Merge changes Idfb71188,Ibe1e72db
* changes: build: convert to perl configure: check for perl
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
no strict 'refs';
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
my %ALL_FUNCS = ();
my %opts = ();
my %disabled = ();
my %required = ();
my @argv;
foreach (@ARGV) {
$disabled{$1} = 1, next if /--disable-(.*)/;
$required{$1} = 1, next if /--require-(.*)/;
push @argv, $_;
# NB: use GetOptions() instead of GetOptionsFromArray() for compatibility.
@ARGV = @argv;
foreach my $opt (qw/arch config/) {
if (!defined($opts{$opt})) {
warn "--$opt is required!\n";
Getopt::Long::HelpMessage('-exit' => 1);
foreach my $defs_file (@ARGV) {
if (!-f $defs_file) {
warn "$defs_file: $!\n";
Getopt::Long::HelpMessage('-exit' => 1);
open CONFIG_FILE, $opts{config} or
die "Error opening config file '$opts{config}': $!\n";
my %config = ();
while (<CONFIG_FILE>) {
next if !/^CONFIG_/;
my @pair = split /=/;
$config{$pair[0]} = $pair[1];
# Routines for the RTCD DSL to call
sub vpx_config($) {
return (defined $config{$_[0]}) ? $config{$_[0]} : "";
sub specialize {
my $fn=$_[0];
foreach my $opt (@_) {
eval "\$${fn}_${opt}=${fn}_${opt}";
sub add_proto {
my $fn = splice(@_, -2, 1);
$ALL_FUNCS{$fn} = \@_;
specialize $fn, "c";
sub require {
foreach my $fn (keys %ALL_FUNCS) {
foreach my $opt (@_) {
my $ofn = eval "\$${fn}_${opt}";
next if !$ofn;
# if we already have a default, then we can disable it, as we know
# we can do better.
my $best = eval "\$${fn}_default";
if ($best) {
my $best_ofn = eval "\$${best}";
if ($best_ofn && "$best_ofn" ne "$ofn") {
eval "\$${best}_link = 'false'";
eval "\$${fn}_default=${fn}_${opt}";
eval "\$${fn}_${opt}_link='true'";
sub forward_decls {
# Include the user's directives
foreach my $f (@ARGV) {
open FILE, "<", $f or die "cannot open $f: $!\n";
my $contents = join('', <FILE>);
close FILE;
eval $contents or warn "eval failed: $@\n";
# Process the directives according to the command line
sub process_forward_decls() {
foreach (@ALL_FORWARD_DECLS) {
sub determine_indirection {
vpx_config("CONFIG_RUNTIME_CPU_DETECT") eq "yes" or &require(@ALL_ARCHS);
foreach my $fn (keys %ALL_FUNCS) {
my $n = "";
my @val = @{$ALL_FUNCS{$fn}};
my $args = pop @val;
my $rtyp = "@val";
my $dfn = eval "\$${fn}_default";
$dfn = eval "\$${dfn}";
foreach my $opt (@_) {
my $ofn = eval "\$${fn}_${opt}";
next if !$ofn;
my $link = eval "\$${fn}_${opt}_link";
next if $link && $link eq "false";
$n .= "x";
if ($n eq "x") {
eval "\$${fn}_indirect = 'false'";
} else {
eval "\$${fn}_indirect = 'true'";
sub declare_function_pointers {
foreach my $fn (sort keys %ALL_FUNCS) {
my @val = @{$ALL_FUNCS{$fn}};
my $args = pop @val;
my $rtyp = "@val";
my $dfn = eval "\$${fn}_default";
$dfn = eval "\$${dfn}";
foreach my $opt (@_) {
my $ofn = eval "\$${fn}_${opt}";
next if !$ofn;
print "$rtyp ${ofn}($args);\n";
if (eval "\$${fn}_indirect" eq "false") {
print "#define ${fn} ${dfn}\n";
} else {
print "RTCD_EXTERN $rtyp (*${fn})($args);\n";
print "\n";
sub set_function_pointers {
foreach my $fn (sort keys %ALL_FUNCS) {
my @val = @{$ALL_FUNCS{$fn}};
my $args = pop @val;
my $rtyp = "@val";
my $dfn = eval "\$${fn}_default";
$dfn = eval "\$${dfn}";
if (eval "\$${fn}_indirect" eq "true") {
print " $fn = $dfn;\n";
foreach my $opt (@_) {
my $ofn = eval "\$${fn}_${opt}";
next if !$ofn;
next if "$ofn" eq "$dfn";
my $link = eval "\$${fn}_${opt}_link";
next if $link && $link eq "false";
my $cond = eval "\$have_${opt}";
print " if (${cond}) $fn = $ofn;\n"
sub filter {
my @filtered;
foreach (@_) { push @filtered, $_ unless $disabled{$_}; }
return @filtered;
# Helper functions for generating the arch specific RTCD files
sub common_top() {
my $include_guard = uc($opts{sym})."_H_";
print <<EOF;
#ifndef ${include_guard}
#define ${include_guard}
#ifdef RTCD_C
#define RTCD_EXTERN extern
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
print "\n";
declare_function_pointers("c", @ALL_ARCHS);
print <<EOF;
void $opts{sym}(void);
sub common_bottom() {
print <<EOF;
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
sub x86() {
determine_indirection("c", @ALL_ARCHS);
# Assign the helper variable for each enabled extension
foreach my $opt (@ALL_ARCHS) {
my $opt_uc = uc $opt;
eval "\$have_${opt}=\"flags & HAS_${opt_uc}\"";
print <<EOF;
#ifdef RTCD_C
#include "vpx_ports/x86.h"
static void setup_rtcd_internal(void)
int flags = x86_simd_caps();
set_function_pointers("c", @ALL_ARCHS);
print <<EOF;
sub arm() {
determine_indirection("c", @ALL_ARCHS);
# Assign the helper variable for each enabled extension
foreach my $opt (@ALL_ARCHS) {
my $opt_uc = uc $opt;
eval "\$have_${opt}=\"flags & HAS_${opt_uc}\"";
print <<EOF;
#include "vpx_config.h"
#ifdef RTCD_C
#include "vpx_ports/arm.h"
static void setup_rtcd_internal(void)
int flags = arm_cpu_caps();
set_function_pointers("c", @ALL_ARCHS);
print <<EOF;
sub mips() {
determine_indirection("c", @ALL_ARCHS);
print <<EOF;
#include "vpx_config.h"
#ifdef RTCD_C
static void setup_rtcd_internal(void)
set_function_pointers("c", @ALL_ARCHS);
print <<EOF;
void dsputil_static_init();
void vp9_dsputil_static_init();
sub unoptimized() {
determine_indirection "c";
print <<EOF;
#include "vpx_config.h"
#ifdef RTCD_C
static void setup_rtcd_internal(void)
set_function_pointers "c";
print <<EOF;
# Main Driver
if ($opts{arch} eq 'x86') {
@ALL_ARCHS = filter(qw/mmx sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4_1 avx avx2/);
} elsif ($opts{arch} eq 'x86_64') {
@ALL_ARCHS = filter(qw/mmx sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4_1 avx avx2/);
@REQUIRES = filter(keys %required ? keys %required : qw/mmx sse sse2/);
} elsif ($opts{arch} eq 'mips32') {
@ALL_ARCHS = filter(qw/mips32/);
open CONFIG_FILE, $opts{config} or
die "Error opening config file '$opts{config}': $!\n";
while (<CONFIG_FILE>) {
if (/HAVE_DSPR2=yes/) {
@ALL_ARCHS = filter(qw/mips32 dspr2/);
} elsif ($opts{arch} eq 'armv5te') {
@ALL_ARCHS = filter(qw/edsp/);
} elsif ($opts{arch} eq 'armv6') {
@ALL_ARCHS = filter(qw/edsp media/);
} elsif ($opts{arch} eq 'armv7') {
@ALL_ARCHS = filter(qw/edsp media neon/);
} else {
=head1 NAME
rtcd -
Usage: [options] FILE
See 'perldoc' for more details.
Reads the Run Time CPU Detections definitions from FILE and generates a
C header file on stdout.
=head1 OPTIONS
--arch=ARCH Architecture to generate defs for (required)
--disable-EXT Disable support for EXT extensions
--require-EXT Require support for EXT extensions
--sym=SYMBOL Unique symbol to use for RTCD initialization function
--config=FILE File with CONFIG_FOO=yes lines to parse
@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
usage() {
cat <<EOF >&2
Usage: $self [options] FILE
Reads the Run Time CPU Detections definitions from FILE and generates a
C header file on stdout.
--arch=ARCH Architecture to generate defs for (required)
--disable-EXT Disable support for EXT extensions
--require-EXT Require support for EXT extensions
--sym=SYMBOL Unique symbol to use for RTCD initialization function
--config=FILE File with CONFIG_FOO=yes lines to parse
exit 1
die() {
echo "$@" >&2
exit 1
die_argument_required() {
die "Option $opt requires argument"
for opt; do
case "$opt" in
--arch) die_argument_required;;
--arch=*) arch=${optval};;
--disable-*) eval "disable_${opt#--disable-}=true";;
--require-*) REQUIRES="${REQUIRES}${opt#--require-} ";;
--sym) die_argument_required;;
--sym=*) symbol=${optval};;
--config=*) config_file=${optval};;
die "Unrecognized option: ${opt%%=*}"
defs_file="$defs_file $opt"
for f in $defs_file; do [ -f "$f" ] || usage; done
[ -n "$arch" ] || usage
# Import the configuration
[ -f "$config_file" ] && eval $(grep CONFIG_ "$config_file")
# Routines for the RTCD DSL to call
prototype() {
case "$1" in
unsigned) rtyp="$1 "; shift;;
eval "${2}_rtyp='$rtyp'"
eval "${2}_args='$3'"
specialize $fn c
specialize() {
for opt in "$@"; do
eval "${fn}_${opt}=${fn}_${opt}"
require() {
for fn in $ALL_FUNCS; do
for opt in "$@"; do
ofn=$(eval "echo \$${fn}_${opt}")
