Tristan Penman 4c9864de73 Initial commit.
This commit contains the third major design of a C++ library for JSON Schema validation.

It is definitely not what I would consider production-ready, but I do think that the overall design of the library is robust.
2013-10-30 07:51:11 +11:00

595 lines
14 KiB

// http.hpp
// ~~~~~~~~
// Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <string>
#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
#include "urdl/detail/config.hpp"
#include "urdl/detail/abi_prefix.hpp"
namespace urdl {
namespace http {
/// Gets the error category for HTTP errors.
* @returns The @c boost::system::error_category used for HTTP errors.
* @par Requirements
* @e Header: @c <urdl/http.hpp> @n
* @e Namespace: @c urdl::http
URDL_DECL const boost::system::error_category& error_category();
/// Option to specify the HTTP request method.
* @par Remarks
* The default request method is "GET".
* @par Example
* To set the request method for an object of class @c urdl::istream:
* @code
* urdl::istream is;
* is.set_option(urdl::http::request_method("HEAD"));
* @endcode
* To set the request method for an object of class @c urdl::read_stream:
* @code
* urdl::read_stream stream;
* stream.set_option(urdl::http::request_method("HEAD"));
* @endcode
* @par Requirements
* @e Header: @c <urdl/http.hpp> @n
* @e Namespace: @c urdl::http
class request_method
/// Constructs an object of class @c request_method.
* @par Remarks
* Postcondition: <tt>value() == "GET"</tt>.
: value_("GET")
/// Constructs an object of class @c request_method.
* @param v The desired value for the option.
* @par Remarks
* Postcondition: <tt>value() == v</tt>
explicit request_method(const std::string& v)
: value_(v)
/// Gets the value of the option.
* @returns The value of the option.
std::string value() const
return value_;
/// Sets the value of the option.
* @param v The desired value for the option.
* @par Remarks
* Postcondition: <tt>value() == v</tt>
void value(const std::string& v)
value_ = v;
std::string value_;
/// Option to specify content to accompany an HTTP request.
* @par Remarks
* The default is for no content to be sent.
* @par Example
* To add content to the HTTP request using an object of class @c urdl::istream:
* @code
* urdl::istream is;
* is.set_option(urdl::http::request_method("POST"));
* is.set_option(urdl::http::request_content("Hello, world!"));
* is.set_option(urdl::http::request_content_type("text/plain"));
* @endcode
* To add content to the HTTP request using an object of class
* @c urdl::read_stream:
* @code
* urdl::read_stream stream;
* stream.set_option(urdl::http::request_method("POST"));
* stream.set_option(urdl::http::request_content("Hello, world!"));
* stream.set_option(urdl::http::request_content_type("text/plain"));
* @endcode
* @par Requirements
* @e Header: @c <urdl/http.hpp> @n
* @e Namespace: @c urdl::http
class request_content
/// Constructs an object of class @c request_content.
* @par Remarks
* Postcondition: <tt>value() == ""</tt>.
: value_("")
/// Constructs an object of class @c request_content.
* @param v The desired value for the option.
* @par Remarks
* Postcondition: <tt>value() == v</tt>
explicit request_content(const std::string& v)
: value_(v)
/// Gets the value of the option.
* @returns The value of the option.
std::string value() const
return value_;
/// Sets the value of the option.
* @param v The desired value for the option.
* @par Remarks
* Postcondition: <tt>value() == v</tt>
void value(const std::string& v)
value_ = v;
std::string value_;
/// Option to specify the type of the content that accompanies an HTTP request.
* @par Remarks
* The default is for no content type to be specified in the request.
