 193, 255, 244, 253},
{236, 169, 187, 248, 194, 255, 244, 253},
{236, 170, 188, 248, 195, 255, 245, 253},
{237, 171, 189, 249, 196, 255, 245, 254},
{238, 173, 190, 249, 197, 255, 245, 254},
{239, 174, 191, 249, 198, 255, 245, 254},
{240, 175, 192, 249, 199, 255, 246, 254},
{240, 177, 193, 250, 200, 255, 246, 254},
{241, 178, 194, 250, 201, 255, 246, 254},
{242, 179, 195, 250, 202, 255, 246, 254},
{242, 181, 196, 250, 203, 255, 247, 254},
{243, 182, 197, 251, 204, 255, 247, 254},
{244, 184, 198, 251, 205, 255, 247, 254},
{244, 185, 199, 251, 206, 255, 247, 254},
{245, 186, 200, 251, 207, 255, 247, 254},
{246, 188, 201, 252, 207, 255, 248, 254},
{246, 189, 202, 252, 208, 255, 248, 254},
{247, 191, 203, 252, 209, 255, 248, 254},
{247, 192, 204, 252, 210, 255, 248, 254},
{248, 194, 205, 252, 211, 255, 248, 254},
{248, 195, 206, 252, 212, 255, 249, 254},
{249, 197, 207, 253, 213, 255, 249, 254},
{249, 198, 208, 253, 214, 255, 249, 254},
{250, 200, 210, 253, 215, 255, 249, 254},
{250, 201, 211, 253, 215, 255, 249, 254},
{250, 203, 212, 253, 216, 255, 249, 254},
{251, 204, 213, 253, 217, 255, 250, 254},
{251, 206, 214, 254, 218, 255, 250, 254},
{252, 207, 216, 254, 219, 255, 250, 254},
{252, 209, 217, 254, 220, 255, 250, 254},
{252, 211, 218, 254, 221, 255, 250, 254},
{253, 213, 219, 254, 222, 255, 250, 254},
{253, 214, 221, 254, 223, 255, 250, 254},
{253, 216, 222, 254, 224, 255, 251, 254},
{253, 218, 224, 254, 225, 255, 251, 254},
{254, 220, 225, 254, 225, 255, 251, 254},
{254, 222, 227, 255, 226, 255, 251, 254},
{254, 224, 228, 255, 227, 255, 251, 254},
{254, 226, 230, 255, 228, 255, 251, 254},
{255, 228, 231, 255, 230, 255, 251, 254},
{255, 230, 233, 255, 231, 255, 252, 254},
{255, 232, 235, 255, 232, 255, 252, 254},
{255, 235, 237, 255, 233, 255, 252, 254},
{255, 238, 240, 255, 235, 255, 252, 255},
{255, 241, 243, 255, 236, 255, 252, 254},
{255, 246, 247, 255, 239, 255, 253, 255}
void vp9_get_model_distribution(vp9_prob p, vp9_prob *tree_probs,
int b, int r) {
static void extend_model_to_full_distribution(vp9_prob p,
vp9_prob *tree_probs) {
const int l = ((p - 1) / 2);
const vp9_prob (*model)[MODEL_NODES];
model = vp9_modelcoefprobs_pareto8;
if (p == 1) {
if (p & 1) {
vpx_memcpy(tree_probs + UNCONSTRAINED_NODES,
model[2], MODEL_NODES * sizeof(vp9_prob));
} else if (p == 2) {
model[l], MODEL_NODES * sizeof(vp9_prob));
} else {
// interpolate
int i;
tree_probs[i] = (model[0][i - UNCONSTRAINED_NODES] +
model[1][i - UNCONSTRAINED_NODES]) >> 1;
} else if (p < 119) {
// interpolate
int i, k, l;
k = (p - 3) & 3;
l = ((p - 3) >> 2) + 1;
if (k) {
tree_probs[i] = (model[l][i - UNCONSTRAINED_NODES] * (4 - k) +
model[l + 1][i - UNCONSTRAINED_NODES] * k + 1) >> 2;
} else {
vpx_memcpy(tree_probs + UNCONSTRAINED_NODES,
model[l], MODEL_NODES * sizeof(vp9_prob));
} else {
// interpolate
int i, k, l;
k = (p - 119) & 7;
l = ((p - 119) >> 3) + 30;
if (k) {
tree_probs[i] = (model[l][i - UNCONSTRAINED_NODES] * (8 - k) +
model[l + 1][i - UNCONSTRAINED_NODES] * k + 3) >> 3;
} else {
vpx_memcpy(tree_probs + UNCONSTRAINED_NODES,
model[l], MODEL_NODES * sizeof(vp9_prob));
tree_probs[i] = (model[l][i - UNCONSTRAINED_NODES] +
model[l + 1][i - UNCONSTRAINED_NODES]) >> 1;
void vp9_model_to_full_probs(const vp9_prob *model, int b, int r, vp9_prob *full) {
vpx_memcpy(full, model, sizeof(vp9_prob) * UNCONSTRAINED_NODES);
vp9_get_model_distribution(model[PIVOT_NODE], full, b, r);
void vp9_model_to_full_probs(const vp9_prob *model, vp9_prob *full) {
if (full != model)
vpx_memcpy(full, model, sizeof(vp9_prob) * UNCONSTRAINED_NODES);
extend_model_to_full_distribution(model[PIVOT_NODE], full);
void vp9_model_to_full_probs_sb(
int b, int r,
int c, p;
for (c = 0; c < COEF_BANDS; ++c)
for (p = 0; p < PREV_COEF_CONTEXTS; ++p) {
vp9_model_to_full_probs(model[c][p], b, r, full[c][p]);
vp9_model_to_full_probs(model[c][p], full[c][p]);

