ivfenc: webm output support

This patch adds the --webm option, to allow the creation of WebM streams
without having to remux ivf into webm.

Change-Id: Ief93c114a6913c55a04cf51bce38f594372d0ad0
This commit is contained in:
John Koleszar 2010-10-20 12:05:48 -04:00
parent f9d9824047
commit dc66630cca
4 changed files with 397 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ UTILS-$(CONFIG_ENCODERS) += ivfenc.c
ivfenc.SRCS += args.c args.h y4minput.c y4minput.h
ivfenc.SRCS += vpx_ports/config.h vpx_ports/mem_ops.h
ivfenc.SRCS += vpx_ports/mem_ops_aligned.h
ivfenc.SRCS += libmkv/EbmlIDs.h
ivfenc.SRCS += libmkv/EbmlWriter.c
ivfenc.SRCS += libmkv/EbmlWriter.h
ivfenc.GUID = 548DEC74-7A15-4B2B-AFC3-AA102E7C25C1
ivfenc.DESCRIPTION = Full featured encoder

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "vpx/vpx_encoder.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
@ -30,10 +31,31 @@
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "vpx_version.h"
#include "vpx/vp8cx.h"
#include "vpx_ports/mem_ops.h"
#include "vpx_ports/vpx_timer.h"
#include "y4minput.h"
#include "libmkv/EbmlWriter.h"
#include "libmkv/EbmlIDs.h"
/* Need special handling of these functions on Windows */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
/* MSVS doesn't define off_t, and uses _f{seek,tell}i64 */
typedef __int64 off_t;
#define fseeko _fseeki64
#define ftello _ftelli64
#elif defined(_WIN32)
/* MinGW defines off_t, and uses f{seek,tell}o64 */
#define fseeko fseeko64
#define ftello ftello64
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define LITERALU64(n) n
#define LITERALU64(n) n##LLU
static const char *exec_name;
@ -395,6 +417,327 @@ static void write_ivf_frame_header(FILE *outfile,
fwrite(header, 1, 12, outfile);
typedef off_t EbmlLoc;
struct cue_entry
unsigned int time;
uint64_t loc;
struct EbmlGlobal
FILE *stream;
uint64_t last_pts_ms;
vpx_rational_t framerate;
/* These pointers are to the start of an element */
off_t position_reference;
off_t seek_info_pos;
off_t segment_info_pos;
off_t track_pos;
off_t cue_pos;
off_t cluster_pos;
/* These pointers are to the size field of the element */
EbmlLoc startSegment;
EbmlLoc startCluster;
uint32_t cluster_timecode;
int cluster_open;
struct cue_entry *cue_list;
unsigned int cues;
void Ebml_Write(EbmlGlobal *glob, const void *buffer_in, unsigned long len)
fwrite(buffer_in, 1, len, glob->stream);
void Ebml_Serialize(EbmlGlobal *glob, const void *buffer_in, unsigned long len)
const unsigned char *q = (const unsigned char *)buffer_in + len - 1;
for(; len; len--)
Ebml_Write(glob, q--, 1);
static void
Ebml_StartSubElement(EbmlGlobal *glob, EbmlLoc *ebmlLoc,
unsigned long class_id)
//todo this is always taking 8 bytes, this may need later optimization
//this is a key that says lenght unknown
unsigned long long unknownLen = LITERALU64(0x01FFFFFFFFFFFFFF);
Ebml_WriteID(glob, class_id);
*ebmlLoc = ftello(glob->stream);
Ebml_Serialize(glob, &unknownLen, 8);
static void
Ebml_EndSubElement(EbmlGlobal *glob, EbmlLoc *ebmlLoc)
off_t pos;
uint64_t size;
/* Save the current stream pointer */
pos = ftello(glob->stream);
/* Calculate the size of this element */
size = pos - *ebmlLoc - 8;
size |= LITERALU64(0x0100000000000000);
/* Seek back to the beginning of the element and write the new size */
fseeko(glob->stream, *ebmlLoc, SEEK_SET);
Ebml_Serialize(glob, &size, 8);
/* Reset the stream pointer */
fseeko(glob->stream, pos, SEEK_SET);
static void
write_webm_seek_element(EbmlGlobal *ebml, unsigned long id, off_t pos)
uint64_t offset = pos - ebml->position_reference;
EbmlLoc start;
Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml, &start, Seek);
Ebml_SerializeBinary(ebml, SeekID, id);
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned64(ebml, SeekPosition, offset);
Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml, &start);
static void
write_webm_seek_info(EbmlGlobal *ebml)
off_t pos;
/* Save the current stream pointer */
pos = ftello(ebml->stream);
