#!/bin/sh setenv() { # Define and export. eval ${1}="${2}" export ${1} } case "${SCRIPTDIR}" in /*) ;; *) SCRIPTDIR="`pwd`/${SCRIPTDIR}" esac while true do case "${SCRIPTDIR}" in */.) SCRIPTDIR="${SCRIPTDIR%/.}";; *) break;; esac done # The script directory is supposed to be in $TOPDIR/os400. TOPDIR=`dirname "${SCRIPTDIR}"` export SCRIPTDIR TOPDIR # Extract the SONAME from the library makefile. SONAME=`sed -e '/^VERSION=/!d' -e 's/^.* \([0-9]*\):.*$/\1/' -e 'q' \ < "${TOPDIR}/src/Makefile.am"` export SONAME ################################################################################ # # Tunable configuration parameters. # ################################################################################ setenv TARGETLIB 'LIBSSH2' # Target OS/400 program library. setenv STATBNDDIR 'LIBSSH2_A' # Static binding directory. setenv DYNBNDDIR 'LIBSSH2' # Dynamic binding directory. setenv SRVPGM "LIBSSH2.${SONAME}" # Service program. setenv TGTCCSID '500' # Target CCSID of objects. setenv DEBUG '*ALL' # Debug level. setenv OPTIMIZE '10' # Optimisation level setenv OUTPUT '*NONE' # Compilation output option. setenv TGTRLS 'V5R3M0' # Target OS release. setenv IFSDIR '/libssh2' # Installation IFS directory. # Define ZLIB availability and locations. setenv WITH_ZLIB 0 # Define to 1 to enable. setenv ZLIB_INCLUDE '/zlib/include' # ZLIB include IFS directory. setenv ZLIB_LIB 'ZLIB' # ZLIB library. setenv ZLIB_BNDDIR 'ZLIB_A' # ZLIB binding directory. ################################################################################ # Need to get the version definitions. LIBSSH2_VERSION=`grep '^#define *LIBSSH2_VERSION ' \ "${TOPDIR}/include/libssh2.h" | sed 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/'` LIBSSH2_VERSION_MAJOR=`grep '^#define *LIBSSH2_VERSION_MAJOR ' \ "${TOPDIR}/include/libssh2.h" | sed 's/^#define *LIBSSH2_VERSION_MAJOR *\([^ ]*\).*/\1/'` LIBSSH2_VERSION_MINOR=`grep '^#define *LIBSSH2_VERSION_MINOR ' \ "${TOPDIR}/include/libssh2.h" | sed 's/^#define *LIBSSH2_VERSION_MINOR *\([^ ]*\).*/\1/'` LIBSSH2_VERSION_PATCH=`grep '^#define *LIBSSH2_VERSION_PATCH ' \ "${TOPDIR}/include/libssh2.h" | sed 's/^#define *LIBSSH2_VERSION_PATCH *\([^ ]*\).*/\1/'` LIBSSH2_VERSION_NUM=`grep '^#define *LIBSSH2_VERSION_NUM ' \ "${TOPDIR}/include/libssh2.h" | sed 's/^#define *LIBSSH2_VERSION_NUM *0x\([^ ]*\).*/\1/'` LIBSSH2_TIMESTAMP=`grep '^#define *LIBSSH2_TIMESTAMP ' \ "${TOPDIR}/include/libssh2.h" | sed 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/'` export LIBSSH2_VERSION export LIBSSH2_VERSION_MAJOR LIBSSH2_VERSION_MINOR LIBSSH2_VERSION_PATCH export LIBSSH2_VERSION_NUM LIBSSH2_TIMESTAMP ################################################################################ # # OS/400 specific definitions. # ################################################################################ LIBIFSNAME="/QSYS.LIB/${TARGETLIB}.LIB" ################################################################################ # # Procedures. # ################################################################################ # action_needed dest [src] # # dest is an object to build # if specified, src is an object on which dest depends. # # exit 0 (succeeds) if some action has to be taken, else 1. action_needed() { [ ! -e "${1}" ] && return 0 [ "${2}" ] || return 1 [ "${1}" -ot "${2}" ] && return 0 return 1 } # canonicalize_path path # # Return canonicalized path as: # - Absolute # - No . or .. component. canonicalize_path() { if expr "${1}" : '^/' > /dev/null then P="${1}" else P="`pwd`/${1}" fi R= IFSSAVE="${IFS}" IFS="/" for C in ${P} do IFS="${IFSSAVE}" case "${C}" in .) ;; ..) R=`expr "${R}" : '^\(.*/\)..*'` ;; ?*) R="${R}${C}/" ;; *) ;; esac done IFS="${IFSSAVE}" echo "/`expr "${R}" : '^\(.*\)/'`" } # make_module module_name source_name [additional_definitions] # # Compile source name into ASCII module if needed. # As side effect, append the module name to variable MODULES. # Set LINK to "YES" if the module has been compiled. make_module() { MODULES="${MODULES} ${1}" MODIFSNAME="${LIBIFSNAME}/${1}.MODULE" action_needed "${MODIFSNAME}" "${2}" || return 0; SRCDIR=`dirname \`canonicalize_path "${2}"\`` # #pragma convert has to be in the source file itself, i.e. # putting it in an include file makes it only active # for that include file. # Thus we build a temporary file with the pragma prepended to # the source file and we compile that temporary file. echo "#line 1 \"${2}\"" > __tmpsrcf.c echo "#pragma convert(819)" >> __tmpsrcf.c echo "#line 1" >> __tmpsrcf.c cat "${2}" >> __tmpsrcf.c CMD="CRTCMOD MODULE(${TARGETLIB}/${1}) SRCSTMF('__tmpsrcf.c')" # CMD="${CMD} SYSIFCOPT(*IFS64IO) OPTION(*INCDIRFIRST *SHOWINC *SHOWSYS)" CMD="${CMD} SYSIFCOPT(*IFS64IO) OPTION(*INCDIRFIRST)" CMD="${CMD} LOCALETYPE(*LOCALE)" CMD="${CMD} INCDIR('${TOPDIR}/os400/include'" CMD="${CMD} '/QIBM/ProdData/qadrt/include' '${TOPDIR}/include'" CMD="${CMD} '${TOPDIR}/os400' '${SRCDIR}'" if [ "${WITH_ZLIB}" != "0" ] then CMD="${CMD} '${ZLIB_INCLUDE}'" fi CMD="${CMD} ${INCLUDES})" CMD="${CMD} TGTCCSID(${TGTCCSID}) TGTRLS(${TGTRLS})" CMD="${CMD} OUTPUT(${OUTPUT})" CMD="${CMD} OPTIMIZE(${OPTIMIZE})" CMD="${CMD} DBGVIEW(${DEBUG})" DEFINES="${3}" if [ "${WITH_ZLIB}" != "0" ] then DEFINES="${DEFINES} HAVE_LIBZ LIBSSH2_HAVE_ZLIB" fi if [ "${DEFINES}" ] then CMD="${CMD} DEFINE(${DEFINES})" fi system "${CMD}" rm -f __tmpsrcf.c LINK=YES } # Determine DB2 object name from IFS name. db2_name() { if [ "${2}" = 'nomangle' ] then basename "${1}" | tr 'a-z-' 'A-Z_' | sed -e 's/\..*//;s/^\(.\).*\(.........\)$/\1\2/' else basename "${1}" | tr 'a-z-' 'A-Z_' | sed -e 's/\..*//;s/^LIBSSH2_/SSH2_/' \ -e 's/^\(.\).*\(.........\)$/\1\2/' \ -e 's/^SPUBLICKEY$/SSH2_PKEY/' fi } # Copy stream replacing version info. versioned_copy() { sed -e "s/@LIBSSH2_VERSION@/${LIBSSH2_VERSION}/g" \ -e "s/@LIBSSH2_VERSION_MAJOR@/${LIBSSH2_VERSION_MAJOR}/g" \ -e "s/@LIBSSH2_VERSION_MINOR@/${LIBSSH2_VERSION_MINOR}/g" \ -e "s/@LIBSSH2_VERSION_PATCH@/${LIBSSH2_VERSION_PATCH}/g" \ -e "s/@LIBSSH2_VERSION_NUM@/${LIBSSH2_VERSION_NUM}/g" \ -e "s/@LIBSSH2_TIMESTAMP@/${LIBSSH2_TIMESTAMP}/g" }