mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 19:13:40 +01:00
code and tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -1967,7 +1967,7 @@ public:
case kArrayType:
if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!handler.StartArray()))
return false;
for (const GenericValue* v = Begin(); v != End(); ++v)
for (ConstValueIterator v = Begin(); v != End(); ++v)
if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!v->Accept(handler)))
return false;
return handler.EndArray(data_.a.size);
@ -150,6 +150,9 @@ enum ValidateFlag {
template <typename ValueType, typename Allocator>
class GenericSchemaDocument;
template <typename SchemaDocumentType>
class Uri;
namespace internal {
template <typename SchemaDocumentType>
@ -432,11 +435,13 @@ public:
typedef Schema<SchemaDocumentType> SchemaType;
typedef GenericValue<EncodingType, AllocatorType> SValue;
typedef IValidationErrorHandler<Schema> ErrorHandler;
typedef Uri<SchemaDocumentType> UriType;
friend class GenericSchemaDocument<ValueType, AllocatorType>;
Schema(SchemaDocumentType* schemaDocument, const PointerType& p, const ValueType& value, const ValueType& document, AllocatorType* allocator) :
Schema(SchemaDocumentType* schemaDocument, const PointerType& p, const ValueType& value, const ValueType& document, AllocatorType* allocator, const UriType& id = UriType()) :
uri_(schemaDocument->GetURI(), *allocator),
pointer_(p, allocator),
@ -474,9 +479,30 @@ public:
typedef typename ValueType::ConstValueIterator ConstValueIterator;
typedef typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator ConstMemberIterator;
// PR #1393
// Early add this Schema and its $ref(s) in schemaDocument's map to avoid infinite
// recursion (with recursive schemas), since schemaDocument->getSchema() is always
// checked before creating a new one. Don't cache typeless_, though.
if (this != typeless_) {
typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::SchemaEntry SchemaEntry;
SchemaEntry *entry = schemaDocument->schemaMap_.template Push<SchemaEntry>();
new (entry) SchemaEntry(pointer_, this, true, allocator_);
if (!value.IsObject())
// If we have an id property, resolve it with the in-scope id
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetIdString())) {
if (v->IsString()) {
//std::cout << "Resolving local id '" << v->.GetString() << "' with in-scope id '" << id.GetString() << "'" << std::endl;
UriType local = UriType(*v);
id_ = local;
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetTypeString())) {
type_ = 0;
if (v->IsString())
@ -507,7 +533,7 @@ public:
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetNotString())) {
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(¬_, p.Append(GetNotString(), allocator_), *v, document);
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(¬_, p.Append(GetNotString(), allocator_), *v, document, id_);
notValidatorIndex_ = validatorCount_;
@ -524,7 +550,7 @@ public:
if (properties && properties->IsObject())
for (ConstMemberIterator itr = properties->MemberBegin(); itr != properties->MemberEnd(); ++itr)
AddUniqueElement(allProperties, itr->name);
if (required && required->IsArray())
for (ConstValueIterator itr = required->Begin(); itr != required->End(); ++itr)
if (itr->IsString())
@ -555,7 +581,7 @@ public:
for (ConstMemberIterator itr = properties->MemberBegin(); itr != properties->MemberEnd(); ++itr) {
SizeType index;
if (FindPropertyIndex(itr->name, &index))
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&properties_[index].schema, q.Append(itr->name, allocator_), itr->value, document);
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&properties_[index].schema, q.Append(itr->name, allocator_), itr->value, document, id_);
@ -567,7 +593,7 @@ public:
for (ConstMemberIterator itr = v->MemberBegin(); itr != v->MemberEnd(); ++itr) {
new (&patternProperties_[patternPropertyCount_]) PatternProperty();
patternProperties_[patternPropertyCount_].pattern = CreatePattern(itr->name);
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&patternProperties_[patternPropertyCount_].schema, q.Append(itr->name, allocator_), itr->value, document);
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&patternProperties_[patternPropertyCount_].schema, q.Append(itr->name, allocator_), itr->value, document, id_);
@ -599,7 +625,7 @@ public:
else if (itr->value.IsObject()) {
hasSchemaDependencies_ = true;
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&properties_[sourceIndex].dependenciesSchema, q.Append(itr->name, allocator_), itr->value, document);
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&properties_[sourceIndex].dependenciesSchema, q.Append(itr->name, allocator_), itr->value, document, id_);
properties_[sourceIndex].dependenciesValidatorIndex = validatorCount_;
@ -611,7 +637,7 @@ public:
if (v->IsBool())
additionalProperties_ = v->GetBool();
else if (v->IsObject())
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&additionalPropertiesSchema_, p.Append(GetAdditionalPropertiesString(), allocator_), *v, document);
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&additionalPropertiesSchema_, p.Append(GetAdditionalPropertiesString(), allocator_), *v, document, id_);
AssignIfExist(minProperties_, value, GetMinPropertiesString());
@ -621,12 +647,12 @@ public:
if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetItemsString())) {
PointerType q = p.Append(GetItemsString(), allocator_);
if (v->IsObject()) // List validation
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&itemsList_, q, *v, document);
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&itemsList_, q, *v, document, id_);
else if (v->IsArray()) { // Tuple validation
itemsTuple_ = static_cast<const Schema**>(allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(const Schema*) * v->Size()));
SizeType index = 0;
for (ConstValueIterator itr = v->Begin(); itr != v->End(); ++itr, index++)
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&itemsTuple_[itemsTupleCount_++], q.Append(index, allocator_), *itr, document);
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&itemsTuple_[itemsTupleCount_++], q.Append(index, allocator_), *itr, document, id_);
@ -637,7 +663,7 @@ public:
if (v->IsBool())
additionalItems_ = v->GetBool();
else if (v->IsObject())
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&additionalItemsSchema_, p.Append(GetAdditionalItemsString(), allocator_), *v, document);
schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&additionalItemsSchema_, p.Append(GetAdditionalItemsString(), allocator_), *v, document, id_);
AssignIfExist(uniqueItems_, value, GetUniqueItemsString());
@ -697,7 +723,11 @@ public:
return uri_;
const PointerType& GetPointer() const {
const UriType& GetId() const {
return id_;
const PointerType& GetPointer() const {
return pointer_;
@ -826,7 +856,7 @@ public:
return CreateParallelValidator(context);
bool Bool(Context& context, bool) const {
if (!(type_ & (1 << kBooleanSchemaType))) {
DisallowedType(context, GetBooleanString());
@ -870,13 +900,13 @@ public:
if (!maximum_.IsNull() && !CheckDoubleMaximum(context, d))
return false;
if (!multipleOf_.IsNull() && !CheckDoubleMultipleOf(context, d))
return false;
return CreateParallelValidator(context);
bool String(Context& context, const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool) const {
if (!(type_ & (1 << kStringSchemaType))) {
DisallowedType(context, GetStringString());
@ -925,7 +955,7 @@ public:
return CreateParallelValidator(context);
bool Key(Context& context, const Ch* str, SizeType len, bool) const {
if (patternProperties_) {
context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount = 0;
@ -1018,7 +1048,7 @@ public:
if (context.error_handler.EndDependencyErrors())
return true;
@ -1038,12 +1068,12 @@ public:
bool EndArray(Context& context, SizeType elementCount) const {
context.inArray = false;
if (elementCount < minItems_) {
context.error_handler.TooFewItems(elementCount, minItems_);
if (elementCount > maxItems_) {
context.error_handler.TooManyItems(elementCount, maxItems_);
@ -1132,6 +1162,15 @@ public:
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(ExclusiveMaximum, 'e', 'x', 'c', 'l', 'u', 's', 'i', 'v', 'e', 'M', 'a', 'x', 'i', 'm', 'u', 'm')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(MultipleOf, 'm', 'u', 'l', 't', 'i', 'p', 'l', 'e', 'O', 'f')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(DefaultValue, 'd', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'u', 'l', 't')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Ref, '$', 'r', 'e', 'f')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(AuthStart, '/', '/')
RAPIDJSON_STRING_(QueryStart, '?')
