diff --git a/src/sftp.c b/src/sftp.c
index 0a1cf61..ecd1b46 100644
--- a/src/sftp.c
+++ b/src/sftp.c
@@ -1089,279 +1089,312 @@ static ssize_t sftp_read(LIBSSH2_SFTP_HANDLE * handle, char *buffer,
     struct _libssh2_sftp_handle_file_data *filep =
+    /* This function can be interrupted in three different places where it
+       might need to wait for data from the network.  It returns EAGAIN to
+       allow non-blocking clients to do other work but these client are
+       expected to call this function again (possibly many times) to finish
+       the operation.
+       The tricky part is that if we previously aborted a sftp_read due to
+       EAGAIN, we must continue at the same spot to continue the previously
+       interrupted operation.  This is done using a state machine to record
+       what phase of execution we were at.  The state is stored in
+       sftp->read_state.
+       libssh2_NB_state_idle: The first phase is where we prepare multiple
+       FXP_READ packets to do optimistic read-ahead.  We send off as many as
+       possible in the second phase without waiting for a response to each
+       one; this is the key to fast reads. But we may have to adjust the
+       channel window size to do this which may interrupt this function while
+       waiting.  The state machine saves the phase as libssh2_NB_state_idle so
+       it returns here on the next call.
+       libssh2_NB_state_sent: The second phase is where we send the FXP_READ
+       packets.  Writing them to the channel can be interrupted with EAGAIN
+       but the state machine ensures we skip the first phase on the next call
+       and resume sending.
+       libssh2_NB_state_sent2: In the third phase (indicated by ) we read the
+       data from the responses that have arrived so far.  Reading can be
+       interrupted with EAGAIN but the state machine ensures we skip the first
+       and second phases on the next call and resume sending.
+    */
     /* Number of bytes asked for that haven't been acked yet */
     size_t already = (filep->offset_sent - filep->offset);
-    if(filep->data_left) {
-        /* data left from previous call */
-        size_t copy = MIN(buffer_size, filep->data_left);
+    switch (sftp->read_state) {
+    case libssh2_NB_state_idle:
-        memcpy(buffer, &filep->data[ filep->data_len - filep->data_left],
-               copy);
+        /* Some data may already have been read from the server in the
+           previous call but didn't fit in the buffer at the time.  We can
+           start by adding that to the buffer. */
+        if(filep->data_left) {
+            size_t copy = MIN(buffer_size, filep->data_left);
-        total_read += copy;
-        filep->data_left -= copy;
-        filep->offset += copy;
+            memcpy(buffer, &filep->data[ filep->data_len - filep->data_left],
+                   copy);
-        if(filep->data_left)
-            return total_read;
+            total_read += copy;
+            filep->data_left -= copy;
+            filep->offset += copy;
-        LIBSSH2_FREE(session, filep->data);
-        filep->data = NULL;
-    }
-    /* if we previously aborted a sftp_read due to EAGAIN, we must continue at
-       the same spot to continue the previously aborted operation */
-    if(sftp->read_state == libssh2_NB_state_sent)
-        goto send_read_requests;
-    else if(sftp->read_state == libssh2_NB_state_sent2)
-        goto read_acks;
-    /* We allow a number of bytes being requested at any given time without
-       having been acked - until we reach EOF. */
-    if(!filep->eof) {
-        size_t max_read_ahead = buffer_size*4;
-        unsigned long recv_window;
-        if(max_read_ahead > LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_WINDOW_DEFAULT*4)
-            max_read_ahead = LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_WINDOW_DEFAULT*4;
-        /* if the buffer_size passed in now is smaller than what has already
-           been sent, we risk getting count become a very large number */
-        if(max_read_ahead > already)
-            count = max_read_ahead - already;
-        /* 'count' is how much more data to ask for, and 'already' is how much
-           data that already has been asked for but not yet returned.
