// Copyright (C) 2011 Milo Yip // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #include "unittest.h" #include "rapidjson/document.h" #include using namespace rapidjson; TEST(Value, default_constructor) { Value x; EXPECT_EQ(kNullType, x.GetType()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsNull()); //std::cout << "sizeof(Value): " << sizeof(x) << std::endl; } // Should not pass compilation //TEST(Value, copy_constructor) { // Value x(1234); // Value y = x; //} TEST(Value, assignment_operator) { Value x(1234); Value y; y = x; EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsNull()); // move semantic EXPECT_EQ(1234, y.GetInt()); y = 5678; EXPECT_TRUE(y.IsInt()); EXPECT_EQ(5678, y.GetInt()); x = "Hello"; EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsString()); EXPECT_STREQ(x.GetString(),"Hello"); y = StringRef(x.GetString(),x.GetStringLength()); EXPECT_TRUE(y.IsString()); EXPECT_EQ(y.GetString(),x.GetString()); EXPECT_EQ(y.GetStringLength(),x.GetStringLength()); static char mstr[] = "mutable"; // y = mstr; // should not compile y = StringRef(mstr); EXPECT_TRUE(y.IsString()); EXPECT_EQ(y.GetString(),mstr); } template void TestEqual(const A& a, const B& b) { EXPECT_TRUE (a == b); EXPECT_FALSE(a != b); EXPECT_TRUE (b == a); EXPECT_FALSE(b != a); } template void TestUnequal(const A& a, const B& b) { EXPECT_FALSE(a == b); EXPECT_TRUE (a != b); EXPECT_FALSE(b == a); EXPECT_TRUE (b != a); } TEST(Value, equalto_operator) { Value::AllocatorType allocator; Value x(kObjectType); x.AddMember("hello", "world", allocator) .AddMember("t", Value(true).Move(), allocator) .AddMember("f", Value(false).Move(), allocator) .AddMember("n", Value(kNullType).Move(), allocator) .AddMember("i", 123, allocator) .AddMember("pi", 3.14, allocator) .AddMember("a", Value(kArrayType).Move().PushBack(1, allocator).PushBack(2, allocator).PushBack(3, allocator), allocator); // Test templated operator==() and operator!=() TestEqual(x["hello"], "world"); const char* cc = "world"; TestEqual(x["hello"], cc); char* c = strdup("world"); TestEqual(x["hello"], c); free(c); TestEqual(x["t"], true); TestEqual(x["f"], false); TestEqual(x["i"], 123); TestEqual(x["pi"], 3.14); // Test operator==() Value y; y.CopyFrom(x, allocator); TestEqual(x, y); // Swapping member order should be fine. y.RemoveMember("t"); TestUnequal(x, y); y.AddMember("t", Value(true).Move(), allocator); TestEqual(x, y); } template void TestCopyFrom() { typename Value::AllocatorType a; Value v1(1234); Value v2(v1, a); // deep copy constructor EXPECT_TRUE(v1.GetType() == v2.GetType()); EXPECT_EQ(v1.GetInt(), v2.GetInt()); v1.SetString("foo"); v2.CopyFrom(v1, a); EXPECT_TRUE(v1.GetType() == v2.GetType()); EXPECT_STREQ(v1.GetString(), v2.GetString()); EXPECT_EQ(v1.GetString(), v2.GetString()); // string NOT copied v1.SetArray().PushBack(1234, a); v2.CopyFrom(v1, a); EXPECT_TRUE(v2.IsArray()); EXPECT_EQ(v1.Size(), v2.Size()); v1.PushBack(Value().SetString("foo", a), a); // push string copy EXPECT_TRUE(v1.Size() != v2.Size()); v2.CopyFrom(v1, a); EXPECT_TRUE(v1.Size() == v2.Size()); EXPECT_STREQ(v1[1].GetString(), v2[1].GetString()); EXPECT_NE(v1[1].GetString(), v2[1].GetString()); // string got copied } TEST(Value, CopyFrom) { TestCopyFrom(); TestCopyFrom, CrtAllocator> >(); } TEST(Value, Swap) { Value v1(1234); Value v2(kObjectType); EXPECT_EQ(&v1, &v1.Swap(v2)); EXPECT_TRUE(v1.IsObject()); EXPECT_TRUE(v2.IsInt()); EXPECT_EQ(1234, v2.GetInt()); } TEST(Value, Null) { // Default constructor Value x; EXPECT_EQ(kNullType, x.GetType()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsNull()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsTrue()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsFalse()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsNumber()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsString()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsObject()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsArray()); // Constructor with type Value y(kNullType); EXPECT_TRUE(y.IsNull()); // SetNull(); Value