@ -1197,7 +1236,7 @@ private:
out.schemas = static_cast<const Schema**>(allocator_->Malloc(out.count * sizeof(const Schema*)));
memset(out.schemas, 0, sizeof(Schema*)* out.count);
for (SizeType i = 0; i < out.count; i++)
schemaDocument.CreateSchema(&out.schemas[i], q.Append(i, allocator_), (*v)[i], document);
schemaDocument.CreateSchema(&out.schemas[i], q.Append(i, allocator_), (*v)[i], document, id_);
out.begin = validatorCount_;
validatorCount_ += out.count;
@ -1274,10 +1313,10 @@ private:
if (anyOf_.schemas)
CreateSchemaValidators(context, anyOf_, false);
if (oneOf_.schemas)
CreateSchemaValidators(context, oneOf_, false);
if (not_)
context.validators[notValidatorIndex_] = context.factory.CreateSchemaValidator(*not_, false);
@ -1301,7 +1340,7 @@ private:
SizeType len = name.GetStringLength();
const Ch* str = name.GetString();
for (SizeType index = 0; index < propertyCount_; index++)
if (properties_[index].name.GetStringLength() == len &&
if (properties_[index].name.GetStringLength() == len &&
(std::memcmp(properties_[index].name.GetString(), str, sizeof(Ch) * len) == 0))
*outIndex = index;
@ -1462,7 +1501,7 @@ private:
struct PatternProperty {
PatternProperty() : schema(), pattern() {}
~PatternProperty() {
~PatternProperty() {
if (pattern) {
@ -1474,6 +1513,7 @@ private:
AllocatorType* allocator_;
SValue uri_;
UriType id_;
PointerType pointer_;
const SchemaType* typeless_;
uint64_t* enum_;
@ -1516,7 +1556,7 @@ private:
SValue multipleOf_;
bool exclusiveMinimum_;
bool exclusiveMaximum_;
SizeType defaultValueLength_;
@ -1552,6 +1592,209 @@ struct TokenHelper<Stack, char> {
} // namespace internal
// Uri
template <typename SchemaDocumentType>
class Uri {
typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::Ch Ch;
typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::AllocatorType AllocatorType;
typedef internal::Schema<SchemaDocumentType> SchemaType;
typedef std::basic_string<Ch> String;
// Constructors
Uri() {}
Uri(const String& uri) {
Uri(const Ch* uri, SizeType len) {
Parse(String(uri, len));
// Use with specializations of GenericValue
template<typename T> Uri(const T& uri) {
Parse(uri.template Get<String>());
// Getters
const String& Get() {
// Create uri_ on-demand
if (uri_.empty()) uri_ = this->GetDoc() + frag_;
return uri_; }
// Use with specializations of GenericValue
template<typename T> void Get(T& uri, AllocatorType& allocator) {
uri.template Set<String>(this->Get(), allocator);
const String& GetDoc() {
// Create doc_ on-demand
if (doc_.empty()) doc_ = scheme_ + auth_ + path_ + query_;
return doc_;
const String& GetScheme() const { return scheme_; }
const String& GetAuth() const { return auth_; }
const String& GetPath() const { return path_; }
const String& GetQuery() const { return query_; }
const String& GetFrag() const { return frag_; }
const Ch* GetString() { return this->Get().c_str(); }
SizeType GetStringLength() { return static_cast<SizeType>(this->Get().length()); }
const Ch* GetDocString() { return this->GetDoc().c_str(); }
SizeType GetDocStringLength() { return static_cast<SizeType>(this->GetDoc().length()); }
const Ch* GetFragString() const { return frag_.c_str(); }
SizeType GetFragStringLength() const { return static_cast<SizeType>(frag_.length()); }
// Resolve this URI against a base URI in accordance with URI resolution rules at
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986
// Use for resolving an id or $ref with an in-scope id.
// This URI is updated in place where needed from the base URI.
Uri& Resolve(const Uri& base)
if (!scheme_.empty()) {
// Use all of this URI
} else {
if (!auth_.empty()) {
} else {
if (path_.empty()) {
path_ = base.GetPath();
if (query_.empty()) {
query_ = base.GetQuery();
} else {
static const String slash = SchemaType::GetSlashString().GetString();
if (path_.find(slash) == 0) {
// Absolute path - replace all the path
} else {
// Relative path - append to path after last slash
String p;
if (!base.GetAuth().empty() && base.GetPath().empty()) p = slash;
std::size_t lastslashpos = base.GetPath().find_last_of(slash);
path_ = p + base.GetPath().substr(0, lastslashpos + 1) + path_;
auth_ = base.GetAuth();
scheme_ = base.GetScheme();
//std::cout << " Resolved uri: " << this->GetString() << std::endl;
return *this;
// Parse a URI into constituent scheme, authority, path, query, fragment
// Supports URIs that match regex ^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))? as per
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986
void Parse(const String& uri) {
std::size_t start = 0, pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0;
const std::size_t len = uri.length();
static const String schemeEnd = SchemaType::GetSchemeEndString().GetString();
static const String authStart = SchemaType::GetAuthStartString().GetString();
static const String pathStart = SchemaType::GetSlashString().GetString();
static const String queryStart = SchemaType::GetQueryStartString().GetString();
static const String fragStart = SchemaType::GetFragStartString().GetString();
// Look for scheme ([^:/?#]+):)?