View File

@ -155,13 +155,11 @@ extern int vp9_get_coef_context(const int *scan, const int *neighbors,
const int *vp9_get_coef_neighbors_handle(const int *scan, int *pad);
// 48 lists of probabilities are stored for the following ONE node probs:
// 1, (count 1)
// 3, 7, 11, 15, ..., 115, 119, (count 30)
// 127, 135, 143, ..., 247, 255 (count 17)
// 128 lists of probabilities are stored for the following ONE node probs:
// 1, 3, 5, 7, ..., 253, 255
// In between probabilities are interpolated linearly
@ -180,16 +178,13 @@ typedef unsigned int vp9_coeff_stats_model[REF_TYPES][COEF_BANDS]
extern void vp9_full_to_model_counts(
vp9_coeff_count_model *model_count, vp9_coeff_count *full_count);
void vp9_model_to_full_probs(const vp9_prob *model, int b, int r, vp9_prob *full);
void vp9_model_to_full_probs(const vp9_prob *model, vp9_prob *full);
void vp9_model_to_full_probs_sb(
int b, int r,
extern const vp9_prob vp9_modelcoefprobs[COEFPROB_MODELS][ENTROPY_NODES - 1];
void vp9_get_model_distribution(vp9_prob model, vp9_prob *tree_probs,
int b, int r);
static INLINE const int* get_scan_4x4(TX_TYPE tx_type) {
switch (tx_type) {

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@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ SKIP_START:
// Load full probabilities if not already loaded
if (!load_map[band][pt]) {
vp9_model_to_full_probs(coef_probs[band][pt], type, ref,
load_map[band][pt] = 1;