-           Specificly, 'count' means how much data that have or will be asked
-           for by the nodes that are already added to the linked list. Some of
-           those read requests may not actually have been sent off
-           successfully yet.
-           If 'already' is very large it should be perfectly fine to have
-           count set to 0 as then we don't have to ask for more data (right
-           now).
-           buffer_size*4 is just picked more or less out of the air. The idea
-           is that when reading SFTP from a remote server, we send away
-           multiple read requests guessing that the client will read more than
-           only this 'buffer_size' amount of memory. So we ask for maximum
-           buffer_size*4 amount of data so that we can return them very fast
-           in subsequent calls.
-        */
-        recv_window = libssh2_channel_window_read_ex(sftp->channel,
-                                                     NULL, NULL);
-        if(max_read_ahead > recv_window) {
-            /* more data will be asked for than what the window currently
-               allows, expand it! */
-            if(total_read)
-                /* since we risk getting EAGAIN below, we return here if
-                   there is data available */
+            if(filep->data_left)
                 return total_read;
-            rc = _libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust(sftp->channel,
-                                                        max_read_ahead*8,
-                                                        0, NULL);
-            /* if this returns EAGAIN, we will get back to this function
-               at next call */
-            if (rc)
-                return rc;
+            LIBSSH2_FREE(session, filep->data);
+            filep->data = NULL;
-    }
-    while(count > 0) {
-        unsigned char *s;
-        uint32_t size = MIN(MAX_SFTP_READ_SIZE, count);
+        /* We allow a number of bytes being requested at any given time
+           without having been acked - until we reach EOF. */
+        if(!filep->eof) {
+            size_t max_read_ahead = buffer_size*4;
+            unsigned long recv_window;
-        /* 25 = packet_len(4) + packet_type(1) + request_id(4) +
-           handle_len(4) + offset(8) + count(4) */
-        uint32_t packet_len = (uint32_t)handle->handle_len + 25;
-        uint32_t request_id;
+            if(max_read_ahead > LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_WINDOW_DEFAULT*4)
+                max_read_ahead = LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_WINDOW_DEFAULT*4;
-        chunk = LIBSSH2_ALLOC(session, packet_len +
-                              sizeof(struct sftp_pipeline_chunk));
-        if (!chunk)
-            return _libssh2_error(session, LIBSSH2_ERROR_ALLOC,
-                                  "malloc fail for FXP_WRITE");
+            /* if the buffer_size passed in now is smaller than what has
+               already been sent, we risk getting count become a very large
+               number */
+            if(max_read_ahead > already)
+                count = max_read_ahead - already;
-        chunk->len = size;
-        chunk->lefttosend = packet_len;
-        chunk->sent = 0;
+            /* 'count' is how much more data to ask for, and 'already' is how
+               much data that already has been asked for but not yet returned.
+               Specificly, 'count' means how much data that have or will be
+               asked for by the nodes that are already added to the linked
+               list. Some of those read requests may not actually have been
+               sent off successfully yet.
-        s = chunk->packet;
+               If 'already' is very large it should be perfectly fine to have
+               count set to 0 as then we don't have to ask for more data
+               (right now).
-        _libssh2_store_u32(&s, packet_len - 4);
-        *s++ = SSH_FXP_READ;
-        request_id = sftp->request_id++;
-        chunk->request_id = request_id;
-        _libssh2_store_u32(&s, request_id);
-        _libssh2_store_str(&s, handle->handle, handle->handle_len);
-        _libssh2_store_u64(&s, filep->offset_sent);
-        filep->offset_sent += size; /* advance offset at once */
-        _libssh2_store_u32(&s, size);
+               buffer_size*4 is just picked more or less out of the air. The
+               idea is that when reading SFTP from a remote server, we send
+               away multiple read requests guessing that the client will read
+               more than only this 'buffer_size' amount of memory. So we ask
+               for maximum buffer_size*4 amount of data so that we can return
+               them very fast in subsequent calls.