if (start < len) {
pos1 = uri.find(schemeEnd);
if (pos1 != std::string::npos) {
pos2 = uri.find_first_of(pathStart + queryStart + fragStart);
if (pos1 < pos2) {
pos1 += schemeEnd.length();
scheme_ = uri.substr(start, pos1);
start = pos1;
// Look for auth (//([^/?#]*))?
if (start < len) {
pos1 = uri.find(authStart, start);
if (pos1 == start) {
pos2 = uri.find_first_of(pathStart + queryStart + fragStart, start + authStart.length());
auth_ = uri.substr(start, pos2 - start);
start = pos2;
// Look for path ([^?#]*)
if (start < len) {
pos2 = uri.find_first_of(queryStart + fragStart, start);
if (start != pos2) {
path_ = uri.substr(start, pos2 - start);
if (path_.find(pathStart) == 0) { // absolute path - normalize
start = pos2;
// Look for query (\?([^#]*))?
if (start < len) {
pos2 = uri.find(fragStart, start);
if (start != pos2) {
query_ = uri.substr(start, pos2 - start);
start = pos2;
// Look for fragment (#(.*))?
if (start < len) {
frag_ = uri.substr(start);
//std::cout << " Parsed uri: " << "s: " << scheme_.c_str() << " a: " << auth_.c_str() << " p: " << path_.c_str() << " q: " << query_.c_str() << " f: " << frag_.c_str() << std::endl;
// Remove . and .. segments from a path
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986
void RemoveDotSegments(String& path) {
String temp = path;
static const String slash = SchemaType::GetSlashString().GetString();
static const String dot = SchemaType::GetDotString().GetString();
std::size_t pos = 0;
// Loop through each path segment
while (pos != std::string::npos) {
//std::cout << "Temp: '" << temp.c_str() << "' Path: '" << path.c_str() << "'" << std::endl;
pos = temp.find_first_of(slash);
// Get next segment
String seg = temp.substr(0, pos);
if (seg == dot) {
// Discard . segment
} else if (seg == dot + dot) {
// Backup a .. segment
// We expect to find a previously added slash at the end or nothing
std::size_t pos1 = path.find_last_of(slash);
// Make sure we don't go beyond the start
if (pos1 != std::string::npos && pos1 != 0) {
// Find the next to last slash and back up to it
pos1 = path.find_last_of(slash, pos1 - 1);
path = path.substr(0, pos1 + 1);
} else {
// Copy segment and add slash if not at end
path += seg;
if (pos != std::string::npos) path += slash;
// Move to next segment if not at end
if (pos != std::string::npos) temp = temp.substr(pos + 1);
//std::cout << "Final Temp: '" << temp.c_str() << "' Final Path: '" << path.c_str() << "'" << std::endl;
String uri_; // Created on-demand
String doc_; // Created on-demand
String scheme_; // Includes the :
String auth_; // Includes the //
String path_; // Absolute if starts with /
String query_; // Includes the ?
String frag_; // Includes the #
// IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider
@ -1562,6 +1805,7 @@ public:
virtual ~IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider() {}
virtual const SchemaDocumentType* GetRemoteDocument(const Ch* uri, SizeType length) = 0;
virtual const SchemaDocumentType* GetRemoteDocument(Uri<SchemaDocumentType> uri) { return GetRemoteDocument(uri.GetDocString(), uri.GetDocStringLength()); }
@ -1586,7 +1830,8 @@ public:
typedef typename EncodingType::Ch Ch;
typedef internal::Schema<GenericSchemaDocument> SchemaType;
typedef GenericPointer<ValueType, Allocator> PointerType;
typedef GenericValue<EncodingType, Allocator> URIType;
typedef GenericValue<EncodingType, AllocatorType> SValue;
typedef Uri<GenericSchemaDocument> UriType;
friend class internal::Schema<GenericSchemaDocument>;
template <typename, typename, typename>
friend class GenericSchemaValidator;
@ -1600,9 +1845,11 @@ public:
\param uriLength Length of \c name, in code points.
\param remoteProvider An optional remote schema document provider for resolving remote reference. Can be null.
\param allocator An optional allocator instance for allocating memory. Can be null.
\param pointer An optional JSON pointer to the start of the schema document
explicit GenericSchemaDocument(const ValueType& document, const Ch* uri = 0, SizeType uriLength = 0,
IRemoteSchemaDocumentProviderType* remoteProvider = 0, Allocator* allocator = 0) :
IRemoteSchemaDocumentProviderType* remoteProvider = 0, Allocator* allocator = 0,
const PointerType& pointer = PointerType() : // PR #1393
@ -1616,30 +1863,20 @@ public:
Ch noUri[1] = {0};
uri_.SetString(uri ? uri : noUri, uriLength, *allocator_);
UriType baseId(uri_);
typeless_ = static_cast<SchemaType*>(allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(SchemaType)));
new (typeless_) SchemaType(this, PointerType(), ValueType(kObjectType).Move(), ValueType(kObjectType).Move(), allocator_);
new (typeless_) SchemaType(this, PointerType(), ValueType(kObjectType).Move(), ValueType(kObjectType).Move(), allocator_, baseId);
// Generate root schema, it will call CreateSchema() to create sub-schemas,
// And call AddRefSchema() if there are $ref.
CreateSchemaRecursive(&root_, PointerType(), document, document);
// Resolve $ref
while (!schemaRef_.Empty()) {
SchemaRefEntry* refEntry = schemaRef_.template Pop<SchemaRefEntry>(1);
if (const SchemaType* s = GetSchema(refEntry->target)) {
if (refEntry->schema)
*refEntry->schema = s;
// Create entry in map if not exist
if (!GetSchema(refEntry->source)) {
new (schemaMap_.template Push<SchemaEntry>()) SchemaEntry(refEntry->source, const_cast<SchemaType*>(s), false, allocator_);
else if (refEntry->schema)
*refEntry->schema = typeless_;
// And call HandleRefSchema() if there are $ref.
