/** @page pda_manual pda @brief *Pitch Detection Algorithm* @tableofcontents @section synopsis Synopsis @SYNOPSIS@ pda is a pitch detection algorithm that produces a fundamental frequency contour from a speech waveform file. At present only the super resolution pitch determination algorithm is implemented. See (Medan, Yair, and Chazan, 1991) and (Bagshaw et al., 1993) for a detailed description of the algorithm. The default values given below were found to optimise the performance of the pitch determination algorithm for speech data sampled at 20kHz using a 16-bit waveform and low pass filter with a 600Hz cut-off frequency and more than -85dB rejection above 700Hz. The best performances occur if the [-p] flag is passed. @section options Options @OPTIONS@ @section pda-examples Examples Pitch detection on typical male voice, using low pass filtering: $ pda kdt_010.wav -o kdt_010.f0 -fmin 80 -fmax 200 -L