* @par Example
* To add content to the HTTP request using an object of class @c urdl::istream:
* @code
* urdl::istream is;
* is.set_option(urdl::http::request_method("POST"));
* is.set_option(urdl::http::request_content("Hello, world!"));
* is.set_option(urdl::http::request_content_type("text/plain"));
* @endcode
* To add content to the HTTP request using an object of class
* @c urdl::read_stream:
* @code
* urdl::read_stream stream;
* stream.set_option(urdl::http::request_method("POST"));
* stream.set_option(urdl::http::request_content("Hello, world!"));
* stream.set_option(urdl::http::request_content_type("text/plain"));
* @endcode
* @par Requirements
* @e Header: @c <urdl/http.hpp> @n
* @e Namespace: @c urdl::http
class request_content_type
/// Constructs an object of class @c request_content_type.
* @par Remarks
* Postcondition: <tt>value() == ""</tt>.
: value_("")
/// Constructs an object of class @c request_content_type.
* @param v The desired value for the option.
* @par Remarks
* Postcondition: <tt>value() == v</tt>
explicit request_content_type(const std::string& v)
: value_(v)
/// Gets the value of the option.
* @returns The value of the option.
std::string value() const
return value_;
/// Sets the value of the option.
* @param v The desired value for the option.
* @par Remarks
* Postcondition: <tt>value() == v</tt>
void value(const std::string& v)
value_ = v;
std::string value_;
/// Option to specify the maximum number of allowed HTTP redirects.
* @par Remarks
* The default value is for there to be no limit on the number of allowed
* redirects. Set the option to 0 to disable HTTP redirects.
* @par Example
* To set maximum number of redirects for an object of class @c urdl::istream:
* @code
* urdl::istream is;
* is.set_option(urdl::http::max_redirects(1));
* @endcode
* To set maximum number of redirects for an object of class
* @c urdl::read_stream:
* @code
* urdl::read_stream stream;
* stream.set_option(urdl::http::max_redirects(1));
* @endcode
* @par Requirements
* @e Header: @c <urdl/http.hpp> @n
* @e Namespace: @c urdl::http
class max_redirects
/// Constructs an object of class @c max_redirects.
* @par Remarks
* Postcondition: <tt>value() == std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()</tt>.
: value_(~std::size_t(0))
/// Constructs an object of class @c max_redirects.
* @param v The desired value for the option.
* @par Remarks
* Postcondition: <tt>value() == v</tt>
explicit max_redirects(std::size_t v)
: value_(v)
/// Gets the value of the option.
* @returns The value of the option.
std::size_t value() const
return value_;
/// Sets the value of the option.
* @param v The desired value for the option.
* @par Remarks
* Postcondition: <tt>value() == v</tt>
void value(std::size_t v)
value_ = v;
std::size_t value_;
/// Option to specify the user agent identifier.
* @par Remarks
* The default is to not specify the user agent.
* @par Example
* To set the user agent for an object of class @c urdl::istream:
* @code
* urdl::istream is;
* is.set_option(urdl::http::user_agent("Urdl"));
* @endcode
* To set the user agent for an object of class @c urdl::read_stream:
* @code
* urdl::read_stream stream;
* stream.set_option(urdl::http::user_agent("Urdl"));
* @endcode
* @par Requirements
* @e Header: @c <urdl/http.hpp> @n
* @e Namespace: @c urdl::http
class user_agent
/// Constructs an object of class @c user_agent.
* @par Remarks
* Postcondition: <tt>value() == ""</tt>.
: value_("")
/// Constructs an object of class @c user_agent.
* @param v The desired value for the option.
* @par Remarks
* Postcondition: <tt>value() == v</tt>
explicit user_agent(const std::string& v)
: value_(v)
/// Gets the value of the option.
* @returns The value of the option.
std::string value() const
return value_;
/// Sets the value of the option.
* @param v The desired value for the option.
* @par Remarks
* Postcondition: <tt>value() == v</tt>
void value(const std::string& v)
value_ = v;
std::string value_;
namespace errc {
/// HTTP error codes.
* The enumerators of type @c errc_t are implicitly convertible to objects of
* type @c boost::system::error_code.
* @par Requirements
* @e Header: @c <urdl/http.hpp> @n
* @e Namespace: @c urdl::http
enum errc_t
// Client-generated errors.
