#include "json/json.h" // jsoncpp rolled up #include #include #define STRINGY1(arg) #arg #define STRINGY2(arg) STRINGY1(arg) #define deblog(args) { \ std::cerr << __FILE__ ":" STRINGY2(__LINE__ ) ": " ; \ std::cerr << args << " "<< __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << '\n'; \ } #include #include #include #include #include using valijson::Schema; using valijson::SchemaParser; using valijson::Validator; using valijson::ValidationResults; using valijson::adapters::JsonCppAdapter; using namespace std; Json::Value jsonParse(const string &jsonStr) { Json::Value retJson; Json::Reader json_reader; if (jsonStr.length() != 0) { if (!json_reader.parse(jsonStr, retJson)) { throw runtime_error("json parse failure\n" + json_reader.getFormattedErrorMessages()); } } return retJson; } const static string badttl (R"( { "foo" : -10, "bar" : "xxx" } )"); const static string tschema(R"( { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "foo" : { "type": "integer", "minimum": 0, "maximum": 2147483647 }, "bar" : { "type": "string", "pattern": "" } }, "required": ["foo", "bar"], "additionalProperties": false } )"); std::string err2String(ValidationResults& results) { ValidationResults::Error error; std::stringstream strstr; while (results.popError(error)) { strstr << error.description; for (std::string& str : error.context) strstr << str; strstr << "\n"; } return strstr.str(); } int main(int argc,char ** argv) { Json::Value schemaJson(jsonParse(tschema)); JsonCppAdapter schemaDocumentAdapter(schemaJson); SchemaParser parser; Schema schema; parser.populateSchema(schemaDocumentAdapter, schema); Json::Value doc(jsonParse(badttl)); JsonCppAdapter targetDocumentAdapter(doc); deblog("doc " << doc); deblog("schema" << schemaJson); ValidationResults results; Validator validator; std::regex bar("Failed.*bar"); std::regex foo("Failed.*foo"); if (validator.validate(schema,targetDocumentAdapter, &results)) { deblog("oops, should have failed " << err2String(results)); } else { std::string err(err2String(results)); deblog("error out:\n" << err2String(results)); if (!regex_search(err, bar)) { deblog("failed to complain about bar"); } else if (!regex_search(err, foo)) { deblog("failed to complain about foo"); } else { deblog("success"); } } }