// PR #1393 use input pointer if supplied
root_ = typeless_;
if (pointer.GetTokenCount() == 0) {
CreateSchemaRecursive(&root_, pointer, document, document, baseId);
else if (const ValueType* v = pointer.Get(document)) {
CreateSchema(&root_, pointer, *v, document, baseId);
@ -1679,7 +1916,7 @@ public:
const URIType& GetURI() const { return uri_; }
const SValue& GetURI() const { return uri_; }
//! Get the root schema.
const SchemaType& GetRoot() const { return *root_; }
@ -1690,12 +1927,7 @@ private:
//! Prohibit assignment
GenericSchemaDocument& operator=(const GenericSchemaDocument&);
struct SchemaRefEntry {
SchemaRefEntry(const PointerType& s, const PointerType& t, const SchemaType** outSchema, Allocator *allocator) : source(s, allocator), target(t, allocator), schema(outSchema) {}
PointerType source;
PointerType target;
const SchemaType** schema;
typedef const PointerType* SchemaRefPtr; // PR #1393
struct SchemaEntry {
SchemaEntry(const PointerType& p, SchemaType* s, bool o, Allocator* allocator) : pointer(p, allocator), schema(s), owned(o) {}
@ -1710,79 +1942,153 @@ private:
bool owned;
void CreateSchemaRecursive(const SchemaType** schema, const PointerType& pointer, const ValueType& v, const ValueType& document) {
if (schema)
*schema = typeless_;
// Changed by PR #1393
void CreateSchemaRecursive(const SchemaType** schema, const PointerType& pointer, const ValueType& v, const ValueType& document, const UriType& id) {
if (v.GetType() == kObjectType) {
const SchemaType* s = GetSchema(pointer);
if (!s)
CreateSchema(schema, pointer, v, document);
CreateSchema(schema, pointer, v, document, id);
for (typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator itr = v.MemberBegin(); itr != v.MemberEnd(); ++itr)
CreateSchemaRecursive(0, pointer.Append(itr->name, allocator_), itr->value, document);
CreateSchemaRecursive(0, pointer.Append(itr->name, allocator_), itr->value, document, id);
else if (v.GetType() == kArrayType)
for (SizeType i = 0; i < v.Size(); i++)
CreateSchemaRecursive(0, pointer.Append(i, allocator_), v[i], document);
CreateSchemaRecursive(0, pointer.Append(i, allocator_), v[i], document, id);
void CreateSchema(const SchemaType** schema, const PointerType& pointer, const ValueType& v, const ValueType& document) {
// Changed by PR #1393
void CreateSchema(const SchemaType** schema, const PointerType& pointer, const ValueType& v, const ValueType& document, const UriType& id) {
if (v.IsObject()) {
if (!HandleRefSchema(pointer, schema, v, document)) {
SchemaType* s = new (allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(SchemaType))) SchemaType(this, pointer, v, document, allocator_);
new (schemaMap_.template Push<SchemaEntry>()) SchemaEntry(pointer, s, true, allocator_);
if (const SchemaType* sc = GetSchema(pointer)) {
if (schema)
*schema = sc;
//std::cout << "Using Schema with id " << sc->GetId().GetString() << std::endl;
else if (!HandleRefSchema(pointer, schema, v, document, id)) {
// The new schema adds itself and its $ref(s) to schemaMap_
SchemaType* s = new (allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(SchemaType))) SchemaType(this, pointer, v, document, allocator_, id);
if (schema)
*schema = s;
else {
if (schema)
*schema = typeless_;
bool HandleRefSchema(const PointerType& source, const SchemaType** schema, const ValueType& v, const ValueType& document) {
static const Ch kRefString[] = { '$', 'r', 'e', 'f', '\0' };
static const ValueType kRefValue(kRefString, 4);
typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator itr = v.FindMember(kRefValue);
// Changed by PR #1393
bool HandleRefSchema(const PointerType& source, const SchemaType** schema, const ValueType& v, const ValueType& document, const UriType& id) {
//std::cout << "HandleRefSchema called with id " << id.GetString() << std::endl;
typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator itr = v.FindMember(SchemaType::GetRefString());
if (itr == v.MemberEnd())
return false;
// Resolve the source pointer to the $ref'ed schema (finally)
new (schemaRef_.template Push<SchemaRefPtr>()) SchemaRefPtr(&source);
if (itr->value.IsString()) {
SizeType len = itr->value.GetStringLength();
if (len > 0) {
const Ch* s = itr->value.GetString();
SizeType i = 0;
while (i < len && s[i] != '#') // Find the first #
if (i > 0) { // Remote reference, resolve immediately
if (s[0] != '#') { // Remote reference - resolve $ref against the in-scope id
if (remoteProvider_) {
if (const GenericSchemaDocument* remoteDocument = remoteProvider_->GetRemoteDocument(s, i)) {
PointerType pointer(&s[i], len - i, allocator_);
UriType ref = UriType(itr->value);
//std::cout << "Resolved $ref '" << s << "' against in-scope id '" << id.GetString() << "' giving '" << ref.GetDocString() << "'" << std::endl;
if (const GenericSchemaDocument* remoteDocument = remoteProvider_->GetRemoteDocument(ref)) {
// Create a pointer from the # onwards
const PointerType pointer(ref.GetFragString(), ref.GetFragStringLength(), allocator_);
if (pointer.IsValid()) {
if (const SchemaType* sc = remoteDocument->GetSchema(pointer)) {
if (schema)
*schema = sc;
new (schemaMap_.template Push<SchemaEntry>()) SchemaEntry(source, const_cast<SchemaType*>(sc), false, allocator_);
return true;
else if (s[i] == '#') { // Local reference, defer resolution
PointerType pointer(&s[i], len - i, allocator_);
if (pointer.IsValid()) {
if (const ValueType* nv = pointer.Get(document))
if (HandleRefSchema(source, schema, *nv, document))
return true;
new (schemaRef_.template Push<SchemaRefEntry>()) SchemaRefEntry(source, pointer, schema, allocator_);
else { // Local reference
if (len == 1 || s[1] == '/') {
// JSON pointer
const PointerType pointer(s, len, allocator_);
if (pointer.IsValid() && !IsCyclicRef(pointer)) {
if (const ValueType *nv = pointer.Get(document)) {
CreateSchema(schema, pointer, *nv, document, id);
return true;
} else {
// Internal reference to an id
const ValueType val(s, len);
PointerType pointer = PointerType();
ValueType *nv = FindId(document, val, pointer);
if (nv && !IsCyclicRef(pointer)) {
CreateSchema(schema, pointer, *nv, document, id);
return true;
// Invalid/Unknown $ref
if (schema)
*schema = typeless_;
return true;
//! Find the first subschema with 'id' string property matching the specified value.