z(true); z.SetNull(); EXPECT_TRUE(z.IsNull()); } TEST(Value, True) { // Constructor with bool Value x(true); EXPECT_EQ(kTrueType, x.GetType()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.GetBool()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsBool()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsTrue()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsNull()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsFalse()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsNumber()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsString()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsObject()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsArray()); // Constructor with type Value y(kTrueType); EXPECT_TRUE(y.IsTrue()); // SetBool() Value z; z.SetBool(true); EXPECT_TRUE(z.IsTrue()); } TEST(Value, False) { // Constructor with bool Value x(false); EXPECT_EQ(kFalseType, x.GetType()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsBool()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsFalse()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsNull()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsTrue()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.GetBool()); //EXPECT_FALSE((bool)x); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsNumber()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsString()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsObject()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsArray()); // Constructor with type Value y(kFalseType); EXPECT_TRUE(y.IsFalse()); // SetBool() Value z; z.SetBool(false); EXPECT_TRUE(z.IsFalse()); } TEST(Value, Int) { // Constructor with int Value x(1234); EXPECT_EQ(kNumberType, x.GetType()); EXPECT_EQ(1234, x.GetInt()); EXPECT_EQ(1234u, x.GetUint()); EXPECT_EQ(1234, x.GetInt64()); EXPECT_EQ(1234u, x.GetUint64()); EXPECT_EQ(1234, x.GetDouble()); //EXPECT_EQ(1234, (int)x); //EXPECT_EQ(1234, (unsigned)x); //EXPECT_EQ(1234, (int64_t)x); //EXPECT_EQ(1234, (uint64_t)x); //EXPECT_EQ(1234, (double)x); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsNumber()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsInt()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsUint()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsInt64()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsUint64()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsDouble()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsNull()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsBool()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsFalse()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsTrue()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsString()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsObject()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsArray()); Value nx(-1234); EXPECT_EQ(-1234, nx.GetInt()); EXPECT_EQ(-1234, nx.GetInt64()); EXPECT_TRUE(nx.IsInt()); EXPECT_TRUE(nx.IsInt64()); EXPECT_FALSE(nx.IsUint()); EXPECT_FALSE(nx.IsUint64()); // Constructor with type Value y(kNumberType); EXPECT_TRUE(y.IsNumber()); EXPECT_TRUE(y.IsInt()); EXPECT_EQ(0, y.GetInt()); // SetInt() Value z; z.SetInt(1234); EXPECT_EQ(1234, z.GetInt()); // operator=(int) z = 5678; EXPECT_EQ(5678, z.GetInt()); } TEST(Value, Uint) { // Constructor with int Value x(1234u); EXPECT_EQ(kNumberType, x.GetType()); EXPECT_EQ(1234, x.GetInt()); EXPECT_EQ(1234u, x.GetUint()); EXPECT_EQ(1234, x.GetInt64()); EXPECT_EQ(1234u, x.GetUint64()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsNumber()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsInt()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsUint()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsInt64()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsUint64()); EXPECT_EQ(1234.0, x.GetDouble()); // Number can always be cast as double but !IsDouble(). EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsDouble()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsNull()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsBool()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsFalse()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsTrue()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsString()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsObject()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsArray()); // SetUint() Value z; z.SetUint(1234); EXPECT_EQ(1234u, z.GetUint()); // operator=(unsigned) z = 5678u; EXPECT_EQ(5678u, z.GetUint()); z = 2147483648u; // 2^31, cannot cast as int EXPECT_EQ(2147483648u, z.GetUint()); EXPECT_FALSE(z.IsInt()); EXPECT_TRUE(z.IsInt64()); // Issue 41: Incorrect parsing of unsigned int number types } TEST(Value, Int64) { // Constructor with int Value x(int64_t(1234LL)); EXPECT_EQ(kNumberType, x.GetType()); EXPECT_EQ(1234, x.GetInt()); EXPECT_EQ(1234u, x.GetUint()); EXPECT_EQ(1234, x.GetInt64()); EXPECT_EQ(1234u, x.GetUint64()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsNumber()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsInt()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsUint()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsInt64()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsUint64()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsDouble()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsNull()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsBool()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsFalse()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsTrue()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsString()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsObject()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsArray()); Value nx(int64_t(-1234LL)); EXPECT_EQ(-1234, nx.GetInt()); EXPECT_EQ(-1234, nx.GetInt64()); EXPECT_TRUE(nx.IsInt()); EXPECT_TRUE(nx.IsInt64()); EXPECT_FALSE(nx.IsUint()); EXPECT_FALSE(nx.IsUint64()); // SetInt64() Value z; z.SetInt64(1234); EXPECT_EQ(1234, z.GetInt64()); z.SetInt64(2147483648LL); // 2^31, cannot cast as int EXPECT_FALSE(z.IsInt()); EXPECT_TRUE(z.IsUint()); z.SetInt64(4294967296LL); // 2^32, cannot cast as uint EXPECT_FALSE(z.IsInt()); EXPECT_FALSE(z.IsUint()); } TEST(Value, Uint64) { // Constructor with int Value x(uint64_t(1234LL)); EXPECT_EQ(kNumberType, x.GetType()); EXPECT_EQ(1234, x.GetInt()); EXPECT_EQ(1234u, x.GetUint()); EXPECT_EQ(1234, x.GetInt64()); EXPECT_EQ(1234u, x.GetUint64()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsNumber()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsInt()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsUint()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsInt64()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsUint64()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsDouble()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsNull()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsBool()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsFalse()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsTrue()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsString()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsObject()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsArray()); // SetUint64() Value z; z.SetUint64(1234); EXPECT_EQ(1234u, z.GetUint64()); z.SetUint64(2147483648LL); // 2^31, cannot cast as int EXPECT_FALSE(z.IsInt()); EXPECT_TRUE(z.IsUint()); EXPECT_TRUE(z.IsInt64()); z.SetUint64(4294967296LL); // 2^32, cannot cast as uint EXPECT_FALSE(z.IsInt()); EXPECT_FALSE(z.IsUint()); EXPECT_TRUE(z.IsInt64()); z.SetUint64(9223372036854775808uLL); // 2^63 cannot cast as int64 EXPECT_FALSE(z.IsInt64()); // Issue 48 EXPECT_EQ(9223372036854775808uLL, z.GetUint64()); } TEST(Value, Double) { // Constructor with double Value