As shown in [Usage at a glance](../, a JSON text can be parsed into DOM, and then the DOM can be queried and modfied easily, and finally be converted back to JSON text.
Query whether a `"hello"` member exists in the root object. Since a `Value` can contain different types of value, we may need to verify its type and use suitable API to obtain the value. In this example, `"hello"` member associates with a JSON string.
Note that, RapidJSON does not automatically convert values between JSON types. If a value is a string, it is invalid to call `GetInt()`, for example. In debug mode it will fail an assertion. In release mode, the behavior is undefined.
In the following, details about querying individual types are discussed.
### Querying Array
By default, `SizeType` is typedef of `unsigned`. In most systems, array is limited to store up to 2^32-1 elements.
You may access the elements in array by integer literal, for example, `a[1]`, `a[2]`. However, `a[0]` will generate a compiler error. It is because two overloaded operators `operator[](SizeType)` and `operator[](const char*)` is avaliable, and C++ can treat `0` as a null pointer. Workarounds:
Array is similar to `std::vector`, instead of using indices, you may also use iterator to access all the elements.
for (Value::ConstValueIterator itr = a.Begin(); itr != a.End(); ++itr)
printf("%d ", itr->GetInt());
And other familar query functions:
*`SizeType Capacity() const`
*`bool Empty() const`
### Quering Object
Similarly, we can iterate object members by iterator:
Note that, when `operator[](const char*)` cannot find the member, it will fail an assertion.
If we are unsure whether a member exists, we need to call `HasMember()` before calling `operator[](const char*)`. However, this incurs two lookup. A better way is to call `FindMember()`, which can check the existence of member and obtain its value at once:
Note that, an integer value may be obtained in various ways without conversion. For example, A value `x` containing 123 will make `x.IsInt() == x.IsUint() == x.Int64() == x.Uint64() == ture`. But a value `y` containing -3000000000 will only makes `x.int64() == true`.
When obtaining the numeric values, `GetDouble()` will convert internal integer representation to a `double`. Note that, `int` and `uint` can be safely convert to `double`, but `int64_t` and `uint64_t` may lose precision (since mantissa of `double` is only 52-bits).
### Querying String
In addition to `GetString()`, the `Value` class also contains `GetStringLength()`. Here explains why.
According to RFC 4627, JSON strings can contain unicode character `U+0000`, which must be escaped as `"\u0000"`. The problem is that, C/C++ often uses null-terminated string, which treats ``\0'` as the terminator symbol.
To conform RFC 4627, RapidJSON supports string containing `U+0000`. If you need to handle this, you can use `GetStringLength()` API to obtain the correct length of string.
For example, after parsing a the following JSON string to `Document d`.
{ "s" : "a\u0000b" }
The correct length of the value `"a\u0000b"` is 3. But `strlen()` returns 1.
`GetStringLength()` can also improve performance, as user may often need to call `strlen()` for allocating buffer.
Besides, `std::string` also support a constructor:
string( const char* s, size_type count);
which accepts the length of string as parameter. This constructor supports storing null character within the string, and should also provide better performance.