+            */
-        /* add this new entry LAST in the list */
-        _libssh2_list_add(&handle->packet_list, &chunk->node);
-        count -= size; /* deduct the size we used, as we might have
-                          to create more packets */
-    }
+            recv_window = libssh2_channel_window_read_ex(sftp->channel,
+                                                         NULL, NULL);
+            if(max_read_ahead > recv_window) {
+                /* more data will be asked for than what the window currently
+                   allows, expand it! */
-  send_read_requests:
+                if(total_read)
+                    /* since we risk getting EAGAIN below, we return here if
+                       there is data available */
+                    return total_read;
-    /* move through the READ packets that haven't been sent and send as many
-       as possible - remember that we don't block */
-    chunk = _libssh2_list_first(&handle->packet_list);
+                rc = _libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust(sftp->channel,
+                                                            max_read_ahead*8,
+                                                            0, NULL);
+                /* if this returns EAGAIN, we will get back to this function
+                   at next call */
+                assert(rc != LIBSSH2_ERROR_EAGAIN || !filep->data_left);
+                assert(rc != LIBSSH2_ERROR_EAGAIN || !filep->eof);
+                if (rc)
+                    return rc;
+            }
+        }
-    sftp->read_state = libssh2_NB_state_idle;
+        while(count > 0) {
+            unsigned char *s;
+            uint32_t size = MIN(MAX_SFTP_READ_SIZE, count);
+            /* 25 = packet_len(4) + packet_type(1) + request_id(4) +
+               handle_len(4) + offset(8) + count(4) */
+            uint32_t packet_len = (uint32_t)handle->handle_len + 25;
+            uint32_t request_id;
+            chunk = LIBSSH2_ALLOC(session, packet_len +
+                                  sizeof(struct sftp_pipeline_chunk));
+            if (!chunk)
+                return _libssh2_error(session, LIBSSH2_ERROR_ALLOC,
+                                      "malloc fail for FXP_WRITE");
+            chunk->len = size;
+            chunk->lefttosend = packet_len;
+            chunk->sent = 0;
+            s = chunk->packet;
+            _libssh2_store_u32(&s, packet_len - 4);
+            *s++ = SSH_FXP_READ;
+            request_id = sftp->request_id++;
+            chunk->request_id = request_id;
+            _libssh2_store_u32(&s, request_id);
+            _libssh2_store_str(&s, handle->handle, handle->handle_len);
+            _libssh2_store_u64(&s, filep->offset_sent);
+            filep->offset_sent += size; /* advance offset at once */
+            _libssh2_store_u32(&s, size);
+            /* add this new entry LAST in the list */
+            _libssh2_list_add(&handle->packet_list, &chunk->node);
+            count -= size; /* deduct the size we used, as we might have
+                              to create more packets */
+        }
+    case libssh2_NB_state_sent:
+        sftp->read_state = libssh2_NB_state_idle;
+        /* move through the READ packets that haven't been sent and send as
+           many as possible - remember that we don't block */
+        chunk = _libssh2_list_first(&handle->packet_list);
+        while(chunk) {
+            if(chunk->lefttosend) {
+                if(total_read)
+                    /* since we risk getting EAGAIN below, we return here if
+                       there is data available */
+                    return total_read;
+                rc = _libssh2_channel_write(channel, 0,
+                                            &chunk->packet[chunk->sent],
+                                            chunk->lefttosend);
+                if(rc < 0) {
+                    sftp->read_state = libssh2_NB_state_sent;
+                    return rc;
+                }
+                /* remember where to continue sending the next time */
+                chunk->lefttosend -= rc;
+                chunk->sent += rc;
+                if(chunk->lefttosend)
+                    /* data left to send, get out of loop */
+                    break;
+            }
+            /* move on to the next chunk with data to send */
+            chunk = _libssh2_list_next(&chunk->node);
+        }
+    case libssh2_NB_state_sent2:
+        sftp->read_state = libssh2_NB_state_idle;
+        /*
+         * Count all ACKed packets and act on the contents of them.