fseeko(ebml->stream, ebml->seek_info_pos, SEEK_SET);
ebml->seek_info_pos = pos;
EbmlLoc start;
Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml, &start, SeekHead);
write_webm_seek_element(ebml, Tracks, ebml->track_pos);
write_webm_seek_element(ebml, Cues, ebml->cue_pos);
write_webm_seek_element(ebml, Info, ebml->segment_info_pos);
Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml, &start);
//segment info
EbmlLoc startInfo;
uint64_t frame_time;
frame_time = (uint64_t)1000 * ebml->framerate.den
/ ebml->framerate.num;
ebml->segment_info_pos = ftello(ebml->stream);
Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml, &startInfo, Info);
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml, TimecodeScale, 1000000);
Ebml_SerializeFloat(ebml, Segment_Duration,
ebml->last_pts_ms + frame_time);
Ebml_SerializeString(ebml, 0x4D80, "ivfenc" VERSION_STRING);
Ebml_SerializeString(ebml, 0x5741, "ivfenc" VERSION_STRING);
Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml, &startInfo);
static void
write_webm_file_header(EbmlGlobal *glob,
const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *cfg,
const struct vpx_rational *fps)
EbmlLoc start;
Ebml_StartSubElement(glob, &start, EBML);
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, EBMLVersion, 1);
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, EBMLReadVersion, 1); //EBML Read Version
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, EBMLMaxIDLength, 4); //EBML Max ID Length
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, EBMLMaxSizeLength, 8); //EBML Max Size Length
Ebml_SerializeString(glob, DocType, "webm"); //Doc Type
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, DocTypeVersion, 2); //Doc Type Version
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, DocTypeReadVersion, 2); //Doc Type Read Version
Ebml_EndSubElement(glob, &start);
Ebml_StartSubElement(glob, &glob->startSegment, Segment); //segment
glob->position_reference = ftello(glob->stream);
glob->framerate = *fps;
EbmlLoc trackStart;
glob->track_pos = ftello(glob->stream);
Ebml_StartSubElement(glob, &trackStart, Tracks);
unsigned int trackNumber = 1;
uint64_t trackID = 0;
EbmlLoc start;
Ebml_StartSubElement(glob, &start, TrackEntry);
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, TrackNumber, trackNumber);
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, TrackUID, trackID);
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, TrackType, 1); //video is always 1
Ebml_SerializeString(glob, CodecID, "V_VP8");
unsigned int pixelWidth = cfg->g_w;
unsigned int pixelHeight = cfg->g_h;
float frameRate = (float)fps->num/(float)fps->den;
EbmlLoc videoStart;
Ebml_StartSubElement(glob, &videoStart, Video);
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, PixelWidth, pixelWidth);
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, PixelHeight, pixelHeight);
Ebml_SerializeFloat(glob, FrameRate, frameRate);
Ebml_EndSubElement(glob, &videoStart); //Video
Ebml_EndSubElement(glob, &start); //Track Entry
Ebml_EndSubElement(glob, &trackStart);
// segment element is open
static void
write_webm_block(EbmlGlobal *glob,
const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *cfg,
const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt)
unsigned long block_length;
unsigned char track_number;
unsigned short block_timecode = 0;
unsigned char flags;
uint64_t pts_ms;
int start_cluster = 0, is_keyframe;
/* Calculate the PTS of this frame in milliseconds */
pts_ms = pkt->data.frame.pts * 1000
* (uint64_t)cfg->g_timebase.num / (uint64_t)cfg->g_timebase.den;
if(pts_ms <= glob->last_pts_ms)
pts_ms = glob->last_pts_ms + 1;
glob->last_pts_ms = pts_ms;
/* Calculate the relative time of this block */
if(pts_ms - glob->cluster_timecode > SHRT_MAX)
start_cluster = 1;
block_timecode = pts_ms - glob->cluster_timecode;
is_keyframe = (pkt->data.frame.flags & VPX_FRAME_IS_KEY);
if(start_cluster || is_keyframe)
Ebml_EndSubElement(glob, &glob->startCluster);
/* Open the new cluster */