x(12.34); EXPECT_EQ(kNumberType, x.GetType()); EXPECT_EQ(12.34, x.GetDouble()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsNumber()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsDouble()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsInt()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsNull()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsBool()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsFalse()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsTrue()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsString()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsObject()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsArray()); // SetDouble() Value z; z.SetDouble(12.34); EXPECT_EQ(12.34, z.GetDouble()); z = 56.78; EXPECT_EQ(56.78, z.GetDouble()); } TEST(Value, String) { // Construction with const string Value x("Hello", 5); // literal EXPECT_EQ(kStringType, x.GetType()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsString()); EXPECT_STREQ("Hello", x.GetString()); EXPECT_EQ(5u, x.GetStringLength()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsNumber()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsNull()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsBool()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsFalse()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsTrue()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsObject()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsArray()); static const char cstr[] = "World"; // const array Value(cstr).Swap(x); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsString()); EXPECT_EQ(x.GetString(), cstr); EXPECT_EQ(x.GetStringLength(), sizeof(cstr)-1); static char mstr[] = "Howdy"; // non-const array // Value(mstr).Swap(x); // should not compile Value(StringRef(mstr)).Swap(x); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsString()); EXPECT_EQ(x.GetString(), mstr); EXPECT_EQ(x.GetStringLength(), sizeof(mstr)-1); strncpy(mstr,"Hello", sizeof(mstr)); EXPECT_STREQ(x.GetString(), "Hello"); const char* pstr = cstr; //Value(pstr).Swap(x); // should not compile Value(StringRef(pstr)).Swap(x); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsString()); EXPECT_EQ(x.GetString(), cstr); EXPECT_EQ(x.GetStringLength(), sizeof(cstr)-1); char* mpstr = mstr; Value(StringRef(mpstr,sizeof(mstr)-1)).Swap(x); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsString()); EXPECT_EQ(x.GetString(), mstr); EXPECT_EQ(x.GetStringLength(), 5u); EXPECT_STREQ(x.GetString(), "Hello"); // Constructor with copy string MemoryPoolAllocator<> allocator; Value c(x.GetString(), x.GetStringLength(), allocator); EXPECT_NE(x.GetString(), c.GetString()); EXPECT_EQ(x.GetStringLength(), c.GetStringLength()); EXPECT_STREQ(x.GetString(), c.GetString()); //x.SetString("World"); x.SetString("World", 5); EXPECT_STREQ("Hello", c.GetString()); EXPECT_EQ(5u, c.GetStringLength()); // Constructor with type Value y(kStringType); EXPECT_TRUE(y.IsString()); EXPECT_EQ(0, y.GetString()); EXPECT_EQ(0u, y.GetStringLength()); // SetConsttring() Value z; z.SetString("Hello"); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsString()); z.SetString("Hello", 5); EXPECT_STREQ("Hello", z.GetString()); EXPECT_STREQ("Hello", z.GetString()); EXPECT_EQ(5u, z.GetStringLength()); z.SetString("Hello"); EXPECT_TRUE(z.IsString()); EXPECT_STREQ("Hello", z.GetString()); //z.SetString(mstr); // should not compile //z.SetString(pstr); // should not compile z.SetString(StringRef(mstr)); EXPECT_TRUE(z.IsString()); EXPECT_STREQ(z.GetString(), mstr); z.SetString(cstr); EXPECT_TRUE(z.IsString()); EXPECT_EQ(cstr, z.GetString()); z = cstr; EXPECT_TRUE(z.IsString()); EXPECT_EQ(cstr, z.GetString()); // SetString() char s[] = "World"; Value w; w.SetString(s, (SizeType)strlen(s), allocator); s[0] = '\0'; EXPECT_STREQ("World", w.GetString()); EXPECT_EQ(5u, w.GetStringLength()); } TEST(Value, Array) { Value x(kArrayType); const Value& y = x; Value::AllocatorType allocator; EXPECT_EQ(kArrayType, x.GetType()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsArray()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.Empty()); EXPECT_EQ(0u, x.Size()); EXPECT_TRUE(y.IsArray()); EXPECT_TRUE(y.Empty()); EXPECT_EQ(0u, y.Size()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsNull()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsBool()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsFalse()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsTrue()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsString()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.IsObject()); // PushBack() Value