[ -z "$ofn" ] && continue
# if we already have a default, then we can disable it, as we know
# we can do better.
best=$(eval "echo \$${fn}_default")
best_ofn=$(eval "echo \$${best}")
[ -n "$best" ] && [ "$best_ofn" != "$ofn" ] && eval "${best}_link=false"
eval "${fn}_default=${fn}_${opt}"
eval "${fn}_${opt}_link=true"
forward_decls() {
# Include the user's directives
for f in $defs_file; do
. $f
# Process the directives according to the command line
process_forward_decls() {
for fn in $ALL_FORWARD_DECLS; do
eval $fn
determine_indirection() {
[ "$CONFIG_RUNTIME_CPU_DETECT" = "yes" ] || require $ALL_ARCHS
for fn in $ALL_FUNCS; do
rtyp="$(eval "echo \$${fn}_rtyp")"
args="$(eval "echo \"\$${fn}_args\"")"
dfn="$(eval "echo \$${fn}_default")"
dfn=$(eval "echo \$${dfn}")
for opt in "$@"; do
ofn=$(eval "echo \$${fn}_${opt}")
[ -z "$ofn" ] && continue
link=$(eval "echo \$${fn}_${opt}_link")
[ "$link" = "false" ] && continue
if [ "$n" = "x" ]; then
eval "${fn}_indirect=false"
eval "${fn}_indirect=true"
declare_function_pointers() {
for fn in $ALL_FUNCS; do
rtyp="$(eval "echo \$${fn}_rtyp")"
args="$(eval "echo \"\$${fn}_args\"")"
dfn="$(eval "echo \$${fn}_default")"
dfn=$(eval "echo \$${dfn}")
for opt in "$@"; do
ofn=$(eval "echo \$${fn}_${opt}")
[ -z "$ofn" ] && continue
echo "$rtyp ${ofn}($args);"
if [ "$(eval "echo \$${fn}_indirect")" = "false" ]; then
echo "#define ${fn} ${dfn}"
echo "RTCD_EXTERN $rtyp (*${fn})($args);"
set_function_pointers() {
for fn in $ALL_FUNCS; do
rtyp="$(eval "echo \$${fn}_rtyp")"
args="$(eval "echo \"\$${fn}_args\"")"
dfn="$(eval "echo \$${fn}_default")"
dfn=$(eval "echo \$${dfn}")
if $(eval "echo \$${fn}_indirect"); then
echo " $fn = $dfn;"
for opt in "$@"; do
ofn=$(eval "echo \$${fn}_${opt}")
[ -z "$ofn" ] && continue
[ "$ofn" = "$dfn" ] && continue;
link=$(eval "echo \$${fn}_${opt}_link")
[ "$link" = "false" ] && continue
cond="$(eval "echo \$have_${opt}")"
echo " if (${cond}) $fn = $ofn;"
filter() {
for opt in "$@"; do
[ -z $(eval "echo \$disable_${opt}") ] && filtered="$filtered $opt"
echo $filtered
# Helper functions for generating the arch specific RTCD files
common_top() {
outfile_basename=$(basename ${symbol:-rtcd})
include_guard=$(echo $outfile_basename | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' | \
tr -c '[A-Z0-9]' _)H_
cat <<EOF
#ifndef ${include_guard}
#define ${include_guard}
#ifdef RTCD_C
#define RTCD_EXTERN extern
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
$(declare_function_pointers c $ALL_ARCHS)
void ${symbol:-rtcd}(void);
common_bottom() {
cat <<EOF
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
x86() {
determine_indirection c $ALL_ARCHS
# Assign the helper variable for each enabled extension
for opt in $ALL_ARCHS; do
uc=$(echo $opt | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')
eval "have_${opt}=\"flags & HAS_${uc}\""
cat <<EOF
#ifdef RTCD_C
#include "vpx_ports/x86.h"
static void setup_rtcd_internal(void)
int flags = x86_simd_caps();
$(set_function_pointers c $ALL_ARCHS)
arm() {
determine_indirection c $ALL_ARCHS
# Assign the helper variable for each enabled extension
for opt in $ALL_ARCHS; do
uc=$(echo $opt | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')
eval "have_${opt}=\"flags & HAS_${uc}\""
cat <<EOF
#include "vpx_config.h"
#ifdef RTCD_C
#include "vpx_ports/arm.h"
static void setup_rtcd_internal(void)
int flags = arm_cpu_caps();
$(set_function_pointers c $ALL_ARCHS)
mips() {
determine_indirection c $ALL_ARCHS
cat <<EOF
#include "vpx_config.h"
#ifdef RTCD_C
static void setup_rtcd_internal(void)
$(set_function_pointers c $ALL_ARCHS)
void dsputil_static_init();
void vp9_dsputil_static_init();
unoptimized() {
determine_indirection c
cat <<EOF
#include "vpx_config.h"
#ifdef RTCD_C
static void setup_rtcd_internal(void)
$(set_function_pointers c)
# Main Driver
ALL_FUNCS=$(export LC_ALL=C; echo $ALL_FUNCS | tr ' ' '\n' | sort |tr '\n' ' ')
require c
case $arch in
ALL_ARCHS=$(filter mmx sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4_1 avx avx2)
ALL_ARCHS=$(filter mmx sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4_1 avx avx2)
REQUIRES=${REQUIRES:-mmx sse sse2}
require $(filter $REQUIRES)
ALL_ARCHS=$(filter mips32)
dspr2=$([ -f "$config_file" ] && eval echo $(grep HAVE_DSPR2 "$config_file"))
if [ "$HAVE_DSPR2" = "yes" ]; then
ALL_ARCHS=$(filter mips32 dspr2)
ALL_ARCHS=$(filter edsp)
ALL_ARCHS=$(filter edsp media)
ALL_ARCHS=$(filter edsp media neon)
@ -160,6 +160,10 @@ for t in ${all_targets}; do
[ -f ${source_path}/${t}.mk ] && enable_feature ${t}
if ! perl --version >/dev/null; then
die "Perl is required to build"
# check installed doxygen version
doxy_version=$(doxygen --version 2>/dev/null)
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ endif # !gcc
define rtcd_h_template
$$(BUILD_PFX)$(1).h: $$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/$(2)
@echo " [CREATE] $$@"
$$(qexec)$$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/build/make/ --arch=$$(TGT_ISA) \
$$(qexec)$$(SRC_PATH_BARE)/build/make/ --arch=$$(TGT_ISA) \
--sym=$(1) \
--config=$$(CONFIG_DIR)$$(target)$$(if $$(FAT_ARCHS),,-$$(TOOLCHAIN)).mk \
$$(RTCD_OPTIONS) $$^ > $$@
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ INSTALL_MAPS += $(foreach p,$(VS_PLATFORMS),$(LIBSUBDIR)/$(p)/% $(p)/Debug/%)
CODEC_SRCS-$(BUILD_LIBVPX) += build/make/
CODEC_SRCS-$(BUILD_LIBVPX) += build/make/
CODEC_SRCS-$(BUILD_LIBVPX) += build/make/
CODEC_SRCS-$(BUILD_LIBVPX) += vpx_ports/emmintrin_compat.h
CODEC_SRCS-$(BUILD_LIBVPX) += vpx_ports/mem_ops.h
CODEC_SRCS-$(BUILD_LIBVPX) += vpx_ports/mem_ops_aligned.h
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
sub vp8_common_forward_decls() {
print <<EOF
* VP8
struct blockd;
struct macroblockd;
struct loop_filter_info;
/* Encoder forward decls */
struct block;
struct macroblock;
struct variance_vtable;
union int_mv;
struct yv12_buffer_config;
forward_decls qw/vp8_common_forward_decls/;
# system state
add_proto qw/void vp8_clear_system_state/, "";
specialize qw/vp8_clear_system_state mmx/;
# Dequant
add_proto qw/void vp8_dequantize_b/, "struct blockd*, short *dqc";
specialize qw/vp8_dequantize_b mmx media neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_dequant_idct_add/, "short *input, short *dq, unsigned char *output, int stride";
specialize qw/vp8_dequant_idct_add mmx media neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_dequant_idct_add_y_block/, "short *q, short *dq, unsigned char *dst, int stride, char *eobs";
specialize qw/vp8_dequant_idct_add_y_block mmx sse2 media neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_dequant_idct_add_uv_block/, "short *q, short *dq, unsigned char *dst_u, unsigned char *dst_v, int stride, char *eobs";
specialize qw/vp8_dequant_idct_add_uv_block mmx sse2 media neon dspr2/;
# Loopfilter
add_proto qw/void vp8_loop_filter_mbv/, "unsigned char *y, unsigned char *u, unsigned char *v, int ystride, int uv_stride, struct loop_filter_info *lfi";
specialize qw/vp8_loop_filter_mbv mmx sse2 media neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_loop_filter_bv/, "unsigned char *y, unsigned char *u, unsigned char *v, int ystride, int uv_stride, struct loop_filter_info *lfi";
specialize qw/vp8_loop_filter_bv mmx sse2 media neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_loop_filter_mbh/, "unsigned char *y, unsigned char *u, unsigned char *v, int ystride, int uv_stride, struct loop_filter_info *lfi";
specialize qw/vp8_loop_filter_mbh mmx sse2 media neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_loop_filter_bh/, "unsigned char *y, unsigned char *u, unsigned char *v, int ystride, int uv_stride, struct loop_filter_info *lfi";
specialize qw/vp8_loop_filter_bh mmx sse2 media neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_loop_filter_simple_mbv/, "unsigned char *y, int ystride, const unsigned char *blimit";
specialize qw/vp8_loop_filter_simple_mbv mmx sse2 media neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_loop_filter_simple_mbh/, "unsigned char *y, int ystride, const unsigned char *blimit";
specialize qw/vp8_loop_filter_simple_mbh mmx sse2 media neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_loop_filter_simple_bv/, "unsigned char *y, int ystride, const unsigned char *blimit";
specialize qw/vp8_loop_filter_simple_bv mmx sse2 media neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_loop_filter_simple_bh/, "unsigned char *y, int ystride, const unsigned char *blimit";
specialize qw/vp8_loop_filter_simple_bh mmx sse2 media neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_short_idct4x4llm/, "short *input, unsigned char *pred, int pitch, unsigned char *dst, int dst_stride";
specialize qw/vp8_short_idct4x4llm mmx media neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_short_inv_walsh4x4_1/, "short *input, short *output";
specialize qw/vp8_short_inv_walsh4x4_1 dspr2/;
# no asm yet
add_proto qw/void vp8_short_inv_walsh4x4/, "short *input, short *output";
specialize qw/vp8_short_inv_walsh4x4 mmx sse2 media neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_dc_only_idct_add/, "short input, unsigned char *pred, int pred_stride, unsigned char *dst, int dst_stride";
specialize qw/vp8_dc_only_idct_add mmx media neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_copy_mem16x16/, "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch";
specialize qw/vp8_copy_mem16x16 mmx sse2 media neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_copy_mem8x8/, "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch";
specialize qw/vp8_copy_mem8x8 mmx media neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_copy_mem8x4/, "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch";
specialize qw/vp8_copy_mem8x4 mmx media neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_build_intra_predictors_mby_s/, "struct macroblockd *x, unsigned char * yabove_row, unsigned char * yleft, int left_stride, unsigned char * ypred_ptr, int y_stride";
specialize qw/vp8_build_intra_predictors_mby_s sse2 ssse3/;
#TODO: fix assembly for neon
add_proto qw/void vp8_build_intra_predictors_mbuv_s/, "struct macroblockd *x, unsigned char * uabove_row, unsigned char * vabove_row, unsigned char *uleft, unsigned char *vleft, int left_stride, unsigned char * upred_ptr, unsigned char * vpred_ptr, int pred_stride";
specialize qw/vp8_build_intra_predictors_mbuv_s sse2 ssse3/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_intra4x4_predict/, "unsigned char *Above, unsigned char *yleft, int left_stride, int b_mode, unsigned char *dst, int dst_stride, unsigned char top_left";
specialize qw/vp8_intra4x4_predict media/;
# Postproc
if (vpx_config("CONFIG_POSTPROC") eq "yes") {
add_proto qw/void vp8_mbpost_proc_down/, "unsigned char *dst, int pitch, int rows, int cols,int flimit";
specialize qw/vp8_mbpost_proc_down mmx sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_mbpost_proc_across_ip/, "unsigned char *dst, int pitch, int rows, int cols,int flimit";
specialize qw/vp8_mbpost_proc_across_ip sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_post_proc_down_and_across_mb_row/, "unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, int src_pitch, int dst_pitch, int cols, unsigned char *flimits, int size";
specialize qw/vp8_post_proc_down_and_across_mb_row sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_plane_add_noise/, "unsigned char *s, char *noise, char blackclamp[16], char whiteclamp[16], char bothclamp[16], unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int pitch";
specialize qw/vp8_plane_add_noise mmx sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_blend_mb_inner/, "unsigned char *y, unsigned char *u, unsigned char *v, int y1, int u1, int v1, int alpha, int stride";
# no asm yet
add_proto qw/void vp8_blend_mb_outer/, "unsigned char *y, unsigned char *u, unsigned char *v, int y1, int u1, int v1, int alpha, int stride";
# no asm yet
add_proto qw/void vp8_blend_b/, "unsigned char *y, unsigned char *u, unsigned char *v, int y1, int u1, int v1, int alpha, int stride";
# no asm yet
add_proto qw/void vp8_filter_by_weight16x16/, "unsigned char *src, int src_stride, unsigned char *dst, int dst_stride, int src_weight";
specialize qw/vp8_filter_by_weight16x16 sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_filter_by_weight8x8/, "unsigned char *src, int src_stride, unsigned char *dst, int dst_stride, int src_weight";
specialize qw/vp8_filter_by_weight8x8 sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_filter_by_weight4x4/, "unsigned char *src, int src_stride, unsigned char *dst, int dst_stride, int src_weight";
# no asm yet
# Subpixel
add_proto qw/void vp8_sixtap_predict16x16/, "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, int xofst, int yofst, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch";
specialize qw/vp8_sixtap_predict16x16 mmx sse2 ssse3 media neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_sixtap_predict8x8/, "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, int xofst, int yofst, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch";
specialize qw/vp8_sixtap_predict8x8 mmx sse2 ssse3 media neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_sixtap_predict8x4/, "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, int xofst, int yofst, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch";
specialize qw/vp8_sixtap_predict8x4 mmx sse2 ssse3 media neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_sixtap_predict4x4/, "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, int xofst, int yofst, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch";
specialize qw/vp8_sixtap_predict4x4 mmx ssse3 media neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_bilinear_predict16x16/, "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, int xofst, int yofst, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch";
specialize qw/vp8_bilinear_predict16x16 mmx sse2 ssse3 media neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_bilinear_predict8x8/, "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, int xofst, int yofst, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch";
specialize qw/vp8_bilinear_predict8x8 mmx sse2 ssse3 media neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_bilinear_predict8x4/, "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, int xofst, int yofst, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch";
specialize qw/vp8_bilinear_predict8x4 mmx media neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_bilinear_predict4x4/, "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, int xofst, int yofst, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch";
specialize qw/vp8_bilinear_predict4x4 mmx media neon/;
# Whole-pixel Variance
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_variance4x4/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp8_variance4x4 mmx sse2/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_variance8x8/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp8_variance8x8 mmx sse2 media neon/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_variance8x16/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp8_variance8x16 mmx sse2 neon/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_variance16x8/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp8_variance16x8 mmx sse2 neon/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_variance16x16/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp8_variance16x16 mmx sse2 media neon/;
# Sub-pixel Variance
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_sub_pixel_variance4x4/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int Refstride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp8_sub_pixel_variance4x4 mmx sse2/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_sub_pixel_variance8x8/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int Refstride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp8_sub_pixel_variance8x8 mmx sse2 media neon/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_sub_pixel_variance8x16/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int Refstride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp8_sub_pixel_variance8x16 mmx sse2/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_sub_pixel_variance16x8/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int Refstride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp8_sub_pixel_variance16x8 mmx sse2 ssse3/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_sub_pixel_variance16x16/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int Refstride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp8_sub_pixel_variance16x16 mmx sse2 ssse3 media neon/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_variance_halfpixvar16x16_h/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp8_variance_halfpixvar16x16_h mmx sse2 media neon/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_variance_halfpixvar16x16_v/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp8_variance_halfpixvar16x16_v mmx sse2 media neon/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_variance_halfpixvar16x16_hv/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp8_variance_halfpixvar16x16_hv mmx sse2 media neon/;
# Single block SAD
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_sad4x4/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp8_sad4x4 mmx sse2 neon/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_sad8x8/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp8_sad8x8 mmx sse2 neon/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_sad8x16/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp8_sad8x16 mmx sse2 neon/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_sad16x8/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp8_sad16x8 mmx sse2 neon/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_sad16x16/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp8_sad16x16 mmx sse2 sse3 media neon/;
# Multi-block SAD, comparing a reference to N blocks 1 pixel apart horizontally
add_proto qw/void vp8_sad4x4x3/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp8_sad4x4x3 sse3/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_sad8x8x3/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp8_sad8x8x3 sse3/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_sad8x16x3/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp8_sad8x16x3 sse3/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_sad16x8x3/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp8_sad16x8x3 sse3 ssse3/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_sad16x16x3/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp8_sad16x16x3 sse3 ssse3/;
# Note the only difference in the following prototypes is that they return into
# an array of short
add_proto qw/void vp8_sad4x4x8/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned short *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp8_sad4x4x8 sse4_1/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_sad8x8x8/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned short *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp8_sad8x8x8 sse4_1/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_sad8x16x8/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned short *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp8_sad8x16x8 sse4_1/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_sad16x8x8/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned short *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp8_sad16x8x8 sse4_1/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_sad16x16x8/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned short *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp8_sad16x16x8 sse4_1/;
# Multi-block SAD, comparing a reference to N independent blocks
add_proto qw/void vp8_sad4x4x4d/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char * const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp8_sad4x4x4d sse3/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_sad8x8x4d/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char * const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp8_sad8x8x4d sse3/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_sad8x16x4d/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char * const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp8_sad8x16x4d sse3/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_sad16x8x4d/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char * const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp8_sad16x8x4d sse3/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_sad16x16x4d/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char * const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp8_sad16x16x4d sse3/;