/// The response's status line was malformed.
malformed_status_line = 1,
/// The response's headers were malformed.
malformed_response_headers = 2,
// Server-generated status codes.
/// The server-generated status code "100 Continue".
continue_request = 100,
/// The server-generated status code "101 Switching Protocols".
switching_protocols = 101,
/// The server-generated status code "200 OK".
ok = 200,
/// The server-generated status code "201 Created".
created = 201,
/// The server-generated status code "202 Accepted".
accepted = 202,
/// The server-generated status code "203 Non-Authoritative Information".
non_authoritative_information = 203,
/// The server-generated status code "204 No Content".
no_content = 204,
/// The server-generated status code "205 Reset Content".
reset_content = 205,
/// The server-generated status code "206 Partial Content".
partial_content = 206,
/// The server-generated status code "300 Multiple Choices".
multiple_choices = 300,
/// The server-generated status code "301 Moved Permanently".
moved_permanently = 301,
/// The server-generated status code "302 Found".
found = 302,
/// The server-generated status code "303 See Other".
see_other = 303,
/// The server-generated status code "304 Not Modified".
not_modified = 304,
/// The server-generated status code "305 Use Proxy".
use_proxy = 305,
/// The server-generated status code "307 Temporary Redirect".
temporary_redirect = 307,
/// The server-generated status code "400 Bad Request".
bad_request = 400,
/// The server-generated status code "401 Unauthorized".
unauthorized = 401,
/// The server-generated status code "402 Payment Required".
payment_required = 402,
/// The server-generated status code "403 Forbidden".
forbidden = 403,
/// The server-generated status code "404 Not Found".
not_found = 404,
/// The server-generated status code "405 Method Not Allowed".
method_not_allowed = 405,
/// The server-generated status code "406 Not Acceptable".
not_acceptable = 406,
/// The server-generated status code "407 Proxy Authentication Required".
proxy_authentication_required = 407,
/// The server-generated status code "408 Request Time-out".
request_timeout = 408,
/// The server-generated status code "409 Conflict".
conflict = 409,
/// The server-generated status code "410 Gone".
gone = 410,
/// The server-generated status code "411 Length Required".
length_required = 411,
/// The server-generated status code "412 Precondition Failed".
precondition_failed = 412,
/// The server-generated status code "413 Request Entity Too Large".
request_entity_too_large = 413,
/// The server-generated status code "414 Request URI Too Large".
request_uri_too_large = 414,
/// The server-generated status code "415 Unsupported Media Type".
unsupported_media_type = 415,
/// The server-generated status code "416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable".
requested_range_not_satisfiable = 416,
/// The server-generated status code "417 Expectation Failed".
expectation_failed = 417,
/// The server-generated status code "500 Internal Server Error".
internal_server_error = 500,
/// The server-generated status code "501 Not Implemented".
not_implemented = 501,
/// The server-generated status code "502 Bad Gateway".
bad_gateway = 502,
/// The server-generated status code "503 Service Unavailable".
service_unavailable = 503,
/// The server-generated status code "504 Gateway Timeout".
gateway_timeout = 504,
/// The server-generated status code "505 HTTP Version Not Supported".
version_not_supported = 505
/// Converts a value of type @c errc_t to a corresponding object of type
/// @c boost::system::error_code.
* @par Requirements
* @e Header: @c <urdl/http.hpp> @n
* @e Namespace: @c urdl::http
inline boost::system::error_code make_error_code(errc_t e)
return boost::system::error_code(
static_cast<int>(e), http::error_category());
} // namespace errc
} // namespace http
} // namespace urdl
namespace boost {
namespace system {
template <>
struct is_error_code_enum<urdl::http::errc::errc_t>
static const bool value = true;
} // namespace system
} // namespace boost
#include "urdl/detail/abi_suffix.hpp"
#if defined(URDL_HEADER_ONLY)
# include "urdl/impl/http.ipp"
#endif // URDL_HTTP_HPP