v; x.PushBack(v, allocator); v.SetBool(true); x.PushBack(v, allocator); v.SetBool(false); x.PushBack(v, allocator); v.SetInt(123); x.PushBack(v, allocator); //x.PushBack((const char*)"foo", allocator); // should not compile x.PushBack("foo", allocator); EXPECT_FALSE(x.Empty()); EXPECT_EQ(5u, x.Size()); EXPECT_FALSE(y.Empty()); EXPECT_EQ(5u, y.Size()); EXPECT_TRUE(x[SizeType(0)].IsNull()); EXPECT_TRUE(x[1u].IsTrue()); EXPECT_TRUE(x[2u].IsFalse()); EXPECT_TRUE(x[3u].IsInt()); EXPECT_EQ(123, x[3u].GetInt()); EXPECT_TRUE(y[SizeType(0)].IsNull()); EXPECT_TRUE(y[1u].IsTrue()); EXPECT_TRUE(y[2u].IsFalse()); EXPECT_TRUE(y[3u].IsInt()); EXPECT_EQ(123, y[3u].GetInt()); EXPECT_TRUE(y[4u].IsString()); EXPECT_STREQ("foo", y[4u].GetString()); // iterator Value::ValueIterator itr = x.Begin(); EXPECT_TRUE(itr != x.End()); EXPECT_TRUE(itr->IsNull()); ++itr; EXPECT_TRUE(itr != x.End()); EXPECT_TRUE(itr->IsTrue()); ++itr; EXPECT_TRUE(itr != x.End()); EXPECT_TRUE(itr->IsFalse()); ++itr; EXPECT_TRUE(itr != x.End()); EXPECT_TRUE(itr->IsInt()); EXPECT_EQ(123, itr->GetInt()); ++itr; EXPECT_TRUE(itr != x.End()); EXPECT_TRUE(itr->IsString()); EXPECT_STREQ("foo", itr->GetString()); // const iterator Value::ConstValueIterator citr = y.Begin(); EXPECT_TRUE(citr != y.End()); EXPECT_TRUE(citr->IsNull()); ++citr; EXPECT_TRUE(citr != y.End()); EXPECT_TRUE(citr->IsTrue()); ++citr; EXPECT_TRUE(citr != y.End()); EXPECT_TRUE(citr->IsFalse()); ++citr; EXPECT_TRUE(citr != y.End()); EXPECT_TRUE(citr->IsInt()); EXPECT_EQ(123, citr->GetInt()); ++citr; EXPECT_TRUE(citr != y.End()); EXPECT_TRUE(citr->IsString()); EXPECT_STREQ("foo", citr->GetString()); // PopBack() x.PopBack(); EXPECT_EQ(4u, x.Size()); EXPECT_TRUE(y[SizeType(0)].IsNull()); EXPECT_TRUE(y[1u].IsTrue()); EXPECT_TRUE(y[2u].IsFalse()); EXPECT_TRUE(y[3u].IsInt()); // Clear() x.Clear(); EXPECT_TRUE(x.Empty()); EXPECT_EQ(0u, x.Size()); EXPECT_TRUE(y.Empty()); EXPECT_EQ(0u, y.Size()); // Erase(ValueIterator) // Use array of array to ensure removed elements' destructor is called. // [[0],[1],[2],...] for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) x.PushBack(Value(kArrayType).PushBack(i, allocator).Move(), allocator); // Erase the first itr = x.Erase(x.Begin()); EXPECT_EQ(x.Begin(), itr); EXPECT_EQ(9u, x.Size()); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) EXPECT_EQ(i + 1, x[i][0u].GetInt()); // Ease the last itr = x.Erase(x.End() - 1); EXPECT_EQ(x.End(), itr); EXPECT_EQ(8u, x.Size()); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) EXPECT_EQ(i + 1, x[i][0u].GetInt()); // Erase the middle itr = x.Erase(x.Begin() + 4); EXPECT_EQ(x.Begin() + 4, itr); EXPECT_EQ(7u, x.Size()); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) EXPECT_EQ(i + 1, x[i][0u].GetInt()); for (int i = 4; i < 7; i++) EXPECT_EQ(i + 2, x[i][0u].GetInt()); // Erase(ValueIterator, ValueIterator) // Exhaustive test with all 0 <= first < n, first <= last <= n cases const unsigned n = 10; for (unsigned first = 0; first < n; first++) { for (unsigned last = first; last <= n; last++) { x.Clear(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) x.PushBack(Value(kArrayType).PushBack(i, allocator).Move(), allocator); itr = x.Erase(x.Begin() + first, x.Begin() + last); if (last == n) EXPECT_EQ(x.End(), itr); else EXPECT_EQ(x.Begin() + first, itr); size_t removeCount = last - first; EXPECT_EQ(n - removeCount, x.Size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < first; i++) EXPECT_EQ(i, x[i][0u].GetUint()); for (unsigned i = first; i < n - removeCount; i++) EXPECT_EQ(i + removeCount, x[i][0u].GetUint()); } } // Working in gcc without C++11, but VS2013 cannot compile. To be diagnosed. #if 0 // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erase-remove_idiom x.