.\" $Id: libssh2_session_callback_set.3,v 1.2 2009/03/17 10:34:27 bagder Exp $ .\" .TH libssh2_session_callback_set 3 "1 Jun 2007" "libssh2 0.15" "libssh2 manual" .SH NAME libssh2_session_callback_set - set a callback function .SH SYNOPSIS #include <libssh2.h> void * libssh2_session_callback_set(LIBSSH2_SESSION *session, int cbtype, void *callback); .SH DESCRIPTION \fIsession\fP - Session instance as returned by .BR libssh2_session_init_ex(3) \fIcbtype\fP - Callback type. One of the types listed in Callback Types. \fIcallback\fP - Pointer to custom callback function. The prototype for this function must match the associated callback declaration macro. Sets a custom callback handler for a previously initialized session object. Callbacks are triggered by the receipt of special packets at the Transport layer. To disable a callback, set it to NULL. .SH RETURN VALUE Pointer to previous callback handler. Returns NULL if no prior callback handler was set. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libssh2_session_init_ex(3)