// Return a pointer to the subschema and its JSON pointer.
ValueType* FindId(const ValueType& doc, const ValueType& findval, PointerType& resptr, const PointerType& here = PointerType()) const {
SizeType i = 0;
ValueType* resval = 0;
switch(doc.GetType()) {
case kObjectType:
for (typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator m = doc.MemberBegin(); m != doc.MemberEnd(); ++m) {
if (m->name == SchemaType::GetIdString() && m->value.GetType() == kStringType && m->value == findval) {
// Found the 'id' with the value
resval = const_cast<ValueType*>(&doc);
resptr = here;
} else if (m->value.GetType() == kObjectType || m->value.GetType() == kArrayType) {
resval = FindId(m->value, findval, resptr, here.Append(m->name.GetString(), m->name.GetStringLength(), allocator_));
if (resval) break;
return resval;
case kArrayType:
for (typename ValueType::ConstValueIterator v = doc.Begin(); v != doc.End(); ++v) {
if (v->GetType() == kObjectType || v->GetType() == kArrayType) {
resval = FindId(*v, findval, resptr, here.Append(i, allocator_));
if (resval) break;
return resval;
return resval;
// Added by PR #1393
void AddSchemaRefs(SchemaType* schema) {
while (!schemaRef_.Empty()) {
SchemaRefPtr *ref = schemaRef_.template Pop<SchemaRefPtr>(1);
SchemaEntry *entry = schemaMap_.template Push<SchemaEntry>();
new (entry) SchemaEntry(**ref, schema, false, allocator_);
// Added by PR #1393
bool IsCyclicRef(const PointerType& pointer) const {
for (const SchemaRefPtr* ref = schemaRef_.template Bottom<SchemaRefPtr>(); ref != schemaRef_.template End<SchemaRefPtr>(); ++ref)
if (pointer == **ref)
return true;
return false;
@ -1811,8 +2117,8 @@ private:
const SchemaType* root_; //!< Root schema.
SchemaType* typeless_;
internal::Stack<Allocator> schemaMap_; // Stores created Pointer -> Schemas
internal::Stack<Allocator> schemaRef_; // Stores Pointer from $ref and schema which holds the $ref
URIType uri_;
internal::Stack<Allocator> schemaRef_; // Stores Pointer(s) from $ref(s) until resolved
SValue uri_;
//! GenericSchemaDocument using Value type.
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "unittest.h"
#include "rapidjson/schema.h"
@ -1811,6 +1812,189 @@ TEST(SchemaValidator, EscapedPointer) {
TEST(SchemaValidator, SchemaPointer) {
Document sd;
" \"swagger\": \"2.0\","
" \"paths\": {"
" \"/some/path\": {"
" \"post\": {"
" \"parameters\": ["
" {"
" \"in\": \"body\","
" \"name\": \"body\","
" \"schema\": {"
" \"properties\": {"
" \"a\": {"
" \"$ref\": \"#/definitions/Prop_a\""
" },"
" \"b\": {"
" \"type\": \"integer\""
" }"
" },"
" \"type\": \"object\""
" }"
" }"
" ],"
" \"responses\": {"
" \"200\": {"
" \"schema\": {"
" \"$ref\": \"#/definitions/Resp_200\""
" }"
" }"
" }"
" }"
" }"
" },"
" \"definitions\": {"
" \"Prop_a\": {"
" \"properties\": {"
" \"c\": {"
" \"enum\": ["
" \"C1\","
" \"C2\","
" \"C3\""
" ],"
" \"type\": \"string\""
" },"
" \"d\": {"
" \"$ref\": \"#/definitions/Prop_d\""
" },"
" \"s\": {"
" \"type\": \"string\""
" }"
" },"
" \"required\": [\"c\"],"
" \"type\": \"object\""
" },"
" \"Prop_d\": {"
" \"properties\": {"
" \"a\": {"
" \"$ref\": \"#/definitions/Prop_a\""
" },"
" \"c\": {"
" \"$ref\": \"#/definitions/Prop_a/properties/c\""
" }"
" },"
" \"type\": \"object\""
" },"
" \"Resp_200\": {"
" \"properties\": {"
" \"e\": {"
" \"type\": \"string\""
" },"
" \"f\": {"
" \"type\": \"boolean\""
" },"
" \"cyclic_source\": {"
" \"$ref\": \"#/definitions/Resp_200/properties/cyclic_target\""
" },"
" \"cyclic_target\": {"
" \"$ref\": \"#/definitions/Resp_200/properties/cyclic_source\""
" }"
" },"
" \"type\": \"object\""
" }"
" }"
SchemaDocument s1(sd, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, Pointer("#/paths/~1some~1path/post/parameters/0/schema"));
" \"a\": {"
" \"c\": \"C1\","
" \"d\": {"
" \"a\": {"
" \"c\": \"C2\""
" },"
" \"c\": \"C3\""
" }"
" },"
" \"b\": 123"
" \"a\": {"
" \"c\": \"C1\","
" \"d\": {"
" \"a\": {"
" \"c\": \"C2\""
" },"
" \"c\": \"C3\""
" }"
" },"
" \"b\": \"should be an int\""
"#/paths/~1some~1path/post/parameters/0/schema/properties/b", "type", "#/b",
"{ \"type\": {"
" \"errorCode\": 20,"
" \"instanceRef\":\"#/b\","
" \"schemaRef\":\"#/paths/~1some~1path/post/parameters/0/schema/properties/b\","
" \"expected\": [\"integer\"], \"actual\":\"string\""
" \"a\": {"
" \"c\": \"C1\","
" \"d\": {"
" \"a\": {"
" \"c\": \"should be within enum\""
" },"
" \"c\": \"C3\""
" }"
" },"
" \"b\": 123"
"#/definitions/Prop_a/properties/c", "enum", "#/a/d/a/c",
"{ \"enum\": {"
" \"errorCode\": 19,"
" \"instanceRef\":\"#/a/d/a/c\","
" \"schemaRef\":\"#/definitions/Prop_a/properties/c\""
" \"a\": {"
" \"c\": \"C1\","
" \"d\": {"
" \"a\": {"
" \"s\": \"required 'c' is missing\""
" }"
" }"
" },"
" \"b\": 123"
"#/definitions/Prop_a", "required", "#/a/d/a",
"{ \"required\": {"
" \"errorCode\": 15,"
" \"missing\":[\"c\"],"
" \"instanceRef\":\"#/a/d/a\","
" \"schemaRef\":\"#/definitions/Prop_a\""
SchemaDocument s2(sd, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, Pointer("#/paths/~1some~1path/post/responses/200/schema"));
"{ \"e\": \"some string\", \"f\": false }",
"{ \"e\": true, \"f\": false }",
"#/definitions/Resp_200/properties/e", "type", "#/e",
"{ \"type\": {"
" \"errorCode\": 20,"
" \"instanceRef\":\"#/e\","
" \"schemaRef\":\"#/definitions/Resp_200/properties/e\","
" \"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\":\"boolean\""
"{ \"e\": \"some string\", \"f\": 123 }",
"#/definitions/Resp_200/properties/f", "type", "#/f",
"{ \"type\": {"
" \"errorCode\": 20,"
" \"instanceRef\":\"#/f\","
" \"schemaRef\":\"#/definitions/Resp_200/properties/f\","
" \"expected\": [\"boolean\"], \"actual\":\"integer\""
template <typename Allocator>
static char* ReadFile(const char* filename, Allocator& allocator) {
const char *paths[] = {
@ -1952,7 +2136,7 @@ public:
virtual const SchemaDocumentType* GetRemoteDocument(const char* uri, SizeType length) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < kCount; i++)
if (typename SchemaDocumentType::URIType(uri, length) == sd_[i]->GetURI())
if (typename SchemaDocumentType::SType(uri, length) == sd_[i]->GetURI())
return sd_[i];
return 0;
@ -2032,7 +2216,7 @@ TEST(SchemaValidator, TestSuite) {
else {
//printf("json test suite file %s parsed ok\n", filename);
//printf("\njson test suite file %s parsed ok\n", filename);
GenericDocument<UTF8<>, MemoryPoolAllocator<>, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > d(&documentAllocator, 1024, &documentStackAllocator);
if (d.HasParseError()) {
@ -2042,12 +2226,14 @@ TEST(SchemaValidator, TestSuite) {
else {
for (Value::ConstValueIterator schemaItr = d.Begin(); schemaItr != d.End(); ++schemaItr) {
const char* description1 = (*schemaItr)["description"].GetString();
//printf("\ncompiling schema for json test %s \n", description1);
SchemaDocumentType schema((*schemaItr)["schema"], filenames[i], static_cast<SizeType>(strlen(filenames[i])), &provider, &schemaAllocator);
GenericSchemaValidator<SchemaDocumentType, BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<> >, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > validator(schema, &validatorAllocator);
const char* description1 = (*schemaItr)["description"].GetString();