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) if (i % 2 == 0) x.PushBack(i, allocator); else x.PushBack(Value(kNullType).Move(), allocator); x.Erase(std::remove(x.Begin(), x.End(), Value(kNullType)), x.End()); EXPECT_EQ(5u, x.Size()); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) EXPECT_EQ(i * 2, x[i]); #endif // SetArray() Value z; z.SetArray(); EXPECT_TRUE(z.IsArray()); EXPECT_TRUE(z.Empty()); } TEST(Value, Object) { Value x(kObjectType); const Value& y = x; // const version Value::AllocatorType allocator; EXPECT_EQ(kObjectType, x.GetType()); EXPECT_TRUE(x.IsObject()); EXPECT_EQ(kObjectType, y.GetType()); EXPECT_TRUE(y.IsObject()); // AddMember() x.AddMember("A", "Apple", allocator); Value value("Banana", 6); x.AddMember("B", "Banana", allocator); // AddMember(StringRefType, T, Allocator) { Value o(kObjectType); o.AddMember("true", true, allocator); o.AddMember("false", false, allocator); o.AddMember("int", -1, allocator); o.AddMember("uint", 1u, allocator); o.AddMember("int64", INT64_C(-4294967296), allocator); o.AddMember("uint64", UINT64_C(4294967296), allocator); o.AddMember("double", 3.14, allocator); o.AddMember("string", "Jelly", allocator); EXPECT_TRUE(o["true"].GetBool()); EXPECT_FALSE(o["false"].GetBool()); EXPECT_EQ(-1, o["int"].GetInt()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, o["uint"].GetUint()); EXPECT_EQ(INT64_C(-4294967296), o["int64"].GetInt64()); EXPECT_EQ(UINT64_C(4294967296), o["uint64"].GetUint64()); EXPECT_STREQ("Jelly",o["string"].GetString()); } // Tests a member with null character Value name; const Value C0D("C\0D", 3); name.SetString(C0D.GetString(), 3); value.SetString("CherryD", 7); x.AddMember(name, value, allocator); // HasMember() EXPECT_TRUE(x.HasMember("A")); EXPECT_TRUE(x.HasMember("B")); EXPECT_TRUE(y.HasMember("A")); EXPECT_TRUE(y.HasMember("B")); name.SetString("C\0D"); EXPECT_TRUE(x.HasMember(name)); EXPECT_TRUE(y.HasMember(name)); // operator[] EXPECT_STREQ("Apple", x["A"].GetString()); EXPECT_STREQ("Banana", x["B"].GetString()); EXPECT_STREQ("CherryD", x[C0D].GetString()); // const operator[] EXPECT_STREQ("Apple", y["A"].GetString()); EXPECT_STREQ("Banana", y["B"].GetString()); EXPECT_STREQ("CherryD", y[C0D].GetString()); // member iterator Value::MemberIterator itr = x.MemberBegin(); EXPECT_TRUE(itr != x.MemberEnd()); EXPECT_STREQ("A", itr->name.GetString()); EXPECT_STREQ("Apple", itr->value.GetString()); ++itr; EXPECT_TRUE(itr != x.MemberEnd()); EXPECT_STREQ("B", itr->name.GetString()); EXPECT_STREQ("Banana", itr->value.GetString()); ++itr; EXPECT_TRUE(itr != x.MemberEnd()); EXPECT_TRUE(memcmp(itr->name.GetString(), "C\0D", 4) == 0); EXPECT_STREQ("CherryD", itr->value.GetString()); ++itr; EXPECT_FALSE(itr != x.MemberEnd()); // const member iterator Value::ConstMemberIterator citr = y.MemberBegin(); EXPECT_TRUE(citr != y.MemberEnd()); EXPECT_STREQ("A", citr->name.GetString()); EXPECT_STREQ("Apple", citr->value.GetString()); ++citr; EXPECT_TRUE(citr != y.MemberEnd()); EXPECT_STREQ("B", citr->name.GetString()); EXPECT_STREQ("Banana", citr->value.GetString()); ++citr; EXPECT_TRUE(citr != y.MemberEnd()); EXPECT_TRUE(memcmp(citr->name.GetString(), "C\0D", 4) == 0); EXPECT_STREQ("CherryD", citr->value.GetString()); ++citr; EXPECT_FALSE(citr != y.MemberEnd()); // RemoveMember() x.RemoveMember("A"); EXPECT_FALSE(x.HasMember("A")); x.RemoveMember("B"); EXPECT_FALSE(x.HasMember("B")); x.RemoveMember(name); EXPECT_FALSE(x.HasMember(name)); EXPECT_TRUE(x.MemberBegin() == x.MemberEnd()); // EraseMember(ConstMemberIterator) // Use array members to ensure removed elements' destructor is called. // { "a": [0], "b": [1],[2],...] const char keys[][2] = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j" }; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) x.AddMember(keys[i], Value(kArrayType).PushBack(i, allocator), allocator); // Erase the first itr = x.EraseMember(x.MemberBegin()); EXPECT_FALSE(x.HasMember(keys[0])); EXPECT_EQ(x.MemberBegin(), itr); EXPECT_EQ(9u, x.MemberEnd() - x.MemberBegin()); for (; itr != x.MemberEnd(); ++itr) { int i = (itr - x.MemberBegin()) + 1; EXPECT_STREQ(itr->name.GetString(), keys[i]); EXPECT_EQ(i, itr->value[0u].GetInt()); } // Erase the last itr = x.EraseMember(x.MemberEnd() - 1); EXPECT_FALSE(x.HasMember(keys[9])); EXPECT_EQ(x.MemberEnd(), itr); EXPECT_EQ(8u, x.MemberEnd() - x.MemberBegin()); for (; itr != x.MemberEnd(); ++itr) { int i = (itr - x.MemberBegin()) + 1; EXPECT_STREQ(itr->name.GetString(), keys[i]); EXPECT_EQ(i, itr->value[0u].GetInt()); } // Erase the middle itr = x.EraseMember(x.MemberBegin() + 4); EXPECT_FALSE(x.HasMember(keys[5])); EXPECT_EQ(x.MemberBegin() + 4, itr); EXPECT_EQ(7u, x.MemberEnd() - x.MemberBegin()); for (; itr != x.MemberEnd(); ++itr) { int i = (itr - x.MemberBegin()); i += (i<4) ? 1 : 2; EXPECT_STREQ(itr->name.GetString(), keys[i]); EXPECT_EQ(i, itr->value[0u].GetInt()); } // EraseMember(ConstMemberIterator, ConstMemberIterator) // Exhaustive test with all 0 <= first < n, first <= last <= n cases const unsigned n = 10; for (unsigned first = 0; first < n; first++) { for (unsigned last = first; last <= n; last++) { Value(kObjectType).Swap(x); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) x.AddMember(keys[i], Value(kArrayType).PushBack(i, allocator), allocator); itr = x.EraseMember(x.MemberBegin() + first, x.MemberBegin() + last); if (last == n) EXPECT_EQ(x.MemberEnd(), itr); else EXPECT_EQ(x.MemberBegin() + first, itr); size_t removeCount = last - first; EXPECT_EQ(n - removeCount, size_t(x.MemberEnd() - x.MemberBegin())); for (unsigned i = 0; i < first; i++) EXPECT_EQ(i, x[keys[i]][0u].GetUint()); for (unsigned i = first; i < n - removeCount; i++) EXPECT_EQ(i + removeCount, x[keys[i+removeCount]][0u].GetUint()); } } // SetObject() Value z; z.SetObject(); EXPECT_TRUE(z.IsObject()); } TEST(Value, BigNestedArray) { MemoryPoolAllocator<> allocator; Value x(kArrayType); static const SizeType n = 200; for (SizeType i = 0; i < n; i++) { Value y(kArrayType); for (SizeType j = 0; j < n; j++) { Value number((int)(i * n + j)); y.PushBack(number, allocator); } x.PushBack(y, allocator); } for (SizeType i = 0; i < n; i++) for (SizeType j = 0; j < n; j++) { EXPECT_TRUE(x[i][j].IsInt()); EXPECT_EQ((int)(i * n + j), x[i][j].GetInt()); } } TEST(Value, BigNestedObject) { MemoryPoolAllocator<> allocator; Value x(kObjectType); static const SizeType n = 200; for (SizeType i = 0; i < n; i++) { char name1[10]; sprintf(name1, "%d", i); // Value name(name1); // should not compile Value name(name1, (SizeType)strlen(name1), allocator); Value object(kObjectType); for (SizeType j = 0; j < n; j++) { char name2[10]; sprintf(name2, "%d", j); Value name(name2, (SizeType)strlen(name2), allocator); Value number((int)(i * n + j)); object.AddMember(name, number, allocator); } // x.AddMember(name1, object, allocator); // should not compile x.AddMember(name, object, allocator); } for (SizeType i = 0; i < n; i++) { char name1[10]; sprintf(name1, "%d", i); for (SizeType j = 0; j < n; j++) { char name2[10]; sprintf(name2, "%d", j); x[name1]; EXPECT_EQ((int)(i * n + j), x[name1][name2].GetInt()); } } } // Issue 18: Error removing last element of object // http://code.google.com/p/rapidjson/issues/detail?id=18 TEST(Value, RemoveLastElement) { rapidjson::Document doc; rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator = doc.GetAllocator(); rapidjson::Value objVal(rapidjson::kObjectType); objVal.AddMember("var1", 123, allocator); objVal.AddMember("var2", "444", allocator); objVal.AddMember("var3", 555, allocator); EXPECT_TRUE(objVal.HasMember("var3")); objVal.RemoveMember("var3"); // Assertion here in r61 EXPECT_FALSE(objVal.HasMember("var3")); } // Issue 38: Segmentation fault with CrtAllocator TEST(Document, CrtAllocator) { typedef GenericValue, CrtAllocator> V; V::AllocatorType allocator; V o(kObjectType); o.AddMember("x", 1, allocator); // Should not call destructor on uninitialized name/value of newly allocated members. V a(kArrayType); a.PushBack(1, allocator); // Should not call destructor on uninitialized Value of newly allocated elements. }