# Encoder functions below this point.
if (vpx_config("CONFIG_VP8_ENCODER") eq "yes") {
# Sum of squares (vector)
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_get_mb_ss/, "const short *";
specialize qw/vp8_get_mb_ss mmx sse2/;
# SSE (Sum Squared Error)
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_sub_pixel_mse16x16/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int Refstride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp8_sub_pixel_mse16x16 mmx sse2/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_mse16x16/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp8_mse16x16 mmx sse2 media neon/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp8_get4x4sse_cs/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride";
specialize qw/vp8_get4x4sse_cs mmx neon/;
# Block copy
if ($opts{arch} =~ /x86/) {
add_proto qw/void vp8_copy32xn/, "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, int n";
specialize qw/vp8_copy32xn sse2 sse3/;
# Structured Similarity (SSIM)
if (vpx_config("CONFIG_INTERNAL_STATS") eq "yes") {
$opts{arch} eq "x86_64" and $sse2_on_x86_64 = "sse2";
add_proto qw/void vp8_ssim_parms_8x8/, "unsigned char *s, int sp, unsigned char *r, int rp, unsigned long *sum_s, unsigned long *sum_r, unsigned long *sum_sq_s, unsigned long *sum_sq_r, unsigned long *sum_sxr";
specialize qw/vp8_ssim_parms_8x8/, "$sse2_on_x86_64";
add_proto qw/void vp8_ssim_parms_16x16/, "unsigned char *s, int sp, unsigned char *r, int rp, unsigned long *sum_s, unsigned long *sum_r, unsigned long *sum_sq_s, unsigned long *sum_sq_r, unsigned long *sum_sxr";
specialize qw/vp8_ssim_parms_16x16/, "$sse2_on_x86_64";
# Forward DCT
add_proto qw/void vp8_short_fdct4x4/, "short *input, short *output, int pitch";
specialize qw/vp8_short_fdct4x4 mmx sse2 media neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_short_fdct8x4/, "short *input, short *output, int pitch";
specialize qw/vp8_short_fdct8x4 mmx sse2 media neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_short_walsh4x4/, "short *input, short *output, int pitch";
specialize qw/vp8_short_walsh4x4 sse2 media neon/;
# Quantizer
add_proto qw/void vp8_regular_quantize_b/, "struct block *, struct blockd *";
specialize qw/vp8_regular_quantize_b sse2/;
# TODO(johann) Update sse4 implementation and re-enable
add_proto qw/void vp8_fast_quantize_b/, "struct block *, struct blockd *";
specialize qw/vp8_fast_quantize_b sse2 ssse3 media neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_regular_quantize_b_pair/, "struct block *b1, struct block *b2, struct blockd *d1, struct blockd *d2";
# no asm yet
add_proto qw/void vp8_fast_quantize_b_pair/, "struct block *b1, struct block *b2, struct blockd *d1, struct blockd *d2";
specialize qw/vp8_fast_quantize_b_pair neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_quantize_mb/, "struct macroblock *";
specialize qw/vp8_quantize_mb neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_quantize_mby/, "struct macroblock *";
specialize qw/vp8_quantize_mby neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_quantize_mbuv/, "struct macroblock *";
specialize qw/vp8_quantize_mbuv neon/;
# Block subtraction
add_proto qw/int vp8_block_error/, "short *coeff, short *dqcoeff";
specialize qw/vp8_block_error mmx sse2/;
add_proto qw/int vp8_mbblock_error/, "struct macroblock *mb, int dc";
specialize qw/vp8_mbblock_error mmx sse2/;
add_proto qw/int vp8_mbuverror/, "struct macroblock *mb";
specialize qw/vp8_mbuverror mmx sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_subtract_b/, "struct block *be, struct blockd *bd, int pitch";
specialize qw/vp8_subtract_b mmx sse2 media neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_subtract_mby/, "short *diff, unsigned char *src, int src_stride, unsigned char *pred, int pred_stride";
specialize qw/vp8_subtract_mby mmx sse2 media neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_subtract_mbuv/, "short *diff, unsigned char *usrc, unsigned char *vsrc, int src_stride, unsigned char *upred, unsigned char *vpred, int pred_stride";
specialize qw/vp8_subtract_mbuv mmx sse2 media neon/;
# Motion search
add_proto qw/int vp8_full_search_sad/, "struct macroblock *x, struct block *b, struct blockd *d, union int_mv *ref_mv, int sad_per_bit, int distance, struct variance_vtable *fn_ptr, int *mvcost[2], union int_mv *center_mv";
specialize qw/vp8_full_search_sad sse3 sse4_1/;
add_proto qw/int vp8_refining_search_sad/, "struct macroblock *x, struct block *b, struct blockd *d, union int_mv *ref_mv, int sad_per_bit, int distance, struct variance_vtable *fn_ptr, int *mvcost[2], union int_mv *center_mv";
specialize qw/vp8_refining_search_sad sse3/;
add_proto qw/int vp8_diamond_search_sad/, "struct macroblock *x, struct block *b, struct blockd *d, union int_mv *ref_mv, union int_mv *best_mv, int search_param, int sad_per_bit, int *num00, struct variance_vtable *fn_ptr, int *mvcost[2], union int_mv *center_mv";
# Alt-ref Noise Reduction (ARNR)
if (vpx_config("CONFIG_REALTIME_ONLY") ne "yes") {
add_proto qw/void vp8_temporal_filter_apply/, "unsigned char *frame1, unsigned int stride, unsigned char *frame2, unsigned int block_size, int strength, int filter_weight, unsigned int *accumulator, unsigned short *count";
specialize qw/vp8_temporal_filter_apply sse2/;
# Pick Loopfilter
add_proto qw/void vp8_yv12_copy_partial_frame/, "struct yv12_buffer_config *src_ybc, struct yv12_buffer_config *dst_ybc";
specialize qw/vp8_yv12_copy_partial_frame neon/;
# Denoiser filter
if (vpx_config("CONFIG_TEMPORAL_DENOISING") eq "yes") {
add_proto qw/int vp8_denoiser_filter/, "struct yv12_buffer_config* mc_running_avg, struct yv12_buffer_config* running_avg, struct macroblock* signal, unsigned int motion_magnitude2, int y_offset, int uv_offset";
specialize qw/vp8_denoiser_filter sse2 neon/;
# End of encoder only functions
@ -1,542 +0,0 @@
vp8_common_forward_decls() {
cat <<EOF
* VP8
struct blockd;
struct macroblockd;
struct loop_filter_info;
/* Encoder forward decls */
struct block;
struct macroblock;
struct variance_vtable;
union int_mv;
struct yv12_buffer_config;
forward_decls vp8_common_forward_decls
# system state
prototype void vp8_clear_system_state ""
specialize vp8_clear_system_state mmx
# Dequant
prototype void vp8_dequantize_b "struct blockd*, short *dqc"
specialize vp8_dequantize_b mmx media neon
prototype void vp8_dequant_idct_add "short *input, short *dq, unsigned char *output, int stride"
specialize vp8_dequant_idct_add mmx media neon dspr2
prototype void vp8_dequant_idct_add_y_block "short *q, short *dq, unsigned char *dst, int stride, char *eobs"
specialize vp8_dequant_idct_add_y_block mmx sse2 media neon dspr2
prototype void vp8_dequant_idct_add_uv_block "short *q, short *dq, unsigned char *dst_u, unsigned char *dst_v, int stride, char *eobs"
specialize vp8_dequant_idct_add_uv_block mmx sse2 media neon dspr2
# Loopfilter
prototype void vp8_loop_filter_mbv "unsigned char *y, unsigned char *u, unsigned char *v, int ystride, int uv_stride, struct loop_filter_info *lfi"
specialize vp8_loop_filter_mbv mmx sse2 media neon dspr2
prototype void vp8_loop_filter_bv "unsigned char *y, unsigned char *u, unsigned char *v, int ystride, int uv_stride, struct loop_filter_info *lfi"
specialize vp8_loop_filter_bv mmx sse2 media neon dspr2
prototype void vp8_loop_filter_mbh "unsigned char *y, unsigned char *u, unsigned char *v, int ystride, int uv_stride, struct loop_filter_info *lfi"
specialize vp8_loop_filter_mbh mmx sse2 media neon dspr2
prototype void vp8_loop_filter_bh "unsigned char *y, unsigned char *u, unsigned char *v, int ystride, int uv_stride, struct loop_filter_info *lfi"
specialize vp8_loop_filter_bh mmx sse2 media neon dspr2
prototype void vp8_loop_filter_simple_mbv "unsigned char *y, int ystride, const unsigned char *blimit"
specialize vp8_loop_filter_simple_mbv mmx sse2 media neon
prototype void vp8_loop_filter_simple_mbh "unsigned char *y, int ystride, const unsigned char *blimit"
specialize vp8_loop_filter_simple_mbh mmx sse2 media neon
prototype void vp8_loop_filter_simple_bv "unsigned char *y, int ystride, const unsigned char *blimit"
specialize vp8_loop_filter_simple_bv mmx sse2 media neon
prototype void vp8_loop_filter_simple_bh "unsigned char *y, int ystride, const unsigned char *blimit"
specialize vp8_loop_filter_simple_bh mmx sse2 media neon
prototype void vp8_short_idct4x4llm "short *input, unsigned char *pred, int pitch, unsigned char *dst, int dst_stride"
specialize vp8_short_idct4x4llm mmx media neon dspr2
prototype void vp8_short_inv_walsh4x4_1 "short *input, short *output"
specialize vp8_short_inv_walsh4x4_1 dspr2
# no asm yet
prototype void vp8_short_inv_walsh4x4 "short *input, short *output"
specialize vp8_short_inv_walsh4x4 mmx sse2 media neon dspr2
prototype void vp8_dc_only_idct_add "short input, unsigned char *pred, int pred_stride, unsigned char *dst, int dst_stride"
specialize vp8_dc_only_idct_add mmx media neon dspr2
prototype void vp8_copy_mem16x16 "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch"
specialize vp8_copy_mem16x16 mmx sse2 media neon dspr2
prototype void vp8_copy_mem8x8 "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch"
specialize vp8_copy_mem8x8 mmx media neon dspr2
prototype void vp8_copy_mem8x4 "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch"
specialize vp8_copy_mem8x4 mmx media neon dspr2
prototype void vp8_build_intra_predictors_mby_s "struct macroblockd *x, unsigned char * yabove_row, unsigned char * yleft, int left_stride, unsigned char * ypred_ptr, int y_stride"
specialize vp8_build_intra_predictors_mby_s sse2 ssse3
#TODO: fix assembly for neon
prototype void vp8_build_intra_predictors_mbuv_s "struct macroblockd *x, unsigned char * uabove_row, unsigned char * vabove_row, unsigned char *uleft, unsigned char *vleft, int left_stride, unsigned char * upred_ptr, unsigned char * vpred_ptr, int pred_stride"
specialize vp8_build_intra_predictors_mbuv_s sse2 ssse3
prototype void vp8_intra4x4_predict "unsigned char *Above, unsigned char *yleft, int left_stride, int b_mode, unsigned char *dst, int dst_stride, unsigned char top_left"
specialize vp8_intra4x4_predict media
# Postproc
if [ "$CONFIG_POSTPROC" = "yes" ]; then
prototype void vp8_mbpost_proc_down "unsigned char *dst, int pitch, int rows, int cols,int flimit"
specialize vp8_mbpost_proc_down mmx sse2
prototype void vp8_mbpost_proc_across_ip "unsigned char *dst, int pitch, int rows, int cols,int flimit"
specialize vp8_mbpost_proc_across_ip sse2
prototype void vp8_post_proc_down_and_across_mb_row "unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, int src_pitch, int dst_pitch, int cols, unsigned char *flimits, int size"
specialize vp8_post_proc_down_and_across_mb_row sse2
prototype void vp8_plane_add_noise "unsigned char *s, char *noise, char blackclamp[16], char whiteclamp[16], char bothclamp[16], unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int pitch"
specialize vp8_plane_add_noise mmx sse2
prototype void vp8_blend_mb_inner "unsigned char *y, unsigned char *u, unsigned char *v, int y1, int u1, int v1, int alpha, int stride"
# no asm yet
prototype void vp8_blend_mb_outer "unsigned char *y, unsigned char *u, unsigned char *v, int y1, int u1, int v1, int alpha, int stride"
# no asm yet
prototype void vp8_blend_b "unsigned char *y, unsigned char *u, unsigned char *v, int y1, int u1, int v1, int alpha, int stride"
# no asm yet
prototype void vp8_filter_by_weight16x16 "unsigned char *src, int src_stride, unsigned char *dst, int dst_stride, int src_weight"
specialize vp8_filter_by_weight16x16 sse2
prototype void vp8_filter_by_weight8x8 "unsigned char *src, int src_stride, unsigned char *dst, int dst_stride, int src_weight"
specialize vp8_filter_by_weight8x8 sse2
prototype void vp8_filter_by_weight4x4 "unsigned char *src, int src_stride, unsigned char *dst, int dst_stride, int src_weight"
# no asm yet
# Subpixel
prototype void vp8_sixtap_predict16x16 "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, int xofst, int yofst, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch"
specialize vp8_sixtap_predict16x16 mmx sse2 ssse3 media neon dspr2
prototype void vp8_sixtap_predict8x8 "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, int xofst, int yofst, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch"
specialize vp8_sixtap_predict8x8 mmx sse2 ssse3 media neon dspr2
prototype void vp8_sixtap_predict8x4 "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, int xofst, int yofst, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch"
specialize vp8_sixtap_predict8x4 mmx sse2 ssse3 media neon dspr2
prototype void vp8_sixtap_predict4x4 "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, int xofst, int yofst, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch"