View File

@ -420,7 +420,8 @@ static int prob_diff_update_savings_search_model(const unsigned int *ct,
int i, old_b, new_b, update_b, savings, bestsavings, step;
int newp;
vp9_prob bestnewp, newplist[ENTROPY_NODES], oldplist[ENTROPY_NODES];
vp9_model_to_full_probs(oldp, b, r, oldplist);
vp9_model_to_full_probs(oldp, oldplist);
vpx_memcpy(newplist, oldp, sizeof(vp9_prob) * UNCONSTRAINED_NODES);
for (i = UNCONSTRAINED_NODES, old_b = 0; i < ENTROPY_NODES; ++i)
old_b += cost_branch256(ct + 2 * i, oldplist[i]);
old_b += cost_branch256(ct + 2 * PIVOT_NODE, oldplist[PIVOT_NODE]);
@ -433,7 +434,7 @@ static int prob_diff_update_savings_search_model(const unsigned int *ct,
for (; newp != oldp[PIVOT_NODE]; newp += step) {
if (newp < 1 || newp > 255) continue;
newplist[PIVOT_NODE] = newp;
vp9_get_model_distribution(newp, newplist, b, r);
vp9_model_to_full_probs(newplist, newplist);
for (i = UNCONSTRAINED_NODES, new_b = 0; i < ENTROPY_NODES; ++i)
new_b += cost_branch256(ct + 2 * i, newplist[i]);
new_b += cost_branch256(ct + 2 * PIVOT_NODE, newplist[PIVOT_NODE]);
@ -485,8 +486,7 @@ static void pack_mb_tokens(vp9_writer* const bc,
if (t >= TWO_TOKEN) {
p->block_type, p->ref_type, probs);
vp9_model_to_full_probs(p->context_tree, probs);
pp = probs;
} else {
pp = p->context_tree;

View File

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ static void fill_token_costs(vp9_coeff_count *c,
for (k = 0; k < COEF_BANDS; k++)
for (l = 0; l < PREV_COEF_CONTEXTS; l++) {
vp9_prob probs[ENTROPY_NODES];
vp9_model_to_full_probs(p[i][j][k][l], i, j, probs);
vp9_model_to_full_probs(p[i][j][k][l], probs);
vp9_cost_tokens_skip((int *)c[i][j][k][l], probs,
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ static INLINE int cost_coeffs(VP9_COMMON *const cm, MACROBLOCK *mb,
above_ec = A[0] != 0;
left_ec = L[0] != 0;
type, ref, coef_probs);
seg_eob = 16;
scan = get_scan_4x4(tx_type);
band_translate = vp9_coefband_trans_4x4;
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ static INLINE int cost_coeffs(VP9_COMMON *const cm, MACROBLOCK *mb,
left_ec = (L[0] + L[1]) != 0;
scan = get_scan_8x8(tx_type);
type, ref, coef_probs);
seg_eob = 64;
band_translate = vp9_coefband_trans_8x8plus;
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ static INLINE int cost_coeffs(VP9_COMMON *const cm, MACROBLOCK *mb,
get_tx_type_16x16(xd, y + (x >> 2)) : DCT_DCT;
scan = get_scan_16x16(tx_type);
type, ref, coef_probs);
seg_eob = 256;
above_ec = (A[0] + A[1] + A[2] + A[3]) != 0;
left_ec = (L[0] + L[1] + L[2] + L[3]) != 0;
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ static INLINE int cost_coeffs(VP9_COMMON *const cm, MACROBLOCK *mb,
case TX_32X32:
scan = vp9_default_zig_zag1d_32x32;
type, ref, coef_probs);
seg_eob = 1024;
above_ec = (A[0] + A[1] + A[2] + A[3] + A[4] + A[5] + A[6] + A[7]) != 0;
left_ec = (L[0] + L[1] + L[2] + L[3] + L[4] + L[5] + L[6] + L[7]) != 0;

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@ -224,8 +224,6 @@ static void tokenize_b(int plane, int block, BLOCK_SIZE_TYPE bsize,
t->token = token;
t->context_tree = coef_probs[type][ref][band][pt];
t->block_type = type;
t->ref_type = ref;
t->skip_eob_node = (c > 0) && (token_cache[scan[c - 1]] == 0);
assert(vp9_coef_encodings[t->token].len - t->skip_eob_node > 0);

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@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ typedef struct {
int16_t extra;
uint8_t token;
uint8_t skip_eob_node;
uint8_t block_type;
uint8_t ref_type;
typedef int64_t vp9_coeff_accum[REF_TYPES][COEF_BANDS][PREV_COEF_CONTEXTS]