const Value& tests = (*schemaItr)["tests"];
for (Value::ConstValueIterator testItr = tests.Begin(); testItr != tests.End(); ++testItr) {
const char* description2 = (*testItr)["description"].GetString();
//printf("running json test %s \n", description2);
if (!onlyRunDescription || strcmp(description2, onlyRunDescription) == 0) {
const Value& data = (*testItr)["data"];
bool expected = (*testItr)["valid"].GetBool();
@ -2075,8 +2261,8 @@ TEST(SchemaValidator, TestSuite) {
printf("%d / %d passed (%2d%%)\n", passCount, testCount, passCount * 100 / testCount);
// if (passCount != testCount)
if (passCount != testCount)
TEST(SchemaValidatingReader, Simple) {
@ -2244,6 +2430,154 @@ TEST(SchemaValidator, Ref_remote) {
kValidateDefaultFlags, SchemaValidatorType, PointerType);
// Merge with id where $ref is full URI
TEST(SchemaValidator, Ref_remote_change_resolution_scope_uri) {
typedef GenericSchemaDocument<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaDocumentType;
RemoteSchemaDocumentProvider<SchemaDocumentType> provider;
Document sd;
sd.Parse("{\"id\": \"http://ignore/blah#/ref\", \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"myInt\": {\"$ref\": \"http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json#/integer\"}}}");
SchemaDocumentType s(sd, 0, 0, &provider);
typedef GenericSchemaValidator<SchemaDocumentType, BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<> >, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaValidatorType;
typedef GenericPointer<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > PointerType;
INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"myInt\": null}", "/integer", "type", "/myInt",
"{ \"type\": {"
" \"errorCode\": 20,"
" \"instanceRef\": \"#/myInt\","
" \"schemaRef\": \"http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json#/integer\","
" \"expected\": [\"integer\"], \"actual\": \"null\""
kValidateDefaultFlags, SchemaValidatorType, PointerType);
// Merge with id where $ref is a relative path
TEST(SchemaValidator, Ref_remote_change_resolution_scope_relative_path) {
typedef GenericSchemaDocument<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaDocumentType;
RemoteSchemaDocumentProvider<SchemaDocumentType> provider;
Document sd;
sd.Parse("{\"id\": \"http://localhost:1234/\", \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"myInt\": {\"$ref\": \"subSchemas.json#/integer\"}}}");
SchemaDocumentType s(sd, 0, 0, &provider);
typedef GenericSchemaValidator<SchemaDocumentType, BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<> >, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaValidatorType;
typedef GenericPointer<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > PointerType;
INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"myInt\": null}", "/integer", "type", "/myInt",
"{ \"type\": {"
" \"errorCode\": 20,"
" \"instanceRef\": \"#/myInt\","
" \"schemaRef\": \"http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json#/integer\","
" \"expected\": [\"integer\"], \"actual\": \"null\""
kValidateDefaultFlags, SchemaValidatorType, PointerType);
// Merge with id where $ref is an absolute path
TEST(SchemaValidator, Ref_remote_change_resolution_scope_absolute_path) {
typedef GenericSchemaDocument<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaDocumentType;
RemoteSchemaDocumentProvider<SchemaDocumentType> provider;
Document sd;
sd.Parse("{\"id\": \"http://localhost:1234/xxxx\", \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"myInt\": {\"$ref\": \"/subSchemas.json#/integer\"}}}");
SchemaDocumentType s(sd, 0, 0, &provider);
typedef GenericSchemaValidator<SchemaDocumentType, BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<> >, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaValidatorType;
typedef GenericPointer<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > PointerType;
INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"myInt\": null}", "/integer", "type", "/myInt",
"{ \"type\": {"
" \"errorCode\": 20,"
" \"instanceRef\": \"#/myInt\","
" \"schemaRef\": \"http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json#/integer\","
" \"expected\": [\"integer\"], \"actual\": \"null\""
kValidateDefaultFlags, SchemaValidatorType, PointerType);
// Merge with id where $ref is an absolute path, and the document has a base URI
TEST(SchemaValidator, Ref_remote_change_resolution_scope_absolute_path_document) {
typedef GenericSchemaDocument<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaDocumentType;
RemoteSchemaDocumentProvider<SchemaDocumentType> provider;
Document sd;
sd.Parse("{\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"myInt\": {\"$ref\": \"/subSchemas.json#/integer\"}}}");
SchemaDocumentType s(sd, "http://localhost:1234/xxxx", 26, &provider);
typedef GenericSchemaValidator<SchemaDocumentType, BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<> >, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaValidatorType;
typedef GenericPointer<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > PointerType;
INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"myInt\": null}", "/integer", "type", "/myInt",
"{ \"type\": {"
" \"errorCode\": 20,"
" \"instanceRef\": \"#/myInt\","
" \"schemaRef\": \"http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json#/integer\","
" \"expected\": [\"integer\"], \"actual\": \"null\""
kValidateDefaultFlags, SchemaValidatorType, PointerType);
// $ref is a non-JSON pointer fragment and there a matching id
TEST(SchemaValidator, Ref_internal_id_1) {
typedef GenericSchemaDocument<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaDocumentType;
Document sd;
sd.Parse("{\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"myInt1\": {\"$ref\": \"#myId\"}, \"myStr\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"id\": \"#myStrId\"}, \"myInt2\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"id\": \"#myId\"}}}");
SchemaDocumentType s(sd);
typedef GenericSchemaValidator<SchemaDocumentType, BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<> >, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaValidatorType;
typedef GenericPointer<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > PointerType;
INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"myInt1\": null}", "/properties/myInt2", "type", "/myInt1",
"{ \"type\": {"
" \"errorCode\": 20,"
" \"instanceRef\": \"#/myInt1\","
" \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/myInt2\","
" \"expected\": [\"integer\"], \"actual\": \"null\""
kValidateDefaultFlags, SchemaValidatorType, PointerType);
// $ref is a non-JSON pointer fragment and there are two matching ids so we take the first
TEST(SchemaValidator, Ref_internal_id_2) {
typedef GenericSchemaDocument<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaDocumentType;
Document sd;
sd.Parse("{\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"myInt1\": {\"$ref\": \"#myId\"}, \"myInt2\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"id\": \"#myId\"}, \"myStr\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"id\": \"#myId\"}}}");
SchemaDocumentType s(sd);
typedef GenericSchemaValidator<SchemaDocumentType, BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<> >, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaValidatorType;