specialize vp8_sixtap_predict4x4 mmx ssse3 media neon dspr2
prototype void vp8_bilinear_predict16x16 "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, int xofst, int yofst, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch"
specialize vp8_bilinear_predict16x16 mmx sse2 ssse3 media neon
prototype void vp8_bilinear_predict8x8 "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, int xofst, int yofst, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch"
specialize vp8_bilinear_predict8x8 mmx sse2 ssse3 media neon
prototype void vp8_bilinear_predict8x4 "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, int xofst, int yofst, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch"
specialize vp8_bilinear_predict8x4 mmx media neon
prototype void vp8_bilinear_predict4x4 "unsigned char *src, int src_pitch, int xofst, int yofst, unsigned char *dst, int dst_pitch"
specialize vp8_bilinear_predict4x4 mmx media neon
# Whole-pixel Variance
prototype unsigned int vp8_variance4x4 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp8_variance4x4 mmx sse2
prototype unsigned int vp8_variance8x8 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp8_variance8x8 mmx sse2 media neon
prototype unsigned int vp8_variance8x16 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp8_variance8x16 mmx sse2 neon
prototype unsigned int vp8_variance16x8 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp8_variance16x8 mmx sse2 neon
prototype unsigned int vp8_variance16x16 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp8_variance16x16 mmx sse2 media neon
# Sub-pixel Variance
prototype unsigned int vp8_sub_pixel_variance4x4 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int Refstride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp8_sub_pixel_variance4x4 mmx sse2
prototype unsigned int vp8_sub_pixel_variance8x8 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int Refstride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp8_sub_pixel_variance8x8 mmx sse2 media neon
prototype unsigned int vp8_sub_pixel_variance8x16 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int Refstride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp8_sub_pixel_variance8x16 mmx sse2
prototype unsigned int vp8_sub_pixel_variance16x8 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int Refstride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp8_sub_pixel_variance16x8 mmx sse2 ssse3
prototype unsigned int vp8_sub_pixel_variance16x16 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int Refstride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp8_sub_pixel_variance16x16 mmx sse2 ssse3 media neon
prototype unsigned int vp8_variance_halfpixvar16x16_h "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp8_variance_halfpixvar16x16_h mmx sse2 media neon
prototype unsigned int vp8_variance_halfpixvar16x16_v "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp8_variance_halfpixvar16x16_v mmx sse2 media neon
prototype unsigned int vp8_variance_halfpixvar16x16_hv "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp8_variance_halfpixvar16x16_hv mmx sse2 media neon
# Single block SAD
prototype unsigned int vp8_sad4x4 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp8_sad4x4 mmx sse2 neon
prototype unsigned int vp8_sad8x8 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp8_sad8x8 mmx sse2 neon
prototype unsigned int vp8_sad8x16 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp8_sad8x16 mmx sse2 neon
prototype unsigned int vp8_sad16x8 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp8_sad16x8 mmx sse2 neon
prototype unsigned int vp8_sad16x16 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp8_sad16x16 mmx sse2 sse3 media neon
# Multi-block SAD, comparing a reference to N blocks 1 pixel apart horizontally
prototype void vp8_sad4x4x3 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp8_sad4x4x3 sse3
prototype void vp8_sad8x8x3 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp8_sad8x8x3 sse3
prototype void vp8_sad8x16x3 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp8_sad8x16x3 sse3
prototype void vp8_sad16x8x3 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp8_sad16x8x3 sse3 ssse3
prototype void vp8_sad16x16x3 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp8_sad16x16x3 sse3 ssse3
# Note the only difference in the following prototypes is that they return into
# an array of short
prototype void vp8_sad4x4x8 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned short *sad_array"
specialize vp8_sad4x4x8 sse4_1
prototype void vp8_sad8x8x8 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned short *sad_array"
specialize vp8_sad8x8x8 sse4_1
prototype void vp8_sad8x16x8 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned short *sad_array"
specialize vp8_sad8x16x8 sse4_1
prototype void vp8_sad16x8x8 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned short *sad_array"
specialize vp8_sad16x8x8 sse4_1
prototype void vp8_sad16x16x8 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned short *sad_array"
specialize vp8_sad16x16x8 sse4_1
# Multi-block SAD, comparing a reference to N independent blocks
prototype void vp8_sad4x4x4d "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char * const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp8_sad4x4x4d sse3
prototype void vp8_sad8x8x4d "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char * const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp8_sad8x8x4d sse3
prototype void vp8_sad8x16x4d "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char * const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp8_sad8x16x4d sse3
prototype void vp8_sad16x8x4d "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char * const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp8_sad16x8x4d sse3
prototype void vp8_sad16x16x4d "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int src_stride, const unsigned char * const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp8_sad16x16x4d sse3
# Encoder functions below this point.
if [ "$CONFIG_VP8_ENCODER" = "yes" ]; then
# Sum of squares (vector)
prototype unsigned int vp8_get_mb_ss "const short *"
specialize vp8_get_mb_ss mmx sse2
# SSE (Sum Squared Error)
prototype unsigned int vp8_sub_pixel_mse16x16 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int Refstride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp8_sub_pixel_mse16x16 mmx sse2
prototype unsigned int vp8_mse16x16 "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp8_mse16x16 mmx sse2 media neon
prototype unsigned int vp8_get4x4sse_cs "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride"
specialize vp8_get4x4sse_cs mmx neon
# Block copy
case $arch in
prototype void vp8_copy32xn "const unsigned char *src_ptr, int source_stride, const unsigned char *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, int n"
specialize vp8_copy32xn sse2 sse3
# Structured Similarity (SSIM)
if [ "$CONFIG_INTERNAL_STATS" = "yes" ]; then
[ $arch = "x86_64" ] && sse2_on_x86_64=sse2
prototype void vp8_ssim_parms_8x8 "unsigned char *s, int sp, unsigned char *r, int rp, unsigned long *sum_s, unsigned long *sum_r, unsigned long *sum_sq_s, unsigned long *sum_sq_r, unsigned long *sum_sxr"
specialize vp8_ssim_parms_8x8 $sse2_on_x86_64
prototype void vp8_ssim_parms_16x16 "unsigned char *s, int sp, unsigned char *r, int rp, unsigned long *sum_s, unsigned long *sum_r, unsigned long *sum_sq_s, unsigned long *sum_sq_r, unsigned long *sum_sxr"
specialize vp8_ssim_parms_16x16 $sse2_on_x86_64
# Forward DCT
prototype void vp8_short_fdct4x4 "short *input, short *output, int pitch"
specialize vp8_short_fdct4x4 mmx sse2 media neon
prototype void vp8_short_fdct8x4 "short *input, short *output, int pitch"
specialize vp8_short_fdct8x4 mmx sse2 media neon
prototype void vp8_short_walsh4x4 "short *input, short *output, int pitch"
specialize vp8_short_walsh4x4 sse2 media neon
# Quantizer
prototype void vp8_regular_quantize_b "struct block *, struct blockd *"
specialize vp8_regular_quantize_b sse2 #sse4_1
# TODO(johann) Update sse4 implementation and re-enable
prototype void vp8_fast_quantize_b "struct block *, struct blockd *"
specialize vp8_fast_quantize_b sse2 ssse3 media neon
prototype void vp8_regular_quantize_b_pair "struct block *b1, struct block *b2, struct blockd *d1, struct blockd *d2"
# no asm yet
prototype void vp8_fast_quantize_b_pair "struct block *b1, struct block *b2, struct blockd *d1, struct blockd *d2"
specialize vp8_fast_quantize_b_pair neon
prototype void vp8_quantize_mb "struct macroblock *"
specialize vp8_quantize_mb neon
prototype void vp8_quantize_mby "struct macroblock *"
specialize vp8_quantize_mby neon
prototype void vp8_quantize_mbuv "struct macroblock *"
specialize vp8_quantize_mbuv neon
# Block subtraction
prototype int vp8_block_error "short *coeff, short *dqcoeff"
specialize vp8_block_error mmx sse2
prototype int vp8_mbblock_error "struct macroblock *mb, int dc"
specialize vp8_mbblock_error mmx sse2
prototype int vp8_mbuverror "struct macroblock *mb"
specialize vp8_mbuverror mmx sse2
prototype void vp8_subtract_b "struct block *be, struct blockd *bd, int pitch"
specialize vp8_subtract_b mmx sse2 media neon
prototype void vp8_subtract_mby "short *diff, unsigned char *src, int src_stride, unsigned char *pred, int pred_stride"
specialize vp8_subtract_mby mmx sse2 media neon
prototype void vp8_subtract_mbuv "short *diff, unsigned char *usrc, unsigned char *vsrc, int src_stride, unsigned char *upred, unsigned char *vpred, int pred_stride"
specialize vp8_subtract_mbuv mmx sse2 media neon
# Motion search
prototype int vp8_full_search_sad "struct macroblock *x, struct block *b, struct blockd *d, union int_mv *ref_mv, int sad_per_bit, int distance, struct variance_vtable *fn_ptr, int *mvcost[2], union int_mv *center_mv"
specialize vp8_full_search_sad sse3 sse4_1
prototype int vp8_refining_search_sad "struct macroblock *x, struct block *b, struct blockd *d, union int_mv *ref_mv, int sad_per_bit, int distance, struct variance_vtable *fn_ptr, int *mvcost[2], union int_mv *center_mv"
specialize vp8_refining_search_sad sse3
prototype int vp8_diamond_search_sad "struct macroblock *x, struct block *b, struct blockd *d, union int_mv *ref_mv, union int_mv *best_mv, int search_param, int sad_per_bit, int *num00, struct variance_vtable *fn_ptr, int *mvcost[2], union int_mv *center_mv"
# Alt-ref Noise Reduction (ARNR)
if [ "$CONFIG_REALTIME_ONLY" != "yes" ]; then
prototype void vp8_temporal_filter_apply "unsigned char *frame1, unsigned int stride, unsigned char *frame2, unsigned int block_size, int strength, int filter_weight, unsigned int *accumulator, unsigned short *count"
specialize vp8_temporal_filter_apply sse2
# Pick Loopfilter
prototype void vp8_yv12_copy_partial_frame "struct yv12_buffer_config *src_ybc, struct yv12_buffer_config *dst_ybc"
specialize vp8_yv12_copy_partial_frame neon
# Denoiser filter
if [ "$CONFIG_TEMPORAL_DENOISING" = "yes" ]; then
prototype int vp8_denoiser_filter "struct yv12_buffer_config* mc_running_avg, struct yv12_buffer_config* running_avg, struct macroblock* signal, unsigned int motion_magnitude2, int y_offset, int uv_offset"
specialize vp8_denoiser_filter sse2 neon
# End of encoder only functions
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/quant_common.h
VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/reconinter.h
VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/reconintra4x4.h
VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/rtcd.c
VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/
VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/
VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/setupintrarecon.h
VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/swapyv12buffer.h
VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/systemdependent.h
@ -189,4 +189,4 @@ VP8_COMMON_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON) += common/arm/neon/dequant_idct_neon.c
VP8_COMMON_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON) += common/arm/neon/dequantizeb_neon.c
$(eval $(call rtcd_h_template,vp8_rtcd,vp8/common/
$(eval $(call rtcd_h_template,vp8_rtcd,vp8/common/
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
sub vp9_common_forward_decls() {
print <<EOF
* VP9
#include "vpx/vpx_integer.h"
#include "vp9/common/vp9_enums.h"
struct macroblockd;
/* Encoder forward decls */
struct macroblock;
struct vp9_variance_vtable;
#define DEC_MVCOSTS int *mvjcost, int *mvcost[2]
struct mv;
union int_mv;
struct yv12_buffer_config;
forward_decls qw/vp9_common_forward_decls/;
