Add capitalize example to sax documentation

This commit is contained in:
Milo Yip 2014-07-13 04:01:11 +08:00
parent be478343a5
commit 4998f1ca9e

View File

@ -400,7 +400,78 @@ As mentioned earlier, `Writer` can handle the events published by `Reader`. `con
Actually, we can add intermediate layer(s) to filter the contents of JSON via these SAX-style API. For example, `capitalize` example capitalize all strings in a JSON.
#include "rapidjson/reader.h"
#include "rapidjson/writer.h"
#include "rapidjson/filereadstream.h"
#include "rapidjson/filewritestream.h"
#include "rapidjson/error/en.h"
#include <vector>
#include <cctype>
using namespace rapidjson;
template<typename OutputHandler>
struct CapitalizeFilter {
CapitalizeFilter(OutputHandler& out) : out_(out), buffer_() {
bool Null() { return out_.Null(); }
bool Bool(bool b) { return out_.Bool(b); }
bool Int(int i) { return out_.Int(i); }
bool Uint(unsigned u) { return out_.Uint(u); }
bool Int64(int64_t i) { return out_.Int64(i); }
bool Uint64(uint64_t u) { return out_.Uint64(u); }
bool Double(double d) { return out_.Double(d); }
bool String(const char* str, SizeType length, bool) {
for (SizeType i = 0; i < length; i++)
return out_.String(&buffer_.front(), length, true); // true = output handler need to copy the string
bool StartObject() { return out_.StartObject(); }
bool EndObject(SizeType memberCount) { return out_.EndObject(memberCount); }
bool StartArray() { return out_.StartArray(); }
bool EndArray(SizeType elementCount) { return out_.EndArray(elementCount); }
OutputHandler& out_;
std::vector<char> buffer_;
int main(int, char*[]) {
// Prepare JSON reader and input stream.
Reader reader;
char readBuffer[65536];
FileReadStream is(stdin, readBuffer, sizeof(readBuffer));
// Prepare JSON writer and output stream.
char writeBuffer[65536];
FileWriteStream os(stdout, writeBuffer, sizeof(writeBuffer));
Writer<FileWriteStream> writer(os);
// JSON reader parse from the input stream and let writer generate the output.
CapitalizeFilter<Writer<FileWriteStream> > filter(writer);
if (!reader.Parse(is, filter)) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nError(%u): %s\n", (unsigned)reader.GetErrorOffset(), GetParseError_En(reader.GetParseErrorCode()));
return 1;
return 0;
Note that, it is incorrect to simply capitalize the JSON as a string. For example:
Simply capitalizing the whole JSON would contain incorrect escape character:
The correct result by `capitalize`:
More complicated filters can be developed. However, since SAX-style API can only provide information about a single event at a time, user may need to book-keeping the contextual information (e.g. the path from root value, storage of other related values). Some processing may be easier to be implemented in DOM than SAX.