+         */
+        chunk = _libssh2_list_first(&handle->packet_list);
+        while(chunk) {
+            unsigned char *data;
+            size_t data_len;
+            uint32_t rc32;
+            static const unsigned char read_responses[2] = {
+                SSH_FXP_DATA, SSH_FXP_STATUS
+            };
+            if(chunk->lefttosend)
+                /* if the chunk still has data left to send, we shouldn't wait
+                   for an ACK for it just yet */
+                break;
-    while(chunk) {
-        if(chunk->lefttosend) {
                 /* since we risk getting EAGAIN below, we return here if there
                    is data available */
                 return total_read;
-            rc = _libssh2_channel_write(channel, 0,
-                                        &chunk->packet[chunk->sent],
-                                        chunk->lefttosend);
-            if(rc < 0) {
-                sftp->read_state = libssh2_NB_state_sent;
+            rc = sftp_packet_requirev(sftp, 2, read_responses,
+                                      chunk->request_id, &data, &data_len);
+            if (rc < 0) {
+                sftp->read_state = libssh2_NB_state_sent2;
                 return rc;
-            /* remember where to continue sending the next time */
-            chunk->lefttosend -= rc;
-            chunk->sent += rc;
+            /*
+             * We get DATA or STATUS back. STATUS can be error, or it is
+             * FX_EOF when we reach the end of the file.
+             */
-            if(chunk->lefttosend)
-                /* data left to send, get out of loop */
-                break;
-        }
+            switch (data[0]) {
+            case SSH_FXP_STATUS:
+                /* we must remove all outstanding READ requests, as either we
+                   got an error or we're at end of file */
+                sftp_packetlist_flush(handle);
-        /* move on to the next chunk with data to send */
-        chunk = _libssh2_list_next(&chunk->node);
-    }
-  read_acks:
-    sftp->read_state = libssh2_NB_state_idle;
-    /*
-     * Count all ACKed packets and act on the contents of them.
-     */
-    chunk = _libssh2_list_first(&handle->packet_list);
-    while(chunk) {
-        unsigned char *data;
-        size_t data_len;
-        uint32_t rc32;
-        static const unsigned char read_responses[2] = {
-        };
-        if(chunk->lefttosend)
-            /* if the chunk still has data left to send, we shouldn't wait for
-               an ACK for it just yet */
-            break;
-        if(total_read)
-            /* since we risk getting EAGAIN below, we return here if there
-               is data available */
-            return total_read;
-        rc = sftp_packet_requirev(sftp, 2, read_responses,
-                                  chunk->request_id, &data, &data_len);
-        if (rc < 0) {
-            sftp->read_state = libssh2_NB_state_sent2;
-            return rc;
-        }
-        /*
-         * We get DATA or STATUS back. STATUS can be error, or it is FX_EOF
-         * when we reach the end of the file.