# x86inc.asm doesn't work if pic is enabled on 32 bit platforms so no assembly.
if (vpx_config("CONFIG_USE_X86INC") eq "yes") {
$mmx_x86inc = 'mmx';
$sse_x86inc = 'sse';
$sse2_x86inc = 'sse2';
$ssse3_x86inc = 'ssse3';
$avx_x86inc = 'avx';
$avx2_x86inc = 'avx2';
} else {
$mmx_x86inc = $sse_x86inc = $sse2_x86inc = $ssse3_x86inc =
$avx_x86inc = $avx2_x86inc = '';
# this variable is for functions that are 64 bit only.
if ($opts{arch} eq "x86_64") {
$mmx_x86_64 = 'mmx';
$sse2_x86_64 = 'sse2';
$ssse3_x86_64 = 'ssse3';
$avx_x86_64 = 'avx';
$avx2_x86_64 = 'avx2';
} else {
$mmx_x86_64 = $sse2_x86_64 = $ssse3_x86_64 =
$avx_x86_64 = $avx2_x86_64 = '';
add_proto qw/void vp9_d207_predictor_4x4/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d207_predictor_4x4/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_d45_predictor_4x4/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d45_predictor_4x4/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_d63_predictor_4x4/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d63_predictor_4x4/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_h_predictor_4x4/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_h_predictor_4x4 neon dspr2/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_d117_predictor_4x4/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d117_predictor_4x4/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_d135_predictor_4x4/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d135_predictor_4x4/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_d153_predictor_4x4/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d153_predictor_4x4/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_v_predictor_4x4/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_v_predictor_4x4 neon/, "$sse_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_tm_predictor_4x4/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_tm_predictor_4x4 neon dspr2/, "$sse_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_dc_predictor_4x4/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_dc_predictor_4x4 dspr2/, "$sse_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_dc_top_predictor_4x4/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_dc_top_predictor_4x4/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_dc_left_predictor_4x4/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_dc_left_predictor_4x4/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_dc_128_predictor_4x4/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_dc_128_predictor_4x4/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_d207_predictor_8x8/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d207_predictor_8x8/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_d45_predictor_8x8/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d45_predictor_8x8/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_d63_predictor_8x8/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d63_predictor_8x8/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_h_predictor_8x8/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_h_predictor_8x8 neon dspr2/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_d117_predictor_8x8/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d117_predictor_8x8/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_d135_predictor_8x8/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d135_predictor_8x8/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_d153_predictor_8x8/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d153_predictor_8x8/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_v_predictor_8x8/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_v_predictor_8x8 neon/, "$sse_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_tm_predictor_8x8/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_tm_predictor_8x8 neon dspr2/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_dc_predictor_8x8/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_dc_predictor_8x8 dspr2/, "$sse_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_dc_top_predictor_8x8/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_dc_top_predictor_8x8/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_dc_left_predictor_8x8/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_dc_left_predictor_8x8/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_dc_128_predictor_8x8/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_dc_128_predictor_8x8/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_d207_predictor_16x16/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d207_predictor_16x16/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_d45_predictor_16x16/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d45_predictor_16x16/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_d63_predictor_16x16/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d63_predictor_16x16/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_h_predictor_16x16/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_h_predictor_16x16 neon dspr2/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_d117_predictor_16x16/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d117_predictor_16x16/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_d135_predictor_16x16/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d135_predictor_16x16/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_d153_predictor_16x16/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d153_predictor_16x16/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_v_predictor_16x16/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_v_predictor_16x16 neon/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_tm_predictor_16x16/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_tm_predictor_16x16 neon/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_dc_predictor_16x16/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_dc_predictor_16x16 dspr2/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_dc_top_predictor_16x16/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_dc_top_predictor_16x16/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_dc_left_predictor_16x16/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_dc_left_predictor_16x16/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_dc_128_predictor_16x16/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_dc_128_predictor_16x16/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_d207_predictor_32x32/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d207_predictor_32x32/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_d45_predictor_32x32/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d45_predictor_32x32/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_d63_predictor_32x32/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d63_predictor_32x32/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_h_predictor_32x32/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_h_predictor_32x32 neon/, "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_d117_predictor_32x32/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d117_predictor_32x32/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_d135_predictor_32x32/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d135_predictor_32x32/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_d153_predictor_32x32/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_d153_predictor_32x32/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_v_predictor_32x32/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_v_predictor_32x32 neon/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_tm_predictor_32x32/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_tm_predictor_32x32 neon/, "$sse2_x86_64";
add_proto qw/void vp9_dc_predictor_32x32/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_dc_predictor_32x32/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_dc_top_predictor_32x32/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_dc_top_predictor_32x32/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_dc_left_predictor_32x32/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_dc_left_predictor_32x32/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_dc_128_predictor_32x32/, "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left";
specialize qw/vp9_dc_128_predictor_32x32/;
# Loopfilter
add_proto qw/void vp9_lpf_vertical_16/, "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit, const uint8_t *limit, const uint8_t *thresh";
specialize qw/vp9_lpf_vertical_16 sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_lpf_vertical_16_dual/, "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit, const uint8_t *limit, const uint8_t *thresh";
specialize qw/vp9_lpf_vertical_16_dual sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_lpf_vertical_8/, "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit, const uint8_t *limit, const uint8_t *thresh, int count";
specialize qw/vp9_lpf_vertical_8 sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_lpf_vertical_8_dual/, "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit0, const uint8_t *limit0, const uint8_t *thresh0, const uint8_t *blimit1, const uint8_t *limit1, const uint8_t *thresh1";
specialize qw/vp9_lpf_vertical_8_dual sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_lpf_vertical_4/, "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit, const uint8_t *limit, const uint8_t *thresh, int count";
specialize qw/vp9_lpf_vertical_4 mmx neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_lpf_vertical_4_dual/, "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit0, const uint8_t *limit0, const uint8_t *thresh0, const uint8_t *blimit1, const uint8_t *limit1, const uint8_t *thresh1";
specialize qw/vp9_lpf_vertical_4_dual sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_lpf_horizontal_16/, "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit, const uint8_t *limit, const uint8_t *thresh, int count";
specialize qw/vp9_lpf_horizontal_16 sse2 avx2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_lpf_horizontal_8/, "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit, const uint8_t *limit, const uint8_t *thresh, int count";
specialize qw/vp9_lpf_horizontal_8 sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_lpf_horizontal_8_dual/, "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit0, const uint8_t *limit0, const uint8_t *thresh0, const uint8_t *blimit1, const uint8_t *limit1, const uint8_t *thresh1";
specialize qw/vp9_lpf_horizontal_8_dual sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_lpf_horizontal_4/, "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit, const uint8_t *limit, const uint8_t *thresh, int count";
specialize qw/vp9_lpf_horizontal_4 mmx neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_lpf_horizontal_4_dual/, "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit0, const uint8_t *limit0, const uint8_t *thresh0, const uint8_t *blimit1, const uint8_t *limit1, const uint8_t *thresh1";
specialize qw/vp9_lpf_horizontal_4_dual sse2 neon dspr2/;
# post proc
if (vpx_config("CONFIG_VP9_POSTPROC") eq "yes") {
add_proto qw/void vp9_mbpost_proc_down/, "uint8_t *dst, int pitch, int rows, int cols, int flimit";
specialize qw/vp9_mbpost_proc_down mmx sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_mbpost_proc_across_ip/, "uint8_t *src, int pitch, int rows, int cols, int flimit";
specialize qw/vp9_mbpost_proc_across_ip sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_post_proc_down_and_across/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, uint8_t *dst_ptr, int src_pixels_per_line, int dst_pixels_per_line, int rows, int cols, int flimit";
specialize qw/vp9_post_proc_down_and_across mmx sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_plane_add_noise/, "uint8_t *Start, char *noise, char blackclamp[16], char whiteclamp[16], char bothclamp[16], unsigned int Width, unsigned int Height, int Pitch";
specialize qw/vp9_plane_add_noise mmx sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_blend_mb_inner/, "uint8_t *y, uint8_t *u, uint8_t *v, int y1, int u1, int v1, int alpha, int stride";
specialize qw/vp9_blend_mb_inner/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_blend_mb_outer/, "uint8_t *y, uint8_t *u, uint8_t *v, int y1, int u1, int v1, int alpha, int stride";
specialize qw/vp9_blend_mb_outer/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_blend_b/, "uint8_t *y, uint8_t *u, uint8_t *v, int y1, int u1, int v1, int alpha, int stride";
specialize qw/vp9_blend_b/;
# Sub Pixel Filters
add_proto qw/void vp9_convolve_copy/, "const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h";
specialize qw/vp9_convolve_copy neon dspr2/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_convolve_avg/, "const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h";
specialize qw/vp9_convolve_avg neon dspr2/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_convolve8/, "const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h";
specialize qw/vp9_convolve8 sse2 ssse3 avx2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_convolve8_horiz/, "const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h";
specialize qw/vp9_convolve8_horiz sse2 ssse3 avx2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_convolve8_vert/, "const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h";
specialize qw/vp9_convolve8_vert sse2 ssse3 avx2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_convolve8_avg/, "const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h";
specialize qw/vp9_convolve8_avg sse2 ssse3 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_convolve8_avg_horiz/, "const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h";
specialize qw/vp9_convolve8_avg_horiz sse2 ssse3 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_convolve8_avg_vert/, "const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h";
specialize qw/vp9_convolve8_avg_vert sse2 ssse3 neon dspr2/;
# dct
add_proto qw/void vp9_idct4x4_1_add/, "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride";
specialize qw/vp9_idct4x4_1_add sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_idct4x4_16_add/, "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride";
specialize qw/vp9_idct4x4_16_add sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_idct8x8_1_add/, "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride";
specialize qw/vp9_idct8x8_1_add sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_idct8x8_64_add/, "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride";
specialize qw/vp9_idct8x8_64_add sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_idct8x8_10_add/, "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride";
specialize qw/vp9_idct8x8_10_add sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_idct16x16_1_add/, "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride";
specialize qw/vp9_idct16x16_1_add sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_idct16x16_256_add/, "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride";
specialize qw/vp9_idct16x16_256_add sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_idct16x16_10_add/, "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride";
specialize qw/vp9_idct16x16_10_add sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_idct32x32_1024_add/, "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride";
specialize qw/vp9_idct32x32_1024_add sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_idct32x32_34_add/, "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride";
specialize qw/vp9_idct32x32_34_add sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_idct32x32_1_add/, "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride";
specialize qw/vp9_idct32x32_1_add sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_iht4x4_16_add/, "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride, int tx_type";
specialize qw/vp9_iht4x4_16_add sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_iht8x8_64_add/, "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride, int tx_type";
specialize qw/vp9_iht8x8_64_add sse2 neon dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_iht16x16_256_add/, "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *output, int pitch, int tx_type";
specialize qw/vp9_iht16x16_256_add sse2 dspr2/;
# dct and add
add_proto qw/void vp9_iwht4x4_1_add/, "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride";
specialize qw/vp9_iwht4x4_1_add/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_iwht4x4_16_add/, "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride";
specialize qw/vp9_iwht4x4_16_add/;