block_timecode = 0;
glob->cluster_open = 1;
glob->cluster_timecode = pts_ms;
glob->cluster_pos = ftello(glob->stream);
Ebml_StartSubElement(glob, &glob->startCluster, Cluster); //cluster
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, Timecode, glob->cluster_timecode);
/* Save a cue point if this is a keyframe. */
struct cue_entry *cue;
glob->cue_list = realloc(glob->cue_list,
(glob->cues+1) * sizeof(struct cue_entry));
cue = &glob->cue_list[glob->cues];
cue->time = glob->cluster_timecode;
cue->loc = glob->cluster_pos;
/* Write the Simple Block */
Ebml_WriteID(glob, SimpleBlock);
block_length = pkt->data.frame.sz + 4;
block_length |= 0x10000000;
Ebml_Serialize(glob, &block_length, 4);
track_number = 1;
track_number |= 0x80;
Ebml_Write(glob, &track_number, 1);
Ebml_Serialize(glob, &block_timecode, 2);
flags = 0;
flags |= 0x80;
if(pkt->data.frame.flags & VPX_FRAME_IS_INVISIBLE)
flags |= 0x08;
Ebml_Write(glob, &flags, 1);
Ebml_Write(glob, pkt->data.frame.buf, pkt->data.frame.sz);
static void
write_webm_file_footer(EbmlGlobal *glob)
Ebml_EndSubElement(glob, &glob->startCluster);
EbmlLoc start;
int i;
glob->cue_pos = ftello(glob->stream);
Ebml_StartSubElement(glob, &start, Cues);
for(i=0; i<glob->cues; i++)
struct cue_entry *cue = &glob->cue_list[i];
EbmlLoc start;
Ebml_StartSubElement(glob, &start, CuePoint);
EbmlLoc start;
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, CueTime, cue->time);
Ebml_StartSubElement(glob, &start, CueTrackPositions);
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, CueTrack, 1);
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned64(glob, CueClusterPosition,
cue->loc - glob->position_reference);
//Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(glob, CueBlockNumber, cue->blockNumber);
Ebml_EndSubElement(glob, &start);
Ebml_EndSubElement(glob, &start);
Ebml_EndSubElement(glob, &start);
Ebml_EndSubElement(glob, &glob->startSegment);
/* Patch up the seek info block */
fseeko(glob->stream, 0, SEEK_END);
#include "args.h"
static const arg_def_t use_yv12 = ARG_DEF(NULL, "yv12", 0,
@ -425,10 +768,12 @@ static const arg_def_t psnrarg = ARG_DEF(NULL, "psnr", 0,
"Show PSNR in status line");
static const arg_def_t framerate = ARG_DEF(NULL, "framerate", 1,
"Stream frame rate (rate/scale)");
static const arg_def_t use_webm = ARG_DEF(NULL, "webm", 0,
"Output WebM (default is IVF)");
static const arg_def_t *main_args[] =
&codecarg, &passes, &pass_arg, &fpf_name, &limit, &deadline, &best_dl, &good_dl, &rt_dl,
&verbosearg, &psnrarg, &framerate,
&verbosearg, &psnrarg, &use_webm, &framerate,
@ -621,6 +966,8 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv_)
y4m_input y4m;
struct vpx_rational arg_framerate = {30, 1};
int arg_have_framerate = 0;
int write_webm = 0;
EbmlGlobal ebml = {0};
exec_name = argv_[0];
@ -697,6 +1044,8 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv_)
arg_framerate = arg_parse_rational(&arg);
arg_have_framerate = 1;
else if (arg_match(&arg, &use_webm, argi))
write_webm = 1;
@ -1021,7 +1370,13 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv_)
write_ivf_file_header(outfile, &cfg, codec->fourcc, 0);
ebml.stream = outfile;
write_webm_file_header(&ebml, &cfg, &arg_framerate);
write_ivf_file_header(outfile, &cfg, codec->fourcc, 0);
/* Construct Encoder Context */
@ -1090,8 +1445,15 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv_)
fprintf(stderr, " %6luF",
(unsigned long)pkt->data.frame.sz);
write_ivf_frame_header(outfile, pkt);
fwrite(pkt->data.frame.buf, 1, pkt->data.frame.sz, outfile);
write_webm_block(&ebml, &cfg, pkt);
write_ivf_frame_header(outfile, pkt);
fwrite(pkt->data.frame.buf, 1, pkt->data.frame.sz, outfile);
nbytes += pkt->data.raw.sz;
@ -1135,8 +1497,15 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv_)
if (!fseek(outfile, 0, SEEK_SET))
write_ivf_file_header(outfile, &cfg, codec->fourcc, frames_out);
if (!fseek(outfile, 0, SEEK_SET))
write_ivf_file_header(outfile, &cfg, codec->fourcc, frames_out);