typedef GenericPointer<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > PointerType;
INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"myInt1\": null}", "/properties/myInt2", "type", "/myInt1",
"{ \"type\": {"
" \"errorCode\": 20,"
" \"instanceRef\": \"#/myInt1\","
" \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/myInt2\","
" \"expected\": [\"integer\"], \"actual\": \"null\""
kValidateDefaultFlags, SchemaValidatorType, PointerType);
// $ref is a non-JSON pointer fragment and there is a matching id within array
TEST(SchemaValidator, Ref_internal_id_in_array) {
typedef GenericSchemaDocument<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaDocumentType;
Document sd;
sd.Parse("{\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"myInt1\": {\"$ref\": \"#myId\"}, \"myInt2\": {\"anyOf\": [{\"type\": \"string\", \"id\": \"#myStrId\"}, {\"type\": \"integer\", \"id\": \"#myId\"}]}}}");
SchemaDocumentType s(sd);
typedef GenericSchemaValidator<SchemaDocumentType, BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<> >, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaValidatorType;
typedef GenericPointer<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > PointerType;
INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"myInt1\": null}", "/properties/myInt2/anyOf/1", "type", "/myInt1",
"{ \"type\": {"
" \"errorCode\": 20,"
" \"instanceRef\": \"#/myInt1\","
" \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/myInt2/anyOf/1\","
" \"expected\": [\"integer\"], \"actual\": \"null\""
kValidateDefaultFlags, SchemaValidatorType, PointerType);
// $ref is a non-JSON pointer fragment and there is a matching id, and the schema is embedded in the document
TEST(SchemaValidator, Ref_internal_id_and_schema_pointer) {
typedef GenericSchemaDocument<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaDocumentType;
Document sd;
sd.Parse("{ \"schema\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"myInt1\": {\"$ref\": \"#myId\"}, \"myInt2\": {\"anyOf\": [{\"type\": \"integer\", \"id\": \"#myId\"}]}}}}");
typedef GenericPointer<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > PointerType;
SchemaDocumentType s(sd, 0, 0, 0, 0, PointerType("/schema"));
typedef GenericSchemaValidator<SchemaDocumentType, BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<> >, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaValidatorType;
INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"myInt1\": null}", "/schema/properties/myInt2/anyOf/0", "type", "/myInt1",
"{ \"type\": {"
" \"errorCode\": 20,"
" \"instanceRef\": \"#/myInt1\","
" \"schemaRef\": \"#/schema/properties/myInt2/anyOf/0\","
" \"expected\": [\"integer\"], \"actual\": \"null\""
kValidateDefaultFlags, SchemaValidatorType, PointerType);
TEST(SchemaValidator, Ref_remote_issue1210) {
class SchemaDocumentProvider : public IRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider {
SchemaDocument** collection;
@ -2260,7 +2594,7 @@ TEST(SchemaValidator, Ref_remote_issue1210) {
SchemaDocumentProvider(SchemaDocument** collection) : collection(collection) { }
virtual const SchemaDocument* GetRemoteDocument(const char* uri, SizeType length) {
int i = 0;
while (collection[i] && SchemaDocument::URIType(uri, length) != collection[i]->GetURI()) ++i;
while (collection[i] && SchemaDocument::SValue(uri, length) != collection[i]->GetURI()) ++i;
return collection[i];
@ -2582,6 +2916,250 @@ TEST(SchemaValidator, Schema_UnknownError) {
ASSERT_TRUE(SchemaValidator::SchemaType::GetValidateErrorKeyword(kValidateErrors).GetString() == std::string("null"));
TEST(SchemaValidator, Uri_Parse) {
typedef std::basic_string<Value::Ch> String;
typedef Uri<GenericSchemaDocument<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> >> Uri;
MemoryPoolAllocator<CrtAllocator> allocator;
String s = "http://auth/path?query#frag";
Value v;
v.SetString(s, allocator);
Uri u = Uri(v);
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetScheme() == "http:");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetAuth() == "//auth");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetPath() == "/path");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetDoc() == "http://auth/path?query");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetQuery() == "?query");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetFrag() == "#frag");
Value w;
u.Get(w, allocator);
EXPECT_TRUE(*w.GetString() == *v.GetString());
s = "urn:uuid:ee564b8a-7a87-4125-8c96-e9f123d6766f";
v.SetString(s, allocator);
u = Uri(v);
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetScheme() == "urn:");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetAuth() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetPath() == "uuid:ee564b8a-7a87-4125-8c96-e9f123d6766f");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetDoc() == "urn:uuid:ee564b8a-7a87-4125-8c96-e9f123d6766f");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetQuery() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetFrag() == "");
u.Get(w, allocator);
EXPECT_TRUE(*w.GetString() == *v.GetString());
s = "";
v.SetString(s, allocator);
u = Uri(v);
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetScheme() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetAuth() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetPath() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetDoc() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetQuery() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetFrag() == "");
s = "http://auth/";
v.SetString(s, allocator);
u = Uri(v);
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetScheme() == "http:");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetAuth() == "//auth");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetPath() == "/");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetDoc() == "http://auth/");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetQuery() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetFrag() == "");
s = "/path/sub";
u = Uri(s);
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetScheme() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetAuth() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetPath() == "/path/sub");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetDoc() == "/path/sub");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetQuery() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetFrag() == "");
// absolute path gets normalized
s = "/path/../sub/";
u = Uri(s);
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetScheme() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetAuth() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetPath() == "/sub/");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetDoc() == "/sub/");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetQuery() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetFrag() == "");
// relative path does not
s = "path/../sub";
u = Uri(s);