# Encoder functions below this point.
if (vpx_config("CONFIG_VP9_ENCODER") eq "yes") {
# variance
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance32x16/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance32x16/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$avx2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance16x32/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance16x32/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance64x32/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance64x32/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$avx2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance32x64/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance32x64/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance32x32/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance32x32/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$avx2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance64x64/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance64x64/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$avx2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance16x16/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance16x16 mmx/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$avx2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance16x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance16x8 mmx/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance8x16/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance8x16 mmx/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance8x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance8x8 mmx/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_get_sse_sum_8x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, int *sum";
specialize qw/vp9_get_sse_sum_8x8 sse2/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance8x4/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance8x4/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance4x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance4x8/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance4x4/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance4x4 mmx/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance64x64/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_variance64x64 avx2/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance64x64/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance64x64 avx2/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance32x64/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_variance32x64/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance32x64/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance32x64/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance64x32/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_variance64x32/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance64x32/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance64x32/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance32x16/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_variance32x16/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance32x16/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance32x16/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance16x32/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_variance16x32/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance16x32/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance16x32/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance32x32/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_variance32x32 avx2/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance32x32/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance32x32 avx2/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance16x16/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_variance16x16/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance16x16/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance16x16/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance8x16/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_variance8x16/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance8x16/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance8x16/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance16x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_variance16x8/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance16x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance16x8/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance8x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_variance8x8/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance8x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance8x8/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
# TODO(jingning): need to convert 8x4/4x8 functions into mmx/sse form
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance8x4/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_variance8x4/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance8x4/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance8x4/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance4x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_variance4x8/, "$sse_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance4x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance4x8/, "$sse_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance4x4/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_variance4x4/, "$sse_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance4x4/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance4x4/, "$sse_x86inc", "$ssse3_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad64x64/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad64x64/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad32x64/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad32x64/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad64x32/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad64x32/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad32x16/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad32x16/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad16x32/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad16x32/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad32x32/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad32x32/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad16x16/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad16x16 mmx/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad16x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad16x8 mmx/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad8x16/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad8x16 mmx/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad8x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad8x8 mmx/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad8x4/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad8x4/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad4x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad4x8/, "$sse_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad4x4/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad4x4 mmx/, "$sse_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad64x64_avg/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad64x64_avg/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad32x64_avg/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad32x64_avg/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad64x32_avg/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad64x32_avg/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad32x16_avg/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad32x16_avg/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad16x32_avg/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad16x32_avg/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad32x32_avg/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad32x32_avg/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad16x16_avg/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad16x16_avg/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad16x8_avg/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad16x8_avg/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad8x16_avg/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad8x16_avg/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad8x8_avg/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad8x8_avg/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad8x4_avg/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad8x4_avg/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad4x8_avg/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad4x8_avg/, "$sse_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sad4x4_avg/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad";
specialize qw/vp9_sad4x4_avg/, "$sse_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar16x16_h/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance_halfpixvar16x16_h/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar16x16_v/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance_halfpixvar16x16_v/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar16x16_hv/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance_halfpixvar16x16_hv/, "$sse2_x86inc";
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specialize qw/vp9_variance_halfpixvar64x64_h/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar64x64_v/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance_halfpixvar64x64_v/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar64x64_hv/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance_halfpixvar64x64_hv/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar32x32_h/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance_halfpixvar32x32_h/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar32x32_v/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance_halfpixvar32x32_v/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar32x32_hv/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_variance_halfpixvar32x32_hv/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad64x64x3/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad64x64x3/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad32x32x3/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad32x32x3/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad16x16x3/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad16x16x3 sse3 ssse3/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad16x8x3/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad16x8x3 sse3 ssse3/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad8x16x3/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad8x16x3 sse3/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad8x8x3/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad8x8x3 sse3/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad4x4x3/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad4x4x3 sse3/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad64x64x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad64x64x8/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad32x32x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad32x32x8/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad16x16x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad16x16x8 sse4/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad16x8x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad16x8x8 sse4/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad8x16x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad8x16x8 sse4/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad8x8x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad8x8x8 sse4/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad8x4x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad8x4x8/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad4x8x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad4x8x8/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad4x4x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad4x4x8 sse4/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad64x64x4d/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad64x64x4d sse2/;
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specialize qw/vp9_sad32x64x4d sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad64x32x4d/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad64x32x4d sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad32x16x4d/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad32x16x4d sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad16x32x4d/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad16x32x4d sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad32x32x4d/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad32x32x4d sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad16x16x4d/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad16x16x4d sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad16x8x4d/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad16x8x4d sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad8x16x4d/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad8x16x4d sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad8x8x4d/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad8x8x4d sse2/;
# TODO(jingning): need to convert these 4x8/8x4 functions into sse2 form
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad8x4x4d/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad8x4x4d sse2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad4x8x4d/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad4x8x4d sse/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_sad4x4x4d/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array";
specialize qw/vp9_sad4x4x4d sse/;
#add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_mse16x16/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_pixels_per_line, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *dst_ptr, int dst_pixels_per_line, unsigned int *sse";
#specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_mse16x16 sse2 mmx/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_mse16x16/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int recon_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_mse16x16 mmx/, "$sse2_x86inc", "$avx2_x86inc";
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specialize qw/vp9_mse8x16/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_mse16x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int recon_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_mse16x8/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_mse8x8/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int recon_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_mse8x8/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_mse64x64/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_mse64x64/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_mse32x32/, "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse";
specialize qw/vp9_sub_pixel_mse32x32/;
add_proto qw/unsigned int vp9_get_mb_ss/, "const int16_t *";
specialize qw/vp9_get_mb_ss mmx sse2/;
add_proto qw/int64_t vp9_block_error/, "const int16_t *coeff, const int16_t *dqcoeff, intptr_t block_size, int64_t *ssz";
specialize qw/vp9_block_error/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_subtract_block/, "int rows, int cols, int16_t *diff_ptr, ptrdiff_t diff_stride, const uint8_t *src_ptr, ptrdiff_t src_stride, const uint8_t *pred_ptr, ptrdiff_t pred_stride";
specialize qw/vp9_subtract_block/, "$sse2_x86inc";
add_proto qw/void vp9_quantize_b/, "const int16_t *coeff_ptr, intptr_t n_coeffs, int skip_block, const int16_t *zbin_ptr, const int16_t *round_ptr, const int16_t *quant_ptr, const int16_t *quant_shift_ptr, int16_t *qcoeff_ptr, int16_t *dqcoeff_ptr, const int16_t *dequant_ptr, int zbin_oq_value, uint16_t *eob_ptr, const int16_t *scan, const int16_t *iscan";
specialize qw/vp9_quantize_b/, "$ssse3_x86_64";
add_proto qw/void vp9_quantize_b_32x32/, "const int16_t *coeff_ptr, intptr_t n_coeffs, int skip_block, const int16_t *zbin_ptr, const int16_t *round_ptr, const int16_t *quant_ptr, const int16_t *quant_shift_ptr, int16_t *qcoeff_ptr, int16_t *dqcoeff_ptr, const int16_t *dequant_ptr, int zbin_oq_value, uint16_t *eob_ptr, const int16_t *scan, const int16_t *iscan";
specialize qw/vp9_quantize_b_32x32/, "$ssse3_x86_64";
# Structured Similarity (SSIM)
if (vpx_config("CONFIG_INTERNAL_STATS") eq "yes") {
add_proto qw/void vp9_ssim_parms_8x8/, "uint8_t *s, int sp, uint8_t *r, int rp, unsigned long *sum_s, unsigned long *sum_r, unsigned long *sum_sq_s, unsigned long *sum_sq_r, unsigned long *sum_sxr";
specialize qw/vp9_ssim_parms_8x8/, "$sse2_x86_64";
add_proto qw/void vp9_ssim_parms_16x16/, "uint8_t *s, int sp, uint8_t *r, int rp, unsigned long *sum_s, unsigned long *sum_r, unsigned long *sum_sq_s, unsigned long *sum_sq_r, unsigned long *sum_sxr";
specialize qw/vp9_ssim_parms_16x16/, "$sse2_x86_64";
# fdct functions
add_proto qw/void vp9_fht4x4/, "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride, int tx_type";
specialize qw/vp9_fht4x4 sse2 avx2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_fht8x8/, "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride, int tx_type";
specialize qw/vp9_fht8x8 sse2 avx2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_fht16x16/, "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride, int tx_type";
specialize qw/vp9_fht16x16 sse2 avx2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_fwht4x4/, "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride";
specialize qw/vp9_fwht4x4/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_fdct4x4/, "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride";
specialize qw/vp9_fdct4x4 sse2 avx2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_fdct8x8/, "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride";
specialize qw/vp9_fdct8x8 sse2 avx2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_fdct16x16/, "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride";
specialize qw/vp9_fdct16x16 sse2 avx2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_fdct32x32/, "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride";
specialize qw/vp9_fdct32x32 sse2 avx2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_fdct32x32_rd/, "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride";
specialize qw/vp9_fdct32x32_rd sse2 avx2/;
# Motion search
add_proto qw/int vp9_full_search_sad/, "const struct macroblock *x, const struct mv *ref_mv, int sad_per_bit, int distance, const struct vp9_variance_vtable *fn_ptr, DEC_MVCOSTS, const struct mv *center_mv, struct mv *best_mv";
specialize qw/vp9_full_search_sad sse3 sse4_1/;
add_proto qw/int vp9_refining_search_sad/, "const struct macroblock *x, struct mv *ref_mv, int sad_per_bit, int distance, const struct vp9_variance_vtable *fn_ptr, DEC_MVCOSTS, const struct mv *center_mv";
specialize qw/vp9_refining_search_sad sse3/;
add_proto qw/int vp9_diamond_search_sad/, "const struct macroblock *x, struct mv *ref_mv, struct mv *best_mv, int search_param, int sad_per_bit, int *num00, const struct vp9_variance_vtable *fn_ptr, DEC_MVCOSTS, const struct mv *center_mv";
specialize qw/vp9_diamond_search_sad sse3/;
add_proto qw/int vp9_full_range_search/, "const struct macroblock *x, struct mv *ref_mv, struct mv *best_mv, int search_param, int sad_per_bit, int *num00, const struct vp9_variance_vtable *fn_ptr, DEC_MVCOSTS, const struct mv *center_mv";
specialize qw/vp9_full_range_search/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_temporal_filter_apply/, "uint8_t *frame1, unsigned int stride, uint8_t *frame2, unsigned int block_size, int strength, int filter_weight, unsigned int *accumulator, uint16_t *count";
specialize qw/vp9_temporal_filter_apply sse2/;
# end encoder functions
@ -1,760 +0,0 @@
vp9_common_forward_decls() {
cat <<EOF
* VP9
#include "vpx/vpx_integer.h"
#include "vp9/common/vp9_enums.h"
struct macroblockd;
/* Encoder forward decls */
struct macroblock;
struct vp9_variance_vtable;
#define DEC_MVCOSTS int *mvjcost, int *mvcost[2]
struct mv;
union int_mv;
struct yv12_buffer_config;