-         */
-        switch (data[0]) {
-        case SSH_FXP_STATUS:
-            /* we must remove all outstanding READ requests, as either we got
-               an error or we're at end of file */
-            sftp_packetlist_flush(handle);
-            rc32 = _libssh2_ntohu32(data + 5);
-            LIBSSH2_FREE(session, data);
-            if (rc32 == LIBSSH2_FX_EOF) {
-                filep->eof = TRUE;
-                return total_read;
-            }
-            else {
-                sftp->last_errno = rc32;
-                return _libssh2_error(session, LIBSSH2_ERROR_SFTP_PROTOCOL,
-                                      "SFTP READ error");
-            }
-            break;
-        case SSH_FXP_DATA:
-            rc32 = _libssh2_ntohu32(data + 5);
-            if (rc32 > (data_len - 9))
-                return _libssh2_error(session, LIBSSH2_ERROR_SFTP_PROTOCOL,
-                                      "SFTP Protocol badness");
-            if(rc32 != chunk->len) {
-                /* a short read does not imply end of file, but we must adjust
-                   the offset_sent since it was advanced with a full
-                   chunk->len before */
-                filep->offset_sent -= (chunk->len - rc32);
-            }
-            if(total_read + rc32 > buffer_size) {
-                /* figure out the overlap amount */
-                filep->data_left = (total_read + rc32) - buffer_size;
-                /* getting the full packet would overflow the buffer, so
-                   only get the correct amount and keep the remainder */
-                rc32 = (uint32_t)(buffer_size - total_read);
-                /* store data to keep for next call */
-                filep->data = data;
-                filep->data_len = data_len;
-            }
-            else
-                filep->data_len = 0;
-            /* copy the received data from the received FXP_DATA packet to the
-               buffer at the correct index */
-            memcpy(buffer + total_read, data + 9, rc32);
-            filep->offset += rc32;
-            total_read += rc32;
-            if(!filep->data_len)
-                /* free the allocated data if not stored to keep */
+                rc32 = _libssh2_ntohu32(data + 5);
                 LIBSSH2_FREE(session, data);
-            else {
-                /* force the loop to end since the receive buffer is full
-                   already, but remove this chunk from the list first */
-                _libssh2_list_remove(&chunk->node); /* remove from list */
-                LIBSSH2_FREE(session, chunk); /* free memory */
-                chunk = NULL;
-                continue;
+                if (rc32 == LIBSSH2_FX_EOF) {
+                    filep->eof = TRUE;
+                    return total_read;
+                }
+                else {
+                    sftp->last_errno = rc32;
+                    return _libssh2_error(session, LIBSSH2_ERROR_SFTP_PROTOCOL,
+                                          "SFTP READ error");
+                }
+                break;
+            case SSH_FXP_DATA:
+                rc32 = _libssh2_ntohu32(data + 5);
+                if (rc32 > (data_len - 9))
+                    return _libssh2_error(session, LIBSSH2_ERROR_SFTP_PROTOCOL,
+                                          "SFTP Protocol badness");
+                if(rc32 != chunk->len) {
+                    /* a short read does not imply end of file, but we must
+                       adjust the offset_sent since it was advanced with a
+                       full chunk->len before */
+                    filep->offset_sent -= (chunk->len - rc32);
+                }
+                if(total_read + rc32 > buffer_size) {
+                    /* figure out the overlap amount */
+                    filep->data_left = (total_read + rc32) - buffer_size;
+                    /* getting the full packet would overflow the buffer, so
+                       only get the correct amount and keep the remainder */
+                    rc32 = (uint32_t)(buffer_size - total_read);
+                    /* store data to keep for next call */
+                    filep->data = data;
+                    filep->data_len = data_len;
+                }
+                else
+                    filep->data_len = 0;
+                /* copy the received data from the received FXP_DATA packet to
+                   the buffer at the correct index */
+                memcpy(buffer + total_read, data + 9, rc32);
+                filep->offset += rc32;
+                total_read += rc32;
+                if(!filep->data_len)
+                    /* free the allocated data if not stored to keep */
+                    LIBSSH2_FREE(session, data);
+                else {
+                    /* force the loop to end since the receive buffer is full
+                       already, but remove this chunk from the list first */
+                    _libssh2_list_remove(&chunk->node); /* remove from list */
+                    LIBSSH2_FREE(session, chunk); /* free memory */
+                    chunk = NULL;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                break;
-            break;
+            next = _libssh2_list_next(&chunk->node);
+            _libssh2_list_remove(&chunk->node); /* remove from list */
+            LIBSSH2_FREE(session, chunk); /* free memory */
+            chunk = next;
+        break;
-        next = _libssh2_list_next(&chunk->node);
-        _libssh2_list_remove(&chunk->node); /* remove from list */
-        LIBSSH2_FREE(session, chunk); /* free memory */
-        chunk = next;
-    }
-    if(! total_read) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "MOO\n");
+    default:
+        assert(!"State machine error; unrecognised read state");
     return total_read;