View File

@ -11,13 +11,17 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define LITERALU64(n) n
#define LITERALU64(n) n##LLU
void Ebml_WriteLen(EbmlGlobal *glob, long long val)
//TODO check and make sure we are not > than 0x0100000000000000LLU
unsigned char size = 8; //size in bytes to output
unsigned long long minVal = 0x00000000000000ffLLU; //mask to compare for byte size
unsigned long long minVal = LITERALU64(0x00000000000000ff); //mask to compare for byte size
for (size = 1; size < 8; size ++)
@ -27,7 +31,7 @@ void Ebml_WriteLen(EbmlGlobal *glob, long long val)
minVal = (minVal << 7);
val |= (0x000000000000080LLU << ((size - 1) * 7));
val |= (LITERALU64(0x000000000000080) << ((size - 1) * 7));
Ebml_Serialize(glob, (void *) &val, size);
@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ void Ebml_WriteID(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id)
Ebml_Serialize(glob, (void *)&class_id, 1);
void Ebml_SerializeUnsigned64(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, UInt64 ui)
void Ebml_SerializeUnsigned64(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, uint64_t ui)
unsigned char sizeSerialized = 8 | 0x80;
Ebml_WriteID(glob, class_id);
@ -77,8 +81,9 @@ void Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, unsigned l
unsigned char size = 8; //size in bytes to output
unsigned char sizeSerialized = 0;
Ebml_WriteID(glob, class_id);
unsigned long minVal;
Ebml_WriteID(glob, class_id);
minVal = 0x7fLU; //mask to compare for byte size
for (size = 1; size < 4; size ++)
@ -93,7 +98,6 @@ void Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, unsigned l
sizeSerialized = 0x80 | size;
Ebml_Serialize(glob, &sizeSerialized, 1);
unsigned int _s = size;
Ebml_Serialize(glob, &ui, size);
//TODO: perhaps this is a poor name for this id serializer helper function
@ -112,8 +116,9 @@ void Ebml_SerializeBinary(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, unsigned lon
void Ebml_SerializeFloat(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, double d)
Ebml_WriteID(glob, class_id);
unsigned char len = 0x88;
Ebml_WriteID(glob, class_id);
Ebml_Serialize(glob, &len, 1);
Ebml_Serialize(glob, &d, 8);
@ -146,9 +151,10 @@ void Ebml_SerializeData(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, unsigned char
void Ebml_WriteVoid(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long vSize)
Ebml_WriteID(glob, 0xEC);
unsigned char tmp = 0;
unsigned long i = 0;
Ebml_WriteID(glob, 0xEC);
Ebml_WriteLen(glob, vSize);
for (i = 0; i < vSize; i++)

View File

@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
//If you wish a different writer simply replace this
//note: you must define write and serialize functions as well as your own EBML_GLOBAL
#include <stddef.h>
#include "EbmlBufferWriter.h"
//These functions MUST be implemented
#include <stddef.h>
#include "vpx/vpx_integer.h"
typedef struct EbmlGlobal EbmlGlobal;
void Ebml_Serialize(EbmlGlobal *glob, const void *, unsigned long);
void Ebml_Write(EbmlGlobal *glob, const void *, unsigned long);
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ void Ebml_WriteLen(EbmlGlobal *glob, long long val);
void Ebml_WriteString(EbmlGlobal *glob, const char *str);
void Ebml_WriteUTF8(EbmlGlobal *glob, const wchar_t *wstr);
void Ebml_WriteID(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id);
void Ebml_SerializeUnsigned64(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, UInt64 ui);
void Ebml_SerializeUnsigned64(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, uint64_t ui);
void Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, unsigned long ui);
void Ebml_SerializeBinary(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, unsigned long ui);
void Ebml_SerializeFloat(EbmlGlobal *glob, unsigned long class_id, double d);