forward_decls vp9_common_forward_decls
# x86inc.asm doesn't work if pic is enabled on 32 bit platforms so no assembly.
[ "$CONFIG_USE_X86INC" = "yes" ] && mmx_x86inc=mmx && sse_x86inc=sse &&
sse2_x86inc=sse2 && ssse3_x86inc=ssse3 && avx_x86inc=avx && avx2_x86inc=avx2
# this variable is for functions that are 64 bit only.
[ $arch = "x86_64" ] && mmx_x86_64=mmx && sse2_x86_64=sse2 &&
ssse3_x86_64=ssse3 && avx_x86_64=avx && avx2_x86_64=avx2
prototype void vp9_d207_predictor_4x4 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d207_predictor_4x4 $ssse3_x86inc
prototype void vp9_d45_predictor_4x4 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d45_predictor_4x4 $ssse3_x86inc
prototype void vp9_d63_predictor_4x4 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d63_predictor_4x4 $ssse3_x86inc
prototype void vp9_h_predictor_4x4 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_h_predictor_4x4 $ssse3_x86inc neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_d117_predictor_4x4 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d117_predictor_4x4
prototype void vp9_d135_predictor_4x4 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d135_predictor_4x4
prototype void vp9_d153_predictor_4x4 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d153_predictor_4x4 $ssse3_x86inc
prototype void vp9_v_predictor_4x4 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_v_predictor_4x4 $sse_x86inc neon
prototype void vp9_tm_predictor_4x4 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_tm_predictor_4x4 $sse_x86inc neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_dc_predictor_4x4 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_dc_predictor_4x4 $sse_x86inc dspr2
prototype void vp9_dc_top_predictor_4x4 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_dc_top_predictor_4x4
prototype void vp9_dc_left_predictor_4x4 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_dc_left_predictor_4x4
prototype void vp9_dc_128_predictor_4x4 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_dc_128_predictor_4x4
prototype void vp9_d207_predictor_8x8 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d207_predictor_8x8 $ssse3_x86inc
prototype void vp9_d45_predictor_8x8 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d45_predictor_8x8 $ssse3_x86inc
prototype void vp9_d63_predictor_8x8 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d63_predictor_8x8 $ssse3_x86inc
prototype void vp9_h_predictor_8x8 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_h_predictor_8x8 $ssse3_x86inc neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_d117_predictor_8x8 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d117_predictor_8x8
prototype void vp9_d135_predictor_8x8 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d135_predictor_8x8
prototype void vp9_d153_predictor_8x8 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d153_predictor_8x8 $ssse3_x86inc
prototype void vp9_v_predictor_8x8 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_v_predictor_8x8 $sse_x86inc neon
prototype void vp9_tm_predictor_8x8 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_tm_predictor_8x8 $sse2_x86inc neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_dc_predictor_8x8 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_dc_predictor_8x8 $sse_x86inc dspr2
prototype void vp9_dc_top_predictor_8x8 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_dc_top_predictor_8x8
prototype void vp9_dc_left_predictor_8x8 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_dc_left_predictor_8x8
prototype void vp9_dc_128_predictor_8x8 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_dc_128_predictor_8x8
prototype void vp9_d207_predictor_16x16 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d207_predictor_16x16 $ssse3_x86inc
prototype void vp9_d45_predictor_16x16 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d45_predictor_16x16 $ssse3_x86inc
prototype void vp9_d63_predictor_16x16 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d63_predictor_16x16 $ssse3_x86inc
prototype void vp9_h_predictor_16x16 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_h_predictor_16x16 $ssse3_x86inc neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_d117_predictor_16x16 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d117_predictor_16x16
prototype void vp9_d135_predictor_16x16 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d135_predictor_16x16
prototype void vp9_d153_predictor_16x16 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d153_predictor_16x16 $ssse3_x86inc
prototype void vp9_v_predictor_16x16 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_v_predictor_16x16 $sse2_x86inc neon
prototype void vp9_tm_predictor_16x16 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_tm_predictor_16x16 $sse2_x86inc neon
prototype void vp9_dc_predictor_16x16 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_dc_predictor_16x16 $sse2_x86inc dspr2
prototype void vp9_dc_top_predictor_16x16 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_dc_top_predictor_16x16
prototype void vp9_dc_left_predictor_16x16 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_dc_left_predictor_16x16
prototype void vp9_dc_128_predictor_16x16 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_dc_128_predictor_16x16
prototype void vp9_d207_predictor_32x32 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d207_predictor_32x32 $ssse3_x86inc
prototype void vp9_d45_predictor_32x32 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d45_predictor_32x32 $ssse3_x86inc
prototype void vp9_d63_predictor_32x32 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d63_predictor_32x32 $ssse3_x86inc
prototype void vp9_h_predictor_32x32 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_h_predictor_32x32 $ssse3_x86inc neon
prototype void vp9_d117_predictor_32x32 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d117_predictor_32x32
prototype void vp9_d135_predictor_32x32 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d135_predictor_32x32
prototype void vp9_d153_predictor_32x32 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_d153_predictor_32x32
prototype void vp9_v_predictor_32x32 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_v_predictor_32x32 $sse2_x86inc neon
prototype void vp9_tm_predictor_32x32 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_tm_predictor_32x32 $sse2_x86_64 neon
prototype void vp9_dc_predictor_32x32 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_dc_predictor_32x32 $sse2_x86inc
prototype void vp9_dc_top_predictor_32x32 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_dc_top_predictor_32x32
prototype void vp9_dc_left_predictor_32x32 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_dc_left_predictor_32x32
prototype void vp9_dc_128_predictor_32x32 "uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t y_stride, const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left"
specialize vp9_dc_128_predictor_32x32
# Loopfilter
prototype void vp9_lpf_vertical_16 "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit, const uint8_t *limit, const uint8_t *thresh"
specialize vp9_lpf_vertical_16 sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_lpf_vertical_16_dual "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit, const uint8_t *limit, const uint8_t *thresh"
specialize vp9_lpf_vertical_16_dual sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_lpf_vertical_8 "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit, const uint8_t *limit, const uint8_t *thresh, int count"
specialize vp9_lpf_vertical_8 sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_lpf_vertical_8_dual "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit0, const uint8_t *limit0, const uint8_t *thresh0, const uint8_t *blimit1, const uint8_t *limit1, const uint8_t *thresh1"
specialize vp9_lpf_vertical_8_dual sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_lpf_vertical_4 "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit, const uint8_t *limit, const uint8_t *thresh, int count"
specialize vp9_lpf_vertical_4 mmx neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_lpf_vertical_4_dual "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit0, const uint8_t *limit0, const uint8_t *thresh0, const uint8_t *blimit1, const uint8_t *limit1, const uint8_t *thresh1"
specialize vp9_lpf_vertical_4_dual sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_lpf_horizontal_16 "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit, const uint8_t *limit, const uint8_t *thresh, int count"
specialize vp9_lpf_horizontal_16 sse2 avx2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_lpf_horizontal_8 "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit, const uint8_t *limit, const uint8_t *thresh, int count"
specialize vp9_lpf_horizontal_8 sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_lpf_horizontal_8_dual "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit0, const uint8_t *limit0, const uint8_t *thresh0, const uint8_t *blimit1, const uint8_t *limit1, const uint8_t *thresh1"
specialize vp9_lpf_horizontal_8_dual sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_lpf_horizontal_4 "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit, const uint8_t *limit, const uint8_t *thresh, int count"
specialize vp9_lpf_horizontal_4 mmx neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_lpf_horizontal_4_dual "uint8_t *s, int pitch, const uint8_t *blimit0, const uint8_t *limit0, const uint8_t *thresh0, const uint8_t *blimit1, const uint8_t *limit1, const uint8_t *thresh1"
specialize vp9_lpf_horizontal_4_dual sse2 neon dspr2
# post proc
if [ "$CONFIG_VP9_POSTPROC" = "yes" ]; then
prototype void vp9_mbpost_proc_down "uint8_t *dst, int pitch, int rows, int cols, int flimit"
specialize vp9_mbpost_proc_down mmx sse2
prototype void vp9_mbpost_proc_across_ip "uint8_t *src, int pitch, int rows, int cols, int flimit"
specialize vp9_mbpost_proc_across_ip sse2
prototype void vp9_post_proc_down_and_across "const uint8_t *src_ptr, uint8_t *dst_ptr, int src_pixels_per_line, int dst_pixels_per_line, int rows, int cols, int flimit"
specialize vp9_post_proc_down_and_across mmx sse2
prototype void vp9_plane_add_noise "uint8_t *Start, char *noise, char blackclamp[16], char whiteclamp[16], char bothclamp[16], unsigned int Width, unsigned int Height, int Pitch"
specialize vp9_plane_add_noise mmx sse2
prototype void vp9_blend_mb_inner "uint8_t *y, uint8_t *u, uint8_t *v, int y1, int u1, int v1, int alpha, int stride"
specialize vp9_blend_mb_inner
prototype void vp9_blend_mb_outer "uint8_t *y, uint8_t *u, uint8_t *v, int y1, int u1, int v1, int alpha, int stride"
specialize vp9_blend_mb_outer
prototype void vp9_blend_b "uint8_t *y, uint8_t *u, uint8_t *v, int y1, int u1, int v1, int alpha, int stride"
specialize vp9_blend_b
# Sub Pixel Filters
prototype void vp9_convolve_copy "const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h"
specialize vp9_convolve_copy $sse2_x86inc neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_convolve_avg "const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h"
specialize vp9_convolve_avg $sse2_x86inc neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_convolve8 "const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h"
specialize vp9_convolve8 sse2 ssse3 avx2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_convolve8_horiz "const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h"
specialize vp9_convolve8_horiz sse2 ssse3 avx2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_convolve8_vert "const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h"
specialize vp9_convolve8_vert sse2 ssse3 avx2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_convolve8_avg "const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h"
specialize vp9_convolve8_avg sse2 ssse3 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_convolve8_avg_horiz "const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h"
specialize vp9_convolve8_avg_horiz sse2 ssse3 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_convolve8_avg_vert "const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h"
specialize vp9_convolve8_avg_vert sse2 ssse3 neon dspr2
# dct
prototype void vp9_idct4x4_1_add "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride"
specialize vp9_idct4x4_1_add sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_idct4x4_16_add "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride"
specialize vp9_idct4x4_16_add sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_idct8x8_1_add "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride"
specialize vp9_idct8x8_1_add sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_idct8x8_64_add "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride"
specialize vp9_idct8x8_64_add sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_idct8x8_10_add "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride"
specialize vp9_idct8x8_10_add sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_idct16x16_1_add "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride"
specialize vp9_idct16x16_1_add sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_idct16x16_256_add "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride"
specialize vp9_idct16x16_256_add sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_idct16x16_10_add "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride"
specialize vp9_idct16x16_10_add sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_idct32x32_1024_add "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride"
specialize vp9_idct32x32_1024_add sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_idct32x32_34_add "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride"
specialize vp9_idct32x32_34_add sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_idct32x32_1_add "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride"
specialize vp9_idct32x32_1_add sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_iht4x4_16_add "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride, int tx_type"
specialize vp9_iht4x4_16_add sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_iht8x8_64_add "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride, int tx_type"
specialize vp9_iht8x8_64_add sse2 neon dspr2
prototype void vp9_iht16x16_256_add "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *output, int pitch, int tx_type"
specialize vp9_iht16x16_256_add sse2 dspr2
# dct and add
prototype void vp9_iwht4x4_1_add "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride"
specialize vp9_iwht4x4_1_add
prototype void vp9_iwht4x4_16_add "const int16_t *input, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride"
specialize vp9_iwht4x4_16_add
# Encoder functions below this point.
if [ "$CONFIG_VP9_ENCODER" = "yes" ]; then
# variance
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance32x16 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance32x16 $sse2_x86inc $avx2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance16x32 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance16x32 $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance64x32 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance64x32 $sse2_x86inc $avx2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance32x64 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance32x64 $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance32x32 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance32x32 $sse2_x86inc $avx2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance64x64 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance64x64 $sse2_x86inc $avx2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance16x16 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance16x16 mmx $sse2_x86inc $avx2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance16x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance16x8 mmx $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance8x16 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance8x16 mmx $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance8x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance8x8 mmx $sse2_x86inc
prototype void vp9_get_sse_sum_8x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, int *sum"
specialize vp9_get_sse_sum_8x8 sse2
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance8x4 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance8x4 $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance4x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance4x8 $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance4x4 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance4x4 mmx $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance64x64 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_variance64x64 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc avx2
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance64x64 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance64x64 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc avx2
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance32x64 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_variance32x64 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance32x64 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance32x64 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance64x32 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_variance64x32 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance64x32 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance64x32 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance32x16 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_variance32x16 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance32x16 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance32x16 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance16x32 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_variance16x32 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance16x32 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance16x32 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance32x32 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_variance32x32 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc avx2
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance32x32 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance32x32 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc avx2
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance16x16 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_variance16x16 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance16x16 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance16x16 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance8x16 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_variance8x16 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance8x16 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance8x16 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance16x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_variance16x8 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance16x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance16x8 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance8x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_variance8x8 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance8x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance8x8 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