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetScheme() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetAuth() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetPath() == "path/../sub");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetDoc() == "path/../sub");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetQuery() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetFrag() == "");
s = "http://auth#frag/stuff";
u = Uri(s);
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetScheme() == "http:");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetAuth() == "//auth");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetPath() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetDoc() == "http://auth");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetQuery() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetFrag() == "#frag/stuff");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.Get() == s);
s = "#frag/stuff";
u = Uri(s);
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetScheme() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetAuth() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetPath() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetDoc() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetQuery() == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetFrag() == "#frag/stuff");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.Get() == s);
Value::Ch c[] = { '#', 'f', 'r', 'a', 'g', '/', 's', 't', 'u', 'f', 'f', '\0'};
u = Uri(c, 11);
EXPECT_TRUE(String(u.GetString()) == "#frag/stuff");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetStringLength() == 11);
EXPECT_TRUE(String(u.GetDocString()) == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetDocStringLength() == 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(String(u.GetFragString()) == "#frag/stuff");
EXPECT_TRUE(u.GetFragStringLength() == 11);
TEST(SchemaValidator, Uri_Resolve) {
typedef std::basic_string<Value::Ch> String;
typedef Uri<GenericSchemaDocument<Value, MemoryPoolAllocator<> >> Uri;
// ref is full uri
Uri base = Uri(String("http://auth/path/#frag"));
Uri ref = Uri(String("http://newauth/newpath#newfrag"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://newauth/newpath#newfrag");
base = Uri(String("/path/#frag"));
ref = Uri(String("http://newauth/newpath#newfrag"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://newauth/newpath#newfrag");
// ref is alternate uri
base = Uri(String("http://auth/path/#frag"));
ref = Uri(String("urn:uuid:ee564b8a-7a87-4125-8c96-e9f123d6766f"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "urn:uuid:ee564b8a-7a87-4125-8c96-e9f123d6766f");
// ref is absolute path
base = Uri(String("http://auth/path/#"));
ref = Uri(String("/newpath#newfrag"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://auth/newpath#newfrag");
// ref is relative path
base = Uri(String("http://auth/path/file.json#frag"));
ref = Uri(String("newfile.json#"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://auth/path/newfile.json#");
base = Uri(String("http://auth/path/file.json#frag/stuff"));
ref = Uri(String("newfile.json#newfrag/newstuff"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://auth/path/newfile.json#newfrag/newstuff");
base = Uri(String("file.json"));
ref = Uri(String("newfile.json"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "newfile.json");
base = Uri(String("file.json"));
ref = Uri(String("./newfile.json"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "newfile.json");
base = Uri(String("file.json"));
ref = Uri(String("parent/../newfile.json"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "newfile.json");
base = Uri(String("file.json"));
ref = Uri(String("parent/./newfile.json"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "parent/newfile.json");
base = Uri(String("file.json"));
ref = Uri(String("../../parent/.././newfile.json"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "newfile.json");
base = Uri(String("http://auth"));
ref = Uri(String("newfile.json"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://auth/newfile.json");
// ref is fragment
base = Uri(String("#frag/stuff"));
ref = Uri(String("#newfrag/newstuff"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "#newfrag/newstuff");
// test ref fragment always wins
base = Uri(String("/path#frag"));
ref = Uri(String(""));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "/path");
// Examples from RFC3896
base = Uri(String("http://a/b/c/d;p?q"));
ref = Uri(String("g:h"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "g:h");
ref = Uri(String("g"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/g");
ref = Uri(String("./g"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/g");
ref = Uri(String("g/"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/g/");
ref = Uri(String("/g"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/g");
ref = Uri(String("//g"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://g");
ref = Uri(String("?y"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/d;p?y");
ref = Uri(String("g?y"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/g?y");
ref = Uri(String("#s"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s");
ref = Uri(String("g#s"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/g#s");
ref = Uri(String("g?y#s"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/g?y#s");
ref = Uri(String(";x"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/;x");
ref = Uri(String("g;x"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/g;x");
ref = Uri(String("g;x?y#s"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s");
ref = Uri(String(""));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/d;p?q");
ref = Uri(String("."));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/");
ref = Uri(String("./"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/");
ref = Uri(String(".."));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/");
ref = Uri(String("../"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/");
ref = Uri(String("../g"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/g");
ref = Uri(String("../.."));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/");
ref = Uri(String("../../"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/");
ref = Uri(String("../../g"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/g");
ref = Uri(String("../../../g"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/g");
ref = Uri(String("../../../../g"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/g");
ref = Uri(String("/./g"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/g");
ref = Uri(String("/../g"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/g");
ref = Uri(String("g."));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/g.");
ref = Uri(String(".g"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/.g");
ref = Uri(String("g.."));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/g..");
ref = Uri(String("..g"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/..g");
ref = Uri(String("g#s/../x"));
EXPECT_TRUE(ref.Resolve(base).Get() == "http://a/b/c/g#s/../x");
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__clang__)
Reference in New Issue
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