# TODO(jingning): need to convert 8x4/4x8 functions into mmx/sse form
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance8x4 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_variance8x4 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance8x4 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance8x4 $sse2_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance4x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_variance4x8 $sse_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance4x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance4x8 $sse_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_variance4x4 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_variance4x4 $sse_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance4x4 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse, const uint8_t *second_pred"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_avg_variance4x4 $sse_x86inc $ssse3_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad64x64 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad64x64 $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad32x64 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad32x64 $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad64x32 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad64x32 $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad32x16 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad32x16 $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad16x32 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad16x32 $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad32x32 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad32x32 $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad16x16 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad16x16 mmx $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad16x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad16x8 mmx $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad8x16 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad8x16 mmx $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad8x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad8x8 mmx $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad8x4 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad8x4 $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad4x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad4x8 $sse_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad4x4 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad4x4 mmx $sse_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad64x64_avg "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad64x64_avg $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad32x64_avg "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad32x64_avg $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad64x32_avg "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad64x32_avg $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad32x16_avg "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad32x16_avg $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad16x32_avg "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad16x32_avg $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad32x32_avg "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad32x32_avg $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad16x16_avg "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad16x16_avg $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad16x8_avg "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad16x8_avg $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad8x16_avg "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad8x16_avg $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad8x8_avg "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad8x8_avg $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad8x4_avg "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad8x4_avg $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad4x8_avg "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad4x8_avg $sse_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_sad4x4_avg "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, const uint8_t *second_pred, unsigned int max_sad"
specialize vp9_sad4x4_avg $sse_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar16x16_h "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance_halfpixvar16x16_h $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar16x16_v "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance_halfpixvar16x16_v $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar16x16_hv "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance_halfpixvar16x16_hv $sse2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar64x64_h "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance_halfpixvar64x64_h
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar64x64_v "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance_halfpixvar64x64_v
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar64x64_hv "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance_halfpixvar64x64_hv
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar32x32_h "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance_halfpixvar32x32_h
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar32x32_v "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance_halfpixvar32x32_v
prototype unsigned int vp9_variance_halfpixvar32x32_hv "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_variance_halfpixvar32x32_hv
prototype void vp9_sad64x64x3 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad64x64x3
prototype void vp9_sad32x32x3 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad32x32x3
prototype void vp9_sad16x16x3 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad16x16x3 sse3 ssse3
prototype void vp9_sad16x8x3 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad16x8x3 sse3 ssse3
prototype void vp9_sad8x16x3 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad8x16x3 sse3
prototype void vp9_sad8x8x3 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad8x8x3 sse3
prototype void vp9_sad4x4x3 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad4x4x3 sse3
prototype void vp9_sad64x64x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad64x64x8
prototype void vp9_sad32x32x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad32x32x8
prototype void vp9_sad16x16x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad16x16x8 sse4
prototype void vp9_sad16x8x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad16x8x8 sse4
prototype void vp9_sad8x16x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad8x16x8 sse4
prototype void vp9_sad8x8x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad8x8x8 sse4
prototype void vp9_sad8x4x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad8x4x8
prototype void vp9_sad4x8x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad4x8x8
prototype void vp9_sad4x4x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, uint32_t *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad4x4x8 sse4
prototype void vp9_sad64x64x4d "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad64x64x4d sse2
prototype void vp9_sad32x64x4d "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad32x64x4d sse2
prototype void vp9_sad64x32x4d "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad64x32x4d sse2
prototype void vp9_sad32x16x4d "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad32x16x4d sse2
prototype void vp9_sad16x32x4d "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad16x32x4d sse2
prototype void vp9_sad32x32x4d "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad32x32x4d sse2
prototype void vp9_sad16x16x4d "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad16x16x4d sse2
prototype void vp9_sad16x8x4d "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad16x8x4d sse2
prototype void vp9_sad8x16x4d "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad8x16x4d sse2
prototype void vp9_sad8x8x4d "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad8x8x4d sse2
# TODO(jingning): need to convert these 4x8/8x4 functions into sse2 form
prototype void vp9_sad8x4x4d "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad8x4x4d sse2
prototype void vp9_sad4x8x4d "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad4x8x4d sse
prototype void vp9_sad4x4x4d "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_stride, const uint8_t* const ref_ptr[], int ref_stride, unsigned int *sad_array"
specialize vp9_sad4x4x4d sse
#prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_mse16x16 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int src_pixels_per_line, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *dst_ptr, int dst_pixels_per_line, unsigned int *sse"
#specialize vp9_sub_pixel_mse16x16 sse2 mmx
prototype unsigned int vp9_mse16x16 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int recon_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_mse16x16 mmx $sse2_x86inc $avx2_x86inc
prototype unsigned int vp9_mse8x16 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int recon_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_mse8x16
prototype unsigned int vp9_mse16x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int recon_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_mse16x8
prototype unsigned int vp9_mse8x8 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int recon_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_mse8x8
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_mse64x64 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_mse64x64
prototype unsigned int vp9_sub_pixel_mse32x32 "const uint8_t *src_ptr, int source_stride, int xoffset, int yoffset, const uint8_t *ref_ptr, int ref_stride, unsigned int *sse"
specialize vp9_sub_pixel_mse32x32
prototype unsigned int vp9_get_mb_ss "const int16_t *"
specialize vp9_get_mb_ss mmx sse2
prototype int64_t vp9_block_error "const int16_t *coeff, const int16_t *dqcoeff, intptr_t block_size, int64_t *ssz"
specialize vp9_block_error $sse2_x86inc
prototype void vp9_subtract_block "int rows, int cols, int16_t *diff_ptr, ptrdiff_t diff_stride, const uint8_t *src_ptr, ptrdiff_t src_stride, const uint8_t *pred_ptr, ptrdiff_t pred_stride"
specialize vp9_subtract_block $sse2_x86inc
prototype void vp9_quantize_b "const int16_t *coeff_ptr, intptr_t n_coeffs, int skip_block, const int16_t *zbin_ptr, const int16_t *round_ptr, const int16_t *quant_ptr, const int16_t *quant_shift_ptr, int16_t *qcoeff_ptr, int16_t *dqcoeff_ptr, const int16_t *dequant_ptr, int zbin_oq_value, uint16_t *eob_ptr, const int16_t *scan, const int16_t *iscan"
specialize vp9_quantize_b $ssse3_x86_64
prototype void vp9_quantize_b_32x32 "const int16_t *coeff_ptr, intptr_t n_coeffs, int skip_block, const int16_t *zbin_ptr, const int16_t *round_ptr, const int16_t *quant_ptr, const int16_t *quant_shift_ptr, int16_t *qcoeff_ptr, int16_t *dqcoeff_ptr, const int16_t *dequant_ptr, int zbin_oq_value, uint16_t *eob_ptr, const int16_t *scan, const int16_t *iscan"
specialize vp9_quantize_b_32x32 $ssse3_x86_64
# Structured Similarity (SSIM)
if [ "$CONFIG_INTERNAL_STATS" = "yes" ]; then
prototype void vp9_ssim_parms_8x8 "uint8_t *s, int sp, uint8_t *r, int rp, unsigned long *sum_s, unsigned long *sum_r, unsigned long *sum_sq_s, unsigned long *sum_sq_r, unsigned long *sum_sxr"
specialize vp9_ssim_parms_8x8 $sse2_x86_64
prototype void vp9_ssim_parms_16x16 "uint8_t *s, int sp, uint8_t *r, int rp, unsigned long *sum_s, unsigned long *sum_r, unsigned long *sum_sq_s, unsigned long *sum_sq_r, unsigned long *sum_sxr"
specialize vp9_ssim_parms_16x16 $sse2_x86_64
# fdct functions
prototype void vp9_fht4x4 "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride, int tx_type"
specialize vp9_fht4x4 sse2 avx2
prototype void vp9_fht8x8 "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride, int tx_type"
specialize vp9_fht8x8 sse2 avx2
prototype void vp9_fht16x16 "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride, int tx_type"
specialize vp9_fht16x16 sse2 avx2
prototype void vp9_fwht4x4 "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride"
specialize vp9_fwht4x4
prototype void vp9_fdct4x4 "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride"
specialize vp9_fdct4x4 sse2 avx2
prototype void vp9_fdct8x8 "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride"
specialize vp9_fdct8x8 sse2 avx2
prototype void vp9_fdct16x16 "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride"
specialize vp9_fdct16x16 sse2 avx2
prototype void vp9_fdct32x32 "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride"
specialize vp9_fdct32x32 sse2 avx2
prototype void vp9_fdct32x32_rd "const int16_t *input, int16_t *output, int stride"
specialize vp9_fdct32x32_rd sse2 avx2
# Motion search
prototype int vp9_full_search_sad "const struct macroblock *x, const struct mv *ref_mv, int sad_per_bit, int distance, const struct vp9_variance_vtable *fn_ptr, DEC_MVCOSTS, const struct mv *center_mv, struct mv *best_mv"
specialize vp9_full_search_sad sse3 sse4_1
prototype int vp9_refining_search_sad "const struct macroblock *x, struct mv *ref_mv, int sad_per_bit, int distance, const struct vp9_variance_vtable *fn_ptr, DEC_MVCOSTS, const struct mv *center_mv"
specialize vp9_refining_search_sad sse3
prototype int vp9_diamond_search_sad "const struct macroblock *x, struct mv *ref_mv, struct mv *best_mv, int search_param, int sad_per_bit, int *num00, const struct vp9_variance_vtable *fn_ptr, DEC_MVCOSTS, const struct mv *center_mv"
specialize vp9_diamond_search_sad sse3
prototype int vp9_full_range_search "const struct macroblock *x, struct mv *ref_mv, struct mv *best_mv, int search_param, int sad_per_bit, int *num00, const struct vp9_variance_vtable *fn_ptr, DEC_MVCOSTS, const struct mv *center_mv"
specialize vp9_full_range_search
prototype void vp9_temporal_filter_apply "uint8_t *frame1, unsigned int stride, uint8_t *frame2, unsigned int block_size, int strength, int filter_weight, unsigned int *accumulator, uint16_t *count"
specialize vp9_temporal_filter_apply sse2
# end encoder functions
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ VP9_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/vp9_quant_common.h
VP9_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/vp9_reconinter.h
VP9_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/vp9_reconintra.h
VP9_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/vp9_rtcd.c
VP9_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/
VP9_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/
VP9_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/vp9_scale.h
VP9_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/vp9_scale.c
VP9_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/vp9_seg_common.h
@ -145,4 +145,4 @@ VP9_COMMON_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON) += common/arm/neon/vp9_avg_neon$(ASM)
VP9_COMMON_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON) += common/arm/neon/vp9_save_reg_neon$(ASM)
VP9_COMMON_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON) += common/arm/neon/vp9_reconintra_neon$(ASM)
$(eval $(call rtcd_h_template,vp9_rtcd,vp9/common/
$(eval $(call rtcd_h_template,vp9_rtcd,vp9/common/
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ SCALE_SRCS-yes += generic/yv12extend.c
SCALE_SRCS-$(CONFIG_SPATIAL_RESAMPLING) += generic/gen_scalers.c
SCALE_SRCS-yes += vpx_scale_asm_offsets.c
SCALE_SRCS-yes += vpx_scale_rtcd.c
SCALE_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON) += arm/neon/vp8_vpxyv12_copyframe_func_neon$(ASM)
@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ SCALE_SRCS-no += $(SCALE_SRCS_REMOVE-yes)
$(eval $(call asm_offsets_template,\
vpx_scale_asm_offsets.asm, vpx_scale/vpx_scale_asm_offsets.c))
$(eval $(call rtcd_h_template,vpx_scale_rtcd,vpx_scale/
$(eval $(call rtcd_h_template,vpx_scale_rtcd,vpx_scale/
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
sub vpx_scale_forward_decls() {
print <<EOF
struct yv12_buffer_config;
forward_decls qw/vpx_scale_forward_decls/;
# Scaler functions
if (vpx_config("CONFIG_SPATIAL_RESAMPLING") eq "yes") {
add_proto qw/void vp8_horizontal_line_5_4_scale/, "const unsigned char *source, unsigned int source_width, unsigned char *dest, unsigned int dest_width";
add_proto qw/void vp8_vertical_band_5_4_scale/, "unsigned char *source, unsigned int src_pitch, unsigned char *dest, unsigned int dest_pitch, unsigned int dest_width";
add_proto qw/void vp8_horizontal_line_5_3_scale/, "const unsigned char *source, unsigned int source_width, unsigned char *dest, unsigned int dest_width";
add_proto qw/void vp8_vertical_band_5_3_scale/, "unsigned char *source, unsigned int src_pitch, unsigned char *dest, unsigned int dest_pitch, unsigned int dest_width";
add_proto qw/void vp8_horizontal_line_2_1_scale/, "const unsigned char *source, unsigned int source_width, unsigned char *dest, unsigned int dest_width";
add_proto qw/void vp8_vertical_band_2_1_scale/, "unsigned char *source, unsigned int src_pitch, unsigned char *dest, unsigned int dest_pitch, unsigned int dest_width";
add_proto qw/void vp8_vertical_band_2_1_scale_i/, "unsigned char *source, unsigned int src_pitch, unsigned char *dest, unsigned int dest_pitch, unsigned int dest_width";
add_proto qw/void vp8_yv12_extend_frame_borders/, "struct yv12_buffer_config *ybf";
specialize qw/vp8_yv12_extend_frame_borders neon/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_yv12_copy_frame/, "const struct yv12_buffer_config *src_ybc, struct yv12_buffer_config *dst_ybc";
specialize qw/vp8_yv12_copy_frame neon/;
add_proto qw/void vpx_yv12_copy_y/, "const struct yv12_buffer_config *src_ybc, struct yv12_buffer_config *dst_ybc";
specialize qw/vpx_yv12_copy_y neon/;
if (vpx_config("CONFIG_VP9") eq "yes") {
add_proto qw/void vp9_extend_frame_borders/, "struct yv12_buffer_config *ybf";
specialize qw/vp9_extend_frame_borders dspr2/;
add_proto qw/void vp9_extend_frame_inner_borders/, "struct yv12_buffer_config *ybf";
specialize qw/vp9_extend_frame_inner_borders dspr2/;
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
vpx_scale_forward_decls() {
cat <<EOF
struct yv12_buffer_config;
forward_decls vpx_scale_forward_decls
# Scaler functions
if [ "$CONFIG_SPATIAL_RESAMPLING" = "yes" ]; then
prototype void vp8_horizontal_line_5_4_scale "const unsigned char *source, unsigned int source_width, unsigned char *dest, unsigned int dest_width"
prototype void vp8_vertical_band_5_4_scale "unsigned char *source, unsigned int src_pitch, unsigned char *dest, unsigned int dest_pitch, unsigned int dest_width"
prototype void vp8_horizontal_line_5_3_scale "const unsigned char *source, unsigned int source_width, unsigned char *dest, unsigned int dest_width"
prototype void vp8_vertical_band_5_3_scale "unsigned char *source, unsigned int src_pitch, unsigned char *dest, unsigned int dest_pitch, unsigned int dest_width"
prototype void vp8_horizontal_line_2_1_scale "const unsigned char *source, unsigned int source_width, unsigned char *dest, unsigned int dest_width"
prototype void vp8_vertical_band_2_1_scale "unsigned char *source, unsigned int src_pitch, unsigned char *dest, unsigned int dest_pitch, unsigned int dest_width"
prototype void vp8_vertical_band_2_1_scale_i "unsigned char *source, unsigned int src_pitch, unsigned char *dest, unsigned int dest_pitch, unsigned int dest_width"
prototype void vp8_yv12_extend_frame_borders "struct yv12_buffer_config *ybf"
specialize vp8_yv12_extend_frame_borders neon
prototype void vp8_yv12_copy_frame "const struct yv12_buffer_config *src_ybc, struct yv12_buffer_config *dst_ybc"
specialize vp8_yv12_copy_frame neon
prototype void vpx_yv12_copy_y "const struct yv12_buffer_config *src_ybc, struct yv12_buffer_config *dst_ybc"
specialize vpx_yv12_copy_y neon
if [ "$CONFIG_VP9" = "yes" ]; then
prototype void vp9_extend_frame_borders "struct yv12_buffer_config *ybf"
specialize vp9_extend_frame_borders dspr2
prototype void vp9_extend_frame_inner_borders "struct yv12_buffer_config *ybf"
specialize vp9_extend_frame_inner_borders dspr2
Reference in New Issue
Block a user